bool MeshTestUtility::constraintIsConsistent(MeshTopologyViewPtr meshTopo, AnnotatedEntity &constrainingEntity, int d, IndexType constrainedEntityIndex, bool requireConstrainingEntityBelongToActiveCell) { int sideDim = meshTopo->getDimension() - 1; CellPtr constrainingCell = meshTopo->getCell(constrainingEntity.cellID); int constrainingSubcordInCell = CamelliaCellTools::subcellOrdinalMap(constrainingCell->topology(), sideDim, constrainingEntity.sideOrdinal, constrainingEntity.dimension, constrainingEntity.subcellOrdinal); IndexType constrainingEntityIndex = constrainingCell->entityIndex(constrainingEntity.dimension, constrainingSubcordInCell); bool isAncestor = meshTopo->entityIsGeneralizedAncestor(constrainingEntity.dimension, constrainingEntityIndex, d, constrainedEntityIndex); if (!isAncestor) return false; if (requireConstrainingEntityBelongToActiveCell) { set<pair<IndexType,unsigned>> cellEntries = meshTopo->getCellsContainingEntity(constrainingEntity.dimension, constrainingEntityIndex); auto activeCells = &meshTopo->getActiveCellIndices(); for (auto cellEntry : cellEntries) { IndexType cellID = cellEntry.first; if (activeCells->find(cellID) != activeCells->end()) return true; // found an active cell, and isAncestor is true } return false; } return isAncestor; }
MeshPtr MeshTools::timeSliceMesh(MeshPtr spaceTimeMesh, double t, map<GlobalIndexType, GlobalIndexType> &sliceCellIDToSpaceTimeCellID, int H1OrderForSlice) { MeshTopologyPtr meshTopo = spaceTimeMesh->getTopology(); set<IndexType> cellIDsToCheck = meshTopo->getRootCellIndices(); set<IndexType> activeCellIDsForTime; set<IndexType> allActiveCellIDs = meshTopo->getActiveCellIndices(); int spaceDim = meshTopo->getSpaceDim() - 1; // # of true spatial dimensions MeshTopologyPtr sliceTopo = Teuchos::rcp( new MeshTopology(spaceDim) ); set<IndexType> rootCellIDs = meshTopo->getRootCellIndices(); for (set<IndexType>::iterator rootCellIt = rootCellIDs.begin(); rootCellIt != rootCellIDs.end(); rootCellIt++) { IndexType rootCellID = *rootCellIt; FieldContainer<double> physicalNodes = spaceTimeMesh->physicalCellNodesForCell(rootCellID); if (cellMatches(physicalNodes, t)) { // cell and some subset of its descendents should be included in slice mesh vector< vector< double > > sliceNodes = timeSliceForCell(physicalNodes, t); CellTopoPtrLegacy cellTopo = getBottomTopology(meshTopo, rootCellID); CellPtr sliceCell = sliceTopo->addCell(cellTopo, sliceNodes); sliceCellIDToSpaceTimeCellID[sliceCell->cellIndex()] = rootCellID; } } MeshPtr sliceMesh = Teuchos::rcp( new Mesh(sliceTopo, spaceTimeMesh->bilinearForm(), H1OrderForSlice, spaceDim) ); // process refinements. For now, we assume isotropic refinements, which means that each refinement in spacetime induces a refinement in the spatial slice set<IndexType> sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement = sliceTopo->getActiveCellIndices(); while (sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement.size() > 0) { set<IndexType>::iterator cellIt = sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement.begin(); IndexType sliceCellID = *cellIt; sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement.erase(cellIt); CellPtr sliceCell = sliceTopo->getCell(sliceCellID); CellPtr spaceTimeCell = meshTopo->getCell(sliceCellIDToSpaceTimeCellID[sliceCellID]); if (spaceTimeCell->isParent()) { set<GlobalIndexType> cellsToRefine; cellsToRefine.insert(sliceCellID); sliceMesh->hRefine(cellsToRefine, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPattern(sliceCell->topology()->getKey())); vector<IndexType> spaceTimeChildren = spaceTimeCell->getChildIndices(); for (int childOrdinal=0; childOrdinal<spaceTimeChildren.size(); childOrdinal++) { IndexType childID = spaceTimeChildren[childOrdinal]; FieldContainer<double> childNodes = meshTopo->physicalCellNodesForCell(childID); if (cellMatches(childNodes, t)) { vector< vector<double> > childSlice = timeSliceForCell(childNodes, t); CellPtr childSliceCell = sliceTopo->findCellWithVertices(childSlice); sliceCellIDToSpaceTimeCellID[childSliceCell->cellIndex()] = childID; sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement.insert(childSliceCell->cellIndex()); } } } } return sliceMesh; }
bool MeshTestUtility::checkConstraintConsistency(MeshPtr meshMinimumRule) { MeshTopologyViewPtr meshTopo = meshMinimumRule->getTopology(); GDAMinimumRule* minRule = dynamic_cast<GDAMinimumRule*>(meshMinimumRule->globalDofAssignment().get()); bool consistent = true; for (IndexType cellID : meshMinimumRule->cellIDsInPartition()) { CellConstraints constraints = minRule->getCellConstraints(cellID); CellPtr cell = meshTopo->getCell(cellID); CellTopoPtr cellTopo = cell->topology(); for (int d=0; d<cellTopo->getDimension(); d++) { int scCount = cellTopo->getSubcellCount(d); for (int scord=0; scord<scCount; scord++) { IndexType entityIndex = cell->entityIndex(d, scord); AnnotatedEntity constrainingEntity = constraints.subcellConstraints[d][scord]; bool isConsistent = constraintIsConsistent(meshTopo, constrainingEntity, d, entityIndex, true); if (!isConsistent) { cout << "Failed consistency test for standard constraints on cell " << cellID << ", " << CamelliaCellTools::entityTypeString(d) << " " << scord << endl; consistent = false; break; } // now, check space-only constraints (for space-time meshes), if these are defined for this subcell if (constraints.spatialSliceConstraints != Teuchos::null) { AnnotatedEntity constrainingEntityForSpatialSlice = constraints.spatialSliceConstraints->subcellConstraints[d][scord]; if (constrainingEntityForSpatialSlice.cellID != -1) { isConsistent = constraintIsConsistent(meshTopo, constrainingEntityForSpatialSlice, d, entityIndex, true); } if (!isConsistent) { cout << "Failed consistency test for spatial slice on cell " << cellID << ", " << CamelliaCellTools::entityTypeString(d) << " " << scord << endl; consistent = false; break; } } } if (!consistent) break; } if (!consistent) break; } return consistent; }
bool MeshTopologyTests::testCellsForEntity() { bool success = true; // to begin, a simple test that cellsForEntity()'s side ordinals are consistent MeshTopologyPtr mesh2D = makeRectMesh(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1, 1); IndexType cellID = 0; CellPtr cell = mesh2D->getCell(cellID); // the only cell in the mesh int spaceDim = mesh2D->getDimension(); int sideDim = spaceDim - 1; for (int d=0; d<spaceDim; d++) { int scCount = cell->topology()->getSubcellCount(d); for (int scord=0; scord<scCount; scord++) { IndexType scEntityIndex = cell->entityIndex(d, scord); set< pair<IndexType, unsigned> > cellsContainingEntity = mesh2D->getCellsContainingEntity(d, scEntityIndex); vector<IndexType> sidesContainingEntity = mesh2D->getSidesContainingEntity(d, scEntityIndex); if (cellsContainingEntity.size() != 1) { cout << "cellsContainingEntity should have exactly one entry, but has " << cellsContainingEntity.size() << endl; success = false; } else { pair<IndexType, unsigned> cellEntry = *(cellsContainingEntity.begin()); // cout << "for d " << d << ", scord " << scord << ", cell containing entity is (" << cellEntry.first << ", " << cellEntry.second << ")\n"; if (cellEntry.first != cellID) { cout << "Expected cellEntry.first = " << cellID << ", but is " << cellEntry.first << endl; success = false; } else { unsigned sideOrdinal = cellEntry.second; IndexType sideEntityIndex = cell->entityIndex(sideDim, sideOrdinal); if (std::find(sidesContainingEntity.begin(), sidesContainingEntity.end(), sideEntityIndex) == sidesContainingEntity.end()) { cout << "The side returned by getCellsContainingEntity() does not contain the specified entity.\n"; success = false; } } } } } return success; }
MeshPtr MeshTools::timeSliceMesh(MeshPtr spaceTimeMesh, double t, map<GlobalIndexType, GlobalIndexType> &sliceCellIDToSpaceTimeCellID, int H1OrderForSlice) { MeshTopology* meshTopo = dynamic_cast<MeshTopology*>(spaceTimeMesh->getTopology().get()); TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!meshTopo, std::invalid_argument, "timeSliceMesh() called with spaceTimeMesh that appears to be pure MeshTopologyView. This is not supported."); set<IndexType> cellIDsToCheck = meshTopo->getRootCellIndices(); set<IndexType> activeCellIDsForTime; set<IndexType> allActiveCellIDs = meshTopo->getActiveCellIndices(); int spaceDim = meshTopo->getDimension() - 1; // # of true spatial dimensions MeshTopologyPtr sliceTopo = Teuchos::rcp( new MeshTopology(spaceDim) ); set<IndexType> rootCellIDs = meshTopo->getRootCellIndices(); for (set<IndexType>::iterator rootCellIt = rootCellIDs.begin(); rootCellIt != rootCellIDs.end(); rootCellIt++) { IndexType rootCellID = *rootCellIt; FieldContainer<double> physicalNodes = spaceTimeMesh->physicalCellNodesForCell(rootCellID); if (cellMatches(physicalNodes, t)) // cell and some subset of its descendents should be included in slice mesh { vector< vector< double > > sliceNodes = timeSliceForCell(physicalNodes, t); CellTopoPtr cellTopo = getBottomTopology(meshTopo, rootCellID); GlobalIndexType newCellID = sliceTopo->cellCount(); CellPtr sliceCell = sliceTopo->addCell(newCellID, cellTopo, sliceNodes); // for consistency, this is only valid if run on every MPI rank. sliceCellIDToSpaceTimeCellID[sliceCell->cellIndex()] = rootCellID; } } MeshPtr sliceMesh = Teuchos::rcp( new Mesh(sliceTopo, spaceTimeMesh->bilinearForm(), H1OrderForSlice, spaceDim) ); // process refinements. For now, we assume isotropic refinements, which means that each refinement in spacetime induces a refinement in the spatial slice set<IndexType> sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement = sliceTopo->getActiveCellIndices(); while (sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement.size() > 0) { set<IndexType>::iterator cellIt = sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement.begin(); IndexType sliceCellID = *cellIt; sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement.erase(cellIt); CellPtr sliceCell = sliceTopo->getCell(sliceCellID); CellPtr spaceTimeCell = meshTopo->getCell(sliceCellIDToSpaceTimeCellID[sliceCellID]); if (spaceTimeCell->isParent(spaceTimeMesh->getTopology())) { set<GlobalIndexType> cellsToRefine; cellsToRefine.insert(sliceCellID); sliceMesh->hRefine(cellsToRefine, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPattern(sliceCell->topology())); vector<IndexType> spaceTimeChildren = spaceTimeCell->getChildIndices(spaceTimeMesh->getTopology()); for (int childOrdinal=0; childOrdinal<spaceTimeChildren.size(); childOrdinal++) { IndexType childID = spaceTimeChildren[childOrdinal]; FieldContainer<double> childNodes = meshTopo->physicalCellNodesForCell(childID); if (cellMatches(childNodes, t)) { vector< vector<double> > childSlice = timeSliceForCell(childNodes, t); CellPtr childSliceCell = sliceTopo->findCellWithVertices(childSlice); sliceCellIDToSpaceTimeCellID[childSliceCell->cellIndex()] = childID; sliceCellIDsToCheckForRefinement.insert(childSliceCell->cellIndex()); } } } } MeshPartitionPolicyPtr partitionPolicy = MeshPartitionPolicy::inducedPartitionPolicy(sliceMesh, spaceTimeMesh, sliceCellIDToSpaceTimeCellID); sliceMesh->setPartitionPolicy(partitionPolicy); return sliceMesh; }
bool MeshTestUtility::determineRefTestPointsForNeighbors(MeshTopologyViewPtr meshTopo, CellPtr fineCell, unsigned int sideOrdinal, FieldContainer<double> &fineSideRefPoints, FieldContainer<double> &fineCellRefPoints, FieldContainer<double> &coarseSideRefPoints, FieldContainer<double> &coarseCellRefPoints) { unsigned spaceDim = meshTopo->getDimension(); unsigned sideDim = spaceDim - 1; if (spaceDim == 1) { fineSideRefPoints.resize(0,0); coarseSideRefPoints.resize(0,0); fineCellRefPoints.resize(1,1); coarseCellRefPoints.resize(1,1); FieldContainer<double> lineRefNodes(2,1); CellTopoPtr line = CellTopology::line(); CamelliaCellTools::refCellNodesForTopology(lineRefNodes, line); fineCellRefPoints[0] = lineRefNodes[sideOrdinal]; unsigned neighborSideOrdinal = fineCell->getNeighborInfo(sideOrdinal, meshTopo).second; if (neighborSideOrdinal != -1) { coarseCellRefPoints[0] = lineRefNodes[neighborSideOrdinal]; return true; } else { return false; } } pair<GlobalIndexType, unsigned> neighborInfo = fineCell->getNeighborInfo(sideOrdinal, meshTopo); if (neighborInfo.first == -1) { // boundary return false; } CellPtr neighborCell = meshTopo->getCell(neighborInfo.first); if (neighborCell->isParent(meshTopo)) { return false; // fineCell isn't the finer of the two... } CellTopoPtr fineSideTopo = fineCell->topology()->getSubcell(sideDim, sideOrdinal); CubatureFactory cubFactory; int cubDegree = 4; // fairly arbitrary choice: enough to get a decent number of test points... Teuchos::RCP<Cubature<double> > fineSideTopoCub = cubFactory.create(fineSideTopo, cubDegree); int numCubPoints = fineSideTopoCub->getNumPoints(); FieldContainer<double> cubPoints(numCubPoints, sideDim); FieldContainer<double> cubWeights(numCubPoints); // we neglect these... fineSideTopoCub->getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights); FieldContainer<double> sideRefCellNodes(fineSideTopo->getNodeCount(),sideDim); CamelliaCellTools::refCellNodesForTopology(sideRefCellNodes, fineSideTopo); int numTestPoints = numCubPoints + fineSideTopo->getNodeCount(); FieldContainer<double> testPoints(numTestPoints, sideDim); for (int ptOrdinal=0; ptOrdinal<testPoints.dimension(0); ptOrdinal++) { if (ptOrdinal<fineSideTopo->getNodeCount()) { for (int d=0; d<sideDim; d++) { testPoints(ptOrdinal,d) = sideRefCellNodes(ptOrdinal,d); } } else { for (int d=0; d<sideDim; d++) { testPoints(ptOrdinal,d) = cubPoints(ptOrdinal-fineSideTopo->getNodeCount(),d); } } } fineSideRefPoints = testPoints; fineCellRefPoints.resize(numTestPoints, spaceDim); CamelliaCellTools::mapToReferenceSubcell(fineCellRefPoints, testPoints, sideDim, sideOrdinal, fineCell->topology()); CellTopoPtr coarseSideTopo = neighborCell->topology()->getSubcell(sideDim, neighborInfo.second); unsigned fineSideAncestorPermutation = fineCell->ancestralPermutationForSubcell(sideDim, sideOrdinal, meshTopo); unsigned coarseSidePermutation = neighborCell->subcellPermutation(sideDim, neighborInfo.second); unsigned coarseSideAncestorPermutationInverse = CamelliaCellTools::permutationInverse(coarseSideTopo, coarseSidePermutation); unsigned composedPermutation = CamelliaCellTools::permutationComposition(coarseSideTopo, coarseSideAncestorPermutationInverse, fineSideAncestorPermutation); // goes from coarse ordering to fine. RefinementBranch fineRefBranch = fineCell->refinementBranchForSide(sideOrdinal, meshTopo); FieldContainer<double> fineSideNodes(fineSideTopo->getNodeCount(), sideDim); // relative to the ancestral cell whose neighbor is compatible if (fineRefBranch.size() == 0) { CamelliaCellTools::refCellNodesForTopology(fineSideNodes, coarseSideTopo, composedPermutation); } else { FieldContainer<double> ancestralSideNodes(coarseSideTopo->getNodeCount(), sideDim); CamelliaCellTools::refCellNodesForTopology(ancestralSideNodes, coarseSideTopo, composedPermutation); RefinementBranch fineSideRefBranch = RefinementPattern::sideRefinementBranch(fineRefBranch, sideOrdinal); fineSideNodes = RefinementPattern::descendantNodes(fineSideRefBranch, ancestralSideNodes); } BasisCachePtr sideTopoCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(fineSideTopo, 1, false) ); sideTopoCache->setRefCellPoints(testPoints); // add cell dimension fineSideNodes.resize(1,fineSideNodes.dimension(0), fineSideNodes.dimension(1)); sideTopoCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(fineSideNodes, vector<GlobalIndexType>(), false); coarseSideRefPoints = sideTopoCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints(); // strip off the cell dimension: coarseSideRefPoints.resize(coarseSideRefPoints.dimension(1),coarseSideRefPoints.dimension(2)); coarseCellRefPoints.resize(numTestPoints,spaceDim); CamelliaCellTools::mapToReferenceSubcell(coarseCellRefPoints, coarseSideRefPoints, sideDim, neighborInfo.second, neighborCell->topology()); return true; // containers filled.... }
bool MeshTopologyTests::testEntityConstraints() { bool success = true; // make two simple meshes MeshTopologyPtr mesh2D = makeRectMesh(0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2, 1); MeshTopologyPtr mesh3D = makeHexMesh(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2, 2, 1); unsigned vertexDim = 0; unsigned edgeDim = 1; unsigned faceDim = 2; // first, check that unconstrained edges and faces are unconstrained set< unsigned > boundaryEdges; set< unsigned > internalEdges; for (unsigned cellIndex=0; cellIndex<mesh2D->cellCount(); cellIndex++) { CellPtr cell = mesh2D->getCell(cellIndex); unsigned sideCount = cell->getSideCount(); for (unsigned sideOrdinal=0; sideOrdinal<sideCount; sideOrdinal++) { unsigned edgeIndex = cell->entityIndex(edgeDim, sideOrdinal); unsigned numCells = mesh2D->getActiveCellCount(edgeDim,edgeIndex); if (numCells == 1) // boundary edge { boundaryEdges.insert(edgeIndex); } else if (numCells == 2) { internalEdges.insert(edgeIndex); } else { success = false; cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 2D mesh, edge " << edgeIndex << " has active cell count of " << numCells << ".\n"; } } } if (internalEdges.size() != 1) { success = false; cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 2D mesh, there are " << internalEdges.size() << " internal edges (expected 1).\n"; } for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt=internalEdges.begin(); edgeIt != internalEdges.end(); edgeIt++) { unsigned edgeIndex = *edgeIt; unsigned constrainingEntityIndex = mesh2D->getConstrainingEntity(edgeDim,edgeIndex).first; if (constrainingEntityIndex != edgeIndex) { success = false; cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 2D mesh, internal edge is constrained by a different edge.\n"; } } set<unsigned> boundaryFaces; set<unsigned> internalFaces; map<unsigned, vector<unsigned> > faceToEdges; for (unsigned cellIndex=0; cellIndex<mesh3D->cellCount(); cellIndex++) { CellPtr cell = mesh3D->getCell(cellIndex); unsigned sideCount = cell->getSideCount(); for (unsigned sideOrdinal=0; sideOrdinal<sideCount; sideOrdinal++) { unsigned faceIndex = cell->entityIndex(faceDim, sideOrdinal); unsigned numCells = mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(faceDim,faceIndex); if (numCells == 1) // boundary face { boundaryFaces.insert(faceIndex); } else if (numCells == 2) { internalFaces.insert(faceIndex); } else { success = false; cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 3D mesh, face " << faceIndex << " has active cell count of " << numCells << ".\n"; } if (faceToEdges.find(faceIndex) == faceToEdges.end()) { CellTopoPtr faceTopo = cell->topology()->getSubcell(faceDim, sideOrdinal); unsigned numEdges = faceTopo->getSubcellCount(edgeDim); vector<unsigned> edgeIndices(numEdges); for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++) { edgeIndices[edgeOrdinal] = mesh3D->getFaceEdgeIndex(faceIndex, edgeOrdinal); } } } } if (internalFaces.size() != 4) { success = false; cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 3D mesh, there are " << internalFaces.size() << " internal faces (expected 4).\n"; } for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=internalFaces.begin(); faceIt != internalFaces.end(); faceIt++) { unsigned faceIndex = *faceIt; unsigned constrainingEntityIndex = mesh3D->getConstrainingEntity(faceDim,faceIndex).first; if (constrainingEntityIndex != faceIndex) { success = false; cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 3D mesh, internal face is constrained by a different face.\n"; } } // now, make a single refinement in each mesh: unsigned cellToRefine2D = 0, cellToRefine3D = 3; mesh2D->refineCell(cellToRefine2D, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPatternQuad(), mesh2D->cellCount()); mesh3D->refineCell(cellToRefine3D, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPatternHexahedron(), mesh3D->cellCount()); // printMeshInfo(mesh2D); // figure out which faces/edges were refined and add the corresponding map<unsigned,pair<IndexType,unsigned> > expectedEdgeConstraints2D; set<unsigned> refinedEdges; for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt=boundaryEdges.begin(); edgeIt != boundaryEdges.end(); edgeIt++) { set<unsigned> children = mesh2D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, *edgeIt); if (children.size() > 0) { refinedEdges.insert(*edgeIt); boundaryEdges.insert(children.begin(), children.end()); } } for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt=internalEdges.begin(); edgeIt != internalEdges.end(); edgeIt++) { set<unsigned> children = mesh2D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, *edgeIt); if (children.size() > 0) { refinedEdges.insert(*edgeIt); internalEdges.insert(children.begin(), children.end()); for (set<unsigned>::iterator childIt = children.begin(); childIt != children.end(); childIt++) { unsigned childIndex = *childIt; expectedEdgeConstraints2D[childIndex] = make_pair(*edgeIt, edgeDim); } } } // 1 quad refined: expect 4 refined edges if (refinedEdges.size() != 4) { success = false; cout << "After initial refinement, 2D mesh has " << refinedEdges.size() << " refined edges (expected 4).\n"; } checkConstraints(mesh2D, edgeDim, expectedEdgeConstraints2D); set<unsigned> refinedFaces; map<unsigned,pair<IndexType,unsigned> > expectedFaceConstraints3D; map<unsigned,pair<IndexType,unsigned> > expectedEdgeConstraints3D; for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=boundaryFaces.begin(); faceIt != boundaryFaces.end(); faceIt++) { set<unsigned> children = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(faceDim, *faceIt); if (children.size() > 0) { refinedFaces.insert(*faceIt); boundaryFaces.insert(children.begin(), children.end()); } } for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=internalFaces.begin(); faceIt != internalFaces.end(); faceIt++) { vector<unsigned> children = mesh3D->getChildEntities(faceDim, *faceIt); if (children.size() > 0) { refinedFaces.insert(*faceIt); internalFaces.insert(children.begin(), children.end()); for (unsigned childOrdinal = 0; childOrdinal < children.size(); childOrdinal++) { unsigned childIndex = children[childOrdinal]; expectedFaceConstraints3D[childIndex] = make_pair(*faceIt, faceDim); unsigned numEdges = 4; unsigned internalEdgeCount = 0; // for each child of a quad, we expect to have 2 internal edges for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++) { unsigned edgeIndex = mesh3D->getFaceEdgeIndex(childIndex, edgeOrdinal); unsigned activeCellCount = mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(edgeDim, edgeIndex); if (activeCellCount==2) { internalEdgeCount++; expectedEdgeConstraints3D[edgeIndex] = make_pair(*faceIt, faceDim); } else if (activeCellCount==1) // hanging edge { if (! mesh3D->entityHasParent(edgeDim, edgeIndex)) { cout << "Hanging edge with edgeIndex " << edgeIndex << " (in face " << childIndex << ") does not have a parent edge.\n"; cout << "Edge vertices:\n"; mesh3D->printEntityVertices(edgeDim, edgeIndex); cout << "Face vertices:\n"; mesh3D->printEntityVertices(faceDim, childIndex); success = false; } else { unsigned edgeParentIndex = mesh3D->getEntityParent(edgeDim, edgeIndex); expectedEdgeConstraints3D[edgeIndex] = make_pair(edgeParentIndex, edgeDim); } } else { cout << "Unexpected number of active cells: " << activeCellCount << endl; } } if (internalEdgeCount != 2) { cout << "Expected internalEdgeCount to be 2; was " << internalEdgeCount << endl; success = false; } } } } // 1 hex refined: expect 6 refined faces if (refinedFaces.size() != 6) { success = false; cout << "After initial refinement, 3D mesh has " << refinedFaces.size() << " refined faces (expected 6).\n"; } if (! checkConstraints(mesh3D, faceDim, expectedFaceConstraints3D, "refined 3D mesh") ) { cout << "Failed face constraint check for refined 3D mesh." << endl; success = false; } if (! checkConstraints(mesh3D, edgeDim, expectedEdgeConstraints3D, "refined 3D mesh") ) { cout << "Failed edge constraint check for refined 3D mesh." << endl; success = false; } // now, we refine one of the children of the refined cells in each mesh, to produce a 2-level constraint set<unsigned> edgeChildren2D; set<unsigned> cellsForEdgeChildren2D; for (map<unsigned,pair<IndexType,unsigned> >::iterator edgeConstraint=expectedEdgeConstraints2D.begin(); edgeConstraint != expectedEdgeConstraints2D.end(); edgeConstraint++) { edgeChildren2D.insert(edgeConstraint->first); unsigned cellIndex = mesh2D->getActiveCellIndices(edgeDim, edgeConstraint->first).begin()->first; cellsForEdgeChildren2D.insert(cellIndex); // cout << "cellsForEdgeChildren2D: " << cellIndex << endl; } // one of these has (1,0) as one of its vertices. Let's figure out which one: unsigned vertexIndex; if (! mesh2D->getVertexIndex(makeVertex(1, 0), vertexIndex) ) { cout << "Error: vertex not found.\n"; success = false; } vector< pair<unsigned,unsigned> > cellsForVertex = mesh2D->getActiveCellIndices(vertexDim, vertexIndex); if (cellsForVertex.size() != 2) { cout << "cellsForVertex should have 2 entries; has " << cellsForVertex.size() << endl; success = false; } unsigned childCellForVertex, childCellConstrainedEdge; set<unsigned> childNewlyConstrainingEdges; // the two interior edges that we break for (vector< pair<unsigned,unsigned> >::iterator cellIt=cellsForVertex.begin(); cellIt != cellsForVertex.end(); cellIt++) { // cout << "cellsForVertex: " << cellIt->first << endl; if ( cellsForEdgeChildren2D.find( cellIt->first ) != cellsForEdgeChildren2D.end() ) { // found match childCellForVertex = cellIt->first; // now, figure out which of the "edgeChildren2D" is shared by this cell: CellPtr cell = mesh2D->getCell(childCellForVertex); unsigned numEdges = cell->getSideCount(); for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++) { unsigned edgeIndex = cell->entityIndex(edgeDim, edgeOrdinal); if (edgeChildren2D.find(edgeIndex) != edgeChildren2D.end()) { childCellConstrainedEdge = edgeIndex; } else if ( mesh2D->getActiveCellCount(edgeDim, edgeIndex) == 2 ) { childNewlyConstrainingEdges.insert(edgeIndex); } } } } if (childNewlyConstrainingEdges.size() != 2) { cout << "Expected 2 newly constraining edges after 2nd refinement of 2D mesh, but found " << childNewlyConstrainingEdges.size() << endl; success = false; } // refine the cell that matches (1,0): mesh2D->refineCell(childCellForVertex, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPatternQuad(), mesh2D->cellCount()); // now, fix the expected edge constraints, then check them... set<unsigned> childEdges = mesh2D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, childCellConstrainedEdge); if (childEdges.size() != 2) { cout << "Expected 2 child edges, but found " << childEdges.size() << ".\n"; success = false; } for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt = childEdges.begin(); edgeIt != childEdges.end(); edgeIt++) { expectedEdgeConstraints2D[*edgeIt] = expectedEdgeConstraints2D[childCellConstrainedEdge]; } expectedEdgeConstraints2D.erase(childCellConstrainedEdge); for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt = childNewlyConstrainingEdges.begin(); edgeIt != childNewlyConstrainingEdges.end(); edgeIt++) { set<unsigned> newChildEdges = mesh2D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, *edgeIt); for (set<unsigned>::iterator newEdgeIt = newChildEdges.begin(); newEdgeIt != newChildEdges.end(); newEdgeIt++) { expectedEdgeConstraints2D[*newEdgeIt] = make_pair(*edgeIt,edgeDim); } } if (! checkConstraints(mesh2D, edgeDim, expectedEdgeConstraints2D, "twice-refined 2D mesh") ) { cout << "Failed constraint check for twice-refined 2D mesh." << endl; success = false; } // now, do a second level of refinement for 3D mesh // one of these has (1,2,0) as one of its vertices. Let's figure out which one: if (! mesh3D->getVertexIndex(makeVertex(1, 2, 0), vertexIndex) ) { cout << "Error: vertex not found.\n"; success = false; } cellsForVertex = mesh3D->getActiveCellIndices(vertexDim, vertexIndex); if (cellsForVertex.size() != 4) { cout << "cellsForVertex should have 4 entries; has " << cellsForVertex.size() << endl; success = false; } vector<unsigned> justCellsForVertex; for (vector< pair<unsigned,unsigned> >::iterator entryIt = cellsForVertex.begin(); entryIt != cellsForVertex.end(); entryIt++) { justCellsForVertex.push_back(entryIt->first); } vector<unsigned> childCellIndices = mesh3D->getCell(cellToRefine3D)->getChildIndices(mesh3D); std::sort(childCellIndices.begin(), childCellIndices.end()); vector<unsigned> matches(childCellIndices.size() + cellsForVertex.size()); vector<unsigned>::iterator matchEnd = std::set_intersection(justCellsForVertex.begin(), justCellsForVertex.end(), childCellIndices.begin(), childCellIndices.end(), matches.begin()); matches.resize(matchEnd-matches.begin()); if (matches.size() != 1) { cout << "matches should have exactly one entry, but has " << matches.size(); success = false; } unsigned childCellIndex = matches[0]; CellPtr childCell = mesh3D->getCell(childCellIndex); set<unsigned> childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces; set<unsigned> childInteriorConstrainedFaces; unsigned faceCount = childCell->getSideCount(); for (unsigned faceOrdinal=0; faceOrdinal<faceCount; faceOrdinal++) { unsigned faceIndex = childCell->entityIndex(faceDim, faceOrdinal); if (mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(faceDim, faceIndex) == 1) { // that's an interior constrained face, or a boundary face if (expectedFaceConstraints3D.find(faceIndex) != expectedFaceConstraints3D.end()) { // constrained face childInteriorConstrainedFaces.insert(faceIndex); } } else if (mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(faceDim, faceIndex) == 2) { // an interior unconstrained face childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces.insert(faceIndex); } else { cout << "Error: unexpected active cell count. Expected 1 or 2, but was " << mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(faceDim, faceIndex) << endl; success = false; } } // Camellia::print("childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces", childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces); // Camellia::print("childInteriorConstrainedFaces", childInteriorConstrainedFaces); mesh3D->refineCell(childCellIndex, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPatternHexahedron(), mesh3D->cellCount()); // update expected face and edge constraints // set<unsigned> edgeConstraintsToDrop; for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=childInteriorConstrainedFaces.begin(); faceIt != childInteriorConstrainedFaces.end(); faceIt++) { unsigned faceIndex = *faceIt; set<unsigned> newChildFaces = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(faceDim, faceIndex); for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildFaces.begin(); newChildIt != newChildFaces.end(); newChildIt++) { unsigned newChildIndex = *newChildIt; expectedFaceConstraints3D[newChildIndex] = expectedFaceConstraints3D[faceIndex]; // cout << "Expecting two-level face constraint: face " << newChildIndex << " constrained by face " << expectedFaceConstraints3D[newChildIndex].first << endl; } unsigned numEdges = mesh3D->getSubEntityCount(faceDim, faceIndex, edgeDim); set<IndexType> childEdgesOnParentBoundary; for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++) { unsigned edgeIndex = mesh3D->getSubEntityIndex(faceDim, faceIndex, edgeDim, edgeOrdinal); set<unsigned> newChildEdges = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, edgeIndex); for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildEdges.begin(); newChildIt != newChildEdges.end(); newChildIt++) { unsigned newChildIndex = *newChildIt; expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildIndex] = expectedEdgeConstraints3D[edgeIndex]; // cout << "Expecting two-level edge constraint: edge " << newChildIndex << " constrained by "; // cout << typeString(expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildIndex].second) << " " << expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildIndex].first << endl; childEdgesOnParentBoundary.insert(newChildIndex); // edgeConstraintsToDrop.insert(edgeIndex); } } for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildFaces.begin(); newChildIt != newChildFaces.end(); newChildIt++) { unsigned newChildFaceIndex = *newChildIt; int numEdges = mesh3D->getSubEntityCount(faceDim, newChildFaceIndex, edgeDim); for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++) { unsigned newChildEdgeIndex = mesh3D->getSubEntityIndex(faceDim, newChildFaceIndex, edgeDim, edgeOrdinal); if (childEdgesOnParentBoundary.find(newChildEdgeIndex) == childEdgesOnParentBoundary.end()) { expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildEdgeIndex] = expectedFaceConstraints3D[faceIndex]; } } } expectedFaceConstraints3D.erase(faceIndex); } // for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeToDropIt=edgeConstraintsToDrop.begin(); edgeToDropIt != edgeConstraintsToDrop.end(); edgeToDropIt++) { // expectedEdgeConstraints3D.erase(*edgeToDropIt); // } for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces.begin(); faceIt != childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces.end(); faceIt++) { unsigned faceIndex = *faceIt; set<unsigned> newChildFaces = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(faceDim, faceIndex); for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildFaces.begin(); newChildIt != newChildFaces.end(); newChildIt++) { unsigned newChildIndex = *newChildIt; expectedFaceConstraints3D[newChildIndex] = make_pair(faceIndex, faceDim); } expectedFaceConstraints3D.erase(faceIndex); unsigned numEdges = mesh3D->getSubEntityCount(faceDim, faceIndex, edgeDim); set<IndexType> childEdgesOnParentBoundary; for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++) { unsigned edgeIndex = mesh3D->getSubEntityIndex(faceDim, faceIndex, edgeDim, edgeOrdinal); set<unsigned> newChildEdges = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, edgeIndex); for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildEdges.begin(); newChildIt != newChildEdges.end(); newChildIt++) { unsigned newChildIndex = *newChildIt; if (expectedEdgeConstraints3D.find(newChildIndex) == expectedEdgeConstraints3D.end()) // only impose edge constraint if there is not one already present { expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildIndex] = make_pair(edgeIndex,edgeDim); } childEdgesOnParentBoundary.insert(newChildIndex); } } for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildFaces.begin(); newChildIt != newChildFaces.end(); newChildIt++) { unsigned newChildFaceIndex = *newChildIt; int numEdges = mesh3D->getSubEntityCount(faceDim, newChildFaceIndex, edgeDim); for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++) { unsigned newChildEdgeIndex = mesh3D->getSubEntityIndex(faceDim, newChildFaceIndex, edgeDim, edgeOrdinal); if (childEdgesOnParentBoundary.find(newChildEdgeIndex) == childEdgesOnParentBoundary.end()) { if (expectedEdgeConstraints3D.find(newChildEdgeIndex) == expectedEdgeConstraints3D.end()) // only impose edge constraint if there is not one already present { expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildEdgeIndex] = make_pair(faceIndex, faceDim); } } } } } if (! checkConstraints(mesh3D, edgeDim, expectedEdgeConstraints3D, "twice-refined 3D mesh") ) { cout << "Failed edge constraint check for twice-refined 3D mesh." << endl; success = false; } if (! checkConstraints(mesh3D, faceDim, expectedFaceConstraints3D, "twice-refined 3D mesh") ) { cout << "Failed face constraint check for twice-refined 3D mesh." << endl; success = false; } return success; }