Esempio n. 1
QModelIndexList BtTreeModel::allChildren(QModelIndex ndx)
   QModelIndexList leafNodes;
   QList<BtTreeItem*> folders;
   int i;

   // Don't send an invalid index or something that isn't a folder
   if ( ! ndx.isValid() || type(ndx) != BtTreeItem::FOLDER )
      return leafNodes;

   BtTreeItem* start = item(ndx);

   while ( ! folders.isEmpty() )
      BtTreeItem* target = folders.takeFirst();

      for (i=0; i < target->childCount(); ++i)
         BtTreeItem* next = target->child(i);
         // If a folder, push it onto the folders stack for later processing
         if ( next->type() == BtTreeItem::FOLDER ) 
         else // Leafnode
   return leafNodes;
Esempio n. 2
QModelIndex BtTreeModel::createFolderTree( QStringList dirs, BtTreeItem* parent, QString pPath)
   BtTreeItem* pItem = parent;

   // Start the loop. We are going to return ndx at the end, 
   // so we need to declare and initialize outside of the loop
   QModelIndex ndx = createIndex(pItem->childCount(),0,pItem);

   // Need to call this because we are adding different things with different
   // column counts. Just using the rowsAboutToBeAdded throws ugly errors and
   // then a sigsegv
   emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
   foreach ( QString cur, dirs )
      QString fPath;
      BtFolder* temp = new BtFolder();
      int i;

      // If the parent item is a folder, use its full path
      if ( pItem->type() == BtTreeItem::FOLDER )
         fPath = pItem->folder()->fullPath() % "/" % cur;
         fPath = pPath % "/" % cur; // If it isn't we need the parent path

      fPath.replace(QRegExp("//"), "/");

      // Set the full path, which will set the name and the path
      i = pItem->childCount();

      pItem->insertChildren(i, 1, BtTreeItem::FOLDER);
      pItem->child(i)->setData(BtTreeItem::FOLDER, temp);

      // Insert the item into the tree. If it fails, bug out
      //if ( ! insertRow(i, ndx, temp, BtTreeItem::FOLDER) )
      //   emit layoutChanged();
      //   return QModelIndex();

      // Set the parent item to point to the newly created tree
      pItem = pItem->child(i);

      // And this for the return
      ndx = createIndex(pItem->childCount(), 0, pItem);
Esempio n. 3
bool BtTreeModel::renameFolder(BtFolder* victim, QString newName)
   QModelIndex ndx = findFolder(victim->fullPath(), 0, false);
   QModelIndex pInd; 
   QString targetPath = newName % "/" % victim->name();
   QPair<QString,BtTreeItem*> f;
   QList<QPair<QString, BtTreeItem*> > folders;
   // This space is important       ^
   int i, kids,src;

   if ( ! ndx.isValid() )
      return false;

   pInd = parent(ndx);
   if ( ! pInd.isValid() )
      return false;

   BtTreeItem* start = item(ndx);
   f.first  = targetPath;
   f.second = start;


   while ( ! folders.isEmpty() )
      // This looks weird, but it is needed for later
      f = folders.takeFirst();
      targetPath = f.first;
      BtTreeItem* target = f.second;

      // As we move things, childCount changes. This makes sure we loop
      // through all of the kids
      kids = target->childCount();
      src = 0;
      // Ok. We have a start and an index.
      for (i=0; i < kids; ++i)
         // This looks weird and it is. As we move children out, the 0 items
         // changes to the next child. In the case of a folder, though, we
         // don't move it, so we need to get the item beyond that.
         BtTreeItem* next = target->child(src);
         // If a folder, push it onto the folders stack for latter processing
         if ( next->type() == BtTreeItem::FOLDER ) 
            QPair<QString,BtTreeItem*> newTarget;
            newTarget.first = targetPath % "/" % next->name();
            newTarget.second = next;
         else // Leafnode
   // Last thing is to remove the victim. 
   i = start->childNumber();
   return removeRows(i, 1, pInd); 
Esempio n. 4
// The actual magic shouldn't be hard. Once we trap the signal, find the
// recipe, remove it from the parent and add it to the target folder.
// It is not easy. Indexes are ephemeral things. We MUST calculate the insert
// index after we have removed the recipe. BAD THINGS happen otherwise.
void BtTreeModel::folderChanged(QString name)
   BeerXMLElement* test = qobject_cast<BeerXMLElement*>(sender());
   QModelIndex ndx, pIndex;
   bool expand = true;

   if ( ! test )

   // Find it.
   ndx = findElement(test);
   if ( ! ndx.isValid() )
      Brewtarget::logW("folderChanged:: could not find element");

   pIndex = parent(ndx); // Get the parent
   // If the parent isn't valid, its the root
   if ( ! pIndex.isValid() )
      pIndex = createIndex(0,0,rootItem->child(0));
   int i = item(ndx)->childNumber();

   // Remove it
   if ( ! removeRows(i, 1, pIndex) )
      Brewtarget::logW("folderChanged:: could not remove row");

   // Find the new parent
   // That's awkward, but dropping a folder prolly does need a the folder
   // created.
   QModelIndex newNdx = findFolder(test->folder(), rootItem->child(0), true);
   if ( ! newNdx.isValid() )
      newNdx = createIndex(0,0,rootItem->child(0));
      expand = false;
   BtTreeItem* local = item(newNdx);
   int j = local->childCount();

   if ( !  insertRow(j,newNdx,test,_type) )
      Brewtarget::logW("folderChanged:: could not insert row");
   // If we have brewnotes, set them up here.
   if ( treeMask & RECIPEMASK )

   if ( expand )
      emit expandFolder(treeMask,newNdx);
Esempio n. 5
void BtTreeModel::loadTreeModel()
   int i;

   QModelIndex ndxLocal;
   BtTreeItem* local = 0;
   QList<BeerXMLElement*> elems = elements();

   foreach( BeerXMLElement* elem, elems )

      if (! elem->folder().isEmpty() )
         ndxLocal = findFolder( elem->folder(), rootItem->child(0), true );
         // I cannot imagine this failing, but what the hell
         if ( ! ndxLocal.isValid() )
            Brewtarget::logW("Invalid return from findFolder in loadTreeModel()");
         local = item(ndxLocal);
         i = local->childCount();
         local = rootItem->child(0);
         i = local->childCount();
         ndxLocal = createIndex(i,0,local);

      if ( ! insertRow(i,ndxLocal,elem,_type) )
         Brewtarget::logW("Insert failed in loadTreeModel()");

      // If we have brewnotes, set them up here.
      if ( treeMask & RECIPEMASK )
Esempio n. 6
QModelIndex BtTreeModel::first()
   QModelIndex parent;
   BtTreeItem* pItem; 

   // get the first item in the list, which is the place holder
   pItem = rootItem->child(0);
   if ( pItem->childCount() > 0 )
      return createIndex(0,0,pItem->child(0));

   return QModelIndex();
Esempio n. 7
bool BtTreeModel::renameFolder(BtFolder* victim, QString newName)
   QModelIndex ndx = findFolder(victim->fullPath(), 0, false);
   QModelIndex pInd; 
   QString targetPath = newName % "/" % victim->name();
   QPair<QString,BtTreeItem*> f;
   QList<QPair<QString, BtTreeItem*> > folders;
   // This space is important       ^
   int i;

   if ( ! ndx.isValid() )
      return false;

   pInd = parent(ndx);
   if ( ! pInd.isValid() )
      return false;

   BtTreeItem* start = item(ndx);
   f.first  = targetPath;
   f.second = start;


   while ( ! folders.isEmpty() )
      // This looks weird, but it is needed for later
      f = folders.takeFirst();
      targetPath = f.first;
      BtTreeItem* target = f.second;

      // Ok. We have a start and an index.
      for (i=0; i < target->childCount(); ++i)
         BtTreeItem* next = target->child(i);
         // If a folder, push it onto the folders stack for latter processing
         if ( next->type() == BtTreeItem::FOLDER ) 
            QPair<QString,BtTreeItem*> newTarget;
            newTarget.first = targetPath % "/" % next->name();
            newTarget.second = next;
         else // Leafnode
   // Last thing is to remove the victim. 
   i = start->childNumber();
   return removeRows(i, 1, pInd); 
Esempio n. 8
// One find method for all things. This .. is nice
QModelIndex BtTreeModel::findElement(BeerXMLElement* thing, BtTreeItem* parent)
   BtTreeItem* pItem;
   QModelIndex pIndex;
   QList<BtTreeItem*> folders;

   int i;

   if ( parent == NULL )
      pItem = rootItem->child(0);
      pItem = parent;

   if (! thing )
      return createIndex(0,0,pItem);


   // Recursion. Wonderful.
   while ( ! folders.isEmpty() )
      BtTreeItem* target = folders.takeFirst();
      for(i=0; i < target->childCount(); ++i)
         // If we've found what we are looking for, return
         if ( target->child(i)->thing() == thing )
            return createIndex(i,0,target->child(i));

         // If we have a folder, or we are looking for a brewnote and have a
         // recipe in hand, push the child onto the stack
         if ( target->child(i)->type() == BtTreeItem::FOLDER ||
              (qobject_cast<BrewNote*>(thing) && target->child(i)->type() == BtTreeItem::RECIPE ) )
   return QModelIndex();