Matrix3f Segment::jacobianMatrix() { Matrix3f result; result.col(0) = jacobianColumn(getX()); result.col(1) = jacobianColumn(getY()); result.col(2) = jacobianColumn(getZ()); return result; }
/************************************************************************************************** * Procecure * * * * Description: swapColumns * * Class : ApproachMovementSpace * **************************************************************************************************/ Matrix3f ApproachMovementSpace::swapColumns(Matrix3f matrix, uint column1, uint column2) { Vector3f aux = matrix.col(column1); matrix.col(column1) = matrix.col(column2); matrix.col(column2) = aux; return matrix; }
SceneObject& SceneObject::setRotation(const Vector3f& x, const Vector3f& y, const Vector3f& z) { Matrix3f M; M.col(0) = x; M.col(1) = y; M.col(2) = z; rotation = Quaternionf(M); rotation.normalize(); return *this; }
void FakeKinect::setWorldFromCam(const Eigen::Affine3f &worldFromCam) { Vector3f eye, center, up; Matrix3f rot; rot = worldFromCam.linear(); eye = worldFromCam.translation(); center = rot.col(2); up = -rot.col(1); m_cam->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(toOSGVector(eye), toOSGVector(center+eye), toOSGVector(up)); }
/* evaluate cost function for a given assignment of npormals to axes */ float mmf::OptSO3vMFCF::evalCostFunction(Matrix3f& R) { float c = 0.0f; for (uint32_t j=0; j<6; ++j) { if(j%2 ==0){ c -= this->cld_.xSums().col(j).transpose()*R.col(j/2); }else{ c += this->cld_.xSums().col(j).transpose()*R.col(j/2); } } return c; }
void Camera::setDirection(const Vector3f& newDirection) { // TODO implement it computing the rotation between newDirection and current dir ? Vector3f up = this->up(); Matrix3f camAxes; camAxes.col(2) = (-newDirection).normalized(); camAxes.col(0) = up.cross( camAxes.col(2) ).normalized(); camAxes.col(1) = camAxes.col(2).cross( camAxes.col(0) ).normalized(); setOrientation(Quaternionf(camAxes)); mViewIsUptodate = false; }
void Camera::lookAt(const Vector3f ¢er, const Vector3f &eye, Vector3f &up) { Vector3f z = eye - center; z.normalize(); up.normalize(); Vector3f x = up.cross(z); x.normalize(); Vector3f y = z.cross(x); Matrix3f M; M.col(0) = x; M.col(1) = y; M.col(2) = z; std::cout << M << std::endl; rotation = Quaternionf(M); position = eye; }
int main(int, char**) { cout.precision(3); Matrix3f m; m.row(0) << 1, 2, 3; m.block(1,0,2,2) << 4, 5, 7, 8; m.col(2).tail(2) << 6, 9; std::cout << m; return 0; }
void RealtimeMF_openni::normals_cb(float* d_normals, uint8_t* haveData, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) { tLog_.tic(-1); // reset all timers int32_t nComp = 0; float* d_nComp = this->normalExtract->d_normalsComp(nComp); Matrix3f kRwBefore = kRw_; tLog_.toctic(0,1); optSO3_->updateExternalGpuNormals(d_nComp,nComp,3,0); double residual = optSO3_->conjugateGradientCUDA(kRw_,nCGIter_); double D_KL = optSO3_->D_KL_axisUnif(); tLog_.toctic(1,2); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock updateLock(this->updateModelMutex); this->normalsImg_ = this->normalExtract->normalsImg(); if(z_.rows() != w*h) z_.resize(w*h); this->normalExtract->uncompressCpu(optSO3_->z().data(), optSO3_->z().rows(),, z_.rows()); mfAxes_ = MatrixXf::Zero(3,6); for(uint32_t k=0; k<6; ++k){ int j = k/2; // which of the rotation columns does this belong to float sign = (- float(k%2) +0.5f)*2.0f; // sign of the axis mfAxes_.col(k) = sign*kRw_.col(j); } D_KL_= D_KL; residual_ = residual; this->update_ = true; updateLock.unlock(); } tLog_.toc(2); // total time tLog_.logCycle(); cout<<"delta rotation kRw_ = \n"<<kRwBefore*kRw_.transpose()<<endl; cout<<"---------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; tLog_.printStats(); cout<<" residual="<<residual_<<"\t D_KL="<<D_KL_<<endl; cout<<"---------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; fout_<<D_KL_<<" "<<residual_<<endl; fout_.flush(); //// return kRw_; // { // boost::mutex::scoped_lock updateLock(this->updateModelMutex); //// pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::ConstPtr nDispPtr = //// normalExtract->normalsPc(); //// nDisp_ = pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr( new //// pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(*nDispPtr)); //// this->normalsImg_ = this->normalExtract->normalsImg(); // this->update_ = true; // } };
float mmf::OptSO3ApproxGD::conjugateGradientPreparation_impl(Matrix3f& R, uint32_t& N) { // std::cout << "R before" << std::endl; // std::cout << R << std::endl; // Timer t0; N =0; float res0 = this->computeAssignment(R,N)/float(N); if(this->t_ == 0){ // init karcher means with columns of the rotation matrix (takes longer!) qKarch_ << R.col(0),-R.col(0),R.col(1),-R.col(1),R.col(2),-R.col(2); // // init karcher means with rotated version of previous karcher means // qKarch_ = (this->Rprev_*R.transpose())*qKarch_; } qKarch_ = karcherMeans(qKarch_, 5.e-5, 10); // t0.toctic("----- karcher mean"); // compute a rotation matrix from the karcher means (not necessary) // Matrix3f Rkarch; // Rkarch.col(0) = qKarch_.col(0); // Rkarch.col(1) = qKarch_.col(2) - qKarch_.col(2).dot(qKarch_.col(0)) // *qKarch_.col(0); // Rkarch.col(1) /= Rkarch.col(1).norm(); // Rkarch.col(2) = Rkarch.col(0).cross(Rkarch.col(1)); #ifndef NDEBUG cout<<"R: "<<endl<<R<<endl; // cout<<"Rkarch: "<<endl<<Rkarch<<endl<<"det(Rkarch)="<<Rkarch.determinant()<<endl; std::cout << "qKarch_" << std::endl; std::cout << qKarch_ << std::endl; #endif // t0.tic(); computeSuffcientStatistics(); // t0.toctic("----- sufficient statistics"); return res0; // cost fct value }
void MiniGL::setViewport (float pfovy, float pznear, float pzfar, const Vector3f &peyepoint, const Vector3f &plookat) { fovy = pfovy; znear = pznear; zfar = pzfar; glLoadIdentity (); gluLookAt (peyepoint [0], peyepoint [1], peyepoint [2], plookat[0], plookat[1], plookat[2], 0, 1, 0); Matrix4f transformation; float *lookAtMatrix =; glGetFloatv (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, &lookAtMatrix[0]); Matrix3f rot; Vector3f scale; transformation.transposeInPlace(); rot.row(0) = Vector3f (transformation(0,0), transformation(0,1), transformation(0,2)); rot.row(1) = Vector3f (transformation(1,0), transformation(1,1), transformation(1,2)); rot.row(2) = Vector3f (transformation(2,0), transformation(2,1), transformation(2,2)); scale[0] = rot.col(0).norm(); scale[1] = rot.col(1).norm(); scale[2] = rot.col(2).norm(); m_translation = Vector3f (transformation(3,0), transformation(3,1), transformation(3,2)); rot.col(0) = 1.0f/scale[0] * rot.col(0); rot.col(1) = 1.0f/scale[1] * rot.col(1); rot.col(2) = 1.0f/scale[2] * rot.col(2); m_zoom = scale[0]; m_rotation = Quaternionf(rot); glLoadIdentity (); }
void initTable(ColorCloudPtr cloud) { MatrixXf corners = getTableCornersRansac(cloud); Vector3f xax = corners.row(1) - corners.row(0); xax.normalize(); Vector3f yax = corners.row(3) - corners.row(0); yax.normalize(); Vector3f zax = xax.cross(yax); float zsgn = (zax(2) > 0) ? 1 : -1; xax *= - zsgn; zax *= - zsgn; // so z axis points up m_axes.col(0) = xax; m_axes.col(1) = yax; m_axes.col(2) = zax; MatrixXf rotCorners = corners * m_axes; m_mins = rotCorners.colwise().minCoeff(); m_maxes = rotCorners.colwise().maxCoeff(); m_mins(2) = rotCorners(0,2) + LocalConfig::zClipLow; m_maxes(2) = rotCorners(0,2) + LocalConfig::zClipHigh; m_transform.setBasis(btMatrix3x3( xax(0),yax(0),zax(0), xax(1),yax(1),zax(1), xax(2),yax(2),zax(2))); m_transform.setOrigin(btVector3(corners(0,0), corners(0,1), corners(0,2))); m_poly.points = toROSPoints32(toBulletVectors(corners)); m_inited = true; }
/* evaluate cost function for a given assignment of npormals to axes */ float mmf::OptSO3ApproxGD::evalCostFunction(Matrix3f& R) { float c = 0.0f; for (uint32_t j=0; j<6; ++j) { const float dot = max(-1.0f,min(1.0f,(qKarch_.col(j).transpose() * R.col(j/2))(0))); if(j%2 ==0){ c += Ns_(j) * acos(dot)* acos(dot); }else{ c += Ns_(j) * acos(-dot)* acos(-dot); } } return c; }
int main() { Matrix3f m; m << 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; std::cout << m << std::endl; RowVectorXd vec1(3); vec1 << 1, 2, 3; std::cout << "vec1 = " << vec1 << std::endl; RowVectorXd vec2(4); vec2 << 1, 4, 9, 16;; std::cout << "vec2 = " << vec2 << std::endl; RowVectorXd joined(7); joined << vec1, vec2; std::cout << "joined = " << joined << std::endl; MatrixXf matA(2, 2); matA << 1, 2, 3, 4; MatrixXf matB(4, 4); matB << matA, matA/10, matA/10, matA; std::cout << matB << std::endl; { Matrix3f m; m.row(0) << 1, 2, 3; m.block(1,0,2,2) << 4, 5, 7, 8; m.col(2).tail(2) << 6, 9; std::cout << m << std::endl; } return 0; }
/************************************************************************************************** * Procecure * * * * Description: gramSchmidtNormalization * * Class : ApproachMovementSpace * **************************************************************************************************/ Matrix3f ApproachMovementSpace::gramSchmidtNormalization3f(Matrix3f matrix) { // cout << endl << "Non-Normalized Matrix: " << endl << matrix << endl; uint matrix_size = matrix.diagonalSize(); for(uint column = 0; column < matrix_size; column += 1) { // Step 1: Normalize vector matrix.col(column) = normalizeVector3f( matrix.col(column) ); // Step 2: Eliminate the projection of this vector for(uint column_proj = column + 1; column_proj < matrix_size; column_proj += 1) { Vector3f vj = matrix.col(column_proj); matrix.col(column_proj) -= matrix.col(column) ) * matrix.col(column); } } // cout << endl << "Normalized Matrix: " << endl << matrix << endl; return matrix; }
// Get traversability of a pose bool TensorMap::isTraversable(const geometry_msgs::Pose& pose, bool v) { traversability_timer.start(); const Vector3f position(poseToVector(pose)); const CellKey& key(positionToIndex(position)); const TensorCell& cell((*this)[key]); // check it is easily traversable if (isEasilyTraversable(key)) { traversability_timer.stop(); return true; } // if not, check in details // getting parameters const TraversabilityParams& params = tensor_map_params->traversability; const float min_stick_sal = params.min_saliency; const float max_orientation_angle = params.max_slope; const int stick_sal_threshold = params.max_points_in_free_cell; const float min_free_cell_ratio = params.min_free_cell_ratio; const int nb_max_points = params.max_points_in_bounding_box; const int nb_min_support = params.min_support_points; const float length = params.length; const float width = params.width; const float height = params.height; const float l_2 = length/2. + params.inflation; const float w_2 = width/2. + params.inflation; const float ground_buffer = params.ground_buffer; const float buf2 = ground_buffer/2; const float h_2 = height/2; const float h0_2 = (height + buf2)/2; const float h1_2 = (height - buf2)/2; // check for enough saliency if (cell.stick_sal<min_stick_sal) { if (v) { cout << "Saliency too low: "<<cell.stick_sal<<"/"<< min_stick_sal<<endl; } traversability_timer.stop(); return false; } // check orientation is correct if (cell.angle_to_vertical>max_orientation_angle) { if (v) { cout << "Angle too steep: "<<cell.angle_to_vertical<<"/"<< max_orientation_angle<<endl; } traversability_timer.stop(); return false; } /* * check absence of obstacle */ // align orientation to surface Matrix3f alignedAxes; alignQuaternion(pose.orientation, cell.normal, alignedAxes); Vector3f x = alignedAxes.col(0); Vector3f y = alignedAxes.col(1); Vector3f z = alignedAxes.col(2); // generate bounding box Vector3f max_corner = l_2*x.array().abs()+\ w_2*y.array().abs()+\ h0_2*z.array().abs(); Vector3f center = position + h_2*z; CellKey min_key = positionToIndex(center - max_corner); CellKey max_key = positionToIndex(center + max_corner); // shifted up to separate support layer FIXME center += (buf2/2)*z; // look through bounding box for possible obstacles float nb_robot_cells = 0.; float nb_ok_robot_cells = 0.; int nb_points_in_cells = 0; int nb_support_points = 0; for (int i=min_key.i; i<max_key.i+1; ++i) for (int j=min_key.j; j<max_key.j+1; ++j) for (int k=min_key.k; k<max_key.k+1; ++k) { // check cell is in the robot TensorCell c = (*this)[CellKey(i, j, k)]; Vector3f rel_pos = c.position - center; Vector3f rel_pos_aligned = alignedAxes.transpose()*rel_pos; float rel_x, rel_y, rel_z; rel_x = rel_pos_aligned(0); rel_y = rel_pos_aligned(1); rel_z = rel_pos_aligned(2); if ((fabs(rel_x)>l_2)||(fabs(rel_y)>w_2)) { continue; } if (fabs(rel_z)>h1_2) { if (fabs(rel_z+h_2)<buf2) { nb_support_points += c.nb_points; } } else { // check no obstacle nb_robot_cells += 1; if (c.nb_points<=stick_sal_threshold) { nb_ok_robot_cells += 1; } else if (c.angle_to_vertical <= max_orientation_angle) { nb_ok_robot_cells += 1; nb_points_in_cells += c.nb_points; } } } // exit if not enough free cells if ((nb_ok_robot_cells/nb_robot_cells)<min_free_cell_ratio) { if (v) { cout << "not enough free cells: "<< nb_ok_robot_cells<<"/"<< min_free_cell_ratio*nb_robot_cells<<" ("<< nb_robot_cells<<")"<<endl; } traversability_timer.stop(); return false; } if (nb_points_in_cells>nb_max_points) { if (v) { cout << "too many (ground) points in cells: "<< nb_points_in_cells<<"/"<<nb_max_points<<endl; } traversability_timer.stop(); return false; } if (nb_support_points<nb_min_support) { if (v) { cout << "too few support points in cells: "<< nb_support_points<<"/"<<nb_min_support<<endl; } traversability_timer.stop(); return false; } // cell seems valid if (v) { cout << "valid" << endl; } traversability_timer.stop(); return true; }
/************************************************************************************************** * Procecure * * * * Description: moveHandRelativeToObject * * Class : ApproachMovementSpace * **************************************************************************************************/ Matrix4f ApproachMovementSpace::moveHandRelativeToObject(float theta, float phi, float rho, bool update) { RobotPtr hand = eef -> getRobot(); // Don't let the hand collide with the object if (rho < 10) rho = 10; // Calculate new XYZ coordinates for the hand Vector3f new_pos = object -> getGlobalPose().topLeftCorner (3,3) * calculateCarthesianCoordinates(theta, phi, rho); new_pos += object -> getGlobalPose().topRightCorner(3,1); Matrix4f new_pose = hand -> getGlobalPose(); Matrix3f orientation; // Calculate First Vector of the orientation Matrix // It is colinear with the distance vector between object and hand orientation.block(0,0,3,1) = object -> getGlobalPose().topRightCorner(3,1) - new_pos; // Calculate the Remainder two orientation vectors Matrix3f inertia = object -> getGlobalPose().topLeftCorner(3,3); inertia *= object -> getInertiaMatrix(); // Select two vectors from the objects inertia matrix uint vectors_left = 2; for (uint column = 0; column < 3; column += 1) { Vector3f v1 = orientation.block(0,0,3,1); if( inertia.col(column) ) != 1) { orientation.block(0,vectors_left,3,1) = inertia.col(column); vectors_left -= 1; if (vectors_left == 0) break; } } // Check if two new vectors were included if ( vectors_left != 0) { cout << endl << "[Error] Function: moveHandRelativeToObject | The two vectors from the object's inertia matrix were not selected."; exit(-1); } // Make the orientation matrix orthonormalized orientation = gramSchmidtNormalization3f(orientation); orientation *= offset.topLeftCorner(3,3); // Check if the new orientation is mirrored or not // If so, correct it if ( ( orientation.determinant() - (-1) < 0.01) && ( orientation.determinant() - (-1) > -0.01) ) { orientation.col(1) *= -1; } // Update new hand pose new_pose.topLeftCorner (3,3) = orientation; new_pose.topRightCorner(3,1) = new_pos - orientation * offset.topRightCorner(3,1); // Set updated pose if (update) hand -> setGlobalPose(new_pose); return new_pose; }
// Compute dense voting TensorCell& TensorMap::computeDenseVoting(const CellKey& key) { // timing dense_voting_timer.start(); // getting parameters const DenseVotingParams& params = tensor_map_params->dense_voting; const int maxNbPts = params.max_knn; // max number of neighbors const float sigma = params.sigma; // tensor voting parameter const float max_dist = params.max_dist; // maximum radius const Vector3f& cell_dims = tensor_map_params->cell_dimensions; //const float cell2 = cell_dims.squaredNorm()/4; const float obs_dir_offset = params.obs_dir_offset; const float absolute_saliency_threshold = params.absolute_saliency_threshold; // position of the point in space const Vector3f position(indexToPosition(key)); // data in the point cloud auto eigen_vectors = sparse_map.getDescriptorViewByName("eigen_vectors"); auto eigen_values = sparse_map.getDescriptorViewByName("eigen_values"); auto obsDirection = sparse_map.getDescriptorViewByName\ ("observationDirections"); // tensor to vote into Matrix3f tensor = Matrix3f::Identity(); // getting observation direction from closest point to realign normal float min_dist2 = numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); int closest_index = -1; // nearest neighbor search of points for voters VectorXi indices(maxNbPts); VectorXf dists2(maxNbPts); kdTree->knn(position, indices, dists2, maxNbPts, 0, NNSearchF::SORT_RESULTS, max_dist); // going through all neighboring points of the center of the cell int nb_points = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i<maxNbPts; ++i) { if (dists2(i) == numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) { // no match anymore break; } if (dists2(i) == 0.) { // null vote ++nb_points; continue; } int index = indices(i); // closest point for the point of view if (dists2(i)<min_dist2) { min_dist2 = dists2(i); closest_index = index; } // counting the number of points in the cell const Vector3f voter = sparse_map.features.col(index).head(3); if (((voter-position).array().abs() <= (cell_dims/2).array()).all()) { ++nb_points; } /* * Full tensor voting */ const Vector3f v = position - voter; Vector3f v_hat; if (v.isZero()) { v_hat = v; } else { v_hat = v.normalized(); } // saliencies float saliencies[3]; saliencies[0] = eigen_values(0, index) - eigen_values(1, index); saliencies[1] = eigen_values(1, index) - eigen_values(2, index); saliencies[2] = eigen_values(2, index); MatrixXf e_vectors(eigen_vectors.col(index)); e_vectors.resize(3, 3); // normal spaces Matrix3f normal_spaces[3]; normal_spaces[0] = e_vectors.col(0) * (e_vectors.col(0).transpose()); normal_spaces[1] = normal_spaces[0] + e_vectors.col(1) * (e_vectors.col(1).transpose()); normal_spaces[2] = normal_spaces[1] + e_vectors.col(2) * (e_vectors.col(2).transpose()); // accumulator for all votes of this voter Matrix3f A = Matrix3f::Zero(); // loop for all 3 votes for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) { // normal vector const Vector3f v_n = normal_spaces[d] * v; Vector3f v_n_hat; if (v_n.isZero()) { v_n_hat = v_n; } else { v_n_hat = v_n.normalized(); } // tangent vector const Vector3f v_t = v - v_n; Vector3f v_t_hat; if (v_t.isZero()) { v_t_hat = v_t; } else { v_t_hat = v_t.normalized(); } // normal for votee const float cos_theta =; const float sin_theta =; const float cos_2theta = 2*pow(cos_theta, 2) - 1; const float sin_2theta = 2*cos_theta*sin_theta; const Vector3f v_c_hat = cos_2theta * v_n_hat - sin_2theta * v_t_hat; // weight functions // using n=4 as in King FIXME const float w_angle = pow(cos_theta, 2*4); const float z = v.norm()/sigma; const float w_dist = pow(z,2)*(pow((z-3),4))/16; // vote for this dimension const Matrix3f A_d = w_dist*w_angle*v_c_hat*v_c_hat.transpose() + w_dist*(normal_spaces[d] - v_n_hat*v_n_hat.transpose()); A += saliencies[d] * A_d; } // standard voting FIXME //tensor += A; // normalized voting FIXME tensor += A / (eigen_values(0, index) + absolute_saliency_threshold); // /* // old vote // actual vote Vector3f e_v = position - voter; const float r = sqrt(dists2(i)); e_v /= r; const float stick_sal = eigen_values(0, index) - eigen_values(1, index); MatrixXf e_vectors(eigen_vectors.col(index)); e_vectors.resize(3, 3); const Vector3f v_n = e_vectors.col(0); const Vector3f v_t = v_n.cross(e_v.cross(v_n)); const float cos_theta =; const float theta = atan2(, cos_theta); // Decoupled weighting profile for angle and distance // Angle based weighting const float w_angle = pow(cos_theta,4); // Distance based weighting const float z = r/sigma; const float w_dist = pow(z,2)*(pow((z-3),2))/16; // stick vote // could compute sin and cos based on cos_theta and sin_theta FIXME const Vector3f v_c = v_n*cos(2*theta) - v_t*sin(2*theta); const float w = w_angle*w_dist; tensor += stick_sal*w*v_c*v_c.transpose(); //tensor += stick_sal*w*v_c*v_c.transpose()/(eigen_values(0, index) + absolute_saliency_threshold); */ } // analyse resulting tensor const EigenSolver<Matrix3f> solver(tensor); Vector3f eigenVals = solver.eigenvalues().real(); Matrix3f eigenVectors = solver.eigenvectors().real(); sortTensor(eigenVals, eigenVectors); float stick_sal = eigenVals(0)-eigenVals(1); float s = eigenVals(0)-eigenVals(1); //float p = eigenVals(1)-eigenVals(2); //float b = eigenVals(2); float Z = eigenVals(0); //cout << "Saliency distribution: (" << s/Z << ", " << p/Z << ", " << b/Z << "); abs_sal=" << Z << "; p_plane=" << s/(Z+absolute_saliency_threshold) << " (" << absolute_saliency_threshold << ")" << endl; Vector3f normal; if (closest_index == -1) { // no point at all normal = {0., 0., 0.}; stick_sal = 0.; } else { // flip normal according to closest point const Vector3f obsDir = obsDirection.col(closest_index)+ Vector3f(0, 0, obs_dir_offset); const Vector3f v_n = eigenVectors.col(0); if (<0.) { normal = -v_n; } else { normal = v_n; } } dense_map.insert({key, TensorCell(position, stick_sal, normal, nb_points, UNKNOWN, s/(Z+absolute_saliency_threshold)) }); // stopping timer dense_voting_timer.stop(); return; }
// Get faster traversability bool TensorMap::isEasilyTraversable(const CellKey& key) { TensorCell& cell((*this)[key]); // check cache if (cell.traversability!=UNKNOWN) { return (cell.traversability==OK); } // compute it const bool v = false; // getting parameters const TraversabilityParams& params = tensor_map_params->traversability; const float min_stick_sal = params.min_saliency; const float max_orientation_angle = params.max_slope; const int stick_sal_threshold = params.max_points_in_free_cell; const float min_free_cell_ratio = params.min_free_cell_ratio; const int nb_max_points = params.max_points_in_bounding_box; const int nb_min_support = params.min_support_points; const float diameter = params.diameter; const float d_2 = diameter/2. + params.inflation; const float r2 = d_2*d_2; const float height = params.height; const float ground_buffer = params.ground_buffer; const float buf2 = ground_buffer/2; const float h_2 = height/2; const float h0_2 = (height + buf2)/2; const float h1_2 = (height - buf2)/2; // check for enough saliency if (cell.stick_sal<min_stick_sal) { if (v) { cout << "Saliency too low: "<<cell.stick_sal<<"/"<< min_stick_sal<<endl; } cell.traversability = NOT_SALIENCY; return false; } // check orientation is correct if (cell.angle_to_vertical>max_orientation_angle) { if (v) { cout << "Angle too steep: "<<cell.angle_to_vertical<<"/"<< max_orientation_angle<<endl; } cell.traversability = NOT_ANGLE; return false; } /* * check absence of obstacle */ // align orientation to surface Matrix3f alignedAxes; geometry_msgs::Quaternion quat; quat.x = quat.y = quat.z = 0; quat.w = 1; alignQuaternion(quat, cell.normal, alignedAxes); Vector3f x = alignedAxes.col(0); Vector3f y = alignedAxes.col(1); Vector3f z = alignedAxes.col(2); // generate bounding box Vector3f max_corner = d_2*x.array().abs()+\ d_2*y.array().abs()+\ h0_2*z.array().abs(); Vector3f center = cell.position + h_2*z; CellKey min_key = positionToIndex(center - max_corner); CellKey max_key = positionToIndex(center + max_corner); // shifted up to separate support layer FIXME center += buf2/2*z; // look through bounding box for possible obstacles float nb_robot_cells = 0.; float nb_ok_robot_cells = 0.; int nb_points_in_cells = 0; int nb_support_points = 0; for (int i=min_key.i; i<max_key.i+1; ++i) for (int j=min_key.j; j<max_key.j+1; ++j) for (int k=min_key.k; k<max_key.k+1; ++k) { // check cell is in the robot TensorCell c = (*this)[CellKey(i, j, k)]; Vector3f rel_pos = c.position - center; Vector3f rel_pos_aligned = alignedAxes.transpose()*rel_pos; float rel_x, rel_y, rel_z; rel_x = rel_pos_aligned(0); rel_y = rel_pos_aligned(1); rel_z = rel_pos_aligned(2); if (pow(rel_x, 2)+pow(rel_y, 2)>r2) { continue; } if (fabs(rel_z)>h1_2) { if (fabs(rel_z+h_2)<buf2) { nb_support_points += c.nb_points; } } else { // check no obstacle nb_robot_cells += 1; if (c.nb_points<=stick_sal_threshold) { nb_ok_robot_cells += 1; } else if (c.angle_to_vertical <= max_orientation_angle) { nb_ok_robot_cells += 1; nb_points_in_cells += c.nb_points; } } } // exit if not enough free cells if ((nb_ok_robot_cells/nb_robot_cells)<min_free_cell_ratio) { if (v) { cout << "not enough free cells: "<< nb_ok_robot_cells<<"/"<< min_free_cell_ratio*nb_robot_cells<<" ("<< nb_robot_cells<<")"<<endl; } cell.traversability = NOT_OBSTACLE; return false; } if (nb_points_in_cells>nb_max_points) { if (v) { cout << "too many (ground) points in cells: "<< nb_points_in_cells<<"/"<<nb_max_points<<endl; } cell.traversability = NOT_IN_GROUND; return false; } if (nb_support_points<nb_min_support) { if (v) { cout << "too few support points in cells: "<< nb_support_points<<"/"<<nb_min_support<<endl; } cell.traversability = NOT_IN_AIR; return false; } // cell seems valid if (v) { cout << "valid" << endl; } cell.traversability = OK; return true; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { MatrixXf m(3,3); m << 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; Vector3f v = m.col(0); Vector3f v2 = m.col(1); Vector3f v3 = m.col(2); cout<<"Mat = "<<m<<endl; cout<<"vector = " << v<<endl; MatrixXf n = (m.rowwise() -= v); cout<<"Mat2 = "<<n<<endl; Matrix3f r; r.col(0) = v; r.col(1) = v2; r.col(2) = v3; cout<<"Mat3 = "<<r<<endl; r *= 2; cout<<"Mat3 = "<<r<<endl; cout<<"Mat3 = "<<m<<endl; float arr[] = {1,2,3}; vector<float> w(arr, arr + sizeof(arr) / sizeof(float)); for(int i = 0; i < w.size(); i+=1) cout<<w[i]<<"\t"; cout<<endl<<"---------------"<<endl; /** Inverting a singular matrix. **/ m << 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0; cout<<" Should segfault/ get garbage: "<<m.determinant()<<endl; /** Affine matrix in Eigen. */ MatrixXf ml(4,4); ml << 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16; Affine3f t; Vector3f d(10,20,30); t.linear() = ml.transpose().block(0,0,3,3); t.translation() = ml.block(0,3,3,1); cout<<"Affine: "<<endl<<t.affine()<<endl; Vector3f tt(1,2,3); t.translation() += tt; cout<<"Affine after translation: "<<endl<<t.affine()<<endl; /** Blocks. */ MatrixXf matr(3,2); matr << 1,2,3,4,5,6; MatrixXf combo(4,2); combo <<matr, MatrixXf::Ones(1,matr.cols()); cout<<"Matr = "<<matr<<endl; cout<<"Comb = "<<combo<<endl; MatrixXf rrr = combo.block(0,0,3,2); cout<<"rrr = "<<rrr<<endl; /** Filling up a matrix*/ std::cout<<"---------------------------------------"<<std::endl; MatrixXf matF(5,3); Vector3f vF(1,.3,3); Vector3f vF1(.123,.2,.3); Vector3f vF2(33.4,23.3,12.07); Vector3f vF3(0.54,8.96,14.3); Vector3f vF4(8.9,0.34,32.2); matF.row(0) = vF; matF.row(1) = vF1; matF.row(2) = vF2; matF.row(3) = vF3; matF.row(4) = vF4; RowVector3f means = matF.colwise().sum()/5; MatrixXf centered = (matF.rowwise() - means); cout<<"Matrix Fill = \n"<<matF<<std::endl; cout<<"Means = \n"<<means<<std::endl; cout<<"Centered = \n"<<centered<<std::endl; Eigen::JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(centered / sqrt(5), ComputeFullV); cout << "Its singular values are:" << endl << svd.singularValues() << endl; cout << "Its right singular vectors are the columns of the thin V matrix:" << endl << svd.matrixV() << endl; MatrixXf V = svd.matrixV(); Vector3f f1 = V.col(0); Vector3f f2 = V.col(1); Vector3f f3 = V.col(2); cout << "f1(0)" << f1(0) << endl; VectorXf faa(V.rows()); faa.setZero(); //for (int i= 0; i < V.rows(); i++) V.col(2) = faa; cout << "V " << V<< endl; cout << "<v1,v2>" << << endl; cout << "<v1,v3>" << << endl; cout << "<v3,v2>" << << endl; std::cout<<"---------------------------------------"<<std::endl; Vector3f o3(1,2,3), o2(4,5,6); cout << "outer? : "<< o3.cwiseProduct(o2) <<endl; MatrixXd mxx(3,3); mxx << 1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,3; cout << "mxx : "<< endl<<mxx <<endl; vector<double> v31(3); VectorXd::Map(&v31[0], 3) = mxx.row(0); cout << "v: "<<endl; for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) cout<< v31[i]<< " " <<endl; cout<<endl; v31[1] = 100; cout << "v: "<<endl; for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) cout << v31[i]<< " " <<endl; cout<<endl; cout << " mxx : "<<endl <<mxx<<endl; Matrix3d tmat = Matrix3d::Identity(); tmat(0,0) = 0; tmat(1,1) = 10; tmat(1,2) = 20; cout << "tmat: " << tmat<<endl; cout << "------------\n"; for (unsigned i=0; i < tmat.rows(); i++) { double sum = tmat.row(i).sum() + numeric_limits<double>::min(); tmat.row(i) /= sum; } cout << tmat << endl; MatrixXd src(4,3); src<< 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3; MatrixXd target(1,3); target<< 1,1,1; cout <<"cloud err: "<< (src.rowwise() -target.row(0)).rowwise().squaredNorm().transpose()<<endl; return 0; }