bool MotomanJointTrajectoryStreamer::VectorToJointData(const std::vector<double> &vec, JointData &joints) { if (vec.size() > joints.getMaxNumJoints()) ROS_ERROR_RETURN(false, "Failed to copy to JointData. Len (%d) out of range (0 to %d)", vec.size(), joints.getMaxNumJoints()); joints.init(); for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) { joints.setJoint(i, vec[i]); } return true; }
TEST(DISABLED_TrajectoryJob, init) { using namespace std; TrajectoryJob job; JointTraj traj; JointTrajPt pt; JointData init; string job_name = "JOB_NAME"; string job_ext = ".JBI"; const int TRAJ_SIZE = 50; const int BIG_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE = 500000; char bigJobBuffer[BIG_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE]; const int SMALL_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE = 10; char smallJobBuffer[SMALL_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE]; for (int i = 1; i <= TRAJ_SIZE; i++) { //ROS_DEBUG("Initializing joint: %d", i); for (int j = 0; j < init.getMaxNumJoints(); j++) { //ROS_DEBUG("Initializing point: %d.%d", i, j); ASSERT_TRUE(init.setJoint(j, (i*(j+1)))); } pt.init(i, init, 11.1111, 0.01); ASSERT_TRUE(traj.addPoint(pt)); } EXPECT_FALSE(job.init("this name is way too long to be the name of a file and this should fail")); ASSERT_TRUE(job.init((char*)job_name.c_str())); EXPECT_FALSE(job.toJobString(traj, &smallJobBuffer[0], SMALL_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE)); // Test is disabled because the line below fails due to missing conversions functions. This // ability has been moved to the controller and now is dynamically updated at runtime. There // may not be a solution to this issue. EXPECT_TRUE(job.toJobString(traj, &bigJobBuffer[0], BIG_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE)); ofstream file; job_name.append(job_ext);; ASSERT_TRUE(file.is_open()); file << bigJobBuffer; file.close(); }