Esempio n. 1
// FinishInitialization
	// get the down stream channel
	Channel* channel = DownStreamChannelAt(0);
	if (!channel)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	// send the connect reply
	ConnectReply reply;
	reply.error = B_OK;
	reply.upStreamChannels = fUpStreamChannels;
	reply.downStreamChannels = fDownStreamChannels;
	status_t error = channel->Send(&reply, sizeof(ConnectReply));
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	// receive the channel infos
	int32 allChannels = fUpStreamChannels + fDownStreamChannels;
	PortChannel::Info* infos = new(std::nothrow)
		PortChannel::Info[allChannels - 1];
	if (!infos)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;
	ArrayDeleter<PortChannel::Info> _(infos);
	error = channel->Receive(infos,
		sizeof(PortChannel::Info) * (allChannels - 1));
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	// create the channels
	for (int32 i = 1; i < allChannels; i++) {
		// create a channel
		PortChannel* otherChannel;
		error = _CreateChannel(&otherChannel, infos + i - 1, true);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		// add the channel
		if (i < fUpStreamChannels)	// inverse, since we're on server side
			error = AddDownStreamChannel(otherChannel);
			error = AddUpStreamChannel(otherChannel);
		if (error != B_OK) {
			delete otherChannel;
			return error;
	return B_OK;
// Init (client side)
InsecureConnection::Init(const char* parameters)
	if (!parameters)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	status_t error = AbstractConnection::Init();
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	// parse the parameters to get a server name and a port we shall connect to
	// parameter format is "<server>[:port] [ <up> [ <down> ] ]"
	char server[256];
	uint16 port = kDefaultInsecureConnectionPort;
	int upStreamChannels = kDefaultUpStreamChannels;
	int downStreamChannels = kDefaultDownStreamChannels;
	if (strchr(parameters, ':')) {
		int result = sscanf(parameters, "%255[^:]:%hu %d %d", server, &port,
			&upStreamChannels, &downStreamChannels);
		if (result < 2)
			return B_BAD_VALUE;
	} else {
		int result = sscanf(parameters, "%255[^:] %d %d", server,
			&upStreamChannels, &downStreamChannels);
		if (result < 1)
			return B_BAD_VALUE;
	// resolve server address
	NetAddress netAddress;
	error = NetAddressResolver().GetHostAddress(server, &netAddress);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	in_addr serverAddr = netAddress.GetAddress().sin_addr;
	// open the initial channel
	Channel* channel;
	error = _OpenClientChannel(serverAddr, port, &channel);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	error = AddUpStreamChannel(channel);
	if (error != B_OK) {
		delete channel;
		return error;
	// send the server a connect request
	ConnectRequest request;
	request.protocolVersion = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(kProtocolVersion);
	request.serverAddress = serverAddr.s_addr;
	request.upStreamChannels = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(upStreamChannels);
	request.downStreamChannels = B_HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(downStreamChannels);
	error = channel->Send(&request, sizeof(ConnectRequest));
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	// get the server reply
	ConnectReply reply;
	error = channel->Receive(&reply, sizeof(ConnectReply));
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	error = B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(reply.error);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	upStreamChannels = B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(reply.upStreamChannels);
	downStreamChannels = B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(reply.downStreamChannels);
	port = B_BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(reply.port);
	// open the remaining channels
	int32 allChannels = upStreamChannels + downStreamChannels;
	for (int32 i = 1; i < allChannels; i++) {
PRINT(("  creating channel %ld\n", i));
		// open the channel
		error = _OpenClientChannel(serverAddr, port, &channel);
		if (error != B_OK)
		// add it
		if (i < upStreamChannels)
			error = AddUpStreamChannel(channel);
			error = AddDownStreamChannel(channel);
		if (error != B_OK) {
			delete channel;
			return error;
	return B_OK;