Esempio n. 1
SideSetsGeneratorBase::flood(const Elem * elem,
                             Point normal,
                             boundary_id_type side_id,
                             MeshBase & mesh)
  if (elem == nullptr || (_visited[side_id].find(elem) != _visited[side_id].end()))

  for (unsigned int side = 0; side < elem->n_sides(); ++side)
    if (elem->neighbor_ptr(side))

    _fe_face->reinit(elem, side);
    const std::vector<Point> normals = _fe_face->get_normals();

    // We'll just use the normal of the first qp
    if (std::abs(1.0 - normal * normals[0]) <= _variance)
      mesh.get_boundary_info().add_side(elem, side, side_id);
      for (unsigned int neighbor = 0; neighbor < elem->n_sides(); ++neighbor)
        // Flood to the neighboring elements using the current matching side normal from this
        // element.
        // This will allow us to tolerate small changes in the normals so we can "paint" around a
        // curve.
        flood(elem->neighbor_ptr(neighbor), _fixed_normal ? normal : normals[0], side_id, mesh);
Esempio n. 2
MeshExtruderGenerator::changeID(MeshBase & mesh,
                                const std::vector<BoundaryName> & names,
                                BoundaryID old_id)
  std::vector<boundary_id_type> boundary_ids = MooseMeshUtils::getBoundaryIDs(mesh, names, true);

  if (std::find(boundary_ids.begin(), boundary_ids.end(), old_id) == boundary_ids.end())
    MooseMeshUtils::changeBoundaryId(mesh, old_id, boundary_ids[0], true);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boundary_ids.size(); ++i)
    mesh.get_boundary_info().sideset_name(boundary_ids[i]) = names[i];
    mesh.get_boundary_info().nodeset_name(boundary_ids[i]) = names[i];
Esempio n. 3
void MeshTools::Subdivision::all_subdivision(MeshBase & mesh)
  std::vector<Elem *> new_elements;
  const bool mesh_has_boundary_data =
    (mesh.get_boundary_info().n_boundary_ids() > 0);

  std::vector<Elem *> new_boundary_elements;
  std::vector<short int> new_boundary_sides;
  std::vector<boundary_id_type> new_boundary_ids;

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = mesh.elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.elements_end();
  for (; el != end_el; ++el)
      const Elem * elem = *el;
      libmesh_assert_equal_to(elem->type(), TRI3);

      Elem * tri = new Tri3Subdivision;
      tri->subdomain_id() = elem->subdomain_id();
      tri->set_node(0) = (*el)->get_node(0);
      tri->set_node(1) = (*el)->get_node(1);
      tri->set_node(2) = (*el)->get_node(2);

      if (mesh_has_boundary_data)
          for (unsigned short side = 0; side < elem->n_sides(); ++side)
              const boundary_id_type boundary_id =
                mesh.get_boundary_info().boundary_id(elem, side);
              if (boundary_id != BoundaryInfo::invalid_id)
                  // add the boundary id to the list of new boundary ids

          // remove the original element from the BoundaryInfo structure


  if (mesh_has_boundary_data)
      // If the old mesh had boundary data, the new mesh better have some too.
      libmesh_assert_greater(new_boundary_elements.size(), 0);

      // We should also be sure that the lengths of the new boundary data vectors
      // are all the same.
      libmesh_assert_equal_to(new_boundary_sides.size(), new_boundary_elements.size());
      libmesh_assert_equal_to(new_boundary_sides.size(), new_boundary_ids.size());

      // Add the new boundary info to the mesh.
      for (unsigned int s = 0; s < new_boundary_elements.size(); ++s)

Esempio n. 4
void MeshTools::Subdivision::add_boundary_ghosts(MeshBase & mesh)
  static const Real tol = 1e-5;

  // add the mirrored ghost elements (without using iterators, because the mesh is modified in the course)
  std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *> ghost_elems;
  std::vector<Node *> ghost_nodes;
  const unsigned int n_elem = mesh.n_elem();
  for (unsigned int eid = 0; eid < n_elem; ++eid)
      Elem * elem = mesh.elem(eid);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to(elem->type(), TRI3SUBDIVISION);

      // If the triangle happens to be in a corner (two boundary
      // edges), we perform a counter-clockwise loop by mirroring the
      // previous triangle until we come back to the original
      // triangle.  This prevents degenerated triangles in the mesh
      // corners and guarantees that the node in the middle of the
      // loop is of valence=6.
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elem->n_sides(); ++i)
          libmesh_assert_not_equal_to(elem->neighbor(i), elem);

          if (elem->neighbor(i) == libmesh_nullptr &&
              elem->neighbor(next[i]) == libmesh_nullptr)
              Elem * nelem = elem;
              unsigned int k = i;
              for (unsigned int l=0;l<4;l++)
                  // this is the vertex to be mirrored
                  Point point = nelem->point(k) + nelem->point(next[k]) - nelem->point(prev[k]);

                  // Check if the proposed vertex doesn't coincide
                  // with one of the existing vertices.  This is
                  // necessary because for some triangulations, it can
                  // happen that two mirrored ghost vertices coincide,
                  // which would then lead to a zero size ghost
                  // element below.
                  Node * node = libmesh_nullptr;
                  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ghost_nodes.size(); ++j)
                      if ((*ghost_nodes[j] - point).size() < tol * (elem->point(k) - point).size())
                          node = ghost_nodes[j];

                  // add the new vertex only if no other is nearby
                  if (node == libmesh_nullptr)
                      node = mesh.add_point(point);

                  Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();

                  // add the first new ghost element to the list just as in the non-corner case
                  if (l == 0)

                  newelem->set_node(0) = nelem->get_node(next[k]);
                  newelem->set_node(1) = nelem->get_node(k);
                  newelem->set_node(2) = node;
                  newelem->set_neighbor(0, nelem);
                  if (l>0)
                    newelem->set_neighbor(2, libmesh_nullptr);
                  nelem->set_neighbor(k, newelem);

                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nelem->get_node(k), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nelem->get_node(next[k]), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nelem->get_node(prev[k]), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(node, 1);

                  nelem = newelem;
                  k = 2 ;

              Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();

              newelem->set_node(0) = elem->get_node(next[i]);
              newelem->set_node(1) = nelem->get_node(2);
              newelem->set_node(2) = elem->get_node(prev[i]);
              newelem->set_neighbor(0, nelem);
              nelem->set_neighbor(2, newelem);
              newelem->set_neighbor(2, elem);



      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elem->n_sides(); ++i)
          libmesh_assert_not_equal_to(elem->neighbor(i), elem);
          if (elem->neighbor(i) == libmesh_nullptr)
              // this is the vertex to be mirrored
              Point point = elem->point(i) + elem->point(next[i]) - elem->point(prev[i]);

              // Check if the proposed vertex doesn't coincide with
              // one of the existing vertices.  This is necessary
              // because for some triangulations, it can happen that
              // two mirrored ghost vertices coincide, which would
              // then lead to a zero size ghost element below.
              Node * node = libmesh_nullptr;
              for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ghost_nodes.size(); ++j)
                  if ((*ghost_nodes[j] - point).size() < tol * (elem->point(i) - point).size())
                      node = ghost_nodes[j];

              // add the new vertex only if no other is nearby
              if (node == libmesh_nullptr)
                  node = mesh.add_point(point);

              Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();

              newelem->set_node(0) = elem->get_node(next[i]);
              newelem->set_node(1) = elem->get_node(i);
              newelem->set_node(2) = node;
              newelem->set_neighbor(0, elem);
              elem->set_neighbor(i, newelem);

              mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(elem->get_node(i), 1);
              mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(elem->get_node(next[i]), 1);
              mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(elem->get_node(prev[i]), 1);
              mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(node, 1);

  // add the missing ghost elements (connecting new ghost nodes)
  std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *> missing_ghost_elems;
  std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *>::iterator       ghost_el     = ghost_elems.begin();
  const std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *>::iterator end_ghost_el = ghost_elems.end();
  for (; ghost_el != end_ghost_el; ++ghost_el)
      Tri3Subdivision * elem = *ghost_el;

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elem->n_sides(); ++i)
          if (elem->neighbor(i) == libmesh_nullptr &&
              elem->neighbor(prev[i]) != libmesh_nullptr)
              // go around counter-clockwise
              Tri3Subdivision * nb1 = static_cast<Tri3Subdivision *>(elem->neighbor(prev[i]));
              Tri3Subdivision * nb2 = nb1;
              unsigned int j = i;
              unsigned int n_nb = 0;
              while (nb1 != libmesh_nullptr && nb1->id() != elem->id())
                  j = nb1->local_node_number(elem->node(i));
                  nb2 = nb1;
                  nb1 = static_cast<Tri3Subdivision *>(nb1->neighbor(prev[j]));
                  libmesh_assert(nb1 == libmesh_nullptr || nb1->id() != nb2->id());

              libmesh_assert_not_equal_to(nb2->id(), elem->id());

              // Above, we merged coinciding ghost vertices. Therefore, we need
              // to exclude the case where there is no ghost element to add between
              // these two (identical) ghost nodes.
              if (elem->get_node(next[i])->id() == nb2->get_node(prev[j])->id())

              // If the number of already present neighbors is less than 4, we add another extra element
              // so that the node in the middle of the loop ends up being of valence=6.
              // This case usually happens when the middle node corresponds to a corner of the original mesh,
              // and the extra element below prevents degenerated triangles in the mesh corners.
              if (n_nb < 4)
                  // this is the vertex to be mirrored
                  Point point = nb2->point(j) + nb2->point(prev[j]) - nb2->point(next[j]);

                  // Check if the proposed vertex doesn't coincide with one of the existing vertices.
                  // This is necessary because for some triangulations, it can happen that two mirrored
                  // ghost vertices coincide, which would then lead to a zero size ghost element below.
                  Node * node = libmesh_nullptr;
                  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < ghost_nodes.size(); ++k)
                      if ((*ghost_nodes[k] - point).size() < tol * (nb2->point(j) - point).size())
                          node = ghost_nodes[k];

                  // add the new vertex only if no other is nearby
                  if (node == libmesh_nullptr)
                      node = mesh.add_point(point);

                  Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();

                  newelem->set_node(0) = nb2->get_node(j);
                  newelem->set_node(1) = nb2->get_node(prev[j]);
                  newelem->set_node(2) = node;
                  newelem->set_neighbor(0, nb2);
                  newelem->set_neighbor(1, libmesh_nullptr);
                  nb2->set_neighbor(prev[j], newelem);

                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nb2->get_node(j), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nb2->get_node(prev[j]), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(node, 1);

                  nb2 = newelem;
                  j = nb2->local_node_number(elem->node(i));

              Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();
              newelem->set_node(0) = elem->get_node(next[i]);
              newelem->set_node(1) = elem->get_node(i);
              newelem->set_node(2) = nb2->get_node(prev[j]);
              newelem->set_neighbor(0, elem);
              newelem->set_neighbor(1, nb2);
              newelem->set_neighbor(2, libmesh_nullptr);

              elem->set_neighbor(i, newelem);
              nb2->set_neighbor(prev[j], newelem);

        } // end side loop
    } // end ghost element loop

  // add the missing ghost elements to the mesh
  std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *>::iterator       missing_el     = missing_ghost_elems.begin();
  const std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *>::iterator end_missing_el = missing_ghost_elems.end();
  for (; missing_el != end_missing_el; ++missing_el)