Esempio n. 1
void ACSExplosive::Explode_Implementation(ACSCharacterBase* InInstigator)
	if (!bExploded)
		bExploded = true;

		const FVector MyLocation = GetActorLocation();
		const register float RadiusSq = FMath::Square(ExplodeRadius);
		for (TActorIterator<ACSCharacterBase> I(GetWorld()); I; ++I)
			const FVector OtherLocation = I->GetActorLocation();
			FVector Direction = OtherLocation - MyLocation;
			const register float DistanceSq = Direction.SizeSquared();
			if (DistanceSq <= RadiusSq)
				const register float Distance = FMath::Sqrt(DistanceSq);
				Direction /= Distance;
				const register float Ratio = Distance / ExplodeRadius;
				const int32 Damage = FMath::RoundToInt(FMath::Lerp((float)CenterDamage, (float)BorderDamage, Ratio));
				I->TakeExplosion(this, InInstigator, Direction, Damage, Ratio);

		if (nullptr != ExplodeParticle)
			UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(GetWorld(), ExplodeParticle, MyLocation)->SetRelativeScale3D(ExplodeParticleScale);
		if (nullptr != ExplodeSound)
			UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(GetWorld(), ExplodeSound, MyLocation);

		for (TActorIterator<ACSExplosive> I(GetWorld()); I; ++I)
			if (this != *I && !I->bExploded)
				const FVector OtherLocation = I->GetActorLocation();
				FVector Direction = OtherLocation - MyLocation;
				const register float DistanceSq = Direction.SizeSquared();
				if (DistanceSq <= RadiusSq)
void ATP_TwinStickPawn::FireShot(FVector FireDirection)
	// If we it's ok to fire again
	if (bCanFire == true)
		// If we are pressing fire stick in a direction
		if (FireDirection.SizeSquared() > 0.0f)
			const FRotator FireRotation = FireDirection.Rotation();
			// Spawn projectile at an offset from this pawn
			const FVector SpawnLocation = GetActorLocation() + FireRotation.RotateVector(GunOffset);

			UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
			if (World != NULL)
				// spawn the projectile
				World->SpawnActor<ATP_TwinStickProjectile>(SpawnLocation, FireRotation);

			bCanFire = false;
			World->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle_ShotTimerExpired, this, &ATP_TwinStickPawn::ShotTimerExpired, FireRate);

			// try and play the sound if specified
			if (FireSound != nullptr)
				UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, FireSound, GetActorLocation());

			bCanFire = false;
void ATP_TwinStickPawn::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
	// Find movement direction
	const float ForwardValue = GetInputAxisValue(MoveForwardBinding);
	const float RightValue = GetInputAxisValue(MoveRightBinding);

	// Clamp max size so that (X=1, Y=1) doesn't cause faster movement in diagonal directions
	const FVector MoveDirection = FVector(ForwardValue, RightValue, 0.f).GetClampedToMaxSize(1.0f);

	// Calculate  movement
	const FVector Movement = MoveDirection * MoveSpeed * DeltaSeconds;

	// If non-zero size, move this actor
	if (Movement.SizeSquared() > 0.0f)
		const FRotator NewRotation = Movement.Rotation();
		FHitResult Hit(1.f);
		RootComponent->MoveComponent(Movement, NewRotation, true, &Hit);
		if (Hit.IsValidBlockingHit())
			const FVector Normal2D = Hit.Normal.GetSafeNormal2D();
			const FVector Deflection = FVector::VectorPlaneProject(Movement, Normal2D) * (1.f - Hit.Time);
			RootComponent->MoveComponent(Deflection, NewRotation, true);
	// Create fire direction vector
	const float FireForwardValue = GetInputAxisValue(FireForwardBinding);
	const float FireRightValue = GetInputAxisValue(FireRightBinding);
	const FVector FireDirection = FVector(FireForwardValue, FireRightValue, 0.f);

	// Try and fire a shot
Esempio n. 4
bool FSeparatingAxisPointCheck::FindSeparatingAxisGeneric()
	check(PolyVertices.Num() > 3);
	int32 LastIndex = PolyVertices.Num() - 1;
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < PolyVertices.Num(); Index++)
		const FVector& V0 = PolyVertices[LastIndex];
		const FVector& V1 = PolyVertices[Index];
		const FVector EdgeDir = V1 - V0;

		// Box edges x polygon edge

		if (!TestSeparatingAxisGeneric(FVector(EdgeDir.Y, -EdgeDir.X, 0.0f)) ||
			!TestSeparatingAxisGeneric(FVector(-EdgeDir.Z, 0.0f, EdgeDir.X)) ||
			!TestSeparatingAxisGeneric(FVector(0.0f, EdgeDir.Z, -EdgeDir.Y)))
			return false;

		LastIndex = Index;

	// Box faces.

	if (!TestSeparatingAxisGeneric(FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) ||
		!TestSeparatingAxisGeneric(FVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) ||
		!TestSeparatingAxisGeneric(FVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)))
		return false;

	// Polygon normal.

	int32 Index0 = PolyVertices.Num() - 2;
	int32 Index1 = Index0 + 1;
	for (int32 Index2 = 0; Index2 < PolyVertices.Num(); Index2++)
		const FVector& V0 = PolyVertices[Index0];
		const FVector& V1 = PolyVertices[Index1];
		const FVector& V2 = PolyVertices[Index2];

		const FVector EdgeDir0 = V1 - V0;
		const FVector EdgeDir1 = V2 - V1;

		FVector Normal = FVector::CrossProduct(EdgeDir1, EdgeDir0);
		if (Normal.SizeSquared() > SMALL_NUMBER)
			if (!TestSeparatingAxisGeneric(Normal))
				return false;

		Index0 = Index1;
		Index1 = Index2;

	return true;
void UCrowdFollowingComponent::UpdateCachedDirections(const FVector& NewVelocity, const FVector& NextPathCorner, bool bTraversingLink)
	// MoveSegmentDirection = direction on string pulled path
	const FVector AgentLoc = GetCrowdAgentLocation();
	const FVector ToCorner = NextPathCorner - AgentLoc;
	if (ToCorner.SizeSquared() > FMath::Square(10.0f))
		MoveSegmentDirection = ToCorner.GetSafeNormal();

	// CrowdAgentMoveDirection either direction on path or aligned with current velocity
	if (!bTraversingLink)
		CrowdAgentMoveDirection = bRotateToVelocity && (NewVelocity.SizeSquared() > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) ? NewVelocity.GetSafeNormal() : MoveSegmentDirection;
Esempio n. 6
 *	Function for adding a sphere collision primitive to the supplied collision geometry based on a set of Verts.
 *	Simply put an AABB around mesh and use that to generate centre and radius.
 *	It checks that the AABB is square, and that all vertices are either at the
 *	centre, or within 5% of the radius distance away.
void AddSphereGeomFromVerts( const TArray<FVector>& Verts, FKAggregateGeom* AggGeom, const TCHAR* ObjName )
    if(Verts.Num() == 0)

    FBox Box(0);

    for(int32 i=0; i<Verts.Num(); i++)
        Box += Verts[i];

    FVector Center, Extents;
    Box.GetCenterAndExtents(Center, Extents);
    float Longest = 2.f * Extents.GetMax();
    float Shortest = 2.f * Extents.GetMin();

    // check that the AABB is roughly a square (5% tolerance)
    if((Longest - Shortest)/Longest > 0.05f)
        UE_LOG(LogStaticMeshEdit, Log, TEXT("AddSphereGeomFromVerts (%s): Sphere bounding box not square."), ObjName);

    float Radius = 0.5f * Longest;

    // Test that all vertices are a similar radius (5%) from the sphere centre.
    float MaxR = 0;
    float MinR = BIG_NUMBER;
    for(int32 i=0; i<Verts.Num(); i++)
        FVector CToV = Verts[i] - Center;
        float RSqr = CToV.SizeSquared();

        MaxR = FMath::Max(RSqr, MaxR);

        // Sometimes vertex at centre, so reject it.
        if(RSqr > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
            MinR = FMath::Min(RSqr, MinR);

    MaxR = FMath::Sqrt(MaxR);
    MinR = FMath::Sqrt(MinR);

    if((MaxR-MinR)/Radius > 0.05f)
        UE_LOG(LogStaticMeshEdit, Log, TEXT("AddSphereGeomFromVerts (%s): Vertices not at constant radius."), ObjName );

    // Allocate sphere in array
    FKSphereElem SphereElem;
    SphereElem.Center = Center;
    SphereElem.Radius = Radius;
	void CheckVector( FVector ResultVector, FVector ExpectedVector, FString TestName, FString ParameterName, int32 TestIndex, float Tolerance = KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER )
		const FVector Delta = ExpectedVector - ResultVector;
		if (Delta.SizeSquared() > FMath::Square(Tolerance))
			//UE_LOG(CollisionAutomationTestLog, Log, TEXT("%d:HitResult=(%s)"), iTest+1, *OutHits[iHits].ToString());
			TestBase->AddError(FString::Printf(TEXT("Test %d:%s %s mismatch. Should be %s but is actually %s."), TestIndex, *TestName, *ParameterName, *ExpectedVector.ToString(), *ResultVector.ToString()));
Esempio n. 8
float AActor::GetNetPriority(const FVector& ViewPos, const FVector& ViewDir, AActor* Viewer, AActor* ViewTarget, UActorChannel* InChannel, float Time, bool bLowBandwidth)
	// Call the deprecated version so subclasses will still work for a version
	float DeprecatedValue = AActor::GetNetPriority(ViewPos, ViewDir, Cast<APlayerController>(Viewer), InChannel, Time, bLowBandwidth);
	if (DeprecatedValue != DEPRECATED_NET_PRIORITY)
		return DeprecatedValue;

	if (bNetUseOwnerRelevancy && Owner)
		// If we should use our owner's priority, pass it through
		return Owner->GetNetPriority(ViewPos, ViewDir, Viewer, ViewTarget, InChannel, Time, bLowBandwidth);

	if (ViewTarget && (this == ViewTarget || Instigator == ViewTarget))
		// If we're the view target or owned by the view target, use a high priority
		Time *= 4.f;
	else if (!bHidden && GetRootComponent() != NULL)
		// If this actor has a location, adjust priority based on location
		FVector Dir = GetActorLocation() - ViewPos;
		float DistSq = Dir.SizeSquared();

		// Adjust priority based on distance and whether actor is in front of viewer
		if ((ViewDir | Dir) < 0.f)
				Time *= 0.2f;
				Time *= 0.4f;
		else if ((DistSq < FARSIGHTTHRESHOLDSQUARED) && (FMath::Square(ViewDir | Dir) > 0.5f * DistSq))
			// Compute the amount of distance along the ViewDir vector. Dir is not normalized
			// Increase priority if we're being looked directly at
			Time *= 2.f;
			Time *= 0.4f;

	return NetPriority * Time;
void AGameplayDebuggerReplicator::SelectTargetToDebug()
	APlayerController* MyPC = DebugCameraController.IsValid() ? DebugCameraController.Get() : GetLocalPlayerOwner();

	if (MyPC)
		float bestAim = 0;
		FVector CamLocation;
		FRotator CamRotation;
		check(MyPC->PlayerCameraManager != nullptr);
		MyPC->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraViewPoint(CamLocation, CamRotation);
		FVector FireDir = CamRotation.Vector();
		UWorld* World = MyPC->GetWorld();

		APawn* PossibleTarget = nullptr;
		for (FConstPawnIterator Iterator = World->GetPawnIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
			APawn* NewTarget = *Iterator;
			if (NewTarget == nullptr || NewTarget == MyPC->GetPawn()
				|| (NewTarget->PlayerState != nullptr && NewTarget->PlayerState->bIsABot == false)
				|| NewTarget->GetActorEnableCollision() == false)

			if (NewTarget != MyPC->GetPawn())
				// look for best controlled pawn target
				const FVector AimDir = NewTarget->GetActorLocation() - CamLocation;
				float FireDist = AimDir.SizeSquared();
				// only find targets which are < 25000 units away
				if (FireDist < 625000000.f)
					FireDist = FMath::Sqrt(FireDist);
					float newAim = FVector::DotProduct(FireDir, AimDir);
					newAim = newAim / FireDist;
					if (newAim > bestAim)
						PossibleTarget = NewTarget;
						bestAim = newAim;

		if (PossibleTarget != nullptr && PossibleTarget != LastSelectedActorToDebug)
FVector UFlareSpacecraftNavigationSystem::GetAngularVelocityToAlignAxis(FVector LocalShipAxis, FVector TargetAxis, FVector TargetAngularVelocity, float DeltaSeconds) const
	TArray<UActorComponent*> Engines = Spacecraft->GetComponentsByClass(UFlareEngine::StaticClass());

	FVector AngularVelocity = Spacecraft->Airframe->GetPhysicsAngularVelocity();
	FVector WorldShipAxis = Spacecraft->Airframe->GetComponentToWorld().GetRotation().RotateVector(LocalShipAxis);


	FVector RotationDirection = FVector::CrossProduct(WorldShipAxis, TargetAxis);
	float Dot = FVector::DotProduct(WorldShipAxis, TargetAxis);
	float angle = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(FMath::Acos(Dot));

	FVector DeltaVelocity = TargetAngularVelocity - AngularVelocity;
	FVector DeltaVelocityAxis = DeltaVelocity;

	float TimeToFinalVelocity;

	if (FMath::IsNearlyZero(DeltaVelocity.SizeSquared()))
		TimeToFinalVelocity = 0;
	else {
		FVector SimpleAcceleration = DeltaVelocityAxis * GetAngularAccelerationRate();
		// Scale with damages
		float DamageRatio = GetTotalMaxTorqueInAxis(Engines, DeltaVelocityAxis, true) / GetTotalMaxTorqueInAxis(Engines, DeltaVelocityAxis, false);
		FVector DamagedSimpleAcceleration = SimpleAcceleration * DamageRatio;

		FVector Acceleration = DamagedSimpleAcceleration;
		float AccelerationInAngleAxis =  FMath::Abs(FVector::DotProduct(DamagedSimpleAcceleration, RotationDirection));

		TimeToFinalVelocity = (DeltaVelocity.Size() / AccelerationInAngleAxis);

	float AngleToStop = (DeltaVelocity.Size() / 2) * (FMath::Max(TimeToFinalVelocity,DeltaSeconds));

	FVector RelativeResultSpeed;

	if (AngleToStop > angle) {
		RelativeResultSpeed = TargetAngularVelocity;
		float MaxPreciseSpeed = FMath::Min((angle - AngleToStop) / (DeltaSeconds * 0.75f), GetAngularMaxVelocity());

		RelativeResultSpeed = RotationDirection;
		RelativeResultSpeed *= MaxPreciseSpeed;

	return RelativeResultSpeed;
void AGameJamGameCharacter::UpdateAnimation()
	const FVector PlayerVelocity = GetVelocity();
	const float PlayerSpeedSqr = PlayerVelocity.SizeSquared();

	// Are we moving or standing still?
	UPaperFlipbook* DesiredAnimation = (PlayerSpeedSqr > 0.0f) ? RunningAnimation : IdleAnimation;
	if( GetSprite()->GetFlipbook() != DesiredAnimation 	)
Esempio n. 12
FVector UKismetMathLibrary::ProjectVectorOnToVector(FVector V, FVector Target)
	if (Target.SizeSquared() > SMALL_NUMBER)
		return V.ProjectOnTo(Target);
		FFrame::KismetExecutionMessage(TEXT("Divide by zero: ProjectVectorOnToVector with zero Target vector"), ELogVerbosity::Warning);
		return FVector::ZeroVector;
Esempio n. 13
void UEditorEngine::polyTexPan(UModel *Model,int32 PanU,int32 PanV,int32 Absolute)
	for(int32 SurfaceIndex = 0;SurfaceIndex < Model->Surfs.Num();SurfaceIndex++)
		const FBspSurf&	Surf = Model->Surfs[SurfaceIndex];

		if(Surf.PolyFlags & PF_Selected)
				Model->Points[Surf.pBase] = FVector::ZeroVector;

			const FVector TextureU = Model->Vectors[Surf.vTextureU];
			const FVector TextureV = Model->Vectors[Surf.vTextureV];

			Model->Points[Surf.pBase] += PanU * (TextureU / TextureU.SizeSquared());
			Model->Points[Surf.pBase] += PanV * (TextureV / TextureV.SizeSquared());

void UWorldComposition::EvaluateWorldOriginLocation(const FVector& ViewLocation)
	UWorld* OwningWorld = GetWorld();
	FVector Location = ViewLocation;

	if (!bRebaseOriginIn3DSpace)
		// Consider only XY plane
		Location.Z = 0.f;
	// Request to shift world in case current view is quite far from current origin
	if (Location.SizeSquared() > FMath::Square(RebaseOriginDistance))
		OwningWorld->RequestNewWorldOrigin(FIntVector(Location.X, Location.Y, Location.Z) + OwningWorld->OriginLocation);
bool AGameplayAbilityTargetActor_Trace::ClipCameraRayToAbilityRange(FVector CameraLocation, FVector CameraDirection, FVector AbilityCenter, float AbilityRange, FVector& ClippedPosition)
	FVector CameraToCenter = AbilityCenter - CameraLocation;
	float DotToCenter = FVector::DotProduct(CameraToCenter, CameraDirection);
	if (DotToCenter >= 0)		//If this fails, we're pointed away from the center, but we might be inside the sphere and able to find a good exit point.
		float DistanceSquared = CameraToCenter.SizeSquared() - (DotToCenter * DotToCenter);
		float RadiusSquared = (AbilityRange * AbilityRange);
		if (DistanceSquared <= RadiusSquared)
			float DistanceFromCamera = FMath::Sqrt(RadiusSquared - DistanceSquared);
			float DistanceAlongRay = DotToCenter + DistanceFromCamera;						//Subtracting instead of adding will get the other intersection point
			ClippedPosition = CameraLocation + (DistanceAlongRay * CameraDirection);		//Cam aim point clipped to range sphere
			return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 16
	void SimplifyPointsInner(int Index1, int Index2)
		if (Index2 - Index1 < 2)

		// Find furthest point from the V1..V2 line
		const FVector V1(SourcePoints[Index1].X, 0.0f, SourcePoints[Index1].Y);
		const FVector V2(SourcePoints[Index2].X, 0.0f, SourcePoints[Index2].Y);
		const FVector V1V2 = V2 - V1;
		const float LineScale = 1.0f / V1V2.SizeSquared();

		float FarthestDistanceSquared = -1.0f;
		int32 FarthestIndex = INDEX_NONE;

		for (int32 Index = Index1; Index < Index2; ++Index)
			const FVector VTest(SourcePoints[Index].X, 0.0f, SourcePoints[Index].Y);
			const FVector V1VTest = VTest - V1;

			const float t = FMath::Clamp(FVector::DotProduct(V1VTest, V1V2) * LineScale, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			const FVector ClosestPointOnV1V2 = V1 + t * V1V2;

			const float DistanceToLineSquared = FVector::DistSquared(ClosestPointOnV1V2, VTest);
			if (DistanceToLineSquared > FarthestDistanceSquared)
				FarthestDistanceSquared = DistanceToLineSquared;
				FarthestIndex = Index;

		if (FarthestDistanceSquared > EpsilonSquared)
			// Too far, subdivide further
			SimplifyPointsInner(Index1, FarthestIndex);
			SimplifyPointsInner(FarthestIndex, Index2);
			// The farthest point wasn't too far, so omit all the points in between
			RemovePoints(Index1, Index2);
bool UHUDBlueprintLibrary::IsPointOnScreenWithinDistance(UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector& InWorldLocation, const float& InMaxDistance)
	float MaxDistanceSquared = InMaxDistance * InMaxDistance;
	UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject);
	if (!World->IsValidLowLevel()) return false;
	APlayerController* PlayerController = (WorldContextObject ? UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(WorldContextObject, 0) : NULL);

	const FVector Forward = PlayerController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraRotation().Vector();
	//const FVector Forward = PlayerCharacter->GetActorForwardVector();
	const FVector CameraLocation = PlayerController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraLocation();
	const FVector Offset = (InWorldLocation - CameraLocation).GetSafeNormal();
	const FVector2D ViewportSize = FVector2D(GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport->GetSizeXY());
	float DotProduct = FVector::DotProduct(Forward, Offset);
	bool bLocationIsBehindCamera = (DotProduct < 0);
	if (bLocationIsBehindCamera)
		return false;
	FVector2D *ScreenPosition = new FVector2D();
	PlayerController->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(InWorldLocation, *ScreenPosition);
	// Check to see if it's on screen. If it is, ProjectWorldLocationToScreen is all we need, return it.
	if (ScreenPosition->X >= 0.f && ScreenPosition->X <= ViewportSize.X
		&& ScreenPosition->Y >= 0.f && ScreenPosition->Y <= ViewportSize.Y)
		FVector Delta = InWorldLocation - CameraLocation;
		float DistanceAwaySquared = Delta.SizeSquared();
		if (fabsf(DistanceAwaySquared) <= MaxDistanceSquared)
			return true;
	return false;
void AITP380_RocketThingPawn::FireShot(FVector FireDirection)
	// If we it's ok to fire again
	if (bCanFire == true)
		// If we are pressing fire stick in a direction
		if (FireDirection.SizeSquared() > 0.0f)
			curFireDirection = FireDirection;
			UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
			/*for (int k = 0; k < NumFiredAtOnce; k++){
				FRotator FireRotation = FireDirection.Rotation();
				FRotator randRotation = FRotator(FireRotation.Pitch, FireRotation.Yaw + FMath::RandRange(-90, 90), FireRotation.Roll);
				// Spawn projectile at an offset from this pawn
				const FVector SpawnLocation = GetActorLocation() + randRotation.RotateVector(GunOffset);

				if (World != NULL)
					// spawn the projectile
					AWeaponProjectile* projectile = World->SpawnActor<AWeaponProjectile>(SpawnLocation, randRotation);
					projectile->targetDirection = FireRotation.Vector();

				//bCanFire = false;

				// try and play the sound if specified
				if (FireSound != nullptr)
					UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, FireSound, GetActorLocation());
			if (FireSound != nullptr)
				UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, FireSound, GetActorLocation());
			World->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle_ShotTimerExpired, this, &AITP380_RocketThingPawn::ShotTimerExpired, FireRate);
			bCanFire = false;

Esempio n. 19
void AShipPawn::Tick(float DeltaTime)

	if (bUseFuel)
		FuelReserve += FuelRecoveryRate;

	const FVector MoveDirection = FVector(GetInputAxisValue(MoveForwardBinding), GetInputAxisValue(MoveRightBinding), 0.f).GetClampedToMaxSize(1.0f);
	const float MoveDirectionSizeSquared = MoveDirection.SizeSquared();
	if (MoveDirectionSizeSquared > 0.2f)

		auto base_force = 1000 * MeshComponent->GetForwardVector() * MovementSpeed;
		auto input_thrust = 0.0f;
		if (bUseSeparateThrusterAxes)
			input_thrust = GetInputAxisValue(ForwardThrustBinding);
			input_thrust = MoveDirectionSizeSquared;

		if (bUseFuel)
			FuelReserve -= input_thrust * FuelUsageRate;
			if (FuelReserve < 0)
				FuelReserve = 0.0f;

		if (bUseShipMomentum)
			MeshComponent->AddForce(base_force * DeltaTime * MeshComponent->GetMass());
			MeshComponent->SetPhysicsLinearVelocity(base_force / 50);
Esempio n. 20
void AKappaPawn::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
    GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(0, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, FString::FromInt(Score));

    // Find movement direction
    const float ForwardValue = GetInputAxisValue(MoveForwardBinding);
    const float RightValue = GetInputAxisValue(MoveRightBinding);

    // Clamp max size so that (X=1, Y=1) doesn't cause faster movement in diagonal directions
    const FVector MoveDirection = FVector(ForwardValue, RightValue, 0.f).GetClampedToMaxSize(1.0f);

    // Calculate  movement
    const FVector Movement = MoveDirection * MoveSpeed * DeltaSeconds;

    // If non-zero size, move this actor
    if (Movement.SizeSquared() > 0.0f)
        const FRotator NewRotation = Movement.Rotation();
        FHitResult Hit(1.f);
        RootComponent->MoveComponent(Movement, NewRotation, true, &Hit);

        if (Hit.IsValidBlockingHit())
            const FVector Normal2D = Hit.Normal.GetSafeNormal2D();
            const FVector Deflection = FVector::VectorPlaneProject(Movement, Normal2D) * (1.f - Hit.Time);
            RootComponent->MoveComponent(Deflection, NewRotation, true);

    // Create fire direction vector
    /*const float FireForwardValue = GetInputAxisValue(FireForwardBinding);
    const float FireRightValue = GetInputAxisValue(FireRightBinding);
    const FVector FireDirection = FVector(FireForwardValue, FireRightValue, 0.f);*/
    FVector WorldPosition, WorldDirection;
    APlayerController* MyController = Cast<APlayerController>(GetController());
    MyController->DeprojectMousePositionToWorld(WorldPosition, WorldDirection);

    const FVector FireDirection = FVector(WorldDirection.Component(0), WorldDirection.Component(1), 0.f);
    // Try and fire a shot
void UFloatingPawnMovement::ApplyControlInputToVelocity(float DeltaTime)
	const FVector ControlAcceleration = GetPendingInputVector().ClampMaxSize(1.f);

	const float AnalogInputModifier = (ControlAcceleration.SizeSquared() > 0.f ? ControlAcceleration.Size() : 0.f);
	const float MaxPawnSpeed = GetMaxSpeed() * AnalogInputModifier;
	const bool bExceedingMaxSpeed = IsExceedingMaxSpeed(MaxPawnSpeed);

	if (AnalogInputModifier > 0.f && !bExceedingMaxSpeed)
		// Apply change in velocity direction
		if (Velocity.SizeSquared() > 0.f)
			Velocity -= (Velocity - ControlAcceleration * Velocity.Size()) * FMath::Min(DeltaTime * 8.f, 1.f);
		// Dampen velocity magnitude based on deceleration.
		if (Velocity.SizeSquared() > 0.f)
			const FVector OldVelocity = Velocity;
			const float VelSize = FMath::Max(Velocity.Size() - FMath::Abs(Deceleration) * DeltaTime, 0.f);
			Velocity = Velocity.SafeNormal() * VelSize;

			// Don't allow braking to lower us below max speed if we started above it.
			if (bExceedingMaxSpeed && Velocity.SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(MaxPawnSpeed))
				Velocity = OldVelocity.SafeNormal() * MaxPawnSpeed;

	// Apply acceleration and clamp velocity magnitude.
	const float NewMaxSpeed = (IsExceedingMaxSpeed(MaxPawnSpeed)) ? Velocity.Size() : MaxPawnSpeed;
	Velocity += ControlAcceleration * FMath::Abs(Acceleration) * DeltaTime;
	Velocity = Velocity.ClampMaxSize(NewMaxSpeed);

FTransform FActorPositioning::GetSurfaceAlignedTransform(const FPositioningData& Data)
	// Sort out the rotation first, then do the location
	FQuat RotatorQuat = Data.StartTransform.GetRotation();

	if (Data.ActorFactory)
		RotatorQuat = Data.ActorFactory->AlignObjectToSurfaceNormal(Data.SurfaceNormal, RotatorQuat);

	// Choose the largest location offset of the various options (global viewport settings, collision, factory offset)
	const float SnapOffsetExtent = GetDefault<ULevelEditorViewportSettings>()->SnapToSurface.SnapOffsetExtent;
	const float CollisionOffsetExtent = FVector::BoxPushOut(Data.SurfaceNormal, Data.PlacementExtent);

	FVector LocationOffset = Data.SurfaceNormal * FMath::Max(SnapOffsetExtent, CollisionOffsetExtent);
	if (Data.ActorFactory && LocationOffset.SizeSquared() < Data.ActorFactory->SpawnPositionOffset.SizeSquared())
		// Rotate the Spawn Position Offset to match our rotation
		LocationOffset = RotatorQuat.RotateVector(-Data.ActorFactory->SpawnPositionOffset);

	return FTransform(Data.bAlignRotation ? RotatorQuat : Data.StartTransform.GetRotation(), Data.SurfaceLocation + LocationOffset);
Esempio n. 23
bool FSeparatingAxisPointCheck::TestSeparatingAxisCommon(const FVector& Axis, float ProjectedPolyMin, float ProjectedPolyMax)
	const float ProjectedCenter = FVector::DotProduct(Axis, BoxCenter);
	const float ProjectedExtent = FVector::DotProduct(Axis.GetAbs(), BoxExtent);
	const float ProjectedBoxMin = ProjectedCenter - ProjectedExtent;
	const float ProjectedBoxMax = ProjectedCenter + ProjectedExtent;

	if (ProjectedPolyMin > ProjectedBoxMax || ProjectedPolyMax < ProjectedBoxMin)
		return false;

	if (bCalcLeastPenetration)
		const float AxisMagnitudeSqr = Axis.SizeSquared();
		if (AxisMagnitudeSqr > (SMALL_NUMBER * SMALL_NUMBER))
			const float InvAxisMagnitude = FMath::InvSqrt(AxisMagnitudeSqr);
			const float MinPenetrationDist = (ProjectedBoxMax - ProjectedPolyMin) * InvAxisMagnitude;
			const float	MaxPenetrationDist = (ProjectedPolyMax - ProjectedBoxMin) * InvAxisMagnitude;

			if (MinPenetrationDist < BestDist)
				BestDist = MinPenetrationDist;
				HitNormal = -Axis * InvAxisMagnitude;

			if (MaxPenetrationDist < BestDist)
				BestDist = MaxPenetrationDist;
				HitNormal = Axis * InvAxisMagnitude;

	return true;
Esempio n. 24
float AActor::GetNetPriority(const FVector& ViewPos, const FVector& ViewDir, APlayerController* Viewer, UActorChannel* InChannel, float Time, bool bLowBandwidth)
	if ( bNetUseOwnerRelevancy && Owner)
		return Owner->GetNetPriority(ViewPos, ViewDir, Viewer, InChannel, Time, bLowBandwidth);

	if ( Instigator && (Instigator == Viewer->GetPawn()) )
		Time *= 4.f; 
	else if ( !bHidden )
		FVector Dir = GetActorLocation() - ViewPos;
		float DistSq = Dir.SizeSquared();
		// adjust priority based on distance and whether actor is in front of viewer
		if ( (ViewDir | Dir) < 0.f )
				Time *= 0.2f;
				Time *= 0.4f;
			Time *= 0.4f;

	return NetPriority * Time;
UPrimitiveComponent* UPhysicsSpringComponent::GetSpringCollision(const FVector& Start, const FVector& End, float& Time) const
	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	AActor* IgnoreActor = bIgnoreSelf ? GetOwner() : nullptr;

	static FName NAME_Spring = FName(TEXT("SpringComponent"));
	FCollisionQueryParams QueryParams(NAME_Spring, true, IgnoreActor);
	FHitResult Hit;

	UPrimitiveComponent* CollidedComponent = nullptr;
	const FVector Delta = End - Start;
	const float DeltaSizeSqr = Delta.SizeSquared();
	if (DeltaSizeSqr > FMath::Square(SMALL_NUMBER))
		if (bool bBlockingHit = World->SweepSingleByChannel(Hit, Start, End, FQuat::Identity, SpringChannel, FCollisionShape::MakeSphere(SpringRadius), QueryParams))
			CollidedComponent = Hit.GetComponent();
			Time = CollidedComponent ? Hit.Time : 1.f;

	return CollidedComponent;
Esempio n. 26
bool AGameNetworkManager::NetworkVelocityNearZero(FVector InVelocity) const
	return InVelocity.SizeSquared() < GetDefault<AGameNetworkManager>(GetClass())->MAXNEARZEROVELOCITYSQUARED;
void AGameplayDebuggingHUDComponent::DrawEQSData(APlayerController* PC, class UGameplayDebuggingComponent *DebugComponent)
	PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("\n{green}EQS {white}[Use + key to switch query]\n"));

	if (DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.Num() == 0)

	const int32 EQSIndex = DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.Num() > 0 ? FMath::Clamp(DebugComponent->CurrentEQSIndex, 0, DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.Num() - 1) : INDEX_NONE;
	if (!DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.IsValidIndex(EQSIndex))

		int32 Index = 0;
		PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("{white}Queries: "));
		for (auto CurrentQuery : DebugComponent->EQSLocalData)
			if (EQSIndex == Index)
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{green}%s, "), *CurrentQuery.Name));
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{yellow}%s, "), *CurrentQuery.Name));
		PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("\n"));

	auto& CurrentLocalData = DebugComponent->EQSLocalData[EQSIndex];

	/** find and draw item selection */
	int32 BestItemIndex = INDEX_NONE;
		APlayerController* const MyPC = Cast<APlayerController>(PlayerOwner);
		FVector CamLocation;
		FVector FireDir;
		if (!MyPC->GetSpectatorPawn())
			FRotator CamRotation;
			MyPC->GetPlayerViewPoint(CamLocation, CamRotation);
			FireDir = CamRotation.Vector();
			FireDir = DefaultContext.Canvas->SceneView->GetViewDirection();
			CamLocation = DefaultContext.Canvas->SceneView->ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin;

		float bestAim = 0;
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers.Num(); ++Index)
			auto& CurrentItem = CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[Index];

			const FVector AimDir = CurrentItem.Location - CamLocation;
			float FireDist = AimDir.SizeSquared();

			FireDist = FMath::Sqrt(FireDist);
			float newAim = FireDir | AimDir;
			newAim = newAim / FireDist;
			if (newAim > bestAim)
				BestItemIndex = Index;
				bestAim = newAim;

		if (BestItemIndex != INDEX_NONE)
			DrawDebugSphere(World, CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].Location, CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].Radius, 8, FColor::Red, false);
			int32 FailedTestIndex = CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].FailedTestIndex;
			if (FailedTestIndex != INDEX_NONE)
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{red}Selected item failed with test %d: {yellow}%s {LightBlue}(%s)\n")
					, FailedTestIndex
					, *CurrentLocalData.Tests[FailedTestIndex].ShortName
					, *CurrentLocalData.Tests[FailedTestIndex].Detailed
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}'%s' with score %3.3f\n\n"), *CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].AdditionalInformation, CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].FailedScore));

	PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Timestamp: {yellow}%.3f (%.2fs ago)\n")
		, CurrentLocalData.Timestamp, PC->GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds() - CurrentLocalData.Timestamp
	PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Query ID: {yellow}%d\n")
		, CurrentLocalData.Id

	PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Query contains %d options: "), CurrentLocalData.Options.Num()));
	for (int32 OptionIndex = 0; OptionIndex < CurrentLocalData.Options.Num(); ++OptionIndex)
		if (OptionIndex == CurrentLocalData.UsedOption)
			PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{green}%s, "), *CurrentLocalData.Options[OptionIndex]));
			PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{yellow}%s, "), *CurrentLocalData.Options[OptionIndex]));
	PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("\n"));

	const float RowHeight = 20.0f;
	const int32 NumTests = CurrentLocalData.Tests.Num();
	if (CurrentLocalData.NumValidItems > 0 && GetDebuggingReplicator()->EnableEQSOnHUD )
		// draw test weights for best X items
		const int32 NumItems = CurrentLocalData.Items.Num();

		FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(0, 0), GWhiteTexture, FVector2D(Canvas->SizeX, RowHeight), FLinearColor::Black);
		FLinearColor ColorOdd(0, 0, 0, 0.6f);
		FLinearColor ColorEven(0, 0, 0.4f, 0.4f);
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;

		// table header		
			DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;
			const float HeaderY = DefaultContext.CursorY + 3.0f;
			DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, 0, DefaultContext.CursorY);

			float HeaderX = DefaultContext.CursorX;
			PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::Yellow, FString::Printf(TEXT("Num items: %d"), CurrentLocalData.NumValidItems), HeaderX, HeaderY);
			HeaderX += ItemDescriptionWidth;

			PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::White, TEXT("Score"), HeaderX, HeaderY);
			HeaderX += ItemScoreWidth;

			for (int32 TestIdx = 0; TestIdx < NumTests; TestIdx++)
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::White, FString::Printf(TEXT("Test %d"), TestIdx), HeaderX, HeaderY);
				HeaderX += TestScoreWidth;

			DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;

		// valid items
		for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < NumItems; Idx++)
			TileItem.SetColor((Idx % 2) ? ColorOdd : ColorEven);
			DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, 0, DefaultContext.CursorY);

			DrawEQSItemDetails(Idx, DebugComponent);
			DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;
		DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;

	// test description
	PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("All tests from used option:\n"));
	for (int32 TestIdx = 0; TestIdx < NumTests; TestIdx++)
		FString TestDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Test %d = {yellow}%s {LightBlue}(%s)\n"), TestIdx,

		PrintString(DefaultContext, TestDesc);

Esempio n. 28
bool UPrimitiveComponent::ApplyRigidBodyState(const FRigidBodyState& NewState, const FRigidBodyErrorCorrection& ErrorCorrection, FVector& OutDeltaPos, FName BoneName)
	bool bRestoredState = true;

	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if (BI && BI->IsInstanceSimulatingPhysics())
		// failure cases
		const float QuatSizeSqr = NewState.Quaternion.SizeSquared();
		if (QuatSizeSqr < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
			UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning, TEXT("Invalid zero quaternion set for body. (%s:%s)"), *GetName(), *BoneName.ToString());
			return bRestoredState;
		else if (FMath::Abs(QuatSizeSqr - 1.f) > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
			UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning, TEXT("Quaternion (%f %f %f %f) with non-unit magnitude detected. (%s:%s)"), 
				NewState.Quaternion.X, NewState.Quaternion.Y, NewState.Quaternion.Z, NewState.Quaternion.W, *GetName(), *BoneName.ToString() );
			return bRestoredState;

		FRigidBodyState CurrentState;
		GetRigidBodyState(CurrentState, BoneName);

		const bool bShouldSleep = (NewState.Flags & ERigidBodyFlags::Sleeping) != 0;

		/////// POSITION CORRECTION ///////

		// Find out how much of a correction we are making
		const FVector DeltaPos = NewState.Position - CurrentState.Position;
		const float DeltaMagSq = DeltaPos.SizeSquared();
		const float BodyLinearSpeedSq = CurrentState.LinVel.SizeSquared();

		// Snap position by default (big correction, or we are moving too slowly)
		FVector UpdatedPos = NewState.Position;
		FVector FixLinVel = FVector::ZeroVector;

		// If its a small correction and velocity is above threshold, only make a partial correction, 
		// and calculate a velocity that would fix it over 'fixTime'.
		if (DeltaMagSq < ErrorCorrection.LinearDeltaThresholdSq  &&
			BodyLinearSpeedSq >= ErrorCorrection.BodySpeedThresholdSq)
			UpdatedPos = FMath::Lerp(CurrentState.Position, NewState.Position, ErrorCorrection.LinearInterpAlpha);
			FixLinVel = (NewState.Position - UpdatedPos) * ErrorCorrection.LinearRecipFixTime;

		// Get the linear correction
		OutDeltaPos = UpdatedPos - CurrentState.Position;

		// Get quaternion that takes us from old to new
		const FQuat InvCurrentQuat = CurrentState.Quaternion.Inverse();
		const FQuat DeltaQuat = NewState.Quaternion * InvCurrentQuat;

		FVector DeltaAxis;
		float DeltaAng;	// radians
		DeltaQuat.ToAxisAndAngle(DeltaAxis, DeltaAng);
		DeltaAng = FMath::UnwindRadians(DeltaAng);

		// Snap rotation by default (big correction, or we are moving too slowly)
		FQuat UpdatedQuat = NewState.Quaternion;
		FVector FixAngVel = FVector::ZeroVector; // degrees per second
		// If the error is small, and we are moving, try to move smoothly to it
		if (FMath::Abs(DeltaAng) < ErrorCorrection.AngularDeltaThreshold )
			UpdatedQuat = FMath::Lerp(CurrentState.Quaternion, NewState.Quaternion, ErrorCorrection.AngularInterpAlpha);
			FixAngVel = DeltaAxis.GetSafeNormal() * FMath::RadiansToDegrees(DeltaAng) * (1.f - ErrorCorrection.AngularInterpAlpha) * ErrorCorrection.AngularRecipFixTime;

		/////// BODY UPDATE ///////
		BI->SetBodyTransform(FTransform(UpdatedQuat, UpdatedPos), true);
		BI->SetLinearVelocity(NewState.LinVel + FixLinVel, false);
		BI->SetAngularVelocity(NewState.AngVel + FixAngVel, false);

		// state is restored when no velocity corrections are required
		bRestoredState = (FixLinVel.SizeSquared() < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) && (FixAngVel.SizeSquared() < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER);
		/////// SLEEP UPDATE ///////
		const bool bIsAwake = BI->IsInstanceAwake();
		if (bIsAwake && (bShouldSleep && bRestoredState))
		else if (!bIsAwake)

	return bRestoredState;
void UGripMotionControllerComponent::TickGrip()
	if (GrippedActors.Num())
		FTransform WorldTransform;
		FTransform InverseTransform = this->GetComponentTransform().Inverse();

		for (int i = GrippedActors.Num() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			if (GrippedActors[i].Actor || GrippedActors[i].Component)
				// GetRelativeTransformReverse had some serious f*****g floating point errors associated with it that was f*****g everything up
				// Not sure whats wrong with the function but I might want to push a patch out eventually
				WorldTransform = GrippedActors[i].RelativeTransform.GetRelativeTransform(InverseTransform);

				UPrimitiveComponent *root = GrippedActors[i].Component;
				AActor *actor = GrippedActors[i].Actor;

				if (!root)
					root = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GrippedActors[i].Actor->GetRootComponent());

				if (!root)

				if (!actor)
					actor = root->GetOwner();

				if (!actor)

				if (bIsServer)
					// Handle collision intersection detection, this is used to intelligently manage some of the networking and late update features.
					switch (GrippedActors[i].GripCollisionType.GetValue())
					case EGripCollisionType::InteractiveCollisionWithPhysics:
					case EGripCollisionType::InteractiveHybridCollisionWithSweep:
						TArray<FOverlapResult> Hits;
						FComponentQueryParams Params(NAME_None, this->GetOwner());
						Params.bTraceAsyncScene = root->bCheckAsyncSceneOnMove;

						if(GetWorld()->ComponentOverlapMulti(Hits, root, root->GetComponentLocation(), root->GetComponentQuat(), Params))
							GrippedActors[i].bColliding = true;
							GrippedActors[i].bColliding = false;

					// Skip collision intersects with these types, they dont need it
					case EGripCollisionType::PhysicsOnly:
					case EGripCollisionType::SweepWithPhysics:
					case EGripCollisionType::InteractiveCollisionWithSweep:

				// Need to figure out best default behavior
				/*if (GrippedActors[i].bHasSecondaryAttachment && GrippedActors[i].SecondaryAttachment)
				WorldTransform.SetRotation((WorldTransform.GetLocation() - GrippedActors[i].SecondaryAttachment->GetComponentLocation()).ToOrientationRotator().Quaternion());

				if (GrippedActors[i].GripCollisionType == EGripCollisionType::InteractiveCollisionWithPhysics)
					UpdatePhysicsHandleTransform(GrippedActors[i], WorldTransform);
				else if (GrippedActors[i].GripCollisionType == EGripCollisionType::InteractiveCollisionWithSweep)
					if (bIsServer)
						FHitResult OutHit;

						// Need to use without teleport so that the physics velocity is updated for when the actor is released to throw
						root->SetWorldTransform(WorldTransform, true, &OutHit);

						if (OutHit.bBlockingHit)
							GrippedActors[i].bColliding = true;

							if (!actor->bReplicateMovement)
							GrippedActors[i].bColliding = false;

							if (actor->bReplicateMovement)
						if (!GrippedActors[i].bColliding)
							root->SetWorldTransform(WorldTransform, true);
				else if (GrippedActors[i].GripCollisionType == EGripCollisionType::InteractiveHybridCollisionWithSweep)
					// Need to use without teleport so that the physics velocity is updated for when the actor is released to throw
					//if (bIsServer)
					FBPActorPhysicsHandleInformation * GripHandle = GetPhysicsGrip(GrippedActors[i]);
					if (!GrippedActors[i].bColliding)
						// Make sure that there is no collision on course before turning off collision and snapping to controller
						if (bIsServer && actor && actor->bReplicateMovement)
							FCollisionQueryParams QueryParams(NAME_None, false, this->GetOwner());
							FCollisionResponseParams ResponseParam;
							root->InitSweepCollisionParams(QueryParams, ResponseParam);

							if (GetWorld()->SweepTestByChannel(root->GetComponentLocation(), WorldTransform.GetLocation(), root->GetComponentQuat(), ECollisionChannel::ECC_Visibility, root->GetCollisionShape(), QueryParams, ResponseParam))
								GrippedActors[i].bColliding = true;
								GrippedActors[i].bColliding = false;
						// If still not colliding
						if (!GrippedActors[i].bColliding)
							if (bIsServer && actor->bReplicateMovement) // So we don't call on on change event over and over locally

							if (bIsServer && GripHandle)


							root->SetWorldTransform(WorldTransform, false);
							if (bIsServer && GrippedActors[i].bColliding && GripHandle)
								UpdatePhysicsHandleTransform(GrippedActors[i], WorldTransform);

					else if (GrippedActors[i].bColliding && !GripHandle)
						if (bIsServer && !actor->bReplicateMovement)


						if (bIsServer)
						if (bIsServer && GrippedActors[i].bColliding && GripHandle)
							UpdatePhysicsHandleTransform(GrippedActors[i], WorldTransform);
				else if (GrippedActors[i].GripCollisionType == EGripCollisionType::SweepWithPhysics)
					if (bIsServer)
						FVector OriginalPosition(root->GetComponentLocation());
						FRotator OriginalOrientation(root->GetComponentRotation());

						FVector NewPosition(WorldTransform.GetTranslation());
						FRotator NewOrientation(WorldTransform.GetRotation());

						// Now sweep collision separately so we can get hits but not have the location altered
						if (bUseWithoutTracking || NewPosition != OriginalPosition || NewOrientation != OriginalOrientation)
							FVector move = NewPosition - OriginalPosition;

							// ComponentSweepMulti does nothing if moving < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER in distance, so it's important to not try to sweep distances smaller than that. 
							const float MinMovementDistSq = (FMath::Square(4.f*KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER));

							if (bUseWithoutTracking || move.SizeSquared() > MinMovementDistSq || NewOrientation != OriginalOrientation)
								if (CheckComponentWithSweep(root, move, NewOrientation, false))


						// Move the actor, we are not offsetting by the hit result anyway
						root->SetWorldTransform(WorldTransform, false);
						// Move the actor, we are not offsetting by the hit result anyway
						root->SetWorldTransform(WorldTransform, false);
				else if (GrippedActors[i].GripCollisionType == EGripCollisionType::PhysicsOnly)
					// Move the actor, we are not offsetting by the hit result anyway
					root->SetWorldTransform(WorldTransform, false);
				if (bIsServer)

					GrippedActors.RemoveAt(i); // If it got garbage collected then just remove the pointer, won't happen with new uproperty use, but keeping it here anyway


Esempio n. 30
float UKismetMathLibrary::VSizeSquared(FVector A)
	return A.SizeSquared();