Esempio n. 1
// TODO: Accept const ArgList so arguments are not reset?
CpptrajFile* DataFileList::AddCpptrajFile(FileName const& nameIn, 
                                          std::string const& descrip,
                                          CFtype typeIn, bool allowStdout)
  // If no filename and stdout not allowed, no output desired.
  if (nameIn.empty() && !allowStdout) return 0;
  FileName name;
  CpptrajFile* Current = 0;
  int currentIdx = -1;
  if (!nameIn.empty()) {
    name = nameIn;
    // Append ensemble number if set.
    if (ensembleNum_ != -1)
      name.Append( "." + integerToString(ensembleNum_) );
    // Check if filename in use by DataFile.
    DataFile* df = GetDataFile(name);
    if (df != 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Text output file name '%s' already in use by data file '%s'.\n",
                nameIn.full(), df->DataFilename().full());
      return 0;
    // Check if this filename already in use
    currentIdx = GetCpptrajFileIdx( name );
    if (currentIdx != -1) Current = cfList_[currentIdx];
  // If no CpptrajFile associated with name, create new CpptrajFile
  if (Current==0) {
    switch (typeIn) {
      case TEXT: Current = new CpptrajFile(); break;
      case PDB:  Current = (CpptrajFile*)(new PDBfile()); break;
    // Set up file for writing. 
    //if (Current->SetupWrite( name, debug_ ))
    if (Current->OpenWrite( name ))
      mprinterr("Error: Setting up text output file %s\n", name.full());
      delete Current;
      return 0;
    cfList_.push_back( Current );
    cfData_.push_back( CFstruct(descrip, typeIn) );
  } else {
    // If Current type does not match typeIn do not allow.
    if (typeIn != cfData_[currentIdx].Type()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Cannot change type of text output for '%s'.\n", Current->Filename().full());
      return 0;
    // Update description
    if (!descrip.empty())
      cfData_[currentIdx].UpdateDescrip( descrip );
  return Current;
Esempio n. 2
bool Traj_Conflib::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  // If the file name is conflib.dat, assume this is a conflib.dat file 
  // from LMOD. Cant think of a better way to detect this since there is no 
  // magic number but the file is binary.
  if ( fileIn.Filename().Base() == "conflib.dat" )
    mprintf("  LMOD CONFLIB file\n");
    return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 3
/** Create new DataFile, or return existing DataFile. */
DataFile* DataFileList::AddDataFile(FileName const& nameIn, ArgList& argIn,
                                    DataFile::DataFormatType typeIn)
  // If no filename, no output desired
  if (nameIn.empty()) return 0;
  FileName fname( nameIn );
  // Append ensemble number if set.
  //rprintf("DEBUG: Setting up data file '%s' with ensembleNum %i\n", nameIn.base(), ensembleNum_);
  if (ensembleNum_ != -1)
    fname.Append( "." + integerToString(ensembleNum_) );
  // Check if filename in use by CpptrajFile.
  CpptrajFile* cf = GetCpptrajFile(fname);
  if (cf != 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Data file name '%s' already in use by text output file '%s'.\n",
              fname.full(), cf->Filename().full());
    return 0;
  // Check if this filename already in use
  DataFile* Current = GetDataFile(fname);
  // If no DataFile associated with name, create new DataFile
  if (Current==0) {
    Current = new DataFile();
    if (Current->SetupDatafile(fname, argIn, typeIn, debug_)) {
      mprinterr("Error: Setting up data file %s\n", fname.full());
      delete Current;
      return 0;
  } else {
    // Set debug level
    // If a type was specified, make sure it matches.
    if (typeIn != DataFile::UNKNOWN_DATA && typeIn != Current->Type()) {
      mprinterr("Error: '%s' is type %s but has been requested as type %s.\n",
                Current->DataFilename().full(), Current->FormatString(),
                DataFile::FormatString( typeIn ));
      return 0;
    // Check for keywords that do not match file type
    DataFile::DataFormatType kType = DataFile::GetFormatFromArg( argIn );
    if (kType != DataFile::UNKNOWN_DATA && kType != Current->Type())
      mprintf("Warning: %s is type %s but type %s keyword specified; ignoring keyword.\n",
              Current->DataFilename().full(), Current->FormatString(),
              DataFile::FormatString( kType ));
    // Process Arguments
    if (!argIn.empty())
      Current->ProcessArgs( argIn );
  return Current;
Esempio n. 4
/** \return true if TRR/TRJ file. Determine endianness. */
bool Traj_GmxTrX::IsTRX(CpptrajFile& infile) {
    int magic;
    if ( infile.Read( &magic, 4 ) != 4 ) return 1;
    if (magic != Magic_) {
        // See if this is big endian
        endian_swap( &magic, 1 );
        if (magic != Magic_)
            return false;
            isBigEndian_ = true;
    } else
        isBigEndian_ = false;
    // TODO: At this point file is trX, but not sure how best to differentiate
    // between TRR and TRJ. For now do it based on extension. Default TRR.
    if      (infile.Filename().Ext() == ".trr") format_ = TRR;
    else if (infile.Filename().Ext() == ".trj") format_ = TRJ;
    else format_ = TRR;
    return true;
Esempio n. 5
// DataIO_OpenDx::WriteSet3D()
int DataIO_OpenDx::WriteSet3D(DataSet const& setIn, CpptrajFile& outfile) const {
  if (setIn.Ndim() != 3) {
    mprinterr("Internal Error: DataSet %s in DataFile %s has %zu dimensions, expected 3.\n",
              setIn.legend(), outfile.Filename().full(), setIn.Ndim());
    return 1;
  int err = 0;
  switch ( gridWriteMode_ ) {
    case BIN_CORNER:
    case BIN_CENTER: err = WriteGrid( setIn, outfile ); break;
    case WRAP:
    case EXTENDED  : err = WriteGridWrap( setIn, outfile ); break;
  // Print tail
  if (err == 0) {
    // TODO: Make this an option
    //if (mode_ == CENTER)
    //  outfile.Printf("\nobject \"density (%s) [A^-3]\" class field\n",
    //                 centerMask_.MaskString());
      outfile.Printf("\nobject \"density [A^-3]\" class field\n");
  return err;
Esempio n. 6
// Traj_NcEnsemble::ID_TrajFormat()
bool Traj_NcEnsemble::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  return ( GetNetcdfConventions( fileIn.Filename().full() ) == NC_AMBERENSEMBLE );
Esempio n. 7
bool Traj_AmberNetcdf::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  if ( GetNetcdfConventions( fileIn.Filename().full() ) == NC_AMBERTRAJ ) return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 8
// Action_AtomMap::Init()
Action::RetType Action_AtomMap::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
    DataFile* rmsout = 0;
    int refatom,targetatom;
    debug_ = debugIn;

    // Get Args
    CpptrajFile* outputfile = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("mapout"), "Atom Map");
    maponly_ = actionArgs.hasKey("maponly");
    rmsfit_ = actionArgs.hasKey("rmsfit");
    if (rmsfit_)
        rmsout = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("rmsout"), actionArgs );
    std::string targetName = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
    std::string refName = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
    if (targetName.empty()) {
        mprinterr("Error: No target specified.\n");
        return Action::ERR;
    if (refName.empty()) {
        mprinterr("Error: No reference specified.\n");
        return Action::ERR;
    // Get Reference
    RefFrame_ = (DataSet_Coords_REF*)init.DSL().FindSetOfType( refName, DataSet::REF_FRAME );
    if (RefFrame_ == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Could not get reference frame %s\n",refName.c_str());
        return Action::ERR;
    // Get Target
    TgtFrame_ = (DataSet_Coords_REF*)init.DSL().FindSetOfType( targetName, DataSet::REF_FRAME );
    if (TgtFrame_ == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Could not get target frame %s\n",targetName.c_str());
        return Action::ERR;

    mprintf("    ATOMMAP: Atoms in trajectories associated with parm %s will be\n",
    mprintf("             mapped according to parm %s.\n",RefFrame_->Top().c_str());
    if (outputfile != 0)
        mprintf("             Map will be written to %s\n",outputfile->Filename().full());
    if (maponly_)
        mprintf("             maponly: Map will only be written, not used in trajectory read.\n");
    if (!maponly_ && rmsfit_) {
        mprintf("             rmsfit: Will rms fit mapped atoms in tgt to reference.\n");
        if (rmsout != 0) {
            rmsdata_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "RMSD");
            if (rmsdata_==0) return Action::ERR;

    // For each map, set up (get element for each atom, initialize map mem),
    // determine what atoms are bonded to each other via simple distance
    // cutoffs, the give each atom an ID based on what atoms are bonded to
    // it, noting which IDs are unique for that map.

    if (RefMap_.Setup(RefFrame_->Top())!=0) return Action::ERR;
    //RefMap_.WriteMol2((char*)"RefMap.mol2\0"); // DEBUG

    if (TgtMap_.Setup(TgtFrame_->Top())!=0) return Action::ERR;
    //TgtMap_.WriteMol2((char*)"TgtMap.mol2\0"); // DEBUG

    // Check if number of atoms in each map is equal
    if (RefMap_.Natom() != TgtMap_.Natom()) {
        mprintf("Warning: # atoms in reference (%i) not equal\n",
        mprintf("Warning:\tto # atoms in target (%i).\n",TgtMap_.Natom());

    // Set up RMS frames to be able to hold max # of possible atoms

    // Allocate memory for atom map
    //   AMap_[reference]=target
    AMap_.resize( RefMap_.Natom(), -1);
    // Map unique atoms
    int numMappedAtoms = MapUniqueAtoms(RefMap_, TgtMap_);
    if (debug_>0)
        mprintf("*         MapUniqueAtoms: %i atoms mapped.\n",numMappedAtoms);
    // If no unique atoms mapped system is highly symmetric and needs to be
    // iteratively mapped. Otherwise just map remaining atoms.
    if (numMappedAtoms==0) {
        if (MapWithNoUniqueAtoms(RefMap_,TgtMap_)) return Action::ERR;
    } else {
        if (MapAtoms(RefMap_,TgtMap_)) return Action::ERR;

    // Print atom map and count # mapped atoms
    numMappedAtoms = 0;
    outputfile->Printf("%-6s %4s %6s %4s\n","#TgtAt","Tgt","RefAt","Ref");
    for (refatom=0; refatom < RefMap_.Natom(); refatom++) {
        targetatom = AMap_[refatom];
        if (targetatom < 0)
            outputfile->Printf("%6s %4s %6i %4s\n","---","---",refatom+1,RefMap_[refatom].c_str());
            outputfile->Printf("%6i %4s %6i %4s\n",targetatom+1,TgtMap_[targetatom].c_str(),
                               refatom+1, RefMap_[refatom].c_str());
        if (targetatom>=0) {
            //mprintf("* TargetAtom %6i(%4s) maps to RefAtom %6i(%4s)\n",
            //                targetatom,TgtMap_.P->names[targetatom],
            //                refatom,RefMap_.P->names[refatom]);
        } //else {
        //  mprintf("* Could not map any TargetAtom to RefAtom %6i(%4s)\n",
        //                  refatom,RefMap_.P->names[refatom]);
    mprintf("      %i total atoms were mapped.\n",numMappedAtoms);
    if (maponly_) return Action::OK;

    // If rmsfit is specified, an rms fit of target to reference will be
    // performed using all atoms that were successfully mapped from
    // target to reference.
    if (rmsfit_) {
        // Set up a reference frame containing only mapped reference atoms
        rmsRefFrame_.StripUnmappedAtoms(RefFrame_->RefFrame(), AMap_);
        mprintf("      rmsfit: Will rms fit %i atoms from target to reference.\n",numMappedAtoms);
        return Action::OK;

    // Check if not all atoms could be mapped
    if (numMappedAtoms != RefMap_.Natom()) {
        // If the number of mapped atoms is less than the number of reference
        // atoms but equal to the number of target atoms, can modify the reference
        // frame to only include mapped atoms
        if (numMappedAtoms<RefMap_.Natom() && numMappedAtoms==TgtMap_.Natom()) {
            // Create mask that includes only reference atoms that could be mapped
            AtomMask M1;
            for (refatom = 0; refatom < RefMap_.Natom(); refatom++) {
                if (AMap_[refatom] != -1) M1.AddAtom(refatom);
            // Strip reference parm
            mprintf("    Modifying reference '%s' topology and frame to match mapped atoms.\n",
            if (RefFrame_->StripRef( M1 )) return Action::ERR;
            // Since AMap[ ref ] = tgt but ref is now missing any stripped atoms,
            // the indices of AMap must be shifted to match
            int refIndex = 0; // The new index
            for (refatom = 0; refatom < RefMap_.Natom(); refatom++) {
                targetatom = AMap_[refatom];
                if (targetatom<0)
        } else {
            mprintf("Warning: AtomMap: Not all atoms were mapped. Frames will not be modified.\n");

    if (!maponly_) {
        // Set up new Frame
        newFrame_ = new Frame();
        newFrame_->SetupFrameM( TgtFrame_->Top().Atoms() );

        // Set up new Parm
        newParm_ = TgtFrame_->Top().ModifyByMap(AMap_);

    return Action::OK;
Esempio n. 9
/** Open the Charmm PSF file specified by filename and set up topology data.
  * Mask selection requires natom, nres, names, resnames, resnums.
int Parm_CharmmPsf::ReadParm(FileName const& fname, Topology &parmOut) {
  const size_t TAGSIZE = 10; 
  char tag[TAGSIZE];

  CpptrajFile infile;
  if (infile.OpenRead(fname)) return 1;
  mprintf("    Reading Charmm PSF file %s as topology file.\n",infile.Filename().base());
  // Read the first line, should contain PSF...
  const char* buffer = 0;
  if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0 ) return 1;
  // Advance to <ntitle> !NTITLE
  int ntitle = FindTag(tag, "!NTITLE", 7, infile); 
  // Only read in 1st title. Skip any asterisks.
  std::string psftitle;
  if (ntitle > 0) {
    buffer = infile.NextLine();
    const char* ptr = buffer;
    while (*ptr != '\0' && (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '*')) ++ptr;
    psftitle.assign( ptr );
  parmOut.SetParmName( NoTrailingWhitespace(psftitle), infile.Filename() );
  // Advance to <natom> !NATOM
  int natom = FindTag(tag, "!NATOM", 6, infile);
  if (debug_>0) mprintf("\tPSF: !NATOM tag found, natom=%i\n", natom);
  // If no atoms, probably issue with PSF file
  if (natom < 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: No atoms in PSF file.\n");
    return 1;
  // Read the next natom lines
  int psfresnum = 0;
  char psfresname[6];
  char psfname[6];
  char psftype[6];
  double psfcharge;
  double psfmass;
  for (int atom=0; atom < natom; atom++) {
    if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0 ) {
      mprinterr("Error: ReadParmPSF(): Reading atom %i\n",atom+1);
      return 1;
    // Read line
    sscanf(buffer,"%*i %*s %i %s %s %s %lf %lf",&psfresnum, psfresname, 
           psfname, psftype, &psfcharge, &psfmass);
    parmOut.AddTopAtom( Atom( psfname, psfcharge, psfmass, psftype), 
                        Residue( psfresname, psfresnum, ' ', ' '), 0 );
  } // END loop over atoms 
  // Advance to <nbond> !NBOND
  int bondatoms[9];
  int nbond = FindTag(tag, "!NBOND", 6, infile);
  if (nbond > 0) {
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("\tPSF: !NBOND tag found, nbond=%i\n", nbond);
    int nlines = nbond / 4;
    if ( (nbond % 4) != 0) nlines++;
    for (int bondline=0; bondline < nlines; bondline++) {
      if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0 ) {
        mprinterr("Error: ReadParmPSF(): Reading bond line %i\n",bondline+1);
        return 1;
      // Each line has 4 pairs of atom numbers
      int nbondsread = sscanf(buffer,"%i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i",bondatoms,bondatoms+1,
                              bondatoms+2,bondatoms+3, bondatoms+4,bondatoms+5,
      // NOTE: Charmm atom nums start from 1
      for (int bondidx=0; bondidx < nbondsread; bondidx+=2)
        parmOut.AddBond(bondatoms[bondidx]-1, bondatoms[bondidx+1]-1);
  } else
    mprintf("Warning: PSF has no bonds.\n");
  // Advance to <nangles> !NTHETA
  int nangle = FindTag(tag, "!NTHETA", 7, infile);
  if (nangle > 0) {
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("\tPSF: !NTHETA tag found, nangle=%i\n", nangle);
    int nlines = nangle / 3;
    if ( (nangle % 3) != 0) nlines++;
    for (int angleline=0; angleline < nlines; angleline++) {
      if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Reading angle line %i\n", angleline+1);
        return 1;
      // Each line has 3 groups of 3 atom numbers
      int nanglesread = sscanf(buffer,"%i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i",bondatoms,bondatoms+1,
                              bondatoms+2,bondatoms+3, bondatoms+4,bondatoms+5,
                              bondatoms+6,bondatoms+7, bondatoms+8);
      for (int angleidx=0; angleidx < nanglesread; angleidx += 3)
        parmOut.AddAngle( bondatoms[angleidx  ]-1,
                          bondatoms[angleidx+2]-1 );
  } else
    mprintf("Warning: PSF has no angles.\n");
  // Advance to <ndihedrals> !NPHI
  int ndihedral = FindTag(tag, "!NPHI", 5, infile);
  if (ndihedral > 0) {
    if (debug_>0) mprintf("\tPSF: !NPHI tag found, ndihedral=%i\n", ndihedral);
    int nlines = ndihedral / 2;
    if ( (ndihedral % 2) != 0) nlines++;
    for (int dihline = 0; dihline < nlines; dihline++) {
      if ( (buffer=infile.NextLine()) == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Reading dihedral line %i\n", dihline+1);
        return 1;
      // Each line has 2 groups of 4 atom numbers
      int ndihread = sscanf(buffer,"%i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i",bondatoms,bondatoms+1,
                              bondatoms+2,bondatoms+3, bondatoms+4,bondatoms+5,
      for (int dihidx=0; dihidx < ndihread; dihidx += 4)
        parmOut.AddDihedral( bondatoms[dihidx  ]-1,
                             bondatoms[dihidx+3]-1 );
  } else
    mprintf("Warning: PSF has no dihedrals.\n");
  mprintf("\tPSF contains %i atoms, %i residues.\n", parmOut.Natom(), parmOut.Nres());


  return 0;
Esempio n. 10
bool Traj_AmberRestartNC::ID_TrajFormat(CpptrajFile& fileIn) {
  if ( GetNetcdfConventions( fileIn.Filename().full() ) == NC_AMBERRESTART ) return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 11
// DataIO_CCP4::WriteSet3D()
int DataIO_CCP4::WriteSet3D( DataSetList::const_iterator const& setIn, CpptrajFile& outfile ) {
    if ((*setIn)->Size() < 1) return 1; // SANITY CHECK: No empty grid allowed
    if ((*setIn)->Ndim() != 3) {
        mprinterr("Internal Error: DataSet %s in DataFile %s has %zu dimensions, expected 3.\n",
                  (*setIn)->legend(), outfile.Filename().full(), (*setIn)->Ndim());
        return 1;
    DataSet_3D const& grid = static_cast<DataSet_3D const&>( *(*setIn) );
    // Check input grid
    Vec3 OXYZ = grid.GridOrigin();
    if (OXYZ[0] < 0.0 || OXYZ[1] < 0.0 || OXYZ[2] < 0.0 ||
            OXYZ[0] > 0.0 || OXYZ[1] > 0.0 || OXYZ[2] > 0.0)
        mprintf("Warning: Grid '%s' origin is not 0.0, 0.0, 0.0\n"
                "Warning:  Origin other than 0.0 not yet supported for CCP4 write.\n");
    // Set default title if none set
    if (title_.empty())
        title_.assign("CPPTRAJ CCP4 map volumetric data, set '" + grid.Meta().Legend() +
                      "'. Format revision A.");
    // Check that title is not too big
    if (title_.size() > 800) {
        mprintf("Warning: CCP4 title is too large, truncating.\n");
        title_.resize( 800 );
    // Set up and write header
    headerbyte buffer;
    buffer.i[0] = (int)grid.NX();
    buffer.i[1] = (int)grid.NY();
    buffer.i[2] = (int)grid.NZ();
    buffer.i[3] = 2; // Only mode 2 supported
    buffer.i[4] = 0; // No offsets
    buffer.i[5] = 0;
    buffer.i[6] = 0;
    buffer.i[7] = (int)grid.NX();
    buffer.i[8] = (int)grid.NY();
    buffer.i[9] = (int)grid.NZ();
    Box box( grid.Ucell() );
    buffer.f[10] = (float)box[0];
    buffer.f[11] = (float)box[1];
    buffer.f[12] = (float)box[2];
    buffer.f[13] = (float)box[3];
    buffer.f[14] = (float)box[4];
    buffer.f[15] = (float)box[5];
    buffer.i[16] = 1; // Cols = X
    buffer.i[17] = 2; // Rows = Y
    buffer.i[18] = 3; // Secs = Z
    // Determine min, max, and mean of data
    double mean = grid[0];
    double gmin = grid[0];
    double gmax = grid[0];
    double rmsd = grid[0] * grid[0];
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < grid.Size(); i++) {
        gmin = std::min(grid[i], gmin);
        gmax = std::max(grid[i], gmax);
        mean += grid[i];
        rmsd += grid[i] * grid[i];
    mean /= (double)grid.Size();
    rmsd /= (double)grid.Size();
    rmsd = rmsd - (mean * mean);
    if (rmsd > 0.0)
        rmsd = sqrt(rmsd);
        rmsd = 0.0;
    mprintf("\t%s\n", title_.c_str());
    mprintf("\tDensity: Min=%f  Max=%f  Mean=%f  RMS=%f\n", gmin, gmax, mean, rmsd);
    buffer.f[19] = (float)gmin;
    buffer.f[20] = (float)gmax;
    buffer.f[21] = (float)mean;
    buffer.i[22] = 1; // Assume P1
    buffer.i[23] = 0; // No bytes for symmetry ops
    buffer.i[24] = 0; // No skew transform
    // Skew matrix (S11, S12, S13, S21, ...) and translation; 12 total, followed
    // by 15 'future use'; zero all.
    std::fill( buffer.i+25, buffer.i+52, 0 );
    // MAP and machine precision. FIXME determine endianness!
    buffer.c[208] = 'M';
    buffer.c[209] = 'A';
    buffer.c[210] = 'P';
    buffer.c[211] = ' ';
    buffer.c[212] = 0x44; // little endian
    buffer.c[213] = 0x41;
    buffer.c[214] = 0x00;
    buffer.c[215] = 0x00;
    // Determine RMS deviation from mean.
    buffer.f[54] = (float)rmsd;
    // Determine number of labels being used
    buffer.i[55] = (int)title_.size() / 80;
    if ( ((int)title_.size() % 80) != 0)
    outfile.Write( buffer.c, 224*sizeof(unsigned char) );

    // Write labels; 10 lines, 80 chars each
    outfile.Write( title_.c_str(), title_.size() );
    // FIXME this seems wasteful.
    std::vector<char> remainder( 800 - title_.size(), 0 );
    outfile.Write( &remainder[0], remainder.size() );

    // No symmetry bytes

    // Store data in buffer, then write. X changes fastest.
    // SANITY CHECK; This will result in invalid files if size of float is not 4.
    if (sizeof(float) != wSize)
        mprintf("Warning: Size of float on this system is %zu, not 4.\n"
                "Warning:  Resulting CCP4 file data will not conform to standard.\n", sizeof(float));
    std::vector<float> mapbuffer( grid.Size() );
    std::vector<float>::iterator it = mapbuffer.begin();
    for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz != grid.NZ(); iz++)
        for (unsigned int iy = 0; iy != grid.NY(); iy++)
            for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix != grid.NX(); ix++)
                *(it++) = grid.GetElement( ix, iy, iz );
    outfile.Write( &mapbuffer[0], mapbuffer.size() * sizeof(float) );

    return 0;
Esempio n. 12
// DataIO_Std::WriteSet3D()
int DataIO_Std::WriteSet3D( DataSet const& setIn, CpptrajFile& file ) {
  if (setIn.Ndim() != 3) {
    mprinterr("Internal Error: DataSet %s in DataFile %s has %zu dimensions, expected 3.\n",
              setIn.legend(), file.Filename().full(), setIn.Ndim());
    return 1;
  DataSet_3D const& set = static_cast<DataSet_3D const&>( setIn );
  Dimension const& Xdim = static_cast<Dimension const&>(set.Dim(0));
  Dimension const& Ydim = static_cast<Dimension const&>(set.Dim(1));
  Dimension const& Zdim = static_cast<Dimension const&>(set.Dim(2));
  //if (Xdim.Step() == 1.0) xcol_precision = 0;
  if (sparse_)
    mprintf("\tOnly writing voxels with value > %g\n", cut_);
  // Print X Y Z Values
  // x y z val(x,y,z)
  DataSet::SizeArray pos(3);
  if (writeHeader_) {
    file.Printf("#counts %zu %zu %zu\n", set.NX(), set.NY(), set.NZ());
    file.Printf("#origin %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n",
    if (set.Bin().IsOrthoGrid()) {
      GridBin_Ortho const& b = static_cast<GridBin_Ortho const&>( set.Bin() );
      file.Printf("#delta %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n", b.DX(), b.DY(), b.DZ());
    } else {
      GridBin_Nonortho const& b = static_cast<GridBin_Nonortho const&>( set.Bin() );
      file.Printf("#delta %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n",
    file.Printf("#%s %s %s %s\n", Xdim.Label().c_str(), 
                Ydim.Label().c_str(), Zdim.Label().c_str(), set.legend());
  std::string xyz_fmt;
  if (XcolPrecSet()) {
    TextFormat nfmt( XcolFmt(), XcolWidth(), XcolPrec() );
    xyz_fmt = nfmt.Fmt() + " " + nfmt.Fmt() + " " + nfmt.Fmt() + " ";
  } else {
    TextFormat xfmt( XcolFmt(), set.NX(), Xdim.Min(), Xdim.Step(), 8, 3 );
    TextFormat yfmt( XcolFmt(), set.NY(), Ydim.Min(), Ydim.Step(), 8, 3 );
    TextFormat zfmt( XcolFmt(), set.NZ(), Zdim.Min(), Zdim.Step(), 8, 3 );
    xyz_fmt = xfmt.Fmt() + " " + yfmt.Fmt() + " " + zfmt.Fmt() + " ";
  if (sparse_) {
    for (pos[2] = 0; pos[2] < set.NZ(); ++pos[2]) {
      for (pos[1] = 0; pos[1] < set.NY(); ++pos[1]) {
        for (pos[0] = 0; pos[0] < set.NX(); ++pos[0]) {
          double val = set.GetElement(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
          if (val > cut_) {
            Vec3 xyz = set.Bin().Corner(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
            file.Printf( xyz_fmt.c_str(), xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2] );
            set.WriteBuffer( file, pos );
  } else {
    for (pos[2] = 0; pos[2] < set.NZ(); ++pos[2]) {
      for (pos[1] = 0; pos[1] < set.NY(); ++pos[1]) {
        for (pos[0] = 0; pos[0] < set.NX(); ++pos[0]) {
          Vec3 xyz = set.Bin().Corner(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
          file.Printf( xyz_fmt.c_str(), xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2] );
          set.WriteBuffer( file, pos );
  return 0;
Esempio n. 13
// DataIO_Std::WriteSet2D()
int DataIO_Std::WriteSet2D( DataSet const& setIn, CpptrajFile& file ) {
  if (setIn.Ndim() != 2) {
    mprinterr("Internal Error: DataSet %s in DataFile %s has %zu dimensions, expected 2.\n",
              setIn.legend(), file.Filename().full(), setIn.Ndim());
    return 1;
  DataSet_2D const& set = static_cast<DataSet_2D const&>( setIn );
  int xcol_width = 8;
  int xcol_precision = 3;
  Dimension const& Xdim = static_cast<Dimension const&>(set.Dim(0));
  Dimension const& Ydim = static_cast<Dimension const&>(set.Dim(1));
  if (Xdim.Step() == 1.0) xcol_precision = 0;
  DataSet::SizeArray positions(2);
  TextFormat ycoord_fmt(XcolFmt()), xcoord_fmt(XcolFmt());
  if (square2d_) {
    // Print XY values in a grid:
    // x0y0 x1y0 x2y0
    // x0y1 x1y1 x2y1
    // x0y2 x1y2 x2y2
    // If file has header, top-left value will be '#<Xlabel>-<Ylabel>',
    // followed by X coordinate values.
    if (writeHeader_) {
      ycoord_fmt.SetCoordFormat( set.Nrows(), Ydim.Min(), Ydim.Step(), xcol_width, xcol_precision );
      std::string header;
      if (Xdim.Label().empty() && Ydim.Label().empty())
        header = "#Frame";
        header = "#" + Xdim.Label() + "-" + Ydim.Label();
      WriteNameToBuffer( file, header, xcol_width, true );
      xcoord_fmt.SetCoordFormat( set.Ncols(), Xdim.Min(), Xdim.Step(),
                                 set.Format().ColumnWidth(), xcol_precision );
      for (size_t ix = 0; ix < set.Ncols(); ix++)
        file.Printf( xcoord_fmt.fmt(), set.Coord(0, ix) );
    for (positions[1] = 0; positions[1] < set.Nrows(); positions[1]++) {
      if (writeHeader_)
        file.Printf( ycoord_fmt.fmt(), set.Coord(1, positions[1]) );
      for (positions[0] = 0; positions[0] < set.Ncols(); positions[0]++)
        set.WriteBuffer( file, positions );
  } else {
    // Print X Y Values
    // x y val(x,y)
    if (writeHeader_)
      file.Printf("#%s %s %s\n", Xdim.Label().c_str(), 
                  Ydim.Label().c_str(), set.legend());
    if (XcolPrecSet()) {
      xcoord_fmt = TextFormat(XcolFmt(), XcolWidth(), XcolPrec());
      ycoord_fmt = xcoord_fmt;
    } else {
      xcoord_fmt.SetCoordFormat( set.Ncols(), Xdim.Min(), Xdim.Step(), 8, 3 );
      ycoord_fmt.SetCoordFormat( set.Nrows(), Ydim.Min(), Ydim.Step(), 8, 3 );
    std::string xy_fmt = xcoord_fmt.Fmt() + " " + ycoord_fmt.Fmt() + " ";
    for (positions[1] = 0; positions[1] < set.Nrows(); ++positions[1]) {
      for (positions[0] = 0; positions[0] < set.Ncols(); ++positions[0]) {
        file.Printf( xy_fmt.c_str(), set.Coord(0, positions[0]), set.Coord(1, positions[1]) );
        set.WriteBuffer( file, positions );
  return 0;