double PmeKSpace::compute_energy(float *q_arr, const Lattice &lattice, double ewald, double *virial) { double energy = 0.0; double v0 = 0.; double v1 = 0.; double v2 = 0.; double v3 = 0.; double v4 = 0.; double v5 = 0.; int n; int k1, k2, k3, ind; int K1, K2, K3; K1=myGrid.K1; K2=myGrid.K2; K3=myGrid.K3; i_pi_volume = 1.0/(M_PI * lattice.volume()); piob = M_PI/ewald; piob *= piob; if ( lattice.orthogonal() ) { // if ( 0 ) { // JCP FOR TESTING //This branch is the usual call path. #if USE_CKLOOP int useCkLoop = Node::Object()->simParameters->useCkLoop; if(useCkLoop>=CKLOOP_CTRL_PME_KSPACE){ return compute_energy_orthogonal_helper(q_arr, lattice, ewald, virial); } #endif double recipx = lattice.a_r().x; double recipy = lattice.b_r().y; double recipz = lattice.c_r().z; init_exp(exp1, K1, 0, K1, recipx); init_exp(exp2, K2, k2_start, k2_end, recipy); init_exp(exp3, K3, k3_start, k3_end, recipz); ind = 0; for ( k1=0; k1<K1; ++k1 ) { double m1, m11, b1, xp1; b1 = bm1[k1]; int k1_s = k1<=K1/2 ? k1 : k1-K1; m1 = k1_s*recipx; m11 = m1*m1; xp1 = i_pi_volume*exp1[abs(k1_s)]; for ( k2=k2_start; k2<k2_end; ++k2 ) { double m2, m22, b1b2, xp2; b1b2 = b1*bm2[k2]; int k2_s = k2<=K2/2 ? k2 : k2-K2; m2 = k2_s*recipy; m22 = m2*m2; xp2 = exp2[abs(k2_s)]*xp1; k3 = k3_start; if ( k1==0 && k2==0 && k3==0 ) { q_arr[ind++] = 0.0; q_arr[ind++] = 0.0; ++k3; } for ( ; k3<k3_end; ++k3 ) { double m3, m33, xp3, msq, imsq, vir, fac; double theta3, theta, q2, qr, qc, C; theta3 = bm3[k3] *b1b2; m3 = k3*recipz; m33 = m3*m3; xp3 = exp3[k3]; qr = q_arr[ind]; qc=q_arr[ind+1]; q2 = 2*(qr*qr + qc*qc)*theta3; if ( (k3 == 0) || ( k3 == K3/2 && ! (K3 & 1) ) ) q2 *= 0.5; msq = m11 + m22 + m33; imsq = 1.0/msq; C = xp2*xp3*imsq; theta = theta3*C; q_arr[ind] *= theta; q_arr[ind+1] *= theta; vir = -2*(piob+imsq); fac = q2*C; energy += fac; v0 += fac*(1.0+vir*m11); v1 += fac*vir*m1*m2; v2 += fac*vir*m1*m3; v3 += fac*(1.0+vir*m22); v4 += fac*vir*m2*m3; v5 += fac*(1.0+vir*m33); ind += 2; } } } } else if ( cross(lattice.a(),lattice.b()).unit() == lattice.c().unit() ) { // } else if ( 0 ) { // JCP FOR TESTING Vector recip1 = lattice.a_r(); Vector recip2 = lattice.b_r(); Vector recip3 = lattice.c_r(); double recip3_x = recip3.x; double recip3_y = recip3.y; double recip3_z = recip3.z; init_exp(exp3, K3, k3_start, k3_end, recip3.length()); ind = 0; for ( k1=0; k1<K1; ++k1 ) { double b1; Vector m1; b1 = bm1[k1]; int k1_s = k1<=K1/2 ? k1 : k1-K1; m1 = k1_s*recip1; // xp1 = i_pi_volume*exp1[abs(k1_s)]; for ( k2=k2_start; k2<k2_end; ++k2 ) { double xp2, b1b2, m2_x, m2_y, m2_z; b1b2 = b1*bm2[k2]; int k2_s = k2<=K2/2 ? k2 : k2-K2; m2_x = m1.x + k2_s*recip2.x; m2_y = m1.y + k2_s*recip2.y; m2_z = m1.z + k2_s*recip2.z; // xp2 = exp2[abs(k2_s)]*xp1; xp2 = i_pi_volume*exp(-piob*(m2_x*m2_x+m2_y*m2_y+m2_z*m2_z)); k3 = k3_start; if ( k1==0 && k2==0 && k3==0 ) { q_arr[ind++] = 0.0; q_arr[ind++] = 0.0; ++k3; } for ( ; k3<k3_end; ++k3 ) { double xp3, msq, imsq, vir, fac; double theta3, theta, q2, qr, qc, C; double m_x, m_y, m_z; theta3 = bm3[k3] *b1b2; m_x = m2_x + k3*recip3_x; m_y = m2_y + k3*recip3_y; m_z = m2_z + k3*recip3_z; msq = m_x*m_x + m_y*m_y + m_z*m_z; xp3 = exp3[k3]; qr = q_arr[ind]; qc=q_arr[ind+1]; q2 = 2*(qr*qr + qc*qc)*theta3; if ( (k3 == 0) || ( k3 == K3/2 && ! (K3 & 1) ) ) q2 *= 0.5; imsq = 1.0/msq; C = xp2*xp3*imsq; theta = theta3*C; q_arr[ind] *= theta; q_arr[ind+1] *= theta; vir = -2*(piob+imsq); fac = q2*C; energy += fac; v0 += fac*(1.0+vir*m_x*m_x); v1 += fac*vir*m_x*m_y; v2 += fac*vir*m_x*m_z; v3 += fac*(1.0+vir*m_y*m_y); v4 += fac*vir*m_y*m_z; v5 += fac*(1.0+vir*m_z*m_z); ind += 2; } } } } else { Vector recip1 = lattice.a_r(); Vector recip2 = lattice.b_r(); Vector recip3 = lattice.c_r(); double recip3_x = recip3.x; double recip3_y = recip3.y; double recip3_z = recip3.z; ind = 0; for ( k1=0; k1<K1; ++k1 ) { double b1; Vector m1; b1 = bm1[k1]; int k1_s = k1<=K1/2 ? k1 : k1-K1; m1 = k1_s*recip1; // xp1 = i_pi_volume*exp1[abs(k1_s)]; for ( k2=k2_start; k2<k2_end; ++k2 ) { double b1b2, m2_x, m2_y, m2_z; b1b2 = b1*bm2[k2]; int k2_s = k2<=K2/2 ? k2 : k2-K2; m2_x = m1.x + k2_s*recip2.x; m2_y = m1.y + k2_s*recip2.y; m2_z = m1.z + k2_s*recip2.z; // xp2 = exp2[abs(k2_s)]*xp1; k3 = k3_start; if ( k1==0 && k2==0 && k3==0 ) { q_arr[ind++] = 0.0; q_arr[ind++] = 0.0; ++k3; } for ( ; k3<k3_end; ++k3 ) { double xp3, msq, imsq, vir, fac; double theta3, theta, q2, qr, qc, C; double m_x, m_y, m_z; theta3 = bm3[k3] *b1b2; m_x = m2_x + k3*recip3_x; m_y = m2_y + k3*recip3_y; m_z = m2_z + k3*recip3_z; msq = m_x*m_x + m_y*m_y + m_z*m_z; // xp3 = exp3[k3]; xp3 = i_pi_volume*exp(-piob*msq); qr = q_arr[ind]; qc=q_arr[ind+1]; q2 = 2*(qr*qr + qc*qc)*theta3; if ( (k3 == 0) || ( k3 == K3/2 && ! (K3 & 1) ) ) q2 *= 0.5; imsq = 1.0/msq; C = xp3*imsq; theta = theta3*C; q_arr[ind] *= theta; q_arr[ind+1] *= theta; vir = -2*(piob+imsq); fac = q2*C; energy += fac; v0 += fac*(1.0+vir*m_x*m_x); v1 += fac*vir*m_x*m_y; v2 += fac*vir*m_x*m_z; v3 += fac*(1.0+vir*m_y*m_y); v4 += fac*vir*m_y*m_z; v5 += fac*(1.0+vir*m_z*m_z); ind += 2; } } } } virial[0] = 0.5 * v0; virial[1] = 0.5 * v1; virial[2] = 0.5 * v2; virial[3] = 0.5 * v3; virial[4] = 0.5 * v4; virial[5] = 0.5 * v5; return 0.5*energy; }
void ComputeDPMEMaster::recvData(ComputeDPMEDataMsg *msg) { DebugM(4,"ComputeDPMEMaster::recvData() " << msg->numParticles << " particles from node " << msg->node << "\n"); { homeNode.add(msg->node); Pme2Particle *data_ptr = localData + numLocalAtoms; for ( int j = 0; j < msg->numParticles; ++j, ++data_ptr ) { *data_ptr = msg->particles[j]; } numLocalAtoms += msg->numParticles; endForNode.add(numLocalAtoms); delete msg; } if ( homeNode.size() < numWorkingPes ) return; // messages outstanding DebugM(4,"ComputeDPMEMaster::recvData() running serial code.\n"); // single processor version Lattice lattice = host->getFlags()->lattice; SimParameters * simParams = Node::Object()->simParameters; int i; AtomInfo atom_info; atom_info.numatoms = numLocalAtoms; atom_info.atompnt = 0; // not used atom_info.freepnt = 0; // not used atom_info.nlocal = numLocalAtoms; atom_info.nother = 0; if ( ! lattice.orthogonal() ) { NAMD_die("DPME only supports orthogonal PBC's."); } BoxInfo box_info; = lattice.a().x; = lattice.b().y; = lattice.c().z; = 0.; // why only one number? box_info.prd.x =; box_info.prd.y =; box_info.prd.z =; box_info.prd2.x = 0.5 *; box_info.prd2.y = 0.5 *; box_info.prd2.z = 0.5 *; box_info.cutoff = simParams->cutoff; = simParams->cutoff; box_info.mc2.x = 2. * ( box_info.prd.x - box_info.cutoff ); box_info.mc2.y = 2. * ( box_info.prd.y - box_info.cutoff ); box_info.mc2.z = 2. * ( box_info.prd.z - box_info.cutoff ); box_info.ewaldcof = ComputeNonbondedUtil::ewaldcof; box_info.dtol = simParams->PMETolerance; for (i = 0; i <= 8; i++) { box_info.recip[i] = 0.; /* assume orthogonal box */ } box_info.recip[0] = 1.0/; box_info.recip[4] = 1.0/; box_info.recip[8] = 1.0/; GridInfo grid_info; grid_info.order = simParams->PMEInterpOrder; grid_info.nfftgrd.x = simParams->PMEGridSizeX; grid_info.nfftgrd.y = simParams->PMEGridSizeY; grid_info.nfftgrd.z = simParams->PMEGridSizeZ; grid_info.nfft = 0; grid_info.volume = lattice.volume(); PeInfo pe_info; // hopefully this isn't used for anything pe_info.myproc.node = 0; pe_info.myproc.nprocs = 1; pe_info.myproc.ncube = 0; pe_info.inst_node[0] = 0; pe_info.igrid = 0; PmeVector *localResults; double recip_vir[6]; int time_count = 0; int tsteps = 1; double mytime = 0.; // perform calculations BigReal electEnergy = 0; // calculate self energy Pme2Particle *data_ptr = localData; for(i=0; i<numLocalAtoms; ++i) { electEnergy += data_ptr->cg * data_ptr->cg; ++data_ptr; } electEnergy *= -1. * box_info.ewaldcof / SQRT_PI; DebugM(4,"Ewald self energy: " << electEnergy << "\n"); DebugM(4,"Calling dpme_eval_recip().\n"); double pme_start_time = 0; if ( runcount == 1 ) pme_start_time = CmiTimer(); electEnergy += dpme_eval_recip( atom_info, localData - 1, &localResults, recip_vir, grid_info, box_info, pe_info, time_count, tsteps, &mytime ); if ( runcount == 1 ) { iout << iINFO << "PME reciprocal sum CPU time per evaluation: " << (CmiTimer() - pme_start_time) << "\n" << endi; } DebugM(4,"Returned from dpme_eval_recip().\n"); // REVERSE SIGN OF VIRIAL RETURNED BY DPME for(i=0; i<6; ++i) recip_vir[i] *= -1.; // send out reductions DebugM(4,"Timestep : " << host->getFlags()->step << "\n"); DebugM(4,"Reciprocal sum energy: " << electEnergy << "\n"); DebugM(4,"Reciprocal sum virial: " << recip_vir[0] << " " << recip_vir[1] << " " << recip_vir[2] << " " << recip_vir[3] << " " << recip_vir[4] << " " << recip_vir[5] << "\n"); reduction->item(REDUCTION_ELECT_ENERGY_SLOW) += electEnergy; reduction->item(REDUCTION_VIRIAL_SLOW_XX) += (BigReal)(recip_vir[0]); reduction->item(REDUCTION_VIRIAL_SLOW_XY) += (BigReal)(recip_vir[1]); reduction->item(REDUCTION_VIRIAL_SLOW_XZ) += (BigReal)(recip_vir[2]); reduction->item(REDUCTION_VIRIAL_SLOW_YX) += (BigReal)(recip_vir[1]); reduction->item(REDUCTION_VIRIAL_SLOW_YY) += (BigReal)(recip_vir[3]); reduction->item(REDUCTION_VIRIAL_SLOW_YZ) += (BigReal)(recip_vir[4]); reduction->item(REDUCTION_VIRIAL_SLOW_ZX) += (BigReal)(recip_vir[2]); reduction->item(REDUCTION_VIRIAL_SLOW_ZY) += (BigReal)(recip_vir[4]); reduction->item(REDUCTION_VIRIAL_SLOW_ZZ) += (BigReal)(recip_vir[5]); reduction->submit(); PmeVector *results_ptr = localResults + 1; numLocalAtoms = 0; for ( i = 0; i < homeNode.size(); ++i ) { ComputeDPMEResultsMsg *msg = new ComputeDPMEResultsMsg; msg->node = homeNode[i]; msg->numParticles = endForNode[i] - numLocalAtoms; msg->forces = new PmeVector[msg->numParticles]; for ( int j = 0; j < msg->numParticles; ++j, ++results_ptr ) { msg->forces[j] = *results_ptr; } numLocalAtoms = endForNode[i]; host->comm->sendComputeDPMEResults(msg,homeNode[i]); } // reset runcount += 1; numLocalAtoms = 0; homeNode.resize(0); endForNode.resize(0); }
void ComputeExtMgr::recvCoord(ExtCoordMsg *msg) { if ( ! numSources ) { numSources = (PatchMap::Object())->numNodesWithPatches(); coordMsgs = new ExtCoordMsg*[numSources]; for ( int i=0; i<numSources; ++i ) { coordMsgs[i] = 0; } numArrived = 0; numAtoms = Node::Object()->molecule->numAtoms; coord = new ComputeExtAtom[numAtoms]; force = new ExtForce[numAtoms]; } int i; for ( i=0; i < msg->numAtoms; ++i ) { coord[msg->coord[i].id] = msg->coord[i]; } coordMsgs[numArrived] = msg; ++numArrived; if ( numArrived < numSources ) return; numArrived = 0; // ALL DATA ARRIVED --- CALCULATE FORCES Lattice lattice = msg->lattice; SimParameters *simParams = Node::Object()->simParameters; FILE *file; int iret; // write coordinates to file //iout << "writing to file " << simParams->extCoordFilename << "\n" << endi; file = fopen(simParams->extCoordFilename,"w"); if ( ! file ) { NAMD_die(strerror(errno)); } for ( i=0; i<numAtoms; ++i ) { int id = coord[i].id + 1; double charge = coord[i].charge; double x = coord[i].position.x; double y = coord[i].position.y; double z = coord[i].position.z; iret = fprintf(file,"%d %f %f %f %f\n",id,charge,x,y,z); if ( iret < 0 ) { NAMD_die(strerror(errno)); } } // write periodic cell lattice (0 0 0 if non-periodic) Vector a = lattice.a(); if ( ! lattice.a_p() ) a = Vector(0,0,0); Vector b = lattice.b(); if ( ! lattice.b_p() ) b = Vector(0,0,0); Vector c = lattice.c(); if ( ! lattice.c_p() ) c = Vector(0,0,0); iret = fprintf(file,"%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n", a.x, a.y, a.z, b.x, b.y, b.z, c.x, c.y, c.z); if ( iret < 0 ) { NAMD_die(strerror(errno)); } fclose(file); // run user-specified command //iout << "running command " << simParams->extForcesCommand << "\n" << endi; iret = system(simParams->extForcesCommand); if ( iret == -1 ) { NAMD_die(strerror(errno)); } if ( iret ) { NAMD_die("Error running command for external forces."); } // remove coordinate file iret = remove(simParams->extCoordFilename); if ( iret ) { NAMD_die(strerror(errno)); } // read forces from file (overwrite positions) //iout << "reading from file " << simParams->extForceFilename << "\n" << endi; file = fopen(simParams->extForceFilename,"r"); if ( ! file ) { NAMD_die(strerror(errno)); } for ( i=0; i<numAtoms; ++i ) { int id, replace; double x, y, z; iret = fscanf(file,"%d %d %lf %lf %lf\n", &id, &replace, &x, &y, &z); if ( iret != 5 ) { NAMD_die("Error reading external forces file."); } if ( id != i + 1 ) { NAMD_die("Atom ID error in external forces file."); } force[i].force.x = x; force[i].force.y = y; force[i].force.z = z; force[i].replace = replace; } // read energy and virial if they are present // virial used by NAMD is -'ve of normal convention, so reverse it! // virial[i][j] in file should be sum of -1 * f_i * r_j double energy; double virial[3][3]; iret = fscanf(file,"%lf\n", &energy); if ( iret != 1 ) { energy = 0; for ( int k=0; k<3; ++k ) for ( int l=0; l<3; ++l ) virial[k][l] = 0; } else { iret = fscanf(file,"%lf %lf %lf\n%lf %lf %lf\n%lf %lf %lf\n", &virial[0][0], &virial[0][1], &virial[0][2], &virial[1][0], &virial[1][1], &virial[1][2], &virial[2][0], &virial[2][1], &virial[2][2]); if ( iret != 9 ) { for ( int k=0; k<3; ++k ) for ( int l=0; l<3; ++l ) virial[k][l] = 0; } else { // virial used by NAMD is -'ve of normal convention, so reverse it! for ( int k=0; k<3; ++k ) for ( int l=0; l<3; ++l ) virial[k][l] *= -1.0; } } fclose(file); // remove force file iret = remove(simParams->extForceFilename); if ( iret ) { NAMD_die(strerror(errno)); } // distribute forces for ( int j=0; j < numSources; ++j ) { ExtCoordMsg *cmsg = coordMsgs[j]; coordMsgs[j] = 0; ExtForceMsg *fmsg = new (cmsg->numAtoms, 0) ExtForceMsg; for ( int i=0; i < cmsg->numAtoms; ++i ) { fmsg->force[i] = force[cmsg->coord[i].id]; } if ( ! j ) { fmsg->energy = energy; for ( int k=0; k<3; ++k ) for ( int l=0; l<3; ++l ) fmsg->virial[k][l] = virial[k][l]; } else { fmsg->energy = 0; for ( int k=0; k<3; ++k ) for ( int l=0; l<3; ++l ) fmsg->virial[k][l] = 0; } extProxy[cmsg->sourceNode].recvForce(fmsg); delete cmsg; } }
void ComputeMsmSerialMgr::recvCoord(MsmSerialCoordMsg *msg) { if ( ! numSources ) { numSources = (PatchMap::Object())->numNodesWithPatches(); coordMsgs = new MsmSerialCoordMsg*[numSources]; for ( int i=0; i<numSources; ++i ) { coordMsgs[i] = 0; } numArrived = 0; numAtoms = Node::Object()->molecule->numAtoms; coord = new ComputeMsmSerialAtom[numAtoms]; force = new MsmSerialForce[numAtoms]; } int i; for ( i=0; i < msg->numAtoms; ++i ) { coord[msg->coord[i].id] = msg->coord[i]; } coordMsgs[numArrived] = msg; ++numArrived; if ( numArrived < numSources ) return; numArrived = 0; // ALL DATA ARRIVED --- CALCULATE FORCES Lattice lattice = msg->lattice; SimParameters *simParams = Node::Object()->simParameters; double energy = 0; double virial[3][3]; int rc = 0; // return code if ( ! msmsolver ) { // // setup MSM solver // msmsolver = NL_msm_create(); if ( ! msmsolver ) NAMD_die("unable to create MSM solver"); double dielectric = simParams->dielectric; double cutoff = simParams->cutoff; double gridspacing = simParams->MSMGridSpacing; double padding = simParams->MSMPadding; int approx = simParams->MSMApprox; int split = simParams->MSMSplit; int nlevels = simParams->MSMLevels; int msmflags = 0; msmflags |= (lattice.a_p() ? NL_MSM_PERIODIC_VEC1 : 0); msmflags |= (lattice.b_p() ? NL_MSM_PERIODIC_VEC2 : 0); msmflags |= (lattice.c_p() ? NL_MSM_PERIODIC_VEC3 : 0); msmflags |= NL_MSM_COMPUTE_LONG_RANGE; // compute only long-range part //msmflags |= NL_MSM_COMPUTE_ALL; //printf("msmflags = %x\n", msmflags); rc = NL_msm_configure(msmsolver, gridspacing, approx, split, nlevels); if (rc) NAMD_die("unable to configure MSM solver"); Vector u=lattice.a(), v=lattice.b(), w=lattice.c(), c=lattice.origin(); Vector ru=lattice.a_r(), rv=lattice.b_r(), rw=lattice.c_r(); if ((msmflags & NL_MSM_PERIODIC_ALL) != NL_MSM_PERIODIC_ALL) { // called only if there is some non-periodic boundary int isperiodic = (msmflags & NL_MSM_PERIODIC_ALL); //printf("calling rescale\n"); rescale_nonperiodic_cell(u, v, w, c, ru, rv, rw, isperiodic, numAtoms, coord, padding, gridspacing); } double vec1[3], vec2[3], vec3[3], center[3]; vec1[0] = u.x; vec1[1] = u.y; vec1[2] = u.z; vec2[0] = v.x; vec2[1] = v.y; vec2[2] = v.z; vec3[0] = w.x; vec3[1] = w.y; vec3[2] = w.z; center[0] = c.x; center[1] = c.y; center[2] = c.z; #if 0 printf("dielectric = %g\n", dielectric); printf("vec1 = %g %g %g\n", vec1[0], vec1[1], vec1[2]); printf("vec2 = %g %g %g\n", vec2[0], vec2[1], vec2[2]); printf("vec3 = %g %g %g\n", vec3[0], vec3[1], vec3[2]); printf("center = %g %g %g\n", center[0], center[1], center[2]); printf("cutoff = %g\n", cutoff); printf("numatoms = %d\n", numAtoms); #endif rc = NL_msm_setup(msmsolver, cutoff, vec1, vec2, vec3, center, msmflags); if (rc) NAMD_die("unable to set up MSM solver"); msmcoord = new double[4*numAtoms]; msmforce = new double[3*numAtoms]; if (msmcoord==0 || msmforce==0) NAMD_die("can't allocate MSM atom buffers"); // scale charges - these won't change double celec = sqrt(COULOMB / simParams->dielectric); for (i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) { msmcoord[4*i+3] = celec * coord[i].charge; } } // evaluate long-range MSM forces for (i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) { msmcoord[4*i ] = coord[i].position.x; msmcoord[4*i+1] = coord[i].position.y; msmcoord[4*i+2] = coord[i].position.z; } for (i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) { msmforce[3*i ] = 0; msmforce[3*i+1] = 0; msmforce[3*i+2] = 0; } rc = NL_msm_compute_force(msmsolver, msmforce, &energy, msmcoord, numAtoms); if (rc) NAMD_die("error evaluating MSM forces"); for (i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) { force[i].x = msmforce[3*i ]; force[i].y = msmforce[3*i+1]; force[i].z = msmforce[3*i+2]; } // MSM does not yet calculate virial for (int k=0; k < 3; k++) { for (int l=0; l < 3; l++) { virial[k][l] = 0; } } // distribute forces for (int j=0; j < numSources; j++) { MsmSerialCoordMsg *cmsg = coordMsgs[j]; coordMsgs[j] = 0; MsmSerialForceMsg *fmsg = new (cmsg->numAtoms, 0) MsmSerialForceMsg; for (int i=0; i < cmsg->numAtoms; i++) { fmsg->force[i] = force[cmsg->coord[i].id]; } if ( ! j ) { // set virial and energy only for first message fmsg->energy = energy; for (int k=0; k < 3; k++) { for (int l=0; l < 3; l++) { fmsg->virial[k][l] = virial[k][l]; } } } else { // set other messages to zero, add into reduction only once fmsg->energy = 0; for (int k=0; k < 3; k++) { for (int l=0; l < 3; l++) { fmsg->virial[k][l] = 0; } } } msmProxy[cmsg->sourceNode].recvForce(fmsg); delete cmsg; } }
int ScriptTcl::Tcl_coorfile(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[]) { ScriptTcl *script = (ScriptTcl *)clientData; script->initcheck(); if (argc == 4 && !strcmp(argv[1], "open")) { if (strcmp(argv[2], "dcd")) { NAMD_die("Sorry, coorfile presently supports only DCD files"); } filehandle = dcdplugin->open_file_read(argv[3], "dcd", &numatoms); if (!filehandle) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "coorfile: Error opening file ", argv[3], NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (numatoms != Node::Object()->pdb->num_atoms()) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Coordinate file ", argv[3], "\ncontains the wrong number of atoms.", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } coords = new float[3*numatoms]; vcoords = new Vector[3*numatoms]; iout << iINFO << "Coordinate file " << argv[3] << " opened for reading.\n" << endi; } else if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "read")) { if (filehandle == NULL) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "coorfile read: Error, no file open for reading", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } molfile_timestep_t ts; ts.coords = coords; int rc = dcdplugin->read_next_timestep(filehandle, numatoms, &ts); if (rc) { // EOF Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(-1)); return TCL_OK; } iout << iINFO << "Reading timestep from file.\n" << endi; Lattice lattice; if (get_lattice_from_ts(&lattice, &ts)) { iout << iINFO << "Updating unit cell from timestep.\n" << endi; if ( lattice.a_p() && ! script->state->lattice.a_p() || lattice.b_p() && ! script->state->lattice.b_p() || lattice.c_p() && ! script->state->lattice.c_p() ) { iout << iWARN << "Cell basis vectors should be specified before reading trajectory.\n" << endi; } // update Controller's lattice, but don't change the origin! Vector a(0.); if ( script->state->lattice.a_p() ) a = lattice.a(); Vector b(0.); if ( script->state->lattice.b_p() ) b = lattice.b(); Vector c(0.); if ( script->state->lattice.c_p() ) c = lattice.c(); script->state->lattice.set(a,b,c); SetLatticeMsg *msg = new SetLatticeMsg; msg->lattice = script->state->lattice; (CProxy_PatchMgr(CkpvAccess(BOCclass_group).patchMgr)).setLattice(msg); script->barrier(); } for (int i=0; i<numatoms; i++) { vcoords[i].x = coords[3*i+0]; vcoords[i].y = coords[3*i+1]; vcoords[i].z = coords[3*i+2]; } Node::Object()->pdb->set_all_positions(vcoords); script->reinitAtoms(); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(0)); } else if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "close")) { if (!filehandle) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "coorfile close: No file opened for reading!", NULL); return TCL_OK; } iout << iINFO << "Closing coordinate file.\n" << endi; dcdplugin->close_file_read(filehandle); filehandle = NULL; delete [] coords; delete [] vcoords; } else if (argc ==2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "skip")) { if (filehandle == NULL) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "coorfile skip: Error, no file open for reading", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } int rc = dcdplugin->read_next_timestep(filehandle, numatoms, NULL); if (rc) { // EOF Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(-1)); return TCL_OK; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(0)); } else { NAMD_die("Unknown option passed to coorfile"); } return TCL_OK; }