bool MotomanJointTrajectoryStreamer::VectorToJointData(const std::vector<double> &vec, JointData &joints) { if (vec.size() > joints.getMaxNumJoints()) ROS_ERROR_RETURN(false, "Failed to copy to JointData. Len (%d) out of range (0 to %d)", vec.size(), joints.getMaxNumJoints()); joints.init(); for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) { joints.setJoint(i, vec[i]); } return true; }
void JointDataTest::instantiationTest() { std::string id = "id1234"; float ang = 1232.023; bool success = true; JointData j = JointData(id, ang); if(j.getAngle() != ang)success = false; std::cout << "Step 1. Angle: " << j.getAngle() << std::endl; if(j.getJointId() != id)success = false; std::cout << "Step 2. ID: " << j.getJointId() << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(success); }
TEST(DISABLED_TrajectoryJob, init) { using namespace std; TrajectoryJob job; JointTraj traj; JointTrajPt pt; JointData init; string job_name = "JOB_NAME"; string job_ext = ".JBI"; const int TRAJ_SIZE = 50; const int BIG_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE = 500000; char bigJobBuffer[BIG_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE]; const int SMALL_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE = 10; char smallJobBuffer[SMALL_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE]; for (int i = 1; i <= TRAJ_SIZE; i++) { //ROS_DEBUG("Initializing joint: %d", i); for (int j = 0; j < init.getMaxNumJoints(); j++) { //ROS_DEBUG("Initializing point: %d.%d", i, j); ASSERT_TRUE(init.setJoint(j, (i*(j+1)))); } pt.init(i, init, 11.1111, 0.01); ASSERT_TRUE(traj.addPoint(pt)); } EXPECT_FALSE(job.init("this name is way too long to be the name of a file and this should fail")); ASSERT_TRUE(job.init((char*)job_name.c_str())); EXPECT_FALSE(job.toJobString(traj, &smallJobBuffer[0], SMALL_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE)); // Test is disabled because the line below fails due to missing conversions functions. This // ability has been moved to the controller and now is dynamically updated at runtime. There // may not be a solution to this issue. EXPECT_TRUE(job.toJobString(traj, &bigJobBuffer[0], BIG_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE)); ofstream file; job_name.append(job_ext);; ASSERT_TRUE(file.is_open()); file << bigJobBuffer; file.close(); }
void PreviewWalk::plotJointAngles(const JointData& joints, const std::string& prefix) { std::string name; for(int i = 1; i < JointData::numOfJoints; ++i) { name = prefix + joints.getJointName(JointData::Joint(i)); //MATLABHELP_PLOT(joints.angles[i], name); } }
void JointMotionHandler::motionInterface(JointMessage & jMsg) { // // Upon receiving... // 1st point - initialize buffer, enable motion, start job, add point (increment buffer index), // Nth point - add point (increment buffer index) // end of trajectory - wait until buffer size = 0, disable motion, stop job, reset buffer indicies //motion stop - disable motion, stop job JointData joints; switch (jMsg.getSequence()) { case SpecialSeqValues::END_TRAJECTORY: LOG_INFO("Received end trajectory command"); while(!pVarQ.bufferEmpty()) { LOG_DEBUG("Waiting for motion buffer to empty"); mpTaskDelay(this->BUFFER_POLL_TICK_DELAY); }; this->stopMotionJob(); break; case SpecialSeqValues::STOP_TRAJECTORY: LOG_WARN("Received stop command, stopping motion immediately"); this->stopMotionJob(); break; default: joints.copyFrom(jMsg.getJoints()); if (!(this->isJobStarted())) { //TODO: The velocity should be set from the message in the future. pVarQ.init(joints, 0.0); this->startMotionJob(); } else { pVarQ.addPoint(joints, 0.0); } } }
void calc (JointData & data, const Eigen::VectorXd & qs, const Eigen::VectorXd & vs ) const { Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & q = qs.segment<NQ> (idx_q ()); data.v () = vs.segment<NV> (idx_v ()); const JointData::Quaternion quat(Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1> (q.tail <4> ())); // TODO data.M.rotation (quat.matrix ()); }
int MultiBodyTree::finalize() { const int &num_bodies = m_init_cache->numBodies(); const int &num_dofs = m_init_cache->numDoFs(); if(num_dofs<=0) { error_message("Need num_dofs>=1, but num_dofs= %d\n", num_dofs); //return -1; } // 1 allocate internal MultiBody structure m_impl = new MultiBodyImpl(num_bodies, num_dofs); // 2 build new index set assuring index(parent) < index(child) if (-1 == m_init_cache->buildIndexSets()) { return -1; } m_init_cache->getParentIndexArray(&m_impl->m_parent_index); // 3 setup internal kinematic and dynamic data for (int index = 0; index < num_bodies; index++) { InertiaData inertia; JointData joint; if (-1 == m_init_cache->getInertiaData(index, &inertia)) { return -1; } if (-1 == m_init_cache->getJointData(index, &joint)) { return -1; } RigidBody &rigid_body = m_impl->m_body_list[index]; rigid_body.m_mass = inertia.m_mass; rigid_body.m_body_mass_com = inertia.m_mass * inertia.m_body_pos_body_com; rigid_body.m_body_I_body = inertia.m_body_I_body; rigid_body.m_joint_type = joint.m_type; rigid_body.m_parent_pos_parent_body_ref = joint.m_parent_pos_parent_child_ref; rigid_body.m_body_T_parent_ref = joint.m_child_T_parent_ref; rigid_body.m_parent_pos_parent_body_ref = joint.m_parent_pos_parent_child_ref; rigid_body.m_joint_type = joint.m_type; // Set joint Jacobians. Note that the dimension is always 3x1 here to avoid variable sized // matrices. switch (rigid_body.m_joint_type) { case REVOLUTE: rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(0) = joint.m_child_axis_of_motion(0); rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(1) = joint.m_child_axis_of_motion(1); rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(2) = joint.m_child_axis_of_motion(2); rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(0) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(1) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(2) = 0.0; break; case PRISMATIC: rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(0) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(1) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(2) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(0) = joint.m_child_axis_of_motion(0); rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(1) = joint.m_child_axis_of_motion(1); rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(2) = joint.m_child_axis_of_motion(2); break; case FIXED: // NOTE/TODO: dimension really should be zero .. rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(0) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(1) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(2) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(0) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(1) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(2) = 0.0; break; case FLOATING: // NOTE/TODO: this is not really correct. // the Jacobians should be 3x3 matrices here ! rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(0) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(1) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JR(2) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(0) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(1) = 0.0; rigid_body.m_Jac_JT(2) = 0.0; break; default: error_message("unsupported joint type %d\n", rigid_body.m_joint_type); return -1; } } // 4 assign degree of freedom indices & build per-joint-type index arrays if (-1 == m_impl->generateIndexSets()) { error_message("generating index sets\n"); return -1; } // 5 do some pre-computations .. m_impl->calculateStaticData(); // 6. make sure all user forces are set to zero, as this might not happen // in the vector ctors. m_impl->clearAllUserForcesAndMoments(); m_is_finalized = true; return 0; }
void JointTrajectoryDownloader::jointTrajectoryCB( const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryConstPtr &msg) { ROS_INFO("Receiving joint trajectory message"); /* if (!checkTrajectory(msg)) { ROS_ERROR("Joint trajectory check failed, trajectory not downloaded"); return; } std::vector<double> joint_velocity_limits; if (!getVelocityLimits("robot_description", msg->joint_names, joint_velocity_limits)) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to get joint velocity limits"); return; } */ for (int i = 0; i < msg->points.size(); i++) { ROS_INFO("Sending joints trajectory point[%d]", i); JointTrajPt jPt; JointTrajPtMessage jMsg; SimpleMessage topic; trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint pt; pt = msg->points[i]; // The first and last sequence values must be given a special sequence // value if (0 == i) { ROS_DEBUG("First trajectory point, setting special sequence value"); jPt.setSequence(SpecialSeqValues::START_TRAJECTORY_DOWNLOAD); } else if (msg->points.size() - 1 == i) { ROS_DEBUG("Last trajectory point, setting special sequence value"); jMsg.point_.setSequence(SpecialSeqValues::END_TRAJECTORY); } else { jMsg.point_.setSequence(i); } // Copy position data to local variable JointData data; for (int j = 0; j < msg->joint_names.size(); j++) { pt = msg->points[j]; data.setJoint(j, pt.positions[j]); } // Initialize joint trajectory message jPt.setJointPosition(data); jMsg.init(jPt); jMsg.toTopic(topic); ROS_DEBUG("Sending joint trajectory point"); if (this->robot_->sendMsg(topic)) { ROS_INFO("Point[%d] sent to controller", i); } else { ROS_WARN("Failed sent joint point, skipping point"); } } }
void JointData::mirrorFrom(const JointData& jointData) { for (int i = 0; i < numOfJoint; i++) position[i] = jointData.mirrorData((JointID) i); }//end mirror
void JointTrajectoryDownloader::jointTrajectoryCB( const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryConstPtr &msg) { ROS_INFO("Receiving joint trajectory message"); // TBD: re-enable in a more generic fashion? //if (!checkTrajectory(msg)) //{ // ROS_ERROR("Joint trajectory check failed, trajectory not downloaded"); // return; //} std::vector<double> joint_velocity_limits; std::vector<trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint> points(msg->points); // TBD: re-enable velocity scaling //if (!getVelocityLimits("robot_description", msg, joint_velocity_limits)) //{ // ROS_ERROR("Failed to get joint velocity limits"); // return; //} // Trajectory download requires at least two points (START/END) if (points.size() < 2) points.push_back(trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint(points[0])); if (!this->robot_->isConnected()) { ROS_WARN("Attempting robot reconnection"); this->robot_->makeConnect(); } ROS_INFO("Sending trajectory points, size: %d", points.size()); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { ROS_INFO("Sending joints trajectory point[%d]", i); JointTrajPt jPt; JointTrajPtMessage jMsg; SimpleMessage topic; // Performing a manual copy of the joint velocities in order to send them // to the utility function. Passing the pt data members doesn't seem to // work. std::vector<double> joint_velocities(0.0); double velocity =0 ; joint_velocities.resize(msg->joint_names.size(), 0.0); for (int j = 0; j < joint_velocities.size(); j++) { joint_velocities[j] = points[i].velocities[j]; } ROS_DEBUG("Joint velocities copied"); // TBD: restore joint-velocity scaling //velocity = toMotomanVelocity(joint_velocity_limits, joint_velocities); velocity = 0.20; // TBD: hardcode for now jPt.setVelocity(velocity); // The first and last sequence values must be given a special sequence // value if (0 == i) { ROS_DEBUG("First trajectory point, setting special sequence value"); jPt.setSequence(SpecialSeqValues::START_TRAJECTORY_DOWNLOAD); } else if (points.size() - 1 == i) { ROS_DEBUG("Last trajectory point, setting special sequence value"); jPt.setSequence(SpecialSeqValues::END_TRAJECTORY); } else { jPt.setSequence(i); } // Copy position data to local variable JointData data; for (int j = 0; j < msg->joint_names.size(); j++) { data.setJoint(j, points[i].positions[j]); } // Initialize joint trajectory message jPt.setJointPosition(data); jMsg.init(jPt); jMsg.toTopic(topic); ROS_DEBUG("Sending joint trajectory point"); if (this->robot_->sendMsg(topic)) { ROS_INFO("Point[%d] sent to controller", i); } else { ROS_WARN("Failed sent joint point, skipping point"); } } }