// Bounding box
CNewParticleEffect* CNewParticleEffect::ReplaceWith( const char *pParticleSystemName )
	StopEmission( false, true, true );
	if ( !pParticleSystemName || !pParticleSystemName[0] )
		return NULL;

	CSmartPtr< CNewParticleEffect > pNewEffect = CNewParticleEffect::Create( GetOwner(), pParticleSystemName, pParticleSystemName );
	if ( !pNewEffect->IsValid() )
		return pNewEffect.GetObject();

	// Copy over the control point data
	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLE_CONTROL_POINTS; ++i )
		if ( !ReadsControlPoint( i ) )

		Vector vecForward, vecRight, vecUp;
		pNewEffect->SetControlPoint( i, GetControlPointAtCurrentTime( i ) );
		GetControlPointOrientationAtCurrentTime( i, &vecForward, &vecRight, &vecUp );
		pNewEffect->SetControlPointOrientation( i, vecForward, vecRight, vecUp );
		pNewEffect->SetControlPointParent( i, GetControlPointParent( i ) );

	if ( !m_hOwner )
		return pNewEffect.GetObject();

	m_hOwner->ParticleProp()->ReplaceParticleEffect( this, pNewEffect.GetObject() );
	return pNewEffect.GetObject();
Esempio n. 2
static void PerformNewCustomEffects( const Vector &vecOrigin, trace_t &tr, const Vector &shotDir, int iMaterial, int iScale, int nFlags )
    bool bNoFlecks = !r_drawflecks.GetBool();
    if ( !bNoFlecks )
        bNoFlecks = ( ( nFlags & FLAGS_CUSTIOM_EFFECTS_NOFLECKS ) != 0  );

    // Compute the impact effect name
    const ImpactEffect_t &effect = s_pImpactEffect[ iMaterial - 'A' ];
    const char *pImpactName = effect.m_pName;
    if ( bNoFlecks && effect.m_pNameNoFlecks )
        pImpactName = effect.m_pNameNoFlecks;
    if ( !pImpactName )

    CSmartPtr<CNewParticleEffect> pEffect = CNewParticleEffect::Create( NULL, pImpactName );
    if ( !pEffect->IsValid() )

    Vector	vecReflect;
    float	flDot = DotProduct( shotDir, tr.plane.normal );
    VectorMA( shotDir, -2.0f * flDot, tr.plane.normal, vecReflect );

    Vector vecShotBackward;
    VectorMultiply( shotDir, -1.0f, vecShotBackward );

    Vector vecImpactPoint = ( tr.fraction != 1.0f ) ? tr.endpos : vecOrigin;
    // Other games round m_vOrigin to nearest integer, so I guess we can afford skipping this check.
    Assert( VectorsAreEqual( vecOrigin, tr.endpos, 1e-1 ) );
    SetImpactControlPoint( pEffect.GetObject(), 0, vecImpactPoint, tr.plane.normal, tr.m_pEnt );
    SetImpactControlPoint( pEffect.GetObject(), 1, vecImpactPoint, vecReflect,		tr.m_pEnt );
    SetImpactControlPoint( pEffect.GetObject(), 2, vecImpactPoint, vecShotBackward,	tr.m_pEnt );
    pEffect->SetControlPoint( 3, Vector( iScale, iScale, iScale ) );
    if ( pEffect->m_pDef->ReadsControlPoint( 4 ) )
        Vector vecColor;
        GetColorForSurface( &tr, &vecColor );
        pEffect->SetControlPoint( 4, vecColor );