void addAutomaticallyGeneratedLivenessAssumption() {
        // Create a new liveness assumption that says that always eventually, if an action/pre-state
        // combination may lead to a different position, then it is taken
        // (the completion variables always eventually catch up to the activation)
        BF prePostMotionStatesDifferent = mgr.constantFalse();
        for (uint i=0;i<preMotionStateVars.size();i++) {
            prePostMotionStatesDifferent |= (preMotionStateVars[i] ^ postMotionStateVars[i]);
        BF preMotionInputCombinationsThatCanChangeState = (prePostMotionStatesDifferent & robotBDD).ExistAbstract(varCubePostMotionState);
        BF newLivenessAssumption = (!preMotionInputCombinationsThatCanChangeState) | prePostMotionStatesDifferent;
        // before adding the assumption, check first that it is not somehow already satisfied.
        bool doesNewLivenessExist = false;
        for (unsigned int i=0;i<livenessAssumptions.size();i++) { 
            if ((livenessAssumptions[i] & (!newLivenessAssumption)).isFalse()) {
                doesNewLivenessExist = true;
        if (!doesNewLivenessExist) {
            if (!(newLivenessAssumption.isTrue())) {
                std::cerr << "Note: Added a liveness assumption that always eventually, we are moving if an action is taken that allows moving.\n";
            BF_newDumpDot(*this,newLivenessAssumption,"PreMotionState PreMotionControlOutput PostMotionState","/tmp/changeMotionStateLivenessAssumption.dot");

        // Make sure that there is at least one liveness assumption and one liveness guarantee
        // The synthesis algorithm might be unsound otherwise
        if (livenessGuarantees.size()==0) livenessGuarantees.push_back(mgr.constantTrue());
        if (livenessAssumptions.size()==0) livenessAssumptions.push_back(mgr.constantTrue());

        BF_newDumpDot(*this,robotBDD,"PreMotionState PreMotionControlOutput PostMotionState","/tmp/robotBDD.dot");
void checkRealizability() {


    // Check if for every possible environment initial position the system has a good system initial position
    BF result;
    if (specialRoboticsSemantics) {
        result = (initEnv & initSys & winningPositions).ExistAbstract(varCubePreOutput).ExistAbstract(varCubePreInput);
    } else {
        result = (initEnv & (initSys.Implies(winningPositions)).UnivAbstract(varCubePreOutput)).ExistAbstract(varCubePreInput);

    // Check if the result is well-defind. Might fail after an incorrect modification of the above algorithm
    if (!result.isConstant()) throw "Internal error: Could not establish realizability/unrealizability of the specification.";

    // Return the result in Boolean form.
    realizable = !result.isTrue();
    void checkRealizability() {

        // The greatest fixed point - called "Z" in the GR(1) synthesis paper
        BFFixedPoint nu2(mgr.constantTrue());

        // Iterate until we have found a fixed point
        for (;!nu2.isFixedPointReached();) {

            // To extract a strategy in case of realizability, we need to store a sequence of 'preferred' transitions in the
            // game structure. These preferred transitions only need to be computed during the last execution of the outermost
            // greatest fixed point. Since we don't know which one is the last one, we store them in every iteration,
            // so that after the last iteration, we obtained the necessary data. Before any new iteration, we need to
            // clear the old data, though.

            // Iterate over all of the liveness guarantees. Put the results into the variable 'nextContraintsForGoals' for every
            // goal. Then, after we have iterated over the goals, we can update nu2.
            BF nextContraintsForGoals = mgr.constantTrue();
            for (uint j=0;j<livenessGuarantees.size();j++) {

                // Start computing the transitions that lead closer to the goal and lead to a position that is not yet known to be losing.
                // Start with the ones that actually represent reaching the goal (which is a transition in this implementation as we can have
                // nexts in the goal descriptions).
                BF livetransitions = livenessGuarantees[j] & (nu2.getValue().SwapVariables(varVectorPre,varVectorPost));

                // Compute the middle least-fixed point (called 'Y' in the GR(1) paper)
                BFFixedPoint mu1(mgr.constantFalse());
                for (;!mu1.isFixedPointReached();) {

                    // Update the set of transitions that lead closer to the goal.
                    livetransitions |= mu1.getValue().SwapVariables(varVectorPre,varVectorPost);

                    // Iterate over the liveness assumptions. Store the positions that are found to be winning for *any*
                    // of them into the variable 'goodForAnyLivenessAssumption'.
                    BF goodForAnyLivenessAssumption = mu1.getValue();
                    for (uint i=0;i<livenessAssumptions.size();i++) {

                        // Prepare the variable 'foundPaths' that contains the transitions that stay within the inner-most
                        // greatest fixed point or get closer to the goal. Only used for strategy extraction
                        BF foundPaths = mgr.constantTrue();

                        // Inner-most greatest fixed point. The corresponding variable in the paper would be 'X'.
                        BFFixedPoint nu0(mgr.constantTrue());
                        for (;!nu0.isFixedPointReached();) {

                            // Compute a set of paths that are safe to take - used for the enforceable predecessor operator ('cox')
                            foundPaths = livetransitions | (nu0.getValue().SwapVariables(varVectorPre,varVectorPost) & !(livenessAssumptions[i]));
                            foundPaths &= safetySys;

                            // Update the inner-most fixed point with the result of applying the enforcable predecessor operator

                        // Update the set of positions that are winning for some liveness assumption
                        goodForAnyLivenessAssumption |= nu0.getValue();

                        // Dump the paths that we just wound into 'strategyDumpingData' - store the current goal long
                        // with the BDD

                    // Update the moddle fixed point

                // Update the set of positions that are winning for any goal for the outermost fixed point
                nextContraintsForGoals &= mu1.getValue();

            // Update the outer-most fixed point


        // We found the set of winning positions
        winningPositions = nu2.getValue();

        // Check if for every possible environment initial position the system has a good system initial position
        BF result;
        if (initSpecialRoboticsSemantics) {
            // TODO: Support for special-robotics semantics
            throw SlugsException(false,"Error: special robot init semantics not yet supported.\n");
        } else {
            result = initEnv.Implies(winningPositions & initSys).ExistAbstract(varCubePreMotionState).ExistAbstract(varCubePreControllerOutput).UnivAbstract(varCubePreInput);
        // Check if the result is well-defind. Might fail after an incorrect modification of the above algorithm
        if (!result.isConstant()) throw "Internal error: Could not establish realizability/unrealizability of the specification.";

        // Return the result in Boolean form.
        realizable = result.isTrue();