Esempio n. 1
		void operator() ( const MDagPath &dagPath, IECore::SceneInterface::NameList &attributes )
			MString p = dagPath.fullPathName();
			IECorePython::ScopedGILLock gilLock;
			object o;
				o = m_names( p.asChar() );
			catch ( error_already_set )
				throw IECore::Exception( std::string( "Python exception while evaluating attribute names for IECoreMaya::LiveScene." ) );
			extract<list> l( o );
			if ( !l.check() )
				throw IECore::InvalidArgumentException( std::string( "Invalid value! Expecting a list of strings." ) );
			IECorePython::listToSceneInterfaceNameList( l(), attributes );
	void Renderer::write(
		/*const*/ liqRibLocatorData* pData,
		const MString &fileName, 
		const structJob &currentJob,
		const bool bReference)

		if( !bReference ){//write data at first time

// 			renderman::Helper o;
// 			o.RiBeginRef(pData->getRibFileFullPath().asChar());
 			_write(pData, currentJob);
// 			o.RiEndRef();

			//write the reference
			assert(pData->getRibFileFullPath() == fileName);
//			RiReadArchive( const_cast< RtToken >( pData->getRibFileFullPath().asChar() ), NULL, RI_NULL );
Esempio n. 3
    void decreaseFileRef(const MFileObject& file)
        MString resolvedFullName = file.resolvedFullName();
        std::string key = resolvedFullName.asChar();
        tbb::unique_lock<tbb::mutex> lock(fMutex);

        // look up the file ref count
        FileRefCountIterator fileRefCountIter = fFileRefCount.find(key);
        if (fileRefCountIter != fFileRefCount.end()) {
            // decrease the file ref count
            if (--(*fileRefCountIter).second == 0) {
                // file ref count reaches 0
                // purge this reader from cache since the reader won't
                // be referenced any more
                // the reader may already be closed because of the capacity
                LeftIterator iter = fData.left.find(key);
                if (iter != fData.left.end()) {
	void Renderer::write(
		/*const*/ liqRibMeshData* pData,
		const MString &ribFileName,
		const structJob &currentJob,
		const bool bReference)


			if( bReference ){
				_write(pData, currentJob);
				//do nothing
	 		if( !bReference ){//write data at first time
				if( currentJob.pass != rpShadowMap ){

	 			renderman::Helper o;
	 			_write(pData, currentJob);
	 			//write the reference
	 			assert(pData->getRibFileFullPath() == ribFileName);
	 			RiReadArchive( const_cast< RtToken >( pData->getRibFileFullPath().asChar() ), NULL, RI_NULL );

        const std::map<std::string, std::string>& attrPrefixes,
        const std::map<std::string, std::string>& primvarPrefixes,
        const MDagPath &dag, 
        std::vector<_AttributeEntry>* attrs)
    MStatus status;
    MFnDependencyNode depFn(dag.node());

    unsigned int numAttrs = depFn.attributeCount();
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < numAttrs; ++i) {
        MObject attrObj = depFn.attribute(i);
        MPlug plg = depFn.findPlug(attrObj, true);
        if (plg.isNull()) {

        // Skip if not dynamic attr (user attribute)
        if (!plg.isDynamic()) {

        MString mayaPlgName = plg.partialName(false, false, false, false, false, true, &status);
        std::string plgName(mayaPlgName.asChar());

        // Skip if it's an AbcExport-suffixed hint attribute.
        if (_EndsWithAbcTag(plgName)) {

        // Add entries based on attribute prefix list and primvar prefix list.
        _AddAttributeNameEntry(plgName, attrPrefixes, false, attrs);
        _AddAttributeNameEntry(plgName, primvarPrefixes, true, attrs);
// Exports a Maya file to a DMX file
bool CMayaDmeMakefileUtils::PerformCompilationStep( CDmeMayaMakefile *pMakeFile, CompilationStep_t step )
	if ( step != BEFORE_COMPILATION )
		return BaseClass::PerformCompilationStep( pMakeFile, step );

	MString currentFile = MFileIO::currentFile();

	int nCount = pMakeFile->GetSourceCount();
	for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
		CDmeSourceMayaFile *pMayaSource = CastElement< CDmeSourceMayaFile >( pMakeFile->GetSource(i) );
		if ( !pMayaSource )

		char pSourcePath[MAX_PATH];
		pMakeFile->GetSourceFullPath( pMayaSource, pSourcePath, sizeof(pSourcePath) );
		// Maya wants forward slashes
		Q_FixSlashes( pSourcePath, '/' );

		if ( Q_stricmp( currentFile.asChar(), pSourcePath ) )

		// It's already open
		MString command = "saveChanges(\"\")";
		g_pMayaVGui->SetModalMode( true );

		int nResult;
		MStatus status = MGlobal::executeCommand( command, nResult );
		g_pMayaVGui->SetModalMode( false );
		if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess || ( nResult == 0 ) )
			return false;

	return BaseClass::PerformCompilationStep( pMakeFile, step );
    double iFrame, MDagPath & iDag, Alembic::AbcGeom::OObject & iParent,
    Alembic::Util::uint32_t iTimeIndex,
    const JobArgs & iArgs) :
    mIsAnimated(false), mDagPath(iDag)
    MFnParticleSystem particle(mDagPath);
    MString name =;

    name = util::stripNamespaces(name, iArgs.stripNamespace);

    Alembic::AbcGeom::OPoints obj(iParent, name.asChar(),
    mSchema = obj.getSchema();

    Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp;
    Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty up;
    if (AttributesWriter::hasAnyAttr(particle, iArgs))
        cp = mSchema.getArbGeomParams();
        up = mSchema.getUserProperties();

    mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(cp, up, obj, particle,
        iTimeIndex, iArgs, true));

    MObject object = iDag.node();
    if (iTimeIndex != 0 && util::isAnimated(object))
        mIsAnimated = true;

    if (!mIsAnimated || iArgs.setFirstAnimShape)
Esempio n. 8
renderer::Assembly* createAssembly(const MayaObject* obj)
    MayaObject* assemblyObject = getAssemblyMayaObject(obj);

    boost::shared_ptr<AppleseedRenderer> appleRenderer = boost::static_pointer_cast<AppleseedRenderer>(getWorldPtr()->mRenderer);
    renderer::Assembly* master = getMasterAssemblyFromProject(appleRenderer->getProjectPtr());
    if (obj->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kLight) && !obj->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kAreaLight))
        return master;

    if (assemblyObject == 0)
        return master;

    MString assemblyName = getAssemblyName(assemblyObject);

    if (assemblyName == "world")
        return master;

    foundation::auto_release_ptr<renderer::Assembly> assembly(
        renderer::AssemblyFactory().create(assemblyName.asChar(), renderer::ParamArray()));
    renderer::Assembly* ass = assembly.get();

    return ass;
Esempio n. 9
MStatus OSGFileTranslator::writer( const MFileObject &file, const MString &optionsString,
                                   MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode )
	// Set Config ExportSelection Attribute
	if ( ( mode == MPxFileTranslator::kExportAccessMode ) || ( mode == MPxFileTranslator::kSaveAccessMode ) )
		Config::instance()->setExportSelection( false ) ;

	else if( mode == MPxFileTranslator::kExportActiveAccessMode )
		Config::instance()->setExportSelection( true ) ;

	// the first character in the optinsString is a ";", so get rid of it with substring
	MString			options = optionsString.substring( 1 , optionsString.length() -1 ) ;
	MStringArray	argStringArray ;

	std::cout << optionsString.asChar() ;

	// split the String with " " to get and option Array
	MStatus status = options.split( ' ' , argStringArray ) ;

	OSGWrite::parseArgs( argStringArray ) ;
	OSGWrite::exporta( file.expandedFullName() ) ;

	return MStatus::kSuccess;
MStatus MayaRenderView::doIt( const MArgList& args)
    MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args);
	if(argData.isFlagSet( "-camera"))
		MString camera;
		argData.getFlagArgument("-camera", 0, camera);
		_camera = std::string(camera.asChar());
	if(argData.isFlagSet( "-width"))
		unsigned int width;
		_resolution.x() = width;
	if(argData.isFlagSet( "-height"))
		unsigned int height;
		_resolution.y() = height;

	return redoIt();
Esempio n. 11
MStatus octreeVizNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;
	if(plug == aoutput) {
		double time = data.inputValue(acurrenttime).asTime().value();
		int frame_lo = time + 0.005;
		if(frame_lo < 3) frame_lo = 3;
		if(frame_lo >60) frame_lo = 60;
		MString sname = data.inputValue(aHDRName).asString();
		sname = "/Users/jianzhang/Documents/maya/projects/default/data/untitled";
		char filename[512];
		sprintf( filename, "%s.%d.pmap", sname.asChar(), frame_lo );
		sname = filename;	
		if(sname != m_gridname)	{
			m_gridname = sname;
			if(m_pTex) delete m_pTex;
			m_pTex = new Z3DTexture;
			if(m_pTex->load(m_gridname.asChar())) {
	return MS::kUnknownParameter;
MStatus liqIPRNodeMessage::doIt( const MArgList& args)
// Takes the  nodes that are on the active selection list and adds an
// attriubte changed callback to each one.
	MStatus 		stat;

	for( unsigned i( 0 ); i < args.length(); i++ ) 
		MString arg = args.asString( i, &stat );

		if( (arg == kRegisterFlag) || (arg == kRegisterFlagLong) ){
			isRunningIPR = 1;
		else if( (arg == kUnregisterFlag) || (arg == kUnregisterFlagLong) ){

			isRunningIPR = 0;
		else if( (arg == kIsRunningIPR) || (arg == kIsRunningIPRLong) ){
			liquidMessage2(messageError,"Parameter [%s] is undefined in liqIPRNodeMessage.", arg.asChar());
			return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 13
MStatus atomExport::writer(	const MFileObject& file,
								const MString& options,
								FileAccessMode mode)
	MStatus status = MS::kFailure;

	MString fileName = file.fullName();
#if defined (OSMac_)
	char fname[MAXPATHLEN];
	strcpy (fname, fileName.asChar());
	ofstream animFile(fname);
	ofstream animFile(fileName.asChar());
	//	Defaults.
	MString copyFlags("copyKey -cb api -fea 1 ");
	int precision = kDefaultPrecision;
	bool statics = false;
	bool includeChildren = false;
	std::set<std::string> attrStrings;
	//	Parse the options. The options syntax is in the form of
	//	"flag=val;flag1=val;flag2=val"
	bool useSpecifiedRange = false;
	bool useTemplate = false;
	bool cached = false;
	bool constraint = false;
	bool sdk = false;
	bool animLayers = true;
	MString templateName;
	MString viewName;
	MTime startTime = MAnimControl::animationStartTime();
	MTime endTime = MAnimControl::animationEndTime();
	MString	exportEditsFile;

	MString exportFlags;
	if (options.length() > 0) {
		const MString flagPrecision("precision");
		const MString flagStatics("statics");
		const MString flagConstraint("constraint");
		const MString flagSDK("sdk");
		const MString flagAnimLayers("animLayers");
		const MString flagCopyKeyCmd("copyKeyCmd");
		const MString flagSelected("selected");
		const MString flagTemplate("template");
		const MString flagView("view");
		const MString optionChildrenToo("childrenToo");
		const MString optionTemplate("template");
		const MString flagAttr("at");
		const MString flagWhichRange("whichRange");
		const MString flagRange("range");
		const MString flagExportEdits("exportEdits");		
		const MString flagCached("baked");		
		//	Start parsing.
		MStringArray optionList;
		MStringArray theOption;
		options.split(';', optionList);

		unsigned nOptions = optionList.length();
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < nOptions; i++) {
			optionList[i].split('=', theOption);
			if (theOption.length() < 1) {

			if (theOption[0] == flagPrecision && theOption.length() > 1) {
				if (theOption[1].isInt()) {
					precision = theOption[1].asInt();
			else if( theOption[0] == flagTemplate && theOption.length() > 1)
				templateName = theOption[1];
			else if( theOption[0] == flagView && theOption.length() > 1)
				viewName = theOption[1];
			else if (	theOption[0] == 
						flagWhichRange && theOption.length() > 1) {
				if (theOption[1].isInt()) 
					useSpecifiedRange = (theOption[1].asInt() ==1) ? false : true;
			else if (	theOption[0] == 
						flagRange && theOption.length() > 1) 
				MStringArray rangeArray;
						double val = rangeArray[0].asDouble();
						startTime = MTime(val,MTime::uiUnit());
					else if(rangeArray[0].isInt())
						double val = (double)rangeArray[0].asInt();
						startTime = MTime(val,MTime::uiUnit());
						double val = rangeArray[1].asDouble();
						endTime = MTime(val,MTime::uiUnit());
					else if(rangeArray[1].isInt())
						double val = (double)rangeArray[1].asInt();
						endTime = MTime(val,MTime::uiUnit());
			else if (	theOption[0] == 
						flagStatics && theOption.length() > 1) {
				if (theOption[1].isInt()) {
					statics = (theOption[1].asInt()) ? true : false;
			else if (	theOption[0] == 
						flagSDK && theOption.length() > 1) {
				if (theOption[1].isInt()) {
					sdk = (theOption[1].asInt()) ? true : false;
			else if (	theOption[0] == 
						flagConstraint && theOption.length() > 1) {
				if (theOption[1].isInt()) {
					constraint = (theOption[1].asInt()) ? true : false;
			else if (	theOption[0] == 
						flagAnimLayers && theOption.length() > 1) {
				if (theOption[1].isInt()) {
					animLayers = (theOption[1].asInt()) ? true : false;
			else if (	theOption[0] == 
						flagCached && theOption.length() > 1) {
				if (theOption[1].isInt()) {
					cached = (theOption[1].asInt()) ? true : false;
			else if (theOption[0] == flagSelected && theOption.length() > 1) {
				includeChildren = (theOption[1] == optionChildrenToo) ? true : false;
				if(theOption[1] == optionTemplate)
					useTemplate = true;
			else if (theOption[0] == flagAttr && theOption.length() > 1) {
				std::string str(theOption[1].asChar());
			else if (	theOption[0] == 
						flagCopyKeyCmd && theOption.length() > 1) {

				//	Replace any '>' characters with '"'. This is needed
				//	since the file translator option boxes do not handle
				//	escaped quotation marks.
				const char *optStr = theOption[1].asChar();
				size_t nChars = strlen(optStr);
				char *copyStr = new char[nChars+1];

				copyStr = strcpy(copyStr, optStr);
				for (size_t j = 0; j < nChars; j++) {
					if (copyStr[j] == '>') {
						copyStr[j] = '"';
				copyFlags += copyStr;
				delete [] copyStr;
			else if (theOption[0] == flagExportEdits && theOption.length() > 1)
				exportEditsFile =  theOption[1];
	//	Set the precision of the ofstream.

	atomTemplateReader templateReader;
	if(useTemplate == true)
		includeChildren = false;
		templateReader.selectNodes(); //make the template nodes be the selection
	status = exportSelected(animFile, copyFlags, attrStrings, includeChildren,
							useSpecifiedRange, startTime, endTime, statics,
							cached,sdk,constraint, animLayers, exportEditsFile,templateReader);


	return status;
Esempio n. 14
depthShaderOverride::depthShaderOverride(const MObject& obj)
: MPxSurfaceShadingNodeOverride(obj)
, fFragmentName("")
	// Define fragments needed for VP2 version of shader, this could also be
	// defined in a separate XML file
	// Define the input and output parameter names to match the input and
	// output attribute names so that the values are automatically populated
	// on the shader.
	// Define a separate fragment for computing the camera space position so
	// that the operation can be done in the vertex shader rather than the
	// pixel shader. Then connect the two fragments together in a graph.
	static const MString sFragmentName("depthShaderPluginFragment");
	static const char* sFragmentBody =
		"<fragment uiName=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" name=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" type=\"plumbing\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\">"
		"	<description><![CDATA[Depth shader fragment]]></description>"
		"	<properties>"
		"		<float name=\"depthValue\" />"
		"		<float3 name=\"color\" />"
		"		<float3 name=\"colorFar\" />"
		"		<float name=\"near\" />"
		"		<float name=\"far\" />"
		"	</properties>"
		"	<values>"
		"		<float name=\"depthValue\" value=\"0.0\" />"
		"		<float3 name=\"color\" value=\"0.0,1.0,0.0\" />"
		"		<float3 name=\"colorFar\" value=\"0.0,0.0,1.0\" />"
		"		<float name=\"near\" value=\"0.0\" />"
		"		<float name=\"far\" value=\"2.0\" />"
		"	</values>"
		"	<outputs>"
		"		<float3 name=\"outColor\" />"
		"	</outputs>"
		"	<implementation>"
		"	<implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\">"
		"		<function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" />"
		"		<source><![CDATA["
		"float3 depthShaderPluginFragment(float depthValue, float3 cNear, float3 cFar, float nearClip, float farClip) \n"
		"{ \n"
		"	float ratio = (farClip + depthValue)/(farClip - nearClip); \n"
		"	return cNear*ratio + cFar*(1.0f - ratio); \n"
		"} \n]]>"
		"		</source>"
		"	</implementation>"
		"	<implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\">"
		"		<function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" />"
		"		<source><![CDATA["
		"float3 depthShaderPluginFragment(float depthValue, float3 cNear, float3 cFar, float nearClip, float farClip) \n"
		"{ \n"
		"	float ratio = (farClip + depthValue)/(farClip - nearClip); \n"
		"	return cNear*ratio + cFar*(1.0f - ratio); \n"
		"} \n]]>"
		"		</source>"
		"	</implementation>"
		"	<implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\">"
		"		<function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" />"
		"		<source><![CDATA["
		"vec3 depthShaderPluginFragment(float depthValue, vec3 cNear, vec3 cFar, float nearClip, float farClip) \n"
		"{ \n"
		"	float ratio = (farClip + depthValue)/(farClip - nearClip); \n"
		"	return cNear*ratio + cFar*(1.0f - ratio); \n"
		"} \n]]>"
		"		</source>"
		"	</implementation>"
		"	</implementation>"

	static const MString sVertexFragmentName("depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment");
	static const char* sVertexFragmentBody =
		"<fragment uiName=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" name=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" type=\"interpolant\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\">"
		"	<description><![CDATA[Depth shader vertex fragment]]></description>"
		"	<properties>"
		"		<float3 name=\"Pm\" semantic=\"Pm\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" />"
		"		<float4x4 name=\"worldViewProj\" semantic=\"worldviewprojection\" />"
		"	</properties>"
		"	<values>"
		"	</values>"
		"	<outputs>"
		"		<float name=\"outDepthValue\" ^1s/>"
		"	</outputs>"
		"	<implementation>"
		"	<implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\">"
		"		<function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" />"
		"		<source><![CDATA["
		"float depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float depthValue) \n"
		"{ \n"
		"	return depthValue; \n"
		"} \n]]>"
		"		</source>"
		"		<vertex_source><![CDATA["
		"float idepthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float3 Pm, float4x4 worldViewProj) \n"
		"{ \n"
		"	float4 pCamera = mul(worldViewProj, float4(Pm, 1.0f)); \n"
		"	return (pCamera.z - pCamera.w*2.0f); \n"
		"} \n]]>"
		"		</vertex_source>"
		"	</implementation>"
		"	<implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\">"
		"		<function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" />"
		"		<source><![CDATA["
		"float depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float depthValue) \n"
		"{ \n"
		"	return depthValue; \n"
		"} \n]]>"
		"		</source>"
		"		<vertex_source><![CDATA["
		"float idepthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float3 Pm, float4x4 worldViewProj) \n"
		"{ \n"
		"	float4 pCamera = mul(float4(Pm, 1.0f), worldViewProj); \n"
		"	return (pCamera.z - pCamera.w*2.0f); \n"
		"} \n]]>"
		"		</vertex_source>"
		"	</implementation>"
		"	<implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\">"
		"		<function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" />"
		"		<source><![CDATA["
		"float depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float depthValue) \n"
		"{ \n"
		"	return depthValue; \n"
		"} \n]]>"
		"		</source>"
		"		<vertex_source><![CDATA["
		"float idepthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(vec3 Pm, mat4 worldViewProj) \n"
		"{ \n"
		"	vec4 pCamera = worldViewProj * vec4(Pm, 1.0f); \n"
		"	return (pCamera.z - pCamera.w*2.0f); \n"
		"} \n]]>"
		"		</vertex_source>"
		"	</implementation>"
		"	</implementation>"

	static const MString sFragmentGraphName("depthShaderPluginGraph");
	static const char* sFragmentGraphBody =
		"<fragment_graph name=\"depthShaderPluginGraph\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginGraph\" class=\"FragmentGraph\" version=\"1.0\">"
		"	<fragments>"
		"			<fragment_ref name=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" />"
		"			<fragment_ref name=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" />"
		"	</fragments>"
		"	<connections>"
		"		<connect from=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment.outDepthValue\" to=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.depthValue\" />"
		"	</connections>"
		"	<properties>"
        "		<float3 name=\"Pm\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment.Pm\" semantic=\"Pm\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" />"
        "		<float4x4 name=\"worldViewProj\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment.worldViewProj\" semantic=\"worldviewprojection\" />"
		"		<float3 name=\"color\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.color\" />"
		"		<float3 name=\"colorFar\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.colorFar\" />"
		"		<float name=\"near\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.near\" />"
		"		<float name=\"far\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.far\" />"
		"	</properties>"
		"	<values>"
		"		<float3 name=\"color\" value=\"0.0,1.0,0.0\" />"
		"		<float3 name=\"colorFar\" value=\"0.0,0.0,1.0\" />"
		"		<float name=\"near\" value=\"0.0\" />"
		"		<float name=\"far\" value=\"2.0\" />"
		"	</values>"
		"	<outputs>"
		"		<float3 name=\"outColor\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.outColor\" />"
		"	</outputs>"

	// Register fragments with the manager if needed
	MHWRender::MRenderer* theRenderer = MHWRender::MRenderer::theRenderer();
	if (theRenderer)
		MHWRender::MFragmentManager* fragmentMgr =
		if (fragmentMgr)
			// Add fragments if needed
			bool fragAdded = fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sFragmentName);
			bool vertFragAdded = fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sVertexFragmentName);
			bool graphAdded = fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sFragmentGraphName);
			if (!fragAdded)
				fragAdded = (sFragmentName == fragmentMgr->addShadeFragmentFromBuffer(sFragmentBody, false));
			if (!vertFragAdded)
				// In DirectX, need to specify a semantic for the output of the vertex shader
				MString vertBody;
				if (theRenderer->drawAPI() == MHWRender::kDirectX11)
					vertBody.format(MString(sVertexFragmentBody), MString("semantic=\"extraDepth\" "));
					vertBody.format(MString(sVertexFragmentBody), MString(" "));
				vertFragAdded = (sVertexFragmentName == fragmentMgr->addShadeFragmentFromBuffer(vertBody.asChar(), false));
			if (!graphAdded)
				graphAdded = (sFragmentGraphName == fragmentMgr->addFragmentGraphFromBuffer(sFragmentGraphBody));

			// If we have them all, use the final graph for the override
			if (fragAdded && vertFragAdded && graphAdded)
				fFragmentName = sFragmentGraphName;
Esempio n. 15
MStatus atomImport::reader(	const MFileObject& file,
								const MString& options,
								FileAccessMode mode)
	MStatus status = MS::kFailure;

	MString fileName = file.fullName();
#if defined (OSMac_)	
	char fname[MAXPATHLEN];
	strcpy (fname, fileName.asChar());
	ifstream animFile(fname);
	ifstream animFile(fileName.asChar());
	// 	Parse the options. The options syntax is in the form of
	//	"flag=val;flag1=val;flag2=val"

		return status;
	MString pasteFlags;
	MString	prefix;
	MString	suffix;
	MString	search;
	MString	replace;
	MString	mapFile;
	bool replaceLayers = false;
	MString	exportEditsFile;	
	bool includeChildren = false;
	atomNodeNameReplacer::ReplaceType type = atomNodeNameReplacer::eHierarchy;
	MString templateName;
	MString viewName;
	bool useTemplate = false;

	if (options.length() > 0) {
		//	Set up the flags for the paste command.
		const MString flagSrcTime("srcTime");
		const MString flagDstTime("dstTime");
		const MString flagOldDstTime("time");
		const MString flagCopies("copies");
		const MString flagOption("option");
		const MString flagConnect("connect");
		const MString flagMatch("match");
		const MString flagSearch("search");
		const MString flagReplace("replace");
		const MString flagPrefix("prefix");
		const MString flagSuffix("suffix");
		const MString flagMapFile("mapFile");
		const MString flagHierarchy("hierarchy");
		const MString flagString("string");
		const MString flagSelected("selected");
		const MString flagTemplate("template");
		const MString flagView("view");
		const MString optionChildrenToo("childrenToo");
		const MString optionTemplate("template");
		const MString flagExportEdits("exportEdits");
		MString copyValue;
		MString flagValue;
		MString connectValue;
		MString match;
		MString srcTimeValue;
		MString dstTimeValue;

		//	Start parsing.
		MStringArray optionList;
		MStringArray theOption;
		options.split(';', optionList);

		unsigned nOptions = optionList.length();
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < nOptions; i++) {

			optionList[i].split('=', theOption);
			if (theOption.length() < 1) {

			if (theOption[0] == flagCopies && theOption.length() > 1) {
				copyValue = theOption[1];;
			} else if (theOption[0] == flagOption && theOption.length() > 1) {
				flagValue = theOption[1];
			} else if (theOption[0] == flagConnect && theOption.length() > 1) {
				if (theOption[1].asInt() != 0) {
					connectValue += theOption[1];
			else if( theOption[0] == flagTemplate && theOption.length() > 1)
				templateName = theOption[1];
			else if( theOption[0] == flagView && theOption.length() > 1)
				viewName = theOption[1];
			else if (theOption[0] == flagSrcTime && theOption.length() > 1) {
				srcTimeValue += theOption[1];
			else if ((theOption[0] == flagDstTime || theOption[0] == flagOldDstTime )&& theOption.length() > 1) {
				dstTimeValue += theOption[1];
			else if (theOption[0] == flagMatch && theOption.length() > 1) {
				match =  theOption[1];
			else if (theOption[0] == flagSearch && theOption.length() > 1) {
				search =  theOption[1];
			else if (theOption[0] == flagReplace && theOption.length() > 1) {
				replace =  theOption[1];
			else if (theOption[0] == flagPrefix && theOption.length() > 1) {
				prefix =  theOption[1];
			else if (theOption[0] == flagSuffix && theOption.length() > 1) {
				suffix =  theOption[1];
			else if (theOption[0] == flagMapFile && theOption.length() > 1) {
				mapFile =  theOption[1];
			else if (theOption[0] == flagSelected && theOption.length() > 1) {
				includeChildren =   (theOption[1] == optionChildrenToo) ? true : false;
				if(theOption[1] == optionTemplate)
					useTemplate = true;
			else if (theOption[0] == flagExportEdits && theOption.length() > 1) {
				exportEditsFile =  theOption[1];
		if (copyValue.length() > 0) {
			pasteFlags += " -copies ";
			pasteFlags += copyValue;
			pasteFlags += " ";
		if (flagValue.length() > 0) {
			pasteFlags += " -option \"";
			pasteFlags += flagValue;
			pasteFlags += "\" ";
			if(flagValue == MString("replace"))
				replaceLayers = true;
		if (connectValue.length() > 0) {
			pasteFlags += " -connect ";
			pasteFlags += connectValue;
			pasteFlags += " ";
		if (dstTimeValue.length() > 0) {
			bool useQuotes = !dstTimeValue.isDouble();
			pasteFlags += " -time ";
			if (useQuotes) pasteFlags += "\"";
			pasteFlags +=  dstTimeValue;
			if (useQuotes) pasteFlags += "\"";
			pasteFlags += " ";
		if (srcTimeValue.length() > 0) 
			MTime lClipStartTime;
			MTime lClipEndTime;
			MStringArray lTimes;

			if ( MStatus::kSuccess == srcTimeValue.split( L':', lTimes ) )
				if ( lTimes.length() > 0 )
					double lImportStartFrame = lTimes[0].asDouble();
					double lImportEndFrame   = lImportStartFrame;
					if ( lTimes.length() > 1 )
						lImportEndFrame = lTimes[1].asDouble();
					fReader.setImportFrameRange( lImportStartFrame, lImportEndFrame );
		if(match.length() >0)
			if(match == flagHierarchy)
				type = atomNodeNameReplacer::eHierarchy;
			else if(match == flagString)
				type = atomNodeNameReplacer::eSearchReplace;
			else if(match == flagMapFile)
				type = atomNodeNameReplacer::eMapFile;
		} //not set, then we leave what we had


	//	If the selection list is empty, there is nothing to import.
	MSelectionList sList;
	std::vector<unsigned int> depths;
	atomTemplateReader templateReader;
	if(useTemplate == true)
		includeChildren = false;
		templateReader.selectNodes(); //make the selection set be us.
	if (sList.isEmpty()) {
		MString msg = MStringResource::getString(kNothingSelected, status);
		return (MS::kFailure);

	atomNodeNameReplacer replacer(type,sList,depths,prefix,suffix,search,replace,mapFile);
	if (mode == kImportAccessMode) {
		status = importAnim(sList,animFile,pasteFlags,replacer,exportEditsFile,templateReader,replaceLayers);

	return status;
// Purpose: Export the specified bits of the maya scene into the specified file
// Input  : mArgDatabase	The command line arguments as passed
// Output : MS::kSuccess if ok, MS::kFailure otherwise
MStatus CVstSmdIOCmd::DoImport(
	const MArgDatabase &mArgDatabase )
	MString optFilename;
	if ( mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptFilename, 0, optFilename ) != MS::kSuccess || optFilename.length() == 0 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "No filename specified for import" );
		return MS::kFailure;

	MString optGame;
	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptGame ) )
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptGame, 0, optGame );

	MString optTextureArchive;
	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptTextureArchive ) )
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptTextureArchive, 0, optTextureArchive );

	CQcData qcData;
	char fullPath[ MAX_PATH ];
	if ( !_fullpath( fullPath, optFilename.asChar(), sizeof( fullPath ) ) )
		strncpy( fullPath, optFilename.asChar(), sizeof( fullPath ) );
	qcData.GetQcData( fullPath );

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptUpAxis ) )
		MString upAxis;
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptUpAxis, 0, upAxis );
		switch ( *upAxis.asChar() )
		case 'x':
		case 'X':
			qcData.m_upAxis = 0;
		case 'y':
		case 'Y':
			qcData.m_upAxis = 1;
		case 'z':
		case 'Z':
			qcData.m_upAxis = 2;

	CSmdImport smdImport( optGame.asChar(), optTextureArchive.asChar() );
	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptImportSkeleton ) && !mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptVmf ) )
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptImportSkeleton, 0, smdImport.m_optImportSkeleton );
	smdImport.SetNodeAddPrefix( GetNodeAddPrefix( mArgDatabase ) );
	smdImport.SetNodeDelPrefix( GetNodeDelPrefix( mArgDatabase ) );

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptImportType ) )
		MString optImportType;
		if ( mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptImportType, 0, optImportType ) && (
			*optImportType.asChar() == 'a' || *optImportType.asChar() == 'A' ||
			*optImportType.asChar() == 's' || *optImportType.asChar() == 'S' ) )
			MSelectionList mSelectionList;
			mArgDatabase.getObjects( mSelectionList );
			MDagPath rootDagPath;
			if ( mSelectionList.length() && mSelectionList.getDagPath( 0, rootDagPath ) )
				return smdImport.ImportAnimation( optFilename.asChar(), rootDagPath, qcData, m_undo );
				merr << "Cannot import animation without the root of the skeleton is selected or specified" << std::endl;
				return MS::kFailure;

	MTransformationMatrix topLevel;

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptOrigin ) )
		MVector o;
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptOrigin, 0, o.x );
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptOrigin, 1, o.y );
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptOrigin, 2, o.z );

		topLevel.setTranslation( o, MSpace::kObject );

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptAngles ) )
		MVector a;
		if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptVmf ) )
			// The angles are specified in Yaw Pitch Roll order ( YZX )
			// but they're still an XYZ rotation
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 0, a.y );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 1, a.z );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 2, a.x );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 0, a.x );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 1, a.y );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 2, a.z );

		const MEulerRotation e( a.x / 180.0 * M_PI, a.y / 180.0 * M_PI, a.z / 180.0 * M_PI, MEulerRotation::kXYZ );
		topLevel.rotateBy( e.asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptVmf ) )
		if ( qcData.m_upAxis == 1U )
			topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( 90.0 / 180.0 * M_PI, 0.0, 90.0 / 180.0 * M_PI ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
			topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 / 180.0 * M_PI ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
		switch ( qcData.m_upAxis )
		case 0U:	// X Up
			if ( MGlobal::isYAxisUp() )
				topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( -M_PI / 2.0, M_PI / 2.0, 0.0 ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
				topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( 0.0, M_PI / 2.0, 0.0 ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
		case 1U:	// Y Up
			if ( MGlobal::isZAxisUp() )
				topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( M_PI / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0 ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
		case 2U:	// Z Up
			if ( MGlobal::isYAxisUp() )
				topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( -M_PI / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0 ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );

	MDagPath mDagPath( smdImport.DoIt( optFilename.asChar(), qcData, topLevel, m_undo ) );

	if ( mDagPath.isValid() && mDagPath.length() )
		if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptVmf ) )
			MFnNumericAttribute nFn;
			MObject aObj( nFn.create( "yUp", "yUp", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false ) );
			MDagPath sDagPath( mDagPath );
			sDagPath.extendToShapeDirectlyBelow( 0 );
			m_undo.DagModifier().addAttribute( sDagPath.node(), aObj );
			MPlug aP( sDagPath.node(), aObj );

			if ( qcData.m_upAxis == 1U )
				aP.setValue( true );
				aP.setValue( false );


		MGlobal::select( mDagPath, MObject::kNullObj, MGlobal::kReplaceList );
		setResult( mDagPath.partialPathName() );

		return MS::kSuccess;


	return MS::kFailure;
/** Create a RIB compatible representation of a Maya polygon mesh.
liqRibMeshData::liqRibMeshData( MObject mesh )
: numFaces( 0 ),
  numPoints ( 0 ),
  numNormals ( 0 ),

	unsigned int i;
	unsigned int j;
  areaLight = false;
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> creating mesh\n" );
  MFnMesh fnMesh( mesh );
  objDagPath = fnMesh.dagPath();
  MStatus astatus;
  name =;
  areaLight =( liquidGetPlugValue( fnMesh, "areaIntensity", areaIntensity, astatus ) == MS::kSuccess )? true : false ; 

  if ( areaLight ) 
    MDagPath meshDagPath;
    meshDagPath = fnMesh.dagPath();
    MTransformationMatrix worldMatrix = meshDagPath.inclusiveMatrix();
    MMatrix worldMatrixM = worldMatrix.asMatrix();
    worldMatrixM.get( transformationMatrix );

  numPoints = fnMesh.numVertices();
  numNormals = fnMesh.numNormals();

  // UV sets -------------------
  //const unsigned numSTs( fnMesh.numUVs() );
  const unsigned numUVSets( fnMesh.numUVSets() );
  MString currentUVSetName;
  MStringArray extraUVSetNames;
  fnMesh.getCurrentUVSetName( currentUVSetName );
    MStringArray UVSetNames;
    fnMesh.getUVSetNames( UVSetNames );

    for ( unsigned i( 0 ); i<numUVSets; i++ ) 
      if ( UVSetNames[i] != currentUVSetName ) 
        extraUVSetNames.append( UVSetNames[i] );

  numFaces = fnMesh.numPolygons();
  const unsigned numFaceVertices( fnMesh.numFaceVertices() );

	if ( numPoints < 1 )
//		MGlobal::displayInfo( MString( "fnMesh: " ) + );
//		cerr << "Liquid : Could not export degenerate mesh '"<< fnMesh.fullPathName( &astatus ).asChar() << "'" << endl << flush;

  unsigned face = 0;
  unsigned faceVertex = 0;
  unsigned count;
  unsigned vertex;
  unsigned normal;
  float S;
  float T;
  MPoint point;
  liqTokenPointer pointsPointerPair;
  liqTokenPointer normalsPointerPair;
  liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexSPointer;
  liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexTPointer;

  // Allocate memory and tokens
  numFaces = numFaces;
  nverts = shared_array< liqInt >( new liqInt[ numFaces ] );
  verts = shared_array< liqInt >( new liqInt[ numFaceVertices ] );

  pointsPointerPair.set( "P", rPoint, numPoints );
  pointsPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );

  if ( numNormals == numPoints ) 
    normalsPointerPair.set( "N", rNormal, numPoints );
    normalsPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
    normalsPointerPair.set( "N", rNormal, numFaceVertices );
    normalsPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );
  // uv
  std::vector<liqTokenPointer> UVSetsArray;
  UVSetsArray.reserve( 1 + extraUVSetNames.length() );

  liqTokenPointer currentUVSetUPtr;
  liqTokenPointer currentUVSetVPtr;
  liqTokenPointer currentUVSetNamePtr;
  liqTokenPointer extraUVSetsUPtr;
  liqTokenPointer extraUVSetsVPtr;
  liqTokenPointer extraUVSetsNamePtr;
	  currentUVSetUPtr.set( "s", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
	  currentUVSetUPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

	  currentUVSetVPtr.set( "t", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
	  currentUVSetVPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

	  currentUVSetNamePtr.set( "currentUVSet", rString, 1 );
	  currentUVSetNamePtr.setDetailType( rConstant );

	  if( numUVSets > 1 )
		  extraUVSetsUPtr.set( "u_uvSet", rFloat, numFaceVertices, numUVSets-1 );
		  extraUVSetsUPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		  extraUVSetsVPtr.set( "v_uvSet", rFloat, numFaceVertices, numUVSets-1 );
		  extraUVSetsVPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		  extraUVSetsNamePtr.set( "extraUVSets", rString, numUVSets-1 );
		  extraUVSetsNamePtr.setDetailType( rConstant );
	  if ( numUVSets > 0 ) 
		liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexPointerPair;

		pFaceVertexPointerPair.set( "st", rFloat, numFaceVertices, 2 );
		pFaceVertexPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		UVSetsArray.push_back( pFaceVertexPointerPair );

		for ( unsigned j( 0 ); j<extraUVSetNames.length(); j++) 
		  liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexPointerPair;

		  pFaceVertexPointerPair.set( extraUVSetNames[j].asChar(), rFloat, numFaceVertices, 2 );
		  pFaceVertexPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		  UVSetsArray.push_back( pFaceVertexPointerPair );

		if( liqglo.liqglo_outputMeshUVs ) 
		  // Match MTOR, which also outputs face-varying STs as well for some reason - Paul
		  // not anymore - Philippe
		  pFaceVertexSPointer.set( "u", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
		  pFaceVertexSPointer.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		  pFaceVertexTPointer.set( "v", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
		  pFaceVertexTPointer.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

  vertexParam = pointsPointerPair.getTokenFloatArray();
  normalParam = normalsPointerPair.getTokenFloatArray();

  // Read the mesh from Maya
  MFloatVectorArray normals;
  fnMesh.getNormals( normals );

  for ( MItMeshPolygon polyIt ( mesh ); polyIt.isDone() == false; ) 
    count = polyIt.polygonVertexCount();
    nverts[face] = count;
	for( i=0; i<count; i++ )    // boucle sur les vertex de la face
      vertex = polyIt.vertexIndex( i );
      verts[faceVertex] = vertex;
      point = polyIt.point( i, MSpace::kObject );
      pointsPointerPair.setTokenFloat( vertex, point.x, point.y, point.z );
      normal = polyIt.normalIndex( i );

      if( numNormals == numPoints ) 
        normalsPointerPair.setTokenFloat( vertex, normals[normal].x, normals[normal].y, normals[normal].z );
        normalsPointerPair.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, normals[normal].x, normals[normal].y, normals[normal].z );

	  if( liqglo.liqglo_outputMeshAsRMSArrays )
		  for( j=0; j<numUVSets; j++ )
				  MString uvSetName = currentUVSetName;
				  // set uvSet name
				  currentUVSetNamePtr.setTokenString( 0, currentUVSetName.asChar() );
				  // set uv values
				  fnMesh.getPolygonUV( face, i, S, T, &uvSetName );

				  currentUVSetUPtr.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, S );
				  currentUVSetVPtr.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 1-T );
				  MString uvSetName = extraUVSetNames[j-1];
				  // set uvSet name
				  extraUVSetsNamePtr.setTokenString( j-1, extraUVSetNames[j-1].asChar() );
				  // set uv values
				  fnMesh.getPolygonUV( face, i, S, T, &uvSetName );
				  extraUVSetsUPtr.setTokenFloat( (numFaceVertices*(j-1)) + faceVertex, S );
				  extraUVSetsVPtr.setTokenFloat( (numFaceVertices*(j-1)) + faceVertex, 1-T );
		  if ( numUVSets ) 
			  for( j=0; j<numUVSets; j++ )
				  MString uvSetName;
					  uvSetName = currentUVSetName;
					  uvSetName = extraUVSetNames[j-1];
				  fnMesh.getPolygonUV( face, i, S, T, &uvSetName );
				  UVSetsArray[j].setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 0, S );
				  UVSetsArray[j].setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 1, 1-T );
				  //printf("V%d  %s : %f %f  =>  %f %f \n", i, uvSetName.asChar(), S, T, S, 1-T);

				  if( liqglo.liqglo_outputMeshUVs && j==0)
					  // Match MTOR, which always outputs face-varying STs as well for some reason - Paul
					  pFaceVertexSPointer.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, S );
					  pFaceVertexTPointer.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 1-T );
      // printf( "[%d] faceVertex = %d  vertex = %d\n", i, faceVertex, vertex );

  // Add tokens to array and clean up after
  tokenPointerArray.push_back( pointsPointerPair );
  tokenPointerArray.push_back( normalsPointerPair );

	  tokenPointerArray.push_back( currentUVSetNamePtr );
	  tokenPointerArray.push_back( currentUVSetUPtr );
	  tokenPointerArray.push_back( currentUVSetVPtr );
	  if( numUVSets > 1 )
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( extraUVSetsNamePtr );
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( extraUVSetsUPtr );
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( extraUVSetsVPtr );
	  if( UVSetsArray.size() ) 
		  tokenPointerArray.insert( tokenPointerArray.end(), UVSetsArray.begin(), UVSetsArray.end() );

	  if( liqglo.liqglo_outputMeshUVs ) 
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( pFaceVertexSPointer );
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( pFaceVertexTPointer );

  addAdditionalSurfaceParameters( mesh );
Esempio n. 18
 *  get maya poly mesh data
bool liqRibMeshData::getMayaData( MObject mesh, bool useNormals )
  bool ret = true;
  // LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> mesh getMayaData (useNormals = %s )\n", ( ( useNormals )? "Yes" : "No" ) );

  MFnMesh fnMesh( mesh );
  objDagPath = fnMesh.dagPath();
  MStatus astatus;
  name =;
  longName = fnMesh.fullPathName();

  numPoints = fnMesh.numVertices();
  numFaces = fnMesh.numPolygons();
  if ( useNormals ) numNormals = fnMesh.numNormals();
  if ( numPoints < 1 )
	  liquidMessage( "Could not export degenerate mesh " + longName, messageInfo );
		return false;
	// UV sets -------------------
  //const unsigned numSTs( fnMesh.numUVs() );
  const unsigned numUVSets( fnMesh.numUVSets() );
  MString currentUVSetName;
	fnMesh.getCurrentUVSetName( currentUVSetName );
  MStringArray extraUVSetNames;
  MStringArray UVSetNames;
  fnMesh.getUVSetNames( UVSetNames );

  for ( unsigned i( 0 ); i < numUVSets ; i++ ) 
    if ( UVSetNames[i] != currentUVSetName ) 
      extraUVSetNames.append( UVSetNames[i] );
  const unsigned numFaceVertices( fnMesh.numFaceVertices() );
  unsigned face ( 0 );
  unsigned faceVertex ( 0 );
  unsigned count;
  unsigned vertex;
  unsigned normal;
  float S;
  float T;
  MPoint point;
  liqTokenPointer pointsPointerPair;
  liqTokenPointer normalsPointerPair;
  liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexSPointer;
  liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexTPointer;
  // Allocate memory and tokens
  nverts = shared_array< RtInt >( new RtInt[ numFaces ] );
  verts = shared_array< RtInt >( new RtInt[ numFaceVertices ] );

  pointsPointerPair.set( "P", rPoint, numPoints );
  pointsPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );

  if ( useNormals )
    if ( numNormals == numPoints ) 
      normalsPointerPair.set( "N", rNormal, numPoints );
      normalsPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
      normalsPointerPair.set( "N", rNormal, numFaceVertices );
      normalsPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );
  // uv
  std::vector<liqTokenPointer> UVSetsArray;
  UVSetsArray.reserve( 1 + extraUVSetNames.length() );
	liqTokenPointer currentUVSetUPtr;
	liqTokenPointer currentUVSetVPtr;
	liqTokenPointer currentUVSetNamePtr;
	liqTokenPointer extraUVSetsUPtr;
	liqTokenPointer extraUVSetsVPtr;
	liqTokenPointer extraUVSetsNamePtr;
	if ( liqglo_outputMeshAsRMSArrays )
		currentUVSetUPtr.set( "s", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
		currentUVSetUPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		currentUVSetVPtr.set( "t", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
		currentUVSetVPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		currentUVSetNamePtr.set( "currentUVSet", rString, 1 );
		currentUVSetNamePtr.setDetailType( rConstant );
		if ( numUVSets > 1 )
			extraUVSetsUPtr.set( "u_uvSet", rFloat, numFaceVertices, numUVSets-1 );
			extraUVSetsUPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

			extraUVSetsVPtr.set( "v_uvSet", rFloat, numFaceVertices, numUVSets-1 );
			extraUVSetsVPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

			extraUVSetsNamePtr.set( "extraUVSets", rString, numUVSets-1 );
			extraUVSetsNamePtr.setDetailType( rConstant );
		if ( numUVSets > 0 )
   	 	liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexPointerPair;

    	pFaceVertexPointerPair.set( "st", rFloat, numFaceVertices, 2 );
    	pFaceVertexPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

    	UVSetsArray.push_back( pFaceVertexPointerPair );

    	for ( unsigned j( 0 ); j < extraUVSetNames.length() ; j++ ) 
      	liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexPointerPair;

      	pFaceVertexPointerPair.set( extraUVSetNames[j].asChar(), rFloat, numFaceVertices, 2 );
      	pFaceVertexPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

      	UVSetsArray.push_back( pFaceVertexPointerPair );

    	if ( liqglo_outputMeshUVs ) 
      	// Match MTOR, which also outputs face-varying STs as well for some reason - Paul
      	// not anymore - Philippe
      	pFaceVertexSPointer.set( "u", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
      	pFaceVertexSPointer.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

      	pFaceVertexTPointer.set( "v", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
      	pFaceVertexTPointer.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );
  vertexParam = pointsPointerPair.getTokenFloatArray();
  MFloatVectorArray normals;

  // Read the mesh normals from Maya
  if ( useNormals ) 
    normalParam = normalsPointerPair.getTokenFloatArray();
    fnMesh.getNormals( normals );
  for ( MItMeshPolygon polyIt ( mesh ); polyIt.isDone() == false ; ) 
    count = polyIt.polygonVertexCount();
    nverts[face] = count;
    unsigned j, i = count;
    // printf("poly count = %d\n", count );
    while ( i )
      vertex = polyIt.vertexIndex( i );
      verts[faceVertex] = vertex;
      point = polyIt.point( i, MSpace::kObject );
      pointsPointerPair.setTokenFloat( vertex, point.x, point.y, point.z );
      if ( useNormals )
        normal = polyIt.normalIndex( i );
        if ( numNormals == numPoints ) 
          normalsPointerPair.setTokenFloat( vertex, normals[normal].x, normals[normal].y, normals[normal].z );
          normalsPointerPair.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, normals[normal].x, normals[normal].y, normals[normal].z );
      if ( liqglo_outputMeshAsRMSArrays )
				for ( j = 0 ; j < numUVSets ; j++ )
					if ( j == 0)
						MString uvSetName = currentUVSetName;
						// set uvSet name
						currentUVSetNamePtr.setTokenString( 0, currentUVSetName.asChar() );
						// set uv values
						fnMesh.getPolygonUV( face, i, S, T, &uvSetName );

						currentUVSetUPtr.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, S );
						currentUVSetVPtr.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 1-T );
						MString uvSetName = extraUVSetNames[j-1];
						// set uvSet name
						extraUVSetsNamePtr.setTokenString( j-1, extraUVSetNames[j-1].asChar() );
						// set uv values
						fnMesh.getPolygonUV( face, i, S, T, &uvSetName );
						extraUVSetsUPtr.setTokenFloat( (numFaceVertices*(j-1)) + faceVertex, S );
						extraUVSetsVPtr.setTokenFloat( (numFaceVertices*(j-1)) + faceVertex, 1-T );
				if ( numUVSets  )
					for( j = 0; j < numUVSets; j++ )
						MString uvSetName = ( j == 0 )? currentUVSetName: extraUVSetNames[ j - 1 ] ;

						fnMesh.getPolygonUV( face, i, S, T, &uvSetName );
						UVSetsArray[j].setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 0, S );
						UVSetsArray[j].setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 1, 1 - T );
						//printf("V%d  %s : %f %f  =>  %f %f \n", i, uvSetName.asChar(), S, T, S, 1-T);

						if ( liqglo_outputMeshUVs && j==0)
							// Match MTOR, which always outputs face-varying STs as well for some reason - Paul
							pFaceVertexSPointer.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, S );
							pFaceVertexTPointer.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 1 - T );
  // Add tokens to array and clean up after
  tokenPointerArray.push_back( pointsPointerPair );
  if ( useNormals ) 
    tokenPointerArray.push_back( normalsPointerPair );
	if ( liqglo_outputMeshAsRMSArrays )
		tokenPointerArray.push_back( currentUVSetNamePtr );
		tokenPointerArray.push_back( currentUVSetUPtr );
		tokenPointerArray.push_back( currentUVSetVPtr );
		if ( numUVSets > 1 )
			tokenPointerArray.push_back( extraUVSetsNamePtr );
			tokenPointerArray.push_back( extraUVSetsUPtr );
			tokenPointerArray.push_back( extraUVSetsVPtr );
  	if ( UVSetsArray.size() ) 
    	tokenPointerArray.insert( tokenPointerArray.end(), UVSetsArray.begin(), UVSetsArray.end() );
  	if ( liqglo_outputMeshUVs ) 
    	tokenPointerArray.push_back( pFaceVertexSPointer );
    	tokenPointerArray.push_back( pFaceVertexTPointer );
  return ret;  
Esempio n. 19
	int Renderer::preview( const std::string& fileName, const liqPreviewShaderOptions& options )

		  std::string shaderFileName;
  liqShader currentShader;
  MObject	shaderObj;
  MString shader_type_TempForRefactoring;//  [2/14/2012 yaoyansi]

  if ( options.fullShaderPath ) 
	  // a full shader path was specified
	  //cout <<"[liquid] got full path for preview !"<<endl;
	  //shaderFileName = const_cast<char*>(options.shaderNodeName);

	  std::string tmp( options.shaderNodeName );
	  currentShader.setShaderFileName(tmp.substr( 0, tmp.length() -  4 ) );

	  if ( options.type == "surface" ){
		  assert(0&&"we should use currentShader.shader_type_ex = \"surface\"");
		  //currentShader.shader_type = SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE;//  [2/14/2012 yaoyansi]
		  shader_type_TempForRefactoring = "surface";
	  }else if ( options.type == "displacement" ){
		  assert(0&&"we should use currentShader.shader_type_ex = \"displacement\"");
		  //currentShader.shader_type = SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT;//  [2/14/2012 yaoyansi]
		  shader_type_TempForRefactoring = "displacement";
	  //cout <<"[liquid]   options.shaderNodeName = " << options.shaderNodeName << endl;
	  //cout <<"[liquid]   options.type = "<<options.type<<endl;
	  // a shader node was specified
	  MSelectionList shaderNameList;
	  shaderNameList.add( options.shaderNodeName.c_str() );
	  shaderNameList.getDependNode( 0, shaderObj );
	  if( shaderObj == MObject::kNullObj )
		  MGlobal::displayError( std::string( "Can't find node for " + options.shaderNodeName ).c_str() );
		  return 0;
	  currentShader = liqShader( shaderObj );
	  shader_type_TempForRefactoring = currentShader.shader_type_ex;
	  shaderFileName = currentShader.getShaderFileName();
  MFnDependencyNode assignedShader( shaderObj );

  // Get the Pathes in globals node
  MObject globalObjNode;
  MString liquidShaderPath = "",liquidTexturePath = "",liquidProceduralPath = "";
  MStatus status;
  MSelectionList globalList;
	// get the current project directory
  MString MELCommand = "workspace -q -rd";
  MString MELReturn;
  MGlobal::executeCommand( MELCommand, MELReturn );
  MString liquidProjectDir = MELReturn;
  status = globalList.add( "liquidGlobals" );
  if ( globalList.length() > 0 ) 
    status = globalList.getDependNode( 0, globalObjNode );
    MFnDependencyNode globalNode( globalObjNode );
		liquidGetPlugValue( globalNode, "shaderPath", liquidShaderPath, status);
    liquidGetPlugValue( globalNode, "texturePath", liquidTexturePath, status);
    liquidGetPlugValue( globalNode, "proceduralPath", liquidProceduralPath, status);
  if( fileName.empty() ) 
    RiBegin_liq( NULL );
#ifdef DELIGHT
    //RtPointer callBack( progressCallBack );
    //RiOption( "statistics", "progresscallback", &callBack, RI_NULL );
	else {
	liquidMessage2(messageInfo,"preview rib file: [%s]", fileName.c_str());
    RiBegin_liq( (RtToken)fileName.c_str() );

  std::string liquidHomeDir = liquidSanitizeSearchPath( getEnvironment( "LIQUIDHOME" ) );
  std::string shaderPath( "&:@:.:~:" + liquidHomeDir + "/lib/shaders" );
  std::string texturePath( "&:@:.:~:" + liquidHomeDir + "/lib/textures" );
  std::string proceduralPath( "&:@:.:~:" + liquidHomeDir + "/lib/shaders" );

  std::string projectDir = std::string( liquidSanitizeSearchPath( liquidProjectDir ).asChar() );
  if ( liquidProjectDir != "")
    shaderPath += ":" + projectDir;	
    texturePath += ":" + projectDir;
    proceduralPath += ":" + projectDir;
  if ( liquidShaderPath != "" )
		shaderPath += ":" + std::string( liquidSanitizeSearchPath( parseString( liquidShaderPath, false ) ).asChar());	
  if ( liquidTexturePath != "" )
		texturePath += ":" + std::string( liquidSanitizeSearchPath( parseString( liquidTexturePath, false) ).asChar());	
  if ( liquidProceduralPath != "" )
		proceduralPath += ":" + std::string( liquidSanitizeSearchPath( parseString( liquidProceduralPath, false) ).asChar());	
  RtString list( const_cast< RtString >( shaderPath.c_str() ) );
  RiOption( "searchpath", "shader", &list, RI_NULL );
  RtString texPath( const_cast< RtString >( texturePath.c_str() ) );
  if( texPath[ 0 ] )
    RiOption( "searchpath","texture", &texPath, RI_NULL );
  RtString procPath( const_cast< RtString >( proceduralPath.c_str() ) );
  if( procPath[ 0 ] )
    RiOption( "searchpath","procedural", &procPath, RI_NULL );

  RiShadingRate( ( RtFloat )options.shadingRate );
  RiPixelSamples( options.pixelSamples, options.pixelSamples );

#ifdef PRMAN
  if ( MString( "PRMan" ) == liqglo.liquidRenderer.renderName )
	RiPixelFilter( RiCatmullRomFilter, 4., 4. );
#elif defined( DELIGHT )
  if ( MString( "3Delight" ) == liqglo.liquidRenderer.renderName )
    RiPixelFilter( RiSeparableCatmullRomFilter, 4., 4. );
//    RiPixelFilter( RiMitchellFilter, 4., 4.);
  RiPixelFilter( RiCatmullRomFilter, 4., 4. );

  RiFormat( ( RtInt )options.displaySize, ( RtInt )options.displaySize, 1.0 );
  if( options.backPlane ) 
    RiDisplay( const_cast< RtString >( options.displayName.c_str() ),
               const_cast< RtString >( options.displayDriver.c_str() ), RI_RGB, RI_NULL );
	{ // Alpha might be useful
    RiDisplay( const_cast< RtString >( options.displayName.c_str() ),
               const_cast< RtString >( options.displayDriver.c_str() ), RI_RGBA, RI_NULL );
  RtFloat fov( 22.5 );
  RiProjection( "perspective", "fov", &fov, RI_NULL );
  RiTranslate( 0, 0, 2.75 );
  RiExposure(1, currentShader.m_previewGamma);
  RtInt visible = 1;
  RtString transmission = "transparent";

  RiAttribute( "visibility", ( RtToken ) "camera", &visible, RI_NULL );
  RiAttribute( "visibility",  ( RtToken ) "trace", &visible, RI_NULL );
  // RiAttribute( "visibility", ( RtToken ) "transmission", ( RtPointer ) &transmission, RI_NULL );
  RiRotate( -90., 1., 0., 0. );
  RiCoordinateSystem( "_environment" );
  RtLightHandle ambientLightH, directionalLightH;
  RtFloat intensity;
  intensity = 0.05 * (RtFloat)options.previewIntensity;
  ambientLightH = RiLightSource( "ambientlight", "intensity", &intensity, RI_NULL );
  intensity = 0.9 * (RtFloat)options.previewIntensity;
  RtPoint from;
  RtPoint to;
  from[0] = -1.; from[1] = 1.5; from[2] = -1.;
  to[0] = 0.; to[1] = 0.; to[2] = 0.;
    RiRotate( 55.,  1, 0, 0 );
    RiRotate( 30.,  0, 1, 0 );
    directionalLightH = RiLightSource( "liquiddistant", "intensity", &intensity, RI_NULL );
  intensity = 0.2f * (RtFloat)options.previewIntensity;
  from[0] = 1.3f; from[1] = -1.2f; from[2] = -1.;
    RiRotate( -50.,  1, 0, 0 );
    RiRotate( -40.,  0, 1, 0 );
    directionalLightH = RiLightSource( "liquiddistant", "intensity", &intensity, RI_NULL );


  //ymesh omit this section, because liqShader::writeRibAttributes() do this work in that branch
  //I don't use liqShader::writeRibAttributes(), so I use this section. -yayansi
  float displacementBounds = 0.;
	liquidGetPlugValue( assignedShader, "displacementBound", displacementBounds, status);
  if ( displacementBounds > 0. ) 
    RtString coordsys = "shader";
	RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "ymesh omit this section, because liqShader::writeRibAttributes do this work in that branch" );
    RiAttribute( "displacementbound", "coordinatesystem", &coordsys, RI_NULL );	
    RiAttribute( "displacementbound", "sphere", &displacementBounds, "coordinatesystem", &coordsys, RI_NULL );

  //LIQ_GET_SHADER_FILE_NAME( shaderFileName, options.shortShaderName, currentShader );

	// output shader space
  MString shadingSpace;
	liquidGetPlugValue( assignedShader, "shaderSpace", shadingSpace, status);
  if ( shadingSpace != "" ) 
    RiCoordSysTransform( (char*) shadingSpace.asChar() );

  // Rotate shader space to make the preview more interesting
  RiRotate( 60., 1., 0., 0. );
  RiRotate( 60., 0., 1., 0. );
  RtFloat scale( 1.f / ( RtFloat )options.objectScale );
  RiScale( scale, scale, scale );

  if ( shader_type_TempForRefactoring=="surface" || shader_type_TempForRefactoring=="shader"/*currentShader.shader_type == SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE || currentShader.shader_type == SHADER_TYPE_SHADER */ ) //  [2/14/2012 yaoyansi]
		RiColor( currentShader.rmColor );
		RiOpacity( currentShader.rmOpacity );
		//cout << "Shader: " << shaderFileName << endl;
		if ( options.fullShaderPath ) 
				RiSurface( (RtToken)shaderFileName.c_str(), RI_NULL );
			liqShader liqAssignedShader( shaderObj );
			liqAssignedShader.forceAs = SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE;
	else if ( shader_type_TempForRefactoring=="displacement"/*currentShader.shader_type == SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT*/ ) //  [2/14/2012 yaoyansi]
		RtToken Kd( "Kd" );
		RtFloat KdValue( 1. );
    // !!! current ribLib has wrong interpretation of RiSurface parameters 
    RiSurface( "plastic", Kd, &KdValue, RI_NULL );
		RiSurface( "plastic", &Kd, &KdValue, RI_NULL );
		if ( options.fullShaderPath ) 
			RiDisplacement( (RtToken)shaderFileName.c_str(), RI_NULL );
			liqShader liqAssignedShader( shaderObj );
			liqAssignedShader.forceAs = SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT;
  if ( shadingSpace != "" ) 

 switch( options.primitiveType ) 
    case CYLINDER: 
      RiScale( 0.95, 0.95, 0.95 );
      RiRotate( 60., 1., 0., 0. );
      RiTranslate( 0., 0., -0.05 );
      RiCylinder( 0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 360., RI_NULL );
      RiTranslate( 0., 0., 0.3f );
      RiTorus( 0.485, 0.015, 0., 90., 360., RI_NULL );
      RiDisk( 0.015, 0.485, 360., RI_NULL );
      RiTranslate( 0., 0., -0.6 );
      RiTorus( 0.485, 0.015, 270., 360., 360., RI_NULL );
      RiDisk( -0.015, 0.485, 360., RI_NULL );
    case TORUS: 
      RiRotate( 45., 1., 0., 0. );
      RiTranslate( 0., 0., -0.05 );
      RiTorus( 0.3f, 0.2f, 0., 360., 360., RI_NULL );
    case PLANE: 
      RiScale( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 );
      static RtPoint plane[4] = {
        { -1.,  1.,  0. },
        {  1.,  1.,  0. },
        { -1., -1.,  0. },
        {  1., -1.,  0. }
      RiPatch( RI_BILINEAR, RI_P, (RtPointer) plane, RI_NULL );
    case TEAPOT: 
      RiTranslate( 0.06f, -0.18f, 0. );
      RiRotate( -120., 1., 0., 0. );
      RiRotate( 130., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiScale( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f );
			RiArchiveRecord( RI_VERBATIM, "Geometry \"teapot\"" );
    case CUBE: 
      /* Lovely cube with rounded corners and edges */
      RiScale( 0.35f, 0.35f, 0.35f );
      RiRotate( 60., 1., 0., 0. );
      RiRotate( 60., 0., 0., 1. );

      RiTranslate( 0.11f, 0., -0.08f );


      static RtPoint top[ 4 ] = { { -0.95, 0.95, -1. }, { 0.95, 0.95, -1. }, { -0.95, -0.95, -1. },  { 0.95, -0.95, -1. } };
      RiPatch( RI_BILINEAR, RI_P, ( RtPointer ) top, RI_NULL );

      static RtPoint bottom[ 4 ] = { { 0.95, 0.95, 1. }, { -0.95, 0.95, 1. }, { 0.95, -0.95, 1. }, { -0.95, -0.95, 1. } };
      RiPatch( RI_BILINEAR, RI_P, ( RtPointer ) bottom, RI_NULL );

      static RtPoint right[ 4 ] = { { -0.95, -1., -0.95 }, { 0.95, -1., -0.95 }, { -0.95, -1., 0.95 }, { 0.95, -1., 0.95 } };
      RiPatch( RI_BILINEAR, RI_P, ( RtPointer ) right, RI_NULL );

      static RtPoint left[ 4 ] = { { 0.95, 1., -0.95 }, { -0.95, 1., -0.95 }, { 0.95, 1., 0.95 }, { -0.95, 1., 0.95 } };
      RiPatch( RI_BILINEAR, RI_P, ( RtPointer ) left, RI_NULL );

      static RtPoint front[ 4 ] = { {-1., 0.95, -0.95 }, { -1., -0.95, -0.95 }, { -1., 0.95, 0.95 }, { -1., -0.95, 0.95 } };
      RiPatch( RI_BILINEAR, RI_P, ( RtPointer ) front, RI_NULL );

      static RtPoint back[ 4 ] = { { 1., -0.95, -0.95 }, { 1., 0.95, -0.95 }, { 1., -0.95, 0.95 }, { 1., 0.95, 0.95 } };
      RiPatch( RI_BILINEAR, RI_P, ( RtPointer ) back, RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, 0.95, 0. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, -0.95, 0. );
      RiRotate( -90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( -0.95, 0.95, 0. );
      RiRotate( 90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( -0.95, -0.95, 0. );
      RiRotate( 180., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( 0., 0., 0.95 );


      RiTranslate( 0.95, 0.95, 0. );
      RiSphere( 0.05, 0., 0.05, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, -0.95, 0. );
      RiRotate( -90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiSphere( 0.05, 0., 0.05, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiRotate( 180., 0., 0., 1. );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, 0.95, 0. );
      RiSphere( 0.05, 0., 0.05, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, -0.95, 0. );
      RiRotate( -90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiSphere( 0.05, 0., 0.05, 90., RI_NULL );


      RiRotate( 90., 1., 0., 0. );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, 0., 0. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( -0.95, 0., 0. );
      RiRotate( 90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiRotate( 90., 0., 1., 0. );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, 0.,  0. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( -0.95, 0., 0. );
      RiRotate( 90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );


      RiTranslate( 0., 0., -0.95 );


      RiTranslate( 0.95, 0.95, 0. );
      RiSphere( 0.05, -0.05, 0., 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, -0.95, 0. );
      RiRotate( -90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiSphere( 0.05, -0.05, 0., 90., RI_NULL );

      RiRotate( 180., 0., 0., 1. );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, 0.95, 0. );
      RiSphere( 0.05, -0.05, 0., 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, -0.95, 0. );
      RiRotate( -90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiSphere( 0.05, -0.05, 0., 90., RI_NULL );


      RiRotate( 90., 1., 0., 0. );

      RiTranslate( -0.95, 0.,  0. );
      RiRotate( 180., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, 0.,  0. );
      RiRotate( -90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiRotate( 90., 0., 1., 0. );

      RiTranslate( 0.95, 0.,  0. );
      RiRotate( -90., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );

      RiTranslate( -0.95, 0.,  0. );
      RiRotate( 180., 0., 0., 1. );
      RiCylinder( 0.05, -0.95, 0.95, 90., RI_NULL );


    case CUSTOM: 
      //cout <<"custom : "<<options.customRibFile<<endl;
      if ( fileExists( options.customRibFile.c_str() ) ) 
        RiReadArchive( const_cast< RtToken >( options.customRibFile.c_str() ), NULL, RI_NULL );
    case SPHERE:
      RiRotate( 60., 1., 0., 0. );
      RiSphere( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 360., RI_NULL );

   * Backplane
  if( options.backPlane ) 
    if ( options.customBackplane.empty() ) 
      RiScale( 0.91, 0.91, 0.91 );
      if( MString("displacement")==shader_type_TempForRefactoring/*SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT == currentShader.shader_type*/ ) //  [2/14/2012 yaoyansi]
        RtColor bg = { 0.698, 0.698, 0. };
        RiColor( bg );
      } else 
        RiSurface( const_cast< RtToken >( options.backPlaneShader.c_str() ), RI_NULL );

      static RtPoint backplane[4] = {
        { -1.,  1.,  2. },
        {  1.,  1.,  2. },
        { -1., -1.,  2. },
        {  1., -1.,  2. }
      RiPatch( RI_BILINEAR, RI_P, (RtPointer) backplane, RI_NULL );
      if ( fileExists( options.customBackplane.c_str() ) ) 
          RiScale( 1., 1., -1. );
          RiReadArchive( const_cast< RtString >( options.customBackplane.c_str() ), NULL, RI_NULL );


/* this caused maya to hang up under windoof - Alf
#ifdef _WIN32
//	Wait until the renderer is done
	while( !fileFullyAccessible( options.displayName.c_str() ) );
	fflush( NULL );
Esempio n. 20
IECore::DataPtr convert( const MCommandResult &result )
	MStatus s;
	switch (result.resultType())
		case MCommandResult::kInvalid:
			// No result
			return 0;
		case MCommandResult::kInt:
			int i;
			s = result.getResult(i);

			IECore::IntDataPtr data = new IECore::IntData();
			data->writable() = i;

			return data;
		case MCommandResult::kIntArray:
			MIntArray v;
			s = result.getResult(v);
			unsigned sz = v.length();
			IECore::IntVectorDataPtr data = new IECore::IntVectorData();
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++)
				(data->writable())[i] = v[i];

			return data;
		case MCommandResult::kDouble:
			double d;
			s = result.getResult(d);

			IECore::FloatDataPtr data = new IECore::FloatData();
			data->writable() = static_cast<float>(d);

			return data;
		case MCommandResult::kDoubleArray:
			MDoubleArray v;
			s = result.getResult(v);
			unsigned sz = v.length();
			IECore::DoubleVectorDataPtr data = new IECore::DoubleVectorData();
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++)
				data->writable()[i] = v[i];

			return data;
		case MCommandResult::kString:
			MString str;
			s = result.getResult(str);

			IECore::StringDataPtr data = new IECore::StringData();
			data->writable() = std::string(str.asChar());

			return data;
		case MCommandResult::kStringArray:
			MStringArray v;
			s = result.getResult(v);
			unsigned sz = v.length();
			IECore::StringVectorDataPtr data = new IECore::StringVectorData();
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++)
				data->writable()[i] = std::string(v[i].asChar());

			return data;
		case MCommandResult::kVector:
			MVector v;
			s = result.getResult(v);

			IECore::V3fDataPtr data = new IECore::V3fData();
			data->writable() = Imath::V3f(v.x, v.y, v.z);

			return data;
		case MCommandResult::kVectorArray:
			MVectorArray v;
			s = result.getResult(v);
			unsigned sz = v.length();
			IECore::V3fVectorDataPtr data = new IECore::V3fVectorData();
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++)
				data->writable()[i] = Imath::V3f(v[i].x, v[i].y, v[i].z);

			return data;
		case MCommandResult::kMatrix:
			MDoubleArray v;
			int numRows, numColumns;

			s = result.getResult(v, numRows, numColumns);

			if (numRows > 4 || numColumns > 4)
				throw IECoreMaya::StatusException( MS::kFailure );

			IECore::M44fDataPtr data = new IECore::M44fData();

			for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < numRows; j++)
					(data->writable())[i][j] = v[i*numRows+j];

			return data;
		case MCommandResult::kMatrixArray:
			return 0;

			assert( false );
			return 0;
Esempio n. 21
void LuxRenderer::defineTriangleMesh(mtlu_MayaObject *obj, bool noObjectDef = false)
	MObject meshObject = obj->mobject;
	MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
	MFnMesh meshFn(meshObject, &stat);
	MItMeshPolygon faceIt(meshObject, &stat);

	MPointArray points;
    MFloatVectorArray normals;
    meshFn.getNormals( normals, MSpace::kWorld );
	MFloatArray uArray, vArray;
	meshFn.getUVs(uArray, vArray);

	logger.debug(MString("Translating mesh object ") +;
	MString meshFullName = obj->fullNiceName;

	MIntArray trianglesPerFace, triVertices;
	meshFn.getTriangles(trianglesPerFace, triVertices);
	int numTriangles = 0;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < trianglesPerFace.length(); i++)
		numTriangles += trianglesPerFace[i];

	// lux render does not have a per vertex per face normal definition, here we can use one normal and uv per vertex only
	// So I create the triangles with unique vertices, normals and uvs. Of course this way vertices etc. cannot be shared.
	int numPTFloats = numTriangles * 3 * 3;
	logger.debug(MString("Num Triangles: ") + numTriangles + " num tri floats " + numPTFloats);

	float *floatPointArray = new float[numPTFloats];
	float *floatNormalArray = new float[numPTFloats];
	float *floatUvArray = new float[numTriangles * 3 * 2];
	logger.debug(MString("Allocated ") + numPTFloats + " floats for point and normals");

	MIntArray triangelVtxIdListA;
	MFloatArray floatPointArrayA;

	MPointArray triPoints;
	MIntArray triVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceNormalIds;
	int *triangelVtxIdList = new int[numTriangles * 3];

	for( uint sgId = 0; sgId < obj->shadingGroups.length(); sgId++)
		MString slotName = MString("slot_") + sgId;
	int triCount = 0;
	int vtxCount = 0;

	for(faceIt.reset(); !faceIt.isDone();
		int faceId = faceIt.index();
		int numTris;

		MIntArray faceUVIndices;

		for( uint vtxId = 0; vtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); vtxId++)
			int uvIndex;
			faceIt.getUVIndex(vtxId, uvIndex);

		int perFaceShadingGroup = 0;
		if( obj->perFaceAssignments.length() > 0)
			perFaceShadingGroup = obj->perFaceAssignments[faceId];
		//"Face ") + faceId + " will receive SG " +  perFaceShadingGroup);

		for( int triId = 0; triId < numTris; triId++)
			int faceRelIds[3];
			faceIt.getTriangle(triId, triPoints, triVtxIds);

			for( uint triVtxId = 0; triVtxId < 3; triVtxId++)
				for(uint faceVtxId = 0; faceVtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); faceVtxId++)
					if( faceVtxIds[faceVtxId] == triVtxIds[triVtxId])
						faceRelIds[triVtxId] = faceVtxId;

			uint vtxId0 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint vtxId1 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint vtxId2 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint normalId0 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint normalId1 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint normalId2 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint uvId0 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint uvId1 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint uvId2 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[2]];
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3] = points[vtxId0].x;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = points[vtxId0].y;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = points[vtxId0].z;

			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3] = normals[normalId0].x;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = normals[normalId0].y;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = normals[normalId0].z;

			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2] = uArray[uvId0];
			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2 + 1] = vArray[uvId0];


			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3] = points[vtxId1].x;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = points[vtxId1].y;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = points[vtxId1].z;

			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3] = normals[normalId1].x;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = normals[normalId1].y;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = normals[normalId1].z;

			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2] = uArray[uvId1];
			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2 + 1] = vArray[uvId1];


			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3] = points[vtxId2].x;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = points[vtxId2].y;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = points[vtxId2].z;

			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3] = normals[normalId2].x;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = normals[normalId2].y;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = normals[normalId2].z;

			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2] = uArray[uvId2];
			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2 + 1] = vArray[uvId2];

			//logger.debug(MString("Vertex count: ") + vtxCount + " maxId " + ((vtxCount - 1) * 3 + 2) + " ptArrayLen " + (numTriangles * 3 * 3));

			triangelVtxIdList[triCount * 3] = triCount * 3;
			triangelVtxIdList[triCount * 3 + 1] = triCount * 3 + 1;
			triangelVtxIdList[triCount * 3 + 2] = triCount * 3 + 2;


//generatetangents 	bool 	Generate tangent space using miktspace, useful if mesh has a normal map that was also baked using miktspace (such as blender or xnormal) 	false
//subdivscheme 	string 	Subdivision algorithm, options are "loop" and "microdisplacement" 	"loop"
//displacementmap 	string 	Name of the texture used for the displacement. Subdivscheme parameter must always be provided, as load-time displacement is handled by the loop-subdivision code. 	none - optional. (loop subdiv can be used without displacement, microdisplacement will not affect the mesh without a displacement map specified)
//dmscale 	float 	Scale of the displacement (for an LDR map, this is the maximum height of the displacement in meter) 	0.1
//dmoffset 	float 	Offset of the displacement. 	0
//dmnormalsmooth 	bool 	Smoothing of the normals of the subdivided faces. Only valid for loop subdivision. 	true
//dmnormalsplit 	bool 	Force the mesh to split along breaks in the normal. If a mesh has no normals (flat-shaded) it will rip open on all edges. Only valid for loop subdivision. 	false
//dmsharpboundary 	bool 	Try to preserve mesh boundaries during subdivision. Only valid for loop subdivision. 	false
//nsubdivlevels 	integer 	Number of subdivision levels. This is only recursive for loop subdivision, microdisplacement will need much larger values (such as 50). 	0

	bool generatetangents = false;
	getBool(MString("mtlu_mesh_generatetangents"), meshFn, generatetangents);
	int subdivscheme = 0;
	const char *subdAlgos[] = {"loop", "microdisplacement"};
	getInt(MString("mtlu_mesh_subAlgo"), meshFn, subdivscheme);
	const char *subdalgo =  subdAlgos[subdivscheme];
	float dmscale;
	getFloat(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmscale"), meshFn, dmscale);
	float dmoffset;
	getFloat(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmoffset"), meshFn, dmoffset);
	MString displacementmap;
	getString(MString("mtlu_mesh_displacementMap"), meshFn, displacementmap);
	const char *displacemap = displacementmap.asChar();
	bool dmnormalsmooth = true;
	getBool(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmnormalsmooth"), meshFn, dmnormalsmooth);
	bool dmnormalsplit = false;
	getBool(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmnormalsplit"), meshFn, dmnormalsplit);
	bool dmsharpboundary = false;
	getBool(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmsharpboundary"), meshFn, dmsharpboundary);
	int nsubdivlevels = 0;
	getInt(MString("mtlu_mesh_subdivlevel"), meshFn, nsubdivlevels);

	// a displacment map needs its own texture defintion
	MString displacementTextureName = "";
	if(displacementmap.length() > 0)
		ParamSet dmParams = CreateParamSet();
		dmParams->AddString("filename", &displacemap);
		displacementTextureName = + "_displacementMap";
		this->lux->texture(displacementTextureName.asChar(), "float", "imagemap", boost::get_pointer(dmParams));

	ParamSet triParams = CreateParamSet();
	int numPointValues = numTriangles * 3;
	int numUvValues = numTriangles * 3 * 2;
	clock_t startTime = clock();"Adding mesh values to params."));
	triParams->AddInt("indices", triangelVtxIdList, numTriangles * 3);
	triParams->AddPoint("P", floatPointArray, numPointValues);
	triParams->AddNormal("N", floatNormalArray, numPointValues);
	triParams->AddFloat("uv",  floatUvArray, numUvValues);
	if( nsubdivlevels > 0)
		triParams->AddInt("nsubdivlevels", &nsubdivlevels, 1);
	triParams->AddBool("generatetangents",  &generatetangents, 1);
	triParams->AddString("subdivscheme", &subdalgo , 1);
	if(displacementmap.length() > 0)
		triParams->AddFloat("dmoffset",  &dmoffset, 1);
		triParams->AddFloat("dmscale",  &dmscale, 1);
		const char *dmft = displacementTextureName.asChar();
		triParams->AddString("displacementmap", &dmft);
	triParams->AddBool("dmnormalsmooth",  &dmnormalsmooth, 1);
	triParams->AddBool("dmnormalsplit",  &dmnormalsplit, 1);
	triParams->AddBool("dmsharpboundary",  &dmsharpboundary, 1);

	clock_t pTime = clock();
	this->lux->shape("trianglemesh", boost::get_pointer(triParams));

	clock_t eTime = clock();"Timing: Parameters: ") + ((pTime - startTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) + " objTime " + ((eTime - pTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) + " all " + ((eTime - startTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC));


Esempio n. 22
MStatus AbcExport::doIt( const MArgList & args )
    MStatus status;

    MTime oldCurTime = MAnimControl::currentTime();

    MArgParser argData( syntax(), args, &status );
    if ( status != MS::kSuccess )
        return status;

    unsigned int numberOfArguments = args.length();

    MString msg;
    msg += "AlembicSimpleAbcExport  [options]\n\n";
    msg += "Options:\n";
    msg += "-h  / help  Print this message.\n";
    msg += "\n";
    msg += "-fs / frameStart int (default: 0)\n";
    msg += "The export start frame\n";
    msg += "\n";
    msg += "-fe / frameEnd int (default: 0)\n";
    msg += "The export end frame\n";
    msg += "\n";
    msg += "-v  / verbose  Verbose output\n";
    msg += "\n";
    if ( argData.isFlagSet( "help" ) )
        MGlobal::displayInfo( msg );
        return MS::kSuccess;

    bool verbose = argData.isFlagSet( "verbose" );

    int frameStart = 0;
    if ( argData.isFlagSet( "frameStart" ) )
        argData.getFlagArgument( "frameStart", 0, frameStart );

    int frameEnd = 0;
    if ( argData.isFlagSet( "frameEnd" ) )
        argData.getFlagArgument( "frameEnd", 0, frameEnd );

    // status = argData.getCommandArgument(0, argStr);
    // Get filenameArgument
    MString fileNameStr = args.asString( numberOfArguments-1, &status );

    // Okay, do it.
    Parameters params;
    params.fileName = fileNameStr.asChar();
    params.startFrame = frameStart;
    params.endFrame = frameEnd;
    params.verbose = verbose;
    params.polysAsSubds = false;
    params.deforming = true;
    params.allUserAttributes = true;
    params.allMayaAttributes = false;

        status = AbcExportSelected( params );
    catch ( std::exception &exc )
        MGlobal::displayError( exc.what() );
        status = MS::kFailure;
    catch ( ... )
        MGlobal::displayError( "AlembicSimpleAbcExport: UNKNOWN EXCEPTION" );
        status = MS::kFailure;
    return status;
Esempio n. 23
MStatus AbcExportSelected( const Parameters &iConfig )
    // Abc::Init();
    MSelectionList slist;
    MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( slist );
    if ( slist.length() == 0 )
        MGlobal::displayError( "Nothing selected." );
        return MS::kFailure;

    if ( iConfig.fileName == "" ||
         iConfig.fileName == "" )
        MGlobal::displayError( "No filename specified." );
        return MStatus::kFailure;
    // Create the time sampling.
    Abc::TimeSamplingType tSmpType;
    if ( iConfig.endFrame > iConfig.startFrame )
        tSmpType = Abc::TimeSamplingType(
            // Increment, in seconds, between samples.
            ( Abc::chrono_t )
            MTime( 1.0, MTime::uiUnit() ).as( MTime::kSeconds ) );

    // Get FPS
    Abc::chrono_t fps =
        MTime( 1.0, MTime::kSeconds ).as( MTime::uiUnit() );
    Top top( iConfig.fileName, tSmpType, fps );
    std::cout << "AlembicSimpleAbcExport: Opened Alembic Archive: "
              << top.getName()
              << " for writing." << std::endl;
    // Build comments
    std::string comments = "AlembicSimpleAbcExport v0.1.1";
    comments += "\n";
    MString exportedFromStr =
        "(Exported from " + MFileIO::currentFile() + ")";
    comments += exportedFromStr.asChar();
    comments += "\n";
    // top.setComments( comments );

    // Create the factory
    Factory factory( iConfig );
    for ( MItSelectionList liter( slist ); !liter.isDone(); )
        MDagPath dagPath;
        MObject component;
        liter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );
        // This will skip nodes we've already visited. HAVE NO
        // FEAR.
        factory.makeTree( top, dagPath, 1000000, tSmpType );
    std::cout << "AlembicSimpleAbcExport: Created DAG Tree to export."
              << std::endl;

    // Loop over time
    MComputation computation;
    for ( int frame = iConfig.startFrame;
          frame <= iConfig.endFrame; ++frame )
        // Get a time.
        MTime thisTime( ( double )frame, MTime::uiUnit() );
        // Set the time.
        MAnimControl::setCurrentTime( thisTime );
        // Get the chrono and the index
        Abc::index_t frameIndex =
            ( Abc::index_t )( frame - iConfig.startFrame );
        Abc::chrono_t frameTime =
            ( Abc::chrono_t ) MTime::kSeconds );
        // Is this necessary to force an eval?  Sometimes?
        // MGlobal::viewFrame( t );
        // M3dView currentView = M3dView::active3dView();
        // currentView.refresh( true, true, true );
        // Write the frame.
        top.writeSample( Abc::OSampleSelector( frameIndex, frameTime ) );
        std::cout << "AlembicSimpleAbcExport: Wrote frame: "
                  << frame << std::endl;
        if ( computation.isInterruptRequested() )
    // H5close();

    std::cout << "AlembicSimpleAbcExport: Closed Archive." << std::endl;
    return MS::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 24
void FujiRenderer::render()
	const int W = this->mtfu_renderGlobals->imgWidth;
	const int H = this->mtfu_renderGlobals->imgHeight;
	ID object;
	ID shader;"------- Starting fujiyama rendering --------");

	// Display pre render infos


		ID framebuffer;
		ID light;

		renderer = SiNewRenderer();
		if (renderer == SI_BADID) 
			fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate renderer\n");
			throw("Could not allocate renderer");

		/* Plugin */
		if (SiOpenPlugin("PlasticShader")) 


		shader = SiNewShader("PlasticShader");
		if (shader == SI_BADID) 
			fprintf(stderr, "Could not create shader: PlasticShader\n");
			throw("Could not create shader: PlasticShader");

		for( uint objId = 0; objId < this->mtfu_scene->objectList.size(); objId++)
			mtfu_MayaObject *obj = (mtfu_MayaObject *)this->mtfu_scene->objectList[objId];
			ID mesh = SI_BADID;
			if( obj->exportFileNames.size() > 0)

				mesh = SiNewMesh(obj->exportFileNames[0].asChar());
				if (mesh == SI_BADID) 
					logger.error(MString("Could not create mesh from file: ") + obj->exportFileNames[0]);

				if( mesh == SI_BADID)
				obj->objectID = mesh;
				if( obj->origObject != NULL )
					mtfu_MayaObject *origObj = (mtfu_MayaObject *)obj->origObject;
					mesh = origObj->objectID;
					if( mesh == SI_BADID)

			object = SiNewObjectInstance(mesh);
			if (object == SI_BADID) 
				throw("Could not create object instance");

			MTransformationMatrix objTMatrix(obj->dagPath.inclusiveMatrix());
			double rot[3];
			double scale[3];
			MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder rotOrder =  MTransformationMatrix::kXYZ;
			objTMatrix.getRotation(rot, rotOrder, MSpace::kWorld);
			MVector pos = objTMatrix.getTranslation(MSpace::kWorld);
			objTMatrix.getScale(scale, MSpace::kWorld);
			SiSetProperty3(object, "translate", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
			SiSetProperty3(object, "rotate", RadToDeg(rot[0]), RadToDeg(rot[1]), RadToDeg(rot[2]));
			SiSetProperty3(object, "scale", scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);
			logger.debug(MString("SetProperty3 ") + obj->shortName + " translate " + pos[0] + " " + pos[1] + " " + pos[2]);
			logger.debug(MString("SetProperty3 ") + obj->shortName + " rotate " + RadToDeg(rot[0]) + " " + RadToDeg(rot[1]) + " " + RadToDeg(rot[2]));

			SiAssignShader(object, shader);

		framebuffer = SiNewFrameBuffer("rgba");
		if (framebuffer == SI_BADID) 
			fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate framebuffer\n");
			throw("Could not allocate framebuffer");
		SiAssignFrameBuffer(renderer, framebuffer);


		MString imageOutputFile = this->mtfu_renderGlobals->imageOutputFile;
		FujiImgTools::ImgTools imgTools;
		MString fbFile = imageOutputFile + ".fb";

		Status result = SiRenderScene(renderer);
		if( result == SI_BADID )
			logger.error("Renderer exited with error.");
			throw("Renderer exited with error.");
		SiSaveFrameBuffer(framebuffer, fbFile.asChar());

	}catch(char *errorMsg){
		EventQueue::Event e; = NULL;
		e.type = EventQueue::Event::RENDERERROR;

	EventQueue::Event e; = NULL;
	e.type = EventQueue::Event::FRAMEDONE;
Esempio n. 25

/* static */
        const UsdGeomMesh& mesh,
        MObject parentNode,
        const PxrUsdMayaPrimReaderArgs& args,
        PxrUsdMayaPrimReaderContext* context)
    if (!mesh) {
        return false;

    const UsdPrim& prim = mesh.GetPrim();

    MStatus status;

    // Create node (transform)
    MObject mayaNodeTransformObj;
    if (!PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::CreateTransformNode(prim,
                                                          &mayaNodeTransformObj)) {
        return false;

    VtArray<GfVec3f> points;
    VtArray<GfVec3f> normals;
    VtArray<int>     faceVertexCounts;
    VtArray<int>     faceVertexIndices;
    UsdAttribute fvc = mesh.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr();
    if (fvc.ValueMightBeTimeVarying()){
        // at some point, it would be great, instead of failing, to create a usd/hydra proxy node
        // for the mesh, perhaps?  For now, better to give a more specific error
            TfStringPrintf("<%s> is a topologically varying Mesh (animated faceVertexCounts). Skipping...", 
        return false;
    } else {
        // for any non-topo-varying mesh, sampling at zero will get us the right answer
        fvc.Get(&faceVertexCounts, 0);

    UsdAttribute fvi = mesh.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr();
    if (fvi.ValueMightBeTimeVarying()){
        // at some point, it would be great, instead of failing, to create a usd/hydra proxy node
        // for the mesh, perhaps?  For now, better to give a more specific error
            TfStringPrintf("<%s> is a topologically varying Mesh (animated faceVertexIndices). Skipping...", 
        return false;
    } else {
        // for any non-topo-varying mesh, sampling at zero will get us the right answer
        fvi.Get(&faceVertexIndices, 0);
    // Sanity Checks. If the vertex arrays are empty, skip this mesh
    if (faceVertexCounts.size() == 0 || faceVertexIndices.size() == 0) {
            TfStringPrintf("FaceVertex arrays are empty [Count:%zu Indices:%zu] on Mesh <%s>. Skipping...", 
                faceVertexCounts.size(), faceVertexIndices.size(), 
        return false; // invalid mesh, so exit

    // Gather points and normals
    // If args.GetReadAnimData() is TRUE,
    // pick the first avaiable sample or default
    UsdTimeCode pointsTimeSample=UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime();
    UsdTimeCode normalsTimeSample=UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime();
    std::vector<double> pointsTimeSamples;
    size_t pointsNumTimeSamples = 0;
    if (args.GetReadAnimData()) {
        PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::GetTimeSamples(mesh.GetPointsAttr(), args,
        pointsNumTimeSamples = pointsTimeSamples.size();
        if (pointsNumTimeSamples>0) {
            pointsTimeSample = pointsTimeSamples[0];
    	std::vector<double> normalsTimeSamples;
        PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::GetTimeSamples(mesh.GetNormalsAttr(), args,
        if (normalsTimeSamples.size()) {
            normalsTimeSample = normalsTimeSamples[0];
    mesh.GetPointsAttr().Get(&points, pointsTimeSample);
    mesh.GetNormalsAttr().Get(&normals, normalsTimeSample);
    if (points.size() == 0) {
            TfStringPrintf("Points arrays is empty on Mesh <%s>. Skipping...", 
        return false; // invalid mesh, so exit

    // == Convert data
    size_t mayaNumVertices = points.size();
    MPointArray mayaPoints(mayaNumVertices);
    for (size_t i=0; i < mayaNumVertices; i++) {
        mayaPoints.set( i, points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2] );

    MIntArray polygonCounts( faceVertexCounts.cdata(),  faceVertexCounts.size() );
    MIntArray polygonConnects( faceVertexIndices.cdata(), faceVertexIndices.size() );

    // == Create Mesh Shape Node
    MFnMesh meshFn;
    MObject meshObj = meshFn.create(mayaPoints.length(), 
    if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        return false;

    // Since we are "decollapsing", we will create a xform and a shape node for each USD prim
    std::string usdPrimName(prim.GetName().GetText());
    std::string shapeName(usdPrimName); shapeName += "Shape";
    // Set mesh name and register
    meshFn.setName(MString(shapeName.c_str()), false, &status);
    if (context) {
        std::string usdPrimPath(prim.GetPath().GetText());
        std::string shapePath(usdPrimPath);
        shapePath += "/";
        shapePath += shapeName;
        context->RegisterNewMayaNode( shapePath, meshObj ); // used for undo/redo

    // If a material is bound, create (or reuse if already present) and assign it
    // If no binding is present, assign the mesh to the default shader    
    const TfToken& shadingMode = args.GetShadingMode();
    PxrUsdMayaTranslatorMaterial::AssignMaterial(shadingMode, mesh, meshObj,
    // Mesh is a shape, so read Gprim properties
    PxrUsdMayaTranslatorGprim::Read(mesh, meshObj, context);

    // Set normals if supplied
    MIntArray normalsFaceIds;
    if (normals.size() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {

        for (size_t i=0; i < polygonCounts.length(); i++) {
            for (int j=0; j < polygonCounts[i]; j++) {
        if (normalsFaceIds.length() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {
            MVectorArray mayaNormals(normals.size());
            for (size_t i=0; i < normals.size(); i++) {
                mayaNormals.set( MVector(normals[i][0], normals[i][1], normals[i][2]), i);
            if (meshFn.setFaceVertexNormals(mayaNormals, normalsFaceIds, polygonConnects) != MS::kSuccess) {

    // Determine if PolyMesh or SubdivMesh
    TfToken subdScheme = PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setSubdivScheme(mesh, meshFn, args.GetDefaultMeshScheme());

    // If we are dealing with polys, check if there are normals
    // If we are dealing with SubdivMesh, read additional attributes and SubdivMesh properties
    if (subdScheme == UsdGeomTokens->none) {
        if (normals.size() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {
            PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setEmitNormals(mesh, meshFn, UsdGeomTokens->none);
    } else {
        PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setSubdivInterpBoundary(mesh, meshFn, UsdGeomTokens->edgeAndCorner);
        PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setSubdivFVLinearInterpolation(mesh, meshFn);
        _AssignSubDivTagsToMesh(mesh, meshObj, meshFn);
    // Set Holes
    VtArray<int> holeIndices;
    mesh.GetHoleIndicesAttr().Get(&holeIndices);   // not animatable
    if ( holeIndices.size() != 0 ) {
        MUintArray mayaHoleIndices;
        mayaHoleIndices.setLength( holeIndices.size() );
        for (size_t i=0; i < holeIndices.size(); i++) {
            mayaHoleIndices[i] = holeIndices[i];
        if (meshFn.setInvisibleFaces(mayaHoleIndices) == MS::kFailure) {
            MGlobal::displayError(TfStringPrintf("Unable to set Invisible Faces on <%s>", 

    std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar> primvars = mesh.GetPrimvars();
    TF_FOR_ALL(iter, primvars) {
        const UsdGeomPrimvar& primvar = *iter;
        const TfToken& name = primvar.GetBaseName();
        const SdfValueTypeName& typeName = primvar.GetTypeName();

        // If the primvar is called either displayColor or displayOpacity check
        // if it was really authored from the user.  It may not have been
        // authored by the user, for example if it was generated by shader
        // values and not an authored colorset/entity.
        // If it was not really authored, we skip the primvar.
        if (name == PxrUsdMayaMeshColorSetTokens->DisplayColorColorSetName || 
                name == PxrUsdMayaMeshColorSetTokens->DisplayOpacityColorSetName) {
            if (!PxrUsdMayaRoundTripUtil::IsAttributeUserAuthored(primvar)) {

        // XXX: Maya stores UVs in MFloatArrays and color set data in MColors
        // which store floats, so we currently only import primvars holding
        // float-typed arrays. Should we still consider other precisions
        // (double, half, ...) and/or numeric types (int)?
        if (typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Float2Array) {
            // We assume that Float2Array primvars are UV sets.
            if (!_AssignUVSetPrimvarToMesh(primvar, meshFn)) {
                    TfStringPrintf("Unable to retrieve and assign data for UV set <%s> on mesh <%s>", 
        } else if (typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->FloatArray   || 
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Float3Array  || 
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Color3fArray ||
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Float4Array  || 
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Color4fArray) {
            if (!_AssignColorSetPrimvarToMesh(mesh, primvar, meshFn)) {
                    TfStringPrintf("Unable to retrieve and assign data for color set <%s> on mesh <%s>",

    // We only vizualize the colorset by default if it is "displayColor".  
    MStringArray colorSetNames;
    if (meshFn.getColorSetNames(colorSetNames)==MS::kSuccess) {
        for (unsigned int i=0; i < colorSetNames.length(); i++) {
            const MString colorSetName = colorSetNames[i];
            if (std::string(colorSetName.asChar()) 
                    == PxrUsdMayaMeshColorSetTokens->DisplayColorColorSetName.GetString()) {
                MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation csRep=
                if (csRep==MFnMesh::kRGB || csRep==MFnMesh::kRGBA) {

                    // both of these are needed to show the colorset.
                    MPlug plg=meshFn.findPlug("displayColors");
                    if ( !plg.isNull() ) {
    // == Animate points ==
    //   Use blendShapeDeformer so that all the points for a frame are contained in a single node
    if (pointsNumTimeSamples > 0) {
        MPointArray mayaPoints(mayaNumVertices);
        MObject meshAnimObj;

        MFnBlendShapeDeformer blendFn;
        MObject blendObj = blendFn.create(meshObj);
        if (context) {
            context->RegisterNewMayaNode(, blendObj ); // used for undo/redo

        for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < pointsNumTimeSamples; ++ti) {
             mesh.GetPointsAttr().Get(&points, pointsTimeSamples[ti]);

            for (unsigned int i=0; i < mayaNumVertices; i++) {
                mayaPoints.set( i, points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2] );

            // == Create Mesh Shape Node
            MFnMesh meshFn;
            if ( meshAnimObj.isNull() ) {
                meshAnimObj = meshFn.create(mayaPoints.length(), 
                if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
            else {
                // Reuse the already created mesh by copying it and then setting the points
                meshAnimObj = meshFn.copy(meshAnimObj, mayaNodeTransformObj, &status);

            // Set normals if supplied
            // NOTE: This normal information is not propagated through the blendShapes, only the controlPoints.
             mesh.GetNormalsAttr().Get(&normals, pointsTimeSamples[ti]);
             if (normals.size() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices()) &&
                normalsFaceIds.length() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {

                MVectorArray mayaNormals(normals.size());
                for (size_t i=0; i < normals.size(); i++) {
                    mayaNormals.set( MVector(normals[i][0], normals[i][1], normals[i][2]), i);
                if (meshFn.setFaceVertexNormals(mayaNormals, normalsFaceIds, polygonConnects) != MS::kSuccess) {

            // Add as target and set as an intermediate object
            blendFn.addTarget(meshObj, ti, meshAnimObj, 1.0);
            if (context) {
                context->RegisterNewMayaNode( meshFn.fullPathName().asChar(), meshAnimObj ); // used for undo/redo

        // Animate the weights so that mesh0 has a weight of 1 at frame 0, etc.
        MFnAnimCurve animFn;

        // Construct the time array to be used for all the keys
        MTimeArray timeArray;
        for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < pointsNumTimeSamples; ++ti) {
            timeArray.set( MTime(pointsTimeSamples[ti]), ti);

        // Key/Animate the weights
        MPlug plgAry = blendFn.findPlug( "weight" );
        if ( !plgAry.isNull() && plgAry.isArray() ) {
            for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < pointsNumTimeSamples; ++ti) {
                MPlug plg = plgAry.elementByLogicalIndex(ti, &status);
                MDoubleArray valueArray(pointsNumTimeSamples, 0.0);
                valueArray[ti] = 1.0; // Set the time value where this mesh's weight should be 1.0
                MObject animObj = animFn.create(plg, NULL, &status);
                animFn.addKeys(&timeArray, &valueArray);
                if (context) {
                    context->RegisterNewMayaNode(, animObj ); // used for undo/redo

    return true;
Esempio n. 26
MStatus viewCapture::doIt( const MArgList& args )
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	if ( args.length() != 1 ) {
		// Need the file name argument
		return MS::kFailure;

	MString fileName;
	args.get( 0, fileName );

	// Get the active 3D view
	M3dView view = M3dView::active3dView();

	// Capture the current view
	// Set the target for our pixel read to be the front buffer.  First, the
	// current state is saved using the glPushAttrib call.  It is important
	// to leave the OpenGL in the same state that we found it.
	glPushAttrib( GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT ); 

	int width = view.portWidth();
	int height = view.portHeight(); 

	// Allocate buffers for the pixel data
	GLfloat * red   = new GLfloat[width*height];
	GLfloat * green = new GLfloat[width*height];
	GLfloat * blue  = new GLfloat[width*height];

	// Read the values from the OpenGL frame buffer
	glReadBuffer( GL_FRONT );
	glReadPixels( 0, 0, width, height, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, red );
	glReadPixels( 0, 0, width, height, GL_GREEN, GL_FLOAT, green );
	glReadPixels( 0, 0, width, height, GL_BLUE, GL_FLOAT, blue );
	// Put the gl read target back


	// Write file as a PPM
	Pic_Pixel * line = PixelAlloc( width );
	int idx;

	Pic * file = PicOpen( fileName.asChar(), (short) width, (short) height );
	if ( NULL != file ) { 
		for ( int row = height - 1; row >= 0; row-- ) {
			// Covert the row of pixels into PPM format
			for ( int col = 0; col < width; col++ ) {
				// Find the array elements for this pixel
				idx = ( row * width ) + ( col );
				line[col].r = (Pic_byte)( red[idx]   * 255.0 );
				line[col].g = (Pic_byte)( green[idx] * 255.0 );
				line[col].b = (Pic_byte)( blue[idx] * 255.0 );
			// Write the line
			if ( !PicWriteLine( file, line ) ) {
				status = MS::kFailure; 
				return MS::kFailure;
		PicClose( file ); 
	delete []red;
	delete []green;
	delete []blue;
	PixelFree( line );

	return status;
Esempio n. 27
MStatus HesMeshNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus stat;
	MPlug pnames(thisMObject(), ameshname);
	const unsigned numMeshes = pnames.numElements();
	MString cacheName =  data.inputValue( input ).asString();
	std::string substitutedCacheName(cacheName.asChar());
	MArrayDataHandle meshNameArray = data.inputArrayValue( ameshname );
	MArrayDataHandle meshArry = data.outputArrayValue(outMesh, &stat);
    bool hesStat = false;
	if( plug.array() == outMesh ) {
		const unsigned idx = plug.logicalIndex();
            hesStat = true;
        else {
            if(idx == 0) 
                AHelper::Info<std::string>(" hes mesh open file ", substitutedCacheName );
            hesStat = BaseUtil::OpenHes(substitutedCacheName, HDocument::oReadOnly);
		if(!hesStat) {
			AHelper::Info<std::string >("hes mesh cannot open file ", substitutedCacheName);
			return MS::kFailure;
		const MString meshName = meshNameArray.inputValue().asString();
        if(!BaseUtil::HesDoc->find(meshName.asChar())) {
            AHelper::Info<MString>(" hes cannot find mesh ", meshName );
            return MS::kFailure;
		MDataHandle hmesh = meshArry.outputValue();

		HPolygonalMesh entryMesh(meshName.asChar() );
        APolygonalMesh dataMesh;
        MFnMeshData dataCreator;
		MObject outMeshData = dataCreator.create(&stat);
		if( !stat ) {
			MGlobal::displayWarning("hes mesh cannot create " + meshName);
			return MS::kFailure;
        AHelper::Info<MString>(" hes init mesh ", meshName);
		HesperisPolygonalMeshCreator::create(&dataMesh, outMeshData);

		if( (idx+1)>=numMeshes ) {
			if(!BaseUtil::IsImporting) {
                AHelper::Info<std::string>(" hes mesh close file ", substitutedCacheName );
	else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 28
TfToken usdWriteJob::writeVariants(const UsdPrim &usdRootPrim)
    // Init parameters for filtering and setting the active variant
    std::string defaultModelingVariant;

    // Get the usdVariantRootPrimPath (optionally filter by renderLayer prefix)
    MayaPrimWriterPtr firstPrimWriterPtr = *mMayaPrimWriterList.begin();
    std::string firstPrimWriterPathStr( firstPrimWriterPtr->getDagPath().fullPathName().asChar() );
    std::replace( firstPrimWriterPathStr.begin(), firstPrimWriterPathStr.end(), '|', '/');
    std::replace( firstPrimWriterPathStr.begin(), firstPrimWriterPathStr.end(), ':', '_'); // replace namespace ":" with "_"
    SdfPath usdVariantRootPrimPath(firstPrimWriterPathStr);
    usdVariantRootPrimPath = usdVariantRootPrimPath.GetPrefixes()[0];

    // Create a new usdVariantRootPrim and reference the Base Model UsdRootPrim
    //   This is done for reasons as described above under mArgs.usdModelRootOverridePath
    UsdPrim usdVariantRootPrim = mStage->DefinePrim(usdVariantRootPrimPath);
    TfToken defaultPrim = usdVariantRootPrim.GetName();

    // Loop over all the renderLayers
    for (unsigned int ir=0; ir < mRenderLayerObjs.length(); ++ir) {
        SdfPathTable<bool> tableOfActivePaths;
        MFnRenderLayer renderLayerFn( mRenderLayerObjs[ir] );
        MString renderLayerName =;
        std::string variantName(renderLayerName.asChar());
        // Determine default variant. Currently unsupported
        //MPlug renderLayerDisplayOrderPlug = renderLayerFn.findPlug("displayOrder", true);
        //int renderLayerDisplayOrder = renderLayerDisplayOrderPlug.asShort();
        // The Maya default RenderLayer is also the default modeling variant
        if (mRenderLayerObjs[ir] == MFnRenderLayer::defaultRenderLayer()) {
        // Make the renderlayer being looped the current one
        MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("editRenderLayerGlobals -currentRenderLayer ")+
                                        renderLayerName, false, false);

        // == ModelingVariants ==
        // Identify prims to activate
        // Put prims and parent prims in a SdfPathTable
        // Then use that membership to determine if a prim should be Active.
        // It has to be done this way since SetActive(false) disables access to all child prims.
        MObjectArray renderLayerMemberObjs;
        std::vector< SdfPath > activePaths;
        for (unsigned int im=0; im < renderLayerMemberObjs.length(); ++im) {
            MFnDagNode dagFn(renderLayerMemberObjs[im]);
            MDagPath dagPath;
            SdfPath usdPrimPath; 
            if (!TfMapLookup(mDagPathToUsdPathMap, dagPath, &usdPrimPath)) {
            usdPrimPath = usdPrimPath.ReplacePrefix(usdPrimPath.GetPrefixes()[0], usdVariantRootPrimPath); // Convert base to variant usdPrimPath
            tableOfActivePaths[usdPrimPath] = true;
            //UsdPrim usdPrim = mStage->GetPrimAtPath(usdPrimPath);
        if (!tableOfActivePaths.empty()) {
            { // == BEG: Scope for Variant EditContext
                // Create the variantSet and variant
                UsdVariantSet modelingVariantSet = usdVariantRootPrim.GetVariantSets().AppendVariantSet("modelingVariant");
                // Set the Edit Context
                UsdEditTarget editTarget = modelingVariantSet.GetVariantEditTarget();
                UsdEditContext editContext(mStage, editTarget);

                // == Activate/Deactivate UsdPrims
                UsdPrimRange it = UsdPrimRange::AllPrims(mStage->GetPseudoRoot());
                std::vector<UsdPrim> primsToDeactivate;
                for ( ; it; ++it) {
                    UsdPrim usdPrim = *it;
                    // For all xformable usdPrims...
                    if (usdPrim && usdPrim.IsA<UsdGeomXformable>()) {
                        bool isActive=false;
                        for (size_t j=0;j<activePaths.size();j++) {
                            SdfPath activePath=activePaths[j];
                            if (usdPrim.GetPath().HasPrefix(activePath) || activePath.HasPrefix(usdPrim.GetPath())) {
                                isActive=true; break;
                        if (isActive==false) {
                // Now deactivate the prims (done outside of the UsdPrimRange 
                // so not to modify the iterator while in the loop)
                for ( UsdPrim const& prim : primsToDeactivate ) {
            } // == END: Scope for Variant EditContext
    } // END: RenderLayer iterations

    // Set the default modeling variant
    UsdVariantSet modelingVariantSet = usdVariantRootPrim.GetVariantSet("modelingVariant");
    if (modelingVariantSet.IsValid()) {
    return defaultPrim;
Esempio n. 29
std::string convert( const MString &from )
	return from.asChar();
Esempio n. 30
DX11ResourceManager::initializeDefaultSurfaceEffect( const MString& effectsLocation, ID3D11Device* D3D,
												    const MString& effectName, 
													const MString& vsName, const MString& psName,
													const D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC* layout, int numLayoutElements )
// Description:
//		Initialize default surface effects found in a given directory.
	HRESULT hres;
	MString effectLocation = effectsLocation + "\\" + effectName + ".hlsl";

    ID3DBlob* pVSBlob = NULL;
    hres = CompileShaderFromFile( effectLocation.asChar(), vsName.asChar(), "vs_4_0", &pVSBlob );
	if (FAILED(hres))
		MGlobal::displayInfo("Failed to compile vertex shader " + vsName + " in file: " + effectLocation);
		return false;
	ID3D11VertexShader* pVertexShader = NULL;
	hres = D3D->CreateVertexShader( pVSBlob->GetBufferPointer(), pVSBlob->GetBufferSize(), NULL, &pVertexShader );
	if (FAILED(hres))
		MGlobal::displayInfo("Failed to create vertex shader " + vsName + " in file: " + effectLocation);
		return false;
	ID3D11InputLayout* pVertexLayout = NULL;
    hres = D3D->CreateInputLayout( layout, numLayoutElements, pVSBlob->GetBufferPointer(), pVSBlob->GetBufferSize(), &pVertexLayout );
	if (FAILED(hres))
		MGlobal::displayInfo("Failed to create input layout for file: " + effectLocation);
		return false;

    ID3DBlob* pPSBlob = NULL;
    hres = CompileShaderFromFile( effectLocation.asChar(), psName.asChar(), "ps_4_0", &pPSBlob );
	if (FAILED(hres))
		MGlobal::displayInfo("Failed to compile pixel shader " + psName + " in file: " + effectLocation);
		return false;
	ID3D11PixelShader* pPixelShader = NULL;
	hres = D3D->CreatePixelShader( pPSBlob->GetBufferPointer(), pPSBlob->GetBufferSize(), NULL, &pPixelShader );
	if (FAILED(hres))
		MGlobal::displayInfo("Failed to create pixel shader " + psName + " in file: " + effectLocation);
		return false;

		// Create a new effect item
		MGlobal::displayInfo("Maya default pixel shader loaded: " + effectLocation);
		SurfaceEffectItem *pei = new SurfaceEffectItem;
		if (pei)
			pei->fVertexShader = pVertexShader;
			pei->fPixelShader = pPixelShader;
			pei->fInputLayout = pVertexLayout;

			m_SurfaceEffectItemList[ effectName.asChar() ] = pei;

	return true;