Esempio n. 1
//int CalculateStartingVotesForMember(PlayerTypes ePlayer);
int CvLuaLeague::lCalculateStartingVotesForMember(lua_State* L)
	CvLeague* pLeague = GetInstance(L);
	const PlayerTypes ePlayer = (PlayerTypes) lua_tointeger(L, 2);

	const int iValue = pLeague->CalculateStartingVotesForMember(ePlayer);
	lua_pushinteger(L, iValue);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 2
/// Returns Priority for United Nations Grand Strategy
int CvGrandStrategyAI::GetUnitedNationsPriority()
	int iPriority = 0;
	PlayerTypes ePlayer = m_pPlayer->GetID();

	// If UN Victory isn't even available then don't bother with anything
	VictoryTypes eVictory = (VictoryTypes) GC.getInfoTypeForString("VICTORY_DIPLOMATIC", true);
	if(eVictory == NO_VICTORY || !GC.getGame().isVictoryValid(eVictory))
		return -100;

	int iNumMinorsAttacked = GET_TEAM(GetPlayer()->getTeam()).GetNumMinorCivsAttacked();
	iPriority += (iNumMinorsAttacked* /*-30*/ GC.getAI_GRAND_STRATEGY_UN_EACH_MINOR_ATTACKED_WEIGHT());

	int iVotesNeededToWin = GC.getGame().GetVotesNeededForDiploVictory();

	int iVotesControlled = 0;
	int iVotesControlledDelta = 0;
	int iUnalliedCityStates = 0;
	if (GC.getGame().GetGameLeagues()->GetNumActiveLeagues() == 0)
		// Before leagues kick in, add weight based on flavor
		int iFlavorDiplo =  m_pPlayer->GetFlavorManager()->GetPersonalityIndividualFlavor((FlavorTypes)GC.getInfoTypeForString("FLAVOR_DIPLOMACY"));
		iPriority += (10 - m_pPlayer->GetCurrentEra()) * iFlavorDiplo * 150 / 100;
		CvLeague* pLeague = GC.getGame().GetGameLeagues()->GetActiveLeague();
		CvAssert(pLeague != NULL);
		if (pLeague != NULL)
			// Votes we control
			iVotesControlled += pLeague->CalculateStartingVotesForMember(ePlayer);

			// Votes other players control
			int iHighestOtherPlayerVotes = 0;
			for (int iPlayerLoop = 0; iPlayerLoop < MAX_CIV_PLAYERS; iPlayerLoop++)
				PlayerTypes eLoopPlayer = (PlayerTypes) iPlayerLoop;

				if(eLoopPlayer != ePlayer && GET_PLAYER(eLoopPlayer).isAlive())
					if (GET_PLAYER(eLoopPlayer).isMinorCiv())
						if (GET_PLAYER(eLoopPlayer).GetMinorCivAI()->GetAlly() == NO_PLAYER)
						int iOtherPlayerVotes = pLeague->CalculateStartingVotesForMember(eLoopPlayer);
						if (iOtherPlayerVotes > iHighestOtherPlayerVotes)
							iHighestOtherPlayerVotes = iOtherPlayerVotes;

			// How we compare
			iVotesControlledDelta = iVotesControlled - iHighestOtherPlayerVotes;

	// Are we close to winning?
	if (iVotesControlled >= iVotesNeededToWin)
		return 1000;
	else if (iVotesControlled >= ((iVotesNeededToWin * 3) / 4))
		iPriority += 40;

	// We have the most votes
	if (iVotesControlledDelta > 0)
		iPriority += MAX(40, iVotesControlledDelta * 5);
	// We are equal or behind in votes
		// Could we make up the difference with currently unallied city-states?
		int iPotentialCityStateVotes = iUnalliedCityStates * 2;
		int iPotentialVotesDelta = iPotentialCityStateVotes + iVotesControlledDelta;
		if (iPotentialVotesDelta > 0)
			iPriority += MAX(20, iPotentialVotesDelta * 5);
		else if (iPotentialVotesDelta < 0)
			iPriority += MIN(-40, iPotentialVotesDelta * -5);

	// factor in some traits that could be useful (or harmful)
	iPriority += m_pPlayer->GetPlayerTraits()->GetCityStateFriendshipModifier();
	iPriority += m_pPlayer->GetPlayerTraits()->GetCityStateBonusModifier();
	iPriority -= m_pPlayer->GetPlayerTraits()->GetCityStateCombatModifier();

	return iPriority;