Esempio n. 1
TEST(GlyphBufferTest, ReverseForSimpleRTL) {
  RefPtr<SimpleFontData> font1 = TestSimpleFontData::create();
  RefPtr<SimpleFontData> font2 = TestSimpleFontData::create();

  GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
  glyphBuffer.add(42, font1.get(), 10);
  glyphBuffer.add(43, font1.get(), 15);
  glyphBuffer.add(44, font2.get(), 25);

  EXPECT_EQ(3u, glyphBuffer.size());

  glyphBuffer.reverseForSimpleRTL(30, 100);

  EXPECT_EQ(3u, glyphBuffer.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(44, glyphBuffer.glyphAt(0));
  EXPECT_EQ(43, glyphBuffer.glyphAt(1));
  EXPECT_EQ(42, glyphBuffer.glyphAt(2));
  EXPECT_EQ(font2.get(), glyphBuffer.fontDataAt(0));
  EXPECT_EQ(font1.get(), glyphBuffer.fontDataAt(1));
  EXPECT_EQ(font1.get(), glyphBuffer.fontDataAt(2));
  EXPECT_EQ(70, glyphBuffer.xOffsetAt(0));
  EXPECT_EQ(75, glyphBuffer.xOffsetAt(1));
  EXPECT_EQ(85, glyphBuffer.xOffsetAt(2));
Esempio n. 2
void Font::drawEmphasisMarks(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, const AtomicString& mark, const FloatPoint& point) const
    FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer;
    GlyphData markGlyphData;
    if (!getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(mark, markGlyphData))

    const SimpleFontData* markFontData = markGlyphData.fontData;
    if (!markFontData)

    Glyph markGlyph = markGlyphData.glyph;
    Glyph spaceGlyph = markFontData->spaceGlyph();

    float middleOfLastGlyph = offsetToMiddleOfGlyphAtIndex(glyphBuffer, 0);
    FloatPoint startPoint(point.x() + middleOfLastGlyph - offsetToMiddleOfGlyph(markFontData, markGlyph), point.y());

    GlyphBuffer markBuffer;
    for (int i = 0; i + 1 < glyphBuffer.size(); ++i) {
        float middleOfNextGlyph = offsetToMiddleOfGlyphAtIndex(glyphBuffer, i + 1);
        float advance = glyphBuffer.advanceAt(i).width() - middleOfLastGlyph + middleOfNextGlyph;
        markBuffer.add(glyphBuffer.glyphAt(i) ? markGlyph : spaceGlyph, markFontData, advance);
        middleOfLastGlyph = middleOfNextGlyph;
    markBuffer.add(glyphBuffer.glyphAt(glyphBuffer.size() - 1) ? markGlyph : spaceGlyph, markFontData, 0);

    drawGlyphBuffer(context, run, markBuffer, startPoint);
float SVGTextRunRenderingContext::floatWidthUsingSVGFont(const Font& font, const TextRun& run, int& charsConsumed, Glyph& glyphId) const
    WidthIterator it(&font, run);
    GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
    charsConsumed += it.advance(run.length(), &glyphBuffer);
    glyphId = !glyphBuffer.isEmpty() ? glyphBuffer.glyphAt(0) : 0;
    return it.runWidthSoFar();
Esempio n. 4
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext,
                      const SimpleFontData* font,
                      const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,
                      int from,
                      int numGlyphs,
                      const FloatPoint& point) const
    SkColor color = graphicsContext->platformContext()->effectiveFillColor();
    unsigned char alpha = SkColorGetA(color);
    // Skip 100% transparent text; no need to draw anything.
    if (!alpha && graphicsContext->platformContext()->getStrokeStyle() == NoStroke && !graphicsContext->hasShadow())

    // We draw the glyphs in chunks to avoid having to do a heap allocation for
    // the arrays of characters and advances.
    const int kMaxBufferLength = 256;
    Vector<WORD, kMaxBufferLength> glyphs;
    Vector<int, kMaxBufferLength> advances;
    int glyphIndex = 0;  // The starting glyph of the current chunk.

    // In order to round all offsets to the correct pixel boundary, this code keeps track of the absolute position
    // of each glyph in floating point units and rounds to integer advances at the last possible moment.

    float horizontalOffset = point.x(); // The floating point offset of the left side of the current glyph.
    int lastHorizontalOffsetRounded = lroundf(horizontalOffset); // The rounded offset of the left side of the last glyph rendered.
    while (glyphIndex < numGlyphs) {
        // How many chars will be in this chunk?
        int curLen = std::min(kMaxBufferLength, numGlyphs - glyphIndex);

        float currentWidth = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < curLen; ++i, ++glyphIndex) {
            glyphs[i] = glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + glyphIndex);
            horizontalOffset += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + glyphIndex);
            advances[i] = lroundf(horizontalOffset) - lastHorizontalOffsetRounded;
            lastHorizontalOffsetRounded += advances[i];
            currentWidth += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + glyphIndex);
            // Bug 26088 - very large positive or negative runs can fail to
            // render so we clamp the size here. In the specs, negative
            // letter-spacing is implementation-defined, so this should be
            // fine, and it matches Safari's implementation. The call actually
            // seems to crash if kMaxNegativeRun is set to somewhere around
            // -32830, so we give ourselves a little breathing room.
            const int maxNegativeRun = -32768;
            const int maxPositiveRun =  32768;
            if ((currentWidth + advances[i] < maxNegativeRun) || (currentWidth + advances[i] > maxPositiveRun)) 
                advances[i] = 0;

        SkPoint origin = point;
        origin.fX += SkFloatToScalar(horizontalOffset - point.x() - currentWidth);
        paintSkiaText(graphicsContext, font->platformData(), curLen, &glyphs[0], &advances[0], 0, &origin);
Esempio n. 5
// Tests that filling a glyph buffer for a specific range returns the same
// results when shaping word by word as when shaping the full run in one go.
TEST_F(CachingWordShaperTest, CommonAccentLeftToRightFillGlyphBuffer) {
    // "/. ." with an accent mark over the first dot.
    const UChar str[] = {0x2F, 0x301, 0x2E, 0x20, 0x2E, 0x0};
    TextRun textRun(str, 5);

    CachingWordShaper shaper(cache.get());
    GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
    shaper.fillGlyphBuffer(&font, textRun, fallbackFonts, &glyphBuffer, 0, 3);

    std::unique_ptr<ShapeCache> referenceCache = wrapUnique(new ShapeCache());
    CachingWordShaper referenceShaper(referenceCache.get());
    GlyphBuffer referenceGlyphBuffer;
    referenceShaper.fillGlyphBuffer(&font, textRun, fallbackFonts,
                                    &referenceGlyphBuffer, 0, 3);

    ASSERT_EQ(referenceGlyphBuffer.glyphAt(0), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(0));
    ASSERT_EQ(referenceGlyphBuffer.glyphAt(1), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(1));
    ASSERT_EQ(referenceGlyphBuffer.glyphAt(2), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(2));
// Tests that filling a glyph buffer for a specific range returns the same
// results when shaping word by word as when shaping the full run in one go.
TEST_F(CachingWordShaperTest, CommonAccentRightToLeftFillGlyphBuffer)
    // "[] []" with an accent mark over the last square bracket.
    const UChar str[] = { 0x5B, 0x5D, 0x20, 0x5B, 0x301, 0x5D, 0x0 };
    TextRun textRun(str, 6);

    CachingWordShaper shaper(cache.get());
    GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
    shaper.fillGlyphBuffer(&font, textRun, fallbackFonts, &glyphBuffer, 1, 6);

    OwnPtr<ShapeCache> referenceCache = adoptPtr(new ShapeCache());
    CachingWordShaper referenceShaper(referenceCache.get());
    GlyphBuffer referenceGlyphBuffer;
    referenceShaper.fillGlyphBuffer(&font, textRun, fallbackFonts,
        &referenceGlyphBuffer, 1, 6);

    ASSERT_EQ(5u, referenceGlyphBuffer.size());
    ASSERT_EQ(referenceGlyphBuffer.size(), glyphBuffer.size());

    ASSERT_EQ(referenceGlyphBuffer.glyphAt(0), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(0));
    ASSERT_EQ(referenceGlyphBuffer.glyphAt(1), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(1));
    ASSERT_EQ(referenceGlyphBuffer.glyphAt(2), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(2));
    ASSERT_EQ(referenceGlyphBuffer.glyphAt(3), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(3));
    ASSERT_EQ(referenceGlyphBuffer.glyphAt(4), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(4));
Esempio n. 7
TEST(GlyphBufferTest, StoresGlyphs) {
  RefPtr<SimpleFontData> font1 = TestSimpleFontData::create();
  RefPtr<SimpleFontData> font2 = TestSimpleFontData::create();

  GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
  glyphBuffer.add(42, font1.get(), 10);
  glyphBuffer.add(43, font1.get(), 15);
  glyphBuffer.add(44, font2.get(), 22);

  EXPECT_EQ(3u, glyphBuffer.size());

  EXPECT_EQ(42, glyphBuffer.glyphAt(0));
  EXPECT_EQ(43, glyphBuffer.glyphAt(1));
  EXPECT_EQ(44, glyphBuffer.glyphAt(2));

  const Glyph* glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(0);
  EXPECT_EQ(42, glyphs[0]);
  EXPECT_EQ(43, glyphs[1]);
  EXPECT_EQ(44, glyphs[2]);
Esempio n. 8
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* context, const SimpleFontData* fontData, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    if (context->paintingDisabled())

    bool shouldFill = context->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill;
    bool shouldStroke = context->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke;

    // Stroking text should always take the complex path.

    // Shadowed text should always take the complex path.
    ASSERT(context->contextShadow()->m_type == ContextShadow::NoShadow);

    if (!shouldFill && !shouldStroke)

    QVector<quint32> glyphIndexes;
    QVector<QPointF> positions;


    float x = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
        Glyph glyph = glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + i);
        float advance = glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i);
        if (!glyph)
        positions.append(QPointF(x, 0));
        x += advance;

    QGlyphs qtGlyphs;

    QPainter* painter = context->platformContext();

    QPen previousPen = painter->pen();
    painter->drawGlyphs(point, qtGlyphs);
Esempio n. 9
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const SimpleFontData* sfont, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, 
                      int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    int i = 0;
    FloatPoint pos(point);
    float w=0, h=0;
    UChar c=0;
    void* dc = (void *)graphicsContext->platformContext();
    WKCPeerFont pf;
    WKCFloatRect clip;
    WKCFloatPoint pp;

    if (!dc) return;

    pf.fFont = sfont->platformData().Font();
    if (!pf.fFont) return;
    const FontPlatformData& pd(sfont->platformData());

    pf.fRequestedSize = pd.requestSize();
    pf.fCreatedSize = pd.createdSize();
    pf.fWeight = pd.weight();
    pf.fItalic = pd.isItalic();
    pf.fScale = pd.scale();
    pf.fiScale = pd.iscale();
    pf.fCanScale = pd.canScale();
    pf.fFontId = (void *)pd.hash();

    pos.setY(pos.y() - (float)pd.ascent()*pd.scale());

    h = (pd.lineSpacing()) * pd.scale();
    for (i=0; i<numGlyphs; i++) {
        float advance = 0.f;
        c = fixedChar(glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + i));
        if (!c) continue;
        advance = glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i);
        w = wkcFontGetClipWidthPeer(pf.fFont, c) * pd.scale();
        clip.fX = pos.x();
        clip.fY = pos.y();
        clip.fWidth = w;
        clip.fHeight = h;
        pp.fX = pos.x();
        pp.fY = pos.y();
        wkcDrawContextDrawCharPeer(dc, (unsigned int)c, &pp, &clip, &pf);

        pos.move(advance, 0);
SVGGlyphToPathTranslator::SVGGlyphToPathTranslator(const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, const FloatPoint& point, const SVGFontData& svgFontData, SVGFontElement& fontElement, const int from, const int numGlyphs, float scale, bool isVerticalText)
    : m_glyphBuffer(glyphBuffer)
    , m_svgFontData(svgFontData)
    , m_currentPoint(point)
    , m_glyphOrigin(m_svgFontData.horizontalOriginX() * scale, m_svgFontData.horizontalOriginY() * scale)
    , m_index(from)
    , m_glyph(glyphBuffer.glyphAt(m_index))
    , m_fontElement(fontElement)
    , m_stoppingPoint(numGlyphs + from)
    , m_scale(scale)
    , m_isVerticalText(isVerticalText)
    ASSERT(glyphBuffer.size() > m_index);
    if (m_glyph) {
        m_svgGlyph = m_fontElement.svgGlyphForGlyph(m_glyph);
        ASSERT(m_svgGlyph.tableEntry == m_glyph);
        SVGGlyphElement::inheritUnspecifiedAttributes(m_svgGlyph, &m_svgFontData);
Esempio n. 11
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext,
                      const SimpleFontData* font,
                      const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,
                      int from,
                      int numGlyphs,
                      const FloatPoint& point) const
    SkColor color = graphicsContext->platformContext()->effectiveFillColor();
    unsigned char alpha = SkColorGetA(color);
    // Skip 100% transparent text; no need to draw anything.
    if (!alpha && graphicsContext->platformContext()->getStrokeStyle() == NoStroke)

    TransparencyAwareGlyphPainter painter(graphicsContext, font, glyphBuffer, from, numGlyphs, point);

    // We draw the glyphs in chunks to avoid having to do a heap allocation for
    // the arrays of characters and advances. Since ExtTextOut is the
    // lowest-level text output function on Windows, there should be little
    // penalty for splitting up the text. On the other hand, the buffer cannot
    // be bigger than 4094 or the function will fail.
    const int kMaxBufferLength = 256;
    Vector<WORD, kMaxBufferLength> glyphs;
    Vector<int, kMaxBufferLength> advances;
    int glyphIndex = 0;  // The starting glyph of the current chunk.
    int curAdvance = 0;  // How far from the left the current chunk is.
    while (glyphIndex < numGlyphs) {
        // How many chars will be in this chunk?
        int curLen = std::min(kMaxBufferLength, numGlyphs - glyphIndex);

        int curWidth = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < curLen; ++i, ++glyphIndex) {
            glyphs[i] = glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + glyphIndex);
            advances[i] = static_cast<int>(glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + glyphIndex));
            // Bug 26088 - very large positive or negative runs can fail to
            // render so we clamp the size here. In the specs, negative
            // letter-spacing is implementation-defined, so this should be
            // fine, and it matches Safari's implementation. The call actually
            // seems to crash if kMaxNegativeRun is set to somewhere around
            // -32830, so we give ourselves a little breathing room.
            const int maxNegativeRun = -32768;
            const int maxPositiveRun =  32768;
            if ((curWidth + advances[i] < maxNegativeRun) || (curWidth + advances[i] > maxPositiveRun)) 
                advances[i] = 0;
            curWidth += advances[i];

        // Actually draw the glyphs (with retry on failure).
        bool success = false;
        for (int executions = 0; executions < 2; ++executions) {
            success = painter.drawGlyphs(curLen, &glyphs[0], &advances[0], curAdvance);
            if (!success && executions == 0) {
                // Ask the browser to load the font for us and retry.

        if (!success)
            LOG_ERROR("Unable to draw the glyphs after second attempt");

        curAdvance += curWidth;
Esempio n. 12
static void drawGlyphsWin(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext,
                          const SimpleFontData* font,
                          const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,
                          int from,
                          int numGlyphs,
                          const FloatPoint& point) {
    TransparencyAwareGlyphPainter painter(graphicsContext, font, glyphBuffer, from, numGlyphs, point);

    // We draw the glyphs in chunks to avoid having to do a heap allocation for
    // the arrays of characters and advances. Since ExtTextOut is the
    // lowest-level text output function on Windows, there should be little
    // penalty for splitting up the text. On the other hand, the buffer cannot
    // be bigger than 4094 or the function will fail.
    const int kMaxBufferLength = 256;
    Vector<WORD, kMaxBufferLength> glyphs;
    Vector<int, kMaxBufferLength> advances;
    int glyphIndex = 0; // The starting glyph of the current chunk.

    // In order to round all offsets to the correct pixel boundary, this code keeps track of the absolute position
    // of each glyph in floating point units and rounds to integer advances at the last possible moment.

    float horizontalOffset = point.x(); // The floating point offset of the left side of the current glyph.
    int lastHorizontalOffsetRounded = lroundf(horizontalOffset); // The rounded offset of the left side of the last glyph rendered.
    while (glyphIndex < numGlyphs) {
        // How many chars will be in this chunk?
        int curLen = min(kMaxBufferLength, numGlyphs - glyphIndex);

        float currentWidth = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < curLen; ++i, ++glyphIndex) {
            glyphs[i] = glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + glyphIndex);
            horizontalOffset += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + glyphIndex);
            advances[i] = lroundf(horizontalOffset) - lastHorizontalOffsetRounded;
            lastHorizontalOffsetRounded += advances[i];
            currentWidth += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + glyphIndex);
            // Bug 26088 - very large positive or negative runs can fail to
            // render so we clamp the size here. In the specs, negative
            // letter-spacing is implementation-defined, so this should be
            // fine, and it matches Safari's implementation. The call actually
            // seems to crash if kMaxNegativeRun is set to somewhere around
            // -32830, so we give ourselves a little breathing room.
            const int maxNegativeRun = -32768;
            const int maxPositiveRun =  32768;
            if ((currentWidth + advances[i] < maxNegativeRun) || (currentWidth + advances[i] > maxPositiveRun)) 
                advances[i] = 0;

        // Actually draw the glyphs (with retry on failure).
        bool success = false;
        for (int executions = 0; executions < 2; ++executions) {
            success = painter.drawGlyphs(curLen, &glyphs[0], &advances[0], horizontalOffset - point.x() - currentWidth);
            if (!success && !executions) {
                // Ask the browser to load the font for us and retry.

        if (!success)
            LOG_ERROR("Unable to draw the glyphs after second attempt");
Esempio n. 13
static void drawGDIGlyphs(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const SimpleFontData* font, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,
                          int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point)
    Color fillColor = graphicsContext->fillColor();

    bool drawIntoBitmap = false;
    TextDrawingModeFlags drawingMode = graphicsContext->textDrawingMode();
    if (drawingMode == TextModeFill) {
        if (!fillColor.alpha())

        drawIntoBitmap = fillColor.alpha() != 255 || graphicsContext->inTransparencyLayer();
        if (!drawIntoBitmap) {
            FloatSize offset;
            float blur;
            Color color;
            ColorSpace shadowColorSpace;

            graphicsContext->getShadow(offset, blur, color, shadowColorSpace);
            drawIntoBitmap = offset.width() || offset.height() || blur;

    // We have to convert CG's two-dimensional floating point advances to just horizontal integer advances.
    Vector<int, 2048> gdiAdvances;
    int totalWidth = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
        gdiAdvances.append(lroundf(glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i)));
        totalWidth += gdiAdvances[i];

    HDC hdc = 0;
    OwnPtr<GraphicsContext::WindowsBitmap> bitmap;
    IntRect textRect;
    if (!drawIntoBitmap)
        hdc = graphicsContext->getWindowsContext(textRect, true, false);
    if (!hdc) {
        drawIntoBitmap = true;
        // We put slop into this rect, since glyphs can overflow the ascent/descent bounds and the left/right edges.
        // FIXME: Can get glyphs' optical bounds (even from CG) to get this right.
        const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font->fontMetrics();
        int lineGap = fontMetrics.lineGap();
        textRect = IntRect(point.x() - (fontMetrics.ascent() + fontMetrics.descent()) / 2,
                           point.y() - fontMetrics.ascent() - lineGap,
                           totalWidth + fontMetrics.ascent() + fontMetrics.descent(),
        bitmap = graphicsContext->createWindowsBitmap(textRect.size());
        memset(bitmap->buffer(), 255, bitmap->bufferLength());
        hdc = bitmap->hdc();

        XFORM xform;
        xform.eM11 = 1.0f;
        xform.eM12 = 0.0f;
        xform.eM21 = 0.0f;
        xform.eM22 = 1.0f;
        xform.eDx = -textRect.x();
        xform.eDy = -textRect.y();
        SetWorldTransform(hdc, &xform);

    SelectObject(hdc, font->platformData().hfont());

    // Set the correct color.
    if (drawIntoBitmap)
        SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(0, 0, 0));
        SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(,,;

    SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
    SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_LEFT | TA_BASELINE);

    // Uniscribe gives us offsets to help refine the positioning of combining glyphs.
    FloatSize translation = glyphBuffer.offsetAt(from);
    if (translation.width() || translation.height()) {
        XFORM xform;
        xform.eM11 = 1.0;
        xform.eM12 = 0;
        xform.eM21 = 0;
        xform.eM22 = 1.0;
        xform.eDx = translation.width();
        xform.eDy = translation.height();
        ModifyWorldTransform(hdc, &xform, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY);

    if (drawingMode == TextModeFill) {
        XFORM xform;
        xform.eM11 = 1.0;
        xform.eM12 = 0;
        xform.eM21 = font->platformData().syntheticOblique() ? -tanf(syntheticObliqueAngle * piFloat / 180.0f) : 0;
        xform.eM22 = 1.0;
        xform.eDx = point.x();
        xform.eDy = point.y();
        ModifyWorldTransform(hdc, &xform, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY);
        ExtTextOut(hdc, 0, 0, ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, 0, reinterpret_cast<const WCHAR*>(glyphBuffer.glyphs(from)), numGlyphs,;
        if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) {
            xform.eM21 = 0;
            xform.eDx = font->syntheticBoldOffset();
            xform.eDy = 0;
            ModifyWorldTransform(hdc, &xform, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY);
            ExtTextOut(hdc, 0, 0, ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, 0, reinterpret_cast<const WCHAR*>(glyphBuffer.glyphs(from)), numGlyphs,;
    } else {
        XFORM xform;
        GetWorldTransform(hdc, &xform);
        AffineTransform hdcTransform(xform.eM11, xform.eM21, xform.eM12, xform.eM22, xform.eDx, xform.eDy);
        CGAffineTransform initialGlyphTransform = hdcTransform.isInvertible() ? hdcTransform.inverse() : CGAffineTransformIdentity;
        if (font->platformData().syntheticOblique())
            initialGlyphTransform = CGAffineTransformConcat(initialGlyphTransform, CGAffineTransformMake(1, 0, tanf(syntheticObliqueAngle * piFloat / 180.0f), 1, 0, 0));
        initialGlyphTransform.tx = 0;
        initialGlyphTransform.ty = 0;
        CGContextRef cgContext = graphicsContext->platformContext();


        BOOL fontSmoothingEnabled = false;
        SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHING, 0, &fontSmoothingEnabled, 0);
        CGContextSetShouldAntialias(cgContext, fontSmoothingEnabled);

        CGContextScaleCTM(cgContext, 1.0, -1.0);
        CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, point.x() + glyphBuffer.offsetAt(from).width(), -(point.y() + glyphBuffer.offsetAt(from).height()));

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
            RetainPtr<CGPathRef> glyphPath(AdoptCF, createPathForGlyph(hdc, glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + i)));
            CGContextConcatCTM(cgContext, initialGlyphTransform);

            if (drawingMode & TextModeFill) {
                CGContextAddPath(cgContext, glyphPath.get());
                if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) {
                    CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0);
                    CGContextAddPath(cgContext, glyphPath.get());
                    CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, -font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0);
            if (drawingMode & TextModeStroke) {
                CGContextAddPath(cgContext, glyphPath.get());
                if (font->syntheticBoldOffset()) {
                    CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0);
                    CGContextAddPath(cgContext, glyphPath.get());
                    CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, -font->syntheticBoldOffset(), 0);

            CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, gdiAdvances[i], 0);


    if (drawIntoBitmap) {
        UInt8* buffer = bitmap->buffer();
        unsigned bufferLength = bitmap->bufferLength();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < bufferLength; i += 4) {
            // Use green, which is always in the middle.
            UInt8 alpha = (255 - buffer[i + 1]) * fillColor.alpha() / 255;
            buffer[i] =;
            buffer[i + 1] =;
            buffer[i + 2] =;
            buffer[i + 3] = alpha;
        graphicsContext->drawWindowsBitmap(bitmap.get(), textRect.location());
    } else
        graphicsContext->releaseWindowsContext(hdc, textRect, true, false);
void SVGTextRunRenderingContext::drawSVGGlyphs(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const SimpleFontData* fontData, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    SVGFontElement* fontElement = 0;
    SVGFontFaceElement* fontFaceElement = 0;

    const SVGFontData* svgFontData = svgFontAndFontFaceElementForFontData(fontData, fontFaceElement, fontElement);
    if (!fontElement || !fontFaceElement)

    // We can only paint SVGFonts if a context is available.
    RenderObject* renderObject = renderObjectFromRun(run);

    bool isVerticalText = false;
    if (RenderObject* parentRenderObject = firstParentRendererForNonTextNode(renderObject)) {
        RenderStyle* parentRenderObjectStyle = parentRenderObject->style();
        isVerticalText = parentRenderObjectStyle->svgStyle().isVerticalWritingMode();

    float scale = scaleEmToUnits(fontData->platformData().size(), fontFaceElement->unitsPerEm());

    FloatPoint glyphOrigin;
    glyphOrigin.setX(svgFontData->horizontalOriginX() * scale);
    glyphOrigin.setY(svgFontData->horizontalOriginY() * scale);

    unsigned short resourceMode = context->textDrawingMode() == TextModeStroke ? ApplyToStrokeMode : ApplyToFillMode;

    FloatPoint currentPoint = point;
    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
        Glyph glyph = glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + i);
        if (!glyph)

        float advance = glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i);
        SVGGlyph svgGlyph = fontElement->svgGlyphForGlyph(glyph);
        ASSERT(svgGlyph.tableEntry == glyph);

        SVGGlyphElement::inheritUnspecifiedAttributes(svgGlyph, svgFontData);

        // FIXME: Support arbitary SVG content as glyph (currently limited to <glyph d="..."> situations).
        if (svgGlyph.pathData.isEmpty()) {
            if (isVerticalText)
                currentPoint.move(0, advance);
                currentPoint.move(advance, 0);

        if (isVerticalText) {
            glyphOrigin.setX(svgGlyph.verticalOriginX * scale);
            glyphOrigin.setY(svgGlyph.verticalOriginY * scale);

        AffineTransform glyphPathTransform;
        glyphPathTransform.translate(currentPoint.x() + glyphOrigin.x(), currentPoint.y() + glyphOrigin.y());
        glyphPathTransform.scale(scale, -scale);

        Path glyphPath = svgGlyph.pathData;

        SVGRenderSupport::fillOrStrokePath(context, resourceMode, glyphPath);

        if (isVerticalText)
            currentPoint.move(0, advance);
            currentPoint.move(advance, 0);
Esempio n. 15
inline static float offsetToMiddleOfGlyphAtIndex(const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, size_t i)
    return offsetToMiddleOfGlyph(glyphBuffer.fontDataAt(i), glyphBuffer.glyphAt(i));
Esempio n. 16
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* gc, const SimpleFontData* font,
                      const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,  int from, int numGlyphs,
                      const FloatPoint& point) const
    // compile-time assert
    SkASSERT(sizeof(GlyphBufferGlyph) == sizeof(uint16_t));

    if (numGlyphs == 1 && glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from) == 0x3) {
        // Webkit likes to draw end text control command for some reason
        // Just ignore it

    SkPaint paint;
    if (!setupForText(&paint, gc, font)) {

    SkScalar                    x = SkFloatToScalar(point.x());
    SkScalar                    y = SkFloatToScalar(point.y());
    const GlyphBufferGlyph*     glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from);
    const GlyphBufferAdvance*   adv = glyphBuffer.advances(from);
    SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(numGlyphs), storage2(numGlyphs), storage3(numGlyphs);
    SkPoint*                    pos = storage.get();

    SkCanvas* canvas = gc->platformContext()->recordingCanvas();

    /*  We need an array of [x,y,x,y,x,y,...], but webkit is giving us
        point.xy + [width, height, width, height, ...], so we have to convert

    if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical) {
        float yOffset = SkFloatToScalar(font->fontMetrics().floatAscent(IdeographicBaseline) - font->fontMetrics().floatAscent());
        gc->platformContext()->setTextOffset(FloatSize(0.0f, -yOffset)); // compensate for offset in bounds calculation
        y += yOffset;

    if (EmojiFont::IsAvailable()) {
        // set filtering, to make scaled images look nice(r)

        SkMatrix rotator;
        if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical) {

        int localIndex = 0;
        int localCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
            if (EmojiFont::IsEmojiGlyph(glyphs[i])) {
                if (localCount) {
                    rotator.mapPoints(&pos[localIndex], localCount);
                                     localCount * sizeof(uint16_t),
                                     &pos[localIndex], paint);
                EmojiFont::Draw(canvas, glyphs[i], x, y, paint);
                // reset local index/count track for "real" glyphs
                localCount = 0;
                localIndex = i + 1;
            } else {
                pos[i].set(x, y);
                localCount += 1;
            x += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width());
            y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height());

        // draw the last run of glyphs (if any)
        if (localCount) {
            rotator.mapPoints(&pos[localIndex], localCount);
                             localCount * sizeof(uint16_t),
                             &pos[localIndex], paint);


        if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical)
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
            pos[i].set(x, y);
            y += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].height());
            x += SkFloatToScalar(adv[i].width());

        if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical) {
            SkMatrix rotator;
            rotator.mapPoints(pos, numGlyphs);
            numGlyphs * sizeof(uint16_t), pos, paint);

        if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical)

    if (font->platformData().orientation() == Vertical)
        gc->platformContext()->setTextOffset(FloatSize()); // reset to undo above
Esempio n. 17
void Font::drawGlyphs(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext,
                      const SimpleFontData* font,
                      const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer,
                      int from,
                      int numGlyphs,
                      const FloatPoint& point) const
    SkColor color = graphicsContext->effectiveFillColor();
    unsigned char alpha = SkColorGetA(color);
    // Skip 100% transparent text; no need to draw anything.
    if (!alpha && graphicsContext->strokeStyle() == NoStroke && !graphicsContext->hasShadow())

    // We draw the glyphs in chunks to avoid having to do a heap allocation for
    // the arrays of characters and advances.
    const int kMaxBufferLength = 256;
    Vector<int, kMaxBufferLength> advances;
    int glyphIndex = 0;  // The starting glyph of the current chunk.

    float horizontalOffset = point.x(); // The floating point offset of the left side of the current glyph.
    const OpenTypeVerticalData* verticalData = font->verticalData();
    if (verticalData) {
        Vector<FloatPoint, kMaxBufferLength> translations;
        Vector<GOFFSET, kMaxBufferLength> offsets;

        // Skia doesn't have matrix for glyph coordinate space, so we rotate back the CTM.
        AffineTransform savedMatrix = graphicsContext->getCTM();
        graphicsContext->concatCTM(AffineTransform(0, -1, 1, 0, point.x(), point.y()));
        graphicsContext->concatCTM(AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -point.x(), -point.y()));

        const FontMetrics& metrics = font->fontMetrics();
        SkScalar verticalOriginX = SkFloatToScalar(point.x() + metrics.floatAscent() - metrics.floatAscent(IdeographicBaseline));
        while (glyphIndex < numGlyphs) {
            // How many chars will be in this chunk?
            int curLen = std::min(kMaxBufferLength, numGlyphs - glyphIndex);

            const Glyph* glyphs = glyphBuffer.glyphs(from + glyphIndex);
            verticalData->getVerticalTranslationsForGlyphs(font, &glyphs[0], curLen, reinterpret_cast<float*>(&translations[0]));
            // To position glyphs vertically, we use offsets instead of advances.
            float currentWidth = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < curLen; ++i, ++glyphIndex) {
                offsets[i].du = lroundf(translations[i].x());
                offsets[i].dv = -lroundf(currentWidth - translations[i].y());
                currentWidth += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + glyphIndex);
            SkPoint origin;
            origin.set(verticalOriginX, SkFloatToScalar(point.y() + horizontalOffset - point.x()));
            horizontalOffset += currentWidth;
            paintSkiaText(graphicsContext, font->platformData(), curLen, &glyphs[0], &advances[0], &offsets[0], &origin);


    // In order to round all offsets to the correct pixel boundary, this code keeps track of the absolute position
    // of each glyph in floating point units and rounds to integer advances at the last possible moment.

    int lastHorizontalOffsetRounded = lroundf(horizontalOffset); // The rounded offset of the left side of the last glyph rendered.
    Vector<WORD, kMaxBufferLength> glyphs;
    while (glyphIndex < numGlyphs) {
        // How many chars will be in this chunk?
        int curLen = std::min(kMaxBufferLength, numGlyphs - glyphIndex);

        float currentWidth = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < curLen; ++i, ++glyphIndex) {
            glyphs[i] = glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + glyphIndex);
            horizontalOffset += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + glyphIndex);
            advances[i] = lroundf(horizontalOffset) - lastHorizontalOffsetRounded;
            lastHorizontalOffsetRounded += advances[i];
            currentWidth += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + glyphIndex);
            // Bug 26088 - very large positive or negative runs can fail to
            // render so we clamp the size here. In the specs, negative
            // letter-spacing is implementation-defined, so this should be
            // fine, and it matches Safari's implementation. The call actually
            // seems to crash if kMaxNegativeRun is set to somewhere around
            // -32830, so we give ourselves a little breathing room.
            const int maxNegativeRun = -32768;
            const int maxPositiveRun =  32768;
            if ((currentWidth + advances[i] < maxNegativeRun) || (currentWidth + advances[i] > maxPositiveRun)) 
                advances[i] = 0;

        SkPoint origin = point;
        origin.fX += SkFloatToScalar(horizontalOffset - point.x() - currentWidth);
        paintSkiaText(graphicsContext, font->platformData(), curLen, &glyphs[0], &advances[0], 0, &origin);
void SVGTextRunRenderingContext::drawSVGGlyphs(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const SimpleFontData* fontData, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point) const
    SVGFontElement* fontElement = 0;
    SVGFontFaceElement* fontFaceElement = 0;

    const SVGFontData* svgFontData = svgFontAndFontFaceElementForFontData(fontData, fontFaceElement, fontElement);
    if (!fontElement || !fontFaceElement)

    // We can only paint SVGFonts if a context is available.
    RenderSVGResource* activePaintingResource = activePaintingResourceFromRun(run);
    RenderObject* renderObject = renderObjectFromRun(run);
    RenderObject* parentRenderObject = firstParentRendererForNonTextNode(renderObject);
    RenderStyle* parentRenderObjectStyle = 0;

    if (!activePaintingResource) {
        // TODO: We're only supporting simple filled HTML text so far.
        RenderSVGResourceSolidColor* solidPaintingResource = RenderSVGResource::sharedSolidPaintingResource();
        activePaintingResource = solidPaintingResource;
    bool isVerticalText = false;
    if (parentRenderObject) {
        parentRenderObjectStyle = parentRenderObject->style();
        isVerticalText = parentRenderObjectStyle->svgStyle()->isVerticalWritingMode();

    float scale = scaleEmToUnits(fontData->platformData().size(), fontFaceElement->unitsPerEm());

    FloatPoint glyphOrigin;
    glyphOrigin.setX(svgFontData->horizontalOriginX() * scale);
    glyphOrigin.setY(svgFontData->horizontalOriginY() * scale);

    FloatPoint currentPoint = point;
    RenderSVGResourceMode resourceMode = context->textDrawingMode() == TextModeStroke ? ApplyToStrokeMode : ApplyToFillMode;
    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) {
        Glyph glyph = glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + i);
        if (!glyph)

        float advance = glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i);
        SVGGlyph svgGlyph = fontElement->svgGlyphForGlyph(glyph);
        ASSERT(svgGlyph.tableEntry == glyph);

        SVGGlyphElement::inheritUnspecifiedAttributes(svgGlyph, svgFontData);

        // FIXME: Support arbitary SVG content as glyph (currently limited to <glyph d="..."> situations).
        if (svgGlyph.pathData.isEmpty()) {
            if (isVerticalText)
                currentPoint.move(0, advance);
                currentPoint.move(advance, 0);


        if (isVerticalText) {
            glyphOrigin.setX(svgGlyph.verticalOriginX * scale);
            glyphOrigin.setY(svgGlyph.verticalOriginY * scale);

        AffineTransform glyphPathTransform;
        glyphPathTransform.translate(currentPoint.x() + glyphOrigin.x(), currentPoint.y() + glyphOrigin.y());
        glyphPathTransform.scale(scale, -scale);

        Path glyphPath = svgGlyph.pathData;

        if (activePaintingResource->applyResource(parentRenderObject, parentRenderObjectStyle, context, resourceMode)) {
            if (renderObject && renderObject->isSVGInlineText()) {
                const RenderSVGInlineText* textRenderer = toRenderSVGInlineText(renderObject);
                context->setStrokeThickness(context->strokeThickness() * textRenderer->scalingFactor());
            activePaintingResource->postApplyResource(parentRenderObject, context, resourceMode, &glyphPath, 0);

        if (isVerticalText)
            currentPoint.move(0, advance);
            currentPoint.move(advance, 0);
Esempio n. 19
void drawTextWithSpacing(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const SimpleFontData* font, const wxColour& color, const GlyphBuffer& glyphBuffer, int from, int numGlyphs, const FloatPoint& point)
    wxGCDC* dc = static_cast<wxGCDC*>(graphicsContext->platformContext());
    wxGraphicsContext* gc = dc->GetGraphicsContext();
    cairo_t* cr = (cairo_t*)gc->GetNativeContext();

    wxFont* wxfont = font->getWxFont();
    cairo_scaled_font_t* scaled_font = 0;
    PangoFont* pangoFont = createPangoFontForFont(wxfont);
    PangoFontMap* fontMap = pangoFontMap();
    PangoContext* pangoContext = pango_cairo_font_map_create_context(PANGO_CAIRO_FONT_MAP(fontMap));
    scaled_font = createScaledFontForFont(wxfont); 
#elif __WXMSW__
    cairo_matrix_t sizeMatrix, ctm;
    int size = font->platformData().size();
    cairo_matrix_init_scale(&sizeMatrix, size, size);

    cairo_font_options_t* fontOptions = cairo_font_options_create();
    cairo_font_options_set_antialias(fontOptions, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL);
    cairo_font_face_t* win_face = cairo_win32_font_face_create_for_hfont((HFONT)wxfont->GetHFONT());
    scaled_font = cairo_scaled_font_create(win_face, &sizeMatrix, &ctm, fontOptions); 

    GlyphBufferGlyph* glyphs = const_cast<GlyphBufferGlyph*>(glyphBuffer.glyphs(from));
    float offset = point.x();

    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
        glyphs[i].index = pango_font_get_glyph(pangoFont, pangoContext, glyphBuffer.glyphAt(from + i));
        glyphs[i].x = offset;
        glyphs[i].y = point.y();
        offset += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i);

    cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, color.Red()/255.0, color.Green()/255.0, color.Blue()/255.0, color.Alpha()/255.0);
    cairo_set_scaled_font(cr, scaled_font);
    cairo_show_glyphs(cr, glyphs, numGlyphs);

    wxDC* dc = graphicsContext->platformContext();

    wxFont* wxfont = font->getWxFont();
    if (wxfont && wxfont->IsOk())

    // convert glyphs to wxString
    GlyphBufferGlyph* glyphs = const_cast<GlyphBufferGlyph*>(glyphBuffer.glyphs(from));
    int offset = point.x();
    wxString text = wxEmptyString;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
        text = text.Append((wxChar)glyphs[i]);
        offset += glyphBuffer.advanceAt(from + i);
    // the y point is actually the bottom point of the text, turn it into the top
    float height = font->ascent() - font->descent();
    wxCoord ypoint = (wxCoord) (point.y() - height);
    dc->DrawText(text, (wxCoord)point.x(), ypoint);