// This event handler is triggered through a MFC message posted by the frame observer
// Parameters:
//  [in]    status          The frame receive status (complete, incomplete, ...)
//  [in]    lParam          [Unused, demanded by MFC signature]
// Returns:
//  Nothing, always returns 0
LRESULT CAsynchronousGrabDlg::OnFrameReady( WPARAM status, LPARAM lParam )
    if( true == m_bIsStreaming )
        // Pick up frame
        FramePtr pFrame = m_ApiController.GetFrame();
        if( SP_ISNULL( pFrame) )
            Log( _TEXT("frame ptr is NULL, late call") );
            return 0;
        // See if it is not corrupt
        if( VmbFrameStatusComplete == status )
            VmbUchar_t *pBuffer;
            VmbUchar_t *pColorBuffer = NULL;
            VmbErrorType err = pFrame->GetImage( pBuffer );
            if( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                VmbUint32_t nSize;
                err = pFrame->GetImageSize( nSize );
                if( VmbErrorSuccess == err )
                    VmbPixelFormatType ePixelFormat = m_ApiController.GetPixelFormat();
                    CopyToImage( pBuffer,ePixelFormat, m_Image );
                    // Display it
                    RECT rect;
                    m_PictureBoxStream.GetWindowRect( &rect );
                    ScreenToClient( &rect );
                    InvalidateRect( &rect, false );
            // If we receive an incomplete image we do nothing but logging
            Log( _TEXT( "Failure in receiving image" ), VmbErrorOther );

        // And queue it to continue streaming
        m_ApiController.QueueFrame( pFrame );

    return 0;