Esempio n. 1
shared_ptr<Epetra_CrsMatrix> sparseCholesky(const Epetra_CrsMatrix &mat) {
  // Note: we assume the matrix mat is symmetric and positive-definite
  size_t size = mat.NumGlobalCols();
  if (mat.NumGlobalRows() != size)
    throw std::invalid_argument("sparseCholesky(): matrix must be square");

  int *rowOffsets = 0;
  int *colIndices = 0;
  double *values = 0;
  mat.ExtractCrsDataPointers(rowOffsets, colIndices, values);

  Epetra_SerialComm comm;
  Epetra_LocalMap rowMap(static_cast<int>(size), 0 /* index_base */, comm);
  Epetra_LocalMap columnMap(static_cast<int>(size), 0 /* index_base */, comm);
  shared_ptr<Epetra_CrsMatrix> result = boost::make_shared<Epetra_CrsMatrix>(
      Copy, rowMap, columnMap, mat.GlobalMaxNumEntries());

  arma::Mat<double> localMat;
  arma::Mat<double> localCholesky;
  std::vector<bool> processed(size, false);
  for (size_t r = 0; r < size; ++r) {
    if (processed[r])
    int localSize = rowOffsets[r + 1] - rowOffsets[r];
    localMat.set_size(localSize, localSize);
    localCholesky.set_size(localSize, localSize);
    for (int s = 0; s < localSize; ++s) {
      int row = colIndices[rowOffsets[r] + s];
      for (int c = 0; c < localSize; ++c) {
        int col = colIndices[rowOffsets[row] + c];
        if (col != colIndices[rowOffsets[r] + c])
          throw std::invalid_argument("sparseCholesky(): matrix is not "
        localMat(s, c) = values[rowOffsets[row] + c];
    assert(arma::norm(localMat - localMat.t(), "fro") <
           1e-12 * arma::norm(localMat, "fro"));
    localCholesky = arma::chol(localMat); // localCholesky: U
    for (int s = 0; s < localSize; ++s) {
      int row = colIndices[rowOffsets[r] + s];
      processed[row] = true;
#ifndef NDEBUG
      int errorCode =
          result->InsertGlobalValues(row, s + 1 /* number of values */,
                                     colIndices + rowOffsets[r]);
      assert(errorCode == 0);
  result->FillComplete(columnMap, rowMap);

  return result;
Esempio n. 2
bool CrsMatrixInfo( const Epetra_CrsMatrix & A,
		    ostream & os ) 


  int MyPID = A.Comm().MyPID(); 

  // take care that matrix is already trasformed
  bool IndicesAreGlobal = A.IndicesAreGlobal();
  if( IndicesAreGlobal == true ) {
    if( MyPID == 0 ) {
      os << "WARNING : matrix must be transformed to local\n";
      os << "          before calling CrsMatrixInfo\n";
      os << "          Now returning...\n";
    return false;

  int NumGlobalRows = A.NumGlobalRows();
  int NumGlobalNonzeros = A.NumGlobalNonzeros();
  int NumGlobalCols = A.NumGlobalCols();
  double NormInf = A.NormInf();
  double NormOne = A.NormOne();
  int NumGlobalDiagonals = A.NumGlobalDiagonals();
  int GlobalMaxNumEntries = A.GlobalMaxNumEntries();
  int IndexBase = A.IndexBase();
  bool StorageOptimized = A.StorageOptimized();
  bool LowerTriangular = A.LowerTriangular();
  bool UpperTriangular = A.UpperTriangular();
  bool NoDiagonal = A.NoDiagonal();

  // these variables identifies quantities I have to compute,
  // since not provided by Epetra_CrsMatrix

  double MyFrobeniusNorm( 0.0 ), FrobeniusNorm( 0.0 );
  double MyMinElement( DBL_MAX ), MinElement( DBL_MAX );
  double MyMaxElement( DBL_MIN ), MaxElement( DBL_MIN );
  double MyMinAbsElement( DBL_MAX ), MinAbsElement( DBL_MAX );
  double MyMaxAbsElement( 0.0 ), MaxAbsElement( 0.0 );

  int NumMyRows = A.NumMyRows();
  int * NzPerRow = new int[NumMyRows];
  int Row; // iterator on rows
  int Col; // iterator on cols
  int MaxNumEntries = A.MaxNumEntries();
  double * Values = new double[MaxNumEntries];
  int * Indices = new int[MaxNumEntries];
  double Element, AbsElement; // generic nonzero element and its abs value
  int NumEntries;
  double * Diagonal = new double [NumMyRows];
  // SumOffDiagonal is the sum of absolute values for off-diagonals
  double * SumOffDiagonal = new double [NumMyRows];  
  for( Row=0 ;  Row<NumMyRows ; ++Row ) {
    SumOffDiagonal[Row] = 0.0;
  int * IsDiagonallyDominant = new int [NumMyRows];
  int GlobalRow;

  // cycle over all matrix elements
  for( Row=0 ; Row<NumMyRows ; ++Row ) {
    GlobalRow = A.GRID(Row);
    NzPerRow[Row] = A.NumMyEntries(Row);
    for( Col=0 ; Col<NumEntries ; ++Col ) {
      Element = Values[Col];
      AbsElement = abs(Element);
      if( Element<MyMinElement ) MyMinElement = Element;
      if( Element>MyMaxElement ) MyMaxElement = Element;
      if( AbsElement<MyMinAbsElement ) MyMinAbsElement = AbsElement;
      if( AbsElement>MyMaxAbsElement ) MyMaxAbsElement = AbsElement;
      if( Indices[Col] == Row ) Diagonal[Row] = Element;
	SumOffDiagonal[Row] += abs(Element);
      MyFrobeniusNorm += pow(Element,2);

  // analise storage per row 
  int MyMinNzPerRow( NumMyRows ), MinNzPerRow( NumMyRows );
  int MyMaxNzPerRow( 0 ), MaxNzPerRow( 0 );

  for( Row=0 ; Row<NumMyRows ; ++Row ) {
    if( NzPerRow[Row]<MyMinNzPerRow ) MyMinNzPerRow=NzPerRow[Row];
    if( NzPerRow[Row]>MyMaxNzPerRow ) MyMaxNzPerRow=NzPerRow[Row];

  // a test to see if matrix is diagonally-dominant

  int MyDiagonalDominance( 0 ), DiagonalDominance( 0 );
  int MyWeakDiagonalDominance( 0 ), WeakDiagonalDominance( 0 );

  for( Row=0 ; Row<NumMyRows ; ++Row ) {
    if( abs(Diagonal[Row])>SumOffDiagonal[Row] ) 
    else if( abs(Diagonal[Row])==SumOffDiagonal[Row] ) 

  // reduction operations
  A.Comm().SumAll(&MyFrobeniusNorm, &FrobeniusNorm, 1);
  A.Comm().MinAll(&MyMinElement, &MinElement, 1);
  A.Comm().MaxAll(&MyMaxElement, &MaxElement, 1);
  A.Comm().MinAll(&MyMinAbsElement, &MinAbsElement, 1);
  A.Comm().MaxAll(&MyMaxAbsElement, &MaxAbsElement, 1);
  A.Comm().MinAll(&MyMinNzPerRow, &MinNzPerRow, 1);
  A.Comm().MaxAll(&MyMaxNzPerRow, &MaxNzPerRow, 1);
  A.Comm().SumAll(&MyDiagonalDominance, &DiagonalDominance, 1);
  A.Comm().SumAll(&MyWeakDiagonalDominance, &WeakDiagonalDominance, 1);

  // free memory

  delete Values;
  delete Indices;
  delete Diagonal;
  delete SumOffDiagonal;
  delete IsDiagonallyDominant;
  delete NzPerRow;

  // simply no output for MyPID>0, only proc 0 write on os
  if( MyPID != 0 ) return true;

  os << "*** general Information about the matrix\n";
  os << "Number of Global Rows = " << NumGlobalRows << endl;
  os << "Number of Global Cols = " << NumGlobalCols << endl;
  os << "is the matrix square  = " <<
    ((NumGlobalRows==NumGlobalCols)?"yes":"no") << endl;
  os << "||A||_\\infty          = " << NormInf << endl;
  os << "||A||_1               = " << NormOne << endl;
  os << "||A||_F               = " << sqrt(FrobeniusNorm) << endl;
  os << "Number of nonzero diagonal entries = "
     << NumGlobalDiagonals
     << "( " << 1.0* NumGlobalDiagonals/NumGlobalRows*100
     << " %)\n";
  os << "Nonzero per row : min = " << MinNzPerRow 
     << " average = " << 1.0*NumGlobalNonzeros/NumGlobalRows
     << " max = " << MaxNzPerRow << endl; 
  os << "Maximum number of nonzero elements/row = " 
     << GlobalMaxNumEntries << endl;
  os << "min( a_{i,j} )      = " << MinElement << endl;
  os << "max( a_{i,j} )      = " << MaxElement << endl;
  os << "min( abs(a_{i,j}) ) = " << MinAbsElement << endl;
  os << "max( abs(a_{i,j}) ) = " << MaxAbsElement << endl;
  os << "Number of diagonal dominant rows        = " << DiagonalDominance 
     << " (" << 100.0*DiagonalDominance/NumGlobalRows << " % of total)\n";
  os << "Number of weakly diagonal dominant rows = " 
     << WeakDiagonalDominance 
     << " (" << 100.0*WeakDiagonalDominance/NumGlobalRows << " % of total)\n";

  os << "*** Information about the Trilinos storage\n";
  os << "Base Index                 = " << IndexBase << endl;
  os << "is storage optimized       = " 
     << ((StorageOptimized==true)?"yes":"no") << endl;
  os << "are indices global         = "
     << ((IndicesAreGlobal==true)?"yes":"no") << endl;
  os << "is matrix lower triangular = " 
     << ((LowerTriangular==true)?"yes":"no") << endl;
  os << "is matrix upper triangular = " 
     << ((UpperTriangular==true)?"yes":"no") << endl;
  os << "are there diagonal entries = " 
     <<  ((NoDiagonal==false)?"yes":"no") << endl;

  return true;

Esempio n. 3
// rebuild a single subblock Epetra_CrsMatrix
void rebuildSubBlock(int i,int j,const Epetra_CrsMatrix & A,const std::vector<std::pair<int,RCP<Epetra_Map> > > & subMaps,Epetra_CrsMatrix & mat)
   // get the number of variables families
   int numVarFamily = subMaps.size();

   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(i>=0 && i<numVarFamily);
   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(j>=0 && j<numVarFamily);

   const Epetra_Map & gRowMap = *subMaps[i].second;
   const Epetra_Map & rowMap = *Teuchos::get_extra_data<RCP<Epetra_Map> >(subMaps[i].second,"contigMap");
   int colFamilyCnt = subMaps[j].first;

   // compute the number of global variables
   // and the row and column block offset
   int numGlobalVars = 0;
   int rowBlockOffset = 0;
   int colBlockOffset = 0;
   for(int k=0;k<numVarFamily;k++) {
      numGlobalVars += subMaps[k].first;
      // compute block offsets
      if(k<i) rowBlockOffset += subMaps[k].first;
      if(k<j) colBlockOffset += subMaps[k].first;

   // copy all global rows to here
   Epetra_Import import(gRowMap,A.RowMap());
   Epetra_CrsMatrix localA(Copy,gRowMap,0);

   // clear out the old matrix

   // get entry information
   int numMyRows = rowMap.NumMyElements();
   int maxNumEntries = A.GlobalMaxNumEntries();

   // for extraction
   std::vector<int> indices(maxNumEntries);
   std::vector<double> values(maxNumEntries);

   // for insertion
   std::vector<int> colIndices(maxNumEntries);
   std::vector<double> colValues(maxNumEntries);

   // insert each row into subblock
   // let FillComplete handle column distribution
   for(int localRow=0;localRow<numMyRows;localRow++) {
      int numEntries = -1; 
      int globalRow = gRowMap.GID(localRow);
      int contigRow = rowMap.GID(localRow);


      // extract a global row copy
      int err = localA.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(globalRow, maxNumEntries, numEntries, &values[0], &indices[0]);

      int numOwnedCols = 0;
      for(int localCol=0;localCol<numEntries;localCol++) {
         int globalCol = indices[localCol];

         // determinate which block this column ID is in
         int block = globalCol / numGlobalVars;
         bool inFamily = true; 
         // test the beginning of the block
         inFamily &= (block*numGlobalVars+colBlockOffset <= globalCol);
         inFamily &= ((block*numGlobalVars+colBlockOffset+colFamilyCnt) > globalCol);

         // is this column in the variable family
         if(inFamily) {
            int familyOffset = globalCol-(block*numGlobalVars+colBlockOffset);

            colIndices[numOwnedCols] = block*colFamilyCnt + familyOffset;
            colValues[numOwnedCols] = values[localCol];


      // insert it into the new matrix
Esempio n. 4
// int
// main(int argc, char * argv[])
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST(tALOperator, test)
   // Build communicator
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
   Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

   // Get process information
   int myPID = Comm.MyPID();
   out << "MPI_PID = " << myPID << ", UNIX_PID = " << getpid() << std::endl;

   // Maps.
   int dim = 2, numVel = 3, numPre = 2, errCode;
   Epetra_Map mapVel(numVel, 0, Comm), mapPre(numPre, 0, Comm);
   Epetra_Map mapAll(numVel * dim + numPre, 0, Comm);

   // Reorder.
   std::vector<int> reorderedVec;
   int numMyLen = mapVel.NumMyElements();
   int * myGlb;
   myGlb = mapVel.MyGlobalElements();
   for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < numMyLen; j++)
         reorderedVec.push_back(myGlb[j] + numVel * i);
   numMyLen = mapPre.NumMyElements();
   myGlb = mapPre.MyGlobalElements();
   for(int j = 0; j < numMyLen; j++)
      reorderedVec.push_back(myGlb[j] + numVel * dim);

   Teuchos::RCP < Epetra_Map > mapReorder = Teuchos::rcp(
         new Epetra_Map(-1, reorderedVec.size(), &reorderedVec[0], 0, Comm));
   Teuchos::RCP < Epetra_Import > importReorder = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Import(*mapReorder, mapAll));

   std::vector<std::vector<int> > blockedVec;
   numMyLen = mapVel.NumMyElements();
   myGlb = mapVel.MyGlobalElements();
   for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < numMyLen; j++)
         reorderedVec.push_back(myGlb[j] + numVel * i);
   numMyLen = mapPre.NumMyElements();
   myGlb = mapPre.MyGlobalElements();
   for(int j = 0; j < numMyLen; j++)
      reorderedVec.push_back(myGlb[j] + numVel * dim);

   // Read matrices and vector.
   Epetra_CrsMatrix *ptrMat = 0, *ptrMp = 0;
   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix("data/", mapAll, ptrMat)==0);
   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix("data/", mapPre, ptrMp)==0);
   LinearOp lpMp = Thyra::epetraLinearOp(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(*ptrMp));
   // This vector is computed by Matlab for comparison.
   Epetra_Vector *ptrExact = 0;
   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToVector("data/", mapAll, ptrExact)==0);

   // Reorder matrix.
   RCP < Epetra_CrsMatrix > mat = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *mapReorder, ptrMat->GlobalMaxNumEntries()));
   errCode = mat->Import(*ptrMat, *importReorder, Insert);
   errCode = mat->FillComplete();

   // Build augmented Lagrangian-based operator.
   Teko::NS::ALOperator al(blockedVec, mat, lpMp);

   // Initialize vectors.
   Epetra_Vector x(*mapReorder, false), b(*mapReorder, false);

   // Apply operator.
   al.Apply(x, b);

   // Compare computed vector and exact vector.
   b.Update(-1.0, *ptrExact, 1.0);
   double norm2;
   if(norm2 < 1.0e-15)
      out << "Test:ALOperator: Passed." << std::endl;
      errCode = 0;
      out << "Test:ALOperator: Failed." << std::endl;
      errCode = -1;

   delete ptrMat;
   delete ptrMp;
   delete ptrExact;
