BOOL CSonicImage::Load(HGLOBAL hGlobal, DWORD dwSize) { if(m_gif.LoadGif(hGlobal, dwSize) == 1) { if(PrepareMemDC(m_gif.GetWidth(), m_gif.GetHeight()) == FALSE) { m_gif.Clear(); return FALSE; } m_gif.Draw(m_Dib.GetSafeHdc()); } else { BYTE * pData = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(hGlobal); CxImage img; img.Decode(pData, dwSize, 0); GlobalUnlock(hGlobal); if(PrepareMemDC(img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()) == FALSE) { img.Clear(); return FALSE; } if(!img.AlphaIsValid()) { img.Draw(m_Dib.GetSafeHdc()); CSSE::DoOr(0xff000000, m_Dib.GetBits(), m_Dib.GetSize()); } else { if(img.GetBpp() != 24) { img.Clear(); return FALSE; } BYTE * pSrc = img.GetBits(); BYTE * pAlpha = img.AlphaGetBits(); BYTE * pMyBits = m_Dib.GetBits(); int nLineTail = m_nWidth % 4; for(int i = 0; i < m_nHeight; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < m_nWidth; j++) { *pMyBits++ = *pSrc++; *pMyBits++ = *pSrc++; *pMyBits++ = *pSrc++; *pMyBits++ = *pAlpha++; } pSrc += nLineTail; } EnableAlphaChannel(); } img.Clear(); } return TRUE; }
// return number of faces and score void detectFaces(const CxImage& img, std::list <Face>& lFaces, int nRot) { if (cascade_el == NULL || cascade_er == NULL || cascade_f == NULL || cascade_m == NULL || cascade_n == NULL) init(); CxImage imgRotated (img); imgRotated.Rotate180(); IplImage *pIplImage = cvCreateImageHeader (cvSize (img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()), 8, img.GetBpp() / 8); pIplImage->imageDataOrigin = (char*)imgRotated.GetDIB(); pIplImage->imageData = (char*)imgRotated.GetBits(); CvMemStorage *storage; /* setup memory storage, needed by the object detector */ storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); assert(cascade_f && cascade_el && cascade_er && cascade_m && cascade_n && storage); /* haar detection for faces */ CvSeq *pFaces = cvHaarDetectObjects( pIplImage, cascade_f, storage, 1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize( 40, 40 ) ); if (pFaces->total == 0) return; CvSeq seqFaces (*pFaces); list <CvRect> lrFaces; for(int idxFace = 0; idxFace <; idxFace++ ) { CvRect *r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(&seqFaces, idxFace); if (r) lrFaces.push_back (*r); } /* haar detection for eyes */ list<pair <RECT, RECT>> lpairEyes; detect_eyes (storage, pIplImage, lpairEyes); /* haar detection for mouths */ list<RECT> lMouths; detect_mouths (storage, pIplImage, lMouths); /* haar detection for noses */ list<RECT> lNoses; detect_noses (storage, pIplImage, lNoses); for(list <CvRect>::iterator itFace = lrFaces.begin(); itFace != lrFaces.end(); ++itFace) { CvRect r (*itFace); CvRect rFace (*itFace); rFace.x = img.GetWidth() - r.x - r.width; rFace.y = img.GetHeight() - r.y - r.height; RECT rcFace; rcFace.left = img.GetWidth() - r.x - r.width - 10; rcFace.right = img.GetWidth() - r.x + 10; = img.GetHeight() - r.y - r.height - 10; rcFace.bottom = img.GetHeight() - r.y + 10; /* detect current eyes */ pair <RECT, RECT> pairEyes; match_eyes_with_face (lpairEyes, rFace, pairEyes); /* detect current mouth */ RECT rcMouth; match_mouths_with_face (lMouths, rFace, pairEyes, rcMouth); /* detect current nose */ RECT rcNose; match_noses_with_face (lNoses, rFace, pairEyes, rcMouth, rcNose); lFaces.push_back (Face (rcFace, pairEyes, rcMouth, rcNose, nRot)); } Face::adjustRectFaces(lFaces); cvReleaseMemStorage (&storage); cvReleaseImageHeader (&pIplImage); }