Esempio n. 1
char *Entity::DescriptionString(void) {
    if(h.isFromRequest()) {
        Request *r = SK.GetRequest(h.request());
        return r->DescriptionString();
    } else {
        Group *g = SK.GetGroup(;
        return g->DescriptionString();
Esempio n. 2
void TextWindow::ShowListOfGroups(void) {
    char radioTrue[]  = { ' ', (char)RADIO_TRUE,  ' ', 0 },
         radioFalse[] = { ' ', (char)RADIO_FALSE, ' ', 0 },
         checkTrue[]  = { ' ', (char)CHECK_TRUE,  ' ', 0 },
         checkFalse[] = { ' ', (char)CHECK_FALSE, ' ', 0 };

    Printf(true, "%Ft active");
    Printf(false, "%Ft    shown ok  group-name%E");
    int i;
    bool afterActive = false;
    for(i = 0; i <; i++) {
        Group *g = &([i]);
        char *s = g->DescriptionString();
        bool active = (g->h.v == SS.GW.activeGroup.v);
        bool shown = g->visible;
        bool ok = (g-> == System::SOLVED_OKAY);
        bool ref = (g->h.v == Group::HGROUP_REFERENCES.v);
        Printf(false, "%Bp%Fd "
               "%Ft%s%Fb%D%f%Ll%s%E "
               "%Fb%s%D%f%Ll%s%E  "
               "%Fp%D%f%s%Ll%s%E  "
            // Alternate between light and dark backgrounds, for readability
                (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
            // Link that activates the group
                ref ? "   " : "",
                g->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenActivateGroup),
                ref ? "" : (active ? radioTrue : radioFalse),
            // Link that hides or shows the group
                afterActive ? " - " : "",
                g->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenToggleGroupShown),
                afterActive ? "" : (shown ? checkTrue : checkFalse),
            // Link to the errors, if a problem occured while solving
            ok ? 's' : 'x', g->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenHowGroupSolved),
                ok ? "ok" : "",
                ok ? "" : "NO",
            // Link to a screen that gives more details on the group
            g->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenSelectGroup), s);

        if(active) afterActive = true;

    Printf(true,  "  %Fl%Ls%fshow all%E / %Fl%Lh%fhide all%E",
    Printf(true,  "  %Fl%Ls%fline styles%E /"
                   " %Fl%Ls%fview%E /"
                   " %Fl%Ls%fconfiguration%E",
Esempio n. 3
// The screen that's displayed when the sketch fails to solve. A report of
// what failed, and (if the problem is a singular Jacobian) a list of
// constraints that could be removed to fix it.
void TextWindow::ShowGroupSolveInfo(void) {
    Group *g =;
    if(g-> == System::SOLVED_OKAY) {
        // Go back to the default group info screen
        shown.screen = SCREEN_GROUP_INFO;

    Printf(true, "%FtGROUP   %E%s", g->DescriptionString());
    switch(g-> {
        case System::DIDNT_CONVERGE:
            Printf(true, "%FxSOLVE FAILED!%Fd no convergence");
            Printf(true, "the following constraints are unsatisfied");

        case System::SINGULAR_JACOBIAN:
            Printf(true, "%FxSOLVE FAILED!%Fd inconsistent system");
            Printf(true, "remove any one of these to fix it");

        case System::TOO_MANY_UNKNOWNS:
            Printf(true, "Too many unknowns in a single group!");

    for(int i = 0; i < g->solved.remove.n; i++) {
        hConstraint hc = g->solved.remove.elem[i];
        Constraint *c = SK.constraint.FindByIdNoOops(hc);
        if(!c) continue;

        Printf(false, "%Bp   %Fl%Ll%D%f%h%s%E",
            (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
            c->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenSelectConstraint),

    Printf(true,  "It may be possible to fix the problem ");
    Printf(false, "by selecting Edit -> Undo.");
Esempio n. 4
void TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupName(int link, DWORD v) {
    Group *g = SK.GetGroup(;
    SS.TW.ShowEditControl(7, 12, g->DescriptionString()+5);
    SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_GROUP_NAME; = v;
void TextWindow::DescribeSelection(void) {
    Entity *e;
    Vector p;
    int i;
    Printf(false, "");

    if(gs.n == 1 && (gs.points == 1 || gs.entities == 1)) {
        e = SK.GetEntity(gs.points == 1 ? gs.point[0] : gs.entity[0]);

#define COSTR(p) \
    SS.MmToString((p).x), SS.MmToString((p).y), SS.MmToString((p).z)
#define PT_AS_STR "(%Fi%s%E, %Fi%s%E, %Fi%s%E)"
#define PT_AS_NUM "(%Fi%3%E, %Fi%3%E, %Fi%3%E)"
        switch(e->type) {
            case Entity::POINT_IN_3D:
            case Entity::POINT_IN_2D:
            case Entity::POINT_N_TRANS:
            case Entity::POINT_N_ROT_TRANS:
            case Entity::POINT_N_COPY:
            case Entity::POINT_N_ROT_AA:
                p = e->PointGetNum();
                Printf(false, "%FtPOINT%E at " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));

            case Entity::NORMAL_IN_3D:
            case Entity::NORMAL_IN_2D:
            case Entity::NORMAL_N_COPY:
            case Entity::NORMAL_N_ROT:
            case Entity::NORMAL_N_ROT_AA: {
                Quaternion q = e->NormalGetNum();
                p = q.RotationN();
                Printf(false, "%FtNORMAL / COORDINATE SYSTEM%E");
                Printf(true,  "  basis n = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
                p = q.RotationU();
                Printf(false, "        u = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
                p = q.RotationV();
                Printf(false, "        v = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
            case Entity::WORKPLANE: {
                p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum();
                Printf(false, "%FtWORKPLANE%E");
                Printf(true, "   origin = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
                Quaternion q = e->Normal()->NormalGetNum();
                p = q.RotationN();
                Printf(true, "   normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
            case Entity::LINE_SEGMENT: {
                Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum();
                p = p0;
                Printf(false, "%FtLINE SEGMENT%E");
                Printf(true,  "   thru " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
                Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(e->point[1])->PointGetNum();
                p = p1;
                Printf(false, "        " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
                Printf(true,  "   len = %Fi%s%E",
            case Entity::CUBIC_PERIODIC:
            case Entity::CUBIC:
                int pts;
                if(e->type == Entity::CUBIC_PERIODIC) {
                    Printf(false, "%FtPERIODIC C2 CUBIC SPLINE%E");
                    pts = (3 + e->extraPoints);
                } else if(e->extraPoints > 0) {
                    Printf(false, "%FtINTERPOLATING C2 CUBIC SPLINE%E");
                    pts = (4 + e->extraPoints);
                } else {
                    Printf(false, "%FtCUBIC BEZIER CURVE%E");
                    pts = 4;
                for(i = 0; i < pts; i++) {
                    p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[i])->PointGetNum();
                    Printf((i==0), "   p%d = " PT_AS_STR, i, COSTR(p));

            case Entity::ARC_OF_CIRCLE: {
                Printf(false, "%FtARC OF A CIRCLE%E");
                p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum();
                Printf(true,  "     center = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
                p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[1])->PointGetNum();
                Printf(true,  "  endpoints = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
                p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[2])->PointGetNum();
                Printf(false, "              " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
                double r = e->CircleGetRadiusNum();
                Printf(true, "   diameter =  %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r*2));
                Printf(false, "     radius =  %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r));
                double thetas, thetaf, dtheta;
                e->ArcGetAngles(&thetas, &thetaf, &dtheta);
                Printf(false, "    arc len =  %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(dtheta*r));
            case Entity::CIRCLE: {
                Printf(false, "%FtCIRCLE%E");
                p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum();
                Printf(true,  "     center = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));
                double r = e->CircleGetRadiusNum();
                Printf(true,  "   diameter =  %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r*2));
                Printf(false, "     radius =  %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(r));
            case Entity::FACE_NORMAL_PT:
            case Entity::FACE_XPROD:
            case Entity::FACE_N_ROT_TRANS:
            case Entity::FACE_N_ROT_AA:
            case Entity::FACE_N_TRANS:
                Printf(false, "%FtPLANE FACE%E");
                p = e->FaceGetNormalNum();
                Printf(true,  "   normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(p));
                p = e->FaceGetPointNum();
                Printf(false, "     thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p));

            case Entity::TTF_TEXT: {
                Printf(false, "%FtTRUETYPE FONT TEXT%E");
                Printf(true, "  font = '%Fi%s%E'", e->font.str);
                if(e->h.isFromRequest()) {
                    Printf(false, "  text = '%Fi%s%E' %Fl%Ll%f%D[change]%E",
                        e->str.str, &ScreenEditTtfText, e->h.request());
                    Printf(true, "  select new font");
                    int i;
                    for(i = 0; i < SS.fonts.l.n; i++) {
                        TtfFont *tf = &(SS.fonts.l.elem[i]);
                        if(strcmp(e->font.str, tf->FontFileBaseName())==0) {
                            Printf(false, "%Bp    %s",
                                (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
                        } else {
                            Printf(false, "%Bp    %f%D%Fl%Ll%s%E%Bp",
                                (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
                                &ScreenSetTtfFont, i,
                                (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a');
                } else {
                    Printf(false, "  text = '%Fi%s%E'", e->str.str);

                Printf(true, "%Ft?? ENTITY%E");

        Group *g = SK.GetGroup(e->group);
        Printf(false, "");
        Printf(false, "%FtIN GROUP%E      %s", g->DescriptionString());
        if(e->workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
            Printf(false, "%FtNOT LOCKED IN WORKPLANE%E"); 
        } else {
            Entity *w = SK.GetEntity(e->workplane);
            Printf(false, "%FtIN WORKPLANE%E  %s", w->DescriptionString());
        if(e->style.v) {
            Style *s = Style::Get(e->style);
            Printf(false, "%FtIN STYLE%E      %s", s->DescriptionString());
        } else {
            Printf(false, "%FtIN STYLE%E      none");
        if(e->construction) {
            Printf(false, "%FtCONSTRUCTION");
    } else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.points == 2) {
        Printf(false, "%FtTWO POINTS");
        Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum();
        Printf(true,  "   at " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p0));
        Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[1])->PointGetNum();
        Printf(false, "      " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p1));
        double d = (p1.Minus(p0)).Magnitude();
        Printf(true, "  d = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(d));
    } else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.faces == 1 && gs.points == 1) {
        Printf(false, "%FtA POINT AND A PLANE FACE");
        Vector pt = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum();
        Printf(true,  "        point = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(pt));
        Vector n = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetNormalNum();
        Printf(true,  " plane normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(n));
        Vector pl = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetPointNum();
        Printf(false, "   plane thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(pl));
        double dd = n.Dot(pl) - n.Dot(pt);
        Printf(true,  "     distance = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(dd));
    } else if(gs.n == 3 && gs.points == 2 && gs.vectors == 1) {
        Printf(false, "%FtTWO POINTS AND A VECTOR");
        Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum();
        Printf(true,  "  pointA = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p0));
        Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[1])->PointGetNum();
        Printf(false, "  pointB = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p1));
        Vector v  = SK.GetEntity(gs.vector[0])->VectorGetNum();
        v = v.WithMagnitude(1);
        Printf(true,  "  vector = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(v));
        double d = (p1.Minus(p0)).Dot(v);
        Printf(true,  "  proj_d = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(d));
    } else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.points == 1) {
        Entity *ln = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]);
        Vector lp0 = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[0])->PointGetNum(),
               lp1 = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[1])->PointGetNum();
        Printf(false, "%FtLINE SEGMENT AND POINT%E");
        Printf(true,  "   ln thru " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(lp0));
        Printf(false, "           " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(lp1));
        Vector pp = SK.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum();
        Printf(true,  "     point " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(pp));
        Printf(true,  " pt-ln distance = %Fi%s%E",
            SS.MmToString(pp.DistanceToLine(lp0, lp1.Minus(lp0))));
    } else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.vectors == 2) {
        Printf(false, "%FtTWO VECTORS");

        Vector v0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0])->VectorGetNum(),
               v1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[1])->VectorGetNum();
        v0 = v0.WithMagnitude(1);
        v1 = v1.WithMagnitude(1);

        Printf(true,  "  vectorA = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(v0));
        Printf(false, "  vectorB = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(v1));

        double theta = acos(v0.Dot(v1));
        Printf(true,  "    angle = %Fi%2%E degrees", theta*180/PI);
        while(theta < PI/2) theta += PI;
        while(theta > PI/2) theta -= PI; 
        Printf(false, " or angle = %Fi%2%E (mod 180)", theta*180/PI);
    } else if(gs.n == 2 && gs.faces == 2) {
        Printf(false, "%FtTWO PLANE FACES");

        Vector n0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetNormalNum();
        Printf(true,  " planeA normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(n0));
        Vector p0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[0])->FaceGetPointNum();
        Printf(false, "   planeA thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p0));

        Vector n1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[1])->FaceGetNormalNum();
        Printf(true,  " planeB normal = " PT_AS_NUM, CO(n1));
        Vector p1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.face[1])->FaceGetPointNum();
        Printf(false, "   planeB thru = " PT_AS_STR, COSTR(p1));

        double theta = acos(n0.Dot(n1));
        Printf(true,  "         angle = %Fi%2%E degrees", theta*180/PI);
        while(theta < PI/2) theta += PI;
        while(theta > PI/2) theta -= PI; 
        Printf(false, "      or angle = %Fi%2%E (mod 180)", theta*180/PI);

        if(fabs(theta) < 0.01) {
            double d = (p1.Minus(p0)).Dot(n0);
            Printf(true,  "      distance = %Fi%s", SS.MmToString(d));
    } else if(gs.n == 0 && gs.stylables > 0) {
        Printf(false, "%FtSELECTED:%E comment text");
    } else if(gs.n == 0 && gs.constraints == 1) {
        Printf(false, "%FtSELECTED:%E %s",
    } else {
        int n = SS.GW.selection.n;
        Printf(false, "%FtSELECTED:%E %d item%s", n, n == 1 ? "" : "s");

    if(shown.screen == SCREEN_STYLE_INFO && >= Style::FIRST_CUSTOM && gs.stylables > 0)
        // If we are showing a screen for a particular style, then offer the
        // option to assign our selected entities to that style.
        Style *s = Style::Get(;
        Printf(true, "%Fl%D%f%Ll(assign to style %s)%E",
    // If any of the selected entities have an assigned style, then offer
    // the option to remove that style.
    bool styleAssigned = false;
    for(i = 0; i < gs.entities; i++) {
        Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[i]);
        if(e->style.v != 0) {
            styleAssigned = true;
    for(i = 0; i < gs.constraints; i++) {
        Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(gs.constraint[i]);
        if(c->type == Constraint::COMMENT && c-> != 0) {
            styleAssigned = true;
    if(styleAssigned) {
        Printf(true, "%Fl%D%f%Ll(remove assigned style)%E",

    Printf(true, "%Fl%f%Ll(unselect all)%E", &TextWindow::ScreenUnselectAll);