Esempio n. 1
void ProcessingInstruction::checkStyleSheet()
    if (m_target == "xml-stylesheet" && document().frame() && parentNode() == &document()) {
        // see
        // ### support stylesheet included in a fragment of this (or another) document
        // ### make sure this gets called when adding from javascript
        bool attrsOk;
        const HashMap<String, String> attrs = parseAttributes(data(), attrsOk);
        if (!attrsOk)
        HashMap<String, String>::const_iterator i = attrs.find("type");
        String type;
        if (i != attrs.end())
            type = i->value;

        m_isCSS = type.isEmpty() || type == "text/css";
        m_isXSL = (type == "text/xml" || type == "text/xsl" || type == "application/xml" ||
                   type == "application/xhtml+xml" || type == "application/rss+xml" || type == "application/atom+xml");
        if (!m_isCSS && !m_isXSL)
        if (!m_isCSS)

        String href = attrs.get("href");
        String alternate = attrs.get("alternate");
        m_alternate = alternate == "yes";
        m_title = attrs.get("title");
        m_media = attrs.get("media");

        if (m_alternate && m_title.isEmpty())

        if (href.length() > 1 && href[0] == '#') {
            m_localHref = href.substring(1);
            // We need to make a synthetic XSLStyleSheet that is embedded.  It needs to be able
            // to kick off import/include loads that can hang off some parent sheet.
            if (m_isXSL) {
                URL finalURL(ParsedURLString, m_localHref);
                m_sheet = XSLStyleSheet::createEmbedded(this, finalURL);
                m_loading = false;
        } else {
            if (m_cachedSheet) {
                m_cachedSheet = nullptr;

            String url = document().completeURL(href).string();
            if (!dispatchBeforeLoadEvent(url))

            m_loading = true;

            if (m_isXSL) {
                auto options = CachedResourceLoader::defaultCachedResourceOptions();
                options.mode = FetchOptions::Mode::SameOrigin;
                m_cachedSheet = document().cachedResourceLoader().requestXSLStyleSheet({ResourceRequest(document().completeURL(href)), options});
            } else
                String charset = attrs.get("charset");
                CachedResourceRequest request(document().completeURL(href), CachedResourceLoader::defaultCachedResourceOptions(), std::nullopt, charset.isEmpty() ? document().charset() : WTFMove(charset));

                m_cachedSheet = document().cachedResourceLoader().requestCSSStyleSheet(WTFMove(request));
            if (m_cachedSheet)
            else {
                // The request may have been denied if (for example) the stylesheet is local and the document is remote.
                m_loading = false;
                if (m_isXSL)
Esempio n. 2
static void compileStub(
    unsigned exitID, JITCode* jitCode, OSRExit& exit, VM* vm, CodeBlock* codeBlock)
    StackMaps::Record* record = nullptr;
    for (unsigned i = jitCode->stackmaps.records.size(); i--;) {
        record = &jitCode->stackmaps.records[i];
        if (record->patchpointID == exit.m_stackmapID)
    RELEASE_ASSERT(record->patchpointID == exit.m_stackmapID);
    // This code requires framePointerRegister is the same as callFrameRegister
    static_assert(MacroAssembler::framePointerRegister == GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, "MacroAssembler::framePointerRegister and GPRInfo::callFrameRegister must be the same");

    CCallHelpers jit(vm, codeBlock);
    // We need scratch space to save all registers, to build up the JS stack, to deal with unwind
    // fixup, pointers to all of the objects we materialize, and the elements inside those objects
    // that we materialize.
    // Figure out how much space we need for those object allocations.
    unsigned numMaterializations = 0;
    size_t maxMaterializationNumArguments = 0;
    for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations) {
        maxMaterializationNumArguments = std::max(
    ScratchBuffer* scratchBuffer = vm->scratchBufferForSize(
        sizeof(EncodedJSValue) * (
            exit.m_values.size() + numMaterializations + maxMaterializationNumArguments) +
        requiredScratchMemorySizeInBytes() +
        codeBlock->calleeSaveRegisters()->size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
    EncodedJSValue* scratch = scratchBuffer ? static_cast<EncodedJSValue*>(scratchBuffer->dataBuffer()) : 0;
    EncodedJSValue* materializationPointers = scratch + exit.m_values.size();
    EncodedJSValue* materializationArguments = materializationPointers + numMaterializations;
    char* registerScratch = bitwise_cast<char*>(materializationArguments + maxMaterializationNumArguments);
    uint64_t* unwindScratch = bitwise_cast<uint64_t*>(registerScratch + requiredScratchMemorySizeInBytes());
    HashMap<ExitTimeObjectMaterialization*, EncodedJSValue*> materializationToPointer;
    unsigned materializationCount = 0;
    for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations) {
            materialization, materializationPointers + materializationCount++);
    // Note that we come in here, the stack used to be as LLVM left it except that someone called pushToSave().
    // We don't care about the value they saved. But, we do appreciate the fact that they did it, because we use
    // that slot for saveAllRegisters().

    saveAllRegisters(jit, registerScratch);
    // Bring the stack back into a sane form and assert that it's sane.
    if (vm->m_perBytecodeProfiler && codeBlock->jitCode()->dfgCommon()->compilation) {
        Profiler::Database& database = *vm->m_perBytecodeProfiler;
        Profiler::Compilation* compilation = codeBlock->jitCode()->dfgCommon()->compilation.get();
        Profiler::OSRExit* profilerExit = compilation->addOSRExit(
            exitID, Profiler::OriginStack(database, codeBlock, exit.m_codeOrigin),
            exit.m_kind, exit.m_kind == UncountableInvalidation);
        jit.add64(CCallHelpers::TrustedImm32(1), CCallHelpers::AbsoluteAddress(profilerExit->counterAddress()));

    // The remaining code assumes that SP/FP are in the same state that they were in the FTL's
    // call frame.
    // Get the call frame and tag thingies.
    // Restore the exiting function's callFrame value into a regT4
    jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(TagTypeNumber), GPRInfo::tagTypeNumberRegister);
    jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(TagMask), GPRInfo::tagMaskRegister);
    // Do some value profiling.
    if (exit.m_profileDataFormat != DataFormatNone) {
        record->locations[0].restoreInto(jit, jitCode->stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT0);
            exit.m_profileDataFormat, jit, GPRInfo::regT0, GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT2);
        if (exit.m_kind == BadCache || exit.m_kind == BadIndexingType) {
            CodeOrigin codeOrigin = exit.m_codeOriginForExitProfile;
            if (ArrayProfile* arrayProfile = jit.baselineCodeBlockFor(codeOrigin)->getArrayProfile(codeOrigin.bytecodeIndex)) {
                jit.load32(MacroAssembler::Address(GPRInfo::regT0, JSCell::structureIDOffset()), GPRInfo::regT1);
                jit.store32(GPRInfo::regT1, arrayProfile->addressOfLastSeenStructureID());
                jit.load8(MacroAssembler::Address(GPRInfo::regT0, JSCell::indexingTypeOffset()), GPRInfo::regT1);
                jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32(1), GPRInfo::regT2);
                jit.lshift32(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT2);
                jit.or32(GPRInfo::regT2, MacroAssembler::AbsoluteAddress(arrayProfile->addressOfArrayModes()));

        if (!!exit.m_valueProfile)
            jit.store64(GPRInfo::regT0, exit.m_valueProfile.getSpecFailBucket(0));

    // Materialize all objects. Don't materialize an object until all
    // of the objects it needs have been materialized. We break cycles
    // by populating objects late - we only consider an object as
    // needing another object if the later is needed for the
    // allocation of the former.

    HashSet<ExitTimeObjectMaterialization*> toMaterialize;
    for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations)

    while (!toMaterialize.isEmpty()) {
        unsigned previousToMaterializeSize = toMaterialize.size();

        Vector<ExitTimeObjectMaterialization*> worklist;
        worklist.appendRange(toMaterialize.begin(), toMaterialize.end());
        for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : worklist) {
            // Check if we can do anything about this right now.
            bool allGood = true;
            for (ExitPropertyValue value : materialization->properties()) {
                if (!value.value().isObjectMaterialization())
                if (!value.location().neededForMaterialization())
                if (toMaterialize.contains(value.value().objectMaterialization())) {
                    // Gotta skip this one, since it needs a
                    // materialization that hasn't been materialized.
                    allGood = false;
            if (!allGood)

            // All systems go for materializing the object. First we
            // recover the values of all of its fields and then we
            // call a function to actually allocate the beast.
            // We only recover the fields that are needed for the allocation.
            for (unsigned propertyIndex = materialization->properties().size(); propertyIndex--;) {
                const ExitPropertyValue& property = materialization->properties()[propertyIndex];
                const ExitValue& value = property.value();
                if (!property.location().neededForMaterialization())

                    jit, value, record, jitCode->stackmaps, registerScratch,
                jit.storePtr(GPRInfo::regT0, materializationArguments + propertyIndex);
            // This call assumes that we don't pass arguments on the stack.
            jit.move(CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(bitwise_cast<void*>(operationMaterializeObjectInOSR)), GPRInfo::nonArgGPR0);
            jit.storePtr(GPRInfo::returnValueGPR, materializationToPointer.get(materialization));

            // Let everyone know that we're done.
        // We expect progress! This ensures that we crash rather than looping infinitely if there
        // is something broken about this fixpoint. Or, this could happen if we ever violate the
        // "materializations form a DAG" rule.
        RELEASE_ASSERT(toMaterialize.size() < previousToMaterializeSize);

    // Now that all the objects have been allocated, we populate them
    // with the correct values. This time we can recover all the
    // fields, including those that are only needed for the allocation.
    for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations) {
        for (unsigned propertyIndex = materialization->properties().size(); propertyIndex--;) {
            const ExitValue& value = materialization->properties()[propertyIndex].value();
                jit, value, record, jitCode->stackmaps, registerScratch,
            jit.storePtr(GPRInfo::regT0, materializationArguments + propertyIndex);

        // This call assumes that we don't pass arguments on the stack
        jit.move(CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(bitwise_cast<void*>(operationPopulateObjectInOSR)), GPRInfo::nonArgGPR0);;

    // Save all state from wherever the exit data tells us it was, into the appropriate place in
    // the scratch buffer. This also does the reboxing.
    for (unsigned index = exit.m_values.size(); index--;) {
            jit, exit.m_values[index], record, jitCode->stackmaps, registerScratch,
        jit.store64(GPRInfo::regT0, scratch + index);
    // Henceforth we make it look like the exiting function was called through a register
    // preservation wrapper. This implies that FP must be nudged down by a certain amount. Then
    // we restore the various things according to either exit.m_values or by copying from the
    // old frame, and finally we save the various callee-save registers into where the
    // restoration thunk would restore them from.
    // Before we start messing with the frame, we need to set aside any registers that the
    // FTL code was preserving.
    for (unsigned i = codeBlock->calleeSaveRegisters()->size(); i--;) {
        RegisterAtOffset entry = codeBlock->calleeSaveRegisters()->at(i);
            MacroAssembler::Address(MacroAssembler::framePointerRegister, entry.offset()),
        jit.store64(GPRInfo::regT0, unwindScratch + i);
    jit.load32(CCallHelpers::payloadFor(JSStack::ArgumentCount), GPRInfo::regT2);
    // Let's say that the FTL function had failed its arity check. In that case, the stack will
    // contain some extra stuff.
    // We compute the padded stack space:
    //     paddedStackSpace = roundUp(codeBlock->numParameters - regT2 + 1)
    // The stack will have regT2 + CallFrameHeaderSize stuff.
    // We want to make the stack look like this, from higher addresses down:
    //     - argument padding
    //     - actual arguments
    //     - call frame header

    // This code assumes that we're dealing with FunctionCode.
    RELEASE_ASSERT(codeBlock->codeType() == FunctionCode);
        MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32(-codeBlock->numParameters()), GPRInfo::regT2,
    MacroAssembler::Jump arityIntact = jit.branch32(
        MacroAssembler::GreaterThanOrEqual, GPRInfo::regT3, MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32(0));
    jit.add32(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32(1 + stackAlignmentRegisters() - 1), GPRInfo::regT3);
    jit.and32(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32(-stackAlignmentRegisters()), GPRInfo::regT3);
    jit.add32(GPRInfo::regT3, GPRInfo::regT2);;

    CodeBlock* baselineCodeBlock = jit.baselineCodeBlockFor(exit.m_codeOrigin);

    // First set up SP so that our data doesn't get clobbered by signals.
    unsigned conservativeStackDelta =
        (exit.m_values.numberOfLocals() + baselineCodeBlock->calleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters()) * sizeof(Register) +
    conservativeStackDelta = WTF::roundUpToMultipleOf(
        stackAlignmentBytes(), conservativeStackDelta);
        MacroAssembler::framePointerRegister, MacroAssembler::stackPointerRegister);

    RegisterSet allFTLCalleeSaves = RegisterSet::ftlCalleeSaveRegisters();
    RegisterAtOffsetList* baselineCalleeSaves = baselineCodeBlock->calleeSaveRegisters();

    for (Reg reg = Reg::first(); reg <= Reg::last(); reg = {
        if (!allFTLCalleeSaves.get(reg))
        unsigned unwindIndex = codeBlock->calleeSaveRegisters()->indexOf(reg);
        RegisterAtOffset* baselineRegisterOffset = baselineCalleeSaves->find(reg);

        if (reg.isGPR()) {
            GPRReg regToLoad = baselineRegisterOffset ? GPRInfo::regT0 : reg.gpr();

            if (unwindIndex == UINT_MAX) {
                // The FTL compilation didn't preserve this register. This means that it also
                // didn't use the register. So its value at the beginning of OSR exit should be
                // preserved by the thunk. Luckily, we saved all registers into the register
                // scratch buffer, so we can restore them from there.
                jit.load64(registerScratch + offsetOfReg(reg), regToLoad);
            } else {
                // The FTL compilation preserved the register. Its new value is therefore
                // irrelevant, but we can get the value that was preserved by using the unwind
                // data. We've already copied all unwind-able preserved registers into the unwind
                // scratch buffer, so we can get it from there.
                jit.load64(unwindScratch + unwindIndex, regToLoad);

            if (baselineRegisterOffset)
                jit.store64(regToLoad, MacroAssembler::Address(MacroAssembler::framePointerRegister, baselineRegisterOffset->offset()));
        } else {
            FPRReg fpRegToLoad = baselineRegisterOffset ? FPRInfo::fpRegT0 : reg.fpr();

            if (unwindIndex == UINT_MAX)
                jit.loadDouble(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(registerScratch + offsetOfReg(reg)), fpRegToLoad);
                jit.loadDouble(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(unwindScratch + unwindIndex), fpRegToLoad);

            if (baselineRegisterOffset)
                jit.storeDouble(fpRegToLoad, MacroAssembler::Address(MacroAssembler::framePointerRegister, baselineRegisterOffset->offset()));

    size_t baselineVirtualRegistersForCalleeSaves = baselineCodeBlock->calleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters();

    // Now get state out of the scratch buffer and place it back into the stack. The values are
    // already reboxed so we just move them.
    for (unsigned index = exit.m_values.size(); index--;) {
        VirtualRegister reg = exit.m_values.virtualRegisterForIndex(index);

        if (reg.isLocal() && reg.toLocal() < static_cast<int>(baselineVirtualRegistersForCalleeSaves))

        jit.load64(scratch + index, GPRInfo::regT0);
        jit.store64(GPRInfo::regT0, AssemblyHelpers::addressFor(reg));
    handleExitCounts(jit, exit);
    reifyInlinedCallFrames(jit, exit);
    adjustAndJumpToTarget(jit, exit, false);
    LinkBuffer patchBuffer(*vm, jit, codeBlock);
    exit.m_code = FINALIZE_CODE_IF(
        shouldDumpDisassembly() || Options::verboseOSR() || Options::verboseFTLOSRExit(),
        ("FTL OSR exit #%u (%s, %s) from %s, with operands = %s, and record = %s",
            exitID, toCString(exit.m_codeOrigin).data(),
            exitKindToString(exit.m_kind), toCString(*codeBlock).data(),
Esempio n. 3
static void compileRecovery(
    CCallHelpers& jit, const ExitValue& value, StackMaps::Record* record, StackMaps& stackmaps,
    char* registerScratch,
    const HashMap<ExitTimeObjectMaterialization*, EncodedJSValue*>& materializationToPointer)
    switch (value.kind()) {
    case ExitValueDead:
        jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(JSValue::encode(jsUndefined())), GPRInfo::regT0);
    case ExitValueConstant:
        jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(JSValue::encode(value.constant())), GPRInfo::regT0);
    case ExitValueArgument:
            jit, stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT0);
    case ExitValueInJSStack:
    case ExitValueInJSStackAsInt32:
    case ExitValueInJSStackAsInt52:
    case ExitValueInJSStackAsDouble:
        jit.load64(AssemblyHelpers::addressFor(value.virtualRegister()), GPRInfo::regT0);
    case ExitValueRecovery:
            jit, stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT1);
            jit, stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT0);
        switch (value.recoveryOpcode()) {
        case AddRecovery:
            switch (value.recoveryFormat()) {
            case DataFormatInt32:
                jit.add32(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
            case DataFormatInt52:
                jit.add64(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
        case SubRecovery:
            switch (value.recoveryFormat()) {
            case DataFormatInt32:
                jit.sub32(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
            case DataFormatInt52:
                jit.sub64(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
    case ExitValueMaterializeNewObject:
        jit.loadPtr(materializationToPointer.get(value.objectMaterialization()), GPRInfo::regT0);
        value.dataFormat(), jit, GPRInfo::regT0, GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT2);
void SamplingTool::dump(ExecState* exec)
    // Tidies up SunSpider output by removing short scripts - such a small number of samples would likely not be useful anyhow.
    if (m_sampleCount < 10)
    // (1) Build and sort 'opcodeSampleInfo' array.

    OpcodeSampleInfo opcodeSampleInfo[numOpcodeIDs];
    for (int i = 0; i < numOpcodeIDs; ++i) {
        opcodeSampleInfo[i].opcode = static_cast<OpcodeID>(i);
        opcodeSampleInfo[i].count = m_opcodeSamples[i];
        opcodeSampleInfo[i].countInCTIFunctions = m_opcodeSamplesInCTIFunctions[i];

    qsort(opcodeSampleInfo, numOpcodeIDs, sizeof(OpcodeSampleInfo), compareOpcodeIndicesSampling);

    // (2) Print Opcode sampling results.

    printf("\nOpcode samples [*]\n");
    printf("                             sample   %% of       %% of     |   cti     cti %%\n");
    printf("opcode                       count     VM        total    |  count   of self\n");
    printf("-------------------------------------------------------   |  ----------------\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < numOpcodeIDs; ++i) {
        long long count = opcodeSampleInfo[i].count;
        if (!count)

        OpcodeID opcode = opcodeSampleInfo[i].opcode;
        const char* opcodeName = opcodeNames[opcode];
        const char* opcodePadding = padOpcodeName(opcode, 28);
        double percentOfVM = (static_cast<double>(count) * 100) / m_opcodeSampleCount;
        double percentOfTotal = (static_cast<double>(count) * 100) / m_sampleCount;
        long long countInCTIFunctions = opcodeSampleInfo[i].countInCTIFunctions;
        double percentInCTIFunctions = (static_cast<double>(countInCTIFunctions) * 100) / count;
        fprintf(stdout, "%s:%s%-6lld %.3f%%\t%.3f%%\t  |   %-6lld %.3f%%\n", opcodeName, opcodePadding, count, percentOfVM, percentOfTotal, countInCTIFunctions, percentInCTIFunctions);
    printf("\n[*] Samples inside host code are not charged to any Opcode.\n\n");
    printf("\tSamples inside VM:\t\t%lld / %lld (%.3f%%)\n", m_opcodeSampleCount, m_sampleCount, (static_cast<double>(m_opcodeSampleCount) * 100) / m_sampleCount);
    printf("\tSamples inside host code:\t%lld / %lld (%.3f%%)\n\n", m_sampleCount - m_opcodeSampleCount, m_sampleCount, (static_cast<double>(m_sampleCount - m_opcodeSampleCount) * 100) / m_sampleCount);
    printf("\tsample count:\tsamples inside this opcode\n");
    printf("\t%% of VM:\tsample count / all opcode samples\n");
    printf("\t%% of total:\tsample count / all samples\n");
    printf("\tcti count:\tsamples inside a CTI function called by this opcode\n");
    printf("\tcti %% of self:\tcti count / sample count\n");
    // (3) Build and sort 'codeBlockSamples' array.

    int scopeCount = m_scopeSampleMap->size();
    Vector<ScopeSampleRecord*> codeBlockSamples(scopeCount);
    ScopeSampleRecordMap::iterator iter = m_scopeSampleMap->begin();
    for (int i = 0; i < scopeCount; ++i, ++iter)
        codeBlockSamples[i] = iter->second;

    qsort(codeBlockSamples.begin(), scopeCount, sizeof(ScopeSampleRecord*), compareScopeSampleRecords);

    // (4) Print data from 'codeBlockSamples' array.

    printf("\nCodeBlock samples\n\n"); 

    for (int i = 0; i < scopeCount; ++i) {
        ScopeSampleRecord* record = codeBlockSamples[i];
        CodeBlock* codeBlock = record->m_codeBlock;

        double blockPercent = (record->m_sampleCount * 100.0) / m_sampleCount;

        if (blockPercent >= 1) {
            Instruction* code = codeBlock->instructions.begin();
            printf("#%d: %s:%d: %d / %lld (%.3f%%)\n", i + 1, record->m_scope->sourceURL().UTF8String().c_str(), codeBlock->lineNumberForVPC(code), record->m_sampleCount, m_sampleCount, blockPercent);
            if (i < 10) {
                HashMap<unsigned,unsigned> lineCounts;

                printf("    Opcode and line number samples [*]\n\n");
                for (unsigned op = 0; op < record->m_size; ++op) {
                    int count = record->m_samples[op];
                    if (count) {
                        printf("    [% 4d] has sample count: % 4d\n", op, count);
                        unsigned line = codeBlock->lineNumberForVPC(code+op);
                        lineCounts.set(line, (lineCounts.contains(line) ? lineCounts.get(line) : 0) + count);

                int linesCount = lineCounts.size();
                Vector<LineCountInfo> lineCountInfo(linesCount);
                int lineno = 0;
                for (HashMap<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator iter = lineCounts.begin(); iter != lineCounts.end(); ++iter, ++lineno) {
                    lineCountInfo[lineno].line = iter->first;
                    lineCountInfo[lineno].count = iter->second;

                qsort(lineCountInfo.begin(), linesCount, sizeof(LineCountInfo), compareLineCountInfoSampling);

                for (lineno = 0; lineno < linesCount; ++lineno) {
                    printf("    Line #%d has sample count %d.\n", lineCountInfo[lineno].line, lineCountInfo[lineno].count);
                printf("    [*] Samples inside host code are charged to the calling Opcode.\n");
                printf("        Samples on a call / return boundary are not charged to a specific opcode or line.\n\n");
                printf("            Samples on a call / return boundary: %d / %d (%.3f%%)\n\n", record->m_sampleCount - record->m_opcodeSampleCount, record->m_sampleCount, (static_cast<double>(record->m_sampleCount - record->m_opcodeSampleCount) * 100) / record->m_sampleCount);
FontData* CSSFontSelector::getFontData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, const AtomicString& familyName)
    if (m_fontFaces.isEmpty()) {
        if (familyName.startsWith("-webkit-"))
            return fontDataForGenericFamily(m_document, fontDescription, familyName);
        return 0;

    String family = familyName.string();

    Vector<RefPtr<CSSFontFace> >* familyFontFaces = m_fontFaces.get(family);
    // If no face was found, then return 0 and let the OS come up with its best match for the name.
    if (!familyFontFaces || familyFontFaces->isEmpty()) {
        // If we were handed a generic family, but there was no match, go ahead and return the correct font based off our
        // settings.
        return fontDataForGenericFamily(m_document, fontDescription, familyName);

    HashMap<unsigned, RefPtr<CSSSegmentedFontFace> >* segmentedFontFaceCache = m_fonts.get(family);
    if (!segmentedFontFaceCache) {
        segmentedFontFaceCache = new HashMap<unsigned, RefPtr<CSSSegmentedFontFace> >;
        m_fonts.set(family, segmentedFontFaceCache);

    FontTraitsMask traitsMask = fontDescription.traitsMask();

    RefPtr<CSSSegmentedFontFace> face = segmentedFontFaceCache->get(traitsMask);

    if (!face) {
        face = CSSSegmentedFontFace::create(this);
        segmentedFontFaceCache->set(traitsMask, face);
        // Collect all matching faces and sort them in order of preference.
        Vector<CSSFontFace*, 32> candidateFontFaces;
        for (int i = familyFontFaces->size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            CSSFontFace* candidate = familyFontFaces->at(i).get();
            unsigned candidateTraitsMask = candidate->traitsMask();
            if ((traitsMask & FontStyleNormalMask) && !(candidateTraitsMask & FontStyleNormalMask))
            if ((traitsMask & FontVariantNormalMask) && !(candidateTraitsMask & FontVariantNormalMask))
            // For SVG Fonts that specify that they only support the "normal" variant, we will assume they are incapable
            // of small-caps synthesis and just ignore the font face as a candidate.
            if (candidate->hasSVGFontFaceSource() && (traitsMask & FontVariantSmallCapsMask) && !(candidateTraitsMask & FontVariantSmallCapsMask))

        if (Vector<RefPtr<CSSFontFace> >* familyLocallyInstalledFontFaces = m_locallyInstalledFontFaces.get(family)) {
            unsigned numLocallyInstalledFontFaces = familyLocallyInstalledFontFaces->size();
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < numLocallyInstalledFontFaces; ++i) {
                CSSFontFace* candidate = familyLocallyInstalledFontFaces->at(i).get();
                unsigned candidateTraitsMask = candidate->traitsMask();
                if ((traitsMask & FontStyleNormalMask) && !(candidateTraitsMask & FontStyleNormalMask))
                if ((traitsMask & FontVariantNormalMask) && !(candidateTraitsMask & FontVariantNormalMask))

        desiredTraitsMaskForComparison = traitsMask;
        std::stable_sort(candidateFontFaces.begin(), candidateFontFaces.end(), compareFontFaces);
        unsigned numCandidates = candidateFontFaces.size();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < numCandidates; ++i)

    // We have a face.  Ask it for a font data.  If it cannot produce one, it will fail, and the OS will take over.
    return face->getFontData(fontDescription);
Esempio n. 6
void HashMapTest::testPut() {

        HashMap<std::string, std::string> hashMap(101);
        hashMap.put("KEY", "VALUE");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Failed to install key/value pair",
                                     std::string("VALUE"), hashMap.get("KEY"));
        // Check my actual key instance is returned
        HashMap<int, std::string> map;
        for (int i = -32767; i < 32768; i++) {
            map.put(i, "foobar");
        int myKey = 0;
        // Put a new value at the old key position
        map.put(myKey, "myValue");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("myValue"), map.get(myKey));
        bool found = false;
        Set<int>& intSet = map.keySet();
        Pointer< Iterator<int> > itr(intSet.iterator());
        while (itr->hasNext()) {
            int key = itr->next();
            found = (key == myKey);
            if (found) {
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Should find new key instance in hashashMap", found);

        // Add a new key instance and check it is returned
        map.put(myKey, "myValue");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("myValue"), map.get(myKey));
        while (itr->hasNext()) {
            int key = itr->next();
            found = (key == myKey);
            if (found) {
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Did not find new key instance in hashashMap", found);
        // Ensure keys with identical hashcode are stored separately
        HashMap<MyKey, std::string> map;

        // Put non-equal object with same hashcode
        MyKey aKey;
        map.put(aKey, "value");
        MyKey aKey2;
                "Should have thrown NoSuchElementException",
        MyKey aKey3;
        map.put(aKey3, "foobar");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("foobar"), map.get(aKey3));
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("value"), map.get(aKey));
gpointer createHTMLElementWrapper(PassRefPtr<WebCore::HTMLElement> element)
    static HashMap<WTF::AtomicStringImpl*, CreateHTMLElementWrapperFunction> map;
    if (map.isEmpty()) {
       map.set(aTag.localName().impl(), createAnchorWrapper);
       map.set(appletTag.localName().impl(), createAppletWrapper);
       map.set(audioTag.localName().impl(), createAudioWrapper);
       map.set(areaTag.localName().impl(), createAreaWrapper);
       map.set(baseTag.localName().impl(), createBaseWrapper);
       map.set(basefontTag.localName().impl(), createBaseFontWrapper);
       map.set(blockquoteTag.localName().impl(), createBlockquoteWrapper);
       map.set(bodyTag.localName().impl(), createBodyWrapper);
       map.set(brTag.localName().impl(), createBRWrapper);
       map.set(buttonTag.localName().impl(), createButtonWrapper);
       map.set(canvasTag.localName().impl(), createCanvasWrapper);
       map.set(captionTag.localName().impl(), createTableCaptionWrapper);
       map.set(colTag.localName().impl(), createTableColWrapper);
       map.set(delTag.localName().impl(), createModWrapper);
       map.set(dirTag.localName().impl(), createDirectoryWrapper);
       map.set(divTag.localName().impl(), createDivWrapper);
       map.set(dlTag.localName().impl(), createDListWrapper);
       map.set(embedTag.localName().impl(), createEmbedWrapper);
       map.set(fieldsetTag.localName().impl(), createFieldSetWrapper);
       map.set(fontTag.localName().impl(), createFontWrapper);
       map.set(formTag.localName().impl(), createFormWrapper);
       map.set(frameTag.localName().impl(), createFrameWrapper);
       map.set(framesetTag.localName().impl(), createFrameSetWrapper);
       map.set(h1Tag.localName().impl(), createHeadingWrapper);
       map.set(headTag.localName().impl(), createHeadWrapper);
       map.set(hrTag.localName().impl(), createHRWrapper);
       map.set(htmlTag.localName().impl(), createHtmlWrapper);
       map.set(iframeTag.localName().impl(), createIFrameWrapper);
       map.set(imgTag.localName().impl(), createImageWrapper);
       map.set(inputTag.localName().impl(), createInputWrapper);
       map.set(isindexTag.localName().impl(), createIsIndexWrapper);
       map.set(labelTag.localName().impl(), createLabelWrapper);
       map.set(legendTag.localName().impl(), createLegendWrapper);
       map.set(liTag.localName().impl(), createLIWrapper);
       map.set(linkTag.localName().impl(), createLinkWrapper);
       map.set(mapTag.localName().impl(), createMapWrapper);
       map.set(marqueeTag.localName().impl(), createMarqueeWrapper);
       map.set(menuTag.localName().impl(), createMenuWrapper);
       map.set(metaTag.localName().impl(), createMetaWrapper);
       map.set(objectTag.localName().impl(), createObjectWrapper);
       map.set(olTag.localName().impl(), createOListWrapper);
       map.set(optgroupTag.localName().impl(), createOptGroupWrapper);
       map.set(optionTag.localName().impl(), createOptionWrapper);
       map.set(pTag.localName().impl(), createParagraphWrapper);
       map.set(paramTag.localName().impl(), createParamWrapper);
       map.set(preTag.localName().impl(), createPreWrapper);
       map.set(qTag.localName().impl(), createQuoteWrapper);
       map.set(scriptTag.localName().impl(), createScriptWrapper);
       map.set(selectTag.localName().impl(), createSelectWrapper);
       map.set(styleTag.localName().impl(), createStyleWrapper);
       map.set(tableTag.localName().impl(), createTableWrapper);
       map.set(tbodyTag.localName().impl(), createTableSectionWrapper);
       map.set(tdTag.localName().impl(), createTableCellWrapper);
       map.set(textareaTag.localName().impl(), createTextAreaWrapper);
       map.set(titleTag.localName().impl(), createTitleWrapper);
       map.set(trTag.localName().impl(), createTableRowWrapper);
       map.set(ulTag.localName().impl(), createUListWrapper);
       map.set(colgroupTag.localName().impl(), createTableColWrapper);
       map.set(h2Tag.localName().impl(), createHeadingWrapper);
       map.set(h3Tag.localName().impl(), createHeadingWrapper);
       map.set(h4Tag.localName().impl(), createHeadingWrapper);
       map.set(h5Tag.localName().impl(), createHeadingWrapper);
       map.set(h6Tag.localName().impl(), createHeadingWrapper);
       map.set(imageTag.localName().impl(), createImageWrapper);
       map.set(insTag.localName().impl(), createModWrapper);
       map.set(keygenTag.localName().impl(), createSelectWrapper);
       map.set(listingTag.localName().impl(), createPreWrapper);
       map.set(tfootTag.localName().impl(), createTableSectionWrapper);
       map.set(thTag.localName().impl(), createTableCellWrapper);
       map.set(theadTag.localName().impl(), createTableSectionWrapper);
       map.set(xmpTag.localName().impl(), createPreWrapper);

    CreateHTMLElementWrapperFunction createWrapperFunction =
    if (createWrapperFunction)
        return createWrapperFunction(element);
    return wrapHTMLElement(element.get());
static CFStringRef getPostScriptName(CFStringRef faceName, HDC dc)
    const DWORD cMaxNameTableSize = 1024 * 1024;

    static HashMap<String, RetainPtr<CFStringRef> > nameMap;

    // Check our hash first.
    String faceString(faceName);
    RetainPtr<CFStringRef> result = nameMap.get(faceString);
    if (result)
        return result.get();

    // We need to obtain the PostScript name from the name table and use it instead,.
    DWORD bufferSize = GetFontData(dc, 'eman', 0, NULL, 0); // "name" backwards
    if (bufferSize == 0 || bufferSize == GDI_ERROR || bufferSize > cMaxNameTableSize)
        return NULL;
    Vector<BYTE> bufferVector(bufferSize);
    BYTE* buffer =;
    if (GetFontData(dc, 'eman', 0, buffer, bufferSize) == GDI_ERROR)
        return NULL;

    if (bufferSize < 6)
        return NULL;

    USHORT numberOfRecords = readBigEndianWord(buffer + 2);
    UINT stringsOffset = readBigEndianWord(buffer + 4);
    if (bufferSize < stringsOffset)
        return NULL;

    BYTE* strings = buffer + stringsOffset;

    // Now walk each name record looking for a Mac or Windows PostScript name.
    UINT offset = 6;
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRecords; i++) {
        if (bufferSize < offset + 12)
            return NULL;

        USHORT platformID = readBigEndianWord(buffer + offset);
        USHORT encodingID = readBigEndianWord(buffer + offset + 2);
        USHORT languageID = readBigEndianWord(buffer + offset + 4);
        USHORT nameID = readBigEndianWord(buffer + offset + 6);
        USHORT length = readBigEndianWord(buffer + offset + 8);
        USHORT nameOffset = readBigEndianWord(buffer + offset + 10);

        if (platformID == 3 && encodingID == 1 && languageID == 0x409 && nameID == 6) {
            // This is a Windows PostScript name and is therefore UTF-16.
            // Pass Big Endian as the encoding.
            if (bufferSize < stringsOffset + nameOffset + length)
                return NULL;
            result.adoptCF(CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, strings + nameOffset, length, kCFStringEncodingUTF16BE, false));
        } else if (platformID == 1 && encodingID == 0 && languageID == 0 && nameID == 6) {
            // This is a Mac PostScript name and is therefore ASCII.
            // See
            if (bufferSize < stringsOffset + nameOffset + length)
                return NULL;
            result.adoptCF(CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, strings + nameOffset, length, kCFStringEncodingASCII, false));

        offset += 12;

    if (result)
        nameMap.set(faceString, result);
    return result.get();