Esempio n. 1
ALERROR CEventHandler::InitFromXML (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pDesc)

//	InitFromXML
//	Load all handlers

	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < pDesc->GetContentElementCount(); i++)
		CXMLElement *pHandler = pDesc->GetContentElement(i);
		ICCItem *pCode = g_pUniverse->GetCC().Link(pHandler->GetContentText(0), 0, NULL);
		if (pCode->IsError())
			Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst("<%s> event: %s", pHandler->GetTag(), pCode->GetStringValue());
			return ERR_FAIL;

		//	If this is an old extension, then make sure the code is not using the
		//	gStation variable, because we no longer support it

		if (Ctx.pExtension && Ctx.pExtension->dwVersion < 2)
			if (g_pUniverse->GetCC().HasIdentifier(pCode, CONSTLIT("gStation")))
				Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("gStation variable has been deprecated--use gSource instead.");
				return ERR_FAIL;

		//	Done

		m_Handlers.Insert(pHandler->GetTag(), pCode);

	return NOERROR;
Esempio n. 2
ALERROR CGameSettings::ParseCommandLine (char *pszCmdLine)

//	ParseCommandLine
//	Allow command line to override settings

	ALERROR error;
	int i;

	char *argv[2];
	argv[0] = "Transcendence";
	argv[1] = pszCmdLine;
	CXMLElement *pCmdLine;
	if (error = CreateXMLElementFromCommandLine(2, argv, &pCmdLine))
		return error;

	//	Loop over all command line arguments

	for (i = 0; i < COMMAND_LINE_DATA_COUNT; i++)
		bool bValue;
		if (pCmdLine->FindAttributeBool(CString(g_CommandLineData[i].pszParam, -1, true), &bValue))
			SetValueBoolean(g_CommandLineData[i].iOption, bValue);

	//	If we have an arg then use it as the save file name

	if (pCmdLine->GetContentElementCount() > 0)
		m_sSaveFile = pCmdLine->GetContentText(0);

	//	Done

	delete pCmdLine;

	return NOERROR;
ALERROR CLanguageDataBlock::InitFromXML (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pDesc)

//	InitFromXML
//	Initializes from an XML block

	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < pDesc->GetContentElementCount(); i++)
		CXMLElement *pItem = pDesc->GetContentElement(i);
		CString sID = pItem->GetAttribute(ID_ATTRIB);
		if (sID.IsBlank())
			Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Invalid id in <Language> block"));
			return ERR_FAIL;

		if (strEquals(pItem->GetTag(), TEXT_TAG))
			//	Link the code

			CCodeChainCtx CCCtx;
			ICCItem *pCode = CCCtx.Link(pItem->GetContentText(0), 0, NULL);
			if (pCode->IsError())
				Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Language id: %s : %s"), sID, pCode->GetStringValue());
				return ERR_FAIL;

			//	Add an entry

			bool bIsNew;
			SEntry *pEntry = m_Data.SetAt(sID, &bIsNew);
			if (!bIsNew)
				Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Duplicate <Language> element: %s"), sID);
				return ERR_FAIL;

			//	If pCode is a string and not an identifier, then we can just
			//	store it directly.

			if (pCode->IsIdentifier() && pCode->IsQuoted())
				pEntry->pCode = NULL;
				pEntry->sText = pCode->GetStringValue();

			//	Otherwise we store the code

				pEntry->pCode = pCode->Reference();

			//	Done

		else if (strEquals(pItem->GetTag(), MESSAGE_TAG))
			//	Add an entry

			bool bIsNew;
			SEntry *pEntry = m_Data.SetAt(sID, &bIsNew);
			if (!bIsNew)
				Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Duplicate <Language> element: %s"), sID);
				return ERR_FAIL;

			//	Set the text

			pEntry->pCode = NULL;
			pEntry->sText = pItem->GetAttribute(TEXT_ATTRIB);
			Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Invalid element in <Language> block: <%s>"), pItem->GetTag());
			return ERR_FAIL;

	return NOERROR;
bool IDockScreenDisplay::GetDisplayOptions (SInitCtx &Ctx, SDisplayOptions *retOptions, CString *retsError)

//	GetDisplayOptions
//	Initializes the display options structure, which is used by list and 
//	selector displays.

	//	Initialize background image options

	CString sBackgroundID;
	if (Ctx.pDesc->FindAttribute(BACKGROUND_ID_ATTRIB, &sBackgroundID))
		//	If the attribute exists, but is empty (or equals "none") then
		//	we don't have a background

		if (sBackgroundID.IsBlank() || strEquals(sBackgroundID, CONSTLIT("none")))
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundNone;

		else if (strEquals(sBackgroundID, TYPE_HERO))
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjHeroImage;
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.pObj = Ctx.pLocation;

		//	If the ID is "object" then we should ask the object

		else if (strEquals(sBackgroundID, TYPE_OBJECT))
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.pObj = Ctx.pLocation;
            if (Ctx.pLocation->IsPlayer())
			    retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjSchematicImage;
			    retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjHeroImage;

		else if (strEquals(sBackgroundID, TYPE_SCHEMATIC))
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjSchematicImage;
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.pObj = Ctx.pLocation;

		//	If the ID is "player" then we should ask the player ship

		else if (strEquals(sBackgroundID, DATA_FROM_PLAYER))
			CSpaceObject *pPlayer = g_pUniverse->GetPlayerShip();
			if (pPlayer)
				retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjSchematicImage;
				retOptions->BackgroundDesc.pObj = pPlayer;

		//	Otherwise, we expect an integer

			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundImage;
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.dwImageID = strToInt(sBackgroundID, 0);

	//	Initialize control rect. If we have a background, then initialize to
	//	backwards compatible position. Otherwise, we take up the full range.

	if (retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType != backgroundDefault)
		retOptions->rcControl.left = 4;
		retOptions-> = 12;
		retOptions->rcControl.right = 548;
		retOptions->rcControl.bottom = 396;
		retOptions->rcControl.left = 0;
		retOptions-> = 23;
		retOptions->rcControl.right = 600;
		retOptions->rcControl.bottom = 482;

	//	There are a couple of different ways to get options (for backwards
	//	compatibility).

	CXMLElement *pOptions;
	if ((pOptions = Ctx.pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(LIST_OPTIONS_TAG)) == NULL
			&& (pOptions = Ctx.pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(LIST_TAG)) == NULL)
		return true;

	//	Read from the element

	retOptions->sDataFrom = pOptions->GetAttribute(DATA_FROM_ATTRIB);
	retOptions->sItemCriteria = pOptions->GetAttribute(LIST_ATTRIB);
	retOptions->sCode = pOptions->GetContentText(0);
	retOptions->sInitialItemCode = pOptions->GetAttribute(INITIAL_ITEM_ATTRIB);
	retOptions->sRowHeightCode = pOptions->GetAttribute(ROW_HEIGHT_ATTRIB);

	//	See if we have control position

	if (pOptions->FindAttributeInteger(POS_X_ATTRIB, (int *)&retOptions->rcControl.left))
		retOptions-> = pOptions->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(POS_Y_ATTRIB, 0, -1);
		retOptions->rcControl.right = retOptions->rcControl.left + pOptions->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(WIDTH_ATTRIB, 0, -1);
		retOptions->rcControl.bottom = retOptions-> + pOptions->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(HEIGHT_ATTRIB, 0, -1);

	return true;
Esempio n. 5
ALERROR CDockPane::InitPane (CDockScreen *pDockScreen, CXMLElement *pPaneDesc, const RECT &rcPaneRect)

//	InitPane
//	Initializes the pane.

	//	Initialize

	AGScreen *pScreen = pDockScreen->GetScreen();

	m_pDockScreen = pDockScreen;
	m_pPaneDesc = pPaneDesc;
	m_rcPane = rcPaneRect;
	ICCItem *pData = m_pDockScreen->GetData();

	//	Make sure we don't recurse

	m_bInShowPane = true;

	//	Initialize list of actions.

	CString sError;
	if (m_Actions.InitFromXML(m_pDockScreen->GetExtension(), m_pPaneDesc->GetContentElementByTag(ACTIONS_TAG), pData, &sError) != NOERROR)
		ReportError(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Pane %s: %s"), pPaneDesc->GetTag(), sError));
		return NOERROR;

	//	Create a new pane

	m_pContainer = new CGFrameArea;
	pScreen->AddArea(m_pContainer, m_rcPane, 0);

	//	Create the appropriate set of controls

	if (CreateControls(&sError) != NOERROR)
		ReportError(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Pane %s: %s"), pPaneDesc->GetTag(), sError));
		return NOERROR;

	//	Set the description text

	CString sDesc;
	if (!m_pDockScreen->EvalString(m_pPaneDesc->GetAttribute(DESC_ATTRIB), pData, false, eventNone, &sDesc))
		ReportError(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Error evaluating desc param: %s"), sDesc));

	//	Evaluate the initialize element
	//	This gives the frame a chance to initialize any dynamic
	//	action buttons before we actually create the buttons.

	CXMLElement *pInit = m_pPaneDesc->GetContentElementByTag(ON_PANE_INIT_TAG);
	if (pInit == NULL)
		pInit = m_pPaneDesc->GetContentElementByTag(INITIALIZE_TAG);

	if (pInit)
		CString sCode = pInit->GetContentText(0);
		CString sError;
		if (!m_pDockScreen->EvalString(sCode, pData, true, eventNone, &sError))
			ReportError(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Error evaluating <OnPaneInit>: %s"), sError));

	//	We might have called exit inside OnPaneInit. If so, we exit

	if (m_pDockScreen->GetScreen() == NULL)
		return NOERROR;

	//	Allow other design types to override the pane

	CString sResolvedScreen;
	CDesignType *pResolvedRoot = m_pDockScreen->GetResolvedRoot(&sResolvedScreen);
	g_pUniverse->FireOnGlobalPaneInit(m_pDockScreen, pResolvedRoot, sResolvedScreen, m_pPaneDesc->GetTag());
	if (m_pDockScreen->GetScreen() == NULL)
		return NOERROR;

	//	Now that all the controls (and actions) have been initialized, resize them
	//	so that they fit


	//	Done

	m_bInShowPane = false;

	return NOERROR;
Esempio n. 6
ALERROR CDockScreenCustomList::OnInitList (SInitCtx &Ctx, CString *retsError)

//	OnInitList
//	Initialize list

	//	Get the list element

	CXMLElement *pListData = Ctx.pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(LIST_TAG);
	if (pListData == NULL)
		return ERR_FAIL;

	//	See if we define a custom row height

	CString sRowHeight;
	if (pListData->FindAttribute(ROW_HEIGHT_ATTRIB, &sRowHeight))
		CString sResult;
		if (!EvalString(sRowHeight, false, eventNone, &sResult))
			*retsError = sResult;
			return ERR_FAIL;

		int cyRow = strToInt(sResult, -1);
		if (cyRow > 0)

	//	Get the list to show

	CCodeChain &CC = g_pUniverse->GetCC();
	ICCItem *pExp = CC.Link(pListData->GetContentText(0), 0, NULL);

	//	Evaluate the function

	CCodeChainCtx CCCtx;

	ICCItem *pResult = CCCtx.Run(pExp);	//	LATER:Event

	if (pResult->IsError())
		*retsError = pResult->GetStringValue();
		return ERR_FAIL;

	//	Set this expression as the list

	m_pItemListControl->SetList(CC, pResult);

	//	Position the cursor on the next relevant item


	//	Give the screen a chance to start at a different item (other
	//	than the first)

	CString sInitialItemFunc = pListData->GetAttribute(INITIAL_ITEM_ATTRIB);
	if (!sInitialItemFunc.IsBlank())
		bool bMore = IsCurrentItemValid();
		while (bMore)
			bool bResult;
			if (!EvalBool(sInitialItemFunc, &bResult, retsError))
				return ERR_FAIL;

			if (bResult)

			bMore = SelectNextItem();

	return NOERROR;
Esempio n. 7
ALERROR CDockScreenItemList::OnInitList (SInitCtx &Ctx, CString *retsError)

//	OnInitList
//	Initialize list

	CSpaceObject *pListSource;

	//	Get the list options element

	CXMLElement *pOptions = Ctx.pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(LIST_OPTIONS_TAG);
	if (pOptions == NULL)
		*retsError = CONSTLIT("<ListOptions> expected.");
		return ERR_FAIL;

	//	Figure out where to get the data from: either the station
	//	or the player's ship.

	pListSource = EvalListSource(pOptions->GetAttribute(DATA_FROM_ATTRIB), retsError);
	if (pListSource == NULL)
		return ERR_FAIL;

	//	Set the list control


	//	Initialize flags that control what items we will show

	CString sCriteria;
	if (!EvalString(pOptions->GetAttribute(LIST_ATTRIB), false, eventNone, &sCriteria))
		*retsError = sCriteria;
		return ERR_FAIL;

	CItem::ParseCriteria(sCriteria, &m_ItemCriteria);

	//	If we have content, then eval the function (note that this might
	//	re-enter and set the filter)

	CString sCode = pOptions->GetContentText(0);
	if (!sCode.IsBlank())
		if (!EvalString(sCode, true, eventInitDockScreenList, retsError))
			return ERR_FAIL;

	//	Position the cursor on the next relevant item


	//	Give the screen a chance to start at a different item (other
	//	than the first)

	CString sInitialItemFunc = pOptions->GetAttribute(INITIAL_ITEM_ATTRIB);
	if (!sInitialItemFunc.IsBlank())
		bool bMore = IsCurrentItemValid();
		while (bMore)
			bool bResult;
			if (!EvalBool(sInitialItemFunc, &bResult, retsError))
				return ERR_FAIL;

			if (bResult)

			bMore = SelectNextItem();

	//	Done

	return NOERROR;