Esempio n. 1
/* EntryOperations::addToPatchTable
 * Adds all [entries] to their parent archive's patch table, if it
 * exists. If not, the user is prompted to create or import texturex
 * entries
bool EntryOperations::addToPatchTable(vector<ArchiveEntry*> entries)
	// Check any entries were given
	if (entries.size() == 0)
		return true;

	// Get parent archive
	Archive* parent = entries[0]->getParent();
	if (parent == NULL)
		return true;

	// Find patch table in parent archive
	Archive::search_options_t opt;
	opt.match_type = EntryType::getType("pnames");
	ArchiveEntry* pnames = parent->findLast(opt);

	// Check it exists
	if (!pnames)
		// Create texture entries
		if (!TextureXEditor::setupTextureEntries(parent))
			return false;

		pnames = parent->findLast(opt);

		// If the archive already has ZDoom TEXTURES, it might still
		// not have a PNAMES lump; so create an empty one.
		if (!pnames)
			pnames = new ArchiveEntry("PNAMES.lmp", 4);
			uint32_t nada = 0;
			pnames->write(&nada, 4);
			pnames->seek(0, SEEK_SET);

	// Check it isn't locked (texturex editor open or iwad)
	if (pnames->isLocked())
		if (parent->isReadOnly())
			wxMessageBox("Cannot perform this action on an IWAD", "Error", wxICON_ERROR);
			wxMessageBox("Cannot perform this action because one or more texture related entries is locked. Please close the archive's texture editor if it is open.", "Error", wxICON_ERROR);

		return false;

	// Load to patch table
	PatchTable ptable;

	// Add entry names to patch table
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < entries.size(); a++)
		// Check entry type
		if (!(entries[a]->getType()->extraProps().propertyExists("image")))
			wxLogMessage("Entry %s is not a valid image", entries[a]->getName());

		// Check entry name
		if (entries[a]->getName(true).Length() > 8)
			wxLogMessage("Entry %s has too long a name to add to the patch table (name must be 8 characters max)", entries[a]->getName());


	// Write patch table data back to pnames entry
	return ptable.writePNAMES(pnames);