bool MeshRefinement::limit_overrefined_boundary(const unsigned int max_mismatch)
  // This function must be run on all processors at once

  bool flags_changed = false;

  // Loop over all the active elements & look for mismatches to fix.
    MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = _mesh.active_elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = _mesh.active_elements_end();

    for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
        Elem* elem = *elem_it;

        // If we don't have an interior_parent then there's nothing to
        // be mismatched with.
        if ((elem->dim() >= LIBMESH_DIM) ||

        const unsigned char elem_level =
          cast_int<unsigned char>(elem->level() +
                                  ((elem->refinement_flag() == Elem::REFINE) ? 1 : 0));
        const unsigned char elem_p_level =
          cast_int<unsigned char>(elem->p_level() +
                                  ((elem->p_refinement_flag() == Elem::REFINE) ? 1 : 0));

        // get all relevant interior elements
        std::set<const Elem*> neighbor_set;

        std::set<const Elem*>::iterator n_it = neighbor_set.begin();
        for (; n_it != neighbor_set.end(); ++n_it)
            // FIXME - non-const versions of the Elem set methods
            // would be nice
            Elem* neighbor = const_cast<Elem*>(*n_it);

            if (((elem_level - max_mismatch) >
                 neighbor->level()) &&
                (neighbor->refinement_flag() != Elem::REFINE))
                flags_changed = true;
            if (((elem_p_level + 1 - max_mismatch) >
                 neighbor->p_level()) &&
                (neighbor->p_refinement_flag() != Elem::REFINE))
                flags_changed = true;
          } // loop over interior neighbors

  return flags_changed;
Esempio n. 2
void ElemCutter::operator()(const Elem & elem,
                            const std::vector<Real> & vertex_distance_func)

  libmesh_assert_equal_to (vertex_distance_func.size(), elem.n_vertices());


  // check for quick return?
    // completely outside?
    if (this->is_outside(elem, vertex_distance_func))
        //std::cout << "element completely outside\n";
        _outside_elem.push_back(& elem);

    // completely inside?
    else if (this->is_inside(elem, vertex_distance_func))
        //std::cout << "element completely inside\n";

    libmesh_assert (this->is_cut (elem, vertex_distance_func));

  // we now know we are in a cut element, find the intersecting points.
  this->find_intersection_points (elem, vertex_distance_func);

  // and then dispatch the proper method
  switch (elem.dim())
    case 1: this->cut_1D(elem, vertex_distance_func); break;
    case 2: this->cut_2D(elem, vertex_distance_func); break;
    case 3: this->cut_3D(elem, vertex_distance_func); break;
    default: libmesh_error_msg("Invalid element dimension: " << elem.dim());
void QComposite<QSubCell>::init (const Elem &elem,
                                 const std::vector<Real> &vertex_distance_func,
                                 unsigned int p_level)
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (vertex_distance_func.size(), elem.n_vertices());
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (_dim, elem.dim());

  // if we are not cut, revert to simple base class init() method.
  if (!_elem_cutter.is_cut (elem, vertex_distance_func))
      _q_subcell.init (elem.type(), p_level);
      _points  = _q_subcell.get_points();
      _weights = _q_subcell.get_weights();


  // Get a pointer to the element's reference element.  We want to
  // perform cutting on the reference element such that the quadrature
  // point locations of the subelements live in the reference
  // coordinate system, thereby eliminating the need for inverse
  // mapping.
  const Elem *reference_elem = elem.reference_elem();

  libmesh_assert (reference_elem != NULL);

  _elem_cutter(*reference_elem, vertex_distance_func);
  //_elem_cutter(elem, vertex_distance_func);

  // clear our state & accumulate points from subelements

  // inside subelem
    const std::vector<Elem const*> &inside_elem (_elem_cutter.inside_elements());
    std::cout << inside_elem.size() << " elements inside\n";


  // outside subelem
    const std::vector<Elem const*> &outside_elem (_elem_cutter.outside_elements());
    std::cout << outside_elem.size() << " elements outside\n";


void LinearElasticityWithContact::move_mesh (MeshBase & input_mesh,
                                             const NumericVector<Number> & input_solution)
  // Maintain a set of node ids that we've encountered.
  LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_SET<dof_id_type> encountered_node_ids;

  // Localize input_solution so that we have the data to move all
  // elements (not just elements local to this processor).
  UniquePtr< NumericVector<Number> > localized_input_solution =

  localized_input_solution->init (input_solution.size(), false, SERIAL);

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = input_mesh.active_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = input_mesh.active_elements_end();

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
      Elem * elem = *el;
      Elem * orig_elem = _sys.get_mesh().elem_ptr(elem->id());

      for (unsigned int node_id=0; node_id<elem->n_nodes(); node_id++)
          Node & node = elem->node_ref(node_id);

          if (encountered_node_ids.find( != encountered_node_ids.end())


          std::vector<std::string> uvw_names(3);
          uvw_names[0] = "u";
          uvw_names[1] = "v";
          uvw_names[2] = "w";

            const Point master_point = elem->master_point(node_id);

            Point uvw;
            for (unsigned int index=0; index<uvw_names.size(); index++)
                const unsigned int var = _sys.variable_number(uvw_names[index]);
                const FEType & fe_type = _sys.get_dof_map().variable_type(var);

                FEComputeData data (_sys.get_equation_systems(), master_point);


                std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices_var;
                _sys.get_dof_map().dof_indices (orig_elem, dof_indices_var, var);

                for (unsigned int i=0; i<dof_indices_var.size(); i++)
                    Number value = (*localized_input_solution)(dof_indices_var[i]) * data.shape[i];

                    // We explicitly store the real part in uvw
                    uvw(index) += value.real();
                    uvw(index) += value;

            // Update the node's location
            node += uvw;
Esempio n. 5
void ExodusII_IO::read (const std::string& fname)
  // This is a serial-only process for now;
  // the Mesh should be read on processor 0 and
  // broadcast later
//  libmesh_assert_equal_to (libMesh::processor_id(), 0);


  libMesh::err <<  "ERROR, ExodusII API is not defined.\n"
	        << "Input file " << fname << " cannot be read"
	        << std::endl;


  // Get a reference to the mesh we are reading
  MeshBase& mesh = MeshInput<MeshBase>::mesh();

  // Clear any existing mesh data

  // Keep track of what kinds of elements this file contains
  elems_of_dimension.resize(4, false);

#ifdef DEBUG

  ExodusII_IO_Helper::ElementMaps em;     // Instantiate the ElementMaps interface

  exio_helper->open(fname.c_str());       // Open the exodus file, if possible
  exio_helper->read_header();             // Get header information from exodus file
  exio_helper->print_header();            // Print header information

  //assertion fails due to inconsistent mesh dimension
//  libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned int>(exio_helper->get_num_dim()), mesh.mesh_dimension()); // Be sure number of dimensions
                                                                                // is equal to the number of
                                                                                // dimensions in the mesh supplied.

  exio_helper->read_nodes();                        // Read nodes from the exodus file
  mesh.reserve_nodes(exio_helper->get_num_nodes()); // Reserve space for the nodes.

  // Loop over the nodes, create Nodes with local processor_id 0.
  for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->get_num_nodes(); i++)
    mesh.add_point (Point(exio_helper->get_x(i),
			  exio_helper->get_z(i)), i);

  libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned int>(exio_helper->get_num_nodes()), mesh.n_nodes());

  exio_helper->read_block_info();                 // Get information about all the blocks
  mesh.reserve_elem(exio_helper->get_num_elem()); // Reserve space for the elements

  // Read in the element connectivity for each block.
  int nelem_last_block = 0;

  std::map<int, unsigned int> exodus_id_to_mesh_id;

  // Loop over all the blocks
  for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->get_num_elem_blk(); i++)
      // Read the information for block i
      exio_helper->read_elem_in_block (i);
      int subdomain_id = exio_helper->get_block_id(i);

      // populate the map of names
      mesh.subdomain_name(static_cast<subdomain_id_type>(subdomain_id)) =

      // Set any relevant node/edge maps for this element
      const std::string type_str (exio_helper->get_elem_type());
      const ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion conv = em.assign_conversion(type_str);
      //if (_verbose)
      //libMesh::out << "Reading a block of " << type_str << " elements." << std::endl;

      // Loop over all the faces in this block
      int jmax = nelem_last_block+exio_helper->get_num_elem_this_blk();
      for (int j=nelem_last_block; j<jmax; j++)
	  Elem* elem = Elem::build (conv.get_canonical_type()).release();
	  libmesh_assert (elem);
          elem->subdomain_id() = static_cast<subdomain_id_type>(subdomain_id) ;
          //elem->set_id(j);// Don't try to second guess the Element ID setting scheme!

          elems_of_dimension[elem->dim()] = true;

	  elem = mesh.add_elem (elem); // Catch the Elem pointer that the Mesh throws back

          exodus_id_to_mesh_id[j+1] = elem->id();

	  // Set all the nodes for this element
	  for (int k=0; k<exio_helper->get_num_nodes_per_elem(); k++)
	      int gi = (j-nelem_last_block)*exio_helper->get_num_nodes_per_elem() + conv.get_node_map(k); // global index
	      int node_number   = exio_helper->get_connect(gi);             // Global node number (1-based)
	      elem->set_node(k) = mesh.node_ptr((node_number-1)); // Set node number
	                                                          // Subtract 1 since
		                                                  // exodus is internally 1-based

      // running sum of # of elements per block,
      // (should equal total number of elements in the end)
      nelem_last_block += exio_helper->get_num_elem_this_blk();
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned int>(nelem_last_block), mesh.n_elem());

   // Set the mesh dimension to the largest encountered for an element
  for (unsigned int i=0; i!=4; ++i)
    if (elems_of_dimension[i])

  // Read in sideset information -- this is useful for applying boundary conditions
    exio_helper->read_sideset_info(); // Get basic information about ALL sidesets
    int offset=0;
    for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->get_num_side_sets(); i++)
	offset += (i > 0 ? exio_helper->get_num_sides_per_set(i-1) : 0); // Compute new offset
	exio_helper->read_sideset (i, offset);

        mesh.boundary_info->sideset_name(exio_helper->get_side_set_id(i)) =

    const std::vector<int>& elem_list = exio_helper->get_elem_list();
    const std::vector<int>& side_list = exio_helper->get_side_list();
    const std::vector<int>& id_list   = exio_helper->get_id_list();

    for (unsigned int e=0; e<elem_list.size(); e++)
	// Set any relevant node/edge maps for this element

        Elem * elem = mesh.elem(exodus_id_to_mesh_id[elem_list[e]]);

	const ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion conv =

	mesh.boundary_info->add_side (exodus_id_to_mesh_id[elem_list[e]],

  // Read nodeset info

    for (int nodeset=0; nodeset<exio_helper->get_num_node_sets(); nodeset++)
        int nodeset_id = exio_helper->get_nodeset_id(nodeset);

        mesh.boundary_info->nodeset_name(nodeset_id) =


        const std::vector<int>& node_list = exio_helper->get_node_list();

        for(unsigned int node=0; node<node_list.size(); node++)
          mesh.boundary_info->add_node(node_list[node]-1, nodeset_id);

  if (mesh.mesh_dimension() > LIBMESH_DIM)
      libMesh::err << "Cannot open dimension " <<
		      mesh.mesh_dimension() <<
		      " mesh file when configured without " <<
                      mesh.mesh_dimension() << "D support." <<

Esempio n. 6
void VTKIO::read (const std::string& name)
  // This is a serial-only process for now;
  // the Mesh should be read on processor 0 and
  // broadcast later
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (MeshOutput<MeshBase>::mesh().processor_id(), 0);

  // Keep track of what kinds of elements this file contains
  elems_of_dimension.resize(4, false);

  libMesh::err << "Cannot read VTK file: " << name
               << "\nYou must have VTK installed and correctly configured to read VTK meshes."
               << std::endl;

  // Use a typedef, because these names are just crazy
  typedef vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader> MyReader;
  MyReader reader = MyReader::New();

  // Pass the filename along to the reader
  reader->SetFileName( name.c_str() );

  // Force reading

  // read in the grid
  _vtk_grid = reader->GetOutput();
  // _vtk_grid->Update(); // FIXME: Necessary?

  // Get a reference to the mesh
  MeshBase& mesh = MeshInput<MeshBase>::mesh();

  // Clear out any pre-existing data from the Mesh

  // Get the number of points from the _vtk_grid object
  const unsigned int vtk_num_points = static_cast<unsigned int>(_vtk_grid->GetNumberOfPoints());

  // always numbered nicely??, so we can loop like this
  // I'm pretty sure it is numbered nicely
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<vtk_num_points; ++i)
      // add to the id map
      // and add the actual point
      double * pnt = _vtk_grid->GetPoint(static_cast<vtkIdType>(i));
      Point xyz(pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2]);
      Node* newnode = mesh.add_point(xyz, i);

      // Add node to the nodes vector &
      // tell the MeshData object the foreign node id.
      if (this->_mesh_data != NULL)
        this->_mesh_data->add_foreign_node_id (newnode, i);

  // Get the number of cells from the _vtk_grid object
  const unsigned int vtk_num_cells = static_cast<unsigned int>(_vtk_grid->GetNumberOfCells());

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<vtk_num_cells; ++i)
      vtkCell* cell = _vtk_grid->GetCell(i);
      Elem* elem = NULL;
      switch (cell->GetCellType())
        case VTK_LINE:
          elem = new Edge2;
        case VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE:
          elem = new Edge3;
        case VTK_TRIANGLE:
          elem = new Tri3();
          elem = new Tri6();
        case VTK_QUAD:
          elem = new Quad4();
        case VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD:
          elem = new Quad8();
          elem = new Quad9();
        case VTK_TETRA:
          elem = new Tet4();
          elem = new Tet10();
        case VTK_WEDGE:
          elem = new Prism6();
          elem = new Prism15();
          elem = new Prism18();
        case VTK_HEXAHEDRON:
          elem = new Hex8();
          elem = new Hex20();
          elem = new Hex27();
        case VTK_PYRAMID:
          elem = new Pyramid5();
          libMesh::err << "element type not implemented in vtkinterface " << cell->GetCellType() << std::endl;

      // get the straightforward numbering from the VTK cells
      for (unsigned int j=0; j<elem->n_nodes(); ++j)
        elem->set_node(j) = mesh.node_ptr(cell->GetPointId(j));

      // then get the connectivity
      std::vector<dof_id_type> conn;
      elem->connectivity(0, VTK, conn);

      // then reshuffle the nodes according to the connectivity, this
      // two-time-assign would evade the definition of the vtk_mapping
      for (unsigned int j=0; j<conn.size(); ++j)
        elem->set_node(j) = mesh.node_ptr(conn[j]);


      elems_of_dimension[elem->dim()] = true;

    } // end loop over VTK cells

  // Set the mesh dimension to the largest encountered for an element
  for (unsigned int i=0; i!=4; ++i)
    if (elems_of_dimension[i])

  if (mesh.mesh_dimension() > LIBMESH_DIM)
      libMesh::err << "Cannot open dimension " <<
        mesh.mesh_dimension() <<
        " mesh file when configured without " <<
        mesh.mesh_dimension() << "D support." <<

Esempio n. 7
void UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors (const bool reset_remote_elements,
                                       const bool reset_current_list)
  // We might actually want to run this on an empty mesh
  // (e.g. the boundary mesh for a nonexistant bcid!)
  // libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (this->n_nodes(), 0);
  // libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (this->n_elem(), 0);

  // This function must be run on all processors at once

  LOG_SCOPE("find_neighbors()", "Mesh");

  const element_iterator el_end = this->elements_end();

  //TODO:[BSK] This should be removed later?!
  if (reset_current_list)
    for (element_iterator el = this->elements_begin(); el != el_end; ++el)
        Elem * e = *el;
        for (unsigned int s=0; s<e->n_neighbors(); s++)
          if (e->neighbor_ptr(s) != remote_elem ||
            e->set_neighbor(s, libmesh_nullptr);

  // Find neighboring elements by first finding elements
  // with identical side keys and then check to see if they
  // are neighbors
    // data structures -- Use the hash_multimap if available
    typedef unsigned int                    key_type;
    typedef std::pair<Elem *, unsigned char> val_type;
    typedef std::pair<key_type, val_type>   key_val_pair;

    typedef LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_MULTIMAP<key_type, val_type> map_type;

    // A map from side keys to corresponding elements & side numbers
    map_type side_to_elem_map;

    for (element_iterator el = this->elements_begin(); el != el_end; ++el)
        Elem * element = *el;

        for (unsigned char ms=0; ms<element->n_neighbors(); ms++)
            // If we haven't yet found a neighbor on this side, try.
            // Even if we think our neighbor is remote, that
            // information may be out of date.
            if (element->neighbor_ptr(ms) == libmesh_nullptr ||
                element->neighbor_ptr(ms) == remote_elem)
                // Get the key for the side of this element
                const unsigned int key = element->key(ms);

                // Look for elements that have an identical side key
                std::pair <map_type::iterator, map_type::iterator>
                  bounds = side_to_elem_map.equal_range(key);

                // May be multiple keys, check all the possible
                // elements which _might_ be neighbors.
                if (bounds.first != bounds.second)
                    // Get the side for this element
                    const UniquePtr<Elem> my_side(element->side_ptr(ms));

                    // Look at all the entries with an equivalent key
                    while (bounds.first != bounds.second)
                        // Get the potential element
                        Elem * neighbor = bounds.first->second.first;

                        // Get the side for the neighboring element
                        const unsigned int ns = bounds.first->second.second;
                        const UniquePtr<Elem> their_side(neighbor->side_ptr(ns));

                        // If found a match with my side
                        // We need special tests here for 1D:
                        // since parents and children have an equal
                        // side (i.e. a node), we need to check
                        // ns != ms, and we also check level() to
                        // avoid setting our neighbor pointer to
                        // any of our neighbor's descendants
                        if( (*my_side == *their_side) &&
                            (element->level() == neighbor->level()) &&
                            ((element->dim() != 1) || (ns != ms)) )
                            // So share a side.  Is this a mixed pair
                            // of subactive and active/ancestor
                            // elements?
                            // If not, then we're neighbors.
                            // If so, then the subactive's neighbor is

                            if (element->subactive() ==
                                // an element is only subactive if it has
                                // been coarsened but not deleted
                                element->set_neighbor (ms,neighbor);
                            else if (element->subactive())
                            else if (neighbor->subactive())
                            side_to_elem_map.erase (bounds.first);

                            // get out of this nested crap
                            goto next_side;


                // didn't find a match...
                // Build the map entry for this element
                key_val_pair kvp;

                kvp.first         = key;
                kvp.second.first  = element;
                kvp.second.second = ms;

                // use the lower bound as a hint for
                // where to put it.
                side_to_elem_map.insert (kvp);
                side_to_elem_map.insert (bounds.first,kvp);


   * Here we look at all of the child elements which
   * don't already have valid neighbors.
   * If a child element has a NULL neighbor it is
   * either because it is on the boundary or because
   * its neighbor is at a different level.  In the
   * latter case we must get the neighbor from the
   * parent.
   * If a child element has a remote_elem neighbor
   * on a boundary it shares with its parent, that
   * info may have become out-dated through coarsening
   * of the neighbor's parent.  In this case, if the
   * parent's neighbor is active then the child should
   * share it.
   * Furthermore, that neighbor better be active,
   * otherwise we missed a child somewhere.
   * We also need to look through children ordered by increasing
   * refinement level in order to add new interior_parent() links in
   * boundary elements which have just been generated by refinement,
   * and fix links in boundary elements whose previous
   * interior_parent() has just been coarsened away.
  const unsigned int n_levels = MeshTools::n_levels(*this);
  for (unsigned int level = 1; level < n_levels; ++level)
      element_iterator end = this->level_elements_end(level);
      for (element_iterator el = this->level_elements_begin(level);
           el != end; ++el)
          Elem * current_elem = *el;
          Elem * parent = current_elem->parent();
          const unsigned int my_child_num = parent->which_child_am_i(current_elem);

          for (unsigned int s=0; s < current_elem->n_neighbors(); s++)
              if (current_elem->neighbor_ptr(s) == libmesh_nullptr ||
                  (current_elem->neighbor_ptr(s) == remote_elem &&
                   parent->is_child_on_side(my_child_num, s)))
                  Elem * neigh = parent->neighbor_ptr(s);

                  // If neigh was refined and had non-subactive children
                  // made remote earlier, then a non-subactive elem should
                  // actually have one of those remote children as a
                  // neighbor
                  if (neigh && (neigh->ancestor()) && (!current_elem->subactive()))
#ifdef DEBUG
                      // Let's make sure that "had children made remote"
                      // situation is actually the case
                      bool neigh_has_remote_children = false;
                      for (unsigned int c = 0; c != neigh->n_children(); ++c)
                          if (neigh->child_ptr(c) == remote_elem)
                            neigh_has_remote_children = true;

                      // And let's double-check that we don't have
                      // a remote_elem neighboring a local element
                      libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (current_elem->processor_id(),
#endif // DEBUG
                      neigh = const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem);

                  if (!current_elem->subactive())
                    current_elem->set_neighbor(s, neigh);
#ifdef DEBUG
                  if (neigh != libmesh_nullptr && neigh != remote_elem)
                    // We ignore subactive elements here because
                    // we don't care about neighbors of subactive element.
                    if ((!neigh->active()) && (!current_elem->subactive()))
                        libMesh::err << "On processor " << this->processor_id()
                                     << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "Bad element ID = " << current_elem->id()
                                     << ", Side " << s << ", Bad neighbor ID = " << neigh->id() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "Bad element proc_ID = " << current_elem->processor_id()
                                     << ", Bad neighbor proc_ID = " << neigh->processor_id() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "Bad element size = " << current_elem->hmin()
                                     << ", Bad neighbor size = " << neigh->hmin() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "Bad element center = " << current_elem->centroid()
                                     << ", Bad neighbor center = " << neigh->centroid() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "ERROR: "
                                     << (current_elem->active()?"Active":"Ancestor")
                                     << " Element at level "
                                     << current_elem->level() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "with "
                                     << (parent->active()?"active":
                                     << " parent share "
                                     << (neigh->subactive()?"subactive":"ancestor")
                                     << " neighbor at level " << neigh->level()
                                     << std::endl;
                        NameBasedIO(*this).write ("bad_mesh.gmv");
                        libmesh_error_msg("Problematic mesh written to bad_mesh.gmv.");
#endif // DEBUG

          // We can skip to the next element if we're full-dimension
          // and therefore don't have any interior parents
          if (current_elem->dim() >= LIBMESH_DIM)

          // We have no interior parents unless we can find one later

          Elem * pip = parent->interior_parent();

          if (!pip)

          // If there's no interior_parent children, whether due to a
          // remote element or a non-conformity, then there's no
          // children to search.
          if (pip == remote_elem || pip->active())

          // For node comparisons we'll need a sensible tolerance
          Real node_tolerance = current_elem->hmin() * TOLERANCE;

          // Otherwise our interior_parent should be a child of our
          // parent's interior_parent.
          for (unsigned int c=0; c != pip->n_children(); ++c)
              Elem * child = pip->child_ptr(c);

              // If we have a remote_elem, that might be our
              // interior_parent.  We'll set it provisionally now and
              // keep trying to find something better.
              if (child == remote_elem)
                    (const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));

              bool child_contains_our_nodes = true;
              for (unsigned int n=0; n != current_elem->n_nodes();
                  bool child_contains_this_node = false;
                  for (unsigned int cn=0; cn != child->n_nodes();
                    if (child->point(cn).absolute_fuzzy_equals
                        (current_elem->point(n), node_tolerance))
                        child_contains_this_node = true;
                  if (!child_contains_this_node)
                      child_contains_our_nodes = false;
              if (child_contains_our_nodes)

          // We should have found *some* interior_parent at this
          // point, whether semilocal or remote.

#endif // AMR

#ifdef DEBUG
Esempio n. 8
void VTKIO::read (const std::string & name)
  // This is a serial-only process for now;
  // the Mesh should be read on processor 0 and
  // broadcast later
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (MeshOutput<MeshBase>::mesh().processor_id(), 0);

  // Keep track of what kinds of elements this file contains
  elems_of_dimension.resize(4, false);

  // Use a typedef, because these names are just crazy
  typedef vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader> MyReader;
  MyReader reader = MyReader::New();

  // Pass the filename along to the reader

  // Force reading

  // read in the grid
  _vtk_grid = reader->GetOutput();
  // _vtk_grid->Update(); // FIXME: Necessary?

  // Get a reference to the mesh
  MeshBase & mesh = MeshInput<MeshBase>::mesh();

  // Clear out any pre-existing data from the Mesh

  // Get the number of points from the _vtk_grid object
  const unsigned int vtk_num_points = static_cast<unsigned int>(_vtk_grid->GetNumberOfPoints());

  // always numbered nicely??, so we can loop like this
  // I'm pretty sure it is numbered nicely
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<vtk_num_points; ++i)
      // add to the id map
      // and add the actual point
      double * pnt = _vtk_grid->GetPoint(static_cast<vtkIdType>(i));
      Point xyz(pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2]);
      Node * newnode = mesh.add_point(xyz, i);

      // Add node to the nodes vector &
      // tell the MeshData object the foreign node id.
      if (this->_mesh_data != libmesh_nullptr)
        this->_mesh_data->add_foreign_node_id (newnode, i);

  // Get the number of cells from the _vtk_grid object
  const unsigned int vtk_num_cells = static_cast<unsigned int>(_vtk_grid->GetNumberOfCells());

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<vtk_num_cells; ++i)
      vtkCell * cell = _vtk_grid->GetCell(i);

      // Get the libMesh element type corresponding to this VTK element type.
      ElemType libmesh_elem_type = _element_maps.find(cell->GetCellType());
      Elem * elem = Elem::build(libmesh_elem_type).release();

      // get the straightforward numbering from the VTK cells
      for (unsigned int j=0; j<elem->n_nodes(); ++j)
        elem->set_node(j) =

      // then get the connectivity
      std::vector<dof_id_type> conn;
      elem->connectivity(0, VTK, conn);

      // then reshuffle the nodes according to the connectivity, this
      // two-time-assign would evade the definition of the vtk_mapping
      for (unsigned int j=0; j<conn.size(); ++j)
        elem->set_node(j) = mesh.node_ptr(conn[j]);


      elems_of_dimension[elem->dim()] = true;

    } // end loop over VTK cells

  // Set the mesh dimension to the largest encountered for an element
  for (unsigned char i=0; i!=4; ++i)
    if (elems_of_dimension[i])

  if (mesh.mesh_dimension() > LIBMESH_DIM)
    libmesh_error_msg("Cannot open dimension "  \
                      << mesh.mesh_dimension()              \
                      << " mesh file when configured without "  \
                      << mesh.mesh_dimension()                  \
                      << "D support.");
#endif // LIBMESH_DIM < 3
Esempio n. 9
void CheckpointIO::read_connectivity (Xdr & io)
  // convenient reference to our mesh
  MeshBase & mesh = MeshInput<MeshBase>::mesh();

  unsigned int n_active_levels;, "# n_active_levels");

  // Keep track of the highest dimensional element we've added to the mesh
  unsigned int highest_elem_dim = 1;

  for(unsigned int level=0; level < n_active_levels; level++)
      xdr_id_type n_elem_at_level = 0; (n_elem_at_level, "");

      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_elem_at_level; i++)
          // id type pid subdomain_id parent_id
          std::vector<largest_id_type> elem_data(5);
            (&elem_data[0], cast_int<unsigned int>(elem_data.size()),
             cast_int<unsigned int>(elem_data.size()));

          largest_id_type unique_id = 0;
, "# unique id");

          unsigned int p_level = 0;

, "# p_level");

          unsigned int n_nodes = Elem::type_to_n_nodes_map[elem_data[1]];

          // Snag the node ids this element was connected to
          std::vector<largest_id_type> conn_data(n_nodes);
            (&conn_data[0], cast_int<unsigned int>(conn_data.size()),
             cast_int<unsigned int>(conn_data.size()));

          const dof_id_type id                 =
            cast_int<dof_id_type>      (elem_data[0]);
          const ElemType elem_type             =
            static_cast<ElemType>      (elem_data[1]);
          const processor_id_type proc_id      =
          const subdomain_id_type subdomain_id =
          const dof_id_type parent_id          =
            cast_int<dof_id_type>      (elem_data[4]);

          Elem * parent =
            (parent_id == DofObject::invalid_processor_id) ?
            libmesh_nullptr : mesh.elem_ptr(parent_id);

          // Create the element
          Elem * elem = Elem::build(elem_type, parent).release();

          elem->set_unique_id() = unique_id;

          if(elem->dim() > highest_elem_dim)
            highest_elem_dim = elem->dim();

          elem->set_id()       = id;
          elem->processor_id() = proc_id;
          elem->subdomain_id() = subdomain_id;


          // Set parent connections
              parent->set_refinement_flag (Elem::INACTIVE);
              elem->set_refinement_flag   (Elem::JUST_REFINED);

          libmesh_assert(elem->n_nodes() == conn_data.size());

          // Connect all the nodes to this element
          for (unsigned int n=0; n<conn_data.size(); n++)
            elem->set_node(n) =


  mesh.set_mesh_dimension(cast_int<unsigned char>(highest_elem_dim));
Esempio n. 10
void MeshBase::detect_interior_parents()
  // This requires an inspection on every processor

  // Check if the mesh contains mixed dimensions. If so, then set interior parents, otherwise return.
  if (this->elem_dimensions().size() == 1)

  //This map will be used to set interior parents
  LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_MAP<dof_id_type, std::vector<dof_id_type> > node_to_elem;

  const_element_iterator el  = this->active_elements_begin();
  const_element_iterator end = this->active_elements_end();

  for (; el!=end; ++el)
      const Elem * elem = *el;

      // Populating the node_to_elem map, same as MeshTools::build_nodes_to_elem_map
      for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_vertices(); n++)
          libmesh_assert_less (elem->id(), this->max_elem_id());


  // Automatically set interior parents
  el = this->elements_begin();
  for (; el!=end; ++el)
      Elem * element = *el;

      // Ignore an 3D element or an element that already has an interior parent
      if (element->dim()>=LIBMESH_DIM || element->interior_parent())

      // Start by generating a SET of elements that are dim+1 to the current
      // element at each vertex of the current element, thus ignoring interior nodes.
      // If one of the SET of elements is empty, then we will not have an interior parent
      // since an interior parent must be connected to all vertices of the current element
      std::vector< std::set<dof_id_type> > neighbors( element->n_vertices() );

      bool found_interior_parents = false;

      for (dof_id_type n=0; n < element->n_vertices(); n++)
          std::vector<dof_id_type> & element_ids = node_to_elem[element->node(n)];
          for (std::vector<dof_id_type>::iterator e_it = element_ids.begin();
               e_it != element_ids.end(); e_it++)
              dof_id_type eid = *e_it;
              if (this->elem(eid)->dim() == element->dim()+1)
          if (neighbors[n].size()>0)
              found_interior_parents = true;
              // We have found an empty set, no reason to continue
              // Ensure we set this flag to false before the break since it could have
              // been set to true for previous vertex
              found_interior_parents = false;

      // If we have successfully generated a set of elements for each vertex, we will compare
      // the set for vertex 0 will the sets for the vertices until we find a id that exists in
      // all sets.  If found, this is our an interior parent id.  The interior parent id found
      // will be the lowest element id if there is potential for multiple interior parents.
      if (found_interior_parents)
          std::set<dof_id_type> & neighbors_0 = neighbors[0];
          for (std::set<dof_id_type>::iterator e_it = neighbors_0.begin();
               e_it != neighbors_0.end(); e_it++)
              dof_id_type interior_parent_id = *e_it;
              for (dof_id_type n=1; n < element->n_vertices(); n++)
                  if (neighbors[n].find(interior_parent_id)!=neighbors[n].end())
              if (found_interior_parents)
Esempio n. 11
Elem *
Packing<Elem *>::unpack (std::vector<largest_id_type>::const_iterator in,
                         MeshBase * mesh)
#ifndef NDEBUG
  const std::vector<largest_id_type>::const_iterator original_in = in;

  const largest_id_type incoming_header = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (incoming_header, elem_magic_header);

  // int 0: level
  const unsigned int level =
    cast_int<unsigned int>(*in++);

  // int 1: p level
  const unsigned int p_level =
    cast_int<unsigned int>(*in++);

  // int 2: refinement flag and encoded has_children
  const int rflag = cast_int<int>(*in++);
  const int invalid_rflag =
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (rflag, 0);

  libmesh_assert_less (rflag, invalid_rflag*2+1);

  const bool has_children = (rflag > invalid_rflag);

  const Elem::RefinementState refinement_flag = has_children ?
    cast_int<Elem::RefinementState>(rflag - invalid_rflag - 1) :

  // int 3: p refinement flag
  const int pflag = cast_int<int>(*in++);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (pflag, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (pflag, Elem::INVALID_REFINEMENTSTATE);
  const Elem::RefinementState p_refinement_flag =
  in += 3;

  // int 4: element type
  const int typeint = cast_int<int>(*in++);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (typeint, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (typeint, INVALID_ELEM);
  const ElemType type =

  const unsigned int n_nodes =

  // int 5: processor id
  const processor_id_type processor_id =
  libmesh_assert (processor_id < mesh->n_processors() ||
                  processor_id == DofObject::invalid_processor_id);

  // int 6: subdomain id
  const subdomain_id_type subdomain_id =

  // int 7: dof object id
  const dof_id_type id =
  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (id, DofObject::invalid_id);

  // int 8: dof object unique id
  const unique_id_type unique_id =

  // int 9: parent dof object id.
  // Note: If level==0, then (*in) == invalid_id.  In
  // this case, the equality check in cast_int<unsigned>(*in) will
  // never succeed.  Therefore, we should only attempt the more
  // rigorous cast verification in cases where level != 0.
  const dof_id_type parent_id =
    (level == 0)
    ? static_cast<dof_id_type>(*in++)
    : cast_int<dof_id_type>(*in++);
  libmesh_assert (level == 0 || parent_id != DofObject::invalid_id);
  libmesh_assert (level != 0 || parent_id == DofObject::invalid_id);

  // int 10: local child id
  // Note: If level==0, then which_child_am_i is not valid, so don't
  // do the more rigorous cast verification.
  const unsigned int which_child_am_i =
    (level == 0)
    ? static_cast<unsigned int>(*in++)
    : cast_int<unsigned int>(*in++);
  in += 2;

  const dof_id_type interior_parent_id =

  // Make sure we don't miscount above when adding the "magic" header
  // plus the real data header
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (in - original_in, header_size + 1);

  Elem * elem = mesh->query_elem_ptr(id);

  // if we already have this element, make sure its
  // properties match, and update any missing neighbor
  // links, but then go on
  if (elem)
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->level(), level);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->id(), id);
      // No check for unique id sanity
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->processor_id(), processor_id);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->subdomain_id(), subdomain_id);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->type(), type);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->n_nodes(), n_nodes);

#ifndef NDEBUG
      // All our nodes should be correct
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_nodes; ++i)
        libmesh_assert(elem->node_id(i) ==
      in += n_nodes;

      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->refinement_flag(), refinement_flag);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->has_children(), has_children);

#ifdef DEBUG
      if (elem->active())
          libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->p_level(), p_level);
          libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->p_refinement_flag(), p_refinement_flag);

      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent() != libmesh_nullptr);
      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent()->id() == parent_id);
      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent()->child_ptr(which_child_am_i) == elem);
      // Our interior_parent link should be "close to" correct - we
      // may have to update it, but we can check for some
      // inconsistencies.
        // If the sending processor sees no interior_parent here, we'd
        // better agree.
        if (interior_parent_id == DofObject::invalid_id)
            if (elem->dim() < LIBMESH_DIM)
              libmesh_assert (!(elem->interior_parent()));

        // If the sending processor has a remote_elem interior_parent,
        // then all we know is that we'd better have *some*
        // interior_parent
        else if (interior_parent_id == remote_elem->id())
            Elem * ip = mesh->query_elem_ptr(interior_parent_id);

            // The sending processor sees an interior parent here, so
            // if we don't have that interior element, then we'd
            // better have a remote_elem signifying that fact.
            if (!ip)
              libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->interior_parent(), remote_elem);
                // The sending processor has an interior_parent here,
                // and we have that element, but that does *NOT* mean
                // we're already linking to it.  Perhaps we initially
                // received elem from a processor on which the
                // interior_parent link was remote?
                libmesh_assert(elem->interior_parent() == ip ||
                               elem->interior_parent() == remote_elem);

                // If the link was originally remote, update it
                if (elem->interior_parent() == remote_elem)

      // Our neighbor links should be "close to" correct - we may have
      // to update a remote_elem link, and we can check for possible
      // inconsistencies along the way.
      // For subactive elements, we don't bother keeping neighbor
      // links in good shape, so there's nothing we need to set or can
      // safely assert here.
      if (!elem->subactive())
        for (auto n : elem->side_index_range())
            const dof_id_type neighbor_id =

            // If the sending processor sees a domain boundary here,
            // we'd better agree.
            if (neighbor_id == DofObject::invalid_id)
                libmesh_assert (!(elem->neighbor_ptr(n)));

            // If the sending processor has a remote_elem neighbor here,
            // then all we know is that we'd better *not* have a domain
            // boundary.
            if (neighbor_id == remote_elem->id())

            Elem * neigh = mesh->query_elem_ptr(neighbor_id);

            // The sending processor sees a neighbor here, so if we
            // don't have that neighboring element, then we'd better
            // have a remote_elem signifying that fact.
            if (!neigh)
                libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->neighbor_ptr(n), remote_elem);

            // The sending processor has a neighbor here, and we have
            // that element, but that does *NOT* mean we're already
            // linking to it.  Perhaps we initially received both elem
            // and neigh from processors on which their mutual link was
            // remote?
            libmesh_assert(elem->neighbor_ptr(n) == neigh ||
                           elem->neighbor_ptr(n) == remote_elem);

            // If the link was originally remote, we should update it,
            // and make sure the appropriate parts of its family link
            // back to us.
            if (elem->neighbor_ptr(n) == remote_elem)
                elem->set_neighbor(n, neigh);


      // Our p level and refinement flags should be "close to" correct
      // if we're not an active element - we might have a p level
      // increased or decreased by changes in remote_elem children.
      // But if we have remote_elem children, then we shouldn't be
      // doing a projection on this inactive element on this
      // processor, so we won't need correct p settings.  Couldn't
      // hurt to update, though.
      if (elem->processor_id() != mesh->processor_id())

      // FIXME: We should add some debug mode tests to ensure that the
      // encoded indexing and boundary conditions are consistent.
      // We don't already have the element, so we need to create it.

      // Find the parent if necessary
      Elem * parent = libmesh_nullptr;
      // Find a child element's parent
      if (level > 0)
          // Note that we must be very careful to construct the send
          // connectivity so that parents are encountered before
          // children.  If we get here and can't find the parent that
          // is a fatal error.
          parent = mesh->elem_ptr(parent_id);
      // Or assert that the sending processor sees no parent
        libmesh_assert_equal_to (parent_id, DofObject::invalid_id);
      // No non-level-0 elements without AMR
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (level, 0);

      elem = Elem::build(type,parent).release();
      libmesh_assert (elem);

      if (level != 0)
          // Since this is a newly created element, the parent must
          // have previously thought of this child as a remote element.
          libmesh_assert_equal_to (parent->child_ptr(which_child_am_i), remote_elem);

          parent->add_child(elem, which_child_am_i);

      // Assign the refinement flags and levels
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->level(), level);

      // If this element should have children, assign remote_elem to
      // all of them for now, for consistency.  Later unpacked
      // elements may overwrite that.
      if (has_children)
          const unsigned int nc = elem->n_children();
          for (unsigned int c=0; c != nc; ++c)
            elem->add_child(const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem), c);


      // Assign the IDs
      elem->subdomain_id()  = subdomain_id;
      elem->processor_id()  = processor_id;
      elem->set_id()        = id;
      elem->set_unique_id() = unique_id;

      // Assign the connectivity
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->n_nodes(), n_nodes);

      for (unsigned int n=0; n != n_nodes; n++)
        elem->set_node(n) =

      // Set interior_parent if found
        // We may be unpacking an element that was a ghost element on the
        // sender, in which case the element's interior_parent may not be
        // known by the packed element.  We'll have to set such
        // interior_parents to remote_elem ourselves and wait for a
        // later packed element to give us better information.
        if (interior_parent_id == remote_elem->id())
              (const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));
        else if (interior_parent_id != DofObject::invalid_id)
            // If we don't have the interior parent element, then it's
            // a remote_elem until we get it.
            Elem * ip = mesh->query_elem_ptr(interior_parent_id);
            if (!ip )
                (const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));

      for (auto n : elem->side_index_range())
          const dof_id_type neighbor_id =

          if (neighbor_id == DofObject::invalid_id)

          // We may be unpacking an element that was a ghost element on the
          // sender, in which case the element's neighbors may not all be
          // known by the packed element.  We'll have to set such
          // neighbors to remote_elem ourselves and wait for a later
          // packed element to give us better information.
          if (neighbor_id == remote_elem->id())
              elem->set_neighbor(n, const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));

          // If we don't have the neighbor element, then it's a
          // remote_elem until we get it.
          Elem * neigh = mesh->query_elem_ptr(neighbor_id);
          if (!neigh)
              elem->set_neighbor(n, const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));

          // If we have the neighbor element, then link to it, and
          // make sure the appropriate parts of its family link back
          // to us.
          elem->set_neighbor(n, neigh);



  in += elem->packed_indexing_size();

  // If this is a coarse element,
  // add any element side or edge boundary condition ids
  if (level == 0)
      for (auto s : elem->side_index_range())
          const boundary_id_type num_bcs =

          for (boundary_id_type bc_it=0; bc_it < num_bcs; bc_it++)
              (elem, s, cast_int<boundary_id_type>(*in++));

      for (auto e : elem->edge_index_range())
          const boundary_id_type num_bcs =

          for (boundary_id_type bc_it=0; bc_it < num_bcs; bc_it++)
              (elem, e, cast_int<boundary_id_type>(*in++));

      for (unsigned short sf=0; sf != 2; ++sf)
          const boundary_id_type num_bcs =

          for (boundary_id_type bc_it=0; bc_it < num_bcs; bc_it++)
              (elem, sf, cast_int<boundary_id_type>(*in++));

  // Return the new element
  return elem;
Esempio n. 12
void ExodusII_IO::read (const std::string & fname)
  // Get a reference to the mesh we are reading
  MeshBase & mesh = MeshInput<MeshBase>::mesh();

  // Clear any existing mesh data

  // Keep track of what kinds of elements this file contains
  elems_of_dimension.resize(4, false);

#ifdef DEBUG

  // Instantiate the ElementMaps interface
  ExodusII_IO_Helper::ElementMaps em(*exio_helper);

  // Open the exodus file in EX_READ mode
  exio_helper->open(fname.c_str(), /*read_only=*/true);

  // Get header information from exodus file

  // Read the QA records

  // Print header information

  // Read nodes from the exodus file

  // Reserve space for the nodes.

  // Read the node number map from the Exodus file.  This is
  // required if we want to preserve the numbering of nodes as it
  // exists in the Exodus file.  If the Exodus file does not contain
  // a node_num_map, the identity map is returned by this call.

  // Loop over the nodes, create Nodes with local processor_id 0.
  for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->num_nodes; i++)
      // Use the node_num_map to get the correct ID for Exodus
      int exodus_id = exio_helper->node_num_map[i];

      // Catch the node that was added to the mesh
      Node * added_node = mesh.add_point (Point(exio_helper->x[i], exio_helper->y[i], exio_helper->z[i]), exodus_id-1);

      // If the Mesh assigned an ID different from what is in the
      // Exodus file, we should probably error.
      if (added_node->id() != static_cast<unsigned>(exodus_id-1))
        libmesh_error_msg("Error!  Mesh assigned node ID "    \
                          << added_node->id()                         \
                          << " which is different from the (zero-based) Exodus ID " \
                          << exodus_id-1                              \
                          << "!");

  // This assert is no longer valid if the nodes are not numbered
  // sequentially starting from 1 in the Exodus file.
  // libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned int>(exio_helper->num_nodes), mesh.n_nodes());

  // Get information about all the blocks

  // Reserve space for the elements

  // Read the element number map from the Exodus file.  This is
  // required if we want to preserve the numbering of elements as it
  // exists in the Exodus file.  If the Exodus file does not contain
  // an elem_num_map, the identity map is returned by this call.

  // Read in the element connectivity for each block.
  int nelem_last_block = 0;

  // Loop over all the blocks
  for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->num_elem_blk; i++)
      // Read the information for block i
      exio_helper->read_elem_in_block (i);
      int subdomain_id = exio_helper->get_block_id(i);

      // populate the map of names
      std::string subdomain_name = exio_helper->get_block_name(i);
      if (!subdomain_name.empty())
        mesh.subdomain_name(static_cast<subdomain_id_type>(subdomain_id)) = subdomain_name;

      // Set any relevant node/edge maps for this element
      const std::string type_str (exio_helper->get_elem_type());
      const ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion conv = em.assign_conversion(type_str);

      // Loop over all the faces in this block
      int jmax = nelem_last_block+exio_helper->num_elem_this_blk;
      for (int j=nelem_last_block; j<jmax; j++)
          Elem * elem = Elem::build (conv.get_canonical_type()).release();
          libmesh_assert (elem);
          elem->subdomain_id() = static_cast<subdomain_id_type>(subdomain_id) ;

          // Use the elem_num_map to obtain the ID of this element in the Exodus file
          int exodus_id = exio_helper->elem_num_map[j];

          // Assign this element the same ID it had in the Exodus
          // file, but make it zero-based by subtracting 1.  Note:
          // some day we could use 1-based numbering in libmesh and
          // thus match the Exodus numbering exactly, but at the
          // moment libmesh is zero-based.

          // Record that we have seen an element of dimension elem->dim()
          elems_of_dimension[elem->dim()] = true;

          // Catch the Elem pointer that the Mesh throws back
          elem = mesh.add_elem (elem);

          // If the Mesh assigned an ID different from what is in the
          // Exodus file, we should probably error.
          if (elem->id() != static_cast<unsigned>(exodus_id-1))
            libmesh_error_msg("Error!  Mesh assigned ID "       \
                              << elem->id()                             \
                              << " which is different from the (zero-based) Exodus ID " \
                              << exodus_id-1                            \
                              << "!");

          // Set all the nodes for this element
          for (int k=0; k<exio_helper->num_nodes_per_elem; k++)
              // global index
              int gi = (j-nelem_last_block)*exio_helper->num_nodes_per_elem + conv.get_node_map(k);

              // The entries in 'connect' are actually (1-based)
              // indices into the node_num_map, so to get the right
              // node ID we:
              // 1.) Subtract 1 from connect[gi]
              // 2.) Pass it through node_num_map to get the corresponding Exodus ID
              // 3.) Subtract 1 from that, since libmesh node numbering is "zero"-based,
              //     even when the Exodus node numbering doesn't start with 1.
              int libmesh_node_id = exio_helper->node_num_map[exio_helper->connect[gi] - 1] - 1;

              // Set the node pointer in the Elem
              elem->set_node(k) = mesh.node_ptr(libmesh_node_id);

      // running sum of # of elements per block,
      // (should equal total number of elements in the end)
      nelem_last_block += exio_helper->num_elem_this_blk;

  // This assert isn't valid if the Exodus file's numbering doesn't
  // start with 1!  For example, if Exodus's elem_num_map is 21, 22,
  // 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, ... 84, then by the time you are
  // done with the loop above, mesh.n_elem() will report 84 and
  // nelem_last_block will be 64.
  // libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned>(nelem_last_block), mesh.n_elem());

  // Set the mesh dimension to the largest encountered for an element
  for (unsigned char i=0; i!=4; ++i)
    if (elems_of_dimension[i])

  // Read in sideset information -- this is useful for applying boundary conditions
    // Get basic information about all sidesets
    int offset=0;
    for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->num_side_sets; i++)
        // Compute new offset
        offset += (i > 0 ? exio_helper->num_sides_per_set[i-1] : 0);
        exio_helper->read_sideset (i, offset);

        std::string sideset_name = exio_helper->get_side_set_name(i);
        if (!sideset_name.empty())
            = sideset_name;

    for (unsigned int e=0; e<exio_helper->elem_list.size(); e++)
        // The numbers in the Exodus file sidesets should be thought
        // of as (1-based) indices into the elem_num_map array.  So,
        // to get the right element ID we have to:
        // 1.) Subtract 1 from elem_list[e] (to get a zero-based index)
        // 2.) Pass it through elem_num_map (to get the corresponding Exodus ID)
        // 3.) Subtract 1 from that, since libmesh is "zero"-based,
        //     even when the Exodus numbering doesn't start with 1.
        dof_id_type libmesh_elem_id =
          cast_int<dof_id_type>(exio_helper->elem_num_map[exio_helper->elem_list[e] - 1] - 1);

        // Set any relevant node/edge maps for this element
        Elem * elem = mesh.elem(libmesh_elem_id);

        const ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion conv = em.assign_conversion(elem->type());

        // Map the zero-based Exodus side numbering to the libmesh side numbering
        int mapped_side = conv.get_side_map(exio_helper->side_list[e]-1);

        // Check for errors
        if (mapped_side == ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion::invalid_id)
          libmesh_error_msg("Invalid 1-based side id: "                 \
                            << exio_helper->side_list[e]                \
                            << " detected for "                         \
                            << Utility::enum_to_string(elem->type()));

        // Add this (elem,side,id) triplet to the BoundaryInfo object.
        mesh.get_boundary_info().add_side (libmesh_elem_id,
                                           cast_int<unsigned short>(mapped_side),

  // Read nodeset info

    for (int nodeset=0; nodeset<exio_helper->num_node_sets; nodeset++)
        boundary_id_type nodeset_id =

        std::string nodeset_name = exio_helper->get_node_set_name(nodeset);
        if (!nodeset_name.empty())
          mesh.get_boundary_info().nodeset_name(nodeset_id) = nodeset_name;


        for (unsigned int node=0; node<exio_helper->node_list.size(); node++)
            // As before, the entries in 'node_list' are 1-based
            // indcies into the node_num_map array, so we have to map
            // them.  See comment above.
            int libmesh_node_id = exio_helper->node_num_map[exio_helper->node_list[node] - 1] - 1;

  if (mesh.mesh_dimension() > LIBMESH_DIM)
    libmesh_error_msg("Cannot open dimension "        \
                      << mesh.mesh_dimension()            \
                      << " mesh file when configured without "        \
                      << mesh.mesh_dimension()                        \
                      << "D support.");