bool CKLBUIScore::initUI(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); // 引数の数が合わない場合 if(argc < ARG_REQUIRE || argc > ARG_NUMS) { return false; } float x = lua.getFloat(ARG_X); float y = lua.getFloat(ARG_Y); u32 order = lua.getInt(ARG_ORDER); s32 order_offset = lua.getInt(ARG_ODOFF); float stepX = lua.getFloat(ARG_STEP_X); float stepY = lua.getFloat(ARG_STEP_Y); int column = lua.getInt(ARG_COLS); bool fillzero = lua.getBool(ARG_FILLZERO); bool anim_flag = lua.getBool(ARG_ANIM); int align = (argc >= ARG_ALIGN) ? lua.getInt(ARG_ALIGN) : ALIGN_RIGHT; bool countclip = (argc >= ARG_COUNTCLIP) ? lua.getBool(ARG_COUNTCLIP) : false; const char * tex_list[10]; lua.retValue(ARG_TEXTBL); // 対象となる配列をスタックトップに積む lua.retNil(); // nil をスタックトップに積む int tex_cnt = 0; while(lua.tableNext()) { lua.retValue(-2); int idx = lua.getInt(-1) - 1; // Lua配列の添え字は1からなので、-1する。 const char * str = lua.getString(-1); // 与えられた配列のindexに整数以外が使われているときや、 // 範囲を超えたものがある場合はエラー扱いとする。 klb_assert((idx >= 0 && idx <= 9), "BAD INDEX [%s] in texture array.", str); if(idx < 0 || idx > 9) { // 数値以外のインデックスが指定されていたり、範囲を超えている場合 return false; } const char * texname = lua.getString(-2); // テクスチャ名称が格納されている。 tex_list[idx] = texname; tex_cnt++; lua.pop(2); } lua.pop(1); // テクスチャの数が足りなければエラーとする。 if(tex_cnt != 10) { klb_assert(tex_cnt == 10, "%s(%d): The number of textures is insufficient. ", lua.getScriptName(), lua.getNumLine()); return false; } return initCore(order, order_offset, x, y, tex_list, stepX, stepY, column, fillzero, anim_flag, align, countclip); }
int CKLBGenericTask::commandScript(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); if(argc < 2) { lua.retBoolean(false); return 1; } int cmd = lua.getInt(2); int ret = 1; switch(cmd) { default: { lua.retBoolean(false); ret = 1; } break; case GENERIC_STOP_EXECUTE: { KLBDELETEA(m_luaFuncExec); m_luaFuncExec = NULL; lua.retBoolean(true); ret = 1; } break; } return ret; }
bool CKLBUIMultiImgItem::getImgList(CLuaState& lua, IMGITEM* items, u32 /*max*/) { CKLBRenderingManager& rdr = CKLBRenderingManager::getInstance(); lua.retNil(); while(lua.tableNext()) { lua.retValue(-2); int idx = lua.getInt(-1) - 1; const char * name = lua.getString(-2); lua.pop(2); u32 handle; CKLBAsset * pAsset = CKLBUtility::loadAsset(name, &handle, NULL); if(pAsset->getAssetType() == ASSET_IMAGE) { CKLBSprite* pRender = rdr.allocateCommandSprite((CKLBImageAsset*)pAsset,m_order); items[idx].handle = handle; items[idx].sprite = pRender; } } return true; }
int CKLBUIMultiImgItem::commandUI(CLuaState& lua, int argc, int cmd) { int ret = 0; switch(cmd) { default: { lua.retBoolean(false); ret = 1; } break; case UI_MULTIIMG_SET_INDEX: { if(argc != 3) { lua.retBoolean(false); ret = 1; break; } int idx = lua.getInt(3); // 指定されたindexが有効な範囲に収まらなければ、何もせずfalseを返す int max = m_idxMax; if(idx > max || idx < 0) { lua.retBoolean(false); ret = 1; break; } setIndex(idx); lua.retBoolean(true); ret = 1; } break; } return ret; }
int CKLBLifeCtrlTask::commandScript(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); if(argc < 2) { lua.retBoolean(false); return 1; } int cmd = lua.getInt(2); int ret = 1; switch(cmd) { default: { lua.retBoolean(false); ret = 1; } break; case LIFECTRL_ADD_CHILD: { if(argc != 3) { lua.retBoolean(false); ret = 1; break; } CKLBTask * pTask = (CKLBTask *)lua.getPointer(3); child(pTask); // 自身の子として登録 } break; } return ret; }
int CKLBUITouchPad::commandScript(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); if(argc < 2) { lua.retBool(false); return 1; } int cmd = lua.getInt(2); int ret = 1; switch(cmd) { default: { lua.retBool(false); ret = 1; } break; case UI_TOUCHPAD_SET_GROUP: { bool result = false; if(argc == 3) { const char * group_name = lua.getString(3); result = setGroup(group_name); } lua.retBoolean(result); ret = 1; } break; case UI_TOUCHPAD_LOCK: { bool result = false; if(argc == 3) { bool lock_mode = lua.getBool(3); lock(lock_mode); result = true; } lua.retBoolean(true); ret = 1; } break; case UI_TOUCHPAD_GET_ALL: { bool result = false; if(argc == 3) { setGetAll(lua.getBool(3)); result = true; } lua.retBoolean(result); ret = 1; } break; } return ret; }
bool CKLBUISimpleItem::initUI(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); if(argc < ARG_REQUIRE || argc > ARG_NUMS) { return false; } float x = lua.getFloat(ARG_X); float y = lua.getFloat(ARG_Y); return initCore(lua.getInt(ARG_ORDER),x,y,lua.getString(ARG_ASSET)); }
bool CKLBUIMultiImgItem::initUI(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); if(argc < ARG_REQUIRE || argc > ARG_NUMS) return false; float x = lua.getFloat(ARG_X); float y = lua.getFloat(ARG_Y); u32 order = lua.getInt(ARG_ORDER); u32 idxImg = (argc >= ARG_INDEX) ? lua.getInt(ARG_INDEX) : 0; // asset list を取得 lua.retValue(ARG_ASSET_LIST); // 要素の数を数える int max = 0; lua.retNil(); // Read indexes and count entries. while(lua.tableNext()) { lua.retValue(-2); int idx = lua.getInt(-1); if(max < idx) max = idx; lua.pop(2); } IMGITEM* items = KLBNEWA(IMGITEM, max); if(!items) { return false; } // Reset all handle to NULL for(int idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) { items[idx].handle = 0; items[idx].sprite = NULL; } m_order = order; // Needed for getImgList if(!getImgList(lua,items,max)) { return false; } return initCore(order, x,y,idxImg,items,max); }
int CKLBLuaLibMatrix::getVectorNums(CLuaState& lua) { int idx = 0; lua.retNil(); while(lua.tableNext()) { lua.retValue(-2); int v = lua.getInt(-1); if(v > idx) idx = v; lua.pop(2); } return idx; // 最大のindex値 }
void CKLBLuaLibMatrix::getVectorArray(CLuaState& lua, VECTOR * vec, int /*nums*/) { lua.retNil(); while(lua.tableNext()) { lua.retValue(-2); int idx = lua.getInt(-1) - 1; lua.retValue(-2); getVector(lua, &vec[idx]); lua.pop(3); } }
bool CKLBFormIF::updateUIElement(CLuaState& lua, int argc, int base, int subcmd, CKLBNode * pNode, int& ret, void * item, int index) { CKLBUIElement * pElement = (CKLBUIElement *)pNode; bool result = true; switch(subcmd) { default: { result = updateStandardNode(lua, argc, base, subcmd, pNode, ret, item, index); } break; case FORM_UIE_SET_ENABLED: { if(argc != base + 1) { result = false; break; } bool enable = lua.getBool(base + 1); pElement->setEnabled(enable); } break; case FORM_UIE_GET_ENABLED: { if(argc != base) { result = false; break; } bool enable = pElement->isEnabled(); lua.retBoolean(enable); ret = 1; } break; case FORM_UIE_SET_ASSET: { if(argc != base + 2) { result = false; break; } const char * asset = (!lua.isNil(base + 1)) ? lua.getString(base + 1) : NULL; const int mode = lua.getInt(base + 2); CKLBAsset * pAsset = updateAsset(lua, pElement, asset, (CKLBUIElement::ASSET_TYPE)mode, item); bool result = (!pAsset) ? false : true; lua.retBoolean(result); ret = 1; } break; } return result; }
bool CKLBGenericTask::initScript(CLuaState &lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); if(argc < ARGS_REQUIRE || argc > ARGS_MAX) { return false; } const char * name_exec = lua.getString(ARGS_EXEC); const char * name_die = lua.getString(ARGS_DIE); const char * arr_index = lua.getString(ARGS_ARRAY); CKLBTask::TASK_PHASE phase = (CKLBTask::TASK_PHASE)((argc >= ARGS_PHASE) ? lua.getInt(ARGS_PHASE) : P_NORMAL); CKLBTask * pParent = (argc >= ARGS_PARENT) ? (CKLBTask *)lua.getPointer(ARGS_PARENT) : NULL; return init(pParent, phase, name_exec, name_die, arr_index); }
bool CKLBFormIF::updateUIContainer(CLuaState& lua, int argc, int base, int subcmd, CKLBNode * pNode, int& ret, void * item, int index) { CKLBUIContainer * pCont = (CKLBUIContainer *)pNode; bool result = true; switch(subcmd) { default: { result = updateUIElement(lua, argc, base, subcmd, pNode, ret, item, index); } break; case FORM_CONT_VIEWOFFSET: { if(argc != base + 2) { result = false; break; } s32 offX = lua.getInt(base + 1); s32 offY = lua.getInt(base + 2); pCont->setViewOffsetX(offX); pCont->setViewOffsetY(offY); } break; case FORM_CONT_GET_RADIO_VALUE: { if(argc != base) { result = false; break; } u32 value = pCont->getRadioValue(); lua.retInt(value); ret = 1; } break; } return result; }
int CKLBUIControl::commandScript(CLuaState& lua) { int argc = lua.numArgs(); if(argc < 2) { lua.retBoolean(false); return 1; } int ret = 1; int cmd = lua.getInt(2); switch(cmd) { default: { ret = 1; lua.retBoolean(false); } break; case UI_CONTROL_ON_PINCH: { ret = 1; if(argc != 3) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } const char * onPinch = lua.getString(3); if(!onPinch) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } m_onPinch = CKLBUtility::copyString(onPinch); if(!onPinch) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } lua.retBoolean(true); } break; case UI_CONTROL_ON_DBLCLICK: { ret = 1; if(argc != 3) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } const char * onDblClick = lua.getString(3); if(!onDblClick) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } setOnDblClick(onDblClick); if(!onDblClick) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } lua.retBoolean(true); } break; case UI_CONTROL_ON_LONGTAP: { ret = 1; if(argc != 3) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } const char * onLongTap = lua.getString(3); setOnLongTap(onLongTap); if(!onLongTap) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } lua.retBoolean(true); } break; case UI_CONTROL_ON_RAWEVENT: { ret = 1; if(argc != 3) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } const char * onRawEvent = lua.getString(3); setOnEventRaw(onRawEvent); if(!onRawEvent) { lua.retBoolean(false); break; } lua.retBoolean(true); } break; case UI_CONTROL_SET_GROUP: { bool result = false; if(argc == 3) { const char * group_name = lua.getString(3); ret = setGroup(group_name); } lua.retBoolean(result); ret = 1; } break; /* case UI_CONTROL_LOCK: { bool result = false; if(argc == 3) { bool lock_mode = lua.getBool(3); lock(lock_mode); result = true; } lua.retBoolean(result); ret = 1; } break; */ case UI_CONTROL_SET_MASK: { bool result = false; if(argc == 3) { u16 mask = lua.getInt(3); m_callbackMask = mask; result = true; } lua.retBoolean(result); ret = 1; } break; case UI_CONTROL_GET_ALL: { bool result = false; if(argc == 3) { setGetAll(lua.getBool(3)); result = true; } lua.retBoolean(result); ret = 1; } break; } return ret; }
bool CKLBFormIF::updateStandardNode(CLuaState& lua, int argc, int base, int subcmd, CKLBNode * pNode, int& ret, void * /*item*/, int index) { bool result = true; switch(subcmd) { default: { result = false; } break; case FORM_NODE_POINTER: { if(argc != base) { lua.retNil(); ret = 1; break; } lua.retPointer(pNode); ret = 1; } break; case FORM_NODE_RECURSIVE: { if(argc != base + 1) { result = false; break; } const char * funcname = lua.getString(base + 1); // コールバック名の取得 result = nodeRecursive(lua, funcname, pNode, index); } break; case FORM_NODE_TRANS: { if(argc != (base + 2)) { result = false; break; } float x = lua.getFloat(base + 1); float y = lua.getFloat(base + 2); CKLBUITask* pTask = pNode->getUITask(); if (pTask) { // Change next frame or current frame. if(pTask->isNewScriptModel()) { pTask->setX(x); pTask->setY(y); } else { int idxX = pTask->findProperty("x"); int idxY = idxX + 1; pTask->setNum(idxX, x); pTask->setNum(idxY, y); } // Trick: we modify directly the node AND change the property. // If another property is modified later, it will force the value to be used. // ==> Do not execute pTask->setInnerUpdate(); } // But changes also RIGHT AWAY pNode->setTranslate(x, y); } break; case FORM_NODE_SCALE: { if(argc != base + 2) { result = false; break; } float scaleX = lua.getFloat(base + 1); float scaleY = lua.getFloat(base + 2); CKLBUITask* pTask = pNode->getUITask(); if (pTask) { if(pTask->isNewScriptModel()) { pTask->setScaleX(scaleX); pTask->setScaleY(scaleY); } else { int idxX = pTask->findProperty("scaleX"); int idxY = idxX + 1; pTask->setNum(idxX, scaleX); pTask->setNum(idxY, scaleY); } // Trick: we modify directly the node AND change the property. // If another property is modified later, it will force the value to be used. // ==> Do not execute pTask->setInnerUpdate(); } pNode->setScale(scaleX, scaleY); } break; case FORM_NODE_ROT: { if(argc != base + 1) { result = false; break; } float rot = lua.getFloat(base + 1); CKLBUITask* pTask = pNode->getUITask(); if (pTask) { if(pTask->isNewScriptModel()) { pTask->setRotation(rot); } else { int idxRot = pTask->findProperty("rot"); pTask->setNum(idxRot, rot); } pTask->setInnerUpdate(); // Trick: we modify directly the node AND change the property. // If another property is modified later, it will force the value to be used. // ==> Do not execute pTask->setInnerUpdate(); } pNode->setRotation(rot); } break; case FORM_NODE_COLOR: { if(argc != base + 2) { result = false; break; } u32 alpha = lua.getInt(base + 1); u32 rgb = lua.getInt(base + 2); CKLBUITask* pTask = pNode->getUITask(); if (pTask) { if(pTask->isNewScriptModel()) { pTask->setAlpha(alpha); pTask->setArgb(rgb); } else { int idxcol = pTask->findProperty("alpha"); // Color just after ! pTask->setInt(idxcol, alpha); pTask->setInt(idxcol+1, rgb); } pTask->setInnerUpdate(); } SColorVector color; color.m_type = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int col = 0xff & (rgb >> (16 - 8 * i)); color.m_vector[i] = col / 255.0f; } color.m_vector[3] = (alpha & 0xff) / 255.0f; pNode->setColorMatrix(color); } break; case FORM_NODE_VISIBLE: { if(argc != base + 1) { result = false; break; } bool visible = lua.getBool(base + 1); CKLBUITask* pTask = pNode->getUITask(); if (pTask) { pTask->setVisible(visible); } else { pNode->setVisible(visible); } } break; case FORM_NODE_ORDER: { if(argc != base + 1) { result = false; break; } int order = lua.getInt(base + 1); CKLBUITask* pTask = pNode->getUITask(); if (pTask) { if(pTask->isNewScriptModel()) { pTask->setOrder(order); pTask->setInnerUpdate(); } else { int idx_order = pTask->findProperty("order"); if (idx_order >= 0) { pTask->setInt(idx_order, order); pTask->setInnerUpdate(); } } } pNode->setPriority(order); pNode->markUpMatrix(); } break; case FORM_NODE_GET_ORDER: { if(argc != base) { result = false; break; } int order; CKLBUITask* pTask = pNode->getUITask(); if (pTask) { if(pTask->isNewScriptModel()) { order = pTask->getOrder(); } else { int idx_order = pTask->findProperty("order"); if (idx_order >= 0) { order = pTask->getInt(idx_order); } else { order = 0; } } } else { order = pNode->getPriority(); } lua.retInt(order); ret = 1; } break; case FORM_NODE_TASK: { if(argc != base) { result = false; break; } CKLBUITask * pTask = pNode->getUITask(); if(!pTask) { lua.retNil(); } else { lua.retPointer(pTask); } ret = 1; } break; } return result; }
bool CKLBLifeCtrlTask::initScript(CLuaState& lua) { return init(NULL,lua.getInt(1),lua.getInt(2)); }
int CKLBUIScore::commandUI(CLuaState& lua, int argc, int cmd) { int ret = 0; switch(cmd) { case UI_SCORE_RESET: setValue(0); m_bScoreUpdate = true; break; case UI_SCORE_SET: { if(argc != 3) { lua.retNil(); ret = 1; break; } int value = lua.getInt(3); if(m_bCountClip && value >= m_maxvalue) value = m_maxvalue - 1; setValue(value); } break; case UI_SCORE_SETFLOAT: { if(argc != 4) { lua.retNil(); ret = 1; break; } float value = lua.getFloat(3); int pos = lua.getInt(4); if(m_bCountClip && value >= m_maxvalue) value = m_maxvalue - 1; setValueFloat(value, pos); } break; case UI_SCORE_SETDOT: { if(argc != 5) { lua.retNil(); ret = 1; break; } setDot(lua.getString(3), lua.getInt(4), lua.getInt(5)); } break; case UI_SCORE_GET: { int value = getValue(); lua.retInt(value); ret = 1; } break; case UI_SCORE_ENTERANIM: { if(argc != 8) { lua.retBoolean(false); ret = 1; break; } s32 mspt = lua.getInt(3); s32 tshift = lua.getInt(4); bool onlychg = lua.getBool(5); int type = lua.getInt(6); u32 affected = lua.getInt(7); float mat[8]; klb_assert(type > 0, "UI_Score: UI_SCORE_ENTERANIM type == 0"); // 配列を読む lua.retValue(8); lua.retNil(); while(lua.tableNext()) { lua.retValue(-2); int idx = lua.getInt(-1) - 1; klb_assert((idx >= 0 && idx < 8), "%s(%d): bad array index. UI_SCORE_ENTERANIM", lua.getScriptName(), lua.getNumLine()); mat[idx] = lua.getFloat(-2); lua.pop(2); } lua.pop(1); klb_assert(type != 0, "Custom animation is not authorized (type 0)"); m_pScoreNode->setEnterAnimation(mspt, tshift, onlychg, type, affected, mat); } break; case UI_SCORE_EXITANIM: { if(argc != 8) { lua.retBoolean(false); ret = 1; break; } s32 mspt = lua.getInt(3); s32 tshift = lua.getInt(4); bool onlychg = lua.getBool(5); int type = lua.getInt(6); u32 affected = lua.getInt(7); float mat[4]; klb_assert(type > 0, "UI_Score: UI_SCORE_ENTERANIM type == 0"); // 配列を読む lua.retValue(8); lua.retNil(); while(lua.tableNext()) { lua.retValue(-2); int idx = lua.getInt(-1) - 1; mat[idx] = lua.getFloat(-2); lua.pop(2); } lua.pop(1); klb_assert(type != 0, "Custom animation is not authorized (type 0)"); m_pScoreNode->setExitAnimation(mspt, tshift, onlychg, type, affected, mat); } break; case UI_SCORE_ALIGN: { bool bResult = false; if(argc == 3) { int align = lua.getInt(3); setAlign(align); bResult = true; } lua.retBool(bResult); ret = 1; } break; } return ret; }
bool CKLBFormIF::updateUISelectable(CLuaState& lua, int argc, int base, int subcmd, CKLBNode * pNode, int& ret, void * item, int index) { CKLBUISelectable * pSelectable = (CKLBUISelectable *)pNode; bool result = true; switch(subcmd) { default: { // selectable専用コマンドに該当しなければ Element として処理する result = updateUIElement(lua, argc, base, subcmd, pNode, ret, item, index); } break; case FORM_UIS_SET_CLICK: { if(argc != 8) { result = false; break; } s32 x = lua.getInt(base + 1); s32 y = lua.getInt(base + 2); s32 width = lua.getInt(base + 3); s32 height = lua.getInt(base + 4); pSelectable->setClickLeft(x); pSelectable->setClickTop(y); pSelectable->setClickWidth(width); pSelectable->setClickHeight(height); } break; case FORM_UIS_SET_STICK: { if(argc != base + 1) { result = false; break; } bool stick = lua.getBool(base + 1); pSelectable->setSticked(stick); } break; case FORM_UIS_SET_RADIO: { if(argc != base + 1) { result = false; break; } int radioID = lua.getInt(base + 1); pSelectable->setRadio(radioID); } break; case FORM_UIS_GET_STICK: { if(argc != base) { result = false; break; } bool sticked = pSelectable->isSticked(); lua.retBoolean(sticked); ret = 1; } break; case FORM_UIS_SET_CALLBACK: { if(argc != base + 1) { result = false; break; } const char* newFct = NULL; if (lua.isString(base+1)) { newFct = lua.getString(base + 1); } pSelectable->setLuaFunction(newFct); } break; } return result; }