Esempio n. 1
bool setInstrumentPitch( int instrumentNumber, int value )
	//helper function to set cutOff levels

	Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	Song *song = engine->getSong();
	InstrumentList *instrList = song->get_instrument_list();
	Instrument *instr = instrList->get( instrumentNumber );
	if ( instr == NULL) return false;

	if( value < 63 ){
		instr->set_instrument_pitch( (float) ((value-62) / 62.0 * MAX_INSTRUMENT_PITCH ) );
	} else if ( value > 64 ) {
		instr->set_instrument_pitch( (float) ((value-65) / 62.0 * MAX_INSTRUMENT_PITCH ) );
	} else {
		instr->set_instrument_pitch( 0 );

	Hydrogen::get_instance()->setSelectedInstrumentNumber( instrList->index(instr) );

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
void PatternEditorPanel::moveUpBtnClicked(Button *)
	Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	int nSelectedInstrument = engine->getSelectedInstrumentNumber();

	AudioEngine::get_instance()->lock( RIGHT_HERE );

	Song *pSong = engine->getSong();
	InstrumentList *pInstrumentList = pSong->get_instrument_list();

	if ( ( nSelectedInstrument - 1 ) >= 0 ) {
		pInstrumentList->swap( nSelectedInstrument -1, nSelectedInstrument );

		engine->setSelectedInstrumentNumber( nSelectedInstrument - 1 );

		pSong->set_is_modified( true );
	else {
Esempio n. 3
bool setAbsoluteFXLevel( int nLine, int fx_channel , int fx_param)
	//helper function to set fx levels

	Hydrogen::get_instance()->setSelectedInstrumentNumber( nLine );

	Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	Song *song = engine->getSong();
	InstrumentList *instrList = song->get_instrument_list();
	Instrument *instr = instrList->get( nLine );
	if ( instr == NULL) return false;

	if( fx_param != 0 ){
		instr->set_fx_level(  ( (float) (fx_param / 127.0 ) ), fx_channel );
	} else {
		instr->set_fx_level( 0 , fx_channel );


	return true;
Esempio n. 4
void JackOutput::jack_session_callback_impl(jack_session_event_t *event)
	INFOLOG("jack session calback");
	enum session_events{

	Hydrogen* H = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	Song* S = H->getSong();
	Preferences* P = Preferences::get_instance();
	EventQueue* EQ = EventQueue::get_instance();

	jack_session_event_t *ev = (jack_session_event_t *) event;

	QString jackSessionDirectory = (QString) ev->session_dir;
	QString retval = P->getJackSessionApplicationPath() + " --jacksessionid " + ev->client_uuid;

	/* Playlist mode */
	if ( H->m_PlayList.size() > 0 ) {
		Playlist* PL = Playlist::get_instance();

		if ( PL->get_filename().isEmpty() ) PL->set_filename( "untitled.h2playlist" );

		QString FileName = baseName ( PL->get_filename() );
		FileName.replace ( QString(" "), QString("_") );
		retval += " -p \"${SESSION_DIR}" + FileName + "\"";

		/* Copy all songs to Session Directory and update playlist */
		SongReader reader;
		for ( uint i = 0; i < H->m_PlayList.size(); ++i ) {
			QString BaseName = baseName ( H->m_PlayList[i].m_hFile );
			QString newName = jackSessionDirectory + BaseName;
			QString SongPath = reader.getPath ( H->m_PlayList[i].m_hFile );
			if ( SongPath != NULL && QFile::copy ( SongPath, newName ) ) {
				/* Keep only filename on list for relative read */
				H->m_PlayList[i].m_hFile = BaseName;
			} else {
				/* Note - we leave old path in playlist */
				ERRORLOG ( "Can't copy " + H->m_PlayList[i].m_hFile + " to " + newName );
				ev->flags = JackSessionSaveError;

		/* Save updated playlist */
		if ( ! PL->save ( jackSessionDirectory + FileName ) )
			ev->flags = JackSessionSaveError;
		/* Song Mode */
	} else {
		/* Valid Song is needed */
		if ( S->get_filename().isEmpty() ) S->set_filename("untitled.h2song");

		QString FileName = baseName ( S->get_filename() );
		FileName.replace ( QString(" "), QString("_") );
		S->set_filename(jackSessionDirectory + FileName);

		/* SongReader will look into SESSION DIR anyway */
		retval += " -s \"" + FileName + "\"";

		switch (ev->type) {
			case JackSessionSave:
			case JackSessionSaveAndQuit:
				ERRORLOG( "JackSession: Unknown event type" );
				ev->flags = JackSessionSaveError;

	ev->command_line = strdup( retval.toUtf8().constData() );
	jack_session_reply (client, ev );
	jack_session_event_free (ev);
void JackAudioDriver::relocateBBT()
	Preferences* pPref = Preferences::get_instance();

	// If Hydrogen itself is the JACK timebase master, this
	// function is not relevant.
	if ( m_transport.m_status != TransportInfo::ROLLING
	  || pPref->m_bJackMasterMode == Preferences::USE_JACK_TIME_MASTER
	  || ! ( m_JackTransportPos.valid & JackPositionBBT )
	) {
		// WARNINGLOG( "Relocate: Call it off" );

	// WARNINGLOG( "Relocate..." );

	Hydrogen * H = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	Song * S = H->getSong();

	// m_JackTransportPos.beat_type contains the denominator of
	// the time signature and is given in number of ticks per
	// quarter. Thus, hydrogen_TPB contains the number of beats
	// per denominator of the JACK time signature. (Ticks per bar)
	float hydrogen_TPB = ( float )( S->__resolution / m_JackTransportPos.beat_type * 4 );

	long bar_ticks = 0;
	//long beat_ticks = 0;
	if ( S->get_mode() == Song::SONG_MODE ) {
		// accesses the current bar at
		// the transport position. (Reasonable?) assumption
		// that one pattern is _always_ 1 bar long!
		bar_ticks = H->getTickForPosition(  );
		// If a tick corresponding to the position of the
		// current bar-1 could not be found, we will use the
		// tick at the very beginning of the song instead.
		if ( bar_ticks < 0 ) bar_ticks = 0;

	// m_JackTransportPos.beat refers to the current beat within a
	// bar, m_JackTransportPos.tick to the current tick within a
	// beat, and m_JackTransportPos.ticks_per_beat to the number
	// of ticks per beat.
	// Using hydrogen_TPB as conversion factor, the relocation
	// position in ticks will be calculated by combining the
	// current bar, beat, and tick.
	float hydrogen_ticks_to_locate = bar_ticks +
		( m_JackTransportPos.beat-1 ) * hydrogen_TPB +
		m_JackTransportPos.tick * ( hydrogen_TPB / m_JackTransportPos.ticks_per_beat );

	INFOLOG( QString( "Position from Timebase Master: BBT [%1,%2,%3]" ).arg( ).arg( m_JackTransportPos.beat ).arg( m_JackTransportPos.tick ) );
	// WARNINGLOG( "Tx/Beat = "+to_string(m_JackTransportPos.ticks_per_beat)+", Meter "+to_string(m_JackTransportPos.beats_per_bar)+"/"+to_string(m_JackTransportPos.beat_type)+" =>tick " + to_string( hydrogen_ticks_to_locate ) );

	// Before calling this function in updateTransportInfo() the
	// speed obtained by the JACK server query was already written
	// to m_transport.m_nBPM. This value can thus be considered
	// clean.
	float fNewTickSize = getSampleRate() * 60.0 /  m_transport.m_nBPM / S->__resolution;

	if ( fNewTickSize == 0 ) return;

	// Note that this will prevent
	// audioEngine_process_checkBPMChanged() in Hydrogen.cpp from
	// recalculating things unless m_transport.m_nBpm and S->__bpm
	// aren't equal.
	m_transport.m_nTickSize = fNewTickSize;

	// New transport position in frames
	long long nNewFrames = ( long long )( hydrogen_ticks_to_locate * fNewTickSize );

	// m_JackTransportPos.bbt_offset is a frame offset for the BBT
	// fields (the given bar, beat, and tick values actually refer
	// to a time frame_offset frames before the start of the
	// cycle), should be assumed to be 0 if JackBBTFrameOffset is
	// not set. If JackBBTFrameOffset is set and this value is
	// zero, the BBT time refers to the first frame of this
	// cycle. If the value is positive, the BBT time refers to a
	// frame that many frames before the start of the cycle.
	// Due to the if clause in the beginning of the function, the
	// following if clause is true at all times.
	if ( m_JackTransportPos.valid & JackBBTFrameOffset )
		nNewFrames += m_JackTransportPos.bbt_offset;

	m_transport.m_nFrames = nNewFrames;
Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	try {
		// Options...
		char *cp;
		struct option *op;
		char opts[NELEM(long_opts) * 3 + 1];

		// Build up the short option QString
		cp = opts;
		for (op = long_opts; op < &long_opts[NELEM(long_opts)]; op++) {
			*cp++ = op->val;
			if (op->has_arg)
				*cp++ = ':';
			if (op->has_arg == optional_argument )
				*cp++ = ':';  // gets another one

		// Deal with the options
		QString songFilename;
		QString playlistFilename;
		QString outFilename = NULL;
		QString sSelectedDriver;
		bool showVersionOpt = false;
		const char* logLevelOpt = "Error";
		bool showHelpOpt = false;
		QString drumkitName;
		QString drumkitToLoad;
		short bits = 16;
		int rate = 44100;
		short interpolation = 0;
		QString sessionId;
		int c;
		while ( 1 ) {
			c = getopt_long(argc, argv, opts, long_opts, NULL);
			if ( c == -1 ) break;

			switch(c) {
			case 'd':
				sSelectedDriver = QString::fromLocal8Bit(optarg);
			case 's':
				songFilename = QString::fromLocal8Bit(optarg);
			case 'p':
				playlistFilename = QString::fromLocal8Bit(optarg);
			case 'o':
				outFilename = QString::fromLocal8Bit(optarg);
			case 'i':
				//install h2drumkit
				drumkitName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(optarg);
			case 'k':
				//load Drumkit
				drumkitToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit(optarg);
			case 'r':
				rate = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10);
			case 'b':
				bits = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10);
			case 'v':
				showVersionOpt = true;
			case 'V':
				logLevelOpt = (optarg) ? optarg : "Warning";
			case 'S':
				sessionId = QString::fromLocal8Bit(optarg);
			case 'h':
			case '?':
				showHelpOpt = true;

		if ( showVersionOpt ) {
			cout << get_version() << endl;

		if ( showHelpOpt ) {

		// Man your battle stations... this is not a drill.
		Logger* logger = Logger::bootstrap( Logger::parse_log_level( logLevelOpt ) );
		Object::bootstrap( logger, logger->should_log( Logger::Debug ) );
		Filesystem::bootstrap( logger );
		Preferences* preferences = Preferences::get_instance();
		// See below for Hydrogen.

		___INFOLOG( QString("Using QT version ") + QString( qVersion() ) );
		___INFOLOG( "Using data path: " + Filesystem::sys_data_path() );

		LashClient::create_instance("hydrogen", "Hydrogen", &argc, &argv);
		LashClient* lashClient = LashClient::get_instance();

		if ( ! drumkitName.isEmpty() ){
			Drumkit::install( drumkitName );

		if (sSelectedDriver == "auto") {
			preferences->m_sAudioDriver = "Auto";
		else if (sSelectedDriver == "jack") {
			preferences->m_sAudioDriver = "Jack";
		else if ( sSelectedDriver == "oss" ) {
			preferences->m_sAudioDriver = "Oss";
		else if ( sSelectedDriver == "alsa" ) {
			preferences->m_sAudioDriver = "Alsa";
		else if (sSelectedDriver == "CoreAudio") {
			preferences->m_sAudioDriver = "CoreAudio";
		else if (sSelectedDriver == "PulseAudio") {
			preferences->m_sAudioDriver = "PulseAudio";

		if ( preferences->useLash() && lashClient->isConnected() ) {
			lash_event_t* lash_event = lashClient->getNextEvent();
			if (lash_event && lash_event_get_type(lash_event) == LASH_Restore_File) {
				// notify client that this project was not a new one

				songFilename = "";
				songFilename.append( QString::fromLocal8Bit(lash_event_get_string(lash_event)) );

				//Logger::get_instance()->log("[LASH] Restore file: " + songFilename);

			} else if (lash_event) {
				//Logger::get_instance()->log("[LASH] ERROR: Instead of restore file got event: " + lash_event_get_type(lash_event));
		if (!sessionId.isEmpty()) {
			preferences->setJackSessionUUID ( sessionId );
			/* imo, jack sessions use jack as default audio driver.
			 * hydrogen remember last used audiodriver.
			 * here we make it save that hydrogen start in a jacksession case
			 * every time with jack as audio driver
			preferences->m_sAudioDriver = "Jack";

		/* the use of applicationFilePath() make it
		 * possible to use different executables.
		 * for example if you start hydrogen from a local
		 * build directory.
//		QString path = pQApp->applicationFilePath();
//		preferences->setJackSessionApplicationPath ( path );
		Hydrogen *pHydrogen = Hydrogen::get_instance();
		Song *pSong = NULL;
		Playlist *pPlaylist = NULL;

		// Load playlist
		if ( ! playlistFilename.isEmpty() ) {
			pPlaylist = Playlist::load ( playlistFilename );
			if ( ! pPlaylist ) {
				___ERRORLOG( "Error loading the playlist" );
				return 0;

			/* Load first song */
			preferences->setLastPlaylistFilename( playlistFilename );
			pPlaylist->loadSong( 0 );
			pSong = pHydrogen->getSong();
			show_playlist ( pHydrogen, pPlaylist->getActiveSongNumber() );

		// Load song - if wasn't already loaded with playlist
		if ( ! pSong ) {
			if ( !songFilename.isEmpty() ) {
				pSong = Song::load( songFilename );
			} else {
				/* Try load last song */
				bool restoreLastSong = preferences->isRestoreLastSongEnabled();
				QString filename = preferences->getLastSongFilename();
				if ( restoreLastSong && ( !filename.isEmpty() ))
					pSong = Song::load( filename );

			/* Still not loaded */
			if (! pSong) {
				___INFOLOG("Starting with empty song");
				pSong = Song::get_empty_song();
				pSong->set_filename( "" );

			pHydrogen->setSong( pSong );
			preferences->setLastSongFilename( songFilename );

		if ( ! drumkitToLoad.isEmpty() ){
			Drumkit* drumkitInfo = Drumkit::load_by_name( drumkitToLoad, true );
			if ( drumkitInfo ) {
				pHydrogen->loadDrumkit( drumkitInfo );
			} else {
				___ERRORLOG ( "Error loading the drumkit" );

		AudioEngine* AudioEngine = AudioEngine::get_instance();
		Sampler* sampler = AudioEngine->get_sampler();
		switch ( interpolation ) {
			case 1:
					sampler->setInterpolateMode( Sampler::COSINE );
			case 2:
					sampler->setInterpolateMode( Sampler::THIRD );
			case 3:
					sampler->setInterpolateMode( Sampler::CUBIC );
			case 4:
					sampler->setInterpolateMode( Sampler::HERMITE );
			case 0:
					sampler->setInterpolateMode( Sampler::LINEAR );

		EventQueue *pQueue = EventQueue::get_instance();

		signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);

		bool ExportMode = false;
		if ( ! outFilename.isEmpty() ) {
			pHydrogen->startExportSong ( outFilename, rate, bits );
			cout << "Export Progress ... ";
			bool ExportMode = true;

		// Interactive mode
		while ( ! quit ) {
			/* FIXME: Someday here will be The Real CLI ;-) */
			Event event = pQueue->pop_event();
			// if ( event.type > 0) cout << "EVENT TYPE: " << event.type << endl;

			/* Event handler */
			switch ( event.type ) {
			case EVENT_PROGRESS: /* event used only in export mode */
				if ( ! ExportMode ) break;
				if ( event.value < 100 ) {
					cout << "\rExport Progress ... " << event.value << "%";
				} else {
					cout << "\rExport Progress ... DONE" << endl;
					quit = true;
			case EVENT_PLAYLIST_LOADSONG: /* Load new song on MIDI event */
				if ( pPlaylist->loadSong ( event.value ) ) {
					pSong = pHydrogen->getSong();
					show_playlist ( pHydrogen, pPlaylist->getActiveSongNumber() );
			case EVENT_NONE: /* Sleep if there is no more events */
				Sleeper::msleep ( 100 );

		if ( pHydrogen->getState() == STATE_PLAYING )

		delete pSong;
		delete pPlaylist;

		delete pQueue;
		delete pHydrogen;
		delete preferences;
		delete AudioEngine;

		delete MidiMap::get_instance();
		delete MidiActionManager::get_instance();

		___INFOLOG( "Quitting..." );
		delete Logger::get_instance();

		int nObj = Object::objects_count();
		if (nObj != 0) {
			cerr << "\n\n\n " << nObj << " alive objects\n\n" << endl << endl;
	catch ( const H2Exception& ex ) {
		cerr << "[main] Exception: " << ex.what() << endl;
	catch (...) {
		cerr << "[main] Unknown exception X-(" << endl;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
void SongEditorPanel::automationPathChanged()
	Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	Song *song = engine->getSong();
Esempio n. 8
/// Render a note
/// Return false: the note is not ended
/// Return true: the note is ended
bool Sampler::__render_note( Note* pNote, unsigned nBufferSize, Song* pSong )
	//infoLog( "[renderNote] instr: " + pNote->getInstrument()->m_sName );
	assert( pSong );

	unsigned int nFramepos;
	Hydrogen* pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	AudioOutput* audio_output = pEngine->getAudioOutput();
	if (  pEngine->getState() == STATE_PLAYING ) {
		nFramepos = audio_output->m_transport.m_nFrames;
	} else {
		// use this to support realtime events when not playing
		nFramepos = pEngine->getRealtimeFrames();

	Instrument *pInstr = pNote->get_instrument();
	if ( !pInstr ) {
		ERRORLOG( "NULL instrument" );
		return 1;

	bool nReturnValues [pInstr->get_components()->size()];
	for(int i = 0; i < pInstr->get_components()->size(); i++){
		nReturnValues[i] = false;
	int nReturnValueIndex = 0;
	int nAlreadySelectedLayer = -1;

	for (std::vector<InstrumentComponent*>::iterator it = pInstr->get_components()->begin() ; it !=pInstr->get_components()->end(); ++it) {
		nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = false;
		InstrumentComponent *pCompo = *it;
		DrumkitComponent* pMainCompo = pEngine->getSong()->get_component( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() );

		if( pNote->get_specific_compo_id() != -1 && pNote->get_specific_compo_id() != pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() )

		if(		pInstr->is_preview_instrument()
			||	pInstr->is_metronome_instrument()){
			pMainCompo = pEngine->getSong()->get_components()->front();
		} else {
			pMainCompo = pEngine->getSong()->get_component( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() );


		float fLayerGain = 1.0;
		float fLayerPitch = 0.0;

		// scelgo il sample da usare in base alla velocity
		Sample *pSample = nullptr;
		SelectedLayerInfo *pSelectedLayer = pNote->get_layer_selected( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() );

		if ( !pSelectedLayer ) {
			QString dummy = QString( "NULL Layer Information for instrument %1. Component: %2" ).arg( pInstr->get_name() ).arg( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() );
			WARNINGLOG( dummy );
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = true;

		if( pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer != -1 ) {
			InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer );

			if( pLayer )
				pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
				fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
				fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
		else {
			switch ( pInstr->sample_selection_alg() ) {
				case Instrument::VELOCITY:
					for ( unsigned nLayer = 0; nLayer < __maxLayers; ++nLayer ) {
						InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nLayer );
						if ( pLayer == NULL ) continue;

						if ( ( pNote->get_velocity() >= pLayer->get_start_velocity() ) && ( pNote->get_velocity() <= pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) ) {
							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nLayer;

							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();

				case Instrument::RANDOM:
					if( nAlreadySelectedLayer != -1 ) {
						InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nAlreadySelectedLayer );
						if ( pLayer != NULL ) {
							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nAlreadySelectedLayer;

							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
					if( pSample == NULL ) {
						int __possibleIndex[ __maxLayers ];
						int __poundSamples = 0;
						for ( unsigned nLayer = 0; nLayer < __maxLayers; ++nLayer ) {
							InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nLayer );
							if ( pLayer == NULL ) continue;

							if ( ( pNote->get_velocity() >= pLayer->get_start_velocity() ) && ( pNote->get_velocity() <= pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) ) {
								__possibleIndex[__poundSamples] = nLayer;

						if( __poundSamples > 0 ) {
							nAlreadySelectedLayer = __possibleIndex[rand() % __poundSamples];
							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nAlreadySelectedLayer;

							InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nAlreadySelectedLayer );

							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();

				case Instrument::ROUND_ROBIN:
					if( nAlreadySelectedLayer != -1 ) {
						InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nAlreadySelectedLayer );
						if ( pLayer != NULL ) {
							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nAlreadySelectedLayer;

							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
					if( !pSample ) {
						int __possibleIndex[ __maxLayers ];
						int __foundSamples = 0;
						float __roundRobinID;
						for ( unsigned nLayer = 0; nLayer < __maxLayers; ++nLayer ) {
							InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nLayer );
							if ( pLayer == NULL ) continue;

							if ( ( pNote->get_velocity() >= pLayer->get_start_velocity() ) && ( pNote->get_velocity() <= pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) ) {
								__possibleIndex[__foundSamples] = nLayer;
								__roundRobinID = pLayer->get_start_velocity();

						if( __foundSamples > 0 ) {
							__roundRobinID = pInstr->get_id() * 10 + __roundRobinID;
							int p_indexToUse = pSong->get_latest_round_robin(__roundRobinID)+1;
							if( p_indexToUse > __foundSamples - 1)
								p_indexToUse = 0;

							pSong->set_latest_round_robin(__roundRobinID, p_indexToUse);
							nAlreadySelectedLayer = __possibleIndex[p_indexToUse];

							pSelectedLayer->SelectedLayer = nAlreadySelectedLayer;

							InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nAlreadySelectedLayer );
							pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
							fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
							fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
		if ( !pSample ) {
			QString dummy = QString( "NULL sample for instrument %1. Note velocity: %2" ).arg( pInstr->get_name() ).arg( pNote->get_velocity() );
			WARNINGLOG( dummy );
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = true;

		if ( pSelectedLayer->SamplePosition >= pSample->get_frames() ) {
			WARNINGLOG( "sample position out of bounds. The layer has been resized during note play?" );
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = true;

		int noteStartInFrames = ( int ) ( pNote->get_position() * audio_output->m_transport.m_nTickSize ) + pNote->get_humanize_delay();

		int nInitialSilence = 0;
		if ( noteStartInFrames > ( int ) nFramepos ) {	// scrivo silenzio prima dell'inizio della nota
			nInitialSilence = noteStartInFrames - nFramepos;
			int nFrames = nBufferSize - nInitialSilence;
			if ( nFrames < 0 ) {
				int noteStartInFramesNoHumanize = ( int )pNote->get_position() * audio_output->m_transport.m_nTickSize;
				if ( noteStartInFramesNoHumanize > ( int )( nFramepos + nBufferSize ) ) {
					// this note is not valid. it's in the future...let's skip it....
					ERRORLOG( QString( "Note pos in the future?? Current frames: %1, note frame pos: %2" ).arg( nFramepos ).arg(noteStartInFramesNoHumanize ) );
					nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = true;
				// delay note execution
				//INFOLOG( "Delaying note execution. noteStartInFrames: " + to_string( noteStartInFrames ) + ", nFramePos: " + to_string( nFramepos ) );
				//return 0;

		float cost_L = 1.0f;
		float cost_R = 1.0f;
		float cost_track_L = 1.0f;
		float cost_track_R = 1.0f;

		bool isMutedForExport = (pEngine->getIsExportSessionActive() && !pInstr->is_currently_exported());
		 *  Is instrument muted?
		 *  This can be the case either if the song, instrument or component is muted or if we're in an
		 *  export session and we're doing per-instruments exports, but this instrument is not currently
		 *  beeing exported.
		if ( isMutedForExport || pInstr->is_muted() || pSong->__is_muted || pMainCompo->is_muted() ) {	
			cost_L = 0.0;
			cost_R = 0.0;
			if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
				// Post-Fader
				cost_track_L = 0.0;
				cost_track_R = 0.0;

		} else {	// Precompute some values...
			if ( pInstr->get_apply_velocity() ) {
				cost_L = cost_L * pNote->get_velocity();		// note velocity
				cost_R = cost_R * pNote->get_velocity();		// note velocity
			cost_L = cost_L * pNote->get_pan_l();		// note pan
			cost_L = cost_L * fLayerGain;				// layer gain
			cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_pan_l();		// instrument pan
			cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_gain();		// instrument gain

			cost_L = cost_L * pCompo->get_gain();		// Component gain
			cost_L = cost_L * pMainCompo->get_volume(); // Component volument

			cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_volume();		// instrument volume
			if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
			// Post-Fader
			cost_track_L = cost_L * 2;
			cost_L = cost_L * pSong->get_volume();	// song volume
			cost_L = cost_L * 2; // max pan is 0.5

			cost_R = cost_R * pNote->get_pan_r();		// note pan
			cost_R = cost_R * fLayerGain;				// layer gain
			cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_pan_r();		// instrument pan
			cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_gain();		// instrument gain

			cost_R = cost_R * pCompo->get_gain();		// Component gain
			cost_R = cost_R * pMainCompo->get_volume(); // Component volument

			cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_volume();		// instrument volume
			if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
			// Post-Fader
			cost_track_R = cost_R * 2;
			cost_R = cost_R * pSong->get_volume();	// song pan
			cost_R = cost_R * 2; // max pan is 0.5

		// direct track outputs only use velocity
		if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 1 ) {
			cost_track_L = cost_track_L * pNote->get_velocity();
			cost_track_L = cost_track_L * fLayerGain;
			cost_track_R = cost_track_L;

		// Se non devo fare resample (drumkit) posso evitare di utilizzare i float e gestire il tutto in
		// maniera ottimizzata
		//	constant^12 = 2, so constant = 2^(1/12) = 1.059463.
		//	float nStep = 1.0;1.0594630943593

		float fTotalPitch = pNote->get_total_pitch() + fLayerPitch;

		//_INFOLOG( "total pitch: " + to_string( fTotalPitch ) );
		if( ( int )pSelectedLayer->SamplePosition == 0 )
			if( Hydrogen::get_instance()->getMidiOutput() != NULL ){
			Hydrogen::get_instance()->getMidiOutput()->handleQueueNote( pNote );

		if ( fTotalPitch == 0.0 && pSample->get_sample_rate() == audio_output->getSampleRate() ) // NO RESAMPLE
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = __render_note_no_resample( pSample, pNote, pSelectedLayer, pCompo, pMainCompo, nBufferSize, nInitialSilence, cost_L, cost_R, cost_track_L, cost_track_R, pSong );
		else // RESAMPLE
			nReturnValues[nReturnValueIndex] = __render_note_resample( pSample, pNote, pSelectedLayer, pCompo, pMainCompo, nBufferSize, nInitialSilence, cost_L, cost_R, cost_track_L, cost_track_R, fLayerPitch, pSong );

	for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < pInstr->get_components()->size() ; i++ )
		if ( !nReturnValues[i] ) return false;
	return true;
Esempio n. 9
bool Sampler::processPlaybackTrack(int nBufferSize)
	Hydrogen* pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	AudioOutput* pAudioOutput = Hydrogen::get_instance()->getAudioOutput();
	Song* pSong = pEngine->getSong();

	if(   !pSong->get_playback_track_enabled()
	   || pEngine->getState() != STATE_PLAYING
	   || pSong->get_mode() != Song::SONG_MODE)
		return false;

	InstrumentComponent *pCompo = __playback_instrument->get_components()->front();
	Sample *pSample = pCompo->get_layer(0)->get_sample();

	float fVal_L;
	float fVal_R;

	float *pSample_data_L = pSample->get_data_l();
	float *pSample_data_R = pSample->get_data_r();
	float fInstrPeak_L = __playback_instrument->get_peak_l(); // this value will be reset to 0 by the mixer..
	float fInstrPeak_R = __playback_instrument->get_peak_r(); // this value will be reset to 0 by the mixer..


	int nAvail_bytes = 0;
	int	nInitialBufferPos = 0;

	if(pSample->get_sample_rate() == pAudioOutput->getSampleRate()){
		//No resampling	
		__playBackSamplePosition = pAudioOutput->m_transport.m_nFrames;
		nAvail_bytes = pSample->get_frames() - ( int )__playBackSamplePosition;
		if ( nAvail_bytes > nBufferSize ) {
			nAvail_bytes = nBufferSize;

		int nInitialSamplePos = ( int ) __playBackSamplePosition;
		int nSamplePos = nInitialSamplePos;
		int nTimes = nInitialBufferPos + nAvail_bytes;
		if(__playBackSamplePosition > pSample->get_frames()){
			//playback track has ended..
			return true;
		for ( int nBufferPos = nInitialBufferPos; nBufferPos < nTimes; ++nBufferPos ) {
			fVal_L = pSample_data_L[ nSamplePos ];
			fVal_R = pSample_data_R[ nSamplePos ];
			fVal_L = fVal_L * 1.0f * pSong->get_playback_track_volume(); //costr
			fVal_R = fVal_R * 1.0f * pSong->get_playback_track_volume(); //cost l
			//pDrumCompo->set_outs( nBufferPos, fVal_L, fVal_R );
			// to main mix
			if ( fVal_L > fInstrPeak_L ) {
				fInstrPeak_L = fVal_L;
			if ( fVal_R > fInstrPeak_R ) {
				fInstrPeak_R = fVal_R;
			__main_out_L[nBufferPos] += fVal_L;
			__main_out_R[nBufferPos] += fVal_R;
	} else {
		//Perform resampling
		double	fSamplePos = 0;
		int		nSampleFrames = pSample->get_frames();
		float	fStep = 1.0594630943593;
		fStep *= ( float )pSample->get_sample_rate() / pAudioOutput->getSampleRate(); // Adjust for audio driver sample rate
		if(pAudioOutput->m_transport.m_nFrames == 0){
			fSamplePos = 0;
		} else {
			fSamplePos = ( (pAudioOutput->m_transport.m_nFrames/nBufferSize) * (nBufferSize * fStep));
		nAvail_bytes = ( int )( ( float )( pSample->get_frames() - fSamplePos ) / fStep );
		if ( nAvail_bytes > nBufferSize ) {
			nAvail_bytes = nBufferSize;

		int nTimes = nInitialBufferPos + nAvail_bytes;
		for ( int nBufferPos = nInitialBufferPos; nBufferPos < nTimes; ++nBufferPos ) {
			int nSamplePos = ( int ) fSamplePos;
			double fDiff = fSamplePos - nSamplePos;
			if ( ( nSamplePos + 1 ) >= nSampleFrames ) {
				//we reach the last audioframe.
				//set this last frame to zero do nothin wrong.
							fVal_L = 0.0;
							fVal_R = 0.0;
			} else {
				// some interpolation methods need 4 frames data.
					float last_l;
					float last_r;
					if ( ( nSamplePos + 2 ) >= nSampleFrames ) {
						last_l = 0.0;
						last_r = 0.0;
					} else {
						last_l =  pSample_data_L[nSamplePos + 2];
						last_r =  pSample_data_R[nSamplePos + 2];
					switch( __interpolateMode ){
							case LINEAR:
									fVal_L = pSample_data_L[nSamplePos] * (1 - fDiff ) + pSample_data_L[nSamplePos + 1] * fDiff;
									fVal_R = pSample_data_R[nSamplePos] * (1 - fDiff ) + pSample_data_R[nSamplePos + 1] * fDiff;
							case COSINE:
									fVal_L = cosine_Interpolate( pSample_data_L[nSamplePos], pSample_data_L[nSamplePos + 1], fDiff);
									fVal_R = cosine_Interpolate( pSample_data_R[nSamplePos], pSample_data_R[nSamplePos + 1], fDiff);
							case THIRD:
									fVal_L = third_Interpolate( pSample_data_L[ nSamplePos -1], pSample_data_L[nSamplePos], pSample_data_L[nSamplePos + 1], last_l, fDiff);
									fVal_R = third_Interpolate( pSample_data_R[ nSamplePos -1], pSample_data_R[nSamplePos], pSample_data_R[nSamplePos + 1], last_r, fDiff);
							case CUBIC:
									fVal_L = cubic_Interpolate( pSample_data_L[ nSamplePos -1], pSample_data_L[nSamplePos], pSample_data_L[nSamplePos + 1], last_l, fDiff);
									fVal_R = cubic_Interpolate( pSample_data_R[ nSamplePos -1], pSample_data_R[nSamplePos], pSample_data_R[nSamplePos + 1], last_r, fDiff);
							case HERMITE:
									fVal_L = hermite_Interpolate( pSample_data_L[ nSamplePos -1], pSample_data_L[nSamplePos], pSample_data_L[nSamplePos + 1], last_l, fDiff);
									fVal_R = hermite_Interpolate( pSample_data_R[ nSamplePos -1], pSample_data_R[nSamplePos], pSample_data_R[nSamplePos + 1], last_r, fDiff);
			if ( fVal_L > fInstrPeak_L ) {
				fInstrPeak_L = fVal_L;
			if ( fVal_R > fInstrPeak_R ) {
				fInstrPeak_R = fVal_R;

			__main_out_L[nBufferPos] += fVal_L;
			__main_out_R[nBufferPos] += fVal_R;

			fSamplePos += fStep;
		} //for
	__playback_instrument->set_peak_l( fInstrPeak_L );
	__playback_instrument->set_peak_r( fInstrPeak_R );

	return true;
Esempio n. 10
void Mixer::updateMixer()
	Preferences *pPref = Preferences::get_instance();
	bool bShowPeaks = pPref->showInstrumentPeaks();

	Hydrogen *pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	Song *pSong = pEngine->getSong();
	InstrumentList *pInstrList = pSong->get_instrument_list();
	std::vector<DrumkitComponent*>* compoList = pSong->get_components();

	uint nSelectedInstr = pEngine->getSelectedInstrumentNumber();

	float fallOff = pPref->getMixerFalloffSpeed();

	uint nMuteClicked = 0;
	int nInstruments = pInstrList->size();
	int nCompo = compoList->size();
	for ( unsigned nInstr = 0; nInstr < MAX_INSTRUMENTS; ++nInstr ) {

		if ( nInstr >= nInstruments ) {	// unused instrument! let's hide and destroy the mixerline!
			if ( m_pMixerLine[ nInstr ] ) {
				delete m_pMixerLine[ nInstr ];
				m_pMixerLine[ nInstr ] = NULL;

				int newWidth = MIXER_STRIP_WIDTH * ( nInstruments + nCompo );
				if ( m_pFaderPanel->width() != newWidth ) {
					m_pFaderPanel->resize( newWidth, height() );
		else {
			if ( m_pMixerLine[ nInstr ] == NULL ) {
				// the mixerline doesn't exists..I'll create a new one!
				m_pMixerLine[ nInstr ] = createMixerLine( nInstr );
				m_pFaderHBox->insertWidget( nInstr, m_pMixerLine[ nInstr ] );

				int newWidth = MIXER_STRIP_WIDTH * ( nInstruments + nCompo );
				if ( m_pFaderPanel->width() != newWidth ) {
					m_pFaderPanel->resize( newWidth, height() );
			MixerLine *pLine = m_pMixerLine[ nInstr ];

			Instrument *pInstr = pInstrList->get( nInstr );
			assert( pInstr );

			float fNewPeak_L = pInstr->get_peak_l();
			pInstr->set_peak_l( 0.0f );	// reset instrument peak

			float fNewPeak_R = pInstr->get_peak_r();
			pInstr->set_peak_r( 0.0f );	// reset instrument peak

			float fNewVolume = pInstr->get_volume();
			bool bMuted = pInstr->is_muted();

			QString sName = pInstr->get_name();
			float fPan_L = pInstr->get_pan_l();
			float fPan_R = pInstr->get_pan_r();

			// fader
			float fOldPeak_L = pLine->getPeak_L();
			float fOldPeak_R = pLine->getPeak_R();

			if (!bShowPeaks) {
				fNewPeak_L = 0.0f;
				fNewPeak_R = 0.0f;

			if ( fNewPeak_L >= fOldPeak_L) {	// LEFT peak
				pLine->setPeak_L( fNewPeak_L );
			else {
				pLine->setPeak_L( fOldPeak_L / fallOff );
			if ( fNewPeak_R >= fOldPeak_R) {	// Right peak
				pLine->setPeak_R( fNewPeak_R );
			else {
				pLine->setPeak_R( fOldPeak_R / fallOff );

			// fader position
			pLine->setVolume( fNewVolume );

			// mute
			if ( bMuted ) {
			pLine->setMuteClicked( bMuted );

			// instr name
			pLine->setName( sName );

			// pan
			float fPanValue = 0.0;
			if (fPan_R == 1.0) {
				fPanValue = 1.0 - (fPan_L / 2.0);
			else {
				fPanValue = fPan_R / 2.0;

			pLine->setPan( fPanValue );

			// activity
			if ( pLine->getActivity() > 0 ) {
				pLine->setActivity( m_pMixerLine[ nInstr ]->getActivity() - 30 );
				pLine->setPlayClicked( true );
			else {
				pLine->setPlayClicked( false );

			for (uint nFX = 0; nFX < MAX_FX; nFX++) {
				pLine->setFXLevel( nFX, pInstr->get_fx_level( nFX ) );

			pLine->setSelected( nInstr == nSelectedInstr );


	for (std::vector<DrumkitComponent*>::iterator it = compoList->begin() ; it != compoList->end(); ++it) {
		DrumkitComponent* p_compo = *it;

		if( m_pComponentMixerLine.find(p_compo->get_id()) == m_pComponentMixerLine.end() ) {
			// the mixerline doesn't exists..I'll create a new one!
			m_pComponentMixerLine[ p_compo->get_id() ] = createComponentMixerLine( p_compo->get_id() );
			m_pFaderHBox->addWidget( m_pComponentMixerLine[ p_compo->get_id() ] );

			int newWidth = MIXER_STRIP_WIDTH * ( nInstruments + nCompo );
			if ( m_pFaderPanel->width() != newWidth ) {
				m_pFaderPanel->resize( newWidth, height() );

		ComponentMixerLine *pLine = m_pComponentMixerLine[ p_compo->get_id() ];

		float fNewPeak_L = p_compo->get_peak_l();
		p_compo->set_peak_l( 0.0f );	// reset instrument peak

		float fNewPeak_R = p_compo->get_peak_r();
		p_compo->set_peak_r( 0.0f );	// reset instrument peak

		float fNewVolume = p_compo->get_volume();
		bool bMuted = p_compo->is_muted();

		QString sName = p_compo->get_name();

		float fOldPeak_L = pLine->getPeak_L();
		float fOldPeak_R = pLine->getPeak_R();

		if (!bShowPeaks) {
			fNewPeak_L = 0.0f;
			fNewPeak_R = 0.0f;

		if ( fNewPeak_L >= fOldPeak_L) {	// LEFT peak
			pLine->setPeak_L( fNewPeak_L );
		else {
			pLine->setPeak_L( fOldPeak_L / fallOff );
		if ( fNewPeak_R >= fOldPeak_R) {	// Right peak
			pLine->setPeak_R( fNewPeak_R );
		else {
			pLine->setPeak_R( fOldPeak_R / fallOff );

		// fader position
		pLine->setVolume( fNewVolume );

		// mute
		if ( bMuted ) {
		pLine->setMuteClicked( bMuted );

		// instr name
		pLine->setName( sName );


	if( compoList->size() < m_pComponentMixerLine.size() ) {
		std::vector<int>* p_ids_to_delete = new std::vector<int>();
		for (std::map<int, ComponentMixerLine*>::iterator it=m_pComponentMixerLine.begin(); it!=m_pComponentMixerLine.end(); ++it) {

			bool p_foundExistingRelatedComponent = false;
			for ( std::vector<DrumkitComponent*>::iterator it2 = compoList->begin() ; it2 != compoList->end(); ++it2 ) {
				DrumkitComponent* p_compo = *it2;
				if( p_compo->get_id() == it->first ) {
					p_foundExistingRelatedComponent = true;
			if( !p_foundExistingRelatedComponent )
				p_ids_to_delete->push_back( it->first ) ;

		for ( std::vector<int>::iterator it = p_ids_to_delete->begin() ; it != p_ids_to_delete->end(); ++it ) {
			int p_compoID = *it;
			delete m_pComponentMixerLine[p_compoID];
			m_pComponentMixerLine.erase( p_compoID );

			int newWidth = MIXER_STRIP_WIDTH * ( nInstruments + nCompo );
			if ( m_pFaderPanel->width() != newWidth ) {
				m_pFaderPanel->resize( newWidth, height() );

	if (nMuteClicked == nInstruments - 1) {
		// find the not muted button
		for (uint i = 0; i < nInstruments; i++) {
			Instrument *instr = pInstrList->get(i);
			if (instr->is_muted() == false) {
	else {
		for (uint i = 0; i < nInstruments; i++) {

	// update MasterPeak
	float oldPeak_L = m_pMasterLine->getPeak_L();
	float newPeak_L = pEngine->getMasterPeak_L();
	float oldPeak_R = m_pMasterLine->getPeak_R();
	float newPeak_R = pEngine->getMasterPeak_R();

	if (!bShowPeaks) {
		newPeak_L = 0.0;
		newPeak_R = 0.0;

	if (newPeak_L >= oldPeak_L) {
		m_pMasterLine->setPeak_L( newPeak_L );
	else {
		m_pMasterLine->setPeak_L( oldPeak_L / fallOff );
	if (newPeak_R >= oldPeak_R) {
	else {
		m_pMasterLine->setPeak_R( oldPeak_R / fallOff );

	// set master fader position
	float newVolume = pSong->get_volume();
	float oldVolume = m_pMasterLine->getVolume();
	if (oldVolume != newVolume) {

	for (uint nFX = 0; nFX < MAX_FX; nFX++) {
		LadspaFX *pFX = Effects::get_instance()->getLadspaFX( nFX );
		if ( pFX ) {
			m_pLadspaFXLine[nFX]->setName( pFX->getPluginName() );
			float fNewPeak_L = 0.0;
			float fNewPeak_R = 0.0;

			float fOldPeak_L = 0.0;
			float fOldPeak_R = 0.0;
			m_pLadspaFXLine[nFX]->getPeaks( &fOldPeak_L, &fOldPeak_R );

			if (fNewPeak_L < fOldPeak_L)	fNewPeak_L = fOldPeak_L / fallOff;
			if (fNewPeak_R < fOldPeak_R)	fNewPeak_R = fOldPeak_R / fallOff;
			m_pLadspaFXLine[nFX]->setPeaks( fNewPeak_L, fNewPeak_R );
			m_pLadspaFXLine[nFX]->setFxActive( pFX->isEnabled() );
			m_pLadspaFXLine[nFX]->setVolume( pFX->getVolume() );
		else {
			m_pLadspaFXLine[nFX]->setName( "No plugin" );
			m_pLadspaFXLine[nFX]->setFxActive( false );
			m_pLadspaFXLine[nFX]->setVolume( 0.0 );
Esempio n. 11
void InstrumentEditor::loadLayer()
	static QString lastUsedDir = QDir::homePath();

	Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();

	AudioFileBrowser *fb = new AudioFileBrowser( NULL );
	QStringList filename;
	filename << "false" << "false" << "";

	if (fb->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
		filename = fb->selectedFile();

	delete fb;

	if ( filename[2].isEmpty() ) return;

	bool fnc = false;	
	if ( filename[0] ==  "true" ){
		fnc = true;

	//use auto velocity if we want to work with multiple filenames
	if ( filename.size() > 3) filename[1] = "true";

	int selectedLayer =  m_nSelectedLayer;
	int firstSelection = selectedLayer;

	if (filename.size() > 2) {
		for(int i=2;i < filename.size();++i) 
			selectedLayer = m_nSelectedLayer + i - 2;
			if( ( i-2 >= MAX_LAYERS ) || ( selectedLayer + 1  > MAX_LAYERS ) ) break;

			Sample *newSample = Sample::load( filename[i] );
			H2Core::Instrument *pInstr = NULL;
			AudioEngine::get_instance()->lock( RIGHT_HERE );
			Song *song = engine->getSong();
			InstrumentList *instrList = song->get_instrument_list();
			pInstr = instrList->get( engine->getSelectedInstrumentNumber() );
				if we're using multiple layers, we start inserting the first layer 
				at m_nSelectedLayer and the next layer at m_nSelectedLayer+1
			H2Core::InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pInstr->get_layer( selectedLayer );
			if (pLayer != NULL) {
				// delete old sample
				Sample *oldSample = pLayer->get_sample();
				delete oldSample;
				// insert new sample from newInstrument
				pLayer->set_sample( newSample );
			else {
				pLayer = new H2Core::InstrumentLayer(newSample);
				pInstr->set_layer( pLayer, selectedLayer );
			if ( fnc ){
				QString newFilename = filename[i].section( '/', -1 );
				newFilename.replace( "." + newFilename.section( '.', -1 ), "");
				m_pInstrument->set_name( newFilename );
			//set automatic velocity
			if ( filename[1] ==  "true" ){
			//pInstr->set_drumkit_name( "" );   // external sample, no drumkit info


	selectedInstrumentChangedEvent();    // update all
	selectLayer( firstSelection );
Esempio n. 12
void InstrumentEditor::compoChangeAddDelete(QAction* pAction)
	QString sSelectedAction = pAction->text();

	Hydrogen * pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();

	if("add") == 0 ) {
		if ( m_pInstrument ) {
			bool bIsOkPressed;
			QString sNewName = QInputDialog::getText( this, "Hydrogen", trUtf8( "Component name" ), QLineEdit::Normal, "New Component", &bIsOkPressed );
			if ( bIsOkPressed  ) {
				DrumkitComponent* pDrumkitComponent = new DrumkitComponent( findFreeDrumkitComponentId(), sNewName );
				pEngine->getSong()->get_components()->push_back( pDrumkitComponent );

				//InstrumentComponent* instrument_component = new InstrumentComponent( dm_component->get_id() );
				//instrument_component->set_gain( 1.0f );
				//m_pInstrument->get_components()->push_back( instrument_component );

				m_nSelectedComponent = pDrumkitComponent->get_id();
				m_pLayerPreview->set_selected_component( pDrumkitComponent->get_id() );


				// this will force an update...
				EventQueue::get_instance()->push_event( EVENT_SELECTED_INSTRUMENT_CHANGED, -1 );

			else {
				// user entered nothing or pressed Cancel
	else if("delete") == 0 ) {
		std::vector<DrumkitComponent*>* pDrumkitComponents = pEngine->getSong()->get_components();

		if(pDrumkitComponents->size() == 1){

		DrumkitComponent* pDrumkitComponent = pEngine->getSong()->get_component( m_nSelectedComponent );

		InstrumentList* pInstruments = pEngine->getSong()->get_instrument_list();
		for ( int n = ( int )pInstruments->size() - 1; n >= 0; n-- ) {
			Instrument* pInstrument = pInstruments->get( n );
			for( int o = 0 ; o < pInstrument->get_components()->size() ; o++ ) {
				InstrumentComponent* pInstrumentComponent = pInstrument->get_components()->at( o );
				if( pInstrumentComponent->get_drumkit_componentID() == pDrumkitComponent->get_id() ) {
					for( int nLayer = 0; nLayer < MAX_LAYERS; nLayer++ ) {
						InstrumentLayer* pLayer = pInstrumentComponent->get_layer( nLayer );
						if( pLayer )
							delete pLayer;
					pInstrument->get_components()->erase( pInstrument->get_components()->begin() + o );;

		for ( int n = 0 ; n < pDrumkitComponents->size() ; n++ ) {
			DrumkitComponent* pTmpDrumkitComponent = pDrumkitComponents->at( n );
			if( pTmpDrumkitComponent->get_id() == pDrumkitComponent->get_id() ) {
				pDrumkitComponents->erase( pDrumkitComponents->begin() + n );

		m_nSelectedComponent = pDrumkitComponents->front()->get_id();

		// this will force an update...
		EventQueue::get_instance()->push_event( EVENT_SELECTED_INSTRUMENT_CHANGED, -1 );
	else if("rename") == 0 ) {
		labelCompoClicked( NULL );
	else {
		m_nSelectedComponent = -1;
		std::vector<DrumkitComponent*>* pDrumkitComponents = pEngine->getSong()->get_components();
		for (std::vector<DrumkitComponent*>::iterator it = pDrumkitComponents->begin() ; it != pDrumkitComponents->end(); ++it) {
			DrumkitComponent* pDrumkitComponent = *it;
			if( pDrumkitComponent->get_name().compare( sSelectedAction ) == 0) {
				m_nSelectedComponent = pDrumkitComponent->get_id();
				m_pCompoNameLbl->setText( pDrumkitComponent->get_name() );

		if( m_pInstrument && !m_pInstrument->get_component(m_nSelectedComponent)) {
			INFOLOG("Component needs to be added");

			InstrumentComponent* pInstrComponent = new InstrumentComponent( m_nSelectedComponent );
			pInstrComponent->set_gain( 1.0f );

			m_pInstrument->get_components()->push_back( pInstrComponent );




		// this will force an update...
		EventQueue::get_instance()->push_event( EVENT_SELECTED_INSTRUMENT_CHANGED, -1 );
Esempio n. 13
/// Render a note
/// Return 0: the note is not ended
/// Return 1: the note is ended
unsigned Sampler::__render_note( Note* pNote, unsigned nBufferSize, Song* pSong )
	//infoLog( "[renderNote] instr: " + pNote->getInstrument()->m_sName );
	assert( pSong );

	unsigned int nFramepos;
	Hydrogen* pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	AudioOutput* audio_output = pEngine->getAudioOutput();
	if (  pEngine->getState() == STATE_PLAYING ) {
		nFramepos = audio_output->m_transport.m_nFrames;
	} else {
		// use this to support realtime events when not playing
		nFramepos = pEngine->getRealtimeFrames();

	Instrument *pInstr = pNote->get_instrument();
	if ( !pInstr ) {
		ERRORLOG( "NULL instrument" );
		return 1;

	int nReturnValue = 0;

	for (std::vector<InstrumentComponent*>::iterator it = pInstr->get_components()->begin() ; it !=pInstr->get_components()->end(); ++it) {
		InstrumentComponent *pCompo = *it;
		DrumkitComponent* pMainCompo = 0;

		if(		pInstr->is_preview_instrument()
			||	pInstr->is_metronome_instrument()){
			pMainCompo = pEngine->getSong()->get_components()->front();
		} else {
			pMainCompo = pEngine->getSong()->get_component( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() );


		float fLayerGain = 1.0;
		float fLayerPitch = 0.0;

		// scelgo il sample da usare in base alla velocity
		Sample *pSample = NULL;
		for ( unsigned nLayer = 0; nLayer < MAX_LAYERS; ++nLayer ) {
			InstrumentLayer *pLayer = pCompo->get_layer( nLayer );
			if ( pLayer == NULL ) continue;

			if ( ( pNote->get_velocity() >= pLayer->get_start_velocity() ) && ( pNote->get_velocity() <= pLayer->get_end_velocity() ) ) {
				pSample = pLayer->get_sample();
				fLayerGain = pLayer->get_gain();
				fLayerPitch = pLayer->get_pitch();
		if ( !pSample ) {
			QString dummy = QString( "NULL sample for instrument %1. Note velocity: %2" ).arg( pInstr->get_name() ).arg( pNote->get_velocity() );
			WARNINGLOG( dummy );
			nReturnValue = 1;

		if ( pNote->get_sample_position( pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID() ) >= pSample->get_frames() ) {
			WARNINGLOG( "sample position out of bounds. The layer has been resized during note play?" );
			nReturnValue = 1;

		int noteStartInFrames = ( int ) ( pNote->get_position() * audio_output->m_transport.m_nTickSize ) + pNote->get_humanize_delay();

		int nInitialSilence = 0;
		if ( noteStartInFrames > ( int ) nFramepos ) {	// scrivo silenzio prima dell'inizio della nota
			nInitialSilence = noteStartInFrames - nFramepos;
			int nFrames = nBufferSize - nInitialSilence;
			if ( nFrames < 0 ) {
				int noteStartInFramesNoHumanize = ( int )pNote->get_position() * audio_output->m_transport.m_nTickSize;
				if ( noteStartInFramesNoHumanize > ( int )( nFramepos + nBufferSize ) ) {
					// this note is not valid. it's in the future...let's skip it....
					ERRORLOG( QString( "Note pos in the future?? Current frames: %1, note frame pos: %2" ).arg( nFramepos ).arg(noteStartInFramesNoHumanize ) );
					nReturnValue = 1;
				// delay note execution
				//INFOLOG( "Delaying note execution. noteStartInFrames: " + to_string( noteStartInFrames ) + ", nFramePos: " + to_string( nFramepos ) );
				//return 0;

		float cost_L = 1.0f;
		float cost_R = 1.0f;
		float cost_track_L = 1.0f;
		float cost_track_R = 1.0f;


		if ( pInstr->is_muted() || pSong->__is_muted || pMainCompo->is_muted() ) {	// is instrument muted?
			cost_L = 0.0;
			cost_R = 0.0;
			if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
				// Post-Fader
				cost_track_L = 0.0;
				cost_track_R = 0.0;

		} else {	// Precompute some values...
			cost_L = cost_L * pNote->get_velocity();		// note velocity
			cost_L = cost_L * pNote->get_pan_l();		// note pan
			cost_L = cost_L * fLayerGain;				// layer gain
			cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_pan_l();		// instrument pan
			cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_gain();		// instrument gain

			cost_L = cost_L * pCompo->get_gain();       // Component gain
			cost_L = cost_L * pMainCompo->get_volume(); // Component volument

			cost_L = cost_L * pInstr->get_volume();		// instrument volume
			if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
				// Post-Fader
				cost_track_L = cost_L * 2;
			cost_L = cost_L * pSong->get_volume();	// song volume
			cost_L = cost_L * 2; // max pan is 0.5

			cost_R = cost_R * pNote->get_velocity();		// note velocity
			cost_R = cost_R * pNote->get_pan_r();		// note pan
			cost_R = cost_R * fLayerGain;				// layer gain
			cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_pan_r();		// instrument pan
			cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_gain();		// instrument gain

			cost_R = cost_R * pCompo->get_gain();       // Component gain
			cost_R = cost_R * pMainCompo->get_volume(); // Component volument

			cost_R = cost_R * pInstr->get_volume();		// instrument volume
			if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 0 ) {
				// Post-Fader
				cost_track_R = cost_R * 2;
			cost_R = cost_R * pSong->get_volume();	// song pan
			cost_R = cost_R * 2; // max pan is 0.5

		// direct track outputs only use velocity
		if ( Preferences::get_instance()->m_nJackTrackOutputMode == 1 ) {
			cost_track_L = cost_track_L * pNote->get_velocity();
			cost_track_L = cost_track_L * fLayerGain;
			cost_track_R = cost_track_L;

		// Se non devo fare resample (drumkit) posso evitare di utilizzare i float e gestire il tutto in
		// maniera ottimizzata
		//	constant^12 = 2, so constant = 2^(1/12) = 1.059463.
		//	float nStep = 1.0;1.0594630943593

		float fTotalPitch = pNote->get_total_pitch() + fLayerPitch;

		//_INFOLOG( "total pitch: " + to_string( fTotalPitch ) );
		if( ( int )pNote->get_sample_position(pCompo->get_drumkit_componentID()) == 0 )
			if( Hydrogen::get_instance()->getMidiOutput() != NULL ){
				Hydrogen::get_instance()->getMidiOutput()->handleQueueNote( pNote );

		if ( fTotalPitch == 0.0 && pSample->get_sample_rate() == audio_output->getSampleRate() ) {	// NO RESAMPLE
			if ( __render_note_no_resample( pSample, pNote, pCompo, pMainCompo, nBufferSize, nInitialSilence, cost_L, cost_R, cost_track_L, cost_track_R, pSong ) == 1 )
				nReturnValue = 1;
		} else {	// RESAMPLE
			if ( __render_note_resample( pSample, pNote, pCompo, pMainCompo, nBufferSize, nInitialSilence, cost_L, cost_R, cost_track_L, cost_track_R, fLayerPitch, pSong ) == 1 )
				nReturnValue = 1;

	return nReturnValue;
Esempio n. 14
void* diskWriterDriver_thread( void* param )

		Object* __object = ( Object* )param;
	DiskWriterDriver *pDriver = ( DiskWriterDriver* )param;
		EventQueue::get_instance()->push_event( EVENT_PROGRESS, 0 );
		pDriver->setBpm( Hydrogen::get_instance()->getSong()->__bpm );
	__INFOLOG( "DiskWriterDriver thread start" );

	// always rolling, no user interaction
	pDriver->m_transport.m_status = TransportInfo::ROLLING;

	SF_INFO soundInfo;
	soundInfo.samplerate = pDriver->m_nSampleRate;
//	soundInfo.frames = -1;//getNFrames();		///\todo: da terminare
	soundInfo.channels = 2;
	//default format
	int sfformat = 0x010000; //wav format (default)
	int bits = 0x0002; //16 bit PCM (default)
	//sf_format switch
	if( pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith(".aiff") || pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith(".AIFF") ){
		sfformat =  0x020000; //Apple/SGI AIFF format (big endian)
	if( pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith(".flac") || pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith(".FLAC") ){
		sfformat =  0x170000; //FLAC lossless file format
	if( ( pDriver->m_nSampleDepth == 8 ) && ( pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith(".aiff") || pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith(".AIFF") ) ){
		bits = 0x0001; //Signed 8 bit data works with aiff
	if( ( pDriver->m_nSampleDepth == 8 ) && ( pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith(".wav") || pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith(".WAV") ) ){
		bits = 0x0005; //Unsigned 8 bit data needed for Microsoft WAV format
	if( pDriver->m_nSampleDepth == 16 ){
		bits = 0x0002; //Signed 16 bit data
	if( pDriver->m_nSampleDepth == 24 ){
		bits = 0x0003; //Signed 24 bit data
	if( pDriver->m_nSampleDepth == 32 ){
		bits = 0x0004; ////Signed 32 bit data

	soundInfo.format =  sfformat|bits;


	//ogg vorbis option
	if( pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith( ".ogg" ) | pDriver->m_sFilename.endsWith( ".OGG" ) )
		soundInfo.format = SF_FORMAT_OGG | SF_FORMAT_VORBIS;

//	#endif

//          SF_FORMAT_WAV          = 0x010000,     /* Microsoft WAV format (little endian). */
//          SF_FORMAT_AIFF         = 0x020000,     /* Apple/SGI AIFF format (big endian). */
//          SF_FORMAT_AU           = 0x030000,     /* Sun/NeXT AU format (big endian). */
//          SF_FORMAT_RAW          = 0x040000,     /* RAW PCM data. */
//          SF_FORMAT_PAF          = 0x050000,     /* Ensoniq PARIS file format. */
//          SF_FORMAT_SVX          = 0x060000,     /* Amiga IFF / SVX8 / SV16 format. */
//          SF_FORMAT_NIST         = 0x070000,     /* Sphere NIST format. */
//          SF_FORMAT_VOC          = 0x080000,     /* VOC files. */
//          SF_FORMAT_IRCAM        = 0x0A0000,     /* Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL */
//          SF_FORMAT_W64          = 0x0B0000,     /* Sonic Foundry's 64 bit RIFF/WAV */
//          SF_FORMAT_MAT4         = 0x0C0000,     /* Matlab (tm) V4.2 / GNU Octave 2.0 */
//          SF_FORMAT_MAT5         = 0x0D0000,     /* Matlab (tm) V5.0 / GNU Octave 2.1 */
//          SF_FORMAT_PVF          = 0x0E0000,     /* Portable Voice Format */
//          SF_FORMAT_XI           = 0x0F0000,     /* Fasttracker 2 Extended Instrument */
//          SF_FORMAT_HTK          = 0x100000,     /* HMM Tool Kit format */
//          SF_FORMAT_SDS          = 0x110000,     /* Midi Sample Dump Standard */
//          SF_FORMAT_AVR          = 0x120000,     /* Audio Visual Research */
//          SF_FORMAT_WAVEX        = 0x130000,     /* MS WAVE with WAVEFORMATEX */
//          SF_FORMAT_SD2          = 0x160000,     /* Sound Designer 2 */
//          SF_FORMAT_FLAC         = 0x170000,     /* FLAC lossless file format */
//          SF_FORMAT_CAF          = 0x180000,     /* Core Audio File format */
//          SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8       = 0x0001,       /* Signed 8 bit data */
//          SF_FORMAT_PCM_16       = 0x0002,       /* Signed 16 bit data */
//          SF_FORMAT_PCM_24       = 0x0003,       /* Signed 24 bit data */
//          SF_FORMAT_PCM_32       = 0x0004,       /* Signed 32 bit data */
///used for ogg
//          SF_FORMAT_VORBIS

	if ( !sf_format_check( &soundInfo ) ) {
		__ERRORLOG( "Error in soundInfo" );
		return 0;

	SNDFILE* m_file = sf_open( pDriver->m_sFilename.toLocal8Bit(), SFM_WRITE, &soundInfo );

	float *pData = new float[ pDriver->m_nBufferSize * 2 ];	// always stereo

	float *pData_L = pDriver->m_pOut_L;
	float *pData_R = pDriver->m_pOut_R;

		Hydrogen* engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();

	std::vector<PatternList*> *pPatternColumns = Hydrogen::get_instance()->getSong()->get_pattern_group_vector();
	int nColumns = pPatternColumns->size();

	int nPatternSize;
		int validBpm = engine->getSong()->__bpm;
		float oldBPM = 0;
		float ticksize = 0;
		for ( int patternposition = 0; patternposition < nColumns; ++patternposition ) {
				PatternList *pColumn = ( *pPatternColumns )[ patternposition ];
		if ( pColumn->size() != 0 ) {
			nPatternSize = pColumn->get( 0 )->get_length();
		} else {
			nPatternSize = MAX_NOTES;

				ticksize = pDriver->m_nSampleRate * 60.0 /  engine->getSong()->__bpm / engine->getSong()->__resolution;
				// check pattern bpm if timeline bpm is in use
				Timeline* pTimeline = engine->getTimeline();
				if(Preferences::get_instance()->getUseTimelineBpm() ){
						if( pTimeline->m_timelinevector.size() >= 1 ){

								for ( int t = 0; t < pTimeline->m_timelinevector.size(); t++){
										if(pTimeline->m_timelinevector[t].m_htimelinebeat == patternposition &&
											pTimeline->m_timelinevector[t].m_htimelinebpm != validBpm){
												validBpm =  pTimeline->m_timelinevector[t].m_htimelinebpm;

						ticksize = pDriver->m_nSampleRate * 60.0 / validBpm / Hydrogen::get_instance()->getSong()->__resolution;

						// delay needed time to calculate all rubberband samples
						if( Preferences::get_instance()->getRubberBandBatchMode() && validBpm != oldBPM ){
								EventQueue::get_instance()->push_event( EVENT_RECALCULATERUBBERBAND, -1);
								int sleepTime = Preferences::get_instance()->getRubberBandCalcTime()+1;
								while ((sleepTime = sleep(sleepTime)) > 0);
						oldBPM = validBpm;

						ticksize = pDriver->m_nSampleRate * 60.0 /  Hydrogen::get_instance()->getSong()->__bpm / Hydrogen::get_instance()->getSong()->__resolution;
						//pDriver->m_transport.m_nTickSize = ticksize;

				 //here we have the pattern length in frames dependent from bpm and samplerate
				unsigned patternLengthInFrames = ticksize * nPatternSize;

				unsigned frameNumber = 0;
				int lastRun = 0;
				while ( frameNumber < patternLengthInFrames ) {

						int usedBuffer = pDriver->m_nBufferSize;

						//this will calculate the the size from -last- (end of pattern) used frame buffer,
						//which is mostly smaller than pDriver->m_nBufferSize
						if( patternLengthInFrames - frameNumber <  pDriver->m_nBufferSize ){
								lastRun = patternLengthInFrames - frameNumber;
								usedBuffer = lastRun;

						frameNumber += usedBuffer;
						int ret = pDriver->m_processCallback( usedBuffer, NULL );

						for ( unsigned i = 0; i < usedBuffer; i++ ) {
								if(pData_L[i] > 1){
										pData[i * 2] = 1;
								else if(pData_L[i] < -1){
										pData[i * 2] = -1;
										pData[i * 2] = pData_L[i];

								if(pData_R[i] > 1){
										pData[i * 2 + 1] = 1;
								else if(pData_R[i] < -1){
										pData[i * 2 + 1] = -1;
										pData[i * 2 + 1] = pData_R[i];
						int res = sf_writef_float( m_file, pData, usedBuffer );
						if ( res != ( int )usedBuffer ) {
								__ERRORLOG( "Error during sf_write_float" );

				// this progress bar methode is not exact but ok enough to give users a usable visible progress feedback
				float fPercent = ( float )(patternposition +1) / ( float )nColumns * 100.0;
				EventQueue::get_instance()->push_event( EVENT_PROGRESS, ( int )fPercent );

	delete[] pData;
	pData = NULL;

	sf_close( m_file );

	__INFOLOG( "DiskWriterDriver thread end" );

	pthread_exit( NULL );

	return NULL;
Esempio n. 15
 * The handleAction method is the heard of the MidiActionManager class.
 * It executes the operations that are needed to carry the desired action.
bool MidiActionManager::handleAction( MidiAction * pAction ){

	Hydrogen *pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();

		return false if action is null
		(for example if no Action exists for an event)
	if( pAction == NULL )	return false;

	QString sActionString = pAction->getType();

	if( sActionString == "PLAY" )
		int nState = pEngine->getState();
		if ( nState == STATE_READY ){
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "PLAY/STOP_TOGGLE" || sActionString == "PLAY/PAUSE_TOGGLE" )
		int nState = pEngine->getState();
		switch ( nState )

			if( sActionString == "PLAY/STOP_TOGGLE" ) pEngine->setPatternPos( 0 );

			ERRORLOG( "[Hydrogen::ActionManager(PLAY): Unhandled case" );

		return true;

	if( sActionString == "PAUSE" )
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "STOP" )
		pEngine->setPatternPos( 0 );
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "MUTE" ){
		//mutes the master, not a single strip
		pEngine->getSong()->__is_muted = true;
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "UNMUTE" ){
		pEngine->getSong()->__is_muted = false;
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "MUTE_TOGGLE" ){
		pEngine->getSong()->__is_muted = !Hydrogen::get_instance()->getSong()->__is_muted;
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "BEATCOUNTER" ){
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "TAP_TEMPO" ){
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "SELECT_NEXT_PATTERN" ){
		bool ok;
		int row = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		if( row> pEngine->getSong()->get_pattern_list()->size() -1 )
			return false;
			pEngine->setSelectedPatternNumber( row );
			pEngine->sequencer_setNextPattern( row, false, true );
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "SELECT_NEXT_PATTERN_RELATIVE" ){

		bool ok;

			return true;

		int row = pEngine->getSelectedPatternNumber() + pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);

		if( row> pEngine->getSong()->get_pattern_list()->size() -1 )
			return false;

		pEngine->setSelectedPatternNumber( row );

		return true;

	if( sActionString == "SELECT_PREV_PATTERN_RELATIVE" ){
		bool ok;
			return true;
		int row = pEngine->getSelectedPatternNumber() - pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		if( row < 0 )
			return false;

		pEngine->setSelectedPatternNumber( row );
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "SELECT_NEXT_PATTERN_CC_ABSOLUT" ){
		bool ok;
		int row = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);
		if( row> pEngine->getSong()->get_pattern_list()->size() -1 )
			return false;
			pEngine->setSelectedPatternNumber( row );
			return true;// only usefully in normal pattern mode
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "SELECT_NEXT_PATTERN_PROMPTLY" ){// obsolete, use SELECT_NEXT_PATTERN_CC_ABSOLUT instead
		bool ok;
		int row = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);
		pEngine->setSelectedPatternNumberWithoutGuiEvent( row );
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "SELECT_AND_PLAY_PATTERN"){
		bool ok;
		int row = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		pEngine->setSelectedPatternNumber( row );
		pEngine->sequencer_setNextPattern( row, false, true );

		int nState = pEngine->getState();
		if ( nState == STATE_READY ){

		return true;

	if( sActionString == "SELECT_INSTRUMENT" ){
		bool ok;
		int  instrument_number = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10) ;
		if ( pEngine->getSong()->get_instrument_list()->size() < instrument_number )
			instrument_number = pEngine->getSong()->get_instrument_list()->size() -1;
		pEngine->setSelectedInstrumentNumber( instrument_number );
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "EFFECT1_LEVEL_ABSOLUTE" ){
		bool ok;
		int nLine = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		int fx_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);
		setAbsoluteFXLevel( nLine, 0 , fx_param );

	if( sActionString == "EFFECT2_LEVEL_ABSOLUTE" ){
		bool ok;
		int nLine = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		int fx_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);
		setAbsoluteFXLevel( nLine, 1 , fx_param );

	if( sActionString == "EFFECT3_LEVEL_ABSOLUTE" ){
		bool ok;
		int nLine = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		int fx_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);
		setAbsoluteFXLevel( nLine, 2 , fx_param );

	if( sActionString == "EFFECT4_LEVEL_ABSOLUTE" ){
		bool ok;
		int nLine = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		int fx_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);
		setAbsoluteFXLevel( nLine, 3 , fx_param );

	if( sActionString == "MASTER_VOLUME_RELATIVE" ){
		//increments/decrements the volume of the whole song

		bool ok;
		int vol_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);

		Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
		Song *song = engine->getSong();

		if( vol_param != 0 ){
			if ( vol_param == 1 && song->get_volume() < 1.5 ){
				song->set_volume( song->get_volume() + 0.05 );
			}  else  {
				if( song->get_volume() >= 0.0 ){
					song->set_volume( song->get_volume() - 0.05 );
		} else {
			song->set_volume( 0 );


	if( sActionString == "MASTER_VOLUME_ABSOLUTE" ){
		//sets the volume of a master output to a given level (percentage)

		bool ok;
		int vol_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);

		Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
		Song *song = engine->getSong();

		if( vol_param != 0 ){
			song->set_volume( 1.5* ( (float) (vol_param / 127.0 ) ));
		} else {
			song->set_volume( 0 );


	if( sActionString == "STRIP_VOLUME_RELATIVE" ){
		//increments/decrements the volume of one mixer strip

		bool ok;
		int nLine = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		int vol_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);

		Hydrogen::get_instance()->setSelectedInstrumentNumber( nLine );

		Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
		Song *song = engine->getSong();
		InstrumentList *instrList = song->get_instrument_list();

		Instrument *instr = instrList->get( nLine );

		if ( instr == NULL) return 0;

		if( vol_param != 0 ){
			if ( vol_param == 1 && instr->get_volume() < 1.5 ){
				instr->set_volume( instr->get_volume() + 0.1 );
			}  else  {
				if( instr->get_volume() >= 0.0 ){
					instr->set_volume( instr->get_volume() - 0.1 );
		} else {
			instr->set_volume( 0 );


	if( sActionString == "STRIP_VOLUME_ABSOLUTE" ){
		//sets the volume of a mixer strip to a given level (percentage)

		bool ok;
		int nLine = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		int vol_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);

		Hydrogen::get_instance()->setSelectedInstrumentNumber( nLine );

		Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
		Song *song = engine->getSong();
		InstrumentList *instrList = song->get_instrument_list();

		Instrument *instr = instrList->get( nLine );

		if ( instr == NULL) return 0;

		if( vol_param != 0 ){
			instr->set_volume( 1.5* ( (float) (vol_param / 127.0 ) ));
		} else {
			instr->set_volume( 0 );


	if( sActionString == "PAN_ABSOLUTE" ){

		// sets the absolute panning of a given mixer channel

		bool ok;
		int nLine = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		int pan_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);

		float pan_L;
		float pan_R;

		Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
		engine->setSelectedInstrumentNumber( nLine );
		Song *song = engine->getSong();
		InstrumentList *instrList = song->get_instrument_list();

		Instrument *instr = instrList->get( nLine );

		if( instr == NULL )
			return false;

		pan_L = instr->get_pan_l();
		pan_R = instr->get_pan_r();

		// pan
		float fPanValue = 0.0;
		if (pan_R == 1.0) {
			fPanValue = 1.0 - (pan_L / 2.0);
		else {
			fPanValue = pan_R / 2.0;

		fPanValue = 1 * ( ((float) pan_param) / 127.0 );

		if (fPanValue >= 0.5) {
			pan_L = (1.0 - fPanValue) * 2;
			pan_R = 1.0;
		else {
			pan_L = 1.0;
			pan_R = fPanValue * 2;

		instr->set_pan_l( pan_L );
		instr->set_pan_r( pan_R );


		return true;

	if( sActionString == "PAN_RELATIVE" ){

		// changes the panning of a given mixer channel
		// this is useful if the panning is set by a rotary control knob

		bool ok;
		int nLine = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		int pan_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);

		float pan_L;
		float pan_R;

		Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
		engine->setSelectedInstrumentNumber( nLine );
		Song *song = engine->getSong();
		InstrumentList *instrList = song->get_instrument_list();

		Instrument *instr = instrList->get( nLine );

		if( instr == NULL )
			return false;

		pan_L = instr->get_pan_l();
		pan_R = instr->get_pan_r();

		// pan
		float fPanValue = 0.0;
		if (pan_R == 1.0) {
			fPanValue = 1.0 - (pan_L / 2.0);
		else {
			fPanValue = pan_R / 2.0;

		if( pan_param == 1 && fPanValue < 1 ){
			fPanValue += 0.05;

		if( pan_param != 1 && fPanValue > 0 ){
			fPanValue -= 0.05;

		if (fPanValue >= 0.5) {
			pan_L = (1.0 - fPanValue) * 2;
			pan_R = 1.0;
		else {
			pan_L = 1.0;
			pan_R = fPanValue * 2;

		instr->set_pan_l( pan_L );
		instr->set_pan_r( pan_R );


		return true;

	if( sActionString == "BPM_CC_RELATIVE" ){
		 * increments/decrements the BPM
		 * this is useful if the bpm is set by a rotary control knob

		AudioEngine::get_instance()->lock( RIGHT_HERE );

		int mult = 1;

		//second parameter of cc command
		//this value should be 1 to decrement and something other then 1 to increment the bpm
		int cc_param = 1;

		//this Action should be triggered only by CC commands

		bool ok;
		mult = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		cc_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);

		if( lastBpmChangeCCParameter == -1)
			lastBpmChangeCCParameter = cc_param;

		Song* pSong = pEngine->getSong();

		if ( lastBpmChangeCCParameter >= cc_param && pSong->__bpm  < 300) {
			pEngine->setBPM( pSong->__bpm - 1*mult );

		if ( lastBpmChangeCCParameter < cc_param && pSong->__bpm  > 40 ) {
			pEngine->setBPM( pSong->__bpm + 1*mult );

		lastBpmChangeCCParameter = cc_param;


		return true;

	if( sActionString == "BPM_FINE_CC_RELATIVE" ){
		 * increments/decrements the BPM
		 * this is useful if the bpm is set by a rotary control knob

		AudioEngine::get_instance()->lock( RIGHT_HERE );

		int mult = 1;

		//second parameter of cc command
		//this value should be 1 to decrement and something other then 1 to increment the bpm
		int cc_param = 1;

		//this Action should be triggered only by CC commands

		bool ok;
		mult = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);
		cc_param = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);

		if( lastBpmChangeCCParameter == -1)
			lastBpmChangeCCParameter = cc_param;

		Song* pSong = pEngine->getSong();

		if ( lastBpmChangeCCParameter >= cc_param && pSong->__bpm  < 300) {
			pEngine->setBPM( pSong->__bpm - 0.01*mult );

		if ( lastBpmChangeCCParameter < cc_param && pSong->__bpm  > 40 ) {
			pEngine->setBPM( pSong->__bpm + 0.01*mult );

		lastBpmChangeCCParameter = cc_param;


		return true;

	if( sActionString == "BPM_INCR" ){
		AudioEngine::get_instance()->lock( RIGHT_HERE );

		int mult = 1;

		bool ok;
		mult = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);

		Song* pSong = pEngine->getSong();
		if (pSong->__bpm  < 300) {
			pEngine->setBPM( pSong->__bpm + 1*mult );

		return true;

	if( sActionString == "BPM_DECR" ){
		AudioEngine::get_instance()->lock( RIGHT_HERE );

		int mult = 1;

		bool ok;
		mult = pAction->getParameter1().toInt(&ok,10);

		Song* pSong = pEngine->getSong();
		if (pSong->__bpm  > 40 ) {
			pEngine->setBPM( pSong->__bpm - 1*mult );

		return true;

	if( sActionString == ">>_NEXT_BAR"){
		pEngine->setPatternPos(pEngine->getPatternPos() +1 );
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "<<_PREVIOUS_BAR"){
		pEngine->setPatternPos(pEngine->getPatternPos() -1 );
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "PLAYLIST_SONG"){
		bool ok;
		int songnumber = pAction->getParameter2().toInt(&ok,10);
		return setSong( songnumber );

	if( sActionString == "PLAYLIST_NEXT_SONG"){
		int songnumber = Playlist::get_instance()->getActiveSongNumber();
		return setSong( ++songnumber );

	if( sActionString == "PLAYLIST_PREV_SONG"){
		int songnumber = Playlist::get_instance()->getActiveSongNumber();
		return setSong( --songnumber );

	if( sActionString == "RECORD_READY"){
		if ( pEngine->getState() != STATE_PLAYING ) {
			if (!Preferences::get_instance()->getRecordEvents()) {
			else {
		return true;
	if( sActionString == "RECORD/STROBE_TOGGLE"){
		if (!Preferences::get_instance()->getRecordEvents()) {
		else {
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "RECORD_STROBE"){

		if (!Preferences::get_instance()->getRecordEvents()) {
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "RECORD_EXIT"){

		if (Preferences::get_instance()->getRecordEvents()) {
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "TOGGLE_METRONOME"){

		Preferences::get_instance()->m_bUseMetronome = !Preferences::get_instance()->m_bUseMetronome;
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "UNDO_ACTION"){
		EventQueue::get_instance()->push_event( EVENT_UNDO_REDO, 0);// 0 = undo
		return true;

	if( sActionString == "REDO_ACTION"){
		EventQueue::get_instance()->push_event( EVENT_UNDO_REDO, 1);// 1 = redo
		return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 16
void Sampler::setPlayingNotelength( Instrument* instrument, unsigned long ticks, unsigned long noteOnTick )
	if ( instrument ) { // stop all notes using this instrument
		Hydrogen *pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
		Song* mSong = pEngine->getSong();
		int selectedpattern = pEngine->__get_selected_PatterNumber();
		Pattern* currentPattern = NULL;

		if ( mSong->get_mode() == Song::PATTERN_MODE ||
		( pEngine->getState() != STATE_PLAYING )){
			PatternList *pPatternList = mSong->get_pattern_list();
			if ( ( selectedpattern != -1 )
			&& ( selectedpattern < ( int )pPatternList->size() ) ) {
				currentPattern = pPatternList->get( selectedpattern );
			std::vector<PatternList*> *pColumns = mSong->get_pattern_group_vector();
//			Pattern *pPattern = NULL;
			int pos = pEngine->getPatternPos() +1;
			for ( int i = 0; i < pos; ++i ) {
				PatternList *pColumn = ( *pColumns )[i];
				currentPattern = pColumn->get( 0 );

		if ( currentPattern ) {
				int patternsize = currentPattern->get_length();

				for ( unsigned nNote = 0; nNote < currentPattern->get_length(); nNote++ ) {
					const Pattern::notes_t* notes = currentPattern->get_notes();
					FOREACH_NOTE_CST_IT_BOUND(notes,it,nNote) {
						Note *pNote = it->second;
						if ( pNote!=NULL ) {
							if( !Preferences::get_instance()->__playselectedinstrument ){
								if ( pNote->get_instrument() == instrument
								&& pNote->get_position() == noteOnTick ) {
									AudioEngine::get_instance()->lock( RIGHT_HERE );

									if ( ticks >  patternsize )
										ticks = patternsize - noteOnTick;
									pNote->set_length( ticks );
									Hydrogen::get_instance()->getSong()->__is_modified = true;
									AudioEngine::get_instance()->unlock(); // unlock the audio engine
								if ( pNote->get_instrument() == pEngine->getSong()->get_instrument_list()->get( pEngine->getSelectedInstrumentNumber())
								&& pNote->get_position() == noteOnTick ) {
									AudioEngine::get_instance()->lock( RIGHT_HERE );
									if ( ticks >  patternsize )
										ticks = patternsize - noteOnTick;
									pNote->set_length( ticks );
									Hydrogen::get_instance()->getSong()->__is_modified = true;
									AudioEngine::get_instance()->unlock(); // unlock the audio engine
Esempio n. 17
void MainForm::action_file_export_pattern_as()
	if ( ( Hydrogen::get_instance()->getState() == STATE_PLAYING ) )

	Hydrogen *engine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	int selectedpattern = engine->getSelectedPatternNumber();
	Song *song = engine->getSong();
	Pattern *pat = song->get_pattern_list()->get ( selectedpattern );

	Instrument *instr = song->get_instrument_list()->get ( 0 );
	assert ( instr );

	QDir dir  = Preferences::get_instance()->__lastspatternDirectory;

	QFileDialog fd(this);
	fd.setFileMode ( QFileDialog::AnyFile );
	fd.setFilter ( trUtf8 ( "Hydrogen Pattern (*.h2pattern)" ) );
	fd.setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog::AcceptSave );
	fd.setWindowTitle ( trUtf8 ( "Save Pattern as ..." ) );
	fd.setDirectory ( dir );
	fd.setSidebarUrls( fd.sidebarUrls() << QUrl::fromLocalFile( Filesystem::patterns_dir() ) );

	QString defaultPatternname = QString ( pat->get_name() );

	fd.selectFile ( defaultPatternname );

	LocalFileMng fileMng;
	QString filename;
	if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
		filename = fd.selectedFiles().first();
		QString tmpfilename = filename;
		QString toremove = tmpfilename.section( '/', -1 );
		QString newdatapath =  tmpfilename.replace( toremove, "" );
		Preferences::get_instance()->__lastspatternDirectory = newdatapath;

	if ( !filename.isEmpty() )
		QString sNewFilename = filename;
		if(sNewFilename.endsWith( ".h2pattern" ) ){
			sNewFilename += "";
			sNewFilename += ".h2pattern";
		QString patternname = sNewFilename;
		QString realpatternname = filename;
		QString realname = realpatternname.mid( realpatternname.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
		if ( realname.endsWith( ".h2pattern" ) )
			realname.replace( ".h2pattern", "" );
		int err = fileMng.savePattern ( song, engine->getCurrentDrumkitname(), selectedpattern, patternname, realname, 2 );
		if ( err != 0 )
			QMessageBox::warning( this, "Hydrogen", trUtf8("Could not export pattern.") );
			_ERRORLOG ( "Error saving the pattern" );
	h2app->setStatusBarMessage ( trUtf8 ( "Pattern saved." ), 10000 );

	//update SoundlibraryPanel
Esempio n. 18
SongEditorPanel::SongEditorPanel(QWidget *pParent)
 : QWidget( pParent )
 , Object( __class_name )
 , m_actionMode( DRAW_ACTION )
	m_nInitialWidth = 600;
	m_nInitialHeight = 250;
	Preferences *pPref = Preferences::get_instance();

	Hydrogen*	pEngine = Hydrogen::get_instance();
	Song*		pSong = pEngine->getSong();

	setWindowTitle( trUtf8( "Song Editor" ) );

	// background
	PixmapWidget *pBackPanel = new PixmapWidget( NULL );
	pBackPanel->setFixedSize( 196, 49 );
	pBackPanel->setPixmap( "/songEditor/bg_topPanel.png" );

	// time line toggle button
	m_pTimeLineToggleBtn = new ToggleButton(
			QSize( 54, 13 )
	m_pTimeLineToggleBtn->move( 133, 6 );
	m_pTimeLineToggleBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8( "Enable time line edit") );
	connect( m_pTimeLineToggleBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( timeLineBtnPressed(Button* ) ) );
	m_pTimeLineToggleBtn->setPressed( pPref->getUseTimelineBpm() );

	// clear sequence button
	m_pClearPatternSeqBtn = new Button(
	m_pClearPatternSeqBtn->move( 6, 5 + 25 );
	m_pClearPatternSeqBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8("Clear pattern sequence") );
	connect( m_pClearPatternSeqBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( clearSequence(Button*) ) );

	// new pattern button
	Button *newPatBtn = new Button(
			QSize(19, 13)
	newPatBtn->move( 64, 5 + 25);
	newPatBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8("Create new pattern") );
	connect( newPatBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( newPatBtnClicked( Button* ) ) );

	// down button
	m_pDownBtn = new Button(
	m_pDownBtn->move( 89, 5 + 25);
	m_pDownBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8("Move the selected pattern down") );
	connect( m_pDownBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( downBtnClicked( Button* ) ) );

	// up button
	m_pUpBtn = new Button(
	m_pUpBtn->move( 106, 5 + 25 );
	m_pUpBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8("Move the selected pattern up") );
	connect( m_pUpBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( upBtnClicked( Button* ) ) );

	// select toggle button
	m_pPointerActionBtn = new ToggleButton(
			QSize( 18, 13 )
	m_pPointerActionBtn->move( 128, 5 + 25 );
	m_pPointerActionBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8( "Select mode" ) );
	connect( m_pPointerActionBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( pointerActionBtnPressed(Button*) ) );

	// draw toggle button
	m_pDrawActionBtn = new ToggleButton(
			QSize( 18, 13 )
	m_pDrawActionBtn->move( 147, 5 + 25 );
	m_pDrawActionBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8( "Draw mode") );
	connect( m_pDrawActionBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( drawActionBtnPressed(Button* ) ) );
	m_pDrawActionBtn->setPressed( true );

	m_pModeActionBtn = new ToggleButton(
			QSize( 18, 13 )
	m_pModeActionBtn->move( 169, 5 + 25 );
	m_pModeActionBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8( "stacked mode") );
	m_pModeActionBtn->setPressed(  pPref->patternModePlaysSelected() );
	connect( m_pModeActionBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( modeActionBtnPressed() ) );

	m_pHScrollBar = new QScrollBar( Qt::Horizontal,NULL );
	connect( m_pHScrollBar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT( syncToExternalScrollBar() ) );

	// zoom-in btn
	Button* pZoomInBtn = new Button(
			QSize( 19, 13 )
	connect( pZoomInBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( zoomOutBtnPressed(Button* ) ) );

	// zoom-out btn
	Button* pZoomOutBtn = new Button(
			QSize( 19, 13 )
	connect( pZoomOutBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( zoomInBtnPressed(Button* ) ) );

	// view playback track toggle button
	m_pViewPlaybackToggleBtn = new ToggleButton(
			QSize( 19, 13 )
	m_pViewPlaybackToggleBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8( "View playback track") );
	connect( m_pViewPlaybackToggleBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( viewPlaybackTrackBtnPressed(Button* ) ) );
	m_pViewPlaybackToggleBtn->setPressed( false );
	// Playback Fader
	m_pPlaybackTrackFader = new VerticalFader( pBackPanel, false, false );
	m_pPlaybackTrackFader->move( 6, 2 );
	m_pPlaybackTrackFader->setMinValue( 0.0 );
	m_pPlaybackTrackFader->setMaxValue( 1.5 );
	m_pPlaybackTrackFader->setValue( pSong->get_playback_track_volume() );
	connect( m_pPlaybackTrackFader, SIGNAL( valueChanged(Fader*) ), this, SLOT( faderChanged(Fader*) ) );

	// mute playback track toggle button
	m_pMutePlaybackToggleBtn = new ToggleButton(
			QSize( 42, 13 )
	m_pMutePlaybackToggleBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8( "Mute playback track") );
	m_pMutePlaybackToggleBtn->move( 151, 6 );
	connect( m_pMutePlaybackToggleBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( mutePlaybackTrackBtnPressed(Button* ) ) );
	m_pMutePlaybackToggleBtn->setPressed( !pSong->get_playback_track_enabled() );
	// edit playback track toggle button
	m_pEditPlaybackBtn = new Button(
			QSize( 42, 13 )
	m_pEditPlaybackBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8( "Choose playback track") );
	m_pEditPlaybackBtn->move( 124, 6 );
	connect( m_pEditPlaybackBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( editPlaybackTrackBtnPressed(Button* ) ) );
	m_pEditPlaybackBtn->setPressed( false );

	// timeline view toggle button
	m_pViewTimeLineToggleBtn = new ToggleButton(
			QSize( 19, 13 )
	m_pViewTimeLineToggleBtn->setToolTip( trUtf8( "View timeline") );
	connect( m_pViewTimeLineToggleBtn, SIGNAL( clicked( Button* ) ), this, SLOT( viewTimeLineBtnPressed(Button* ) ) );
	m_pViewTimeLineToggleBtn->setPressed( true );
	QHBoxLayout *pHZoomLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
	pHZoomLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
	pHZoomLayout->setMargin( 0 );
	pHZoomLayout->addWidget( m_pViewPlaybackToggleBtn );
	pHZoomLayout->addWidget( m_pViewTimeLineToggleBtn );
	pHZoomLayout->addWidget( m_pHScrollBar );
	pHZoomLayout->addWidget( pZoomInBtn );
	pHZoomLayout->addWidget( pZoomOutBtn );

	QWidget *pHScrollbarPanel = new QWidget();
	pHScrollbarPanel->setLayout( pHZoomLayout );

	//~ ZOOM

	m_pPatternListScrollView = new QScrollArea( NULL );
	m_pPatternListScrollView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
	m_pPatternListScrollView->setFixedWidth( m_nPatternListWidth );
	m_pPatternListScrollView->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_pPatternListScrollView->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	connect( m_pPatternListScrollView->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( on_patternListScroll() ) );

	m_pPatternList = new SongEditorPatternList( m_pPatternListScrollView->viewport() );
	m_pPatternListScrollView->setWidget( m_pPatternList );

	m_pEditorScrollView = new QScrollArea( NULL );
	m_pEditorScrollView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
	m_pEditorScrollView->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_pEditorScrollView->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_pSongEditor = new SongEditor( m_pEditorScrollView->viewport() );
	m_pEditorScrollView->setWidget( m_pSongEditor );

	connect( m_pEditorScrollView->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( on_EditorScroll() ) );
	connect( m_pEditorScrollView->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( on_EditorScroll() ) );

	m_pPositionRulerScrollView = new QScrollArea( NULL );
	m_pPositionRulerScrollView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
	m_pPositionRulerScrollView->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_pPositionRulerScrollView->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_pPositionRulerScrollView->setFixedHeight( 50 );

	m_pWidgetStack = new QStackedWidget( m_pPositionRulerScrollView );

	m_pPositionRuler = new SongEditorPositionRuler( NULL );
	m_pWaveDisplay = new WaveDisplay( m_pPositionRulerScrollView->viewport() );
	InstrumentComponent *pCompo = AudioEngine::get_instance()->get_sampler()->__preview_instrument->get_components()->front();
	m_pWaveDisplay->updateDisplay( pCompo->get_layer(0) );
	m_pWidgetStack->addWidget( m_pPositionRuler );
	m_pWidgetStack->addWidget( m_pWaveDisplay );
	m_pPositionRulerScrollView->setWidget( m_pWidgetStack );
	m_pAutomationPathScrollView = new QScrollArea( NULL );
	m_pAutomationPathScrollView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
	m_pAutomationPathScrollView->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_pAutomationPathScrollView->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_pAutomationPathView = new AutomationPathView( m_pAutomationPathScrollView->viewport() );
	m_pAutomationPathScrollView->setWidget( m_pAutomationPathView );
	m_pAutomationPathScrollView->setFixedHeight( 64 );
	connect( m_pAutomationPathView, SIGNAL( valueChanged() ), this, SLOT( automationPathChanged() ) );
	connect( m_pAutomationPathView, SIGNAL( pointAdded(float, float) ), this, SLOT( automationPathPointAdded(float,float) ) );
	connect( m_pAutomationPathView, SIGNAL( pointRemoved(float, float) ), this, SLOT( automationPathPointRemoved(float,float) ) );
	connect( m_pAutomationPathView, SIGNAL( pointMoved(float, float, float, float) ), this, SLOT( automationPathPointMoved(float,float, float, float) ) );

	m_pAutomationCombo = new LCDCombo( NULL, 22 );
	m_pAutomationCombo->setToolTip( trUtf8("Adjust parameter values in time") );
	m_pAutomationCombo->addItem( trUtf8("Velocity") );
	m_pAutomationCombo->set_text( trUtf8("Velocity") );

	m_pVScrollBar = new QScrollBar( Qt::Vertical, NULL );
	connect( m_pVScrollBar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT( syncToExternalScrollBar() ) );

	// ok...let's build the layout
	QGridLayout *pGridLayout = new QGridLayout();
	pGridLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
	pGridLayout->setMargin( 0 );

	pGridLayout->addWidget( pBackPanel, 0, 0 );
	pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pPositionRulerScrollView, 0, 1 );
	pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pPatternListScrollView, 1, 0 );
	pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pEditorScrollView, 1, 1 );
	pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pVScrollBar, 1, 2, 2, 1 );
	pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pAutomationPathScrollView, 2, 1);
	pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pAutomationCombo, 2, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight );
	pGridLayout->addWidget( pHScrollbarPanel, 3, 1 );

	if( !pPref->getShowAutomationArea() ){
	this->setLayout( pGridLayout );
	QPalette defaultPalette;
	defaultPalette.setColor( QPalette::Background, QColor( 58, 62, 72 ) );
	this->setPalette( defaultPalette );



	HydrogenApp::get_instance()->addEventListener( this );

	m_pTimer = new QTimer(this);
	connect(m_pTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT( updatePlayHeadPosition() ) );
	connect(m_pTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT( updatePlaybackFaderPeaks() ) );