void ApplicationCluster::close () { if (! enabled()) { return; } if (_heartbeat != 0) { _heartbeat->stop(); } // change into shutdown state ServerState::instance()->setState(ServerState::STATE_SHUTDOWN); AgencyComm comm; comm.sendServerState(0.0); }
void ApplicationCluster::stop () { if (! enabled()) { return; } // change into shutdown state ServerState::instance()->setState(ServerState::STATE_SHUTDOWN); AgencyComm comm; comm.sendServerState(0.0); if (_heartbeat != 0) { _heartbeat->stop(); } { AgencyCommLocker locker("Current", "WRITE"); if (locker.successful()) { // unregister ourselves ServerState::RoleEnum role = ServerState::instance()->getRole(); if (role == ServerState::ROLE_PRIMARY) { comm.removeValues("Current/DBServers/" + _myId, false); } else if (role == ServerState::ROLE_COORDINATOR) { comm.removeValues("Current/Coordinators/" + _myId, false); } // unregister ourselves comm.removeValues("Current/ServersRegistered/" + _myId, false); } } ClusterComm::cleanup(); ClusterInfo::cleanup(); AgencyComm::cleanup(); }
void ClusterFeature::unprepare() { if (_enableCluster) { if (_heartbeatThread != nullptr) { _heartbeatThread->beginShutdown(); } // change into shutdown state ServerState::instance()->setState(ServerState::STATE_SHUTDOWN); AgencyComm comm; comm.sendServerState(0.0); if (_heartbeatThread != nullptr) { int counter = 0; while (_heartbeatThread->isRunning()) { usleep(100000); // emit warning after 5 seconds if (++counter == 10 * 5) { LOG(WARN) << "waiting for heartbeat thread to finish"; } } } if (_unregisterOnShutdown) { ServerState::instance()->unregister(); } } if (!_enableCluster) { ClusterComm::cleanup(); return; } // change into shutdown state ServerState::instance()->setState(ServerState::STATE_SHUTDOWN); AgencyComm comm; comm.sendServerState(0.0); // Try only once to unregister because maybe the agencycomm // is shutting down as well... ServerState::RoleEnum role = ServerState::instance()->getRole(); AgencyWriteTransaction unreg; // Remove from role if (role == ServerState::ROLE_PRIMARY) { unreg.operations.push_back(AgencyOperation( "Current/DBServers/" + _myId, AgencySimpleOperationType::DELETE_OP)); } else if (role == ServerState::ROLE_COORDINATOR) { unreg.operations.push_back(AgencyOperation( "Current/Coordinators/" + _myId, AgencySimpleOperationType::DELETE_OP)); } // Unregister unreg.operations.push_back( AgencyOperation("Current/ServersRegistered/" + _myId, AgencySimpleOperationType::DELETE_OP)); comm.sendTransactionWithFailover(unreg, 120.0); while (_heartbeatThread->isRunning()) { usleep(50000); } AgencyComm::cleanup(); ClusterComm::cleanup(); }
void ClusterFeature::start() { // return if cluster is disabled if (!_enableCluster) { return; } ServerState::instance()->setState(ServerState::STATE_STARTUP); // the agency about our state AgencyComm comm; comm.sendServerState(0.0); std::string const version = comm.getVersion(); ServerState::instance()->setInitialized(); std::string const endpoints = AgencyComm::getEndpointsString(); ServerState::RoleEnum role = ServerState::instance()->getRole(); LOG(INFO) << "Cluster feature is turned on. Agency version: " << version << ", Agency endpoints: " << endpoints << ", server id: '" << _myId << "', internal address: " << _myAddress << ", role: " << ServerState::roleToString(role); if (!_disableHeartbeat) { AgencyCommResult result = comm.getValues("Sync/HeartbeatIntervalMs"); if (result.successful()) { velocypack::Slice HeartbeatIntervalMs = result.slice()[0].get(std::vector<std::string>( {AgencyComm::prefix(), "Sync", "HeartbeatIntervalMs"})); if (HeartbeatIntervalMs.isInteger()) { try { _heartbeatInterval = HeartbeatIntervalMs.getUInt(); LOG(INFO) << "using heartbeat interval value '" << _heartbeatInterval << " ms' from agency"; } catch (...) { // Ignore if it is not a small int or uint } } } // no value set in agency. use default if (_heartbeatInterval == 0) { _heartbeatInterval = 5000; // 1/s LOG(WARN) << "unable to read heartbeat interval from agency. Using " << "default value '" << _heartbeatInterval << " ms'"; } // start heartbeat thread _heartbeatThread = std::make_shared<HeartbeatThread>( _agencyCallbackRegistry.get(), _heartbeatInterval * 1000, 5, SchedulerFeature::SCHEDULER->ioService()); if (!_heartbeatThread->init() || !_heartbeatThread->start()) { LOG(FATAL) << "heartbeat could not connect to agency endpoints (" << endpoints << ")"; FATAL_ERROR_EXIT(); } while (!_heartbeatThread->isReady()) { // wait until heartbeat is ready usleep(10000); } } AgencyCommResult result; while (true) { VPackBuilder builder; try { VPackObjectBuilder b(&builder); builder.add("endpoint", VPackValue(_myAddress)); } catch (...) { LOG(FATAL) << "out of memory"; FATAL_ERROR_EXIT(); } result = comm.setValue("Current/ServersRegistered/" + _myId, builder.slice(), 0.0); if (!result.successful()) { LOG(FATAL) << "unable to register server in agency: http code: " << result.httpCode() << ", body: " << result.body(); FATAL_ERROR_EXIT(); } else { break; } sleep(1); } if (role == ServerState::ROLE_COORDINATOR) { ServerState::instance()->setState(ServerState::STATE_SERVING); } else if (role == ServerState::ROLE_PRIMARY) { ServerState::instance()->setState(ServerState::STATE_SERVINGASYNC); } else if (role == ServerState::ROLE_SECONDARY) { ServerState::instance()->setState(ServerState::STATE_SYNCING); } }
bool ApplicationCluster::start () { // set authentication data ServerState::instance()->setAuthentication(_username, _password); // overwrite memory area _username = _password = "******"; ServerState::instance()->setDataPath(_dataPath); ServerState::instance()->setLogPath(_logPath); ServerState::instance()->setAgentPath(_agentPath); ServerState::instance()->setArangodPath(_arangodPath); ServerState::instance()->setDBserverConfig(_dbserverConfig); ServerState::instance()->setCoordinatorConfig(_coordinatorConfig); ServerState::instance()->setDisableDispatcherFrontend(_disableDispatcherFrontend); ServerState::instance()->setDisableDispatcherKickstarter(_disableDispatcherKickstarter); if (! enabled()) { return true; } ServerState::instance()->setId(_myId); // perfom an initial connect to the agency const std::string endpoints = AgencyComm::getEndpointsString(); if (! AgencyComm::tryConnect()) { LOG_FATAL_AND_EXIT("Could not connect to agency endpoints (%s)", endpoints.c_str()); } ServerState::RoleEnum role = ServerState::instance()->getRole(); if (role == ServerState::ROLE_UNDEFINED) { // no role found LOG_FATAL_AND_EXIT("unable to determine unambiguous role for server '%s'. No role configured in agency (%s)", _myId.c_str(), endpoints.c_str()); } // check if my-address is set if (_myAddress.empty()) { // no address given, now ask the agency for out address _myAddress = ServerState::instance()->getAddress(); } else { // register our own address ServerState::instance()->setAddress(_myAddress); } if (_myAddress.empty()) { LOG_FATAL_AND_EXIT("unable to determine internal address for server '%s'. " "Please specify --cluster.my-address or configure the address for this server in the agency.", _myId.c_str()); } // now we can validate --cluster.my-address const string unified = triagens::rest::Endpoint::getUnifiedForm(_myAddress); if (unified.empty()) { LOG_FATAL_AND_EXIT("invalid endpoint '%s' specified for --cluster.my-address", _myAddress.c_str()); } ServerState::instance()->setState(ServerState::STATE_STARTUP); // initialise ConnectionManager library httpclient::ConnectionManager::instance()->initialise(); // the agency about our state AgencyComm comm; comm.sendServerState(0.0); const std::string version = comm.getVersion(); ServerState::instance()->setInitialised(); LOG_INFO("Cluster feature is turned on. " "Agency version: %s, Agency endpoints: %s, " "server id: '%s', internal address: %s, role: %s", version.c_str(), endpoints.c_str(), _myId.c_str(), _myAddress.c_str(), ServerState::roleToString(role).c_str()); if (! _disableHeartbeat) { AgencyCommResult result = comm.getValues("Sync/HeartbeatIntervalMs", false); if (result.successful()) { result.parse("", false); std::map<std::string, AgencyCommResultEntry>::const_iterator it = result._values.begin(); if (it != result._values.end()) { _heartbeatInterval = triagens::basics::JsonHelper::stringUInt64((*it).second._json); LOG_INFO("using heartbeat interval value '%llu ms' from agency", (unsigned long long) _heartbeatInterval); } } // no value set in agency. use default if (_heartbeatInterval == 0) { _heartbeatInterval = 1000; // 1/s LOG_WARNING("unable to read heartbeat interval from agency. Using default value '%llu ms'", (unsigned long long) _heartbeatInterval); } // start heartbeat thread _heartbeat = new HeartbeatThread(_server, _dispatcher, _applicationV8, _heartbeatInterval * 1000, 5); if (_heartbeat == 0) { LOG_FATAL_AND_EXIT("unable to start cluster heartbeat thread"); } if (! _heartbeat->init() || ! _heartbeat->start()) { LOG_FATAL_AND_EXIT("heartbeat could not connect to agency endpoints (%s)", endpoints.c_str()); } while (! _heartbeat->ready()) { // wait until heartbeat is ready usleep(10000); } } return true; }