// NOTE: This method should be removed and replaced with calls to Epetra_Util_ExtractHbData()
int Epetra_LinearProblemRedistor::ExtractHbData(int & M, int & N, int & nz, int * & ptr,
																								int * & ind, double * & val, int & Nrhs,
																								double * & rhs, int & ldrhs,
																								double * & lhs, int & ldlhs) const {

	Epetra_CrsMatrix * RedistMatrix = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>(RedistProblem_->GetMatrix());
	if (RedistMatrix==0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); // This matrix is zero or not an Epetra_CrsMatrix
	if (!RedistMatrix->IndicesAreContiguous()) { // Data must be contiguous for this to work

	M = RedistMatrix->NumMyRows();
	N = RedistMatrix->NumMyCols();
	nz = RedistMatrix->NumMyNonzeros();
	val = (*RedistMatrix)[0];        // Dangerous, but cheap and effective way to access first element in

	const Epetra_CrsGraph & RedistGraph = RedistMatrix->Graph();
	ind = RedistGraph[0];  // list of values and indices

	Epetra_MultiVector * LHS = RedistProblem_->GetLHS();
	Epetra_MultiVector * RHS = RedistProblem_->GetRHS();
	Nrhs = RHS->NumVectors();
	if (Nrhs>1) {
		if (!RHS->ConstantStride()) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-3)}; // Must have strided vectors
		if (!LHS->ConstantStride()) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-4)}; // Must have strided vectors
	ldrhs = RHS->Stride();
	rhs = (*RHS)[0]; // Dangerous but effective (again)
	ldlhs = LHS->Stride();
	lhs = (*LHS)[0];

	// Finally build ptr vector

	if (ptr_==0) {
		ptr_ = new int[M+1];
		ptr_[0] = 0;
		for (int i=0; i<M; i++) ptr_[i+1] = ptr_[i] + RedistGraph.NumMyIndices(i);
	ptr = ptr_;
Esempio n. 2
sumInOperator(Epetra_CrsMatrix & A,const Stokhos::AdaptivityManager::Sparse3TensorHash & Cijk,int k,const Epetra_CrsMatrix & J_k) const
   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(J_k.NumMyRows() == int(sg_basis_row_dof_.size()));
   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(J_k.NumMyCols() == int(sg_basis_col_dof_.size()));

   const Teuchos::Array<double> & normValues = sg_master_basis_->norm_squared();

   // loop over deterministic rows 
   for(int localM=0;localM<J_k.NumMyRows();localM++) {
      int m = J_k.GRID(localM);

      // grab row basis
      Teuchos::RCP<const Stokhos::ProductBasis<int,double> > rowStochBasis 
            = sg_basis_row_dof_[localM]; 
      // grab row from deterministic system
      int d_numEntries;
      int * d_Indices;
      double * d_Values;
      // loop over stochastic degrees of freedom of this row
      for(int rb_i=0;rb_i<rowStochBasis->size();rb_i++) {
         int i = sg_master_basis_->index(rowStochBasis->term(rb_i));

         double normValue = normValues[i]; // sg_master_basis->norm_squared(i);
         int sg_m = getGlobalRowId(localM,rb_i);

         // we wipe out old values, capacity should gurantee
         // we don't allocate more often than neccessary!
         std::vector<int> sg_indices;
         std::vector<double> sg_values;

         // sg_indices.resize(0); 
         // sg_values.resize(0);

         // loop over each column
         for(int colInd=0;colInd<d_numEntries;colInd++) {
            int localN = d_Indices[colInd];  // grab local deterministic column id

            // grab row basis
            Teuchos::RCP<const Stokhos::ProductBasis<int,double> > colStochBasis 
                  = sg_basis_col_dof_[localN]; 

            // build values array
            for(int cb_j=0;cb_j<colStochBasis->size();cb_j++) {
               int j = sg_master_basis_->index(colStochBasis->term(cb_j));
               int sg_n = getGlobalColId(localN,cb_j);
               double cijk = Cijk.getValue(i,j,k); 

               // no reason to work it in!
               if(cijk==0) continue;

                  cijk = cijk/normValue;


         // add in matrix values