Bitmap GetWindow( HWND h ) { RECT rect; RECT rect2; Bitmap ret; if( !GetClientRect( h, &rect ) ) { return ret; } if( !GetWindowRect( h, &rect2 ) ) { return ret; } int width = rect2.right - rect2.left; int height = rect2.bottom -; if( width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) { return ret; } int x = ( int )( rect2.left ); // + ((int)(rect.right-rect.left) - (int)(rect2.right-rect2.left))/2; int y = ( int )( ); // + ((int)( - (int)( - x; if( h == GetDesktopWindow() ) { width = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN ); height = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN ); x = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN ); y = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN ); } h = GetDesktopWindow(); HDC hDC = GetDC( h ); HDC hCaptureDC = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC ); HBITMAP hCaptureBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hDC, width, height ); HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject( hCaptureDC, hCaptureBitmap ); BitBlt( hCaptureDC, 0, 0, width, height, hDC, x, y, SRCCOPY | CAPTUREBLT ); SelectObject( hCaptureDC, hOld ); BITMAPINFOHEADER bmi = {0}; bmi.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ); bmi.biPlanes = 1; bmi.biBitCount = 32; bmi.biWidth = width; bmi.biHeight = -height; bmi.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi.biSizeImage = 0;// 3 * ScreenX * ScreenY; BYTE* ScreenData = ( BYTE* )malloc( 4 * width * height ); GetDIBits( hCaptureDC, hCaptureBitmap, 0, height, ScreenData, ( BITMAPINFO* )&bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); ret.Write( width, height, ScreenData ); free( ScreenData ); // SaveCapturedBitmap(hCaptureBitmap); //Place holder - Put your code //here to save the captured image to disk ReleaseDC( h, hDC ); DeleteDC( hCaptureDC ); DeleteObject( hCaptureBitmap ); return ret; }
void Canvas::CopyAnd(const Bitmap &src) { CopyAnd(0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), src.GetNative(), 0, 0); }
void AlphaMask::setAlpha(Bitmap& bmp) const { if (!alpha) return; Image img = bmp.ConvertToImage(); setAlpha(img); bmp = Bitmap(img); }
/* ** Draws the meter on the double buffer ** */ bool CMeterBitmap::Draw(Graphics& graphics) { if (!CMeter::Draw(graphics)) return false; int newY, newX; if (m_FrameCount == 0 || !m_Image.IsLoaded()) return false; // Unable to continue Bitmap* bitmap = m_Image.GetImage(); int x = GetX(); int y = GetY(); if (m_Extend) { int value = (int)m_Value; value = max(0, value); // Only positive integers are supported int transitionValue = (int)m_TransitionStartValue; transitionValue = max(0, transitionValue); // Only positive integers are supported // Calc the number of numbers int numOfNums = 0; if (m_Digits > 0) { numOfNums = m_Digits; } else { int tmpValue = value; do { ++numOfNums; if (m_FrameCount == 1) { tmpValue /= 2; } else { tmpValue /= m_FrameCount; } } while (tmpValue > 0); } // Blit the images int offset; if (m_Align == ALIGN_RIGHT) { offset = 0; } else if (m_Align == ALIGN_CENTER) { offset = numOfNums * (m_W + m_Separation) / 2; } else { offset = numOfNums * (m_W + m_Separation); } do { offset = offset - (m_W + m_Separation); Rect r(x + offset, y, m_W, m_H); int realFrames = (m_FrameCount / (m_TransitionFrameCount + 1)); int frame = (value % realFrames) * (m_TransitionFrameCount + 1); // If transition is ongoing the pick the correct frame if (m_TransitionStartTicks > 0) { int diffTicks = (int)(CSystem::GetTickCount64() - m_TransitionStartTicks); int range = ((value % realFrames) - (transitionValue % realFrames)) * (m_TransitionFrameCount + 1); if (range < 0) { range += m_FrameCount; } int frameAdjustment = range * diffTicks / ((m_TransitionFrameCount + 1) * m_MeterWindow->GetTransitionUpdate()); if (frameAdjustment > range) { m_TransitionStartTicks = 0; // The transition is over. Draw with the real value. } else { frame = (transitionValue % realFrames) * (m_TransitionFrameCount + 1); frame += frameAdjustment; frame %= m_FrameCount; } } // LogWithArgs(LOG_DEBUG, L"[%u] Value: %f Frame: %i (Transition = %s)", GetTickCount(), m_Value, frame, m_TransitionStartTicks > 0 ? L"true" : L"false"); if (bitmap->GetHeight() > bitmap->GetWidth()) { newX = 0; newY = m_H * frame; } else { newX = m_W * frame; newY = 0; } graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, r, newX, newY, m_W, m_H, UnitPixel); if (m_FrameCount == 1) { value /= 2; transitionValue /= 2; } else { value /= realFrames; transitionValue /= realFrames; } --numOfNums; } while (numOfNums > 0); } else { int frame = 0; int realFrames = (m_FrameCount / (m_TransitionFrameCount + 1)); if (m_ZeroFrame) { // Use the first frame only if the value is zero if (m_Value > 0) { frame = (int)(m_Value * (realFrames - 1)) * (m_TransitionFrameCount + 1); } } else { // Select the correct frame linearly frame = (int)(m_Value * realFrames) * (m_TransitionFrameCount + 1); } // If transition is ongoing the pick the correct frame if (m_TransitionStartTicks > 0) { int diffTicks = (int)(CSystem::GetTickCount64() - m_TransitionStartTicks); if (diffTicks > ((m_TransitionFrameCount + 1) * m_MeterWindow->GetTransitionUpdate())) { m_TransitionStartTicks = 0; // The transition is over. Draw with the real value. } else { double range = (m_Value - m_TransitionStartValue); double adjustment = range * diffTicks / ((m_TransitionFrameCount + 1) * m_MeterWindow->GetTransitionUpdate()); double frameAdjustment = adjustment * m_FrameCount; frame = (int)(m_TransitionStartValue * realFrames) * (m_TransitionFrameCount + 1); frame += (int)frameAdjustment; frame %= m_FrameCount; frame = max(0, frame); } } // LogWithArgs(LOG_DEBUG, L"[%u] Value: %f Frame: %i (Transition = %s)", GetTickCount(), m_Value, frame, m_TransitionStartTicks > 0 ? L"true" : L"false"); if (bitmap->GetHeight() > bitmap->GetWidth()) { newX = 0; newY = frame * m_H; } else { newX = frame * m_W; newY = 0; } // Blit the image Rect r(x, y, m_W, m_H); graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, r, newX, newY, m_W, m_H, UnitPixel); } return true; }
void Canvas::Copy(const Bitmap &src) { Copy(0, 0, src.GetWidth(), src.GetHeight(), src, 0, 0); }
// adapted from Size BitmapSizeFromData(const char *data, size_t len) { Size result; ByteReader r(data, len); switch (GfxFormatFromData(data, len)) { case Img_BMP: if (len >= sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) { BITMAPINFOHEADER bmi; bool ok = r.UnpackLE(&bmi, sizeof(bmi), "3d2w6d", sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); CrashIf(!ok); result.Width = bmi.biWidth; result.Height = bmi.biHeight; } break; case Img_GIF: if (len >= 13) { // find the first image's actual size instead of using the // "logical screen" size which is sometimes too large size_t ix = 13; // skip the global color table if ((r.Byte(10) & 0x80)) ix += 3 * (1 << ((r.Byte(10) & 0x07) + 1)); while (ix + 8 < len) { if (r.Byte(ix) == 0x2C) { result.Width = r.WordLE(ix + 5); result.Height = r.WordLE(ix + 7); break; } else if (r.Byte(ix) == 0x21 && r.Byte(ix + 1) == 0xF9) ix += 8; else if (r.Byte(ix) == 0x21 && r.Byte(ix + 1) == 0xFE) { const char *commentEnd = r.Find(ix + 2, 0x00); ix = commentEnd ? commentEnd - data + 1 : len; } else if (r.Byte(ix) == 0x21 && r.Byte(ix + 1) == 0x01 && ix + 15 < len) { const char *textDataEnd = r.Find(ix + 15, 0x00); ix = textDataEnd ? textDataEnd - data + 1 : len; } else if (r.Byte(ix) == 0x21 && r.Byte(ix + 1) == 0xFF && ix + 14 < len) { const char *applicationDataEnd = r.Find(ix + 14, 0x00); ix = applicationDataEnd ? applicationDataEnd - data + 1 : len; } else break; } } break; case Img_JPEG: // find the last start of frame marker for non-differential Huffman/arithmetic coding for (size_t ix = 2; ix + 9 < len && r.Byte(ix) == 0xFF; ) { if (0xC0 <= r.Byte(ix + 1) && r.Byte(ix + 1) <= 0xC3 || 0xC9 <= r.Byte(ix + 1) && r.Byte(ix + 1) <= 0xCB) { result.Width = r.WordBE(ix + 7); result.Height = r.WordBE(ix + 5); } ix += r.WordBE(ix + 2) + 2; } break; case Img_JXR: case Img_TIFF: if (len >= 10) { bool isBE = r.Byte(0) == 'M', isJXR = r.Byte(2) == 0xBC; CrashIf(!isBE && r.Byte(0) != 'I' || isJXR && isBE); const WORD WIDTH = isJXR ? 0xBC80 : 0x0100, HEIGHT = isJXR ? 0xBC81 : 0x0101; size_t idx = r.DWord(4, isBE); WORD count = idx <= len - 2 ? r.Word(idx, isBE) : 0; for (idx += 2; count > 0 && idx <= len - 12; count--, idx += 12) { WORD tag = r.Word(idx, isBE), type = r.Word(idx + 2, isBE); if (r.DWord(idx + 4, isBE) != 1) continue; else if (WIDTH == tag && 4 == type) result.Width = r.DWord(idx + 8, isBE); else if (WIDTH == tag && 3 == type) result.Width = r.Word(idx + 8, isBE); else if (WIDTH == tag && 1 == type) result.Width = r.Byte(idx + 8); else if (HEIGHT == tag && 4 == type) result.Height = r.DWord(idx + 8, isBE); else if (HEIGHT == tag && 3 == type) result.Height = r.Word(idx + 8, isBE); else if (HEIGHT == tag && 1 == type) result.Height = r.Byte(idx + 8); } } break; case Img_PNG: if (len >= 24 && str::StartsWith(data + 12, "IHDR")) { result.Width = r.DWordBE(16); result.Height = r.DWordBE(20); } break; case Img_TGA: if (len >= 16) { result.Width = r.WordLE(12); result.Height = r.WordLE(14); } break; case Img_WebP: if (len >= 30 && str::StartsWith(data + 12, "VP8 ")) { result.Width = r.WordLE(26) & 0x3fff; result.Height = r.WordLE(28) & 0x3fff; } else { result = webp::SizeFromData(data, len); } break; case Img_JP2: if (len >= 32) { size_t ix = 0; while (ix < len - 32) { uint32_t lbox = r.DWordBE(ix); uint32_t tbox = r.DWordBE(ix + 4); if (0x6A703268 /* jp2h */ == tbox) { ix += 8; if (r.DWordBE(ix) == 24 && r.DWordBE(ix + 4) == 0x69686472 /* ihdr */) { result.Width = r.DWordBE(ix + 16); result.Height = r.DWordBE(ix + 12); } break; } else if (lbox != 0 && ix < UINT32_MAX - lbox) { ix += lbox; } else { break; } } } break; } if (result.Empty()) { // let GDI+ extract the image size if we've failed // (currently happens for animated GIF) Bitmap *bmp = BitmapFromData(data, len); if (bmp) result = Size(bmp->GetWidth(), bmp->GetHeight()); delete bmp; } return result; }
void FontSupport::drawText(const WFont& font, const WRectF& rect, const WTransform& transform, Bitmap& bitmap, WFlags<AlignmentFlag> flags, const WString& text) { PANGO_LOCK; enabledFontFormats = enabledFontFormats_; PangoMatrix matrix; matrix.xx = transform.m11(); matrix.xy = transform.m21(); matrix.yx = transform.m12(); matrix.yy = transform.m22(); matrix.x0 = transform.dx(); matrix.y0 = transform.dy(); std::string utf8 = text.toUTF8(); std::vector<PangoGlyphString *> glyphs; int width; pango_context_set_matrix(context_, &matrix); /* * Oh my god, somebody explain me why we need to do this... */ WFont f = font; f.setSize(font.sizeLength().toPixels() / pango_matrix_get_font_scale_factor(&matrix)); GList *items = layoutText(f, utf8, glyphs, width); pango_context_set_matrix(context_, nullptr); AlignmentFlag hAlign = flags & AlignHorizontalMask; /* FIXME handle bidi ! */ double x; switch (hAlign) { case AlignmentFlag::Left: x = rect.left(); break; case AlignmentFlag::Right: x = rect.right() - pangoUnitsToDouble(width); break; case AlignmentFlag::Center: x = - pangoUnitsToDouble(width/2); break; default: x = 0; } AlignmentFlag vAlign = flags & AlignVerticalMask; PangoFont *pangoFont = matchFont(font).pangoFont(); PangoFontMetrics *metrics = pango_font_get_metrics(pangoFont, nullptr); double ascent = pangoUnitsToDouble(pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(metrics)); double descent = pangoUnitsToDouble(pango_font_metrics_get_descent(metrics)); pango_font_metrics_unref(metrics); double baseline = ascent; double height = ascent + descent; double y; switch (vAlign) { case AlignmentFlag::Top: y = + baseline; break; case AlignmentFlag::Middle: y = - height / 2 + baseline; break; case AlignmentFlag::Bottom: y = rect.bottom() - height + baseline; break; default: y = 0; } FT_Bitmap bmp; bmp.buffer = bitmap.buffer(); bmp.width = bitmap.width(); bmp.rows = bitmap.height(); bmp.pitch = bitmap.pitch(); bmp.pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY; bmp.num_grays = 16; // ??? GList *elem; unsigned i = 0; for (elem = items; elem; elem = elem->next) { PangoItem *item = (PangoItem *)elem->data; PangoAnalysis *analysis = &item->analysis; PangoGlyphString *gl = glyphs[i++]; pango_ft2_render_transformed(&bmp, &matrix, analysis->font, gl, pangoUnitsFromDouble(x), pangoUnitsFromDouble(y)); x += pangoUnitsToDouble(pango_glyph_string_get_width(gl)); pango_glyph_string_free(gl); pango_item_free(item); } g_list_free(items); }
~ImageOpenRAII() { if (!imageIsOk) bmp->freeMem(); if (fp) fclose(fp); fp = NULL; }
bool plDistributor::IFailsProbBitmap(int iFace, const Point3& bary) const { // If we don't have a probability map, or we don't have // valid coordinates into it, just return false. That is, // with no valid probability map, everything goes. int uvwChan = 1; Matrix3 uvtrans(true); Bitmap* bm = nil; UINT filtType = BMM_FILTER_PYRAMID; if( fProbBitmapTex ) { uvwChan = fProbBitmapTex->GetMapChannel(); fProbBitmapTex->GetUVTransform(uvtrans); bm = fProbBitmapTex->GetBitmap(TimeValue(0)); if( bm && !bm->HasFilter() ) { switch( fProbBitmapTex->GetFilterType() ) { default: case FILTER_PYR: filtType = BMM_FILTER_PYRAMID; break; case FILTER_SAT: filtType = BMM_FILTER_SUM; break; case FILTER_NADA: filtType = BMM_FILTER_NONE; break; } } } else if( fProbLayerTex ) { uvwChan = fProbLayerTex->GetMapChannel(); fProbLayerTex->GetUVTransform(uvtrans); bm = fProbLayerTex->GetBitmap(TimeValue(0)); } if( !bm ) return false; if( !bm->HasFilter() ) bm->SetFilter(filtType); bm->PrepareGChannels(&bm->Storage()->bi); if( !fSurfMesh->mapSupport(uvwChan) ) return false; if( !fSurfMesh->mapFaces(uvwChan) || !fSurfMesh->mapVerts(uvwChan) ) return false; // Lookup the appropriate texel value Point3 uvw; uvw = fSurfMesh->mapVerts(uvwChan)[fSurfMesh->mapFaces(uvwChan)[iFace].getTVert(0)] * bary[0]; uvw += fSurfMesh->mapVerts(uvwChan)[fSurfMesh->mapFaces(uvwChan)[iFace].getTVert(1)] * bary[1]; uvw += fSurfMesh->mapVerts(uvwChan)[fSurfMesh->mapFaces(uvwChan)[iFace].getTVert(2)] * bary[2]; uvw = uvw * uvtrans; float fu = uvw.x - int(uvw.x); if( fu < 0 ) fu += 1.f; float fv = 1.0f - (uvw.y - int(uvw.y)); if( fv < 0 ) fv += 1.f; float du = 1.f / bm->Width(); float dv = 1.f / bm->Height(); BMM_Color_fl evCol; bm->GetFiltered(fu, fv, du, dv, &evCol); float frac; switch( fProbColorChan ) { case kRed: frac = evCol.r; break; case kGreen: frac = evCol.g; break; case kBlue: frac = evCol.b; break; case kAlpha: frac = evCol.a; break; case kAverageRedGreen: frac = (evCol.r + evCol.g) / 2.f; break; case kAverageRedGreenTimesAlpha: frac = (evCol.r + evCol.g) / 2.f * evCol.a; break; case kAverage: frac = (evCol.r + evCol.g + evCol.b ) / 3.f; break; case kAverageTimesAlpha: frac = (evCol.r + evCol.g + evCol.b ) / 3.f * evCol.a; break; case kMax: case kMaxColor: frac = hsMaximum(evCol.r, hsMaximum(evCol.g, evCol.b)); break; case kMaxColorTimesAlpha: frac = hsMaximum(evCol.r, hsMaximum(evCol.g, evCol.b)) * evCol.a; break; case kMaxRedGreen: frac = hsMaximum(evCol.r, evCol.g); break; case kMaxRedGreenTimesAlpha: frac = hsMaximum(evCol.r, evCol.g) * evCol.a; break; } if( fProbRemapFromHi != fProbRemapFromLo ) frac = fProbRemapToLo + (frac - fProbRemapFromLo) / (fProbRemapFromHi - fProbRemapFromLo) * (fProbRemapToHi - fProbRemapToLo); else frac = frac > fProbRemapFromHi ? fProbRemapToHi : fProbRemapToLo; return frac < fRand.RandZeroToOne(); }
int main (int argc, char * Files []) { cout << "PCX to VBM Converter Version 0.1Beta\n" << "Working . . .\n"; if ( argc < 2 ) { cout << "Not Enough Arguments\n" << "Usage:\n" << "\tpcx2vbm pcxfile1 pcxfile2 . . . pcxfilen" << "\tWhere pcxfile1 to pcxfile2 are PCX files to be converted\n"; } for (int tru = 1; tru <= (argc - 1); tru++) { //make names usable //char * thisFile = strcpy(thisFile, *(Files + tru)); //char * writeFile = strcpy(writeFile, *(Files + tru)); char thisFile[128]; char writeFile[128]; //char * thisFile = new char [12]; //char * writeFile = new char [12]; strcpy(thisFile, *(Files + tru)); strcpy(writeFile, *(Files + tru)); int repplace = 0; for (int tru2 = 0; tru2 < 20; tru2++) { char thechar = *(writeFile + tru2); if (thechar == '.') { repplace = tru2; break; } } char * vbmstr = ".vbm"; memcpy(writeFile + repplace, vbmstr, 4); cout << "Converting " << thisFile << " to " << writeFile << "\n"; LINEAR_BITMAP * TempBitmap = new LINEAR_BITMAP; UCHAR PCXPal[256][3]; //load the pcx file TempBitmap = LoadPCX(thisFile, PCXPal); if (TempBitmap == NULL) { delete TempBitmap; cout << "\nCan't load file: " << thisFile << "\n"; return 1; } //transfer stuff from one bitmap to another Bitmap * MyBitmap = new Bitmap; UCHAR * tPointer = (UCHAR *)&(TempBitmap->Data); //convert stuff MyBitmap->MakeNewBmp (TempBitmap->Width, TempBitmap->Height, tPointer, PCXPal); //save it MyBitmap->SaveToDisk (writeFile); //TheScreen->SetMode13h(); //set mode13h (don't forget) //MyBitmap->PutRegular (0, 0, VGAMEMORY); //getch(); //TheScreen->SetTextMode(); //set mode13h (don't forget) delete MyBitmap; } cout << "Done"; return 0; }
//************************************ // Method: getBitmapFromComplex // FullName: CFFTMachine::getBitmapFromComplex // Access: protected // Returns: Bitmap* // Qualifier: // Parameter: LPCOMPLEX pSource // Parameter: INT nWidth // Parameter: INT nHeight //************************************ Bitmap* CFFTMachine::getBitmapFromComplex(LPCOMPLEX* ppSource,INT in_nWidth,INT in_nHeight) { ASSERT(ppSource); BYTE* pBuffer = NULL; pBuffer = new BYTE[in_nWidth * in_nHeight * 3]; //change the coordinate and calculate the value to display /* 0 ---> cols (x) 0 +-------+-------+ | 1 | 2 | | | | | | +-------+-------+ Y | 3 | 4 | | | | rows +-------+-------+ (y) Coordinate transform 1<->4; 2<->3 */ if(pBuffer != NULL) { FillMemory(pBuffer, in_nWidth * in_nHeight * 3, 0); INT nWidth_2 = in_nWidth/2; INT nHeight_2 = in_nHeight/2; for(INT y=0; y<in_nHeight; y++) { for (INT x=0; x<in_nWidth; x++) { BYTE nPixelVal = 0; //in the part1 --> move to part 4 if((x<nWidth_2)&&(y<nHeight_2)) nPixelVal = valueTransform(ppSource[y + nHeight_2][x + nWidth_2].real); //in the part2 --> move to part 3 else if ((x>=nWidth_2)&&(y<nHeight_2)) nPixelVal = valueTransform(ppSource[y + nHeight_2][x - nWidth_2].real); //in the part3 --> move to part 2 else if((x<nWidth_2)&&(y>=nHeight_2)) nPixelVal = valueTransform(ppSource[y - nHeight_2][x + nWidth_2].real); //in the part4 --> move to part 1 else nPixelVal = valueTransform(ppSource[y - nHeight_2][x - nWidth_2].real); *(pBuffer + 3*(y*in_nWidth + x) + 0) = nPixelVal; //R *(pBuffer + 3*(y*in_nWidth + x) + 1) = nPixelVal; //G *(pBuffer + 3*(y*in_nWidth + x) + 2) = nPixelVal; //B } } //adjust image for (INT j=0;j<nHeight_2;j++) { for(INT k=0;k<in_nWidth;k++) { BYTE temp = *(pBuffer + 3*(j*in_nWidth + k) + 0); *(pBuffer + 3*(j*in_nWidth + k) + 0) = *(pBuffer + 3*((in_nHeight- j -1)*in_nWidth+k)); //R *(pBuffer + 3*(j*in_nWidth + k) + 1) = *(pBuffer + 3*((in_nHeight- j -1)*in_nWidth+k)); *(pBuffer + 3*(j*in_nWidth + k) + 2) = *(pBuffer + 3*((in_nHeight- j -1)*in_nWidth+k)); *(pBuffer + 3*((in_nHeight- j -1)*in_nWidth+k) + 0) = temp; *(pBuffer + 3*((in_nHeight- j -1)*in_nWidth+k) + 1) = temp; *(pBuffer + 3*((in_nHeight- j -1)*in_nWidth+k) + 2) = temp; } } } Bitmap* pRetBmp = NULL; BITMAPINFO t_BMPinfo; BITMAPINFOHEADER* pBMPInfoHeader = &(t_BMPinfo.bmiHeader); memset(pBMPInfoHeader, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); //Create bitmap header pBMPInfoHeader->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); pBMPInfoHeader->biWidth = in_nWidth; pBMPInfoHeader->biHeight = in_nHeight; pBMPInfoHeader->biPlanes = 1; pBMPInfoHeader->biCompression = BI_RGB; pBMPInfoHeader->biBitCount = IMP_MONOBMP_BITS * 3; pBMPInfoHeader->biSizeImage = in_nWidth * in_nHeight * 3; if(pBuffer != NULL) pRetBmp = Bitmap::FromBITMAPINFO(&t_BMPinfo,pBuffer); if(pRetBmp == NULL) { delete[] pBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; } #ifdef _DEBUG if(pRetBmp != NULL) { CLSID pngClsid; CUtility::GetEncoderClsid(L"image/bmp", &pngClsid); Status res = pRetBmp->Save(L".\\Fourier.bmp", &pngClsid, NULL); } #endif return pRetBmp; }
void FirmOffensive2::put_info(int refreshFlag) { if( !should_show_info() ) return; vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X1, INFO_Y1,"MISSBASE") ); int hitPoints; String str; int offsetX = 0; int offsetY = 0; if( hit_points > (float)0 && hit_points < (float)1 ) hitPoints = 1; // display 1 for value between 0 and 1 else hitPoints = (int) hit_points; if ( max_hit_points() ) { offsetX = -35; offsetY = -14; short* hitPointBitmap =NULL; int ratio = hitPoints *40 / (int)max_hit_points(); int size = hitPoints *76 / (int)max_hit_points(); //106 x 35 --- 15 to 90 ie. 0 to 40 hitPointBitmap = (short *)mem_add( BitmapW::size(15 +size, 35) ); if (ratio <11) vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY,"MTR_B2")); else if (ratio <40) vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY,"MTR_B3")); else vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY,"MTR_B4")); vga.active_buf->read_bitmapW( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY, INFO_X1 +94 +20 +size +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +80 +offsetY, hitPointBitmap ); vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY,"MTR_B1")); vga.active_buf->put_bitmapW( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY, hitPointBitmap ); mem_del( hitPointBitmap ); font_whbl.center_put( INFO_X1 +43, INFO_Y1 +45, INFO_X1 +65, INFO_Y1 +57, m.format((int)hitPoints,4)); font_whbl.center_put( INFO_X1 +169, INFO_Y1 +45, INFO_X1 +191, INFO_Y1 +57, m.format((int)max_hit_points(),4) ); } // font_whbl.center_put( INFO_X1 +12, INFO_Y1 +9, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1 +21, "Offensive Building 3", 0, 1 ); font_whbl.center_put( INFO_X1 +12, INFO_Y1 +9, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1 +21, firm_name(), 0, 1 ); FirmBuild* firmBuild = firm_res.get_build(firm_build_id); short *colorRemapTable = firmBuild->get_color_remap_table(nation_recno, firm_array.selected_recno == firm_recno); colorRemapTable = firm_res.calc_color_remap_table( colorRemapTable, 1.0f ); FirmBitmap* firmBitmap = firm_res.get_bitmap(firmBuild->first_bitmap(1)); if( firmBitmap ) { Bitmap* bitmapPtr = (Bitmap *) firmBuild->res_bitmap.read_imported(firmBitmap->bitmap_ptr); int x1; int y1; int srcX2; int srcY2; if (config.building_size == 1) { x1 = INFO_X1 +130; y1 = INFO_Y1 +140; } else { x1 = INFO_X1 +120; y1 = INFO_Y1 +142; } x1 += firmBitmap->offset_x; y1 += firmBitmap->offset_y; int x2 = x1 + bitmapPtr->get_width() -1; int y2 = y1 + bitmapPtr->get_height() -1; int srcX1 = max(x1, INFO_X1+15)-x1; int srcY1 = 0; if (config.building_size == 1) { srcX2 = min(x2, INFO_X2)-x1; srcY2 = min(y2, INFO_Y1+227)-y1; } else { srcX2 = min(x2, INFO_X2)-x1; srcY2 = min(y2, INFO_Y2)-y1; } vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_area_trans_remap_decompress(x1, y1, (char *) bitmapPtr, srcX1, srcY1, srcX2, srcY2, colorRemapTable); } /* if (config.building_size == 1) return; firmBitmap = firm_res.get_bitmap(firmBuild->first_bitmap(firm_cur_frame[0])); if( firmBitmap && firmBitmap->display_layer == 1 ) { Bitmap* bitmapPtr = (Bitmap *) firmBuild->res_bitmap.read_imported(firmBitmap->bitmap_ptr); int x1 = INFO_X1 +120 +firmBitmap->offset_x; int y1 = INFO_Y1 +142 +firmBitmap->offset_y; int x2 = x1 + bitmapPtr->get_width() -1; int y2 = y1 + bitmapPtr->get_height() -1; int srcX1 = max(x1, INFO_X1+15)-x1; int srcY1 = 0; int srcX2 = min(x2, INFO_X2)-x1; int srcY2 = min(y2, INFO_Y2)-y1; vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_area_trans_remap_decompress(x1, y1, (char *) bitmapPtr, srcX1, srcY1, srcX2, srcY2, colorRemapTable); // vga_back.put_bitmap_trans_remap_decompress(INFO_X1 +113 +firmBitmap->offset_x, // INFO_Y1 +158 +firmBitmap->offset_y, bitmapPtr, colorRemapTable); }*/ }
bool RichEditHost::RenderTo(Graphics& graphics, const MiniRect& rcRender) { if (!m_pTextServices || !m_pEdit) { return false; } MiniRect rcRootRender = rcRender; MiniRect rcRoot; m_pEdit->GetClientRect(rcRoot); rcRootRender += rcRoot.TopLeft(); Bitmap* pBitmap = graphics.GetBitmap(); byte* pBytes = (byte*)pBitmap->LockBits(rcRootRender); for (int i = 0; i < rcRender.Height(); ++i) { MiniARGB* pSrc = (MiniARGB*)(pBytes + i * pBitmap->GetBytesWidth()); MiniARGB* pDst = (MiniARGB*)(m_dib.GetData() + (i + * m_dib.GetBytesWidth()) + rcRender.left; for (int j = 0; j < rcRender.Width(); ++j) { uint32 c = gTable[pSrc->alpha]; pDst->blue = (uint32)(c * (uint32)pSrc->blue + (1 << 23)) >> 24; pDst->green = (uint32)(c * (uint32)pSrc->green + (1 << 23)) >> 24; pDst->red = (uint32)(c * (uint32)pSrc->red + (1 << 23)) >> 24; pDst->alpha = 0xFF; pDst++; pSrc++; } } RECTL rc = {0, 0,,}; HRESULT hr = m_pTextServices->TxDraw(DVASPECT_CONTENT, 0, 0, 0, m_dib, 0, &rc, 0, 0, 0, 0, TXTVIEW_ACTIVE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (m_bFocus && m_bShowCaret && m_bEnableCaret && m_bCaretState && !GetReadOnly()) { if (!m_hCaret) { ::PatBlt((HDC)m_dib, m_rcCaret.left,, m_rcCaret.Width(), m_rcCaret.Height(), DSTINVERT); } else { HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC((HDC)m_dib); HGDIOBJ hOld = ::SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hCaret); ::BitBlt((HDC)m_dib, m_rcCaret.left,, m_rcCaret.Width(), m_rcCaret.Height(), hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCINVERT); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hOld); ::DeleteDC(hdcMem); } } for (int i = 0; i < rcRender.Height(); ++i) { MiniARGB* pSrc = (MiniARGB*)(m_dib.GetData() + (i + * m_dib.GetBytesWidth()) + rcRender.left; MiniARGB* pDst = (MiniARGB*)(pBytes + i * pBitmap->GetBytesWidth()); for (int j = 0; j < rcRender.Width(); ++j) { uint32 alpha = (uint32)pDst->alpha + 1; pDst->blue = ((uint32)pSrc->blue * alpha) >> 8; pDst->green = ((uint32)pSrc->green * alpha) >> 8; pDst->red = ((uint32)pSrc->red * alpha) >> 8; pDst++; pSrc++; } } } return true; }
static bool EncodeBitmap(Bitmap& image, const WCHAR* pcszEncodeFormat, UINT32* ulSize, unsigned char** pData) { // Setup encoder parameters // Create stream with 0 size IStream* pIStream = nullptr; if (CreateStreamOnHGlobal(nullptr, TRUE, (LPSTREAM*)&pIStream) != S_OK) { Log(logERROR, "Failed to create stream on global memory!\n"); return false; } CLSID pngClsid; GetEncoderClsid(pcszEncodeFormat, &pngClsid); // Setup encoder parameters EncoderParameters encoderParameters; EncoderParameters* pEncoderParameters = &encoderParameters; ULONG quality = 50; // setup compression level for jpeg if (wcscmp(pcszEncodeFormat, L"image/jpeg") == 0) { encoderParameters.Count = 1; encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Guid = EncoderQuality; encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Type = EncoderParameterValueTypeLong; encoderParameters.Parameter[0].NumberOfValues = 1; // setup compression level encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Value = &quality; } else if (wcscmp(pcszEncodeFormat, L"image/png") == 0) { pEncoderParameters = nullptr; } else { Log(logERROR, "Failed to save image: Unrecognized format."); return false; } // Save the image to the stream Status SaveStatus = image.Save(pIStream, &pngClsid, pEncoderParameters); if (SaveStatus != Ok) { // this should free global memory used by the stream // according to MSDN pIStream->Release(); Log(logERROR, "Failed to save to stream!\n"); return false; } // get the size of the stream ULARGE_INTEGER ulnSize; LARGE_INTEGER lnOffset; lnOffset.QuadPart = 0; if (pIStream->Seek(lnOffset, STREAM_SEEK_END, &ulnSize) != S_OK) { pIStream->Release(); Log(logERROR, "Failed to get the size of the stream!\n"); return false; } // now move the pointer to the beginning of the file if (pIStream->Seek(lnOffset, STREAM_SEEK_SET, nullptr) != S_OK) { pIStream->Release(); Log(logERROR, "Failed to move the file pointer to the beginning of the stream!\n"); return false; } unsigned char* pBuff = (unsigned char*)malloc((size_t)ulnSize.QuadPart); PsAssert(pBuff != nullptr) if (pBuff == nullptr) { return false; } ULONG ulBytesRead; if (pIStream->Read(pBuff, (ULONG)ulnSize.QuadPart, &ulBytesRead) != S_OK) { pIStream->Release(); free(pBuff); return false; } *pData = pBuff; *ulSize = ulBytesRead; /* // I am going to save it to the file just so we can // load the jpg to a gfx program FILE *fFile; fFile = fopen("c:\\test.jpg", "w"); if(fFile) { char *pBuff = new char[ulnSize.QuadPart]; // Read the stream directly into the buffer ULONG ulBytesRead; if(pIStream->Read(pBuff, ulnSize.QuadPart, &ulBytesRead) != S_OK) { pIStream->Release(); delete pBuff; return false; } fwrite(pBuff, ulBytesRead, 1, fFile); fclose(fFile); delete pBuff; } else printf("Failed to save data to the disk!"); // Free memory used by the stream */ pIStream->Release(); return true; }
LONG BitmapButton::ProcessMessage(HWND hWnd, size_t msg, size_t wParam, LONG lParam) { if (msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { long res = CallWindowProc(DefaultHandler, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); SendMessage(hWnd, BM_SETSTATE, (WPARAM)BST_PUSHED, 0); InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, false); return res; } else if (msg == WM_LBUTTONUP) { long res = CallWindowProc(DefaultHandler, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); SendMessage(hWnd, BM_SETSTATE, (WPARAM)0, 0); InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, false); return res; } else if ((msg == WM_COMMAND) || (msg == BN_CLICKED)) { if (clickHandler) { clickHandler(); return true; } else if (dClickHandler) { (clickListener->*dClickHandler)(); return true; } else return false; } else if (msg == WM_ERASEBKGND) { /* HBRUSH hOldBrush; HPEN hOldPen; RECT rect; HDC hDC; hDC = GetDC(hWnd); hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hDC, erasePen); hOldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hDC, eraseBrush); GetUpdateRect(hWnd, &rect, FALSE); ::Rectangle(hDC, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen); SelectObject(hDC, hOldBrush); InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, FALSE); */ return true; } else if (msg == WM_PAINT) { HDC tmp = dc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rect; BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); rect.left = 0; rect.right = Width(); = 0; rect.bottom = Height(); HBRUSH hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(dc, erasePen); HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(dc, eraseBrush); ::Rectangle(dc, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); SelectObject(dc, hOldPen); SelectObject(dc, hOldBrush); int state = SendMessage(hWnd, BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0); Bitmap *bit; int offset; if ((state & BST_PUSHED) == 0) { DrawEdge(dc, &rect, EDGE_RAISED, BF_ADJUST | BF_RECT); if (IsEnabled()) bit = upBitmap; else bit = disabledBitmap; offset = 0; } else { DrawEdge(dc, &rect, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_ADJUST | BF_RECT); bit = downBitmap; offset = 1; } bit->Copy(*this, (Width() - bit->Width()) / 2 + offset, (Height() - bit->Height()) / 2 + offset, bit->Width(), bit->Height(), 0, 0); dc = tmp; return false; } return false; }
void draw_text_window_and_bar(Bitmap **text_window_ds, bool should_free_ds, int*xins,int*yins,int*xx,int*yy,int*wii,color_t *set_text_color,int ovrheight, int ifnum) { draw_text_window(text_window_ds, should_free_ds, xins, yins, xx, yy, wii, set_text_color, ovrheight, ifnum); if ((topBar.wantIt) && (text_window_ds && *text_window_ds)) { // top bar on the dialog window with character's name // create an enlarged window, then free the old one Bitmap *ds = *text_window_ds; Bitmap *newScreenop = BitmapHelper::CreateBitmap(ds->GetWidth(), ds->GetHeight() + topBar.height, game.GetColorDepth()); newScreenop->Blit(ds, 0, 0, 0, topBar.height, ds->GetWidth(), ds->GetHeight()); delete *text_window_ds; *text_window_ds = newScreenop; ds = *text_window_ds; // draw the top bar color_t draw_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(play.top_bar_backcolor); ds->FillRect(Rect(0, 0, ds->GetWidth() - 1, topBar.height - 1), draw_color); if (play.top_bar_backcolor != play.top_bar_bordercolor) { // draw the border draw_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(play.top_bar_bordercolor); for (int j = 0; j < play.top_bar_borderwidth; j++) ds->DrawRect(Rect(j, j, ds->GetWidth() - (j + 1), topBar.height - (j + 1)), draw_color); } // draw the text int textx = (ds->GetWidth() / 2) - wgettextwidth_compensate(topBar.text, topBar.font) / 2; color_t text_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(play.top_bar_textcolor); wouttext_outline(ds, textx, play.top_bar_borderwidth + 1, topBar.font, text_color, topBar.text); // don't draw it next time topBar.wantIt = 0; // adjust the text Y position yins[0] += topBar.height; } else if (topBar.wantIt) topBar.wantIt = 0; }
//************************************ // Method: OnBnClickedCmdSaveallslices // FullName: CCutoutSegDlg::OnBnClickedCmdSaveallslices // Access: public // Returns: void // Qualifier: //************************************ void CCutoutSegDlg::OnBnClickedCmdSaveallslices() { // User prompt to get the information: directory, file extension CSegmentExportDlg dlgSave; CString sDirPath = _T("."); CString sFileExt; CString strOutputFile; strOutputFile.Format(_T("%s_%dx%d"),SV_EXP_DEFAULTNAME, m_pDataSet->GetSize().ndx, m_pDataSet->GetSize().ndx); CSize sliceSize(m_pDataSet->GetSize().ndx,m_pDataSet->GetSize().ndy); UCHAR* pBuffer = new UCHAR[ * * 3]; UCHAR* pByteBuffer = new UCHAR[ *]; if (dlgSave.DoModal() == IDOK) { sDirPath = dlgSave.m_sDirPath; sFileExt = dlgSave.m_sExt; // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here for (int iSlice=0; iSlice < m_pDataSet->GetSize().ndz; iSlice++) { //Get Raw Slice GetRawSliceFromDataSet(iSlice); //Cut it out CutOut(m_pSourceByteImg, pByteBuffer,,; //Save it CString numbers; numbers.Format(_T("_%.3d"), iSlice); CString FullPath = sDirPath + strOutputFile + numbers + _T(".")+ sFileExt; for (int i=0; i< *; i++) { memset(pBuffer + i*3, pByteBuffer[i], 3); } BITMAPINFO bm; memset(&bm, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO)); bm.bmiHeader = bmInfo; Bitmap* bmp = Bitmap::FromBITMAPINFO(&bm,pBuffer); CLSID pngClsid; if( sFileExt == "raw") { CFile oFile; CFileException ex; BOOL bflagOpen = oFile.Open(FullPath, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate, &ex); if(bflagOpen) { UINT nLength = m_pDataSet->GetSize().ndx*m_pDataSet->GetSize().ndy; oFile.Write(pByteBuffer, nLength); oFile.Flush(); oFile.Close(); } } else if(sFileExt == "bmp") { CUtility::GetEncoderClsid(L"image/bmp", &pngClsid); bmp->Save(FullPath, &pngClsid, NULL); } else if(sFileExt == "jpg") { CUtility::GetEncoderClsid(L"image/jpeg", &pngClsid); bmp->Save(FullPath, &pngClsid, NULL); } } } delete[] pBuffer; delete[] pByteBuffer; //Re update m_pSourceByteImg slice back to current slice UpdateSourceSlice(); }
P(GmMaterial) GmUtil::createGmMaterial( Mtl* material, Mtl* bakedmaterial ) { require( material ); P(GmMaterial) s = new GmMaterial; // get name static int unnamedCount = 0; if ( material->GetName().data() ) s->name = material->GetName().data(); else s->name = "noname #"+String::valueOf( ++unnamedCount ); // Standard material (+Diffuse) (+ Reflection) if ( material->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID,0) ) { StdMat* stdmat = static_cast<StdMat*>(material); StdMat* bakedmat = static_cast<StdMat*>(bakedmaterial); // StdMat2? StdMat2* stdmat2 = 0; if ( stdmat->SupportsShaders() ) stdmat2 = static_cast<StdMat2*>( stdmat ); // uniform transparency s->opacity = stdmat->GetOpacity(0); // self illumination s->selfIllum = stdmat->GetSelfIllum(0); // two-sided material? s->twosided = ( 0 != stdmat->GetTwoSided() ); // blending mode s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_COPY; if ( s->opacity < 1.f ) s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_MULTIPLY; if ( stdmat->GetTransparencyType() == TRANSP_ADDITIVE ) s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_ADD; // diffuse color s->diffuseColor = toColorf( stdmat->GetDiffuse(0) ); // specular highlights float shinStr = stdmat->GetShinStr(0); s->specular = (shinStr > 0.f); if ( s->specular ) { float shininess = stdmat->GetShininess(0); s->specularExponent = Math::pow( 2.f, shininess*10.f + 2.f ); s->specularColor = toColorf( stdmat->GetSpecular(0) ) * shinStr; } if ( bakedmat ) { shinStr = bakedmat->GetShinStr(0); s->specular = (shinStr > 0.f); if ( s->specular ) { float shininess = bakedmat->GetShininess(0); s->specularExponent = Math::pow( 2.f, shininess*10.f + 2.f ); s->specularColor = toColorf( bakedmat->GetSpecular(0) ) * shinStr; } } // diffuse texture layer BitmapTex* tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_DI ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->diffuseLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // opacity texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_OP ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->opacityLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); // check alpha channel validity Bitmap* bmp = tex->GetBitmap(0); if ( bmp && !bmp->HasAlpha() ) Debug::printlnError( "Material \"{0}\" opacity map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName() ); //throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" opacity map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName()) ); s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_MULTIPLY; // check that opacity map is the same as diffuse map if ( s->opacityLayer.filename != s->diffuseLayer.filename ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse bitmap needs to be the same in opacity map.(diffuse map is \"{1}\" and opacity map is \"{2}\")", s->name, s->diffuseLayer.filename, s->opacityLayer.filename) ); if ( s->opacityLayer.coordset != s->diffuseLayer.coordset ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate set needs to be the same in opacity map.", s->name) ); if ( s->opacityLayer.env != s->diffuseLayer.env ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate generator needs to be the same in opacity map.", s->name) ); } // reflection texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_RL ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->reflectionLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // glossiness (shininess strength, SS) texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SS ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->glossinessLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); // check alpha channel validity Bitmap* bmp = tex->GetBitmap(0); //if ( bmp && !bmp->HasAlpha() ) // throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" glossiness map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName()) ); if ( bmp && !bmp->HasAlpha() ) Debug::printlnError("Material \"{0}\" glossiness map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName() ); // check that glossiness map is the same as diffuse map if ( s->glossinessLayer.filename != s->diffuseLayer.filename ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse bitmap needs to be the same in glossiness map.(diffuse map is \"{1}\" and glossiness map is \"{2}\")", s->name, s->diffuseLayer.filename, s->glossinessLayer.filename) ); if ( s->glossinessLayer.coordset != s->diffuseLayer.coordset ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate set needs to be the same in glossiness map.", s->name) ); if ( s->glossinessLayer.env != s->diffuseLayer.env ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate generator needs to be the same in glossiness map.", s->name) ); // check that reflection map has been set if ( s->reflectionLayer.filename.length() == 0 ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" glossiness map requires reflection map to be set.", s->name) ); } // bump texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_BU ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->bumpLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // specular color texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SP ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->specularColorLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // specular level texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SH ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->specularLevelLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // lightmap texture layer ( from self-illumination map of baked material ) tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SI ); BitmapTex* tex2 = 0; if ( bakedmat ) tex2 = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( bakedmat, ID_SI ); if ( tex || tex2 ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->lightMapLayer; if ( tex && !tex2 ) setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); else if ( tex2 ) setLayerTex( layer, tex2, s->name ); } } return s; }
int InventoryScreen::Redraw() { Bitmap *ds = GetVirtualScreen(); numitems=0; widest=0; highest=0; if (charextra[game.playercharacter].invorder_count < 0) update_invorder(); if (charextra[game.playercharacter].invorder_count == 0) { DisplayMessage(996); in_inv_screen--; return -1; } if (inv_screen_newroom >= 0) { in_inv_screen--; NewRoom(inv_screen_newroom); return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < charextra[game.playercharacter].invorder_count; ++i) { if (game.invinfo[charextra[game.playercharacter].invorder[i]].name[0]!=0) { dii[numitems].num = charextra[game.playercharacter].invorder[i]; dii[numitems].sprnum = game.invinfo[charextra[game.playercharacter].invorder[i]].pic; int snn=dii[numitems].sprnum; if (spritewidth[snn] > widest) widest=spritewidth[snn]; if (spriteheight[snn] > highest) highest=spriteheight[snn]; numitems++; } } if (numitems != charextra[game.playercharacter].invorder_count) quit("inconsistent inventory calculations"); widest += get_fixed_pixel_size(4); highest += get_fixed_pixel_size(4); num_visible_items = (MAX_ITEMAREA_HEIGHT / highest) * ICONSPERLINE; windowhit = highest * (numitems/ICONSPERLINE) + get_fixed_pixel_size(4); if ((numitems%ICONSPERLINE) !=0) windowhit+=highest; if (windowhit > MAX_ITEMAREA_HEIGHT) { windowhit = (MAX_ITEMAREA_HEIGHT / highest) * highest + get_fixed_pixel_size(4); } windowhit += BUTTONAREAHEIGHT; windowwid = widest*ICONSPERLINE + get_fixed_pixel_size(4); if (windowwid < get_fixed_pixel_size(105)) windowwid = get_fixed_pixel_size(105); windowxp=play.viewport.GetWidth()/2-windowwid/2; windowyp=play.viewport.GetHeight()/2-windowhit/2; buttonyp=windowyp+windowhit-BUTTONAREAHEIGHT; color_t draw_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(play.sierra_inv_color); ds->FillRect(Rect(windowxp,windowyp,windowxp+windowwid,windowyp+windowhit), draw_color); draw_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(0); bartop = windowyp + get_fixed_pixel_size(2); barxp = windowxp + get_fixed_pixel_size(2); ds->FillRect(Rect(barxp,bartop, windowxp + windowwid - get_fixed_pixel_size(2),buttonyp-1), draw_color); for (int i = top_item; i < numitems; ++i) { if (i >= top_item + num_visible_items) break; Bitmap *spof=spriteset[dii[i].sprnum]; wputblock(ds, barxp+1+((i-top_item)%4)*widest+widest/2-spof->GetWidth()/2, bartop+1+((i-top_item)/4)*highest+highest/2-spof->GetHeight()/2,spof,1); } #define BUTTONWID Math::Max(1, spritewidth[btn_select_sprite]) // Draw select, look and OK buttons wputblock(ds, windowxp+2, buttonyp + get_fixed_pixel_size(2), spriteset[btn_look_sprite], 1); wputblock(ds, windowxp+3+BUTTONWID, buttonyp + get_fixed_pixel_size(2), spriteset[btn_select_sprite], 1); wputblock(ds, windowxp+4+BUTTONWID*2, buttonyp + get_fixed_pixel_size(2), spriteset[btn_ok_sprite], 1); // Draw Up and Down buttons if required Bitmap *arrowblock = BitmapHelper::CreateTransparentBitmap (ARROWBUTTONWID, ARROWBUTTONWID); draw_color = arrowblock->GetCompatibleColor(0); if (play.sierra_inv_color == 0) draw_color = ds->GetCompatibleColor(14); arrowblock->DrawLine(Line(ARROWBUTTONWID/2, 2, ARROWBUTTONWID-2, 9), draw_color); arrowblock->DrawLine(Line(ARROWBUTTONWID/2, 2, 2, 9), draw_color); arrowblock->DrawLine(Line(2, 9, ARROWBUTTONWID-2, 9), draw_color); arrowblock->FloodFill(ARROWBUTTONWID/2, 4, draw_color); if (top_item > 0) wputblock(ds, windowxp+windowwid-ARROWBUTTONWID, buttonyp + get_fixed_pixel_size(2), arrowblock, 1); if (top_item + num_visible_items < numitems) arrowblock->FlipBlt(arrowblock, windowxp+windowwid-ARROWBUTTONWID, buttonyp + get_fixed_pixel_size(4) + ARROWBUTTONWID, Common::kBitmap_VFlip); delete arrowblock; //domouse(1); set_mouse_cursor(cmode); wasonitem=-1; prepare_gui_screen(windowxp, windowyp, windowwid, windowhit, true); return 0; }
/* // [DEPRECATED] void GetGlobalString (int index, char *strval) { if ((index<0) | (index >= MAXGLOBALSTRINGS)) quit("!GetGlobalString: invalid index"); strcpy (strval, play.globalstrings[index]); } */ int RunAGSGame (const char *newgame, unsigned int mode, int data) { can_run_delayed_command(); int AllowedModes = RAGMODE_PRESERVEGLOBALINT | RAGMODE_LOADNOW; if ((mode & (~AllowedModes)) != 0) quit("!RunAGSGame: mode value unknown"); if (editor_debugging_enabled) { quit("!RunAGSGame cannot be used while running the game from within the AGS Editor. You must build the game EXE and run it from there to use this function."); } if ((mode & RAGMODE_LOADNOW) == 0) { // need to copy, since the script gets destroyed get_install_dir_path(gamefilenamebuf, newgame); game_file_name = gamefilenamebuf; usetup.main_data_filename = game_file_name; play.takeover_data = data; load_new_game_restore = -1; if (inside_script) { curscript->queue_action(ePSARunAGSGame, mode | RAGMODE_LOADNOW, "RunAGSGame"); ccInstance::GetCurrentInstance()->Abort(); } else load_new_game = mode | RAGMODE_LOADNOW; return 0; } int ee; unload_old_room(); displayed_room = -10; unload_game_file(); if (Common::AssetManager::SetDataFile(game_file_name) != Common::kAssetNoError) quitprintf("!RunAGSGame: unable to load new game file '%s'", game_file_name.GetCStr()); Bitmap *ds = GetVirtualScreen(); ds->Fill(0); show_preload(); HError err = load_game_file(); if (!err) quitprintf("!RunAGSGame: error loading new game file:\n%s", err->FullMessage().GetCStr()); spriteset.reset(); if (spriteset.initFile ("acsprset.spr")) quit("!RunAGSGame: error loading new sprites"); if ((mode & RAGMODE_PRESERVEGLOBALINT) == 0) { // reset GlobalInts for (ee = 0; ee < MAXGSVALUES; ee++) play.globalscriptvars[ee] = 0; } engine_init_game_settings(); play.screen_is_faded_out = 1; if (load_new_game_restore >= 0) { try_restore_save(load_new_game_restore); load_new_game_restore = -1; } else start_game(); return 0; }
void dlgWayPointDetailsShowModal(SingleWindow &parent, const Waypoint& way_point) { selected_waypoint = &way_point; TCHAR sTmp[128]; double sunsettime; int sunsethours; int sunsetmins; WndProperty *wp; if (Layout::landscape) wf = LoadDialog(CallBackTable, parent, _T("IDR_XML_WAYPOINTDETAILS_L")); else wf = LoadDialog(CallBackTable, parent, _T("IDR_XML_WAYPOINTDETAILS")); nTextLines = 0; if (!wf) return; Profile::GetPath(szProfileWayPointFile, szWaypointFile); ExtractDirectory(Directory, szWaypointFile); _stprintf(path_modis, _T("%s" DIR_SEPARATOR_S "modis-%03d.jpg"), Directory, selected_waypoint->id+1); _stprintf(path_google,_T("%s" DIR_SEPARATOR_S "google-%03d.jpg"), Directory, selected_waypoint->id+1); _stprintf(sTmp, _T("%s: '%s'"), wf->GetCaption(), selected_waypoint->Name.c_str()); wf->SetCaption(sTmp); wp = ((WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpWpComment"))); wp->SetText(selected_waypoint->Comment.c_str()); Units::LongitudeToString(selected_waypoint->Location.Longitude, sTmp, sizeof(sTmp)-1); ((WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpLongitude"))) ->SetText(sTmp); Units::LatitudeToString(selected_waypoint->Location.Latitude, sTmp, sizeof(sTmp)-1); ((WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpLatitude"))) ->SetText(sTmp); Units::FormatUserAltitude(selected_waypoint->Altitude, sTmp, sizeof(sTmp)-1); ((WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpAltitude"))) ->SetText(sTmp); SunEphemeris sun; sunsettime = sun.CalcSunTimes (selected_waypoint->Location, XCSoarInterface::Basic().DateTime, GetUTCOffset()/3600); sunsethours = (int)sunsettime; sunsetmins = (int)((sunsettime - sunsethours) * 60); _stprintf(sTmp, _T("%02d:%02d"), sunsethours, sunsetmins); ((WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpSunset")))->SetText(sTmp); fixed distance; Angle bearing; DistanceBearing(XCSoarInterface::Basic().Location, selected_waypoint->Location, &distance, &bearing); TCHAR DistanceText[MAX_PATH]; Units::FormatUserDistance(distance, DistanceText, 10); ((WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpDistance"))) ->SetText(DistanceText); _stprintf(sTmp, _T("%d")_T(DEG), iround(bearing.value_degrees())); ((WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpBearing"))) ->SetText(sTmp); GlidePolar glide_polar = protected_task_manager.get_glide_polar(); GlidePolar safety_polar = protected_task_manager.get_safety_polar(); UnorderedTaskPoint t(way_point, XCSoarInterface::SettingsComputer()); GlideResult r; // alt reqd at current mc const AIRCRAFT_STATE aircraft_state = ToAircraftState(XCSoarInterface::Basic()); r = TaskSolution::glide_solution_remaining(t, aircraft_state, glide_polar); wp = (WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpMc2")); if (wp) { _stprintf(sTmp, _T("%.0f %s"), (double)Units::ToUserAltitude(r.AltitudeDifference), Units::GetAltitudeName()); wp->SetText(sTmp); } // alt reqd at mc 0 glide_polar.set_mc(fixed_zero); r = TaskSolution::glide_solution_remaining(t, aircraft_state, glide_polar); wp = (WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpMc0")); if (wp) { _stprintf(sTmp, _T("%.0f %s"), (double)Units::ToUserAltitude(r.AltitudeDifference), Units::GetAltitudeName()); wp->SetText(sTmp); } // alt reqd at safety mc r = TaskSolution::glide_solution_remaining(t, aircraft_state, safety_polar); wp = (WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpMc1")); if (wp) { _stprintf(sTmp, _T("%.0f %s"), (double)Units::ToUserAltitude(r.AltitudeDifference), Units::GetAltitudeName()); wp->SetText(sTmp); } wf->SetKeyDownNotify(FormKeyDown); ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdClose")))->SetOnClickNotify(OnCloseClicked); wInfo = ((WndFrame *)wf->FindByName(_T("frmInfos"))); wCommand = ((WndFrame *)wf->FindByName(_T("frmCommands"))); wSpecial = ((WndFrame *)wf->FindByName(_T("frmSpecial"))); wImage = ((WndOwnerDrawFrame *)wf->FindByName(_T("frmImage"))); wDetails = (WndListFrame*)wf->FindByName(_T("frmDetails")); wDetails->SetPaintItemCallback(OnPaintDetailsListItem); assert(wInfo != NULL); assert(wCommand != NULL); assert(wSpecial != NULL); assert(wImage != NULL); assert(wDetails != NULL); nTextLines = TextToLineOffsets(way_point.Details.c_str(), LineOffsets, MAXLINES); wDetails->SetLength(nTextLines); /* TODO enhancement: wpdetails wp = ((WndProperty *)wf->FindByName(_T("prpWpDetails"))); wp->SetText(way_point.Details); */ wCommand->hide(); wSpecial->hide(); wImage->SetCaption(_("Blank!")); wImage->SetOnPaintNotify(OnImagePaint); WndButton *wb; wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdGoto"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnGotoClicked); wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdReplace"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnReplaceClicked); wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdNewHome"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnNewHomeClicked); wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdSetAlternate1"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnSetAlternate1Clicked); wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdSetAlternate2"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnSetAlternate2Clicked); wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdClearAlternates"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnClearAlternatesClicked); wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdTeamCode"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnTeamCodeClicked); wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdInserInTask"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnInsertInTaskClicked); wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdAppendInTask"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnAppendInTaskClicked); wb = ((WndButton *)wf->FindByName(_T("cmdRemoveFromTask"))); if (wb) wb->SetOnClickNotify(OnRemoveFromTaskClicked); hasimage1 = jpgimage1.load_file(path_modis); hasimage2 = jpgimage2.load_file(path_google); page = 0; NextPage(0); // JMW just to turn proper pages on/off wf->ShowModal(); delete wf; wf = NULL; }
/******************************************************************** GdipBitmapFromResource - read a GDI+ image out of a resource stream ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI GdipBitmapFromResource( __in_opt HINSTANCE hinst, __in_z LPCSTR szId, __out Bitmap **ppBitmap ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPVOID pvData = NULL; DWORD cbData = 0; HGLOBAL hGlobal = NULL;; LPVOID pv = NULL; IStream *pStream = NULL; Bitmap *pBitmap = NULL; Status gs = Ok; hr = ResReadData(hinst, szId, &pvData, &cbData); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to load GDI+ bitmap from resource."); // Have to copy the fixed resource data into moveable (heap) memory // since that's what GDI+ expects. hGlobal = ::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, cbData); ExitOnNullWithLastError(hGlobal, hr, "Failed to allocate global memory."); pv = ::GlobalLock(hGlobal); ExitOnNullWithLastError(pv, hr, "Failed to lock global memory."); memcpy(pv, pvData, cbData); ::GlobalUnlock(pv); // no point taking any more memory than we have already pv = NULL; hr = ::CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hGlobal, TRUE, &pStream); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate stream from global memory."); hGlobal = NULL; // we gave the global memory to the stream object so it will close it pBitmap = Bitmap::FromStream(pStream); ExitOnNull(pBitmap, hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Failed to allocate bitmap from stream."); gs = pBitmap->GetLastStatus(); ExitOnGdipFailure(gs, hr, "Failed to load bitmap from stream."); *ppBitmap = pBitmap; pBitmap = NULL; LExit: if (pBitmap) { delete pBitmap; } ReleaseObject(pStream); if (pv) { ::GlobalUnlock(pv); } if (hGlobal) { ::GlobalFree(hGlobal); } return hr; }
Bitmap* SoftGlow::Process1(const Bitmap* src, int radius, float sharpness, float brightness) { assert(src && src->IsValid()); int width = src->Width(); int height = src->Height(); Bitmap* tmp = new Bitmap(width, height, 8); assert(tmp); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { uint8* p0 = src->Get(0, y); uint8* p1 = tmp->Get(0, y); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint8 b = *(p0 + 0); uint8 g = *(p0 + 1); uint8 r = *(p0 + 2); *p1 = (uint8)rgb_to_l(r, g, b); *p1 = (uint8)CalcSharpAndBright(*p1, sharpness, brightness); p0 += src->PixelBytes(); p1 += tmp->PixelBytes(); } } Gaussion(tmp, (float)radius); #ifdef _DEBUG tmp->Save("f:\\tmp0.bmp"); #endif Bitmap* dst = new Bitmap(src->Width(), src->Height(), src->biBitCount); assert(dst); int temp; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { uint8* p0 = src->Get(0, y); uint8* p1 = tmp->Get(0, y); uint8* p2 = dst->Get(0, y); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { //screen op *(p2 + 0) = 255 - INT_MULT((255 - *(p0 + 0)), (255 - *p1), temp); *(p2 + 1) = 255 - INT_MULT((255 - *(p0 + 1)), (255 - *p1), temp); *(p2 + 2) = 255 - INT_MULT((255 - *(p0 + 2)), (255 - *p1), temp); p0 += src->PixelBytes(); p1 += tmp->PixelBytes(); p2 += dst->PixelBytes(); } } delete tmp; return dst; }
/* ** Draws the meter on the double buffer ** */ bool CMeterImage::Draw(Gfx::Canvas& canvas) { if (!CMeter::Draw(canvas)) return false; if (m_Image.IsLoaded()) { // Copy the image over the doublebuffer Bitmap* drawBitmap = m_Image.GetImage(); int imageW = drawBitmap->GetWidth(); int imageH = drawBitmap->GetHeight(); if (imageW == 0 || imageH == 0 || m_W == 0 || m_H == 0) return true; int x = GetX(); int y = GetY(); int drawW = m_W; int drawH = m_H; if (drawW == imageW && drawH == imageH && m_ScaleMargins.left == 0 && == 0 && m_ScaleMargins.right == 0 && m_ScaleMargins.bottom == 0) { canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, Rect(x, y, drawW, drawH), Rect(0, 0, imageW, imageH)); } else if (m_DrawMode == DRAWMODE_TILE) { Gdiplus::Graphics& graphics = canvas.BeginGdiplusContext(); ImageAttributes imgAttr; imgAttr.SetWrapMode(WrapModeTile); Rect r(x, y, drawW, drawH); graphics.DrawImage(drawBitmap, r, 0, 0, drawW, drawH, UnitPixel, &imgAttr); canvas.EndGdiplusContext(); } else if (m_DrawMode == DRAWMODE_KEEPRATIO || m_DrawMode == DRAWMODE_KEEPRATIOANDCROP) { int cropX = 0; int cropY = 0; int cropW = imageW; int cropH = imageH; if (m_WDefined && m_HDefined) { REAL imageRatio = imageW / (REAL)imageH; REAL meterRatio = m_W / (REAL)m_H; if (imageRatio != meterRatio) { if (m_DrawMode == DRAWMODE_KEEPRATIO) { if (imageRatio > meterRatio) { drawH = m_W * imageH / imageW; y += (m_H - drawH) / 2; } else { drawW = m_H * imageW / imageH; x += (m_W - drawW) / 2; } } else { if (imageRatio > meterRatio) { cropW = (int)(imageH * meterRatio); cropX = (imageW - cropW) / 2; } else { cropH = (int)(imageW / meterRatio); cropY = (imageH - cropH) / 2; } } } } Rect r(x, y, drawW, drawH); canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(cropX, cropY, cropW, cropH)); } else { const RECT& m = m_ScaleMargins; if ( > 0) { if (m.left > 0) { // Top-Left Rect r(x, y, m.left,; canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(0, 0, m.left,; } // Top Rect r(x + m.left, y, drawW - m.left - m.right,; canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(m.left, 0, imageW - m.left - m.right,; if (m.right > 0) { // Top-Right Rect r(x + drawW - m.right, y, m.right,; canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(imageW - m.right, 0, m.right,; } } if (m.left > 0) { // Left Rect r(x, y +, m.left, drawH - - m.bottom); canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(0,, m.left, imageH - - m.bottom)); } // Center Rect r(x + m.left, y +, drawW - m.left - m.right, drawH - - m.bottom); canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(m.left,, imageW - m.left - m.right, imageH - - m.bottom)); if (m.right > 0) { // Right Rect r(x + drawW - m.right, y +, m.right, drawH - - m.bottom); canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(imageW - m.right,, m.right, imageH - - m.bottom)); } if (m.bottom > 0) { if (m.left > 0) { // Bottom-Left Rect r(x, y + drawH - m.bottom, m.left, m.bottom); canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(0, imageH - m.bottom, m.left, m.bottom)); } // Bottom Rect r(x + m.left, y + drawH - m.bottom, drawW - m.left - m.right, m.bottom); canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(m.left, imageH - m.bottom, imageW - m.left - m.right, m.bottom)); if (m.right > 0) { // Bottom-Right Rect r(x + drawW - m.right, y + drawH - m.bottom, m.right, m.bottom); canvas.DrawBitmap(drawBitmap, r, Rect(imageW - m.right, imageH - m.bottom, m.right, m.bottom)); } } } } return true; }
void FreeMap() { if (bm) bm->DeleteThis(); bm = NULL; }
Gosu::Image::Image(Graphics& graphics, const Bitmap& source, bool tileable) { // Forward. Image(graphics, source, 0, 0, source.width(), source.height(), tileable).data.swap(data); }
void MarkerTool::highlightRegion(RECT rc) { Bitmap* canvasBm = canvas_->currentDocument()->getBitmap(); BitmapData canvasData; int w = min(canvasBm->GetWidth()-rc.left,rc.right - rc.left); int h = min(canvasBm->GetHeight(), rc.bottom -; rc.left = max(0,rc.left); = max(0,; Rect rc2 (rc.left ,, w, h); segments_.markRect( rc ); if (canvasBm->LockBits(& rc2, ImageLockModeRead|ImageLockModeWrite, PixelFormat32bppARGB, & canvasData) == Ok) { UINT stride; uint8_t * source= (uint8_t *) canvasData.Scan0; uint8_t * brSource= (uint8_t *) circleData_; if (canvasData.Stride > 0) { stride = canvasData.Stride; } else { stride = - canvasData.Stride; } /*int lum = 0; int disp = 0; for ( int i =0; i < h; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < w; j++ ) { int offset = i*stride+j*4; int Y = 0.299 * source[offset] + 0.587 * source[offset+1] + 0.114 * source[offset+2]; lum += Y; } } lum = float(lum) / ( w * h); for ( int i =0; i < h; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < w; j++ ) { int offset = i*stride+j*4; int Y = 0.299 * source[offset] + 0.587 * source[offset+1] + 0.114 * source[offset+2]; if ( abs(Y-lum) > disp ) { disp = abs(Y-lum); } } }*/ for ( int i =0; i < h; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < w; j++ ) { /*if ( affectedRegion_.IsVisible(, j+rc.left) ) { continue; }*/ int offset = i*stride+j*4; int circleOffset = i * circleStride_ + j* 4; int Y = 0.299 * source[offset] + 0.587 * source[offset+1] + 0.114 * source[offset+2]; float srcA = pow(brSource[circleOffset+3]/255.0 * (Y/255.0),15); // why pow 15 ?? I don't know uint8_t srcR= brSource[circleOffset]; uint8_t srcG= brSource[circleOffset+1]; uint8_t srcB= brSource[circleOffset+2]; if ( Y != 255 ) { srcA = srcA; } float dstA = source[offset+3]/255.0; uint8_t dstR= source[offset]; uint8_t dstG= source[offset+1]; uint8_t dstB= source[offset+2]; float outA = srcA + dstA*(1-srcA); uint8_t outR= (srcR * srcA + dstR * dstA * ( 1 - srcA))/ outA; uint8_t outG= (srcG * srcA + dstG * dstA* ( 1 - srcA))/ outA; uint8_t outB= (srcB * srcA + dstB * dstA* ( 1 - srcA))/ outA; source[offset] = outR; source[offset+1] = outG ; source[offset+2] = outB; source[offset+3] = outA * 255; } } canvasBm->UnlockBits(&canvasData); } }
bool Font::GenerateOpenglGlyphs( std::string configFileName) { unsigned int area = 0; Bitmap *bitmap; for (auto i = glyphsBitmapList.begin(); i != glyphsBitmapList.end(); i++) { bitmap = (*i).bitmap; area += bitmap->GetHeight() * bitmap->GetWidth(); } unsigned int sideAtlas = (unsigned int)(sqrt( float(area) )); sideAtlas = next_p2( sideAtlas ); float diff = float(sideAtlas * sideAtlas) / float(area); if( diff < 1.8f ) sideAtlas <<= 1; if(!glyphAtlas.Create(Bitmap::FORMAT_RGBA, sideAtlas, sideAtlas)) { //LOG_ERROR( return false; } glyphsBitmapList.sort(); iRect rect; Bitmap *atlasBitmap = glyphAtlas.GetAtlas(); for (auto i = glyphsBitmapList.begin(); i != glyphsBitmapList.end(); i++) { if( !glyphAtlas.InsertImage( (*i).bitmap, rect ) ) { //LOG(WARNING) << "font atlass ERROR"; delete (*i).bitmap; (*i).bitmap = nullptr; continue; } FontTexture fontTexture; fontTexture.width = (*i).bitmap->GetWidth(); fontTexture.height = (*i).bitmap->GetHeight(); fontTexture.offsetDown = (*i).offsetDown; GenerateTextCoord(atlasBitmap, &rect, fontTexture.texture); glyphsTextureMap[(*i).key] = fontTexture; delete (*i).bitmap; (*i).bitmap = nullptr; } // CreateAtlasOpenglTexture unsigned int ogltexture = GenerateOpenglBitmap(*atlasBitmap, false, false); tex = new Texture(); tex->textureId = ogltexture; tex->name = configFileName; tex->height = atlasBitmap->GetHeight(); tex->width = atlasBitmap->GetWidth(); for (auto i = glyphsTextureMap.begin(); i != glyphsTextureMap.end(); i++) { (*i).second.texture.textureId = ogltexture; } glyphsBitmapList.clear(); glyphAtlas.GetAtlas()->Save(configFileName+".png"); glyphAtlas.Remove(); return true; }
unsigned int GenerateOpenglBitmap(Bitmap &bitmap, bool smoothing, bool mipmap) { unsigned int glBitmap = 0; glGenTextures(1, &glBitmap); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, glBitmap); // Когда картинка будет увеличиваться(нет большей Мипмапы), используем LINEAR фильтрацию glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, smoothing ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST); if(mipmap) { // Когда минимизируем — берем две ближних мипмапы и лиейно смешиваем цвета glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, smoothing ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST); } else { glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, smoothing ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST); } unsigned int format = bitmap.GetFormat(); unsigned int colorType = GL_RGB; switch (format) { case Bitmap::FORMAT_LUMINANCE: { colorType = GL_LUMINANCE; break; } case Bitmap::FORMAT_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: { colorType = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; break; } case Bitmap::FORMAT_RGB: { colorType = GL_RGB; break; } case Bitmap::FORMAT_RGBA: { colorType = GL_RGBA; break; } default: { //LOG(LOG_WARNING, "Generate GLBitmap. Не поддерживаемый тип цвета."); break; } } //glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, colorType, bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight(), 0, colorType, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmap.GetData()); //OPENGL_CHECK_ERRORS(); if(mipmap) { // Создаем сами мипмапы. glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D); //OPENGL_CHECK_ERRORS(); } return glBitmap; }
void DxStdMtl2::LoadTextureData(IHLSLCodeGenerator * codeGen) { Bitmap * bmap; BitmapInfo stBI; TimeValue t = GetCOREInterface()->GetTime(); int nWidth,nHeight; int numberOfTextures = elementContainer.NumberofElementsByType(EffectElements::kEleTex); for(int i=0; i<numberOfTextures;i++) { bool bBump; TextureElement * texEle = static_cast<TextureElement*>(elementContainer.GetElementByType(i,EffectElements::kEleTex)); TSTR mapType = texEle->GetMapName(); Texmap *texmap = codeGen->GetShaderDefinedTexmap(map,,bBump); if(texmap) { BMM_Color_64 *p; nWidth = nHeight = DIMDEFAULT; BitmapDimensions(nWidth,nHeight,texmap); // load and create the D3D texture; /* if(texmap->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0)) { BitmapTex *pBT; Bitmap *pTex; pBT = (BitmapTex *)texmap; pTex = pBT->GetBitmap(t); if (pTex) { nWidth = getClosestPowerOf2(pTex->Width()); nHeight = getClosestPowerOf2(pTex->Height()); } } */ stBI.SetType(BMM_TRUE_32); stBI.SetWidth(nWidth); stBI.SetHeight(nHeight); bmap = TheManager->Create(&stBI); if (bmap) { // LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 pRenderTex = texEle->GetD3DTexture(); texmap->RenderBitmap(t, bmap, MAPSCALE3D * 2.0f); p = new BMM_Color_64[nWidth*nHeight]; for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; y++) bmap->GetLinearPixels(0, y, nWidth, p + y * nWidth); if(texEle->pTex) { D3DSURFACE_DESC stLD; texEle->pTex->GetLevelDesc(0, &stLD); if (stLD.Width != nWidth || stLD.Height != nHeight) { SAFE_RELEASE(texEle->pTex); } } if(!texEle->pTex) pd3dDevice->CreateTexture(nWidth,nHeight, 0,D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&texEle->pTex, NULL); if(texEle->pTex) { PIXELFMT *pT; D3DLOCKED_RECT stLR; texEle->pTex->LockRect(0, &stLR, 0, 0); pT = (PIXELFMT *)stLR.pBits; for (int i = 0; i < nWidth * nHeight; i++) { pT[i].r = p[i].r >> 8; pT[i].g = p[i].g >> 8; pT[i].b = p[i].b >> 8; pT[i].a = p[i].a >> 8; } texEle->pTex->UnlockRect(0); if(bBump && texmap->ClassID() != GNORMAL_CLASS_ID) { // LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 normalTex = texEle->GetD3DBumpTexture(); if(texEle->pBumpTex) { D3DSURFACE_DESC stLD; texEle->pBumpTex->GetLevelDesc(0, &stLD); if (stLD.Width != nWidth || stLD.Height != nHeight) { SAFE_RELEASE(texEle->pBumpTex); } } if(!texEle->pBumpTex) pd3dDevice->CreateTexture(nWidth,nHeight, 0,D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&texEle->pBumpTex, NULL); D3DXComputeNormalMap(texEle->pBumpTex,texEle->pTex,NULL, NULL, D3DX_CHANNEL_RED,30.0f); if(texEle->GetParamHandle()) { pEffectParser->LoadTexture(texEle->pBumpTex, texEle->GetParameterName()); // pEffect->SetTexture(texEle->GetParamHandle(),texEle->pBumpTex); // D3DXSaveTextureToFile("c:\\temp\\", D3DXIFF_DDS, texEle->pBumpTex, NULL); SAFE_RELEASE(texEle->pBumpTex); } } else { if(texEle->GetParamHandle()) { pEffectParser->LoadTexture(texEle->pTex, texEle->GetParameterName()); // pEffect->SetTexture(texEle->GetParamHandle(),texEle->pTex); // D3DXSaveTextureToFile("c:\\temp\\", D3DXIFF_DDS, texEle->pTex, NULL); SAFE_RELEASE(texEle->pTex); } } } bmap->DeleteThis(); } delete p; } else {