DM::DistMatrix( const DM& A ) : GDM(A.Grid()) { DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[* ,* ]::DistMatrix")) if( &A != this ) *this = A; else LogicError("Tried to construct [* ,* ] with itself"); }
DM<T>::DistMatrix( const DM<T>& A ) : GDM<T>(A.Grid()) { DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MR,* ]::DistMatrix")) this->SetShifts(); if( &A != this ) *this = A; else LogicError("Tried to construct [MR,* ] with itself"); }
DM::DistMatrix( const DM& A ) : ADM(A.Grid()) { DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("DistMatrix::DistMatrix")) if( COLDIST == CIRC && ROWDIST == CIRC ) this->matrix_.viewType_ = OWNER; this->SetShifts(); if( &A != this ) *this = A; else LogicError("Tried to construct DistMatrix with itself"); }