Esempio n. 1
void CELF2ELF<ELFSTRUCTURES>::MakeBinaryFile() {

   uint32 SectionNumber;               // Section number
   CMemoryBuffer NewSectionHeaders;    // Temporary storage of section headers

   // Copy file header
   ToFile.Push(this->Buf(), sizeof(TELF_Header));

   // Copy program header if any
   if (this->FileHeader.e_phnum) {
      ToFile.Push(this->Buf() + this->FileHeader.e_phoff, this->FileHeader.e_phentsize * this->FileHeader.e_phnum);
      ((TELF_Header*)ToFile.Buf())->e_phoff = sizeof(TELF_Header);

   // Copy section data
   uint32 SectionHeaderOffset = uint32(this->FileHeader.e_shoff);
   TELF_SectionHeader sheader;                     // Section header

   // Loop through sections
   for (SectionNumber = 0; SectionNumber < this->NSections; SectionNumber++, SectionHeaderOffset += this->FileHeader.e_shentsize) {

      // Get section header
      //sheader = this->Get<TELF_SectionHeader>(SectionHeaderOffset);
      // Some compilers fail with the double template here. Avoid the template:
      sheader = *(TELF_SectionHeader*)(this->Buf() + SectionHeaderOffset);

      // Check for null section
      if (SectionNumber == 0 && sheader.sh_type != 0) {
         // First section must be null
         err.submit(2036, 0);

      // Align

      // Check for sections that have been modified
      if (SectionNumber == isymtab[0]) {
         // Static symbol table .symtab
         sheader.sh_offset = ToFile.Push(NewSymbolTable[0].Buf(), NewSymbolTable[0].GetDataSize());
         sheader.sh_size = NewSymbolTable[0].GetDataSize();
         sheader.sh_info = FirstGlobalSymbol;
      else if (SectionNumber == isymtab[1]) {
         // Dynamic symbol table .dynsym
         sheader.sh_offset = ToFile.Push(NewSymbolTable[1].Buf(), NewSymbolTable[1].GetDataSize());
         sheader.sh_size = NewSymbolTable[1].GetDataSize();
      else if (SectionNumber == istrtab[0]) {
         // Symbol string table .strtab
         sheader.sh_offset = ToFile.Push(NewStringTable[0].Buf(), NewStringTable[0].GetDataSize());
         sheader.sh_size = NewStringTable[0].GetDataSize();
      else if (SectionNumber == istrtab[1] && SectionNumber != istrtab[0]) {
         // Dynamic symbol string table if different from .strtab
         sheader.sh_offset = ToFile.Push(NewStringTable[1].Buf(), NewStringTable[1].GetDataSize());
         sheader.sh_size = NewStringTable[1].GetDataSize();
      else if (SectionNumber == istrtab[2]) {
         // Section name string table .shstrtab
         sheader.sh_offset = ToFile.Push(NewStringTable[2].Buf(), NewStringTable[2].GetDataSize());
         sheader.sh_size = NewStringTable[2].GetDataSize();
      else {
         // Any other section (including istrtab[3] = .stabstr)
         sheader.sh_offset = ToFile.Push(this->Buf() + (uint32)sheader.sh_offset, (uint32)sheader.sh_size);

      // Store section header
      NewSectionHeaders.Push(&sheader, sizeof(sheader));

   } // End of section loop

   // Align

   // Store section headers
   uint32 SectionHeadersOffset = ToFile.Push(NewSectionHeaders.Buf(), NewSectionHeaders.GetDataSize());

   // Update file header
   ((TELF_Header*)ToFile.Buf())->e_shoff = SectionHeadersOffset;
   ((TELF_Header*)ToFile.Buf())->e_shentsize = sizeof(TELF_SectionHeader);
   ((TELF_Header*)ToFile.Buf())->e_shnum = NewSectionHeaders.GetNumEntries();
   ((TELF_Header*)ToFile.Buf())->e_shstrndx = istrtab[2];