Esempio n. 1
void WorldSession::SendLfgBootPlayer()
    if (!sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_LFG_ENABLE))
        DEBUG_LOG("SendLfgBootPlayer %u failed - Dungeon finder disabled", GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid().GetCounter());
    Group* pGroup = GetPlayer()->GetGroup();

    if (!pGroup)
        sLog.outError("ERROR:SendLfgBootPlayer %u failed - player not in group!", GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid().GetCounter());

    ObjectGuid guid = GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid();
    LFGAnswerMap* votes = pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetBootMap();

    if (votes->empty())
        sLog.outError("ERROR:SendLfgBootPlayer %u failed - votes map is empty!", GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid().GetCounter());

    LFGAnswer playerVote = votes->find(guid)->second;
    uint8 votesNum = 0;
    uint8 agreeNum = 0;
    uint32 secsleft = uint8(pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetBootCancelTime() - time(NULL));

    bool isBootContinued = (pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetBootResult() == LFG_ANSWER_PENDING);

    for (LFGAnswerMap::const_iterator itr = votes->begin(); itr != votes->end(); ++itr)
        if (itr->second != LFG_ANSWER_PENDING)
            if (itr->second == LFG_ANSWER_AGREE)

    DEBUG_LOG("SMSG_LFG_BOOT_PLAYER %u   didVote: %u - agree: %u - victim: %u votes: %u - agrees: %u - left: %u - needed: %u - reason %s",
    GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid().GetCounter(), uint8(playerVote != LFG_ANSWER_PENDING), uint8(playerVote == LFG_ANSWER_AGREE), pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetBootVictim().GetCounter(), votesNum, agreeNum, secsleft, pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetVotesNeeded(), pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetBootReason().c_str());
    WorldPacket data(SMSG_LFG_BOOT_PLAYER, 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetBootReason().length()+1);
    data << uint8(isBootContinued);                           // Vote in progress
    data << uint8(playerVote != LFG_ANSWER_PENDING);          // Did Vote
    data << uint8(playerVote == LFG_ANSWER_AGREE);            // Agree
    data << pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetBootVictim();      // Victim GUID
    data << uint32(votesNum);                                 // Total Votes
    data << uint32(agreeNum);                                 // Agree Count
    data << uint32(secsleft);                                 // Time Left
    data << uint32(pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetVotesNeeded());   // Needed Votes
    data << pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetBootReason().c_str();    // Kick reason
Esempio n. 2
void WorldSession::SendLfgRoleCheckUpdate()
    if (!sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_LFG_ENABLE))
        DEBUG_LOG("SendLfgRoleCheckUpdate %u failed - Dungeon finder disabled", GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid().GetCounter());

    Group* pGroup = GetPlayer()->GetGroup();

    if (!pGroup)

    LFGDungeonSet const* dungeons = pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetDungeons();

    if (!dungeons)

    DEBUG_LOG("SMSG_LFG_ROLE_CHECK_UPDATE %u, dugeons size " SIZEFMTD, GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid().GetCounter(), dungeons->size());

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_LFG_ROLE_CHECK_UPDATE, 4 + 1 + 1 + dungeons->size() * 4 + 1 + pGroup->GetMembersCount() * (8 + 1 + 4 + 1));

    data << uint32(pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetRoleCheckState());                     // Check result
    data << uint8(pGroup->GetLFGGroupState()->GetRoleCheckState() == LFG_ROLECHECK_INITIALITING);
    data << uint8(dungeons->size());                                               // Number of dungeons

    if (dungeons->size())
        for (LFGDungeonSet::const_iterator itr = dungeons->begin(); itr != dungeons->end(); ++itr)
            data << uint32(*itr ? (*itr)->Entry() : 0); // Dungeon Entry

    data << uint8(pGroup->GetMembersCount());               // Players in group
    if (pGroup->GetMembersCount())
        // Leader info MUST be sent 1st :S
        ObjectGuid leaderguid = pGroup->GetLeaderGuid();
        Player* pLeader = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(leaderguid);
        LFGRoleMask roles = LFG_ROLE_MASK_NONE;
        uint8 leaderLevel = 1;
        if (pLeader)
            roles = pLeader->GetLFGPlayerState()->GetRoles();
            leaderLevel = pLeader->getLevel();
        data << leaderguid;                                                  // Guid
        data << uint8(roles != LFG_ROLE_MASK_NONE);                          // Ready
        data << uint32(roles);                                               // Roles
        data << uint8(leaderLevel);                                          // Level

        for (GroupReference* itr = pGroup->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next())
            if (Player* pGroupMember = itr->getSource())
                ObjectGuid guid = pGroupMember->GetObjectGuid();
                // Leader data handle first
                if (guid == leaderguid)

                roles = pGroupMember->GetLFGPlayerState()->GetRoles();
                data << guid;                                                    // Guid
                data << uint8(roles != LFG_ROLE_MASK_NONE);                      // Ready
                data << uint32(roles);                                           // Roles
                data << uint8(pGroupMember->getLevel());                         // Level