Esempio n. 1
     * Initializes the object, assuming that filename, origin, size, etc are already set on the
     * member variables. Makes sure the raster can be opened, sets the block size, NODATA value,
     * pixel size, and the extent of the raster. If not using the full image then makes sure that
     * the subset chosen (based on origin and size) is valid. If using the full image then sets the
     * size and origin is assumed to be 0,0 and is set in the constructor.
     * @param fullImage True if using the full image, False if using a subset.
void Raster::Init(bool bFullImage)
    GDALDataset * ds = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpen(m_sFilePath, GA_ReadOnly);

    if (ds == NULL)
        throw RasterManagerException(INPUT_FILE_NOT_VALID, CPLGetLastErrorMsg());

    GDALRasterBand * band = ds->GetRasterBand(1);

    double dRMin, dRMax, dRMean, dRStdDev;

    // Get some easy stats that GDAL gives us
    band->GetStatistics( 0 , true, &dRMin, &dRMax, &dRMean, &dRStdDev );
    m_dRasterMax = dRMax;
    m_dRasterMin = dRMin;

    m_dRasterMean = dRMean;
    m_dRasterStdDev = dRStdDev;

    OGRLinearRing ring = OGRLinearRing();
    if (bFullImage)
        SetCols( band->GetXSize() );
        SetRows( band->GetYSize() );

        ring.addPoint(GetLeft(), GetTop());
        ring.addPoint(GetLeft(), GetTop() + (GetCellHeight() * GetRows()));
        ring.addPoint(GetLeft() + (GetCellWidth() * GetCols()), GetTop() + (GetCellHeight() * GetRows()));
        ring.addPoint(GetLeft() + (GetCellWidth() * GetCols()), GetTop());
        if ((GetLeft() + GetCols() > band->GetXSize()) || (GetTop() + GetRows() > band->GetYSize()))
            QString sErr = QString("Invalid origin ( %1, %2 ) and size ( %5, %6 ) for file: %7")
            throw RasterManagerException(INPUT_FILE_NOT_VALID, sErr);
        double xMapOrigin = GetLeft() + (GetLeft() * GetCellWidth());
        double yMapOrigin = GetTop() + (GetTop() * GetCellHeight());
        ring.addPoint(xMapOrigin, yMapOrigin);
        ring.addPoint(xMapOrigin, yMapOrigin + (GetCellHeight() * GetRows()));
        ring.addPoint(xMapOrigin + (GetCellWidth() * GetCols()), yMapOrigin + (GetCellHeight() * GetRows()));
        ring.addPoint(xMapOrigin + (GetCellWidth() * GetCols()), yMapOrigin);

Esempio n. 2
RGDAL_GetBandStatistics(SEXP sxpRasterBand, SEXP silent) {

  CPLErr err;

  SEXP ans;

  double min, max, mean, sd;

  GDALRasterBand *pRasterBand = getGDALRasterPtr(sxpRasterBand);

  err = pRasterBand->GetStatistics(FALSE, FALSE, &min, &max, &mean, &sd);

  if (err == CE_Failure) {
	if (!LOGICAL_POINTER(silent)[0])
            warning("statistics not supported by this driver");

  if (err == CE_Warning) {
	if (!LOGICAL_POINTER(silent)[0])
    	    warning("statistics not supported by this driver");

  NUMERIC_POINTER(ans)[0] = min;
  NUMERIC_POINTER(ans)[1] = max;
  NUMERIC_POINTER(ans)[2] = mean;
  NUMERIC_POINTER(ans)[3] = sd;

GDALDataset *IntergraphDataset::CreateCopy( const char *pszFilename,
        GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
        int bStrict,
        char **papszOptions,
        GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
        void *pProgressData )
    (void) bStrict;

    int nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    if (nBands == 0)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Intergraph driver does not support source dataset with zero band.\n");
        return NULL;

    if( !pfnProgress( 0.0, NULL, pProgressData ) )
        return NULL;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Query GDAL Data Type
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    GDALDataType eType = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Copy metadata
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    char **papszCreateOptions = CSLDuplicate( papszOptions );
    const char  *pszValue;

    pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszCreateOptions, "RESOLUTION");
    if( pszValue == NULL )
        const char *value = poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem("RESOLUTION");
        if (value)
            papszCreateOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszCreateOptions, "RESOLUTION",
                                                  value );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create IntergraphDataset
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    IntergraphDataset *poDstDS;

    poDstDS = (IntergraphDataset*) IntergraphDataset::Create( pszFilename,
              papszCreateOptions );

    CSLDestroy( papszCreateOptions );

    if( poDstDS == NULL )
        return NULL;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Copy Transformation Matrix to the dataset
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    double adfGeoTransform[6];

    poDstDS->SetProjection( poSrcDS->GetProjectionRef() );
    poSrcDS->GetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform );
    poDstDS->SetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Copy information to the raster band
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand;
    GDALRasterBand *poDstBand;
    double dfMin;
    double dfMax;
    double dfMean;
    double dfStdDev = -1;

    for( int i = 1; i <= poDstDS->nBands; i++)
        delete poDstDS->GetRasterBand(i);
    poDstDS->nBands = 0;

    if( poDstDS->hHeaderOne.DataTypeCode == Uncompressed24bit )
        poDstDS->SetBand( 1, new IntergraphRGBBand( poDstDS, 1, 0, 3 ) );
        poDstDS->SetBand( 2, new IntergraphRGBBand( poDstDS, 2, 0, 2 ) );
        poDstDS->SetBand( 3, new IntergraphRGBBand( poDstDS, 3, 0, 1 ) );
        poDstDS->nBands = 3;
        for( int i = 1; i <= poSrcDS->GetRasterCount(); i++ )
            poSrcBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(i);
            eType = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(i)->GetRasterDataType();

            poDstBand = new IntergraphRasterBand( poDstDS, i, 0, eType );
            poDstDS->SetBand( i, poDstBand );

            poDstBand->SetCategoryNames( poSrcBand->GetCategoryNames() );
            poDstBand->SetColorTable( poSrcBand->GetColorTable() );
            poSrcBand->GetStatistics( false, true, &dfMin, &dfMax, &dfMean, &dfStdDev );
            poDstBand->SetStatistics( dfMin, dfMax, dfMean, dfStdDev );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Copy image data
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    int nXSize = poDstDS->GetRasterXSize();
    int nYSize = poDstDS->GetRasterYSize();

    int nBlockXSize;
    int nBlockYSize;

    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;

    for( int iBand = 1; iBand <= poSrcDS->GetRasterCount(); iBand++ )
        GDALRasterBand *poDstBand = poDstDS->GetRasterBand( iBand );
        GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand( iBand );

        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        // Copy Untiled / Uncompressed
        // ------------------------------------------------------------

        int   iYOffset, iXOffset;
        void *pData;

        poSrcBand->GetBlockSize( &nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize );

        nBlockXSize = nXSize;
        nBlockYSize = 1;

        pData = CPLMalloc( nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize * GDALGetDataTypeSize( eType ) / 8 );

        for( iYOffset = 0; iYOffset < nYSize; iYOffset += nBlockYSize )
            for( iXOffset = 0; iXOffset < nXSize; iXOffset += nBlockXSize )
                eErr = poSrcBand->RasterIO( GF_Read,
                                            iXOffset, iYOffset,
                                            nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
                                            pData, nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
                                            eType, 0, 0, NULL );
                if( eErr != CE_None )
                    return NULL;
                eErr = poDstBand->RasterIO( GF_Write,
                                            iXOffset, iYOffset,
                                            nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
                                            pData, nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
                                            eType, 0, 0, NULL );
                if( eErr != CE_None )
                    return NULL;
            if( ( eErr == CE_None ) && ( ! pfnProgress(
                                             ( iYOffset + 1 ) / ( double ) nYSize, NULL, pProgressData ) ) )
                eErr = CE_Failure;
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated CreateCopy()" );
        CPLFree( pData );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Finalize
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------


    return poDstDS;