Esempio n. 1
*  @brief
*    Returns position, rotation and scale from a matrix
void PLTools::GetPosRotScale(const GMatrix &mTransform, Point3 &vPos, Quat &qRot, Point3 &vScale, bool bFlip)
	// Get the position
	vPos = mTransform.Translation();

	// Get the rotation of the node as quaternion
	qRot = mTransform.Rotation();

	// Flip 180 degree around the y-axis? (true for camera and spot lights)
	if (bFlip) {
		Quat qRotationOffset;

		// We have to add a rotation about the x-axis of -90 degree... is this a IGame transform bug or something other odd??
		float fAngles[] = {static_cast<float>(HALFPI), 0.0f, 0.0f};
		EulerToQuat(fAngles, qRotationOffset);
		qRot = qRotationOffset*qRot;

		// We have to 'invert the z-axis', this is no PixelLight bug or so, we decided to do so to make things more universal
		fAngles[0] = 0.0f;
		fAngles[2] = static_cast<float>(PI);
		EulerToQuat(fAngles, qRotationOffset);
		qRot = qRotationOffset*qRot;

	// Look out! We REALLY need to take the parity of the transform matrix into account!
	vScale = mTransform.Scaling()*static_cast<float>(mTransform.Parity());
Esempio n. 2
void MeshExporter::_dumpJoint(IGameNode * node)
	IGameObject * obj = node->GetIGameObject();
	IGameObject::MaxType T = obj->GetMaxType();
	IGameObject::ObjectTypes type = obj->GetIGameType();
	const char * name = node->GetName();
	case IGameObject::IGAME_BONE:
	case IGameObject::IGAME_HELPER:
			joint * bone = mMeshSource->NewJoint(node->GetName());
			int parent = -1;

			if (node->GetNodeParent())
				parent = _getJointId(node->GetNodeParent()->GetName());

				mMeshSource->SetJointLink(parent, mMeshSource->GetJointCount() - 1);
				INode* pNode = node->GetMaxNode()->GetParentNode();
				if (pNode)
					parent = _getJointId(pNode->GetName());
			IGameControl * pGameControl = node->GetIGameControl();
			// base matrix
				GMatrix matWorld = node->GetLocalTM();
				bone->position = Utility::ToFloat3(matWorld.Translation());
				bone->rotation = Utility::ToQuat(matWorld.Rotation());
				bone->scale = Utility::ToFloat3(matWorld.Scaling());

				if (node->GetNodeParent())
					int parentId = _getBoneId(node->GetNodeParent()->GetName());

					if (parentId != -1)
						xBone * parentBn = GetBone(parentId);

						bone->position = bone->position - parentBn->position;
						bone->orientation = parentBn->orientation.Inverse() * bone->orientation;
						bone->scale = bone->scale / parentBn->scale;

			_dumpAnimation(pGameControl, mMeshSource->GetJointCount() - 1);

void Unreal3DExport::WriteTracking()
    Tab<Point3> Loc;
    Tab<Quat> Quat;
    Tab<Point3> Euler;


    for( int n=0; n<TrackedNodes.Count(); ++n )
        IGameNode* node = TrackedNodes[n];

        for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t )
            // Progress
            // Set frame
            int curframe = FrameStart + t;

            // Write tracking
            GMatrix objTM = node->GetWorldTM();
            Loc[t] = objTM.Translation();
            Quat[t] = objTM.Rotation();

            float eu[3];
            Euler[t] *= 180.0f/pi;

            eu[1] *= -1;
        for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t )
            _ftprintf( fLog, _T("%sLoc[%d]=(X=%f,Y=%f,Z=%f)\n"), node->GetName(), t, Loc[t].x, Loc[t].y, Loc[t].z );
        for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t )
            _ftprintf( fLog, _T("%sQuat[%d]=(W=%f,X=%f,Y=%f,Z=%f)\n"), node->GetName(), t, Quat[t].w, Quat[t].x, Quat[t].y, Quat[t].z ); 
        for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t )
            _ftprintf( fLog, _T("%sEuler[%d]=(X=%f,Y=%f,Z=%f)\n"), node->GetName(), t, Euler[t].x, Euler[t].y, Euler[t].z ); 
Esempio n. 4
void SGMExporter::ExportStaticRot(IGameNode *gNode, BinaryWriter *bw)
	/*INode *node = gNode ->GetMaxNode();
	assert(node != NULL);

	Control *tmCtrl = node ->GetTMController();
	assert(tmCtrl != NULL);

	Control *ctrl = tmCtrl ->GetRotationController();
	assert(ctrl != NULL);

	Interval i(0, 0);
	Quat q;
	ctrl ->GetValue(0, &q, i, CTRL_ABSOLUTE);*/

	GMatrix m = gNode ->GetLocalTM();
	AngAxis angAxis(m.Rotation());

	bw ->Write(angAxis.angle);
	bw ->Write(angAxis.axis.x);
	bw ->Write(angAxis.axis.y);
	bw ->Write(angAxis.axis.z);