Esempio n. 1
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* gc, const SimpleFontData* font,
    const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, unsigned from, unsigned numGlyphs,
    const FloatPoint& point, const FloatRect& textRect) const
    SkScalar x = SkFloatToScalar(point.x());
    SkScalar y = SkFloatToScalar(point.y());

    const OpenTypeVerticalData* verticalData = font->verticalData();
    if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical && verticalData) {
        SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(numGlyphs);
        SkPoint* pos = storage.get();

        AffineTransform savedMatrix = gc->getCTM();
        gc->concatCTM(AffineTransform(0, -1, 1, 0, point.x(), point.y()));
        gc->concatCTM(AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -point.x(), -point.y()));

        const unsigned kMaxBufferLength = 256;
        Vector<FloatPoint, kMaxBufferLength> translations;

        const FontMetrics& metrics = font->fontMetrics();
        SkScalar verticalOriginX = SkFloatToScalar(point.x() + metrics.floatAscent() - metrics.floatAscent(IdeographicBaseline));
        float horizontalOffset = point.x();

        unsigned glyphIndex = 0;
        while (glyphIndex < numGlyphs) {
            unsigned chunkLength = std::min(kMaxBufferLength, numGlyphs - glyphIndex);

            const Glyph* glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from + glyphIndex);
            verticalData->getVerticalTranslationsForGlyphs(font, &glyphs[0], chunkLength, reinterpret_cast<float*>(&translations[0]));

            x = verticalOriginX;
            y = SkFloatToScalar(point.y() + horizontalOffset - point.x());

            float currentWidth = 0;
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < chunkLength; ++i, ++glyphIndex) {
                    x + SkIntToScalar(lroundf(translations[i].x())),
                    y + -SkIntToScalar(-lroundf(currentWidth - translations[i].y())));
                currentWidth += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + glyphIndex);
            horizontalOffset += currentWidth;
            paintGlyphs(gc, font, glyphs, chunkLength, pos, textRect);


    if (!glyphBuffer.hasOffsets()) {
        SkAutoSTMalloc<64, SkScalar> storage(numGlyphs);
        SkScalar* xpos = storage.get();
        const float* adv = glyphBuffer.advances(from);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
            xpos[i] = x;
            x += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i]);
        const Glyph* glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from);
        paintGlyphsHorizontal(gc, font, glyphs, numGlyphs, xpos, SkFloatToScalar(y), textRect);

    // FIXME: text rendering speed:
    // Android has code in their WebCore fork to special case when the
    // GlyphBuffer has no advances other than the defaults. In that case the
    // text drawing can proceed faster. However, it's unclear when those
    // patches may be upstreamed to WebKit so we always use the slower path
    // here.
    SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(numGlyphs);
    SkPoint* pos = storage.get();
    const FloatSize* offsets = glyphBuffer.offsets(from);
    const float* advances = glyphBuffer.advances(from);
    SkScalar advanceSoFar = SkFloatToScalar(0);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
            x + SkFloatToScalar(offsets[i].width()) + advanceSoFar,
            y + SkFloatToScalar(offsets[i].height()));
        advanceSoFar += SkFloatToScalar(advances[i]);

    const Glyph* glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from);
    paintGlyphs(gc, font, glyphs, numGlyphs, pos, textRect);
Esempio n. 2
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, 
                      int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    CGContextRef cgContext = graphicsContext->platformContext();
    bool shouldUseFontSmoothing = WebCoreShouldUseFontSmoothing();

    switch(fontDescription().fontSmoothing()) {
    case Antialiased: {
        shouldUseFontSmoothing = false;
    case SubpixelAntialiased: {
        shouldUseFontSmoothing = true;
    case NoSmoothing: {
        shouldUseFontSmoothing = false;
    case AutoSmoothing: {
        // For the AutoSmooth case, don't do anything! Keep the default settings.

    if (font->platformData().useGDI() && !shouldUseFontSmoothing) {
        drawGDIGlyphs(graphicsContext, font, glyphBuffer, from, numGlyphs, point);

    uint32_t oldFontSmoothingStyle = wkSetFontSmoothingStyle(cgContext, shouldUseFontSmoothing);

    const FontPlatformData& platformData = font->platformData();

    CGContextSetFont(cgContext, platformData.cgFont());

    CGAffineTransform matrix = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
    matrix.b = -matrix.b;
    matrix.d = -matrix.d;

    if (platformData.syntheticOblique()) {
        static float skew = -tanf(syntheticObliqueAngle * piFloat / 180.0f);
        matrix = CGAffineTransformConcat(matrix, CGAffineTransformMake(1, 0, skew, 1, 0, 0));

    CGContextSetTextMatrix(cgContext, matrix);

    // Uniscribe gives us offsets to help refine the positioning of combining glyphs.
    FloatSize translation = glyphBuffer.offsetAt(from);

    CGContextSetFontSize(cgContext, platformData.size());
    wkSetCGContextFontRenderingStyle(cgContext, font->isSystemFont(), false, font->platformData().useGDI());

    FloatSize shadowSize;
    float shadowBlur;
    Color shadowColor;
    graphicsContext->getShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor);

    bool hasSimpleShadow = graphicsContext->textDrawingMode() == cTextFill && shadowColor.isValid() && !shadowBlur;
    if (hasSimpleShadow) {
        // Paint simple shadows ourselves instead of relying on CG shadows, to avoid losing subpixel antialiasing.
        Color fillColor = graphicsContext->fillColor();
        Color shadowFillColor(,,, shadowColor.alpha() * fillColor.alpha() / 255);
        graphicsContext->setFillColor(shadowFillColor, DeviceColorSpace);
        CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width() + shadowSize.width(), point.y() + translation.height() + shadowSize.height());
        CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs);
        if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) {
            CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width() + shadowSize.width() + font->syntheticBoldOffset(), point.y() + translation.height() + shadowSize.height());
            CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs);
        graphicsContext->setFillColor(fillColor, DeviceColorSpace);

    CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width(), point.y() + translation.height());
    CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs);
    if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) {
        CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width() + font->syntheticBoldOffset(), point.y() + translation.height());
        CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs);

    if (hasSimpleShadow)
        graphicsContext->setShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor, DeviceColorSpace);

    wkRestoreFontSmoothingStyle(cgContext, oldFontSmoothingStyle);
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* gc, const SimpleFontData* font,
                      const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,  int from, int numGlyphs,
                      const FloatPoint& point) const
    // compile-time assert
    SkASSERT(sizeof(GlyphBufferGlyph) == sizeof(uint16_t));

    if (numGlyphs == 1 && glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from) == 0x3) {
        // Webkit likes to draw end text control command for some reason
        // Just ignore it

    SkPaint paint;
    if (!setupForText(&paint, gc, font)) {

    SkScalar                    x = SkFloatToScalar(point.x());
    SkScalar                    y = SkFloatToScalar(point.y());
    const GlyphBufferGlyph*     glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from);
    const GlyphBufferAdvance*   adv = glyphBuffer.advances(from);
    SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(numGlyphs), storage2(numGlyphs), storage3(numGlyphs);
    SkPoint*                    pos = storage.get();

    SkCanvas* canvas = gc->platformContext()->recordingCanvas();

    /*  We need an array of [x,y,x,y,x,y,...], but webkit is giving us
        point.xy + [width, height, width, height, ...], so we have to convert

    if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical) {
        float yOffset = SkFloatToScalar(font->fontMetrics().floatAscent(IdeographicBaseline) - font->fontMetrics().floatAscent());
        gc->platformContext()->setTextOffset(FloatSize(0.0f, -yOffset)); // compensate for offset in bounds calculation
        y += yOffset;

    if (EmojiFont::IsAvailable()) {
        // set filtering, to make scaled images look nice(r)

        SkMatrix rotator;
        if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical) {

        int localIndex = 0;
        int localCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
            if (EmojiFont::IsEmojiGlyph(glyphs[i])) {
                if (localCount) {
                    rotator.mapPoints(&pos[localIndex], localCount);
                                     localCount * sizeof(uint16_t),
                                     &pos[localIndex], paint);
                EmojiFont::Draw(canvas, glyphs[i], x, y, paint);
                // reset local index/count track for "real" glyphs
                localCount = 0;
                localIndex = i + 1;
            } else {
                pos[i].set(x, y);
                localCount += 1;
            x += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width());
            y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height());

        // draw the last run of glyphs (if any)
        if (localCount) {
            rotator.mapPoints(&pos[localIndex], localCount);
                             localCount * sizeof(uint16_t),
                             &pos[localIndex], paint);


        if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical)
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
            pos[i].set(x, y);
            y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height());
            x += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width());

        if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical) {
            SkMatrix rotator;
            rotator.mapPoints(pos, numGlyphs);
            numGlyphs * sizeof(uint16_t), pos, paint);

        if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical)

    if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical)
        gc->platformContext()->setTextOffset(FloatSize()); // reset to undo above
Esempio n. 4
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* gc, const SimpleFontData* font,
                      const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,  int from, int numGlyphs,
                      const FloatPoint& point) const {
    SkASSERT(sizeof(GlyphBufferGlyph) == sizeof(uint16_t)); // compile-time assert

    const GlyphBufferGlyph* glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from);
    SkScalar x = SkFloatToScalar(point.x());
    SkScalar y = SkFloatToScalar(point.y());

    // FIXME: text rendering speed:
    // Android has code in their WebCore fork to special case when the
    // GlyphBuffer has no advances other than the defaults. In that case the
    // text drawing can proceed faster. However, it's unclear when those
    // patches may be upstreamed to WebKit so we always use the slower path
    // here.
    const GlyphBufferAdvance* adv = glyphBuffer.advances(from);
    SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(numGlyphs), storage2(numGlyphs), storage3(numGlyphs);
    SkPoint* pos = storage.get();
    SkPoint* vPosBegin = storage2.get();
    SkPoint* vPosEnd = storage3.get();

    bool isVertical = font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical;
    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
        SkScalar myWidth = SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width());
        pos[i].set(x, y);
        if (isVertical) {
            vPosBegin[i].set(x + myWidth, y);
            vPosEnd[i].set(x + myWidth, y - myWidth);
        x += myWidth;
        y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height());

    SkCanvas* canvas = gc->platformContext()->canvas();
    TextDrawingModeFlags textMode = gc->platformContext()->getTextDrawingMode();

    // We draw text up to two times (once for fill, once for stroke).
    if (textMode & TextModeFill) {
        SkPaint paint;
        adjustTextRenderMode(&paint, gc->platformContext());

        if (isVertical) {
            SkPath path;
            for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
                canvas->drawTextOnPath(glyphs + i, 2, path, 0, paint);
        } else
            canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, numGlyphs << 1, pos, paint);

    if ((textMode & TextModeStroke)
        && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeStyle() != NoStroke
        && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeThickness() > 0) {

        SkPaint paint;
        gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForStroking(&paint, 0, 0);
        adjustTextRenderMode(&paint, gc->platformContext());

        if (textMode & TextModeFill) {
            // If we also filled, we don't want to draw shadows twice.
            // See comment in FontChromiumWin.cpp::paintSkiaText() for more details.
            // Since we use the looper for shadows, we remove it (if any) now.

        if (isVertical) {
            SkPath path;
            for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
                canvas->drawTextOnPath(glyphs + i, 2, path, 0, paint);
        } else
            canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, numGlyphs << 1, pos, paint);
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* gc, const SimpleFontData* font,
                      const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,  int from, int numGlyphs,
                      const FloatPoint& point) const
    // compile-time assert
    SkASSERT(sizeof(GlyphBufferGlyph) == sizeof(uint16_t));

    SkPaint paint;
    if (!setupForText(&paint, gc, font)) {
    SkScalar                    x = SkFloatToScalar(point.x());
    SkScalar                    y = SkFloatToScalar(point.y());
    const GlyphBufferGlyph*     glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from);
    const GlyphBufferAdvance*   adv = glyphBuffer.advances(from);
    SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(numGlyphs);
    SkPoint*                    pos = storage.get();
    SkCanvas* canvas = gc->platformContext()->mCanvas;

    /*  We need an array of [x,y,x,y,x,y,...], but webkit is giving us
        point.xy + [width, height, width, height, ...], so we have to convert

    if (EmojiFont::IsAvailable()) {
        // set filtering, to make scaled images look nice(r)
        int localIndex = 0;
        int localCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
            if (EmojiFont::IsEmojiGlyph(glyphs[i])) {
                if (localCount)
                                        localCount * sizeof(uint16_t),
                                        &pos[localIndex], paint);
                EmojiFont::Draw(canvas, glyphs[i], x, y, paint);
                // reset local index/count track for "real" glyphs
                localCount = 0;
                localIndex = i + 1;
            } else {
                pos[i].set(x, y);
                localCount += 1;
            x += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width());
            y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height());
        // draw the last run of glyphs (if any)
        if (localCount)
                                localCount * sizeof(uint16_t),
                                &pos[localIndex], paint);
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
            pos[i].set(x, y);
            x += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width());
            y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height());
        canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, numGlyphs * sizeof(uint16_t), pos, paint);
Esempio n. 6
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, 
                      int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    CGContextRef cgContext = graphicsContext->platformContext();
    bool shouldUseFontSmoothing = WebCoreShouldUseFontSmoothing();

    if (font->platformData().useGDI()) {
        static bool canUsePlatformNativeGlyphs = wkCanUsePlatformNativeGlyphs();
        if (!canUsePlatformNativeGlyphs || !shouldUseFontSmoothing || (graphicsContext->textDrawingMode() & cTextStroke)) {
            drawGDIGlyphs(graphicsContext, font, glyphBuffer, from, numGlyphs, point);

    uint32_t oldFontSmoothingStyle = wkSetFontSmoothingStyle(cgContext, shouldUseFontSmoothing);

    const FontPlatformData& platformData = font->platformData();

    CGContextSetFont(cgContext, platformData.cgFont());

    CGAffineTransform matrix = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
    matrix.b = -matrix.b;
    matrix.d = -matrix.d;

    if (platformData.syntheticOblique()) {
        static float skew = -tanf(syntheticObliqueAngle * piFloat / 180.0f);
        matrix = CGAffineTransformConcat(matrix, CGAffineTransformMake(1, 0, skew, 1, 0, 0));

    CGContextSetTextMatrix(cgContext, matrix);

    // Uniscribe gives us offsets to help refine the positioning of combining glyphs.
    FloatSize translation = glyphBuffer.offsetAt(from);

    CGContextSetFontSize(cgContext, platformData.size());
    wkSetCGContextFontRenderingStyle(cgContext, font->isSystemFont(), false, font->platformData().useGDI());

    IntSize shadowSize;
    int shadowBlur;
    Color shadowColor;
    graphicsContext->getShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor);

    bool hasSimpleShadow = graphicsContext->textDrawingMode() == cTextFill && shadowColor.isValid() && !shadowBlur;
    if (hasSimpleShadow) {
        // Paint simple shadows ourselves instead of relying on CG shadows, to avoid losing subpixel antialiasing.
        Color fillColor = graphicsContext->fillColor();
        Color shadowFillColor(,,, shadowColor.alpha() * fillColor.alpha() / 255);
        CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width() + shadowSize.width(), point.y() + translation.height() + shadowSize.height());
        CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs);
        if (font->m_syntheticBoldOffset) {
            CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width() + shadowSize.width() + font->m_syntheticBoldOffset, point.y() + translation.height() + shadowSize.height());
            CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs);

    CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width(), point.y() + translation.height());
    CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs);
    if (font->m_syntheticBoldOffset) {
        CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x() + translation.width() + font->m_syntheticBoldOffset, point.y() + translation.height());
        CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphBuffer.advances(from), numGlyphs);

    if (hasSimpleShadow)
        graphicsContext->setShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor);

    wkRestoreFontSmoothingStyle(cgContext, oldFontSmoothingStyle);
Esempio n. 7
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* gc, const SimpleFontData* font,
                      const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,  int from, int numGlyphs,
                      const FloatPoint& point) const {
    SkASSERT(sizeof(GlyphBufferGlyph) == sizeof(uint16_t)); // compile-time assert

    const GlyphBufferGlyph* glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from);
    SkScalar x = SkFloatToScalar(point.x());
    SkScalar y = SkFloatToScalar(point.y());

    // FIXME: text rendering speed:
    // Android has code in their WebCore fork to special case when the
    // GlyphBuffer has no advances other than the defaults. In that case the
    // text drawing can proceed faster. However, it's unclear when those
    // patches may be upstreamed to WebKit so we always use the slower path
    // here.
    const GlyphBufferAdvance* adv = glyphBuffer.advances(from);
    SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(numGlyphs);
    SkPoint* pos = storage.get();

    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
        pos[i].set(x, y);
        x += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width());
        y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height());


    SkCanvas* canvas = gc->platformContext()->canvas();
    int textMode = gc->platformContext()->getTextDrawingMode();

    // We draw text up to two times (once for fill, once for stroke).
    if (textMode & cTextFill) {
        SkPaint paint;
        adjustTextRenderMode(&paint, gc->platformContext());
        canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, numGlyphs << 1, pos, paint);

    if ((textMode & cTextStroke)
        && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeStyle() != NoStroke
        && gc->platformContext()->getStrokeThickness() > 0) {

        SkPaint paint;
        gc->platformContext()->setupPaintForStroking(&paint, 0, 0);
        adjustTextRenderMode(&paint, gc->platformContext());

        if (textMode & cTextFill) {
            // If we also filled, we don't want to draw shadows twice.
            // See comment in FontChromiumWin.cpp::paintSkiaText() for more details.

        canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, numGlyphs << 1, pos, paint);
void drawTextWithSpacing(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const SimpleFontData* font, const wxColour& color, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point)
    wxGCDC* dc = static_cast<wxGCDC*>(graphicsContext->platformContext());

    wxFont* wxfont = font->getWxFont();
    graphicsContext->setFillColor(graphicsContext->fillColor(), DeviceColorSpace);

    CGContextRef cgContext = static_cast<CGContextRef>(dc->GetGraphicsContext()->GetNativeContext());

    CGFontRef cgFont;

    cgFont = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont((CTFontRef)wxfont->OSXGetCTFont(), NULL);
    ATSFontRef fontRef;
    fontRef = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont(wxfont->MacGetATSUFontID());
    if (fontRef)
        cgFont = CGFontCreateWithPlatformFont((void*)&fontRef);
    CGContextSetFont(cgContext, cgFont);

    CGContextSetFontSize(cgContext, wxfont->GetPointSize());

    CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha;
    graphicsContext->fillColor().getRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
    CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, red, green, blue, alpha);

    CGAffineTransform matrix = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
    matrix.b = -matrix.b;
    matrix.d = -matrix.d;
    CGContextSetTextMatrix(cgContext, matrix);

    CGContextSetTextPosition(cgContext, point.x(), point.y());
    const FloatSize* advanceSizes = static_cast<const FloatSize*>(glyphBuffer.advances(from));
    int size = glyphBuffer.size() - from;
    CGSize sizes[size];
    CGGlyph glyphs[numGlyphs];
    // if the function doesn't exist, we're probably on tiger and need to grab the
    // function under its old name, CGFontGetGlyphsForUnicodes
    if (!CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars)
        CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars = (CGFontGetGlyphsForUnicharsPtr)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "CGFontGetGlyphsForUnicodes");
    // Let's make sure we got the function under one name or another!
    CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(cgFont, glyphBuffer.glyphs(from), glyphs, numGlyphs);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        FloatSize fsize = advanceSizes[i];
        sizes[i] = CGSizeMake(fsize.width(), fsize.height());
    CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(cgContext, glyphs, sizes, numGlyphs);
    if (cgFont)