bool MixAndRender(TrackList *tracks, TrackFactory *trackFactory, double rate, sampleFormat format, double startTime, double endTime, WaveTrack **newLeft, WaveTrack **newRight) { // This function was formerly known as "Quick Mix". It takes one or // more tracks as input; of all tracks that are selected, it mixes // them together, applying any envelopes, amplitude gain, panning, // and real-time effects in the process. The resulting pair of // tracks (stereo) are "rendered" and have no effects, gain, panning, // or envelopes. WaveTrack **waveArray; Track *t; int numWaves = 0; int numMono = 0; bool mono = false; int w; TrackListIterator iter(tracks); t = iter.First(); while (t) { if (t->GetSelected() && t->GetKind() == Track::Wave) { numWaves++; float pan = ((WaveTrack*)t)->GetPan(); if (t->GetChannel() == Track::MonoChannel && pan == 0) numMono++; } t = iter.Next(); } if (numMono == numWaves) mono = true; double totalTime = 0.0; waveArray = new WaveTrack *[numWaves]; w = 0; t = iter.First(); while (t) { if (t->GetSelected() && t->GetKind() == Track::Wave) { waveArray[w++] = (WaveTrack *) t; if (t->GetEndTime() > totalTime) totalTime = t->GetEndTime(); } t = iter.Next(); } WaveTrack *mixLeft = trackFactory->NewWaveTrack(format, rate); mixLeft->SetName(_("Mix")); WaveTrack *mixRight = 0; if (mono) { mixLeft->SetChannel(Track::MonoChannel); } else { mixRight = trackFactory->NewWaveTrack(format, rate); mixRight->SetName(_("Mix")); mixLeft->SetChannel(Track::LeftChannel); mixRight->SetChannel(Track::RightChannel); mixLeft->SetLinked(true); mixRight->SetTeamed(true); } int maxBlockLen = mixLeft->GetIdealBlockSize(); if (startTime == endTime) { startTime = 0.0; endTime = totalTime; } Mixer *mixer = new Mixer(numWaves, waveArray, tracks->GetTimeTrack(), startTime, endTime, mono ? 1 : 2, maxBlockLen, false, rate, format); wxYield(); GetActiveProject()->ProgressShow(_NoAcc("&Mix and Render"), _("Mixing and rendering tracks")); wxBusyCursor busy; bool cancelling = false; while(!cancelling) { sampleCount blockLen = mixer->Process(maxBlockLen); if (blockLen == 0) break; if (mono) { samplePtr buffer = mixer->GetBuffer(); mixLeft->Append(buffer, format, blockLen); } else { samplePtr buffer; buffer = mixer->GetBuffer(0); mixLeft->Append(buffer, format, blockLen); buffer = mixer->GetBuffer(1); mixRight->Append(buffer, format, blockLen); } int progressvalue = int (1000 * (mixer->MixGetCurrentTime() / totalTime)); cancelling = !GetActiveProject()->ProgressUpdate(progressvalue); } GetActiveProject()->ProgressHide(); mixLeft->Flush(); *newLeft = mixLeft; if (!mono) { mixRight->Flush(); *newRight = mixRight; } #if 0 int elapsedMS = wxGetElapsedTime(); double elapsedTime = elapsedMS * 0.001; double maxTracks = totalTime / (elapsedTime / numWaves); // Note: these shouldn't be translated - they're for debugging // and profiling only. printf(" Tracks: %d\n", numWaves); printf(" Mix length: %f sec\n", totalTime); printf("Elapsed time: %f sec\n", elapsedTime); printf("Max number of tracks to mix in real time: %f\n", maxTracks); #endif delete[] waveArray; delete mixer; return true; }
int ExportFLAC::Export(AudacityProject *project, int numChannels, const wxString &fName, bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1, MixerSpec *mixerSpec, const Tags *metadata, int WXUNUSED(subformat)) { double rate = project->GetRate(); TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks(); wxLogNull logNo; // temporarily disable wxWidgets error messages int updateResult = eProgressSuccess; int levelPref; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FLACLevel"), &levelPref, 5); wxString bitDepthPref = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FLACBitDepth"), wxT("16")); FLAC::Encoder::File encoder; #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC encoder.set_filename(OSOUTPUT(fName)); #endif encoder.set_channels(numChannels); encoder.set_sample_rate(lrint(rate)); // See note in GetMetadata() about a bug in libflac++ 1.1.2 if (!GetMetadata(project, metadata)) { return false; } if (mMetadata) { encoder.set_metadata(&mMetadata, 1); } sampleFormat format; if (bitDepthPref == wxT("24")) { format = int24Sample; encoder.set_bits_per_sample(24); } else { //convert float to 16 bits format = int16Sample; encoder.set_bits_per_sample(16); } // Duplicate the flac command line compression levels if (levelPref < 0 || levelPref > 8) { levelPref = 5; } encoder.set_do_exhaustive_model_search(flacLevels[levelPref].do_exhaustive_model_search); encoder.set_do_escape_coding(flacLevels[levelPref].do_escape_coding); if (numChannels != 2) { encoder.set_do_mid_side_stereo(false); encoder.set_loose_mid_side_stereo(false); } else { encoder.set_do_mid_side_stereo(flacLevels[levelPref].do_mid_side_stereo); encoder.set_loose_mid_side_stereo(flacLevels[levelPref].loose_mid_side_stereo); } encoder.set_qlp_coeff_precision(flacLevels[levelPref].qlp_coeff_precision); encoder.set_min_residual_partition_order(flacLevels[levelPref].min_residual_partition_order); encoder.set_max_residual_partition_order(flacLevels[levelPref].max_residual_partition_order); encoder.set_rice_parameter_search_dist(flacLevels[levelPref].rice_parameter_search_dist); encoder.set_max_lpc_order(flacLevels[levelPref].max_lpc_order); #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC encoder.init(); #else wxFFile f; // will be closed when it goes out of scope if (!f.Open(fName, wxT("w+b"))) { wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FLAC export couldn't open %s"), fName.c_str())); return false; } // Even though there is an init() method that takes a filename, use the one that // takes a file handle because wxWidgets can open a file with a Unicode name and // libflac can't (under Windows). int status = encoder.init(f.fp()); if (status != FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_INIT_STATUS_OK) { wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FLAC encoder failed to initialize\nStatus: %d"), status)); return false; } #endif if (mMetadata) { ::FLAC__metadata_object_delete(mMetadata); } int numWaveTracks; WaveTrack **waveTracks; tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks); Mixer *mixer = CreateMixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks, tracks->GetTimeTrack(), t0, t1, numChannels, SAMPLES_PER_RUN, false, rate, format, true, mixerSpec); delete [] waveTracks; int i, j; FLAC__int32 **tmpsmplbuf = new FLAC__int32*[numChannels]; for (i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { tmpsmplbuf[i] = (FLAC__int32 *) calloc(SAMPLES_PER_RUN, sizeof(FLAC__int32)); } { ProgressDialog progress(wxFileName(fName).GetName(), selectionOnly ? _("Exporting the selected audio as FLAC") : _("Exporting the entire project as FLAC")); while (updateResult == eProgressSuccess) { sampleCount samplesThisRun = mixer->Process(SAMPLES_PER_RUN); if (samplesThisRun == 0) { //stop encoding break; } else { for (i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { samplePtr mixed = mixer->GetBuffer(i); if (format == int24Sample) { for (j = 0; j < samplesThisRun; j++) { tmpsmplbuf[i][j] = ((int *)mixed)[j]; } } else { for (j = 0; j < samplesThisRun; j++) { tmpsmplbuf[i][j] = ((short *)mixed)[j]; } } } encoder.process(tmpsmplbuf, samplesThisRun); } updateResult = progress.Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime() - t0, t1 - t0); } f.Detach(); // libflac closes the file encoder.finish(); } for (i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { free(tmpsmplbuf[i]); } delete mixer; delete[] tmpsmplbuf; return updateResult; }
bool PCMExporter::Export(const wxString & filename) { mFileName = filename; //Unless it has been changed, use the project rate if(!mOutRate) mOutRate = mProject->GetRate(); wxWindow *parent = mProject; TrackList *tracks = mProject->GetTracks(); wxString formatStr; SF_INFO info; SNDFILE *sf = NULL; int err; formatStr = sf_header_name(mSoundFileFormat & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK); // Use libsndfile to export file info.samplerate = mOutRate; info.frames = (unsigned int)((m_t1 - m_t0)*(double)mOutRate + 0.5); info.channels = mChannels; info.format = mSoundFileFormat; info.sections = 1; info.seekable = 0; // If we can't export exactly the format they requested, // try the default format for that header type... if (!sf_format_check(&info)) info.format = (info.format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK); if (!sf_format_check(&info)) { wxMessageBox(_("Cannot export audio in this format.")); return false; } sf = sf_open((const char *)mFileName, SFM_WRITE, &info); if (!sf) { wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Cannot export audio to %s"), (const char *)mFileName)); return false; } //Determine what format the track is currently in, to avoid //multiple conversions. sampleFormat format; if (sf_subtype_more_than_16_bits(info.format)) format = floatSample; else format = int16Sample; int maxBlockLen = 44100 * 5; wxProgressDialog *progress = NULL; wxYield(); wxStartTimer(); wxBusyCursor busy; bool cancelling = false; int numWaveTracks; WaveTrack **waveTracks; tracks->GetWaveTracks(mExportSelection, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks); Mixer *mixer = new Mixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks, tracks->GetTimeTrack(), m_t0, m_t1, info.channels, maxBlockLen, true, mInRate, format); while(!cancelling) { sampleCount numSamples = mixer->Process(maxBlockLen); if (numSamples == 0) break; samplePtr mixed = mixer->GetBuffer(); if (format == int16Sample) sf_writef_short(sf, (short *)mixed, numSamples); else sf_writef_float(sf, (float *)mixed, numSamples); if (!progress && wxGetElapsedTime(false) > 500) { wxString message; if (mExportSelection) message = wxString:: Format(_("Exporting the selected audio as a %s file"), (const char *) formatStr); else message = wxString:: Format(_("Exporting the entire project as a %s file"), (const char *) formatStr); progress = new wxProgressDialog(_("Export"), message, 1000, parent, wxPD_CAN_ABORT | wxPD_REMAINING_TIME | wxPD_AUTO_HIDE); } if (progress) { int progressvalue = int (1000 * ((mixer->MixGetCurrentTime()-m_t0) / (m_t1-m_t0))); cancelling = !progress->Update(progressvalue); } } delete mixer; delete[] waveTracks; err = sf_close(sf); if (err) { char buffer[1000]; sf_error_str(sf, buffer, 1000); wxMessageBox(wxString::Format (_("Error (file may not have been written): %s"), buffer)); } #ifdef __WXMAC__ FSSpec spec; wxMacFilename2FSSpec(fName, &spec); FInfo finfo; if (FSpGetFInfo(&spec, &finfo) == noErr) { finfo.fdType = sf_header_mactype(mSoundFileFormat & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK); finfo.fdCreator = AUDACITY_CREATOR; FSpSetFInfo(&spec, &finfo); } #endif if (progress) delete progress; return true; }
bool ExportFFmpeg::EncodeAudioFrame(int16_t *pFrame, int frameSize) { AVPacket pkt; int nBytesToWrite = 0; uint8_t * pRawSamples = NULL; int nAudioFrameSizeOut = mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_size * mEncAudioCodecCtx->channels * sizeof(int16_t); if (mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_size == 1) nAudioFrameSizeOut = mEncAudioEncodedBufSiz; int ret; nBytesToWrite = frameSize; pRawSamples = (uint8_t*)pFrame; #if FFMPEG_STABLE FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_realloc(&mEncAudioFifo, FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(&mEncAudioFifo) + frameSize); #else FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_realloc2(mEncAudioFifo, FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(mEncAudioFifo) + frameSize); #endif // Put the raw audio samples into the FIFO. #if FFMPEG_STABLE ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_write(&mEncAudioFifo, pRawSamples, nBytesToWrite,NULL); #else ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_write(mEncAudioFifo, pRawSamples, nBytesToWrite,NULL); #endif wxASSERT(ret == nBytesToWrite); // Read raw audio samples out of the FIFO in nAudioFrameSizeOut byte-sized groups to encode. #if FFMPEG_STABLE while ((ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(&mEncAudioFifo)) >= nAudioFrameSizeOut) { ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_read(&mEncAudioFifo, mEncAudioFifoOutBuf, nAudioFrameSizeOut); #else while ((ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(mEncAudioFifo)) >= nAudioFrameSizeOut) { ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_read(mEncAudioFifo, mEncAudioFifoOutBuf, nAudioFrameSizeOut, NULL); #endif FFmpegLibsInst->av_init_packet(&pkt); pkt.size = FFmpegLibsInst->avcodec_encode_audio(mEncAudioCodecCtx, mEncAudioEncodedBuf, mEncAudioEncodedBufSiz, // out (int16_t*)mEncAudioFifoOutBuf); // in if (mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_size == 1) { wxASSERT(pkt.size == mEncAudioEncodedBufSiz); } if (pkt.size < 0) { wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't encode audio frame.")); return false; } // Rescale from the codec time_base to the AVStream time_base. if (mEncAudioCodecCtx->coded_frame && mEncAudioCodecCtx->coded_frame->pts != int64_t(AV_NOPTS_VALUE)) pkt.pts = FFmpegLibsInst->av_rescale_q(mEncAudioCodecCtx->coded_frame->pts, mEncAudioCodecCtx->time_base, mEncAudioStream->time_base); //wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : (%d) Writing audio frame with PTS: %lld."), mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_number, pkt.pts); pkt.stream_index = mEncAudioStream->index; = mEncAudioEncodedBuf; pkt.flags |= PKT_FLAG_KEY; // Write the encoded audio frame to the output file. if ((ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_interleaved_write_frame(mEncFormatCtx, &pkt)) != 0) { wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Failed to write audio frame to file.")); return false; } } return true; } int ExportFFmpeg::Export(AudacityProject *project, int channels, wxString fName, bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1, MixerSpec *mixerSpec, Tags *metadata, int subformat) { if (!CheckFFmpegPresence()) return false; mChannels = channels; // subformat index may not correspond directly to fmts[] index, convert it mSubFormat = AdjustFormatIndex(subformat); if (channels > ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].maxchannels) { wxLogMessage(wxT("Attempted to export %d channels, but max. channels = %d"),channels,ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].maxchannels); wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Attempted to export %d channels, but max. channels for selected output format is %d"),channels,ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].maxchannels),_("Error")); return false; } mName = fName; TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks(); bool ret = true; if (mSubFormat >= FMT_LAST) return false; wxString shortname(ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].shortname); if (mSubFormat == FMT_OTHER) shortname = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegFormat"),wxT("matroska")); ret = Init(shortname.mb_str(),project, metadata); if (!ret) return false; int pcmBufferSize = 1024; int numWaveTracks; WaveTrack **waveTracks; tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks); Mixer *mixer = new Mixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks, tracks->GetTimeTrack(), t0, t1, channels, pcmBufferSize, true, mSampleRate, int16Sample, true, mixerSpec); delete [] waveTracks; ProgressDialog *progress = new ProgressDialog(wxFileName(fName).GetName(), selectionOnly ? wxString::Format(_("Exporting selected audio as %s"), ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].description) : wxString::Format(_("Exporting entire file as %s"), ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].description)); int updateResult = eProgressSuccess; while(updateResult == eProgressSuccess) { sampleCount pcmNumSamples = mixer->Process(pcmBufferSize); if (pcmNumSamples == 0) break; short *pcmBuffer = (short *)mixer->GetBuffer(); EncodeAudioFrame(pcmBuffer,(pcmNumSamples)*sizeof(int16_t)*mChannels); updateResult = progress->Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime()-t0, t1-t0); } delete progress; delete mixer; Finalize(); return updateResult; } void AddStringTagUTF8(char field[], int size, wxString value) { memset(field,0,size); memcpy(field,value.ToUTF8(),(int)strlen(value.ToUTF8()) > size -1 ? size -1 : strlen(value.ToUTF8())); }
int ExportFFmpeg::Export(AudacityProject *project, int channels, const wxString &fName, bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1, MixerSpec *mixerSpec, const Tags *metadata, int subformat) { if (!CheckFFmpegPresence()) return false; mChannels = channels; // subformat index may not correspond directly to fmts[] index, convert it mSubFormat = AdjustFormatIndex(subformat); if (channels > ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].maxchannels) { wxMessageBox( wxString::Format( _("Attempted to export %d channels, but maximum number of channels for selected output format is %d"), channels, ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].maxchannels), _("Error")); return false; } mName = fName; TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks(); bool ret = true; if (mSubFormat >= FMT_LAST) return false; wxString shortname(ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].shortname); if (mSubFormat == FMT_OTHER) shortname = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/FFmpegFormat"),wxT("matroska")); ret = Init(shortname.mb_str(),project, metadata, subformat); if (!ret) return false; int pcmBufferSize = 1024; int numWaveTracks; WaveTrack **waveTracks; tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks); Mixer *mixer = CreateMixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks, tracks->GetTimeTrack(), t0, t1, channels, pcmBufferSize, true, mSampleRate, int16Sample, true, mixerSpec); delete[] waveTracks; int updateResult = eProgressSuccess; { ProgressDialog progress(wxFileName(fName).GetName(), selectionOnly ? wxString::Format(_("Exporting selected audio as %s"), ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].description) : wxString::Format(_("Exporting entire file as %s"), ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].description)); while (updateResult == eProgressSuccess) { sampleCount pcmNumSamples = mixer->Process(pcmBufferSize); if (pcmNumSamples == 0) break; short *pcmBuffer = (short *)mixer->GetBuffer(); EncodeAudioFrame(pcmBuffer, (pcmNumSamples)*sizeof(int16_t)*mChannels); updateResult = progress.Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime() - t0, t1 - t0); } } delete mixer; Finalize(); return updateResult; }
//TODO-MB: wouldn't it make more sense to delete the time track after 'mix and render'? bool MixAndRender(TrackList *tracks, TrackFactory *trackFactory, double rate, sampleFormat format, double startTime, double endTime, WaveTrack **newLeft, WaveTrack **newRight) { // This function was formerly known as "Quick Mix". WaveTrack **waveArray; Track *t; int numWaves = 0; /* number of wave tracks in the selection */ int numMono = 0; /* number of mono, centre-panned wave tracks in selection*/ bool mono = false; /* flag if output can be mono without loosing anything*/ bool oneinput = false; /* flag set to true if there is only one input track (mono or stereo) */ int w; TrackListIterator iter(tracks); SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator usefulIter(Track::Wave, tracks); // this only iterates tracks which are relevant to this function, i.e. // selected WaveTracks. The tracklist is (confusingly) the list of all // tracks in the project t = iter.First(); while (t) { if (t->GetSelected() && t->GetKind() == Track::Wave) { numWaves++; float pan = ((WaveTrack*)t)->GetPan(); if (t->GetChannel() == Track::MonoChannel && pan == 0) numMono++; } t = iter.Next(); } if (numMono == numWaves) mono = true; /* the next loop will do two things at once: * 1. build an array of all the wave tracks were are trying to process * 2. determine when the set of WaveTracks starts and ends, in case we * need to work out for ourselves when to start and stop rendering. */ double mixStartTime = 0.0; /* start time of first track to start */ bool gotstart = false; // flag indicates we have found a start time double mixEndTime = 0.0; /* end time of last track to end */ double tstart, tend; // start and end times for one track. waveArray = new WaveTrack *[numWaves]; w = 0; t = iter.First(); while (t) { if (t->GetSelected() && t->GetKind() == Track::Wave) { waveArray[w++] = (WaveTrack *) t; tstart = t->GetStartTime(); tend = t->GetEndTime(); if (tend > mixEndTime) mixEndTime = tend; // try and get the start time. If the track is empty we will get 0, // which is ambiguous because it could just mean the track starts at // the beginning of the project, as well as empty track. The give-away // is that an empty track also ends at zero. if (tstart != tend) { // we don't get empty tracks here if (!gotstart) { // no previous start, use this one unconditionally mixStartTime = tstart; gotstart = true; } else if (tstart < mixStartTime) mixStartTime = tstart; // have a start, only make it smaller } // end if start and end are different } // end if track is a selected WaveTrack. /** @TODO: could we not use a SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator here? */ t = iter.Next(); } /* create the destination track (new track) */ if ((numWaves == 1) || ((numWaves == 2) && (usefulIter.First()->GetLink() != NULL))) oneinput = true; // only one input track (either 1 mono or one linked stereo pair) WaveTrack *mixLeft = trackFactory->NewWaveTrack(format, rate); if (oneinput) mixLeft->SetName(usefulIter.First()->GetName()); /* set name of output track to be the same as the sole input track */ else mixLeft->SetName(_("Mix")); mixLeft->SetOffset(mixStartTime); WaveTrack *mixRight = 0; if (mono) { mixLeft->SetChannel(Track::MonoChannel); } else { mixRight = trackFactory->NewWaveTrack(format, rate); if (oneinput) { if (usefulIter.First()->GetLink() != NULL) // we have linked track mixLeft->SetName(usefulIter.First()->GetLink()->GetName()); /* set name to match input track's right channel!*/ else mixLeft->SetName(usefulIter.First()->GetName()); /* set name to that of sole input channel */ } else mixRight->SetName(_("Mix")); mixLeft->SetChannel(Track::LeftChannel); mixRight->SetChannel(Track::RightChannel); mixRight->SetOffset(mixStartTime); mixLeft->SetLinked(true); } int maxBlockLen = mixLeft->GetIdealBlockSize(); // If the caller didn't specify a time range, use the whole range in which // any input track had clips in it. if (startTime == endTime) { startTime = mixStartTime; endTime = mixEndTime; } Mixer *mixer = new Mixer(numWaves, waveArray, Mixer::WarpOptions(tracks->GetTimeTrack()), startTime, endTime, mono ? 1 : 2, maxBlockLen, false, rate, format); ::wxSafeYield(); ProgressDialog *progress = new ProgressDialog(_("Mix and Render"), _("Mixing and rendering tracks")); int updateResult = eProgressSuccess; while(updateResult == eProgressSuccess) { sampleCount blockLen = mixer->Process(maxBlockLen); if (blockLen == 0) break; if (mono) { samplePtr buffer = mixer->GetBuffer(); mixLeft->Append(buffer, format, blockLen); } else { samplePtr buffer; buffer = mixer->GetBuffer(0); mixLeft->Append(buffer, format, blockLen); buffer = mixer->GetBuffer(1); mixRight->Append(buffer, format, blockLen); } updateResult = progress->Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime() - startTime, endTime - startTime); } delete progress; mixLeft->Flush(); if (!mono) mixRight->Flush(); if (updateResult == eProgressCancelled || updateResult == eProgressFailed) { delete mixLeft; if (!mono) delete mixRight; } else { *newLeft = mixLeft; if (!mono) *newRight = mixRight; #if 0 int elapsedMS = wxGetElapsedTime(); double elapsedTime = elapsedMS * 0.001; double maxTracks = totalTime / (elapsedTime / numWaves); // Note: these shouldn't be translated - they're for debugging // and profiling only. printf(" Tracks: %d\n", numWaves); printf(" Mix length: %f sec\n", totalTime); printf("Elapsed time: %f sec\n", elapsedTime); printf("Max number of tracks to mix in real time: %f\n", maxTracks); #endif } delete[] waveArray; delete mixer; return (updateResult == eProgressSuccess || updateResult == eProgressStopped); }
bool ExportOGG(AudacityProject *project, bool stereo, wxString fName, bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1) { double rate = project->GetRate(); wxWindow *parent = project; TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks(); double quality = (gPrefs->Read("/FileFormats/OggExportQuality", 50)/(float)100.0); wxLogNull logNo; // temporarily disable wxWindows error messages bool cancelling = false; int eos = 0; wxFFile outFile(fName, "wb"); if(!outFile.IsOpened()) { wxMessageBox(_("Unable to open target file for writing")); return false; } // All the Ogg and Vorbis encoding data ogg_stream_state stream; ogg_page page; ogg_packet packet; vorbis_info info; vorbis_comment comment; vorbis_dsp_state dsp; vorbis_block block; // Encoding setup vorbis_info_init(&info); vorbis_encode_init_vbr(&info, stereo ? 2 : 1, int(rate + 0.5), quality); vorbis_comment_init(&comment); // If we wanted to add comments, we would do it here // Set up analysis state and auxiliary encoding storage vorbis_analysis_init(&dsp, &info); vorbis_block_init(&dsp, &block); // Set up packet->stream encoder. According to encoder example, // a random serial number makes it more likely that you can make // chained streams with concatenation. srand(time(NULL)); ogg_stream_init(&stream, rand()); // First we need to write the required headers: // 1. The Ogg bitstream header, which contains codec setup params // 2. The Vorbis comment header // 3. The bitstream codebook. // // After we create those our responsibility is complete, libvorbis will // take care of any other ogg bistream constraints (again, according // to the example encoder source) ogg_packet bitstream_header; ogg_packet comment_header; ogg_packet codebook_header; vorbis_analysis_headerout(&dsp, &comment, &bitstream_header, &comment_header, &codebook_header); // Place these headers into the stream ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &bitstream_header); ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &comment_header); ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &codebook_header); // Flushing these headers now guarentees that audio data will // start on a new page, which apparently makes streaming easier while(ogg_stream_flush(&stream, &page)) { outFile.Write(page.header, page.header_len); outFile.Write(page.body, page.body_len); } wxProgressDialog *progress = NULL; wxYield(); wxStartTimer(); int numWaveTracks; WaveTrack **waveTracks; tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks); Mixer *mixer = new Mixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks, tracks->GetTimeTrack(), t0, t1, stereo? 2: 1, SAMPLES_PER_RUN, false, rate, floatSample); while(!cancelling && !eos) { float **vorbis_buffer = vorbis_analysis_buffer(&dsp, SAMPLES_PER_RUN); sampleCount samplesThisRun = mixer->Process(SAMPLES_PER_RUN); if (samplesThisRun == 0) { // Tell the library that we wrote 0 bytes - signalling the end. vorbis_analysis_wrote(&dsp, 0); } else { float *left = (float *)mixer->GetBuffer(0); memcpy(vorbis_buffer[0], left, sizeof(float)*SAMPLES_PER_RUN); if(stereo) { float *right = (float *)mixer->GetBuffer(1); memcpy(vorbis_buffer[1], right, sizeof(float)*SAMPLES_PER_RUN); } // tell the encoder how many samples we have vorbis_analysis_wrote(&dsp, samplesThisRun); } // I don't understand what this call does, so here is the comment // from the example, verbatim: // // vorbis does some data preanalysis, then divvies up blocks // for more involved (potentially parallel) processing. Get // a single block for encoding now while(vorbis_analysis_blockout(&dsp, &block) == 1) { // analysis, assume we want to use bitrate management vorbis_analysis(&block, NULL); vorbis_bitrate_addblock(&block); while(vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&dsp, &packet)) { // add the packet to the bitstream ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &packet); // From vorbis-tools-1.0/oggenc/encode.c: // If we've gone over a page boundary, we can do actual output, // so do so (for however many pages are available). while (!eos) { int result = ogg_stream_pageout(&stream, &page); if (!result) break; outFile.Write(page.header, page.header_len); outFile.Write(page.body, page.body_len); if (ogg_page_eos(&page)) eos = 1; } } } if(progress) { int progressvalue = int (1000 * ((mixer->MixGetCurrentTime()-t0) / (t1-t0))); cancelling = !progress->Update(progressvalue); } else if(wxGetElapsedTime(false) > 500) { wxString message = selectionOnly ? _("Exporting the selected audio as Ogg Vorbis") : _("Exporting the entire project as Ogg Vorbis"); progress = new wxProgressDialog( _("Export"), message, 1000, parent, wxPD_CAN_ABORT | wxPD_REMAINING_TIME | wxPD_AUTO_HIDE); } } delete mixer; ogg_stream_clear(&stream); vorbis_block_clear(&block); vorbis_dsp_clear(&dsp); vorbis_info_clear(&info); outFile.Close(); if(progress) delete progress; return true; }
int ExportOGG::Export(AudacityProject *project, int numChannels, wxString fName, bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1, MixerSpec *mixerSpec, Tags *metadata, int WXUNUSED(subformat)) { double rate = project->GetRate(); TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks(); double quality = (gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/OggExportQuality"), 50)/(float)100.0); wxLogNull logNo; // temporarily disable wxWidgets error messages int updateResult = eProgressSuccess; int eos = 0; FileIO outFile(fName, FileIO::Output); if (!outFile.IsOpened()) { wxMessageBox(_("Unable to open target file for writing")); return false; } // All the Ogg and Vorbis encoding data ogg_stream_state stream; ogg_page page; ogg_packet packet; vorbis_info info; vorbis_comment comment; vorbis_dsp_state dsp; vorbis_block block; // Encoding setup vorbis_info_init(&info); vorbis_encode_init_vbr(&info, numChannels, int(rate + 0.5), quality); // Retrieve tags if (!FillComment(project, &comment, metadata)) { return false; } // Set up analysis state and auxiliary encoding storage vorbis_analysis_init(&dsp, &info); vorbis_block_init(&dsp, &block); // Set up packet->stream encoder. According to encoder example, // a random serial number makes it more likely that you can make // chained streams with concatenation. srand(time(NULL)); ogg_stream_init(&stream, rand()); // First we need to write the required headers: // 1. The Ogg bitstream header, which contains codec setup params // 2. The Vorbis comment header // 3. The bitstream codebook. // // After we create those our responsibility is complete, libvorbis will // take care of any other ogg bistream constraints (again, according // to the example encoder source) ogg_packet bitstream_header; ogg_packet comment_header; ogg_packet codebook_header; vorbis_analysis_headerout(&dsp, &comment, &bitstream_header, &comment_header, &codebook_header); // Place these headers into the stream ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &bitstream_header); ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &comment_header); ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &codebook_header); // Flushing these headers now guarentees that audio data will // start on a NEW page, which apparently makes streaming easier while (ogg_stream_flush(&stream, &page)) { outFile.Write(page.header, page.header_len); outFile.Write(page.body, page.body_len); } int numWaveTracks; WaveTrack **waveTracks; tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks); Mixer *mixer = CreateMixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks, tracks->GetTimeTrack(), t0, t1, numChannels, SAMPLES_PER_RUN, false, rate, floatSample, true, mixerSpec); delete [] waveTracks; ProgressDialog *progress = new ProgressDialog(wxFileName(fName).GetName(), selectionOnly ? _("Exporting the selected audio as Ogg Vorbis") : _("Exporting the entire project as Ogg Vorbis")); while (updateResult == eProgressSuccess && !eos) { float **vorbis_buffer = vorbis_analysis_buffer(&dsp, SAMPLES_PER_RUN); sampleCount samplesThisRun = mixer->Process(SAMPLES_PER_RUN); if (samplesThisRun == 0) { // Tell the library that we wrote 0 bytes - signalling the end. vorbis_analysis_wrote(&dsp, 0); } else { for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { float *temp = (float *)mixer->GetBuffer(i); memcpy(vorbis_buffer[i], temp, sizeof(float)*SAMPLES_PER_RUN); } // tell the encoder how many samples we have vorbis_analysis_wrote(&dsp, samplesThisRun); } // I don't understand what this call does, so here is the comment // from the example, verbatim: // // vorbis does some data preanalysis, then divvies up blocks // for more involved (potentially parallel) processing. Get // a single block for encoding now while (vorbis_analysis_blockout(&dsp, &block) == 1) { // analysis, assume we want to use bitrate management vorbis_analysis(&block, NULL); vorbis_bitrate_addblock(&block); while (vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&dsp, &packet)) { // add the packet to the bitstream ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &packet); // From vorbis-tools-1.0/oggenc/encode.c: // If we've gone over a page boundary, we can do actual output, // so do so (for however many pages are available). while (!eos) { int result = ogg_stream_pageout(&stream, &page); if (!result) { break; } outFile.Write(page.header, page.header_len); outFile.Write(page.body, page.body_len); if (ogg_page_eos(&page)) { eos = 1; } } } } updateResult = progress->Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime()-t0, t1-t0); } delete progress;; delete mixer; ogg_stream_clear(&stream); vorbis_block_clear(&block); vorbis_dsp_clear(&dsp); vorbis_info_clear(&info); vorbis_comment_clear(&comment); outFile.Close(); return updateResult; }
bool ExportCL(AudacityProject *project, bool stereo, wxString fName, bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1, MixerSpec *mixerSpec) { int rate = int(project->GetRate() + 0.5); wxWindow *parent = project; TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks(); wxString command = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/ExternalProgramExportCommand"), wxT("lame - '%f'")); command.Replace(wxT("%f"), fName); /* establish parameters */ int channels = stereo ? 2 : 1; unsigned long totalSamples = (unsigned long)((t1 - t0) * rate + 0.5); unsigned long sampleBytes = totalSamples * channels * SAMPLE_SIZE(int16Sample); /* fill up the wav header */ wav_header header; header.riffID[0] = 'R'; header.riffID[1] = 'I'; header.riffID[2] = 'F'; header.riffID[3] = 'F'; header.riffType[0] = 'W'; header.riffType[1] = 'A'; header.riffType[2] = 'V'; header.riffType[3] = 'E'; header.lenAfterRiff = sampleBytes + 32; header.fmtID[0] = 'f'; header.fmtID[1] = 'm'; header.fmtID[2] = 't'; header.fmtID[3] = ' '; header.formatChunkLen = 16; header.formatTag = 1; header.channels = channels; header.sampleRate = rate; header.bitsPerSample = SAMPLE_SIZE(int16Sample) * 8; header.blockAlign = header.bitsPerSample * header.channels; header.avgBytesPerSec = header.sampleRate * header.blockAlign; header.dataID[0] = 'd'; header.dataID[1] = 'a'; header.dataID[2] = 't'; header.dataID[3] = 'a'; header.dataLen = sampleBytes; FILE *pipe = popen(OSFILENAME(command), "w"); /* write the header */ fwrite( &header, sizeof(wav_header), 1, pipe ); sampleCount maxBlockLen = 44100 * 5; bool cancelling = false; int numWaveTracks; WaveTrack **waveTracks; tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks); Mixer *mixer = new Mixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks, tracks->GetTimeTrack(), t0, t1, channels, maxBlockLen, true, rate, int16Sample, true, mixerSpec); GetActiveProject()->ProgressShow(_("Export"), selectionOnly ? _("Exporting the selected audio using command-line encoder") : _("Exporting the entire project using command-line encoder")); while(!cancelling) { sampleCount numSamples = mixer->Process(maxBlockLen); if (numSamples == 0) break; samplePtr mixed = mixer->GetBuffer(); char *buffer = new char[numSamples * SAMPLE_SIZE(int16Sample) * channels]; wxASSERT(buffer); // Byte-swapping is neccesary on big-endian machines, since // WAV files are little-endian #if wxBYTE_ORDER == wxBIG_ENDIAN { short *buffer = (short*)mixed; for( int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++ ) buffer[i] = wxINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(buffer[i]); } #endif fwrite( mixed, numSamples * channels * SAMPLE_SIZE(int16Sample), 1, pipe ); int progressvalue = int (1000 * ((mixer->MixGetCurrentTime()-t0) / (t1-t0))); cancelling = !GetActiveProject()->ProgressUpdate(progressvalue); delete[]buffer; } GetActiveProject()->ProgressHide(); delete mixer; pclose( pipe ); return true; }