Esempio n. 1
bool SDFfile::ID_SDF(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  if (fileIn.OpenFile()) return false;
  // Search for V2000 somewhere in line 4
  const char* ptr = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    if ( (ptr = fileIn.NextLine()) == 0 ) {
      return false;
  std::string line( ptr ); // Line 4, Connection table
  if ( line.find( "V2000" ) != std::string::npos ) return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 2
/** \return true if TRR/TRJ file. */
bool Traj_GmxTrX::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& infile) {
    // File must already be set up for read
    if (infile.OpenFile()) return false;
    bool istrx = IsTRX(infile);
    return istrx;
Esempio n. 3
// DataIO_Std::WriteData()
int DataIO_Std::WriteData(FileName const& fname, DataSetList const& SetList)
  int err = 0;
  if (!SetList.empty()) {
    // Open output file.
    CpptrajFile file;
    if (file.OpenWrite( fname )) return 1;
    // Base write type off first data set dimension FIXME
    if (SetList[0]->Group() == DataSet::CLUSTERMATRIX) {
      // Special case of 2D - may have sieved frames.
      err = WriteCmatrix(file, SetList);
    } else if (SetList[0]->Ndim() == 1) {
      if (group_ == NO_TYPE) {
        if (isInverted_)
          err = WriteDataInverted(file, SetList);
          err = WriteDataNormal(file, SetList);
      } else
        err = WriteByGroup(file, SetList, group_);
    } else if (SetList[0]->Ndim() == 2)
      err = WriteData2D(file, SetList);
    else if (SetList[0]->Ndim() == 3)
      err = WriteData3D(file, SetList);
  return err;
// Action_ClusterDihedral::ReadDihedrals()
int Action_ClusterDihedral::ReadDihedrals(std::string const& fname) {
  CpptrajFile infile;
  char buffer[256];
  int a1, a2, a3, a4, bins;
  double min;

  if ( infile.OpenRead( fname ) ) return 1;
  mprintf("\tReading dihedral information from %s\n", fname.c_str());
  while (infile.Gets(buffer, 256)==0) {
    // Expected line format: At#1 At#2 At#3 At#4 Bins Min
    int nvals = sscanf(buffer, "%i %i %i %i %i %lf", &a1, &a2, &a3, &a4, &bins, &min);
    if (nvals < 5) {
      mprinterr("Error: Dihedral file %s: Expected at least 5 values, got %i\n", 
                fname.c_str(), nvals);
      mprinterr("Error: Problem line: [%s]\n",buffer);
      mprinterr("Error: Expected format: At#1 At#2 At#3 At#4 Bins [Min]\n");
      return 1; // This should automatically close infile through destructor.
    if (nvals < 6)
      min = minimum_;
    DCmasks_.push_back( DCmask(a1-1, a2-1, a3-1, a4-1, bins, min ) );
    mprintf("\t\t(%i)-(%i)-(%i)-(%i) Bins=%i Min=%.3f\n",a1,a2,a3,a4,bins,min);
  mprintf("\tRead %zu dihedrals.\n", DCmasks_.size());
  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
/** For each point p, calculate function Kdist(p) which is the distance of
  * the Kth nearest point to p.
void Cluster_DBSCAN::ComputeKdist( int Kval, std::vector<int> const& FramesToCluster ) const {
  std::vector<double> dists;
  std::vector<double> Kdist;
  dists.reserve( FramesToCluster.size() ); 
  Kdist.reserve( FramesToCluster.size() );
  std::string outfilename = k_prefix_ + "Kdist." + integerToString(Kval) + ".dat";
  mprintf("\tDBSCAN: Calculating Kdist(%i), output to %s\n", Kval, outfilename.c_str());
  for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator point = FramesToCluster.begin();
                                        point != FramesToCluster.end();
    // Store distances from this point
    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator otherpoint = FramesToCluster.begin();
                                          otherpoint != FramesToCluster.end();
      dists.push_back( FrameDistances_.GetFdist(*point, *otherpoint) );
    // Sort distances - first dist should always be 0
    std::sort(dists.begin(), dists.end());
    Kdist.push_back( dists[Kval] );
  std::sort( Kdist.begin(), Kdist.end() );
  CpptrajFile Outfile;
  Outfile.Printf("%-8s %1i%-11s\n", "#Point", Kval,"-dist");
  // Write out largest to smallest
  unsigned int ik = 0;
  for (std::vector<double>::reverse_iterator k = Kdist.rbegin(); 
                                             k != Kdist.rend(); ++k, ++ik)
    Outfile.Printf("%8u %12.4f\n", ik, *k);
Esempio n. 6
bool Parm_CharmmPsf::ID_ParmFormat(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  // Assumes already set up
  if (fileIn.OpenFile()) return false;
  std::string nextLine = fileIn.GetLine();
  if (nextLine.empty()) return false;
  bool isPSF = (, 3, "PSF") == 0 );
  return isPSF;
Esempio n. 7
// PDBfile::ID_PDB()
bool PDBfile::ID_PDB(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  if (fileIn.OpenFile()) return false;
  std::string line1 = fileIn.GetLine();
  std::string line2 = fileIn.GetLine();
  if (!IsPDBkeyword( line1 )) return false;
  if (!IsPDBkeyword( line2 )) return false;
  return true;
Esempio n. 8
bool DataIO_OpenDx::ID_DataFormat( CpptrajFile& infile ) {
  bool isDX = false;
  if (!infile.OpenFile()) {
    std::string firstLine = infile.GetLine();
    if (!firstLine.empty())
      isDX = (, 28, "object 1 class gridpositions") == 0);
  return isDX;
Esempio n. 9
// DataIO_CCP4::ID_DataFormat()
bool DataIO_CCP4::ID_DataFormat( CpptrajFile& infile ) {
    bool isCCP4 = false;
    if (!infile.OpenFile()) {
        unsigned char MAP[4];
        if (infile.Seek(52 * wSize) == 0) {
            infile.Read( MAP, wSize );
            isCCP4 = MapCharsValid( MAP );
    return isCCP4;
Esempio n. 10
bool DataIO_XVG::ID_DataFormat(CpptrajFile& infile) {
  if (infile.OpenFile()) return false;
  const char* ptr = infile.NextLine();
  while (ptr != 0 && ptr[0] == '#') {
    const char* cc = ptr;
    while (*cc != '\0') {
      if (*cc == 'G') {
        if ( cc[2] == 'R' && cc[4]  == 'O' && cc[6]  == 'M' &&
             cc[8] == 'A' && cc[10] == 'A' && cc[12] == 'C' )
          mprintf("DEBUG:\tFound G R O M A C\n");
          return true;
    ptr = infile.NextLine();
  return false;
Esempio n. 11
/** Determine if fileIn is a CIF file. Look for entries beginning with 
  * an underscore (indicating data block), and a 'loop_' keyword or
  * '' block.
bool CIFfile::ID_CIF(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  if (fileIn.OpenFile()) return false;
  int ndata = 0; // Number of '_XXX' entries seen
  bool foundLoop = false;
  bool foundEntryID = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    std::string lineIn = fileIn.GetLine();
    if (lineIn[0] == '_') ndata++;
    if (,5,"loop_")==0) foundLoop = true;
    if (,9,"")==0) foundEntryID = true;
  return ( ndata > 2 && (foundLoop || foundEntryID) );
Esempio n. 12
// DataIO_Mdout::ID_DataFormat()
bool DataIO_Mdout::ID_DataFormat(CpptrajFile& infile) {
  if (infile.OpenFile()) return false;
  bool isMdout = false;
  std::string line = infile.GetLine();
  if (line[0] == '\n') {
    line = infile.GetLine();
    if (, 15, "          -----") == 0) {
      line = infile.GetLine();
      if (, 15, "          Amber") == 0)
        isMdout = true;
  return isMdout;
Esempio n. 13
bool Traj_CharmmCor::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  // File must already be set up for read.
  if (fileIn.OpenFile()) return false;
  bool isCor = false;
  const char* ptr = fileIn.NextLine();
  // Must be at least 1 title line denoted with '*'
  if (ptr != 0 && *ptr == '*') {
    // Scan past all title lines
    while (ptr != 0 && *ptr == '*') ptr = fileIn.NextLine();
    if (ptr != 0) {
      // Next line must be # atoms ONLY
      int ibuf[2];
      if (sscanf(ptr, "%i %i", ibuf, ibuf+1) == 1)
        // make sure it was a valid integer
        isCor = (ibuf[0] > 0);
  return isCor;
Esempio n. 14
// Traj_AmberCoord::ID_TrajFormat()
bool Traj_AmberCoord::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  // File must already be set up for read
  if (fileIn.OpenFile()) return false;
  if (fileIn.NextLine()==0) return false; // Title
  std::string buffer2 = fileIn.GetLine(); // REMD header/coords
  // Check if second line contains REMD/HREMD, Amber Traj with REMD header
  if ( IsRemdHeader( buffer2.c_str() ) ) {
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("  AMBER TRAJECTORY with (H)REMD header.\n");
    hasREMD_ = REMD_HEADER_SIZE + (size_t)fileIn.IsDos();
    return true;
  // Check if we can read at least 3 coords of width 8, Amber trajectory
  float TrajCoord[3];
  if ( sscanf(buffer2.c_str(), "%8f%8f%8f", TrajCoord, TrajCoord+1, TrajCoord+2) == 3 )
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("  AMBER TRAJECTORY file\n");
    return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 15
bool TinkerFile::ID_Tinker(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  if (fileIn.OpenFile()) return false;
  ArgList firstLine( fileIn.NextLine() );
  ArgList secondLine( fileIn.NextLine() );
  ArgList thirdLine( fileIn.NextLine() );
  // First line should have <natom> <title> only
  int natom = 0;
  std::string title;
  if ( SetNatomAndTitle(firstLine, natom, title) != 0 )
    return false;
  //mprinterr("Past SetNatomAndTitle\n");
  if (secondLine.Nargs() == 6) {
    bool isBoxLine = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
      // It is a box line if all 6 tokens are doubles
      try {
        convertToDouble( secondLine.GetStringNext() );
      catch (std::runtime_error e) {
        if (i != 1) return false;
        // We found a non-double on the second character -- it could be an atom
        // name. Check that the rest of the line matches an atom record
        isBoxLine = false;
    // If we are here it is not a box line, so make sure 
    if (!isBoxLine) {
      return IsAtomLine(secondLine);
    } else { // our second line WAS a box, now check the 3rd line
      return IsAtomLine(thirdLine);
  // There is no box, check that the second line is an atom line
  return IsAtomLine(secondLine);
Esempio n. 16
bool Traj_Gro::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& infile) {
    // Title line, atoms line, then resnum, resname, atomname, atomnum, X, Y, Z
    if (infile.OpenFile()) return false;
    int nread = 0;
    if (infile.NextLine() != 0) { // Title
        const char* ptr = infile.NextLine(); // Natom
        if (ptr != 0) {
            // Ensure only a single value on # atoms line
            std::string natom_str( ptr );
            RemoveTrailingWhitespace( natom_str );
            if (validInteger(natom_str)) {
                ptr = infile.NextLine(); // First atom
                if (ptr != 0) {
                    char resnum[6], resname[6], atname[6], atnum[6];
                    float XYZ[3];
                    nread = sscanf(ptr, "%5c%5c%5c%5c%f %f %f", resnum, resname,
                                   atname, atnum, XYZ, XYZ+1, XYZ+2);
    return (nread == 7);
Esempio n. 17
/** Check for an integer (I5) followed by 0-2 scientific floats (E15.7) */
bool Traj_AmberRestart::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  // Assume file set up for read
  if (fileIn.OpenFile()) return false;
  bool isRestart = false;
  if ( fileIn.NextLine() !=0 ) { // Title
    const char* ptr = fileIn.NextLine(); // Natom [time [temp]]
    if (ptr != 0) {
      int i0;
      double D[3];
      int nread = sscanf(ptr, "%5i%15lf%15lf%lf", &i0, D, D+1, D+2);
      if (nread > 0 && nread < 4) {
        // Read at least 3 12.7 coordinates from next line.
        ptr = fileIn.NextLine();
        if (ptr != 0) {
          nread = sscanf(ptr, "%12lf%12lf%12lf", D, D+1, D+2);
          if (nread == 3)
            isRestart = true;
  return isRestart;
Esempio n. 18
// Traj_AmberCoord::ID_TrajFormat()
bool Traj_AmberCoord::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  // File must already be set up for read
  if (fileIn.OpenFile()) return false;
  if (fileIn.NextLine()==0) return false; // Title
  std::string buffer2 = fileIn.GetLine(); // REMD header/coords
  // Check if second line contains REMD/HREMD, Amber Traj with REMD header
  if ( IsRemdHeader( buffer2.c_str() ) ) {
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("  AMBER TRAJECTORY with (H)REMD header.\n");
    headerSize_ = REMD_HEADER_SIZE + (size_t)fileIn.IsDos();
    tStart_ = 33; // 42 - 8 - 1
    tEnd_   = 41; // 42 - 1
    return true;
  // TODO: Read these in as indices instead of temperatures
  if ( IsRxsgldHeader( buffer2.c_str() ) ) {
    mprintf("  AMBER TRAJECTORY with RXSGLD header.\n");
    headerSize_ = RXSGLD_HEADER_SIZE + (size_t)fileIn.IsDos();
    tStart_ = 35; // 44 - 8 - 1
    tEnd_   = 43; // 44 - 1
    return true;
  // Check if we can read 3, 6, 9, or 10 coords (corresponding to 1, 2, 3 or
  // > 3 atoms) of width 8; Amber trajectory.
  float TrajCoord[10];
  int nscan = sscanf(buffer2.c_str(), "%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f",
                     TrajCoord,   TrajCoord+1, TrajCoord+2, TrajCoord+3,
                     TrajCoord+4, TrajCoord+5, TrajCoord+6, TrajCoord+7,
                     TrajCoord+8, TrajCoord+9);
  if (nscan == 3 || nscan == 6 || nscan == 9 || nscan == 10)
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("  AMBER TRAJECTORY file\n");
    return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 19
// Action_Spam::init()
Action::RetType Action_Spam::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, TopologyList* PFL, DataSetList* DSL, DataFileList* DFL, int debugIn)
  // Always use imaged distances
  // This is needed everywhere in this function scope
  FileName filename;

  // See if we're doing pure water. If so, we don't need a peak file
  purewater_ = actionArgs.hasKey("purewater");

  if (purewater_) {
    // We still need the cutoff
    double cut = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cut", 12.0);
    cut2_ = cut * cut;
    doublecut_ = 2 * cut;
    onecut2_ = 1 / cut2_;
    // See if we write to a data file
    datafile_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
    // Generate the data set name, and hold onto the master data set list
    std::string ds_name = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");
    if (ds_name.empty())
      ds_name = myDSL_.GenerateDefaultName("SPAM");
    // We only have one data set averaging over every water. Add it here
    myDSL_.AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, ds_name, NULL);
    solvname_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("solv");
    if (solvname_.empty())
      solvname_ = std::string("WAT");
  }else {
    // Get the file name with the peaks defined in it
    filename.SetFileName( actionArgs.GetStringNext() );

    if (filename.empty() || !File::Exists(filename)) {
      mprinterr("Spam: Error: Peak file [%s] does not exist!\n", filename.full());
      return Action::ERR;

    // Get the remaining optional arguments
    solvname_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("solv");
    if (solvname_.empty())
      solvname_ = std::string("WAT");
    reorder_ = actionArgs.hasKey("reorder");
    bulk_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("bulk", 0.0);
    double cut = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cut", 12.0);
    cut2_ = cut * cut;
    doublecut_ = 2 * cut;
    onecut2_ = 1 / cut2_;
    std::string infoname = actionArgs.GetStringKey("info");
    if (infoname.empty())
      infoname = std::string("");
    infofile_ = DFL->AddCpptrajFile(infoname, "SPAM info");
    if (infofile_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    // The default maskstr is the Oxygen atom of the solvent
    summaryfile_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("summary");
    // Divide site size by 2 to make it half the edge length (or radius)
    site_size_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("site_size", 2.5) / 2.0;
    sphere_ = actionArgs.hasKey("sphere");
    // If it's a sphere, square the radius to compare with
    if (sphere_)
      site_size_ *= site_size_;
    datafile_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
    std::string ds_name = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");
    if (ds_name.empty())
      ds_name = myDSL_.GenerateDefaultName("SPAM");

    // Parse through the peaks file and extract the peaks
    CpptrajFile peakfile;
    if (peakfile.OpenRead(filename)) {
      mprinterr("SPAM: Error: Could not open %s for reading!\n", filename.full());
      return Action::ERR;
    std::string line = peakfile.GetLine();
    int npeaks = 0;
    while (!line.empty()) {
      if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d", &npeaks) != 1) {
        line = peakfile.GetLine();
      line = peakfile.GetLine();
    while (!line.empty()) {
      double x, y, z, dens;
      if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "C %lg %lg %lg %lg", &x, &y, &z, &dens) != 4) {
        line = peakfile.GetLine();
      line = peakfile.GetLine();
      peaks_.push_back(Vec3(x, y, z));
    // Check that our initial number of peaks matches our parsed peaks. Warn
    // otherwise
    if (npeaks != (int)peaks_.size())
      mprinterr("SPAM: Warning: %s claims to have %d peaks, but really has %d!\n",
                filename.full(), npeaks, peaks_.size());
    // Now add all of the data sets
    MetaData md(ds_name);
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)peaks_.size(); i++) {
      md.SetAspect( integerToString(i+1) ); // TODO: Should this be Idx?
      if (myDSL_.AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, md) == 0) return Action::ERR;
      // Add a new list of integers to keep track of omitted frames
      std::vector<int> vec;

  // Print info now
  if (purewater_) {
    mprintf("SPAM: Calculating bulk value for pure solvent\n");
    if (!datafile_.empty())
      mprintf("SPAM: Printing solvent energies to %s\n", datafile_.c_str());
    mprintf("SPAM: Using a %.2f Angstrom non-bonded cutoff with shifted EEL.\n",
    if (reorder_)
      mprintf("SPAM: Warning: Re-ordering makes no sense for pure solvent.\n");
    if (!summaryfile_.empty())
      mprintf("SPAM: Printing solvent SPAM summary to %s\n", summaryfile_.c_str());
  }else {
    mprintf("SPAM: Solvent [%s] density peaks taken from %s.\n",
            solvname_.c_str(), filename.base());
    mprintf("SPAM: %d density peaks will be analyzed from %s.\n",
            peaks_.size(), filename.base());
    mprintf("SPAM: Occupation information printed to %s.\n", infofile_->Filename().full());
    mprintf("SPAM: Sites are ");
    if (sphere_)
      mprintf("spheres with diameter %.3lf\n", site_size_);
      mprintf("boxes with edge length %.3lf\n", site_size_);
    if (reorder_) {
      mprintf("SPAM: Re-ordering trajectory so each site always has ");
      mprintf("the same water molecule.\n");
    if (summaryfile_.empty() && datafile_.empty()) {
      if (!reorder_) {
        mprinterr("SPAM: Error: Not re-ordering trajectory or calculating energies. ");
        mprinterr("Nothing to do!\n");
        return Action::ERR;
      mprintf("SPAM: Not calculating any SPAM energies\n");
    }else {
      mprintf("SPAM: Using a non-bonded cutoff of %.2lf Ang. with a EEL shifting function.\n",
      mprintf("SPAM: Bulk solvent SPAM energy taken as %.3lf kcal/mol\n", bulk_);
  mprintf("#Citation: Cui, G.; Swails, J.M.; Manas, E.S.; \"SPAM: A Simple Approach\n"
          "#          for Profiling Bound Water Molecules\"\n"
          "#          J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2013, 9 (12), pp 5539–5549.\n");

  return Action::OK;
Esempio n. 20
int Cluster_DPeaks::ChoosePointsAutomatically() {
  // Right now all density values are discrete. Try to choose outliers at each
  // value for which there is density.;
  // For each point, calculate average distance (X,Y) to points in next and
  // previous density values.
  const double dens_cut = 3.0 * 3.0;
  const double dist_cut = 1.32 * 1.32;
  for (Carray::const_iterator point0 = Points_.begin(); point0 != Points_.end(); ++point0)
    int Npts = 0;
    for (Carray::const_iterator point1 = Points_.begin(); point1 != Points_.end(); ++point1)
      if (point0 != point1) {
        // Only do this for close densities
        double dX = (double)(point0->PointsWithinEps() - point1->PointsWithinEps());
        double dX2 = dX * dX;
        double dY = (point0->Dist() - point1->Dist());
        double dY2 = dY * dY;
        if (dX2 < dens_cut && dY2 < dist_cut) {
    mprintf("%i %i %i\n", point0->PointsWithinEps(), point0->Fnum()+1, Npts);

  CpptrajFile tempOut;
  int currentDensity = -1;
  double distAv = 0.0;
  double distSD = 0.0;
  double sumWts = 0.0;
  int nValues = 0;
  Carray::const_iterator lastPoint = Points_.end() + 1;
  for (Carray::const_iterator point = Points_.begin(); point != lastPoint; ++point)
    if (point == Points_.end() || point->PointsWithinEps() != currentDensity) {
      if (nValues > 0) {
        distAv = distAv / sumWts; //(double)nValues;
        distSD = (distSD / sumWts) - (distAv * distAv);
        if (distSD > 0.0)
          distSD = sqrt(distSD);
          distSD = 0.0;
        //mprintf("Density %i: %i values  Avg= %g  SD= %g  SumWts= %g\n", currentDensity,
        //        nValues, distAv, distSD, sumWts);
        tempOut.Printf("%i %g\n", currentDensity, distAv);
      if (point == Points_.end()) break;
      currentDensity = point->PointsWithinEps();
      distAv = 0.0;
      distSD = 0.0;
      sumWts = 0.0;
      nValues = 0;
    double wt = exp(point->Dist());
    double dval = point->Dist() * wt;
    sumWts += wt;
    distAv += dval;
    distSD += (dval * dval);

  CpptrajFile tempOut;
  DataSet_Mesh weightedAverage;
  Carray::const_iterator cp = Points_.begin();
  // Skip local density of 0.
  //while (cp->PointsWithinEps() == 0 && cp != Points_.end()) ++cp;
  while (cp != Points_.end())
    int densityVal = cp->PointsWithinEps();
    Carray densityArray;
    // Add all points of current density.
    while (cp->PointsWithinEps() == densityVal && cp != Points_.end())
      densityArray.push_back( *(cp++) );
    mprintf("Density value %i has %zu points.\n", densityVal, densityArray.size());
    // Sort array by distance
    std::sort(densityArray.begin(), densityArray.end(), Cpoint::dist_sort());
    // Take the average of the points weighted by their position. 
    double wtDistAv = 0.0;
    double sumWts = 0.0;
    //std::vector<double> weights;
    //weights.reserve( densityArray.size() );
    int maxPt = (int)densityArray.size() - 1;
    for (int ip = 0; ip != (int)densityArray.size(); ++ip) 
      double wt = exp( (double)(ip - maxPt) );
      //mprintf("\t%10i %10u %10u %10g\n", densityVal, ip, maxPt, wt);
      wtDistAv += (densityArray[ip].Dist() * wt);
      sumWts += wt;
      //weights.push_back( wt );
    wtDistAv /= sumWts;
    // Calculate the weighted sample variance
    //double distSD = 0.0;
    //for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip != densityArray.size(); ++ip) {
    //  double diff = densityArray[ip].Dist() - wtDistAv;
    //  distSD += weights[ip] * (diff * diff);
    //distSD /= sumWts;
    weightedAverage.AddXY(densityVal, wtDistAv); 
    //tempOut.Printf("%i %g %g %g\n", densityVal, wtDistAv, sqrt(distSD), sumWts);
    tempOut.Printf("%i %g %g\n", densityVal, wtDistAv, sumWts);
    // Find the median.
    double median, Q1, Q3;
    if (densityArray.size() == 1) {
      median = densityArray[0].Dist();
      Q1 = median;
      Q3 = median;
    } else {
      unsigned int q3_beg;
      unsigned int med_idx = densityArray.size() / 2; // Always 0 <= Q1 < med_idx
      if ((densityArray.size() % 2) == 0) {
        median = (densityArray[med_idx].Dist() + densityArray[med_idx-1].Dist()) / 2.0;
        q3_beg = med_idx;
      } else {
        median = densityArray[med_idx].Dist();
        q3_beg = med_idx + 1;
      if (densityArray.size() == 2) {
        Q1 = densityArray[0].Dist();
        Q3 = densityArray[1].Dist();
      } else {
        // Find lower quartile
        unsigned int q1_idx = med_idx / 2;
        if ((med_idx % 2) == 0)
          Q1 = (densityArray[q1_idx].Dist() + densityArray[q1_idx-1].Dist()) / 2.0;
          Q1 = densityArray[q1_idx].Dist();
        // Find upper quartile
        unsigned int q3_size = densityArray.size() - q3_beg;
        unsigned int q3_idx = (q3_size / 2) + q3_beg;
        if ((q3_size %2) == 0)
          Q3 = (densityArray[q3_idx].Dist() + densityArray[q3_idx-1].Dist()) / 2.0;
          Q3 = densityArray[q3_idx].Dist();
    mprintf("\tMedian dist value is %g. Q1= %g   Q3= %g\n", median, Q1, Q3);

  // TEST
  std::vector<double> Hist( Points_.back().PointsWithinEps()+1, 0.0 );
  int gWidth = 3;
  double cval = 3.0;
  double two_c_squared = 2.0 * cval * cval;
  mprintf("DBG: cval= %g, Gaussian denominator is %g\n", cval, two_c_squared);
  for (int wtIdx = 0; wtIdx != (int)weightedAverage.Size(); wtIdx++)
    int bval = weightedAverage.X(wtIdx);
    for (int xval = std::max(bval - gWidth, 0);
             xval != std::min(bval + gWidth + 1, (int)Hist.size()); xval++)
      // a: height (weighted average)
      // b: center (density value)
      // c: width
      // x: density value in histogram 
      //int xval = weightedAverage.X(idx);
      //double bval = weightedAverage.X(wtIdx);
      //double bval = (double)wtIdx;
      double diff = (double)(xval - bval);
      //Hist[xval] += (weightedAverage.Y(wtIdx) * exp( -( (diff * diff) / two_c_squared ) ));
      Hist[xval] = std::max(Hist[xval],
                            weightedAverage.Y(wtIdx) * exp( -( (diff * diff) / two_c_squared ) ));
  for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx != Hist.size(); idx++)
    tempOut.Printf("%u %g\n", idx, Hist[idx]);
  // TEST
  // Construct best-fit line segments
  double slope, intercept, correl;
  int segment_length = 3;
  DataSet_Mesh Segment;
  Segment.Allocate1D( segment_length );
  for (int wtIdx = 0; wtIdx != (int)weightedAverage.Size(); wtIdx++)
    for (int idx = std::max(wtIdx - 1, 0); // TODO: use segment_length
             idx != std::min(wtIdx + 2, (int)weightedAverage.Size()); idx++)
        Segment.AddXY(weightedAverage.X(idx), weightedAverage.Y(idx));
    Segment.LinearRegression(slope, intercept, correl, true);
    for (int idx = std::max(wtIdx - 1, 0); // TODO: use segment_length
             idx != std::min(wtIdx + 2, (int)weightedAverage.Size()); idx++)
      double x = weightedAverage.X(idx);
      double y = slope * x + intercept;
      tempOut.Printf("%g %g %i\n", x, y, weightedAverage.X(wtIdx));

  // For each point, determine if it is greater than the average of the
  // weighted average distances of the previous, current, and next densities.
  int width = 2;
  int currentDensity = 0;
  int wtIdx = 0;
  double currentAvg = 0.0;
  double deltaSD = 0.0;
  double deltaAv = 0.0;
  int    Ndelta = 0;
  CpptrajFile raOut;
  if (!rafile_.empty()) raOut.OpenWrite(rafile_);
  CpptrajFile raDelta;
  if (!radelta_.empty()) raDelta.OpenWrite(radelta_);
  std::vector<unsigned int> candidateIdxs;
  std::vector<double> candidateDeltas;
  cp = Points_.begin();
  // Skip over points with zero density
  while (cp != Points_.end() && cp->PointsWithinEps() == 0) ++cp;
  while (weightedAverage.X(wtIdx) != cp->PointsWithinEps() && wtIdx < (int)Points_.size())
  for (Carray::const_iterator point = cp; point != Points_.end(); ++point)
    if (point->PointsWithinEps() != currentDensity) {
      //currentAvg = weightedAverage.Y(wtIdx);
      // New density value. Determine average.
      currentAvg = 0.0;
     // unsigned int Npt = 0; 
      double currentWt = 0.0;
      for (int idx = std::max(wtIdx - width, 0);
               idx != std::min(wtIdx + width + 1, (int)weightedAverage.Size()); idx++)
        //currentAvg += weightedAverage.Y(idx);
        double wt = weightedAverage.Y(idx);
        currentAvg += (weightedAverage.Y(idx) * wt);
        currentWt += wt;
      //currentAvg /= (double)Npt;
      currentAvg /= currentWt;
      //smoothAv += currentAvg;
      //smoothSD += (currentAvg * currentAvg);
      currentDensity = point->PointsWithinEps();
      if (raOut.IsOpen())
        raOut.Printf("%i %g %g\n", currentDensity, currentAvg, weightedAverage.Y(wtIdx));
    double delta = (point->Dist() - currentAvg);
    if (delta > 0.0) {
      //delta *= log((double)currentDensity);
      if (raDelta.IsOpen())
        raDelta.Printf("%8i %8.3f %8i %8.3f %8.3f\n",
                       currentDensity, delta, point->Fnum()+1, point->Dist(), currentAvg);
      candidateIdxs.push_back( point - Points_.begin() );
      candidateDeltas.push_back( delta );
      deltaAv += delta;
      deltaSD += (delta * delta);
  deltaAv /= (double)Ndelta;
  deltaSD = (deltaSD / (double)Ndelta) - (deltaAv * deltaAv);
  if (deltaSD > 0.0)
    deltaSD = sqrt(deltaSD);
    deltaSD = 0.0;
  if (raDelta.IsOpen())
    raDelta.Printf("#DeltaAvg= %g  DeltaSD= %g\n", deltaAv, deltaSD);
  int cnum = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != candidateIdxs.size(); i++) {
    if (candidateDeltas[i] > (deltaSD)) {
      Points_[candidateIdxs[i]].SetCluster( cnum++ );
      mprintf("\tPoint %u (frame %i, density %i) selected as candidate for cluster %i\n",
              candidateIdxs[i], Points_[candidateIdxs[i]].Fnum()+1,
              Points_[candidateIdxs[i]].PointsWithinEps(), cnum-1);

  // Currently doing this by calculating the running average of density vs 
  // distance, then choosing points with distance > twice the SD of the 
  // running average.
  // NOTE: Store in a mesh data set for now in case we want to spline etc later.
  if (avg_factor_ < 1) avg_factor_ = 10; 
  unsigned int window_size = Points_.size() / (unsigned int)avg_factor_;
  mprintf("\tRunning avg window size is %u\n", window_size);
  // FIXME: Handle case where window_size < frames
  DataSet_Mesh runavg;
  unsigned int ra_size = Points_.size() - window_size + 1;
  runavg.Allocate1D( ra_size );
  double dwindow = (double)window_size;
  double sumx = 0.0;
  double sumy = 0.0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < window_size; i++) {
    sumx += (double)Points_[i].PointsWithinEps();
    sumy += Points_[i].Dist();
  runavg.AddXY( sumx / dwindow, sumy / dwindow );
  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < ra_size; i++) {
    unsigned int nextwin = i + window_size - 1;
    unsigned int prevwin = i - 1;
    sumx = (double)Points_[nextwin].PointsWithinEps() -
           (double)Points_[prevwin].PointsWithinEps() + sumx;
    sumy =         Points_[nextwin].Dist()    -
                   Points_[prevwin].Dist()    + sumy;
    runavg.AddXY( sumx / dwindow, sumy / dwindow );
  // Write running average
  if (!rafile_.empty()) {
    CpptrajFile raOut;
    if (raOut.OpenWrite(rafile_))
      mprinterr("Error: Could not open running avg file '%s' for write.\n", rafile_.c_str());
    else {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i != runavg.Size(); i++)
        raOut.Printf("%g %g\n", runavg.X(i), runavg.Y(i));
  double ra_sd;
  double ra_avg = runavg.Avg( ra_sd );
  // Double stdev to use as cutoff for findning anomalously high peaks.
  ra_sd *= 2.0;
  mprintf("\tAvg of running avg set is %g, SD*2.0 (delta cutoff) is %g\n", ra_avg, ra_sd);
  // For each point in density vs distance plot, determine which running
  // average point is closest. If the difference between the point and the
  // running average point is > 2.0 the SD of the running average data,
  // consider it a 'peak'. 
  CpptrajFile raDelta;
  if (!radelta_.empty())
  if (raDelta.IsOpen())
    raDelta.Printf("%-10s %10s %10s\n", "#Frame", "RnAvgPos", "Delta");
  unsigned int ra_position = 0; // Position in the runavg DataSet
  unsigned int ra_end = runavg.Size() - 1;
  int cnum = 0;
  for (Carray::iterator point = Points_.begin();
                        point != Points_.end(); ++point)
    if (ra_position != ra_end) {
      // Is the next running avgd point closer to this point?
      while (ra_position != ra_end) {
        double dens  = (double)point->PointsWithinEps();
        double diff0 = fabs( dens - runavg.X(ra_position  ) );
        double diff1 = fabs( dens - runavg.X(ra_position+1) );
        if (diff1 < diff0)
          ++ra_position; // Next running avg position is closer for this point.
          break; // This position is closer.
    double delta = point->Dist() - runavg.Y(ra_position);
    if (raDelta.IsOpen())
      raDelta.Printf("%-10i %10u %10g", point->Fnum()+1, ra_position, delta);
    if (delta > ra_sd) {
      if (raDelta.IsOpen())
        raDelta.Printf(" POTENTIAL CLUSTER %i", cnum);
    if (raDelta.IsOpen()) raDelta.Printf("\n");
  return cnum;
Esempio n. 21
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Cluster_DPeaks::Cluster_DiscreteDensity() {
  mprintf("\tStarting DPeaks clustering, discrete density calculation.\n");
  // First determine which frames are being clustered.
  for (int frame = 0; frame < (int)FrameDistances_.Nframes(); ++frame)
    if (!FrameDistances_.IgnoringRow( frame ))
      Points_.push_back( Cpoint(frame) );
  // Sanity check.
  if (Points_.size() < 2) {
    mprinterr("Error: Only 1 frame in initial clustering.\n");
    return 1;
  // For each point, determine how many others are within epsilon. Also
  // determine maximum distance between any two points.
  mprintf("\tDetermining local density of each point.\n");
  ProgressBar cluster_progress( Points_.size() );
  double maxDist = -1.0;
  for (Carray::iterator point0 = Points_.begin();
                        point0 != Points_.end(); ++point0)
    cluster_progress.Update(point0 - Points_.begin());
    int density = 0;
    for (Carray::const_iterator point1 = Points_.begin();
                                point1 != Points_.end(); ++point1)
      if (point0 != point1) {
        double dist = FrameDistances_.GetFdist(point0->Fnum(), point1->Fnum());
        maxDist = std::max(maxDist, dist);
        if ( dist < epsilon_ )
    point0->SetPointsWithinEps( density );
  mprintf("DBG: Max dist= %g\n", maxDist);
  // DEBUG: Frame/Density
  CpptrajFile fdout;
  for (Carray::const_iterator point = Points_.begin(); point != Points_.end(); ++point)
    fdout.Printf("%i %i\n", point->Fnum()+1, point->PointsWithinEps());
  // Sort by density here. Otherwise array indices will be invalid later.
  std::sort( Points_.begin(), Points_.end(), Cpoint::pointsWithinEps_sort() );
  // For each point, find the closest point that has higher density. Since 
  // array is now sorted by density the last point has the highest density.
  Points_.back().SetDist( maxDist );
  mprintf("\tFinding closest neighbor point with higher density for each point.\n");
  unsigned int lastidx = Points_.size() - 1;
  cluster_progress.SetupProgress( lastidx );
  for (unsigned int idx0 = 0; idx0 != lastidx; idx0++)
    cluster_progress.Update( idx0 );
    double min_dist = maxDist;
    int nearestIdx = -1; // Index of nearest neighbor with higher density
    Cpoint& point0 = Points_[idx0];
    //mprintf("\nDBG:\tSearching for nearest neighbor to idx %u with higher density than %i.\n",
    //        idx0, point0.PointsWithinEps());
    // Since array is sorted by density we can start at the next point.
    for (unsigned int idx1 = idx0+1; idx1 != Points_.size(); idx1++)
      Cpoint const& point1 = Points_[idx1];
      double dist1_2 = FrameDistances_.GetFdist(point0.Fnum(), point1.Fnum());
      if (point1.PointsWithinEps() > point0.PointsWithinEps())
        if (dist1_2 < min_dist) {
          min_dist = dist1_2;
          nearestIdx = (int)idx1;
          //mprintf("DBG:\t\tNeighbor idx %i is closer (density %i, distance %g)\n",
          //        nearestIdx, point1.PointsWithinEps(), min_dist);
    point0.SetDist( min_dist );
    //mprintf("DBG:\tClosest point to %u with higher density is %i (distance %g)\n",
    //        idx0, nearestIdx, min_dist);
    point0.SetNearestIdx( nearestIdx );
  // Plot density vs distance for each point.
  if (!dvdfile_.empty()) {
    CpptrajFile output;
    if (output.OpenWrite(dvdfile_))
      mprinterr("Error: Could not open density vs distance plot '%s' for write.\n",
                dvdfile_.c_str()); // TODO: Make fatal?
    else {
      output.Printf("%-10s %10s %s %10s %10s\n", "#Density", "Distance",
                    "Frame", "Idx", "Neighbor");
      for (Carray::const_iterator point = Points_.begin();
                                  point != Points_.end(); ++point)
        output.Printf("%-10i %10g \"%i\" %10u %10i\n", point->PointsWithinEps(), point->Dist(),
                      point->Fnum()+1, point-Points_.begin(), point->NearestIdx());

  return 0;
Esempio n. 22
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Cluster_DPeaks::Cluster_GaussianKernel() {
  mprintf("\tStarting DPeaks clustering. Using Gaussian kernel to calculate density.\n");
  // First determine which frames are being clustered.
  int oidx = 0;
  for (int frame = 0; frame < (int)FrameDistances_.Nframes(); ++frame)
    if (!FrameDistances_.IgnoringRow( frame ))
      Points_.push_back( Cpoint(frame, oidx++) );
  // Sanity check.
  if (Points_.size() < 2) {
    mprinterr("Error: Only 1 frame in initial clustering.\n");
    return 1;

  // Sort distances
  std::vector<float> Distances;
  for (ClusterMatrix::const_iterator mat = FrameDistances_.begin();
                                     mat != FrameDistances_.end(); ++mat)
    Distances.push_back( *mat );
  std::sort( Distances.begin(), Distances.end() );
  unsigned int idx = (unsigned int)((double)Distances.size() * 0.02);
  double bandwidth = (double)Distances[idx];
  mprintf("idx= %u, bandwidth= %g\n", idx, bandwidth);

  // Density via Gaussian kernel
  double maxDist = -1.0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != Points_.size(); i++) {
    for (unsigned int j = i+1; j != Points_.size(); j++) {
      double dist = FrameDistances_.GetFdist(Points_[i].Fnum(), Points_[j].Fnum());
      maxDist = std::max( maxDist, dist );
      dist /= bandwidth;
      double gk = exp(-(dist *dist));
      Points_[i].AddDensity( gk );
      Points_[j].AddDensity( gk );
  mprintf("Max dist= %g\n", maxDist);
  CpptrajFile rhoOut;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != Points_.size(); i++)
    rhoOut.Printf("%u %g\n", i+1, Points_[i].Density());
  // Sort by density, descending
  std::stable_sort( Points_.begin(), Points_.end(), Cpoint::density_sort_descend() );
  CpptrajFile ordrhoOut;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != Points_.size(); i++)
    ordrhoOut.Printf("%u %g %i %i\n", i+1, Points_[i].Density(), Points_[i].Fnum()+1,

  // Determine minimum distances
  int first_idx = Points_[0].Oidx();
  Points_[first_idx].SetDist( -1.0 );
  for (unsigned int ii = 1; ii != Points_.size(); ii++) {
    int ord_i = Points_[ii].Oidx();
    Points_[ord_i].SetDist( maxDist );
    for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj != ii; jj++) {
      int ord_j = Points_[jj].Oidx();
      double dist = FrameDistances_.GetFdist(Points_[ord_i].Fnum(), Points_[ord_j].Fnum());
      if (dist < Points_[ord_i].Dist()) {
        Points_[ord_i].SetDist( dist );
        Points_[ord_j].SetNearestIdx( ord_j );
  if (!dvdfile_.empty()) {
    CpptrajFile output;
    if (output.OpenWrite(dvdfile_)) return 1;
    for (Carray::const_iterator point = Points_.begin(); point != Points_.end(); ++point)
      output.Printf("%g %g %i\n", point->Density(), point->Dist(), point->NearestIdx()+1);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 23
/** Header is 256 4-byte words. Integer unless otherwise noted. First 56 words are:
  *    0-2: columns, rows, sections (fastest changing to slowest)
  *      3: mode: 0 = envelope stored as signed bytes (from -128 lowest to 127 highest)
  *               1 = Image     stored as Integer*2
  *               2 = Image     stored as Reals
  *               3 = Transform stored as Complex Integer*2
  *               4 = Transform stored as Complex Reals
  *               5 == 0
  *    4-6: Column, row, and section offsets
  *    7-9: Intervals along X, Y, Z
  *  10-15: float; 3x cell lengths (Ang) and 3x cell angles (deg)
  *  16-18: Map of which axes correspond to cols, rows, sections (1,2,3 = x,y,z)
  *  19-21: float; Min, max, and mean density
  *  22-24: Space group, bytes used for storing symm ops, flag for skew transform
  *         If skew flag != 0, skew transformation is from standard orthogonal
  *         coordinate frame (as used for atoms) to orthogonal map frame, as:
  *             Xo(map) = S * (Xo(atoms) - t)
  *  25-33: Skew matrix 'S' (in order S11, S12, S13, S21 etc)
  *  34-36: Skew translation 't'
  *  37-51: For future use and can be skipped.
  *     52: char; 'MAP '
  *     53: char; machine stamp for determining endianness
  *     54: float; RMS deviation of map from mean
  *     55: Number of labels
int DataIO_CCP4::ReadData(FileName const& fname,
                          DataSetList& datasetlist, std::string const& dsname)
    CpptrajFile infile;
    if (infile.OpenRead( fname )) return 1;
    // Read first 56 words of the header into a buffer.
    headerbyte buffer;
    if (infile.Read(buffer.i, 224*sizeof(unsigned char)) < 1) {
        mprinterr("Error: Could not buffer CCP4 header.\n");
        return 1;
    if (debug_ > 0)
        mprintf("DEBUG: MAP= '%c %c %c %c'  MACHST= '%x %x %x %x'\n",
                buffer.c[208], buffer.c[209], buffer.c[210], buffer.c[211],
                buffer.c[212], buffer.c[213], buffer.c[214], buffer.c[215]);
    if (!MapCharsValid(buffer.c + 208)) {
        mprinterr("Error: CCP4 file missing 'MAP ' string at word 53\n");
        return 1;
    // Check endianess
    bool isBigEndian = (buffer.c[212] == 0x11 && buffer.c[213] == 0x11 &&
                        buffer.c[214] == 0x00 && buffer.c[215] == 0x00);
    if (!isBigEndian) {
        if (debug_ > 0) mprintf("DEBUG: Little endian.\n");
        // SANITY CHECK
        if ( !(buffer.c[212] == 0x44 && buffer.c[213] == 0x41 &&
                buffer.c[214] == 0x00 && buffer.c[215] == 0x00) )
            mprintf("Warning: Invalid machine stamp: %x %x %x %x : assuming little endian.\n",
                    buffer.c[212], buffer.c[213], buffer.c[214], buffer.c[215]);
    } else {
        if (debug_ > 0) mprintf("DEBUG: Big endian.\n");
        // Perform endian swapping on header if necessary
        endian_swap(buffer.i, 56);

    // Print DEBUG info
    if (debug_ > 0) {
        mprintf("DEBUG: Columns=%i  Rows=%i  Sections=%i\n", buffer.i[0], buffer.i[1], buffer.i[2]);
        mprintf("DEBUG: Mode=%i\n", buffer.i[3]);
        mprintf("DEBUG: Offsets: C=%i  R=%i  S=%i\n", buffer.i[4], buffer.i[5], buffer.i[6]);
        mprintf("DEBUG: NXYZ={ %i %i %i }\n", buffer.i[7], buffer.i[8], buffer.i[9]);
        mprintf("DEBUG: Box XYZ={ %f %f %f }  ABG={ %f %f %f }\n",
                buffer.f[10], buffer.f[11], buffer.f[12],
                buffer.f[13], buffer.f[14], buffer.f[15]);
        mprintf("DEBUG: Map: ColAxis=%i  RowAxis=%i  SecAxis=%i\n",
                buffer.i[16], buffer.i[17], buffer.i[18]);
        mprintf("DEBUG: SpaceGroup#=%i  SymmOpBytes=%i  SkewFlag=%i\n",
                buffer.i[22], buffer.i[23], buffer.i[24]);
        const int* MSKEW = buffer.i + 25;
        mprintf("DEBUG: Skew matrix: %i %i %i\n"
                "                    %i %i %i\n"
                "                    %i %i %i\n", MSKEW[0], MSKEW[1], MSKEW[2], MSKEW[3],
                MSKEW[4], MSKEW[5], MSKEW[6], MSKEW[7], MSKEW[8]);
        const int* TSKEW = buffer.i + 34;
        mprintf("DEBUG: Skew translation: %i %i %i\n", TSKEW[0], TSKEW[1], TSKEW[2]);
        mprintf("DEBUG: Nlabels=%i\n", buffer.i[55]);
    // Check input data. Only support mode 2 for now.
    if (buffer.i[3] != 2) {
        mprinterr("Error: Mode %i; currently only mode 2 for CCP4 files is supported.\n", buffer.i[3]);
        return 1;
    // Check offsets.
    if (buffer.i[4] != 0 || buffer.i[5] != 0 || buffer.i[6] != 0)
        mprintf("Warning: Non-zero offsets present. This is not yet supported and will be ignored.\n");
    // Check that mapping is col=x row=y section=z
    if (buffer.i[16] != 1 || buffer.i[17] != 2 || buffer.i[18] != 3) {
        mprinterr("Error: Currently only support cols=X, rows=Y, sections=Z\n");
        return 1;
    if (buffer.i[24] != 0) {
        mprintf("Warning: Skew information present but not yet supported and will be ignored.\n");
        return 1;

    // Read 10 80 character text labels
    char Labels[801];
    Labels[800] = '\0';
    infile.Read( Labels, 200*wSize );
    mprintf("\t%s\n", Labels);
    // Symmetry records: operators separated by * and grouped into 'lines' of 80 characters
    int NsymmRecords = buffer.i[23] / 80;
    if (NsymmRecords > 0) {
        char symBuffer[81];
        mprintf("\t%i symmetry records.\n", NsymmRecords);
        for (int ib = 0; ib != NsymmRecords; ib++) {
            infile.Gets( symBuffer, 80 );
            mprintf("\t%s\n", symBuffer);

    // Add grid data set. Default to float for now.
    DataSet* gridDS = datasetlist.AddSet( DataSet::GRID_FLT, dsname, "GRID" );
    if (gridDS == 0) return 1;
    DataSet_GridFlt& grid = static_cast<DataSet_GridFlt&>( *gridDS );
    // Allocate grid from dims and spacing. FIXME OK to assume zero origin?
    if (grid.Allocate_N_O_Box( buffer.i[7], buffer.i[8], buffer.i[9],
                               Vec3(0.0), Box(buffer.f + 10) ) != 0)
        mprinterr("Error: Could not allocate grid.\n");
        return 1;
    // FIXME: Grids are currently indexed so Z is fastest changing.
    //        Should be able to change indexing in grid DataSet.
    size_t mapSize = buffer.i[7] * buffer.i[8] * buffer.i[9];
    mprintf("\tCCP4 map has %zu elements\n", mapSize);
    mprintf("\tDensity: Min=%f  Max=%f  Mean=%f  RMS=%f\n",
            buffer.f[19], buffer.f[20], buffer.f[21], buffer.f[54]);
    std::vector<float> mapbuffer( mapSize );
    int mapBytes = mapSize * wSize;
    int numRead = infile.Read( &mapbuffer[0], mapBytes );
    if (numRead < 1) {
        mprinterr("Error: Could not read CCP4 map data.\n");
        return 1;
    } else if (numRead < mapBytes)
        mprintf("Warning: Expected %i bytes, read only %i bytes\n", mapBytes, numRead);
    if (isBigEndian) endian_swap(&mapbuffer[0], mapSize);

    // FIXME: Place data into grid DataSet with correct ordering.
    int gidx = 0;
    int NXY = buffer.i[7] * buffer.i[8];
    for (int ix = 0; ix != buffer.i[7]; ix++)
        for (int iy = 0; iy != buffer.i[8]; iy++)
            for (int iz = 0; iz != buffer.i[9]; iz++) {
                int midx = (iz * NXY) + (iy * buffer.i[7]) + ix;
                grid[gidx++] = mapbuffer[midx];

    return 0;
Esempio n. 24
/** Open the Charmm PSF file specified by filename and set up topology data.
  * Mask selection requires natom, nres, names, resnames, resnums.
int Parm_CharmmPsf::ReadParm(FileName const& fname, Topology &parmOut) {
  const size_t TAGSIZE = 10; 
  char tag[TAGSIZE];

  CpptrajFile infile;
  if (infile.OpenRead(fname)) return 1;
  mprintf("    Reading Charmm PSF file %s as topology file.\n",infile.Filename().base());
  // Read the first line, should contain PSF...
  const char* buffer = 0;
  if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0 ) return 1;
  // Advance to <ntitle> !NTITLE
  int ntitle = FindTag(tag, "!NTITLE", 7, infile); 
  // Only read in 1st title. Skip any asterisks.
  std::string psftitle;
  if (ntitle > 0) {
    buffer = infile.NextLine();
    const char* ptr = buffer;
    while (*ptr != '\0' && (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '*')) ++ptr;
    psftitle.assign( ptr );
  parmOut.SetParmName( NoTrailingWhitespace(psftitle), infile.Filename() );
  // Advance to <natom> !NATOM
  int natom = FindTag(tag, "!NATOM", 6, infile);
  if (debug_>0) mprintf("\tPSF: !NATOM tag found, natom=%i\n", natom);
  // If no atoms, probably issue with PSF file
  if (natom < 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: No atoms in PSF file.\n");
    return 1;
  // Read the next natom lines
  int psfresnum = 0;
  char psfresname[6];
  char psfname[6];
  char psftype[6];
  double psfcharge;
  double psfmass;
  for (int atom=0; atom < natom; atom++) {
    if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0 ) {
      mprinterr("Error: ReadParmPSF(): Reading atom %i\n",atom+1);
      return 1;
    // Read line
    sscanf(buffer,"%*i %*s %i %s %s %s %lf %lf",&psfresnum, psfresname, 
           psfname, psftype, &psfcharge, &psfmass);
    parmOut.AddTopAtom( Atom( psfname, psfcharge, psfmass, psftype), 
                        Residue( psfresname, psfresnum, ' ', ' '), 0 );
  } // END loop over atoms 
  // Advance to <nbond> !NBOND
  int bondatoms[9];
  int nbond = FindTag(tag, "!NBOND", 6, infile);
  if (nbond > 0) {
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("\tPSF: !NBOND tag found, nbond=%i\n", nbond);
    int nlines = nbond / 4;
    if ( (nbond % 4) != 0) nlines++;
    for (int bondline=0; bondline < nlines; bondline++) {
      if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0 ) {
        mprinterr("Error: ReadParmPSF(): Reading bond line %i\n",bondline+1);
        return 1;
      // Each line has 4 pairs of atom numbers
      int nbondsread = sscanf(buffer,"%i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i",bondatoms,bondatoms+1,
                              bondatoms+2,bondatoms+3, bondatoms+4,bondatoms+5,
      // NOTE: Charmm atom nums start from 1
      for (int bondidx=0; bondidx < nbondsread; bondidx+=2)
        parmOut.AddBond(bondatoms[bondidx]-1, bondatoms[bondidx+1]-1);
  } else
    mprintf("Warning: PSF has no bonds.\n");
  // Advance to <nangles> !NTHETA
  int nangle = FindTag(tag, "!NTHETA", 7, infile);
  if (nangle > 0) {
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("\tPSF: !NTHETA tag found, nangle=%i\n", nangle);
    int nlines = nangle / 3;
    if ( (nangle % 3) != 0) nlines++;
    for (int angleline=0; angleline < nlines; angleline++) {
      if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Reading angle line %i\n", angleline+1);
        return 1;
      // Each line has 3 groups of 3 atom numbers
      int nanglesread = sscanf(buffer,"%i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i",bondatoms,bondatoms+1,
                              bondatoms+2,bondatoms+3, bondatoms+4,bondatoms+5,
                              bondatoms+6,bondatoms+7, bondatoms+8);
      for (int angleidx=0; angleidx < nanglesread; angleidx += 3)
        parmOut.AddAngle( bondatoms[angleidx  ]-1,
                          bondatoms[angleidx+2]-1 );
  } else
    mprintf("Warning: PSF has no angles.\n");
  // Advance to <ndihedrals> !NPHI
  int ndihedral = FindTag(tag, "!NPHI", 5, infile);
  if (ndihedral > 0) {
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("\tPSF: !NPHI tag found, ndihedral=%i\n", ndihedral);
    int nlines = ndihedral / 2;
    if ( (ndihedral % 2) != 0) nlines++;
    for (int dihline = 0; dihline < nlines; dihline++) {
      if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Reading dihedral line %i\n", dihline+1);
        return 1;
      // Each line has 2 groups of 4 atom numbers
      int ndihread = sscanf(buffer,"%i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i",bondatoms,bondatoms+1,
                              bondatoms+2,bondatoms+3, bondatoms+4,bondatoms+5,
      for (int dihidx=0; dihidx < ndihread; dihidx += 4)
        parmOut.AddDihedral( bondatoms[dihidx  ]-1,
                             bondatoms[dihidx+3]-1 );
  } else
    mprintf("Warning: PSF has no dihedrals.\n");
  mprintf("\tPSF contains %i atoms, %i residues.\n", parmOut.Natom(), parmOut.Nres());


  return 0;
Esempio n. 25
int Parm_CharmmPsf::WriteParm(FileName const& fname, Topology const& parm) {
  // TODO: CMAP etc info
  CpptrajFile outfile;
  if (outfile.OpenWrite(fname)) return 1;
  // Write PSF
  // Write title
  std::string titleOut = parm.ParmName();
  outfile.Printf("%8i !NTITLE\n* %-78s\n\n", 1, titleOut.c_str());
  // Write NATOM section
  outfile.Printf("%8i !NATOM\n", parm.Natom());
  unsigned int idx = 1;
  // Make fake segment ids for now.
  char segid[2];
  segid[0] = 'A';
  segid[1] = '\0';
  mprintf("Warning: Assigning single letter segment IDs.\n");
  int currentMol = 0;
  bool inSolvent = false;
  for (Topology::atom_iterator atom = parm.begin(); atom != parm.end(); ++atom, ++idx) {
    int resnum = atom->ResNum();
    if (atom->MolNum() != currentMol) {
      if (!inSolvent) {
        inSolvent = parm.Mol(atom->MolNum()).IsSolvent();
        currentMol = atom->MolNum();
      } else
        inSolvent = parm.Mol(atom->MolNum()).IsSolvent();
    // TODO: Print type name for xplor-like PSF
    int typeindex = atom->TypeIndex() + 1;
    // If type begins with digit, assume charmm numbers were read as
    // type. Currently Amber types all begin with letters.
    if (isdigit(atom->Type()[0]))
      typeindex = convertToInteger( *(atom->Type()) );
    outfile.Printf("%8i %-4s %-4i %-4s %-4s %4i %14.6G %9g  %10i\n", idx, segid,
                   parm.Res(resnum).OriginalResNum(), parm.Res(resnum).c_str(),
                   atom->c_str(), typeindex, atom->Charge(),
                   atom->Mass(), 0);
  // Write NBOND section
  outfile.Printf("%8u !NBOND: bonds\n", parm.Bonds().size() + parm.BondsH().size());
  idx = 1;
  for (BondArray::const_iterator bond = parm.BondsH().begin();
                                 bond != parm.BondsH().end(); ++bond, ++idx)
    outfile.Printf("%8i%8i", bond->A1()+1, bond->A2()+1);
    if ((idx % 4)==0) outfile.Printf("\n"); 
  for (BondArray::const_iterator bond = parm.Bonds().begin();
                                 bond != parm.Bonds().end(); ++bond, ++idx)
    outfile.Printf("%8i%8i", bond->A1()+1, bond->A2()+1);
    if ((idx % 4)==0) outfile.Printf("\n"); 
  if ((idx % 4)!=0) outfile.Printf("\n");
  // Write NTHETA section
  outfile.Printf("%8u !NTHETA: angles\n", parm.Angles().size() + parm.AnglesH().size());
  idx = 1;
  for (AngleArray::const_iterator ang = parm.AnglesH().begin();
                                  ang != parm.AnglesH().end(); ++ang, ++idx)
    outfile.Printf("%8i%8i%8i", ang->A1()+1, ang->A2()+1, ang->A3()+1);
    if ((idx % 3)==0) outfile.Printf("\n");
  for (AngleArray::const_iterator ang = parm.Angles().begin();
                                  ang != parm.Angles().end(); ++ang, ++idx)
    outfile.Printf("%8i%8i%8i", ang->A1()+1, ang->A2()+1, ang->A3()+1);
    if ((idx % 3)==0) outfile.Printf("\n");
  if ((idx % 3)==0) outfile.Printf("\n");
  // Write out NPHI section
  outfile.Printf("%8u !NPHI: dihedrals\n", parm.Dihedrals().size() + parm.DihedralsH().size());
  idx = 1;
  for (DihedralArray::const_iterator dih = parm.DihedralsH().begin();
                                     dih != parm.DihedralsH().end(); ++dih, ++idx)
    outfile.Printf("%8i%8i%8i%8i", dih->A1()+1, dih->A2()+1, dih->A3()+1, dih->A4()+1);
    if ((idx % 2)==0) outfile.Printf("\n");
  for (DihedralArray::const_iterator dih = parm.Dihedrals().begin();
                                     dih != parm.Dihedrals().end(); ++dih, ++idx)
    outfile.Printf("%8i%8i%8i%8i", dih->A1()+1, dih->A2()+1, dih->A3()+1, dih->A4()+1);
    if ((idx % 2)==0) outfile.Printf("\n");
  if ((idx % 2)==0) outfile.Printf("\n");

  return 0;
Esempio n. 26
// Analysis_Wavelet::Analyze()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_Wavelet::Analyze() {
    // Step 1 - Create a matrix that is #atoms rows by #frames - 1 cols,
    //          where matrix(frame, atom) is the distance that atom has
    //          travelled from the previous frame.
    // TODO: Implement this in Action_Matrix()?
    mprintf("    WAVELET:\n");
    // First set up atom mask.
    if (coords_->Top().SetupIntegerMask( mask_ )) return Analysis::ERR;
    int natoms = mask_.Nselected();
    int nframes = (int)coords_->Size();
    if (natoms < 1 || nframes < 2) {
        mprinterr("Error: Not enough frames (%i) or atoms (%i) in '%s'\n",
                  nframes, natoms, coords_->legend());
        return Analysis::ERR;
    Matrix<double> d_matrix;
    mprintf("\t%i frames, %i atoms, distance matrix will require %.2f MB\n",
            (double)d_matrix.sizeInBytes(nframes, natoms) / (1024.0*1024.0));
    d_matrix.resize(nframes, natoms);
    // Get initial frame.
    Frame currentFrame, lastFrame;
    currentFrame.SetupFrameFromMask( mask_, coords_->Top().Atoms() );
    lastFrame = currentFrame;
    coords_->GetFrame( 0, lastFrame, mask_ );
    // Iterate over frames
    for (int frm = 1; frm != nframes; frm++) {
        coords_->GetFrame( frm, currentFrame, mask_ );
        int idx = frm; // Position in distance matrix; start at column 'frame'
        for (int at = 0; at != natoms; at++, idx += nframes)
            // Distance of atom in currentFrame from its position in lastFrame.
            d_matrix[idx] = sqrt(DIST2_NoImage( currentFrame.XYZ(at), lastFrame.XYZ(at) ));
        //lastFrame = currentFrame; // TODO: Re-enable?
    // DEBUG: Write matrix to file.
    CpptrajFile dmatrixOut; // DEBUG
    Matrix<double>::iterator mval = d_matrix.begin();
    for (int row = 0; row != natoms; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col != nframes; col++)
            dmatrixOut.Printf("%g ", *(mval++));
# endif

    // Precompute some factors for calculating scaled wavelets.
    const double one_over_sqrt_N = 1.0 / sqrt(static_cast<double>( nframes ));
    std::vector<int> arrayK( nframes );
    arrayK[0] = -1 * (nframes/2);
    for (int i = 1; i != nframes; i++)
        arrayK[i] = arrayK[i-1] + 1;
    mprintf("DEBUG: K:");
    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator kval = arrayK.begin(); kval != arrayK.end(); ++kval)
        mprintf(" %i", *kval);
# endif

    // Step 2 - Get FFT of wavelet for each scale.
    PubFFT pubfft;
    pubfft.SetupFFTforN( nframes );
    mprintf("\tMemory required for scaled wavelet array: %.2f MB\n",
            (double)(2 * nframes * nb_ * sizeof(double)) / (1024 * 1024));
    typedef std::vector<ComplexArray> WaveletArray;
    WaveletArray FFT_of_Scaled_Wavelets;
    FFT_of_Scaled_Wavelets.reserve( nb_ );
    typedef std::vector<double> Darray;
    Darray scaleVector;
    scaleVector.reserve( nb_ );
    Darray MIN( nb_ * 2 );
    for (int iscale = 0; iscale != nb_; iscale++)
        // Calculate and store scale factor.
        scaleVector.push_back( S0_ * pow(2.0, iscale * ds_) );
        // Populate MIN array
        MIN[iscale    ] = (0.00647*pow((correction_*scaleVector.back()),1.41344)+19.7527)*chival_;
        MIN[iscale+nb_] = correction_*scaleVector.back();
        // Calculate scalved wavelet
        ComplexArray scaledWavelet;
        switch (wavelet_type_) {
        case W_MORLET:
            scaledWavelet = F_Morlet(arrayK, scaleVector.back());
        case W_PAUL  :
            scaledWavelet = F_Paul(arrayK, scaleVector.back());
        case W_NONE  :
            return Analysis::ERR; // Sanity check
        PrintComplex("wavelet_before_fft", scaledWavelet);
#   endif
        // Perform FFT
        pubfft.Forward( scaledWavelet );
        // Normalize
        scaledWavelet.Normalize( one_over_sqrt_N );
        PrintComplex("wavelet_after_fft", scaledWavelet);
#   endif
        FFT_of_Scaled_Wavelets.push_back( scaledWavelet );
    mprintf("DEBUG: Scaling factors:");
    for (Darray::const_iterator sval = scaleVector.begin(); sval != scaleVector.end(); ++sval)
        mprintf(" %g", *sval);
    mprintf("DEBUG: MIN:");
    for (int i = 0; i != nb_; i++)
        mprintf(" %g", MIN[i]);
# endif

    // Step 3 - For each atom, calculate the convolution of scaled wavelets
    //          with rows (atom distance vs frame) via dot product of the
    //          frequency domains, i.e. Fourier-transformed, followed by an
    //          inverse FT.
    DataSet_MatrixFlt& OUT = static_cast<DataSet_MatrixFlt&>( *output_ );
    mprintf("\tMemory required for output matrix: %.2f MB\n",
            (double)Matrix<float>::sizeInBytes(nframes, natoms)/(1024.0*1024.0));
    OUT.Allocate2D( nframes, natoms ); // Should initialize to zero
    Matrix<double> MAX;
    mprintf("\tMemory required for Max array: %.2f MB\n",
            (double)MAX.sizeInBytes(nframes, natoms)/(1024.0*1024.0));
    MAX.resize( nframes, natoms );
    Darray magnitude( nframes ); // Scratch space for calculating magnitude across rows
    for (int at = 0; at != natoms; at++) {
        ComplexArray AtomSignal( nframes ); // Initializes to zero
        // Calculate the distance variance for this atom and populate the array.
        int midx = at * nframes; // Index into d_matrix
        int cidx = 0;            // Index into AtomSignal
        double d_avg = 0.0;
        double d_var = 0.0;
        for (int frm = 0; frm != nframes; frm++, cidx += 2, midx++) {
            d_avg += d_matrix[midx];
            d_var += (d_matrix[midx] * d_matrix[midx]);
            AtomSignal[cidx] = d_matrix[midx];
        d_var = (d_var - ((d_avg * d_avg) / (double)nframes)) / ((double)(nframes - 1));
        mprintf("VARIANCE: %g\n", d_var);
#   endif
        double var_norm = 1.0 / d_var;
        // Calculate FT of atom signal
        pubfft.Forward( AtomSignal );
        PrintComplex("AtomSignal", AtomSignal);
#   endif
        // Normalize
        AtomSignal.Normalize( one_over_sqrt_N );
        // Calculate dot product of atom signal with each scaled FT wavelet
        for (int iscale = 0; iscale != nb_; iscale++) {
            ComplexArray dot = AtomSignal.TimesComplexConj( FFT_of_Scaled_Wavelets[iscale] );
            // Inverse FT of dot product
            pubfft.Back( dot );
#     ifdef DEBUG_WAVELET
            PrintComplex("InverseFT_Dot", dot);
#     endif
            // Chi-squared testing
            midx = at * nframes;
            cidx = 0;
            for (int frm = 0; frm != nframes; frm++, cidx += 2, midx++) {
                magnitude[frm] = (dot[cidx]*dot[cidx] + dot[cidx+1]*dot[cidx+1]) * var_norm;
                if (magnitude[frm] < MIN[iscale])
                    magnitude[frm] = 0.0;
                if (magnitude[frm] > MAX[midx]) {
                    MAX[midx] = magnitude[frm];
                    //Indices[midx] = iscale
                    OUT[midx] = (float)(correction_ * scaleVector[iscale]);
#     ifdef DEBUG_WAVELET
            mprintf("DEBUG: AbsoluteValue:");
            for (Darray::const_iterator dval = magnitude.begin(); dval != magnitude.end(); ++dval)
                mprintf(" %g", *dval);
#     endif
        } // END loop over scales
    } // END loop over atoms
    // DEBUG: Print MAX
    CpptrajFile maxmatrixOut; // DEBUG
    for (int col = 0; col != nframes; col++) {
        for (int row = 0; row != natoms; row++)
            maxmatrixOut.Printf("%g ", MAX.element(col, row));
# endif

    return Analysis::OK;
Esempio n. 27
// DataIO_CCP4::WriteSet3D()
int DataIO_CCP4::WriteSet3D( DataSetList::const_iterator const& setIn, CpptrajFile& outfile ) {
    if ((*setIn)->Size() < 1) return 1; // SANITY CHECK: No empty grid allowed
    if ((*setIn)->Ndim() != 3) {
        mprinterr("Internal Error: DataSet %s in DataFile %s has %zu dimensions, expected 3.\n",
                  (*setIn)->legend(), outfile.Filename().full(), (*setIn)->Ndim());
        return 1;
    DataSet_3D const& grid = static_cast<DataSet_3D const&>( *(*setIn) );
    // Check input grid
    Vec3 OXYZ = grid.GridOrigin();
    if (OXYZ[0] < 0.0 || OXYZ[1] < 0.0 || OXYZ[2] < 0.0 ||
            OXYZ[0] > 0.0 || OXYZ[1] > 0.0 || OXYZ[2] > 0.0)
        mprintf("Warning: Grid '%s' origin is not 0.0, 0.0, 0.0\n"
                "Warning:  Origin other than 0.0 not yet supported for CCP4 write.\n");
    // Set default title if none set
    if (title_.empty())
        title_.assign("CPPTRAJ CCP4 map volumetric data, set '" + grid.Meta().Legend() +
                      "'. Format revision A.");
    // Check that title is not too big
    if (title_.size() > 800) {
        mprintf("Warning: CCP4 title is too large, truncating.\n");
        title_.resize( 800 );
    // Set up and write header
    headerbyte buffer;
    buffer.i[0] = (int)grid.NX();
    buffer.i[1] = (int)grid.NY();
    buffer.i[2] = (int)grid.NZ();
    buffer.i[3] = 2; // Only mode 2 supported
    buffer.i[4] = 0; // No offsets
    buffer.i[5] = 0;
    buffer.i[6] = 0;
    buffer.i[7] = (int)grid.NX();
    buffer.i[8] = (int)grid.NY();
    buffer.i[9] = (int)grid.NZ();
    Box box( grid.Ucell() );
    buffer.f[10] = (float)box[0];
    buffer.f[11] = (float)box[1];
    buffer.f[12] = (float)box[2];
    buffer.f[13] = (float)box[3];
    buffer.f[14] = (float)box[4];
    buffer.f[15] = (float)box[5];
    buffer.i[16] = 1; // Cols = X
    buffer.i[17] = 2; // Rows = Y
    buffer.i[18] = 3; // Secs = Z
    // Determine min, max, and mean of data
    double mean = grid[0];
    double gmin = grid[0];
    double gmax = grid[0];
    double rmsd = grid[0] * grid[0];
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < grid.Size(); i++) {
        gmin = std::min(grid[i], gmin);
        gmax = std::max(grid[i], gmax);
        mean += grid[i];
        rmsd += grid[i] * grid[i];
    mean /= (double)grid.Size();
    rmsd /= (double)grid.Size();
    rmsd = rmsd - (mean * mean);
    if (rmsd > 0.0)
        rmsd = sqrt(rmsd);
        rmsd = 0.0;
    mprintf("\t%s\n", title_.c_str());
    mprintf("\tDensity: Min=%f  Max=%f  Mean=%f  RMS=%f\n", gmin, gmax, mean, rmsd);
    buffer.f[19] = (float)gmin;
    buffer.f[20] = (float)gmax;
    buffer.f[21] = (float)mean;
    buffer.i[22] = 1; // Assume P1
    buffer.i[23] = 0; // No bytes for symmetry ops
    buffer.i[24] = 0; // No skew transform
    // Skew matrix (S11, S12, S13, S21, ...) and translation; 12 total, followed
    // by 15 'future use'; zero all.
    std::fill( buffer.i+25, buffer.i+52, 0 );
    // MAP and machine precision. FIXME determine endianness!
    buffer.c[208] = 'M';
    buffer.c[209] = 'A';
    buffer.c[210] = 'P';
    buffer.c[211] = ' ';
    buffer.c[212] = 0x44; // little endian
    buffer.c[213] = 0x41;
    buffer.c[214] = 0x00;
    buffer.c[215] = 0x00;
    // Determine RMS deviation from mean.
    buffer.f[54] = (float)rmsd;
    // Determine number of labels being used
    buffer.i[55] = (int)title_.size() / 80;
    if ( ((int)title_.size() % 80) != 0)
    outfile.Write( buffer.c, 224*sizeof(unsigned char) );

    // Write labels; 10 lines, 80 chars each
    outfile.Write( title_.c_str(), title_.size() );
    // FIXME this seems wasteful.
    std::vector<char> remainder( 800 - title_.size(), 0 );
    outfile.Write( &remainder[0], remainder.size() );

    // No symmetry bytes

    // Store data in buffer, then write. X changes fastest.
    // SANITY CHECK; This will result in invalid files if size of float is not 4.
    if (sizeof(float) != wSize)
        mprintf("Warning: Size of float on this system is %zu, not 4.\n"
                "Warning:  Resulting CCP4 file data will not conform to standard.\n", sizeof(float));
    std::vector<float> mapbuffer( grid.Size() );
    std::vector<float>::iterator it = mapbuffer.begin();
    for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz != grid.NZ(); iz++)
        for (unsigned int iy = 0; iy != grid.NY(); iy++)
            for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix != grid.NX(); ix++)
                *(it++) = grid.GetElement( ix, iy, iz );
    outfile.Write( &mapbuffer[0], mapbuffer.size() * sizeof(float) );

    return 0;
Esempio n. 28
/** Load Karplus parameters from input file.
  * Expected format:
  * - {type}<+|-| ><a[4]><+|-| ><b[4]><+|-| ><c[4]><+|-| ><d[4]><A[6]><B[6]><C[6]>{<D[6]>}
  *   <reslabel[4]>* 
  * \return 0 on success, 1 on error
int Action_Jcoupling::loadKarplus(std::string filename) {
  char buffer[512],residue[5];
  char *end, *ptr;
  int i;
  CpptrajFile KarplusFile;
  karplusConstant KC;
  karplusConstantList* currentResList=0;
  std::string CurrentRes;
  karplusConstantMap::iterator reslist;

  if (filename.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: jcoupling: Could not find Karplus parameter file.\n");
    return 1;
  if (KarplusFile.OpenRead( filename )) {
    mprinterr("Error: jcoupling: Could not read Karplus parameter file %s\n",
    mprinterr("Error: Ensure the file exists and is readable.\n");
    return 1;
  // residue is only for reading in 4 chars for residue names
  // Read through all lines of the file
  while (KarplusFile.Gets(buffer,512)==0) {
    // Skip newlines and comments
    if (buffer[0]=='\n' || buffer[0]=='#') continue;
    // First char is optional type. If optional type is C, then the Karplus 
    // function specified in Perez et al. JACS (2001) 123 will be used, and 
    // A, B, and C will be taken as C0, C1, and C2.
    if(ptr[0]=='C') {
    } else {
    // Read atom names with optional preceding character (+, -)
    for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
      if      (*ptr=='+') KC.offset[i]=1;
      else if (*ptr=='-') KC.offset[i]=-1;
      else                     KC.offset[i]=0;
      char *endchar = ptr + 4;
      char savechar = *endchar;
      *endchar = '\0';
      KC.atomName[i] = ptr;
      *endchar = savechar;
      ptr += 4;
      //mprintf("DEBUG:\tAtomName %i [%s]\n",i,KC.atomName[i]);
    // Read parameters
    // NOTE: Using sscanf here instead of atof since the 4th parameter is
    //       optional, behavior is undefined for accessing uninitialized
    //       portion of buffer.
    i = sscanf(ptr, "%6lf%6lf%6lf%6lf",KC.C,KC.C+1,KC.C+2,KC.C+3);
    if (i<3) {
      mprintf("Error: jcoupling: Expected at least 3 Karplus parameters, got %i\n",i);
      mprintf("       Line: [%s]\n",buffer);
      return 1;
    } else if (i==3) KC.C[3]=0.0;
    // Place the read-in karplus constants in a map indexed by residue name 
    // so that all karplus constants for a given residue are in one place. 
    // end will hold the end of the read-in buffer string
    end = buffer + strlen(buffer);
    for (ptr = buffer; ptr < end; ptr+=4) {
      if (*ptr=='\n') continue;
      residue[0] = ptr[0];
      residue[1] = ptr[1];
      residue[2] = ptr[2];
      residue[3] = ptr[3];
      reslist = KarplusConstants_.find(CurrentRes);
      if (reslist == KarplusConstants_.end() ) {
        // List does not exist for residue yet, create it.
        currentResList = new karplusConstantList;
        KarplusConstants_.insert( reslist, 
                                    CurrentRes,currentResList) );
      } else
        // Retrieve list for residue.
        currentResList = (*reslist).second;

    } // END loop over residues in residue line 
  } // END Gets over input file
  // DEBUG - Print out all parameters
  if (debug_>0) {
      mprintf("    KARPLUS PARAMETERS:\n");
      for (reslist=KarplusConstants_.begin(); reslist!=KarplusConstants_.end(); ++reslist) 
        for (karplusConstantList::iterator kc = currentResList->begin();
                                           kc != currentResList->end(); ++kc) 
          mprintf(" %4s",*((*kc).atomName[0]));
          mprintf(" %4s",*((*kc).atomName[1]));
          mprintf(" %4s",*((*kc).atomName[2]));
          mprintf(" %4s",*((*kc).atomName[3]));
          mprintf(" %i %i %i %i",(*kc).offset[0],(*kc).offset[1],(*kc).offset[2],(*kc).offset[3]);
          mprintf(" %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf\n",(*kc).C[0],(*kc).C[1],(*kc).C[2],(*kc).C[3]);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 29
// Cluster_DBSCAN::ComputeKdistMap()
void Cluster_DBSCAN::ComputeKdistMap( Range const& Kvals, 
                                      std::vector<int> const& FramesToCluster ) const
  int pt1_idx, pt2_idx, d_idx, point;
  mprintf("\tCalculating Kdist map for %s\n", Kvals.RangeArg());
  double* kdist_array; // Store distance of pt1 to every other point.
  int nframes = (int)FramesToCluster.size();
  // Ensure all Kdist points are within proper range
  Range::const_iterator kval;
  for (kval = Kvals.begin(); kval != Kvals.end(); ++kval)
    if (*kval < 1 || *kval >= nframes) {
      mprinterr("Error: Kdist value %i is out of range (1 <= Kdist < %i)\n",
                 *kval, nframes);
  int nvals = (int)Kvals.Size();
  double** KMAP; // KMAP[i] has the ith nearest point for each point.
  KMAP = new double*[ nvals ];
  for (int i = 0; i != nvals; i++)
    KMAP[i] = new double[ nframes ];
  ParallelProgress progress( nframes );
# ifdef _OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel private(pt1_idx, pt2_idx, d_idx, kval, point, kdist_array) firstprivate(progress)
  progress.SetThread( omp_get_thread_num() );
  kdist_array = new double[ nframes ];
# ifdef _OPENMP
# pragma omp for
# endif
  for (pt1_idx = 0; pt1_idx < nframes; pt1_idx++) // X
    progress.Update( pt1_idx );
    point = FramesToCluster[pt1_idx];
    d_idx = 0;
    // Store distances from pt1 to pt2
    for (pt2_idx = 0; pt2_idx != nframes; pt2_idx++)
      kdist_array[d_idx++] = FrameDistances_.GetFdist(point, FramesToCluster[pt2_idx]);
    // Sort distances; will be smallest to largest
    std::sort( kdist_array, kdist_array + nframes );
    // Save the distance of specified nearest neighbors to this point.
    d_idx = 0;
    for (kval = Kvals.begin(); kval != Kvals.end(); ++kval) // Y
      KMAP[d_idx++][pt1_idx] = kdist_array[ *kval ];
  delete[] kdist_array;
# ifdef _OPENMP
  } // END omp parallel
# endif
  // Sort all of the individual kdist plots, smallest to largest.
  for (int i = 0; i != nvals; i++)
    std::sort(KMAP[i], KMAP[i] + nframes);
  // Save in matrix, largest to smallest.
  DataSet_MatrixDbl kmatrix;
  kmatrix.Allocate2D( FramesToCluster.size(), Kvals.Size() );
  for (int y = 0; y != nvals; y++) {
    for (int x = nframes - 1; x != -1; x--)
      kmatrix.AddElement( KMAP[y][x] );
    delete[] KMAP[y];
  delete[] KMAP;
  // Write matrix to file
  DataFile outfile;
  ArgList outargs("usemap");
  outfile.SetupDatafile(k_prefix_ + "Kmatrix.gnu", outargs, debug_);
  outfile.AddDataSet( (DataSet*)&kmatrix );
  // Write out the largest and smallest values for each K.
  // This means for each value of K the point with the furthest Kth-nearest
  // neighbor etc.
  CpptrajFile maxfile;
  if (maxfile.OpenWrite(k_prefix_ + "Kmatrix.max.dat")) return;
  maxfile.Printf("%-12s %12s %12s\n", "#Kval", "MaxD", "MinD");
  d_idx = 0;
  for (kval = Kvals.begin(); kval != Kvals.end(); ++kval, d_idx++)
    maxfile.Printf("%12i %12g %12g\n", *kval, kmatrix.GetElement(0, d_idx),
                   kmatrix.GetElement(nframes-1, d_idx));