int main () { Isis::Preference::Preferences(true); try { PvlGroup alg("Algorithm"); alg += PvlKeyword("Name","MinimumDifference"); alg += PvlKeyword("Tolerance",5.0); alg += PvlKeyword("SubpixelAccuracy", "True"); PvlGroup pchip("PatternChip"); pchip += PvlKeyword("Samples",15); pchip += PvlKeyword("Lines",15); pchip += PvlKeyword("Sampling",25); pchip += PvlKeyword("ValidPercent", 10); PvlGroup schip("SearchChip"); schip += PvlKeyword("Samples",35); schip += PvlKeyword("Lines",35); schip += PvlKeyword("Sampling", 50); PvlObject o("AutoRegistration"); o.AddGroup(alg); o.AddGroup(pchip); o.AddGroup(schip); Pvl pvl; pvl.AddObject(o); std::cout << pvl << std::endl; AutoReg *ar = AutoRegFactory::Create(pvl); Cube c; c.Open("$mgs/testData/ab102401.cub"); ar->SearchChip()->TackCube(125.0,50.0); ar->SearchChip()->Load(c); ar->PatternChip()->TackCube(120.0,45.0); ar->PatternChip()->Load(c); std::cout << "Register = " << ar->Register() << std::endl; std::cout << "Position = " << ar->CubeSample() << " " << ar->CubeLine() << std::endl; } catch (iException &e) { e.Report(); } return 0; }
void IsisMain() { // Get user interface UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface(); bool register_ignored = ui.GetBoolean("REGISTERIGNOREDONLY"); // Open the files list in a SerialNumberList for // reference by SerialNumber SerialNumberList files(ui.GetFilename("FILES")); // Create a ControlNet from the input file ControlNet inNet(ui.GetFilename("CNET")); // Create an AutoReg from the template file Pvl pvl(ui.GetFilename("TEMPLATE")); AutoReg *ar = AutoRegFactory::Create(pvl); // Create the output ControlNet ControlNet outNet; outNet.SetType(inNet.Type()); outNet.SetUserName(Application::UserName()); outNet.SetDescription(inNet.Description()); outNet.SetCreatedDate(iTime::CurrentLocalTime()); outNet.SetTarget(inNet.Target()); outNet.SetNetworkId(inNet.NetworkId()); Progress progress; progress.SetMaximumSteps(inNet.Size()); progress.CheckStatus(); int ignored=0, unmeasured=0, registered=0, unregistered=0, validated=0; CubeManager cubeMgr; cubeMgr.SetNumOpenCubes(50); // Register the points and create a new // ControlNet containing the refined measurements for (int i=0; i<inNet.Size(); i++) { ControlPoint &inPoint = inNet[i]; ControlPoint outPoint; outPoint.SetType(inPoint.Type()); outPoint.SetId(inPoint.Id()); outPoint.SetUniversalGround(inPoint.UniversalLatitude(), inPoint.UniversalLongitude(), inPoint.Radius()); outPoint.SetHeld(inPoint.Held()); outPoint.SetIgnore(inPoint.Ignore()); // CHECK TO SEE IF THE CONTROL POINT SHOULD BE REGISTERED // "Ignore" point and we are not registering ignored if (inPoint.Ignore() && !register_ignored){ ignored++; // add "Ignored" to network only if indicated if (ui.GetBoolean("OUTPUTIGNORED")) { // only include appropriate control measures for (int j = 0; j < inPoint.Size(); j++) { if (inPoint[j].IsMeasured()){ outPoint.Add(inPoint[j]); } else{ unmeasured++; if (ui.GetBoolean("OUTPUTUNMEASURED")){ outPoint.Add(inPoint[j]); } } } // only add this point if OUTPUTIGNORED outNet.Add(outPoint); } // go to next control point continue; } // Not "Ignore" point (i.e. "valid") and we are only registering "Ignored" else if (!inPoint.Ignore() && register_ignored) { // add all "valid" points to network // only include appropriate control measures for (int j = 0; j < inPoint.Size(); j++) { if (inPoint[j].IsMeasured()){ outPoint.Add(inPoint[j]); } else{ unmeasured++; if (ui.GetBoolean("OUTPUTUNMEASURED")) { outPoint.Add(inPoint[j]); } } } // add this point since it is not ignored outNet.Add(outPoint); // go to next control point continue; } // "Ignore" point or "valid" point to be registered else { // if ( (inPoint.Ignore() && register_ignored) || (!inPoint.Ignore() && !register_ignored ) ) { if (inPoint.Ignore()) { outPoint.SetIgnore(false); } ControlMeasure &patternCM = inPoint[inPoint.ReferenceIndex()]; Cube &patternCube = *cubeMgr.OpenCube(files.Filename(patternCM.CubeSerialNumber())); ar->PatternChip()->TackCube(patternCM.Sample(), patternCM.Line()); ar->PatternChip()->Load(patternCube); if (patternCM.IsValidated()) validated++; if (!patternCM.IsMeasured()) continue; if(!patternCM.IsReference()) { patternCM.SetReference(true); patternCM.SetChooserName("Application pointreg"); patternCM.SetDateTime(); } outPoint.Add(patternCM); // reset goodMeasureCount for this point before looping measures int goodMeasureCount = 0; // Register all the unvalidated measurements for (int j = 0; j < inPoint.Size(); j++) { // don't register the reference, go to next measure if (j == inPoint.ReferenceIndex()){ if (!inPoint[j].Ignore()) goodMeasureCount++; continue; } // if the measurement is valid, keep it as is and go to next measure if (inPoint[j].IsValidated()) { validated++; outPoint.Add(inPoint[j]); if (!inPoint[j].Ignore()) goodMeasureCount++; continue; } // if the point is unmeasured, add to output only if necessary and go to next measure if (!inPoint[j].IsMeasured()) { unmeasured++; if (ui.GetBoolean("OUTPUTUNMEASURED")) { outPoint.Add(inPoint[j]); } continue; } ControlMeasure searchCM = inPoint[j]; // refresh pattern cube pointer to ensure it stays valid Cube &patternCube = *cubeMgr.OpenCube(files.Filename(patternCM.CubeSerialNumber())); Cube &searchCube = *cubeMgr.OpenCube(files.Filename(searchCM.CubeSerialNumber())); ar->SearchChip()->TackCube(searchCM.Sample(), searchCM.Line()); try { ar->SearchChip()->Load(searchCube,*(ar->PatternChip()),patternCube); // If the measurements were correctly registered // Write them to the new ControlNet AutoReg::RegisterStatus res = ar->Register(); double score1, score2; ar->ZScores(score1, score2); searchCM.SetZScores(score1, score2); if(res == AutoReg::Success) { registered++; searchCM.SetType(ControlMeasure::Automatic); searchCM.SetError(searchCM.Sample() - ar->CubeSample(), searchCM.Line() - ar->CubeLine()); searchCM.SetCoordinate(ar->CubeSample(),ar->CubeLine()); searchCM.SetGoodnessOfFit(ar->GoodnessOfFit()); searchCM.SetChooserName("Application pointreg"); searchCM.SetDateTime(); searchCM.SetIgnore(false); outPoint.Add(searchCM); goodMeasureCount++; } // Else use the original marked as "Estimated" else { unregistered++; searchCM.SetType(ControlMeasure::Estimated); if(res == AutoReg::FitChipToleranceNotMet) { searchCM.SetError(inPoint[j].Sample() - ar->CubeSample(), inPoint[j].Line() - ar->CubeLine()); searchCM.SetGoodnessOfFit(ar->GoodnessOfFit()); } searchCM.SetChooserName("Application pointreg"); searchCM.SetDateTime(); searchCM.SetIgnore(true); outPoint.Add(searchCM); } } catch (iException &e) { e.Clear(); unregistered++; searchCM.SetType(ControlMeasure::Estimated); searchCM.SetChooserName("Application pointreg"); searchCM.SetDateTime(); searchCM.SetIgnore(true); outPoint.Add(searchCM); } } // Jeff Anderson put in this test (Dec 2, 2008) to allow for control // points to be good so long as at least two measure could be // registered. When a measure can't be registered to the reference then // that measure is set to be ignored where in the past the whole point // was ignored if (goodMeasureCount < 2) { if (!outPoint.Held() && outPoint.Type() != ControlPoint::Ground) { outPoint.SetIgnore(true); } } // Otherwise, ignore=false. This is already set at the beginning of the registration process // Check to see if the control point has now been assigned // to "ignore". If not, add it to the network. If so, only // add it to the output if the OUTPUTIGNORED parameter is selected // 2008-11-14 Jeannie Walldren if (!outPoint.Ignore()) { outNet.Add(outPoint); } else{ ignored++; if (ui.GetBoolean("OUTPUTIGNORED")) outNet.Add(outPoint); } } progress.CheckStatus(); } // If flatfile was entered, create the flatfile // The flatfile is comma seperated and can be imported into an excel // spreadsheet if (ui.WasEntered("FLATFILE")) { string fFile = Filename(ui.GetFilename("FLATFILE")).Expanded(); ofstream os;,ios::out); os << "PointId,OriginalMeasurementSample,OriginalMeasurementLine," << "RegisteredMeasurementSample,RegisteredMeasurementLine,SampleDifference," << "LineDifference,ZScoreMin,ZScoreMax,GoodnessOfFit" << endl; os << NULL8 << endl; for (int i=0; i<outNet.Size(); i++) { // get point from output control net and its // corresponding point from input control net ControlPoint outPoint = outNet[i]; ControlPoint *inPoint = inNet.Find(outPoint.Id()); if (outPoint.Ignore()) continue; for (int i = 0; i<outPoint.Size();i++) { // get measure and find its corresponding measure from input net ControlMeasure cmTrans = outPoint[i]; ControlMeasure cmOrig = (*inPoint)[cmTrans.CubeSerialNumber()]; double inSamp = cmOrig.Sample(); double inLine = cmOrig.Line(); double outSamp = cmTrans.Sample(); double outLine = cmTrans.Line(); double sampErr = cmTrans.SampleError(); double lineErr = cmTrans.LineError(); double zScoreMin = cmTrans.GetZScoreMin(); if (fabs(zScoreMin) <= DBL_EPSILON || zScoreMin == NULL8) zScoreMin = 0; double zScoreMax = cmTrans.GetZScoreMax(); if (fabs(zScoreMax) <= DBL_EPSILON || zScoreMax == NULL8) zScoreMax = 0; double goodnessOfFit = cmTrans.GoodnessOfFit(); if (fabs(goodnessOfFit) <= DBL_EPSILON || goodnessOfFit == NULL8) goodnessOfFit = 0; string pointId = outPoint.Id(); os << pointId << "," << inSamp << "," << inLine << "," << outSamp << "," << outLine << "," << sampErr << "," << lineErr << "," << zScoreMin << "," << zScoreMax << "," << goodnessOfFit << endl; } } } PvlGroup pLog("Points"); pLog+=PvlKeyword("Ignored", ignored); Application::Log(pLog); PvlGroup mLog("Measures"); mLog+=PvlKeyword("Validated", validated); mLog+=PvlKeyword("Registered", registered); mLog+=PvlKeyword("Unregistered", unregistered); mLog+=PvlKeyword("Unmeasured", unmeasured); Application::Log(mLog); // Log Registration Statistics Pvl arPvl = ar->RegistrationStatistics(); for(int i = 0; i < arPvl.Groups(); i++) { Application::Log(arPvl.Group(i)); } // add the auto registration information to print.prt PvlGroup autoRegTemplate = ar->RegTemplate(); Application::Log(autoRegTemplate); outNet.Write(ui.GetFilename("TO")); delete ar; }
void IsisMain() { // Get user interface UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface(); // Open the shift definitions file Pvl shiftdef; if (ui.WasEntered("SHIFTDEF")) { shiftdef.Read(ui.GetFilename("SHIFTDEF")); } else { shiftdef.AddObject(PvlObject("Hiccdstitch")); } PvlObject &stitch = shiftdef.FindObject("Hiccdstitch", Pvl::Traverse); // Open the first cube. It will be matched to the second input cube. HiJitCube trans; CubeAttributeInput &attTrans = ui.GetInputAttribute("FROM"); vector<string> bandTrans = attTrans.Bands(); trans.SetVirtualBands(bandTrans); trans.OpenCube(ui.GetFilename("FROM"), stitch); // Open the second cube, it is held in place. We will be matching the // first to this one by attempting to compute a sample/line translation HiJitCube match; CubeAttributeInput &attMatch = ui.GetInputAttribute("MATCH"); vector<string> bandMatch = attMatch.Bands(); match.SetVirtualBands(bandMatch); match.OpenCube(ui.GetFilename("MATCH"), stitch); // Ensure only one band if ((trans.Bands() != 1) || (match.Bands() != 1)) { string msg = "Input Cubes must have only one band!"; throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } // Now test compatability (basically summing) trans.Compatable(match); // Determine intersection if (!trans.intersects(match)) { string msg = "Input Cubes do not overlap!"; throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } // Get overlapping regions of each cube HiJitCube::Corners fcorns, mcorns; trans.overlap(match, fcorns); match.overlap(trans, mcorns); #if defined(ISIS_DEBUG) cout << "FROM Poly: " << trans.PolyToString() << std::endl; cout << "MATCH Poly: " << match.PolyToString() << std::endl; cout << "From Overlap: (" << fcorns.topLeft.sample << "," << fcorns.topLeft.line << "), (" << fcorns.lowerRight.sample << "," << fcorns.lowerRight.line << ")\n" ; cout << "Match Overlap: (" << mcorns.topLeft.sample << "," << mcorns.topLeft.line << "), (" << mcorns.lowerRight.sample << "," << mcorns.lowerRight.line << ")\n" ; #endif // We need to get a user definition of how to auto correlate around each // of the grid points. Pvl regdef; Filename regFile(ui.GetFilename("REGDEF")); regdef.Read(regFile.Expanded()); AutoReg *ar = AutoRegFactory::Create(regdef); double flines(fcorns.lowerRight.line - fcorns.topLeft.line + 1.0); double fsamps(fcorns.lowerRight.sample - fcorns.topLeft.sample + 1.0); // We want to create a grid of control points that is N rows by M columns. // Get row and column variables, if not entered, default to 1% of the input // image size int rows(1), cols(1); if (ui.WasEntered("ROWS")) { rows = ui.GetInteger("ROWS"); } else { rows = (int)(((flines - 1.0) / ar->SearchChip()->Lines()) + 1); } cols = ui.GetInteger("COLUMNS"); if (cols == 0) { cols = (int)(((fsamps - 1.0) / ar->SearchChip()->Samples()) + 1); } // Calculate spacing for the grid of points double lSpacing = floor(flines / rows); double sSpacing = floor(fsamps / cols); #if defined(ISIS_DEBUG) cout << "# Samples in Overlap: " << fsamps << endl; cout << "# Lines in Overlap : " << flines << endl; cout << "# Rows: " << rows << endl; cout << "# Columns: " << cols << endl; cout << "Line Spacing: " << lSpacing << endl; cout << "Sample Spacing: " << sSpacing << endl; #endif // Display the progress...10% 20% etc. Progress prog; prog.SetMaximumSteps(rows * cols); prog.CheckStatus(); // Initialize control point network ControlNet cn; cn.SetType(ControlNet::ImageToImage); cn.SetUserName(Application::UserName()); cn.SetCreatedDate(iTime::CurrentLocalTime()); // Get serial numbers for input cubes string transSN = SerialNumber::Compose(trans, true); string matchSN = SerialNumber::Compose(match, true); cn.SetTarget(transSN); cn.SetDescription("Records s/c jitter between two adjacent HiRISE images"); // Set up results parameter saves JitterParms jparms; jparms.fromCorns = fcorns; jparms.fromJit = trans.GetInfo(); jparms.matchCorns = mcorns; jparms.matchJit = match.GetInfo(); jparms.regFile = regFile.Expanded(); jparms.cols = cols; jparms.rows = rows; jparms.lSpacing = lSpacing; jparms.sSpacing = sSpacing; jparms.nSuspects = 0; // Loop through grid of points and get statistics to compute // translation values RegList reglist; double fline0(fcorns.topLeft.line-1.0), fsamp0(fcorns.topLeft.sample-1.0); double mline0(mcorns.topLeft.line-1.0), msamp0(mcorns.topLeft.sample-1.0); for (int r=0; r<rows; r++) { int line = (int)(lSpacing / 2.0 + lSpacing * r + 0.5); for (int c=0; c<cols; c++) { int samp = (int)(sSpacing / 2.0 + sSpacing * c + 0.5); ar->PatternChip()->TackCube(msamp0+samp, mline0+line); ar->PatternChip()->Load(match); ar->SearchChip()->TackCube(fsamp0+samp, fline0+line); ar->SearchChip()->Load(trans); // Set up ControlMeasure for cube to translate ControlMeasure cmTrans; cmTrans.SetCubeSerialNumber(transSN); cmTrans.SetCoordinate(msamp0+samp, mline0+line, ControlMeasure::Unmeasured); cmTrans.SetChooserName("hijitreg"); cmTrans.SetReference(false); // Set up ControlMeasure for the pattern/Match cube ControlMeasure cmMatch; cmMatch.SetCubeSerialNumber(matchSN); cmMatch.SetCoordinate(fsamp0+samp, fline0+line, ControlMeasure::Automatic); cmMatch.SetChooserName("hijitreg"); cmMatch.SetReference(true); // Match found if (ar->Register()==AutoReg::Success) { RegData reg; reg.fLine = fline0 + line; reg.fSamp = fsamp0 + samp; reg.fLTime = trans.getLineTime(reg.fLine); reg.mLine = mline0 + line; reg.mSamp = msamp0 + samp; reg.mLTime = match.getLineTime(reg.mLine); reg.regLine = ar->CubeLine(); reg.regSamp = ar->CubeSample(); reg.regCorr = ar->GoodnessOfFit(); if (fabs(reg.regCorr) > 1.0) jparms.nSuspects++; double sDiff = reg.fSamp - reg.regSamp; double lDiff = reg.fLine - reg.regLine; jparms.sStats.AddData(&sDiff,(unsigned int)1); jparms.lStats.AddData(&lDiff,(unsigned int)1); // Record the translation in the control point cmTrans.SetCoordinate(ar->CubeSample(), ar->CubeLine(), ControlMeasure::Automatic); cmTrans.SetError(sDiff, lDiff); cmTrans.SetGoodnessOfFit(ar->GoodnessOfFit()); // Reread the chip location centering the offset and compute // linear regression statistics try { Chip &pchip(*ar->PatternChip()); Chip fchip(pchip.Samples(), pchip.Lines()); fchip.TackCube(ar->CubeSample(), ar->CubeLine()); fchip.Load(trans); // Writes correlated chips to files for visual inspection #if defined(ISIS_DEBUG) ostringstream tstr; tstr << "R" << r << "C" << c << "_chip.cub"; string fcname("from" + tstr.str()); string mcname("match" + tstr.str()); pchip.Write(mcname); fchip.Write(fcname); #endif MultivariateStatistics mstats; for (int line = 1 ; line <= fchip.Lines() ; line++) { for(int sample = 1; sample < fchip.Samples(); sample++) { double fchipValue = fchip.GetValue(sample,line); double pchipValue = pchip.GetValue(sample,line); mstats.AddData(&fchipValue, &pchipValue, 1); } } // Get regression and correlation values mstats.LinearRegression(reg.B0, reg.B1); reg.Bcorr = mstats.Correlation(); if (IsSpecial(reg.B0)) throw 1; if (IsSpecial(reg.B1)) throw 2; if (IsSpecial(reg.Bcorr)) throw 3; } catch (...) { // If fails, flag this condition reg.B0 = 0.0; reg.B1= 0.0; reg.Bcorr = 0.0; } reglist.push_back(reg); } // Add the measures to a control point string str = "Row " + iString(r) + " Column " + iString(c); ControlPoint cp(str); cp.SetType(ControlPoint::Tie); cp.Add(cmTrans); cp.Add(cmMatch); if (!cmTrans.IsMeasured()) cp.SetIgnore(true); cn.Add(cp); prog.CheckStatus(); } } // If flatfile was entered, create the flatfile // The flatfile is comma seperated and can be imported into an excel // spreadsheet if (ui.WasEntered("FLATFILE")) { string fFile = ui.GetFilename("FLATFILE"); ofstream os; string fFileExpanded = Filename(fFile).Expanded();,ios::out); dumpResults(os, reglist, jparms, *ar); } // If a cnet file was entered, write the ControlNet pvl to the file if (ui.WasEntered("CNETFILE")) { cn.Write(ui.GetFilename("CNETFILE")); } // Don't need the cubes opened anymore trans.Close(); match.Close(); // Write translation to log PvlGroup results("AverageTranslation"); if (jparms.sStats.ValidPixels() > 0) { double sTrans = (int)(jparms.sStats.Average() * 100.0) / 100.0; double lTrans = (int)(jparms.lStats.Average() * 100.0) / 100.0; results += PvlKeyword ("Sample",sTrans); results += PvlKeyword ("Line",lTrans); results += PvlKeyword ("NSuspects",jparms.nSuspects); } else { results += PvlKeyword ("Sample","NULL"); results += PvlKeyword ("Line","NULL"); } Application::Log(results); // add the auto registration information to print.prt PvlGroup autoRegTemplate = ar->RegTemplate(); Application::Log(autoRegTemplate); return; }
void IsisMain() { UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface(); double time0,//start time time1,//end time alti, //altitude of the spacecraftmore fmc, //forward motion compensation rad/sec horV, //horizontal velocity km/sec radV, //radial velocity km/sec rollV,//roll speed in rad/sec led; //line exposure duration in seconds Cube panCube; iTime isisTime; QString iStrTEMP; int i,j,k,scFrameCode,insCode; QString mission; SpicePosition *spPos; SpiceRotation *spRot; //int nlines,nsamples,nbands; double deg2rad = acos(-1.0)/180.0; ProcessImport jp; FileName transFile("$apollo15/translations/apollopantranstable.trn"); PvlTranslationTable transTable(transFile); PvlGroup kernels_pvlG; //scFrameCode and insCode from user input mission = ui.GetString("MISSION"); if (mission == "APOLLO12") scFrameCode = -912000; if (mission == "APOLLO14") scFrameCode = -914000; if (mission == "APOLLO15") scFrameCode = -915000; if (mission == "APOLLO16") scFrameCode = -916000; if (mission == "APOLLO17") scFrameCode = -917000; insCode = scFrameCode - 230; try {"FROM"),"rw"); } catch (IException &e) { throw IException(IException::User, "Unable to open the file [" + ui.GetFileName("FROM") + "] as a cube.", _FILEINFO_); } ////////////////////////////////////////////build the cube header instrament group PvlGroup inst_pvlG("Instrument"); PvlKeyword keyword; //four that are the same for every panaramic mission keyword.setName("SpacecraftName"); keyword.setValue(mission); inst_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("InstrumentName"); keyword.setValue(transTable.Translate("InstrumentName","whatever")); inst_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("InstrumentId"); keyword.setValue(transTable.Translate("InstrumentId","whatever")); inst_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("TargetName"); keyword.setValue(transTable.Translate("TargetName","whatever")); inst_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); //three that need to be calculated from input values horV = ui.GetDouble("VEL_HORIZ"); radV = ui.GetDouble("VEL_RADIAL"); alti = ui.GetDouble("CRAFT_ALTITUDE"); //caculate the LineExposureDuration (led) if( ui.WasEntered("V/H_OVERRIDE") ) fmc = ui.GetDouble("V/H_OVERRIDE")/1000.0; else //forward motion compensation is directly equivalent to V/H fmc = sqrt(horV*horV + radV*radV)/alti; rollV = fmc*ROLLC; //roll angular velcoity is equal to V/H * constant (units rad/sec) //led = rad/mm * sec/rad = radians(2.5)/FIDL / rollV (final units: sec/mm) led = (2.5*acos(-1.0)/180.0)/rollV/FIDL; //use led and the number of mm to determine the start and stop times isisTime = ui.GetString("GMT"); //calculate starting and stoping times time0 = isisTime.Et() - led*FIDL*21.5; time1 = time0 + led*FIDL*43; isisTime = time0; keyword.setName("StartTime"); keyword.setValue(iStrTEMP=isisTime.UTC()); inst_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); isisTime = time1; keyword.setName("StopTime"); keyword.setValue(iStrTEMP=isisTime.UTC()); inst_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("LineExposureDuration"); //converted led to msec/mm--negative sign to account for the anti-parallel time and line axes keyword.setValue(iStrTEMP=toString(-led),"sec/mm"); inst_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); panCube.putGroup(inst_pvlG); ///////////////////////////////////The kernals group kernels_pvlG.setName("Kernels"); kernels_pvlG.clear(); keyword.setName("NaifFrameCode"); keyword.setValue(toString(insCode)); kernels_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("LeapSecond"); keyword.setValue( transTable.Translate("LeapSecond","File1") ); kernels_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("TargetAttitudeShape"); keyword.setValue( transTable.Translate("TargetAttitudeShape", "File1") ); keyword.addValue( transTable.Translate("TargetAttitudeShape", "File2") ); keyword.addValue( transTable.Translate("TargetAttitudeShape", "File3") ); kernels_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("TargetPosition"); keyword.setValue("Table"); keyword.addValue( transTable.Translate("TargetPosition", "File1") ); keyword.addValue( transTable.Translate("TargetPosition", "File2") ); kernels_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("ShapeModel"); keyword.setValue( transTable.Translate("ShapeModel", "File1") ); kernels_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("InstrumentPointing"); keyword.setValue("Table"); kernels_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("InstrumentPosition"); keyword.setValue("Table"); kernels_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); keyword.setName("InstrumentAddendum"); keyword.setValue( transTable.Translate("InstrumentAddendum",mission)); kernels_pvlG.addKeyword(keyword); panCube.putGroup(kernels_pvlG); //Load all the kernals Load_Kernel(kernels_pvlG["TargetPosition"]); Load_Kernel(kernels_pvlG["TargetAttitudeShape"]); Load_Kernel(kernels_pvlG["LeapSecond"]); //////////////////////////////////////////attach a target rotation table char frameName[32]; SpiceInt frameCode; SpiceBoolean found; //get the framecode from the body code (301=MOON) cidfrm_c(301, sizeof(frameName), &frameCode, frameName, &found); if(!found) { QString naifTarget = QString("IAU_MOOM"); namfrm_c(naifTarget.toAscii().data(), &frameCode); if(frameCode == 0) { QString msg = "Can not find NAIF code for [" + naifTarget + "]"; throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_); } } spRot = new SpiceRotation(frameCode); //create a table from starttime to endtime (streched by 3%) with NODES entries spRot->LoadCache(time0-0.015*(time1-time0), time1+0.015*(time1-time0), NODES); Table tableTargetRot = spRot->Cache("BodyRotation"); tableTargetRot.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by apollopaninit"); panCube.write(tableTargetRot); //////////////////////////////////////////////////attach a sun position table spPos = new SpicePosition(10,301); //Position of the sun (10) WRT to the MOON (301) //create a table from starttime to endtime (stretched by 3%) with NODES entries spPos->LoadCache(time0-0.015*(time1-time0), time1+0.015*(time1-time0), NODES); Table tableSunPos = spPos->Cache("SunPosition"); tableSunPos.Label() += PvlKeyword("SpkTableStartTime", toString(time0-0.015*(time1-time0))); tableSunPos.Label() += PvlKeyword("SpkTablleEndTime", toString(time1+0.015*(time1-time0))); tableSunPos.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by apollopaninit"); panCube.write(tableSunPos); //attach the table to the cube /////////////Finding the principal scan line position and orientation //get the radii of the MOON SpiceInt tempRadii = 0; bodvcd_c(301,"RADII",3,&tempRadii,R_MOON); //units are km double omega,phi,kappa; std::vector<double> posSel; //Seleno centric position std::vector<double> sunPos; //sunPosition used to transform to J2000 std::vector<double> posJ20; //camera position in J2000 posSel.resize(3); sunPos.resize(3); posJ20.resize(3); double temp, vel[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, //the total velocity vector (combined Horizonatal and normal components) // in km/sec M[3][3] = { { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } }, //rotation matrix zDir[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }, //selenographic Z axis northPN[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, //normal to the plane containing all the north/south directions, // that is plane containing // the origin, the z axis, and the primary point of intersection northL[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, //north direction vector in local horizontal plane azm[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, //azm direction of the veclocity vector in selenographic coordinates azmP[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, //azm rotated (partially) and projected into the image plane norm[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, //normal to the local horizontal plane look[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; //unit direction vector in the pincipal cameral look direction, // parallel to the vector from the center of the moon through the spacecraft double pos0[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, //coordinate of the camera position pInt[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; //coordinate of the principle intersection point /////////////////calculating the camera position for the center (principal scan line) pos0[1] = ui.GetDouble("LON_NADIR")*deg2rad; pos0[0] = ui.GetDouble("LAT_NADIR")*deg2rad; pos0[2] = ui.GetDouble("CRAFT_ALTITUDE"); //units are km Geographic2GeocentricLunar(pos0,pos0); //function is written so the input can also be the // output /////////////////////calculating the camera orientation for the center (principal) scan line pInt[1] = ui.GetDouble("LON_INT")*deg2rad; pInt[0] = ui.GetDouble("LAT_INT")*deg2rad; pInt[2] = 0.0; Geographic2GeocentricLunar(pInt,pInt); //function is written so the input can also be the output //calculate the unit look direction vector in object space look[0] = -pos0[0] + pInt[0]; look[1] = -pos0[1] + pInt[1]; look[2] = -pos0[2] + pInt[2]; temp = sqrt(look[0]*look[0] + look[1]*look[1] + look[2]*look[2]); look[0] /= temp; look[1] /= temp; look[2] /= temp; //the local normal vector is equal to pInt0/|pInt0| temp = sqrt(pInt[0]*pInt[0] + pInt[1]*pInt[1] + pInt[2]*pInt[2]); norm[0] = pInt[0]/temp; norm[1] = pInt[1]/temp; norm[2] = pInt[2]/temp; //omega and phi are defined so that M(phi)M(omega)look = [0 0 -1] leaving only the roation // around z axis to be found omega = -atan2(look[1], look[2]); //omega rotation to zero look[1] phi = atan2(-look[0], sin(omega)*look[1] - cos(omega)*look[2]); //phi rotation to zero look[0] //use the horizontal velocity vector direction to solve for the last rotation; we will make the // image x axis parallel to the in-image-plane projection of the horizontal direction of flight. // The local normal cross the selenogrpahic z gives northPN (normal to the plane containing all // the north/south directions), that is, the plane containing the origin, the z axis, and the // primary point of intersection. crossp(northPN,norm,northL); //The normal to the plane containing all the north/south directions cross the local normal // direction gives the local north/south direction in the local normal plane crossp(norm, zDir, northPN); if (northL[2] < 0) { //if by chance we got the south direction change the signs northL[0] = -northL[0]; northL[1] = -northL[1]; northL[2] = -northL[2]; } //define the rotation matrix to convert northL to the azimuth of flight. // A left handed rotation of "VEL_AZM" around the positive normal direction will convert northL // to azm MfromVecLeftAngle(M,norm,ui.GetDouble("VEL_AZM")*deg2rad); azm[0] = M[0][0]*northL[0] + M[0][1]*northL[1] + M[0][2]*northL[2]; azm[1] = M[1][0]*northL[0] + M[1][1]*northL[1] + M[1][2]*northL[2]; azm[2] = M[2][0]*northL[0] + M[2][1]*northL[1] + M[2][2]*northL[2]; //apply the two rotations we already know MfromLeftEulers(M,omega,phi,0.0); azmP[0] = M[0][0]*azm[0] + M[0][1]*azm[1] + M[0][2]*azm[2]; azmP[1] = M[1][0]*azm[1] + M[1][1]*azm[1] + M[1][2]*azm[2]; azmP[2] = M[2][0]*azm[2] + M[2][1]*azm[1] + M[2][2]*azm[2]; //subtract that portion of the azm that is perpindicular to the image plane (also the portion // which is parallel to look) making azm a vector parrallel to the image plane // Further, since we're now rotated into some coordinate system that differs from // the image coordinate system by only a kappa rotation making the vector parrallel to the // image plan is as simple as zeroing the z component (and as pointless to further calculations // as a nat's fart in hurricane) nevertheless it completes the logical transition azmP[2] = 0.0; //finally the kappa rotation that will make azmP parallel (including sign) to the camera x axis kappa = -atan2(-azmP[1], azmP[0]); ////////////////////Add an instrument position table //Define the table records TableRecord recordPos; // reacord to be added to table // add x,y,z position labels and ephemeris time et to record TableField x("J2000X", TableField::Double); TableField y("J2000Y", TableField::Double); TableField z("J2000Z", TableField::Double); TableField t("ET", TableField::Double); recordPos += x; recordPos += y; recordPos += z; recordPos += t; Table tablePos("InstrumentPosition", recordPos); //now that the azm and norm vectors are defined // the total velocity vector can be calcualted (km/sec) vel[0] = horV*azm[0] + radV * norm[0]; vel[1] = horV*azm[1] + radV * norm[1]; vel[2] = horV*azm[2] + radV * norm[2]; //we'll provide a two ellement table (more is redundant because the motion is modeled as linear // at this point) we'll extend the nodes 3% beyond the edges of the images to be sure // rounding errors don't cause problems temp = 0.515*(time1-time0); //3% extension posSel[0] = pos0[0] - temp*vel[0]; //selenocentric coordinate calculation posSel[1] = pos0[1] - temp*vel[1]; posSel[2] = pos0[2] - temp*vel[2]; //converting to J2000 temp = time0 - 0.005*(time1-time0); //et just before the first scan line spPos->SetEphemerisTime(temp); spRot->SetEphemerisTime(temp); //Despite being labeled as J2000, the coordinates for the instrument position are in fact in // target centric coordinated rotated to a system centered at the target with aces parallel // to J2000, whatever that means posJ20 = spRot->J2000Vector(posSel); //J2000Vector calls rotates the position vector into J2000, // completing the transformation recordPos[0] = posJ20[0]; recordPos[1] = posJ20[1]; recordPos[2] = posJ20[2]; recordPos[3] = temp; //temp = et (right now anyway) tablePos += recordPos; tablePos.Label() += PvlKeyword("SpkTableStartTime",toString(temp)); //now the other node temp = 0.515*(time1-time0); //3% extension posSel[0] = pos0[0] + temp*vel[0]; //selenocentric coordinate calculation posSel[1] = pos0[1] + temp*vel[1]; posSel[2] = pos0[2] + temp*vel[2]; //converting to J2000 temp = time1 + 0.015*(time1-time0); //et just after the last scan line spPos->SetEphemerisTime(temp); spRot->SetEphemerisTime(temp); //Despite being labeled as J2000, the coordinates for the instrument position are in fact // in target centric coordinated rotated to a system centered at the target with aces // parallel to J2000, whatever that means posJ20 = spRot->J2000Vector(posSel); //J2000Vector calls rotates the position vector into J2000, // completing the transformation recordPos[0] = posJ20[0]; recordPos[1] = posJ20[1]; recordPos[2] = posJ20[2]; recordPos[3] = temp; //temp = et (right now anyway) tablePos += recordPos; tablePos.Label() += PvlKeyword("SpkTableEndTime",toString(temp)); tablePos.Label() += PvlKeyword("CacheType","Linear"); tablePos.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description","Created by apollopaninit"); panCube.write(tablePos); //now attach it to the table /////////////////////////////attach a camera pointing table double cacheSlope, //time between epoches in the table rollComb, //magnitude of roll relative to the center in the middle of the epoch relT, //relative time at the center of each epoch Q[NODES][5], //NODES four ellement unit quarternions and et (to be calculated). gimVec[3], //the direction of the gimbal rotation vector (to the cameras persepective // this is always changing because the camera is mounted to the roll frame // assembly which is mounted to the gimbal) M0[3][3], //rotation matrix of the previous epoch Mtemp1[3][3], //intermediate step in the multiplication of rotation matricies Mtemp2[3][3], //intermediate step in the multiplication of rotation matricies Mdg[3][3], //incremental rotation due the the gimbal motion in the camera frame Mdr[3][3]; //the contribution of the roll motion in the camera frame during time // cacheSlope std::vector <double> M_J2toT; //rotation matrix from J2000 to the target frame M_J2toT.resize(9); //Table Definition TableField q0("J2000Q0", TableField::Double); TableField q1("J2000Q1", TableField::Double); TableField q2("J2000Q2", TableField::Double); TableField q3("J2000Q3", TableField::Double); TableField et("ET", TableField::Double); TableRecord recordRot; recordRot += q0; recordRot += q1; recordRot += q2; recordRot += q3; recordRot += et; Table tableRot("InstrumentPointing",recordRot); //From the cameras perspective the gimbal motion is around a constantly changing axis, // this is handled by combining a series of incremental rotations MfromLeftEulers(M0, omega, phi, kappa); //rotation matrix in the center Q[(NOPDES-1)/2] spRot->SetEphemerisTime(isisTime.Et()); M_J2toT = spRot->Matrix(); //this actually gives the rotation from J2000 to target centric for(j=0; j<3; j++) //reformating M_J2toT to a 3x3 for(k=0; k<3; k++) Mtemp1[j][k] = M_J2toT[3*j+k]; mxm_c(M0, Mtemp1, Mtemp2); M2Q(Mtemp2, Q[(NODES-1)/2]); //save the middle scan line quarternion Q[(NODES-1)/2][4] = (time1 + time0)/2.0; //time in the center of the image //the total time is scaled up slightly so that nodes will extend just beyond the edge of the image cacheSlope = 1.03*(time1 - time0)/(NODES-1); //Mdr is constant for all the forward time computations MfromLeftEulers(Mdr,cacheSlope*rollV,0.0,0.0); for (i=(NODES-1)/2+1; i<NODES; i++) { //moving foward in time first Q[i][4] = Q[i-1][4] + cacheSlope; //new time epoch //epoch center time relative to the center line relT = double(i - (NODES-1)/2 - 0.5)*cacheSlope; rollComb = relT*rollV; gimVec[0] = 0.0; //gimbal rotation vector direction in the middle of the epoch gimVec[1] = cos(rollComb); gimVec[2] = -sin(rollComb); //incremental rotation due to the gimbal (forward motion compensation) MfromVecLeftAngle(Mdg, gimVec, fmc*cacheSlope); //the new rotation matrix is Transpose(Mdr)*Transpose(Mdg)*M0--NOTE the order swap and // transposes are needed because both Mdr and Mdg were caculated in image space and need to be // transposed to apply to object space mtxm_c(Mdg, M0, Mtemp1); //M0 is now what would typically be considered the rotation matrix of an image. It rotates a // vector from the target centric space into camera space. However, what is standard to // include in the cube labels is a rotation from camera space to J2000. M0 is therefore the // transpose of the first part of this rotation. Transpose(M0) is the rotation from camera // space to target centric space mtxm_c(Mdr, Mtemp1, M0); //now adding the rotation from the target frame to J2000 spRot->SetEphemerisTime(Q[i][4]); //this actually gives the rotation from J2000 to target centric--hence the mxmt_c function being // used later M_J2toT = spRot->Matrix(); for(j=0; j<3; j++) //reformating M_J2toT to a 3x3 for(k=0; k<3; k++) Mtemp1[j][k] = M_J2toT[3*j+k]; mxm_c(M0, Mtemp1, Mtemp2); M2Q(Mtemp2, Q[i]); //convert to a quarterion } MfromLeftEulers(M0, omega, phi, kappa); //rotation matrix in the center Q[(NOPDES-1)/2] //Mdr is constant for all the backward time computations MfromLeftEulers(Mdr, -cacheSlope*rollV, 0.0, 0.0); for (i=(NODES-1)/2-1; i>=0; i--) { //moving backward in time Q[i][4] = Q[i+1][4] - cacheSlope; //new time epoch //epoch center time relative to the center line relT = double(i - (NODES-1)/2 + 0.5)*cacheSlope; rollComb = relT*rollV; gimVec[0] = 0.0; //gimbal rotation vector direction in the middle of the epoch gimVec[1] = cos(rollComb); gimVec[2] = -sin(rollComb); //incremental rotation due to the gimbal (forward motion compensation) MfromVecLeftAngle(Mdg, gimVec, -fmc*cacheSlope); //the new rotation matrix is Transpose(Mdr)*Transpose(Mdg)*M0 NOTE the order swap and // transposes are needed because both Mdr and Mdg were caculated in image space and need to be // transposed to apply to object space mtxm_c(Mdg, M0, Mtemp1); //M0 is now what would typically be considered the rotation matrix of an image. It rotates a // vector from the target centric space into camera space. However, what is standard to // include in the cube labels is a rotation from camera space to J2000. M0 is therefore the // transpose of the first part of this rotation. Transpose(M0) is the rotation from camera // space to target centric space mtxm_c(Mdr, Mtemp1, M0); //now adding the rotation from the target frame to J2000 spRot->SetEphemerisTime(Q[i][4]); M_J2toT = spRot->Matrix(); for(j=0; j<3; j++) //reformating M_J2toT to a 3x3 for(k=0; k<3; k++) Mtemp1[j][k] = M_J2toT[3*j+k]; mxm_c(M0, Mtemp1, Mtemp2); M2Q(Mtemp2, Q[i]); //convert to a quarterion } //fill in the table for (i=0; i<NODES; i++) { recordRot[0] = Q[i][0]; recordRot[1] = Q[i][1]; recordRot[2] = Q[i][2]; recordRot[3] = Q[i][3]; recordRot[4] = Q[i][4]; tableRot += recordRot; } tableRot.Label() += PvlKeyword("CkTableStartTime", toString(Q[0][4])); tableRot.Label() += PvlKeyword("CkTableEndTime", toString(Q[NODES-1][4])); tableRot.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by appollopan2isis"); keyword.setName("TimeDependentFrames"); keyword.setValue(toString(scFrameCode)); keyword.addValue("1"); tableRot.Label() += keyword; keyword.setName("ConstantFrames"); keyword.setValue(toString(insCode)); keyword.addValue(toString(scFrameCode)); tableRot.Label() += keyword; keyword.setName("ConstantRotation"); keyword.setValue("1"); for (i=1;i<9;i++) if (i%4 == 0) keyword.addValue("1"); else keyword.addValue("0"); tableRot.Label() += keyword; panCube.write(tableRot); /////////////////////////Attach a table with all the measurements of the fiducial mark locations. Chip patternS,searchS; //scaled pattern and search chips Cube fidC; //Fiducial image //line and sample coordinates for looping through the panCube double l=1,s=1,sample,line,sampleInitial=1,lineInitial=1,play; int regStatus, fidn, panS, refL, //number of lines in the patternS refS; //number of samples in the patternS Pvl pvl; bool foundFirst=false; QString fileName; panS = panCube.sampleCount(); //Table definition TableRecord recordFid; TableField indexFid("FID_INEX",TableField::Integer); TableField xFid("X_COORD",TableField::Double); TableField yFid("Y_COORD",TableField::Double); recordFid += indexFid; recordFid += xFid; recordFid += yFid; Table tableFid("Fiducial Measurement",recordFid); //read the image resolutions and scale the constants acordingly double resolution = ui.GetDouble("MICRONS"), //pixel size in microns scale = SCALE *5.0/resolution, //reduction scale for fast autoregistrations searchHeight = SEARCHh*5.0/resolution, //number of lines (in 5-micron-pixels) in // search space for the first fiducial searchCellSize = SEARCHc*5.0/resolution, //height/width of search chips block averageSamples = AVERs *5.0/resolution, //scaled smaples between fiducials averageLines = AVERl *5.0/resolution; //scaled average distance between the top and //bottom fiducials if( 15.0/resolution < 1.5) play=1.5; else play = 15.0/resolution; //copy the patternS chip (the entire ApolloPanFiducialMark.cub) FileName fiducialFileName("$apollo15/calibration/ApolloPanFiducialMark.cub");,"r"); if( !fidC.isOpen() ) { QString msg = "Unable to open the fiducial patternS cube: ApolloPanFiducialMark.cub\n"; throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_); } refL = fidC.lineCount(); refS = fidC.sampleCount(); //scaled pattern chip for fast matching patternS.SetSize(int((refS-2)/SCALE), int((refL-2)/SCALE)); patternS.TackCube((refS-1)/2, (refL-1)/2); patternS.Load(fidC, 0, SCALE); //parameters for maximum correlation autoregestration // see: file:///usgs/pkgs/isis3nightly2011-09-21/isis/doc/documents/patternSMatch/patternSMatch.html#DistanceTolerance FileName fiducialPvl("$apollo15/templates/apolloPanFiducialFinder.pvl");; //read in the autoreg parameters AutoReg *arS = AutoRegFactory::Create(pvl); *arS->PatternChip() = patternS; //patternS chip is constant //set up a centroid measurer CentroidApolloPan centroid(resolution); Chip inputChip,selectionChip; inputChip.SetSize(int(ceil(200*5.0/resolution)), int(ceil(200*5.0/resolution))); fileName = ui.GetFileName("FROM"); if( panCube.pixelType() == 1) //UnsignedByte centroid.setDNRange(12, 1e99); //8 bit bright target else centroid.setDNRange(3500, 1e99); //16 bit bright target Progress progress; progress.SetText("Locating Fiducials"); progress.SetMaximumSteps(91); //Search for the first fiducial, search sizes are constanst searchS.SetSize(int(searchCellSize/scale),int(searchCellSize/scale)); //now start searching along a horizontal line for the first fiducial mark for(l = searchCellSize/2; l<searchHeight+searchCellSize/2.0 && !foundFirst; l+=searchCellSize-125*5.0/resolution) { for (s = searchCellSize/2; s < averageSamples + searchCellSize/2.0 && !foundFirst; s += searchCellSize-125*5.0/resolution) { searchS.TackCube(s, l); searchS.Load(panCube, 0, scale); *arS->SearchChip() = searchS; regStatus = arS->Register(); if (regStatus == AutoReg::SuccessPixel) { inputChip.TackCube(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine()); inputChip.Load(panCube, 0, 1); inputChip.SetCubePosition(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine()); //continuous dynamic range selection centroid.selectAdaptive(&inputChip, &selectionChip); //elliptical trimming/smoothing if (centroid.elipticalReduction(&selectionChip, 95, play, 2000)) { //center of mass to reduce selection to a single measure centroid.centerOfMass(&selectionChip, &sample, &line); inputChip.SetChipPosition(sample, line); sampleInitial = inputChip.CubeSample(); lineInitial = inputChip.CubeLine(); foundFirst = true; //once the first fiducial is found stop } } } } if(s>=averageLines+searchCellSize/2.0) { QString msg = "Unable to locate a fiducial mark in the input cube [" + fileName + "]. Check FROM and MICRONS parameters."; throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_); return; } progress.CheckStatus(); //record first fiducial measurement in the table recordFid[0] = 0; recordFid[1] = sampleInitial; recordFid[2] = lineInitial; tableFid += recordFid; for (s= sampleInitial, l=lineInitial, fidn=0; s<panS; s+=averageSamples, fidn++) { //corrections for half spacing of center fiducials if (fidn == 22) s -= averageSamples/2.0; if (fidn == 23) s -= averageSamples/2.0; //look for the bottom fiducial searchS.TackCube(s,l+averageLines); searchS.Load(panCube, 0, scale); *arS->SearchChip() = searchS; regStatus = arS->Register(); if (regStatus == AutoReg::SuccessPixel) { inputChip.TackCube(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine()); inputChip.Load(panCube,0,1); inputChip.SetCubePosition(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine()); } else { //if autoreg is unsuccessful, a larger window will be used inputChip.TackCube(s, l+averageLines); inputChip.Load(panCube, 0, 1); inputChip.SetCubePosition(s, l+averageLines); } centroid.selectAdaptive(&inputChip, &selectionChip); //continuous dynamic range selection //elliptical trimming/smoothing... if this fails move on if (centroid.elipticalReduction(&selectionChip, 95, play, 2000) != 0 ) { //center of mass to reduce selection to a single measure centroid.centerOfMass(&selectionChip, &sample, &line); inputChip.SetChipPosition(sample, line); sample = inputChip.CubeSample(); line = inputChip.CubeLine(); recordFid[0] = fidn*2+1; recordFid[1] = sample; recordFid[2] = line; tableFid += recordFid; } progress.CheckStatus(); //look for the top fiducial if (s == sampleInitial) //first time through the loop? continue; //then the top fiducial was already found searchS.TackCube(s, l); searchS.Load(panCube, 0, scale); *arS->SearchChip() = searchS; regStatus = arS->Register(); if (regStatus == AutoReg::SuccessPixel) { inputChip.TackCube(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine()); inputChip.Load(panCube, 0, 1); inputChip.SetCubePosition(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine()); } else { //if autoreg is unsuccessful, a larger window will be used inputChip.TackCube(s, l); inputChip.Load(panCube, 0, 1); inputChip.SetCubePosition(s, l); } centroid.selectAdaptive(&inputChip, &selectionChip);//continuous dynamic range selection //inputChip.Write("inputTemp.cub");//debug //selectionChip.Write("selectionTemp.cub");//debug //elliptical trimming/smoothing... if this fails move on if (centroid.elipticalReduction(&selectionChip, 95, play, 2000) !=0) { //center of mass to reduce selection to a single measure centroid.centerOfMass(&selectionChip, &sample, &line); inputChip.SetChipPosition(sample, line); //when finding the top fiducial both s and l are refined for a successful measurement, // this will help follow trends in the scaned image s = inputChip.CubeSample(); l = inputChip.CubeLine(); recordFid[0] = fidn*2; recordFid[1] = s; recordFid[2] = l; tableFid += recordFid; } progress.CheckStatus(); } panCube.write(tableFid); //close the new cube panCube.close(false);"FROM"),"rw"); delete spPos; delete spRot; //now instantiate a camera to make sure all of this is working ApolloPanoramicCamera* cam = (ApolloPanoramicCamera*)(; //log the residual report from interior orientation PvlGroup residualStats("InteriorOrientationStats"); residualStats += PvlKeyword("FiducialsFound", toString(tableFid.Records())); residualStats += PvlKeyword("ResidualMax", toString(cam->intOriResidualMax()),"pixels"); residualStats += PvlKeyword("ResidualMean", toString(cam->intOriResidualMean()),"pixels"); residualStats += PvlKeyword("ResidualStdev", toString(cam->intOriResidualStdev()),"pixels"); Application::Log( residualStats ); return; }