Surface makeSurfRev(const Curve &profile, unsigned steps) { Surface surface; vector<Vector3f> initialVV; if (!checkFlat(profile)) { cerr << "surfRev profile curve must be flat on xy plane." << endl; exit(0); } // TODO: Here you should build the surface. See surf.h for details. //cerr << "\t>>> makeSurfRev called (but not implemented).\n\t>>> Returning empty surface." << endl; for (unsigned i=0; i<profile.size(); i++){ for (unsigned j=0; j<=steps; j++){ float t = 2.0f * M_PI * float( j ) / steps; //Matrix operations used to calulate normal Matrix4f rotatM = Matrix4f::rotateY(t); Matrix3f rotatMsub = rotatM.getSubmatrix3x3(0,0); Matrix3f rotatMtrans = rotatMsub.transposed(); Matrix3f rotatN = rotatMtrans.inverse(); //Calculate surface vertex Vector4f surfaceCalc = Vector4f(profile[i].V[0], profile[i].V[1], profile[i].V[2], 1.f); Vector4f surfaceVecInit = rotatM*surfaceCalc; Vector3f surfaceVec = Vector3f(surfaceVecInit[0], surfaceVecInit[1], surfaceVecInit[2]); //Calculate surface normal Vector3f surfaceVNInit = rotatN*profile[i].N; //Push vectors into surface data surface.VV.push_back(surfaceVec); surface.VN.push_back(-1*surfaceVNInit); } } //Calculate faces once all the vertices are added for (unsigned k=0; k<surface.VV.size()-(steps+1);k++){ Tup3u firstTri; //faces uses a series of connected triangles Tup3u secondTri; if ((k+1)%(steps+1) != 0) //Create triangles (considering edge conditions) { //Triangles in counter-clockwise manner firstTri = Tup3u(k+1, k, k+steps+1); secondTri = Tup3u(k+1, k+1+steps, k+2+steps); } surface.VF.push_back(firstTri); surface.VF.push_back(secondTri); } return surface; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init (argc, argv, "pcl_homework"); ros::NodeHandle n; char dir [] = "../dataset-kinect/"; char rgbPrefix []= "rgb_"; char depthPrefix []= "depth_"; char jpgSuffix []= ".jpg"; char pgmSuffix []= ".pgm"; rotated << -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1; camera_matrix<< fx, 0.0f, cx, 0.0f, fy, cy, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f; t_mat.setIdentity(); t_mat.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = camera_matrix.inverse(); //Uncomment to show Mask Window namedWindow("Foreground", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvStartWindowThread(); pcl::visualization::CloudViewer viewer ("Simple Cloud Viewer"); //Uncomment to create Mask BackgroundSubtractorMOG PMOG(20, 4, 0.9); // Fill in the cloud data cloud->width = 640; cloud->height = 480; cloud->is_dense = false; cloud->points.resize (cloud->width * cloud->height); for( int i = 400; i < 550; i++ ) { char buffer1[100]; char buffer2[100]; sprintf(buffer1,"%s%s%d%s", dir, rgbPrefix, i, jpgSuffix); sprintf(buffer2,"%s%s%d%s", dir, depthPrefix, i, pgmSuffix); rgb_image = readJPG(buffer1); depth_image = readPGM(buffer2); //Calculate and show Mask PMOG(rgb_image,fgMaskMOG); imshow( "Foreground", fgMaskMOG ); createPC(); if(!viewer.wasStopped()){ pcl::transformPointCloud( *cloud, *cloud, rotated); viewer.showCloud(cloud); ros::Duration(0.25, 0).sleep(); } } waitKey(0); return 0; }
void PointWithNormalMerger::computeAccumulator() { // Compute skin. _indexImage.resize(480*_scale, 640*_scale); Matrix3f _scaledCameraMatrix = _cameraMatrix; _scaledCameraMatrix.block<2, 3>(0, 0) *= _scale; _points.toIndexImage(_indexImage, _depthImage, _scaledCameraMatrix, Isometry3f::Identity()); // Compute sigma for each point and create image accumulator. PixelMapper pm; pm.setCameraMatrix(_scaledCameraMatrix); pm.setTransform(Isometry3f::Identity()); Matrix3f inverseCameraMatrix = _scaledCameraMatrix.inverse(); float fB = (_baseLine * _scaledCameraMatrix(0, 0)); // kinect baseline * focal lenght; CovarianceAccumulator covAcc; _covariances.resize(480*_scale, 640*_scale); _covariances.fill(covAcc); for(size_t i = 0; i < _points.size(); i++ ) { PointWithNormal &p = _points[i]; Vector2i coord = pm.imageCoords(pm.projectPoint(p.point())); if(coord[0] < 0 || coord[0] >= _depthImage.cols() || coord[1] < 0 || coord[1] >= _depthImage.rows()) continue; int index = _indexImage(coord[1], coord[0]); float skinZ = _depthImage(coord[1], coord[0]); Vector3f normal = p.normal(); Vector3f skinNormal = _points[index].normal(); float z = p[2]; if(abs(z - skinZ) > 0.05) continue; if(acosf( > M_PI/4.0f) continue; float zVariation = (_alpha*z*z)/(fB+z*_alpha); zVariation *= zVariation; Diagonal3f imageCovariance(1.0f, 1.0f, zVariation); Matrix3f covarianceJacobian; covarianceJacobian << z, 0, (float)coord[0], 0, z, (float)coord[1], 0, 0, 1; covarianceJacobian = inverseCameraMatrix*covarianceJacobian; Matrix3f worldCovariance = covarianceJacobian * imageCovariance * covarianceJacobian.transpose(); _covariances(coord[1], coord[0])._omegaAcc += worldCovariance.inverse(); _covariances(coord[1], coord[0])._pointsAcc += worldCovariance.inverse()*p.point(); _covariances(coord[1], coord[0])._used = true; } }
int main() { Matrix3f A; A << 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, -1, 1, 2; cout << "Here is the matrix A:\n" << A << endl; cout << "The determinant of A is " << A.determinant() << endl; cout << "The inverse of A is:\n" << A.inverse() << endl; }
int main(int, char**) { cout.precision(3); Matrix3f A; Vector3f b; A << 1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,10; b << 3, 3, 4; Vector3f x = A.inverse() * b; cout << "The solution is:" << endl << x << endl; return 0; }
void testInversion() { Matrix3f rab = ma * mb; Matrix3f rabInv = mab.inverse(); /* std::cout << "ma * mb=\n" << rab << std::endl; std::cout << "inv(ma*mb) computed=\n" << rabInv << std::endl; std::cout << "inv(ma*mb) expected=\n" << mabInv << std::endl; */ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(rabInv == mabInv); }
void Lu::Initialize(MatrixXf x3d_h,MatrixXf x2d_h, Matrix3f A) { x2d=x2d_h.transpose(); // std::cout<<"x2dtrasn"<<x2d<<std::endl; x3d=x3d_h.transpose(); //std::cout<<"x3dtrasn"<<x3d<<std::endl; x2dn=A.inverse ()*x2d; //std::cout<<"x2dn"<<x2dn<<std::endl; K=A; //std::cout<<"Intialize points "<<std::endl; }
void computeHomographyResidue(MatrixXf pts1, MatrixXf pts2, const Matrix3f &H, MatrixXf &residue){ // cross residue filterPointAtInfinity(pts1, pts2); residue.resize(pts1.rows(), 1); MatrixXf Hx1 = (H*pts1.transpose()).transpose(); MatrixXf invHx2 = (H.inverse()*pts2.transpose()).transpose(); noHomogeneous(Hx1); noHomogeneous(invHx2); noHomogeneous(pts1); noHomogeneous(pts2); MatrixXf diffHx1pts2 = Hx1 - pts2; MatrixXf diffinvHx2pts1 = invHx2 - pts1; residue = diffHx1pts2.rowwise().squaredNorm() + diffinvHx2pts1.rowwise().squaredNorm(); }
Vector3f computePlaneIntersection( const Plane& plane0, const Plane& plane1, const Plane& plane2 ) { // TODO: Paralllel planes, whew ! Matrix3f linSolve; linSolve.set_row( 0, plane0.getNormal() ); linSolve.set_row( 1, plane1.getNormal() ); linSolve.set_row( 2, plane2.getNormal() ); Matrix3f ilinSolve; linSolve.inverse( ilinSolve ); Vector3f bSolve( -plane0.getd(), -plane1.getd(), -plane2.getd() ); return ilinSolve * bSolve; }
void Physics_testTest::testCase1() { Matrix3f matrix(Matrix3f::kZero); Matrix3f identity(Matrix3f::kIdentity); Matrix3f sum(identity + identity); Matrix3f sum2 = identity * 2.0f; QVERIFY2(sum2 - sum == Matrix3f::kZero, "Sum" ); QVERIFY2(sum2.det() == 8.0f, "Det"); Matrix3f inverse = sum2.inverse(); QVERIFY2(inverse.det() - (1.0f/8.0f) < 0.01f, "Inverse"); QVERIFY2(inverse*sum2 == Matrix3f::kIdentity, "Inverse2"); Matrix3f rotX = Matrix3f::RotationX(0.1); Matrix3f rotY = Matrix3f::RotationY(0.5); Matrix3f rotZ = Matrix3f::RotationZ(2.0); Matrix3f total = rotX * rotY * rotZ; QVERIFY2(fabs(((total * total.inverse()) - Matrix3f::kIdentity).det()) < 0.00000001f, "Complex"); Vector3f y_up = Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); Vector3f x_right = Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Vector3f imageY = rotX * y_up; QVERIFY2(fabs( - cosf(0.1f)) < 0.00001, "Rotation"); Matrix3f rot_axis = Matrix3f::FromAxisAngle(y_up, 0.5); Vector3f imageX = rot_axis * y_up; QVERIFY2(fabs( - y_up.lengthSquared()) < 0.00001, "Axis Angle"); imageX = rot_axis * x_right; QVERIFY2(fabs( - cosf(0.5)) < 0.00001, "Axis Angle"); //Matrix3f identity = Matrix3f::kIdentity; QVERIFY2(true, "Failure"); }
Matrix3f A; Vector3f b; A << 1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,10; b << 3, 3, 4; Vector3f x = A.inverse() * b; cout << "The solution is:" << endl << x << endl;
QImage CVlib::generateImage(QImage imageBase, Matrix3f h, QVector<Vector3f> *renderArea) { QVector<Vector3f> areaTemp; if(renderArea==0){ areaTemp.push_back(Vector3f(0,0,1)); areaTemp.push_back(Vector3f(0,imageBase.height(),1)); areaTemp.push_back(Vector3f(imageBase.width(),imageBase.height(),1)); areaTemp.push_back(Vector3f(imageBase.width(),0,1)); }else{ areaTemp = *renderArea; } bounds limits = CVlib::getHomographyBounds(areaTemp, h); QSize size; float ratio; float tamanhoBase =500; // if(imageBase.width()>imageBase.height()){ // tamanhoBase = imageBase.width(); // }else{ // tamanhoBase = imageBase.height(); // } if(limits.dx < limits.dy){ qDebug() << "dx"; ratio = limits.dx/ limits.dy; size = QSize(tamanhoBase* ratio, tamanhoBase); }else{ qDebug() << "dy"; ratio = limits.dy/ limits.dx; size = QSize(tamanhoBase , tamanhoBase*ratio); //size = QSize(imageBase.width() * ratio, imageBase.width()); } //ratio = limits.dx/ limits.dy; //size = QSize(300 * ratio, 300); QImage imageResult = QImage(size.width(), size.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); //TODO testar imagem horizontal e vertical //TODO implementar outros trabalhos //Todo entrada de paramentro baseado no tamanho de saida da imagem float factor = 1; float stepX = limits.dx / size.width() / factor; float stepY = limits.dy / size.height() /factor; Matrix3f hi = h.inverse().eval(); for(int j = 0; j<imageResult.height(); j++){ for(int i = 0; i<imageResult.width(); i++){ MatrixXf p(3,1); p << (limits.left + stepX * i) , ( + stepY * j), 1; MatrixXf r(3,1); r= CVlib::homography(p, hi); QPoint p0(r(0),r(1)); QColor color(0, 0, 0); MatrixXf finalColor(3,1); finalColor << 0, 0, 0; float ratio = 1; if((p0.x() >=0 && p0.x() < imageBase.width())&&(p0.y()>=0 && p0.y()<imageBase.height())){ ratio = 0; for(int offSetY = -1; offSetY <= 1; offSetY++){ for(int offSetX = -1; offSetX <= 1; offSetX++){ QPoint ptemp(p0.x() + offSetX, p0.y() + offSetY); float ratioX = r(0)-ptemp.x(); float ratioY = r(1)-ptemp.y(); float dist = std::abs(1 - std::sqrt(std::pow(ratioX, 2) + std::pow(ratioY,2))); ratio += dist; if((ptemp.x() >=0 && ptemp.x() < imageBase.width())&&(ptemp.y()>=0 && ptemp.y()<imageBase.height())){ QColor ctemp = imageBase.pixel(ptemp.x(), ptemp.y()); MatrixXf cmTemp(3,1); cmTemp << ctemp.redF(), ctemp.greenF(), ctemp.blueF(); finalColor += cmTemp * dist; } } } } finalColor = finalColor/ratio; color.setRgb(finalColor(0) * 255, finalColor(1) * 255, finalColor(2) * 255); imageResult.setPixel(QPoint(i, j), color.rgb()); } } return imageResult; }
int Lu::objpose(MatrixXf P, MatrixXf Qp) { int n = P.cols(); int i; // move the origin to the center of P // std::cout<<"P\n"<<P<<std::endl; Vector3f pbar=Vector3f::Zero(); // std::cout<<"pbar\n"<<pbar<<std::endl; for (i = 0; i<n;i++){ // std::cout<<"Pcol\n"<<P.col(i)<<std::endl; pbar=pbar+P.col(i); } //std::cout<<"pbar\n"<<pbar; pbar= pbar/n; // std::cout<<"move the origin to the center of P"<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"P\n"<<P; //std::cout<<"pbar\n"<<pbar<<std::endl; for (i = 0; i<n;i++){ P.col(i) = P.col(i)-pbar; } //std::cout<<"P\n"<<P<<std::endl; MatrixXf Q; Q=MatrixXf::Zero(3,n); for (i = 0 ;i<n;i++){ Q(0,i)=Qp(0,i); Q(1,i)=Qp(1,i); Q(2,i)=1; } //std::cout<<"Q\n"<<Q<<std::endl; //create matrix F with 0's //Matrix3f maux; //for (i=0;i<n;i++ ){ // F.push_back(Matrix3f::Zero(3,3)); //} RowVector3f V; V= RowVector3f::Zero(); std::vector<Matrix3f > F; Matrix3f F_aux; for (i = 0 ;i<n;i++){ V[0] = Q(0,i)/Q(2,i); V[1] = Q(1,i)/Q(2,i); V[2] = Q(2,i)/Q(2,i); //std::cout<<"V\n"<<V<<std::endl; Matrix3f F_aux; F_aux=(V.transpose()*V)/; //std::cout<<"F_aux\n"<<F_aux<<std::endl; // F_aux = (V*V.transpose())/(V.transpose()*V); F.push_back(F_aux); } //compute the matrix factor required to compute t Matrix3f F_sum=Matrix3f::Zero(3,3); for (i = 0 ;i< n;i++){ F_sum=F_sum + F[i]; } //std::cout<<"F_sum\n"<<F_sum<<std::endl; Matrix3f tFactor = (Matrix3f::Identity()-F_sum/n); tFactor=tFactor.inverse()/n; //std::cout<<"tfactor\n"<<tFactor<<std::endl; MatrixXf Ri_; MatrixXf ti_; MatrixXf Qi_; double old_err; // compute initial pose estimate abskernel(P, Q, F, tFactor); //Lu::abskernel(MatrixXf P, MatrixXf Q, std::vector<Matrix3f > F, MatrixXf G) Ri_=GetRi(); ti_=Getti(); Qi_=GetQout(); int it = 1; old_err=Geterr(); /*std::cout<<"Ri_\n"<<Ri_<<std::endl; std::cout<<"ti_\n"<<ti_<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Qi_\n"<<Qi_<<std::endl; std::cout<<"old_err\n"<<old_err<<std::endl;*/ //std::cout<<"old_err\n"<<old_err<<std::endl; // compute next pose estimate abskernel(P, Qi_, F, tFactor); Ri_=GetRi(); ti_=Getti(); Qi_=GetQout(); double new_err=Geterr(); it = it + 1; /*std::cout<<"Ri_2\n"<<Ri_<<std::endl; std::cout<<"ti_2\n"<<ti_<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Qi_2\n"<<Qi_<<std::endl; std::cout<<"new_err\n"<<new_err<<std::endl;*/ //std::cout<<"new_err\n"<<new_err<<std::endl; double val=(old_err-new_err)/old_err; val=sqrt(val*val); /* std::cout<<"val\n"<<val<<std::endl; std::cout<<"TOL\n"<<TOL<<std::endl; std::cout<<"EPSILON\n"<<EPSILON<<std::endl; std::cout<<"MAX_ITER\n"<<MAX_ITER<<std::endl;*/ while ((val > TOL) && (new_err > EPSILON) && (it<MAX_ITER)){ old_err = new_err; //std::cout<<"old_err\n"<<old_err<<std::endl; // compute the optimal estimate of R abskernel(P, Qi_, F, tFactor); Ri_=GetRi(); ti_=Getti(); Qi_=GetQout(); new_err=Geterr(); it = it + 1; } R = Ri; t = ti_; obj_err = sqrt(new_err/n); //double img_err = sqrt(img_err/n); t = t - Ri*pbar; return 0; }
Surface makeGenCyl(const Curve &profile, const Curve &sweep ) { Surface surface; if (!checkFlat(profile)) { cerr << "genCyl profile curve must be flat on xy plane." << endl; exit(0); } // TODO: Here you should build the surface. See surf.h for details. //cerr << "\t>>> makeGenCyl called (but not implemented).\n\t>>> Returning empty surface." <<endl; for (unsigned i=0; i<profile.size(); i++){ for (unsigned j=0; j<sweep.size(); j++){ //Matrix from sweep Matrix4f coordM(sweep[j].N[0], sweep[j].B[0], sweep[j].T[0], sweep[j].V[0], sweep[j].N[1], sweep[j].B[1], sweep[j].T[1], sweep[j].V[1], sweep[j].N[2], sweep[j].B[2], sweep[j].T[2], sweep[j].V[2], 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); //Matrix operations to get normal Matrix3f rotatMsub = coordM.getSubmatrix3x3(0,0); Matrix3f rotatMtrans = rotatMsub.transposed(); Matrix3f rotatN = rotatMtrans.inverse(); //Calculate surface vertex Vector4f surfaceCalc = Vector4f(profile[i].V[0], profile[i].V[1], profile[i].V[2], 1.f); Vector4f surfaceVecInit = coordM*surfaceCalc; Vector3f surfaceVec = Vector3f(surfaceVecInit[0], surfaceVecInit[1], surfaceVecInit[2]); //Calculate surface normal Vector3f surfaceVNInit = rotatN*profile[i].N; //Push vectors into surface data surface.VV.push_back(surfaceVec); surface.VN.push_back(-1*surfaceVNInit); } } //Calculate faces once all the vertices are added for (unsigned k=0; k<surface.VV.size()-(sweep.size());k++){ Tup3u firstTri; //faces uses a series of connected triangles Tup3u secondTri; if ((k+1)%(sweep.size()) != 0) //Create triangles (considering edge conditions) { //Triangles in counter-clockwise manner firstTri = Tup3u(k+1, k, k+sweep.size()); secondTri = Tup3u(k+1, k+sweep.size(), k+1+sweep.size()); } surface.VF.push_back(firstTri); surface.VF.push_back(secondTri); } return surface; }
Vector4f pointAlignerIteration(Vector3f x, MatrixXf Z){ Matrix3f H; Vector3f b; Vector4f xNew_chi; H << 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0; b << 0, 0, 0; float chi = 0; Matrix3f X = v2tRad(x); //cout << "matrix X from inside the point align iteration: \n" << X << endl; Matrix2f Omega; Omega << 1, 0, 0, 1; Vector2f e; Jacobian jac; for(int i=0; i < Z.cols(); i++){ e = computeError(i, X, Z); jac = computeJacobian(i, X, Z); //cout << "jacobian: \n" << jac << endl; //getc(stdin); H += jac.transpose()*Omega*jac; b += jac.transpose()*Omega*e; chi += e.transpose()*Omega*e; } Vector3f dX; dX = -H.inverse()*b; //cout << "H inverse: \n" << H.inverse() << endl; //getc(stdin); for(int i=0; i<3; i++){ xNew_chi(i, 0) = x(i, 0) + dX(i, 0); } xNew_chi(2, 0) = atan2(sin(xNew_chi(2,0)), cos(xNew_chi(2, 0))); xNew_chi(3, 0) = chi; return xNew_chi; }