Esempio n. 1
void ConstantSet::netcdf_define(NcFile &nc, std::string const &vname)
	// Create the variable to store our constants
	NcVar *ncvar = giss::get_var_safe(nc, vname.c_str(), false);
	if (!ncvar) {
		auto oneDim = giss::get_or_add_dim(nc, "one", 1);
		ncvar = nc.add_var(vname.c_str(), ncDouble, oneDim);

	// Store the constants as attributes
	for (int i=0; i<fields.size_withunit(); ++i) {
		CoupledField const &field(fields.field(i));
		ncvar->add_att(, vals[i]);
		ncvar->add_att(( + "_units").c_str(), field.units.c_str());
		ncvar->add_att(( + "_description").c_str(), field.description.c_str());
Esempio n. 2
void PointCounter::output(const string &fileName) const
    NcFile file(fileName.c_str(), NcFile::Replace);
    if (!file.is_valid()) {
        string message = "Failed to open file "+fileName+".";

    NcDim *numLonDim = file.add_dim("lon", counters.extent(0));
    NcDim *numLatDim = file.add_dim("lat", counters.extent(1));
    NcDim *numBndsDim = file.add_dim("bnds", 2);
    //NcDim *numLevDim = file.add_dim("lev", counters.extent(2));

    NcVar *lonBndsVar = file.add_var("lon_bnds", ncDouble, numLonDim, numBndsDim);
    NcVar *latBndsVar = file.add_var("lat_bnds", ncDouble, numLatDim, numBndsDim);
    //NcVar *levVar = file.add_var("lev", ncDouble, numLevDim);

    lonBndsVar->add_att("long_name", "longitude bounds");
    lonBndsVar->add_att("units", "degree_east");
    latBndsVar->add_att("long_name", "latitude bounds");
    latBndsVar->add_att("units", "degree_north");

    int numLonBnds = mesh[0].getNumLon()-2, numLatBnds = mesh[0].getNumLat()-1;
    double lonBnds[numLonBnds][2], latBnds[numLatBnds][2];
    for (int i = 0; i < numLonBnds; ++i) {
        lonBnds[i][0] = mesh[0].lon(i)*Rad2Deg;
        lonBnds[i][1] = mesh[0].lon(i+1)*Rad2Deg;
    for (int j = 0; j < numLatBnds; ++j) {
        latBnds[j][0] = mesh[0].lat(j)*Rad2Deg;
        latBnds[j][1] = mesh[0].lat(j+1)*Rad2Deg;

    lonBndsVar->put(&lonBnds[0][0], numLonBnds, 2);
    latBndsVar->put(&latBnds[0][0], numLatBnds, 2);

    NcVar *countersVar = file.add_var("counters", ncInt, numLatDim, numLonDim);

    countersVar->add_att("long_name", "contained point numbers in grid boxes");

    int counters[this->counters.extent(1)][this->counters.extent(0)];
    for (int j = 0; j < this->counters.extent(1); ++j)
        for (int i = 0; i < this->counters.extent(0); ++i)
            counters[j][i] = this->counters(i, j, 0);
    countersVar->put(&counters[0][0], this->counters.extent(1), this->counters.extent(0));
Esempio n. 3
bool OutputClusters(const string &filename, const vector<Cluster> &theClusters,
                    const RadarData_t &radarInfo, const ClustParams_t &clustParam)

    NcFile clusterFile(filename.c_str(), NcFile::Replace);

    if (!clusterFile.is_valid())
        cerr << "Could not create file: " << filename << "\n";

    size_t pixelCnt = 0;
    for (vector<Cluster>::const_iterator aClust = theClusters.begin();
            aClust != theClusters.end();
        pixelCnt += aClust->size();

    NcDim* pixelDim = clusterFile.add_dim("pixel_index", pixelCnt);
    NcDim* latDim = clusterFile.add_dim("lat", radarInfo.dataEdges[1]);
    NcDim* lonDim = clusterFile.add_dim("lon", radarInfo.dataEdges[2]);

    NcVar* clustMember = clusterFile.add_var("clusterIndex", ncInt, pixelDim);
    clustMember->add_att("Description", "pixel cluster membership");
    NcVar* xLoc = clusterFile.add_var("pixel_xLoc", ncInt, pixelDim);
    xLoc->add_att("Description", "x-index of pixel in domain (lat,lon)");
    NcVar* yLoc = clusterFile.add_var("pixel_yLoc", ncInt, pixelDim);
    yLoc->add_att("Description", "y-index of pixel in domain (lat,lon)");

    NcVar* lats = clusterFile.add_var("lat", ncDouble, latDim);
    lats->add_att("units", radarInfo.latUnits.c_str());
    lats->add_att("spacing", radarInfo.latSpacing);

    NcVar* lons = clusterFile.add_var("lon", ncDouble, lonDim);
    lons->add_att("units", radarInfo.lonUnits.c_str());
    lons->add_att("spacing", radarInfo.lonSpacing);

    clusterFile.add_att("title", "SPA Cluster Results of Radar Reflectivities");
    clusterFile.add_att("data_source", radarInfo.inputFilename.c_str());
    clusterFile.add_att("time", radarInfo.scanTime);

    // Need to do type-casting to double because the netcdf libraries can't seem to properly save a float.
    // Also, the truncf() is used to -- somewhat -- handle mantisa issues.
    clusterFile.add_att("Upper_Sensitivity", (double) (truncf(100.0 * clustParam.upperSensitivity)/100.0));
    clusterFile.add_att("Lower_Sensitivity", (double) (truncf(100.0 * clustParam.lowerSensitivity)/100.0));
    clusterFile.add_att("Padding_Level", (double) (truncf(100.0 * clustParam.paddingLevel)/100.0));
    clusterFile.add_att("Reach", (double) (truncf(100.0 * clustParam.reach)/100.0));
    clusterFile.add_att("Subcluster_Depth", clustParam.subClustDepth);

    int* clustIndicies = new int[pixelCnt];
    int* xPixels = new int[pixelCnt];
    int* yPixels = new int[pixelCnt];

    size_t pixelIndex = 0;
    for (size_t clustIndex = 0; clustIndex < theClusters.size(); clustIndex++)
        for (Cluster::const_iterator aMember = theClusters[clustIndex].begin();
                aMember != theClusters[clustIndex].end();
                aMember++, pixelIndex++)
            clustIndicies[pixelIndex] = clustIndex;
            xPixels[pixelIndex] = aMember->XLoc;
            yPixels[pixelIndex] = aMember->YLoc;

    clustMember->put(clustIndicies, pixelCnt);
    xLoc->put(xPixels, pixelCnt);
    yLoc->put(yPixels, pixelCnt);

    lats->put(radarInfo.latVals, radarInfo.dataEdges[1]);
    lons->put(radarInfo.lonVals, radarInfo.dataEdges[2]);


    delete [] clustIndicies;
    delete [] xPixels;
    delete [] yPixels;

Esempio n. 4
void PolygonManager::output(const string &fileName)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    NcFile file(fileName.c_str(), NcFile::Replace);
    if (!file.is_valid()) {
        string message = "Failed to open file "+fileName+".";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // time information
    if (TimeManager::onLine()) {
        file.add_att("time", TimeManager::getSeconds());
        file.add_att("time_step", TimeManager::getTimeStep());
        file.add_att("steps", TimeManager::getSteps());
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // dimensions
    NcDim *numVertexDim = file.add_dim("num_total_vertex", vertices.size());
    NcDim *numEdgeDim = file.add_dim("num_total_edge", edges.size());
    NcDim *numPolygonDim = file.add_dim("num_total_polygon", polygons.size());
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // vertices part
    NcVar *oldVtxLonVar = file.add_var("old_vertex_lon", ncDouble, numVertexDim);
    NcVar *oldVtxLatVar = file.add_var("old_vertex_lat", ncDouble, numVertexDim);
    NcVar *newVtxLonVar = file.add_var("new_vertex_lon", ncDouble, numVertexDim);
    NcVar *newVtxLatVar = file.add_var("new_vertex_lat", ncDouble, numVertexDim);
    oldVtxLonVar->add_att("long_name", "old vertex longitude");
    oldVtxLonVar->add_att("units", "degree_east");
    oldVtxLatVar->add_att("long_name", "old vertex latitude");
    oldVtxLatVar->add_att("units", "degree_north");
    newVtxLonVar->add_att("long_name", "new vertex longitude");
    newVtxLonVar->add_att("units", "degree_east");
    newVtxLatVar->add_att("long_name", "new vertex latitude");
    newVtxLatVar->add_att("units", "degree_north");
    double *oldVtxLon = new double[vertices.size()];
    double *oldVtxLat = new double[vertices.size()];
    double *newVtxLon = new double[vertices.size()];
    double *newVtxLat = new double[vertices.size()];
    Vertex *vertex = vertices.front();
    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) {
        oldVtxLon[i] = vertex->getCoordinate(OldTimeLevel).getLon()*Rad2Deg;
        oldVtxLat[i] = vertex->getCoordinate(OldTimeLevel).getLat()*Rad2Deg;
        newVtxLon[i] = vertex->getCoordinate(NewTimeLevel).getLon()*Rad2Deg;
        newVtxLat[i] = vertex->getCoordinate(NewTimeLevel).getLat()*Rad2Deg;
        vertex = vertex->next;
    oldVtxLonVar->put(oldVtxLon, vertices.size());
    oldVtxLatVar->put(oldVtxLat, vertices.size());
    newVtxLonVar->put(newVtxLon, vertices.size());
    newVtxLatVar->put(newVtxLat, vertices.size());
    delete [] oldVtxLon;
    delete [] oldVtxLat;
    delete [] newVtxLon;
    delete [] newVtxLat;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // edges part
    NcVar *firstPointVar = file.add_var("first_point_idx", ncInt, numEdgeDim);
    NcVar *secondPointVar = file.add_var("second_point_idx", ncInt, numEdgeDim);
    firstPointVar->add_att("long_name", "first point index of edge");
    secondPointVar->add_att("long_name", "second point index of edge");
    int *idx1 = new int[edges.size()];
    int *idx2 = new int[edges.size()];
    Edge *edge = edges.front();
    for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) {
        idx1[i] = edge->getEndPoint(FirstPoint)->getID();
        idx2[i] = edge->getEndPoint(SecondPoint)->getID();
        edge = edge->next;
    firstPointVar->put(idx1, edges.size());
    secondPointVar->put(idx2, edges.size());
    delete [] idx1;
    delete [] idx2;
    // test point
    NcVar *oldTestLonVar = file.add_var("old_testpoint_lon", ncDouble, numEdgeDim);
    NcVar *oldTestLatVar = file.add_var("old_testpoint_lat", ncDouble, numEdgeDim);
    NcVar *newTestLonVar = file.add_var("new_testpoint_lon", ncDouble, numEdgeDim);
    NcVar *newTestLatVar = file.add_var("new_testpoint_lat", ncDouble, numEdgeDim);
    oldTestLonVar->add_att("long_name", "old test point longitude");
    oldTestLonVar->add_att("units", "degree_east");
    oldTestLatVar->add_att("long_name", "old test point latitude");
    oldTestLatVar->add_att("units", "degree_north");
    newTestLonVar->add_att("long_name", "new test point longitude");
    newTestLonVar->add_att("units", "degree_east");
    newTestLatVar->add_att("long_name", "new test point latitude");
    newTestLatVar->add_att("units", "degree_north");
    double *oldTestLon = new double[edges.size()];
    double *oldTestLat = new double[edges.size()];
    double *newTestLon = new double[edges.size()];
    double *newTestLat = new double[edges.size()];
    edge = edges.front();
    for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) {
        Vertex *testPoint = edge->getTestPoint();
        oldTestLon[i] = testPoint->getCoordinate(OldTimeLevel).getLon()*Rad2Deg;
        oldTestLat[i] = testPoint->getCoordinate(OldTimeLevel).getLat()*Rad2Deg;
        newTestLon[i] = testPoint->getCoordinate(NewTimeLevel).getLon()*Rad2Deg;
        newTestLat[i] = testPoint->getCoordinate(NewTimeLevel).getLat()*Rad2Deg;
        edge = edge->next;
    oldTestLonVar->put(oldTestLon, edges.size());
    oldTestLatVar->put(oldTestLat, edges.size());
    newTestLonVar->put(newTestLon, edges.size());
    newTestLatVar->put(newTestLat, edges.size());
    delete [] oldTestLon;
    delete [] oldTestLat;
    delete [] newTestLon;
    delete [] newTestLat;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // polygons part
    NcVar *edgeNumVar = file.add_var("edge_num", ncInt, numPolygonDim);
    NcVar *areaVar = file.add_var("area", ncDouble, numPolygonDim);
    edgeNumVar->add_att("long_name", "edge number of polygon");
    areaVar->add_att("long_name", "polygon area");
    int edgeNum[polygons.size()];
    double area[polygons.size()];
    int counter = 0;
    Polygon *polygon = polygons.front();
    for (int i = 0; i < polygons.size(); ++i) {
        edgeNum[i] = polygon->edgePointers.size();
        area[i] = polygon->getArea();
        counter += edgeNum[i];
        polygon = polygon->next;
    int numEdgeIdx = counter;
    NcDim *numEdgeIdxDim = file.add_dim("num_edge_idx", numEdgeIdx);
    NcVar *edgeIdxVar = file.add_var("edge_idx", ncInt, numEdgeIdxDim);
    NcVar *edgeOntVar = file.add_var("edge_ont", ncInt, numEdgeIdxDim);
    edgeIdxVar->add_att("long_name", "edge index of polygon");
    edgeOntVar->add_att("long_name", "edge orientation of polygon");
    int *edgeIdx = new int[counter];
    int *edgeOnt = new int[counter];
    counter = 0;
    polygon = polygons.front();
    for (int i = 0; i < polygons.size(); ++i) {
        EdgePointer *edgePointer = polygon->edgePointers.front();
        for (int j = 0; j < polygon->edgePointers.size(); ++j) {
            edgeIdx[counter] = edgePointer->edge->getID();
            edgeOnt[counter] = edgePointer->orient;
            edgePointer = edgePointer->next;
        polygon = polygon->next;
    edgeNumVar->put(edgeNum, polygons.size());
    areaVar->put(area, polygons.size());
    edgeIdxVar->put(edgeIdx, numEdgeIdx);
    edgeOntVar->put(edgeOnt, numEdgeIdx);
    delete [] edgeIdx;
    delete [] edgeOnt;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 5
// Creates NetCDF product
bool NetCDFProduct(MSG_header *PRO_head, MSG_data* PRO_data,
                   int totalsegs, int *segsindexes,
		   MSG_header *header, MSG_data *msgdat)
  struct tm *tmtime;
  char NcName[1024];
  char reftime[64];
  char projname[16];
  int wd, hg;
  int bpp;
  int ncal;
  float *cal;
  NcVar *ivar;
  NcVar *tvar;
  NcDim *tdim;
  NcDim *ldim;
  NcDim *cdim;
  NcDim *caldim;

  int npix = header[0].image_structure->number_of_columns;
  int nlin = header[0].image_structure->number_of_lines;
  size_t npixperseg = npix*nlin;

  size_t total_size = totalsegs*npixperseg;
  MSG_SAMPLE *pixels = new MSG_SAMPLE[total_size];
  memset(pixels, 0, total_size*sizeof(MSG_SAMPLE));
  size_t pos = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < totalsegs; i ++)
    if (segsindexes[i] >= 0)
      memcpy(pixels+pos, msgdat[segsindexes[i]].image->data,
    pos += npixperseg;

  nlin = nlin*totalsegs;

  // Manage subarea
  if (is_subarea)
    if (AreaLinStart < 0                             ||
        AreaLinStart > nlin - AreaNlin ||
        AreaNlin > nlin - AreaLinStart)
      std::cerr << "Wrong Subarea in lines...." << std::endl;
    if (AreaPixStart < 0               ||
        AreaPixStart > npix - AreaNpix ||
        AreaNpix > npix - AreaPixStart)
      std::cerr << "Wrong Subarea in Pixels...." << std::endl;
    size_t newsize = AreaNpix * AreaNlin;
    MSG_SAMPLE *newpix = new MSG_SAMPLE[newsize];
    memset(newpix, 0, newsize*sizeof(MSG_SAMPLE));
    for (int i = 0; i < AreaNlin; i ++)
      memcpy(newpix + i * AreaNpix,
             pixels + (AreaLinStart + i) * npix + AreaPixStart,
             AreaNpix * sizeof(MSG_SAMPLE));
    delete [ ] pixels;
    pixels = newpix;
    total_size = newsize;
    AreaNpix = npix;
    AreaNlin = nlin;

  tmtime = PRO_data->prologue->image_acquisition.PlannedAquisitionTime.TrueRepeatCycleStart.get_timestruct( );
  t_enum_MSG_spacecraft spc = header[0].segment_id->spacecraft_id;
  uint_1 chn = header[0].segment_id->spectral_channel_id;
  float sublon = header[0].image_navigation->subsatellite_longitude;
  int cfac = header[0].image_navigation->column_scaling_factor;
  int lfac = header[0].image_navigation->line_scaling_factor;
  int coff = header[0].image_navigation->column_offset;
  int loff = header[0].image_navigation->line_offset;
  float sh = header[0].image_navigation->satellite_h;

  char *channelstring = strdup(MSG_channel_name(spc, chn).c_str( ));
  char *channel = chname(channelstring, strlen(channelstring) + 1);

  // Build up output NetCDF file name and open it
  sprintf( NcName, "", channel,
           tmtime->tm_year + 1900, tmtime->tm_mon + 1, tmtime->tm_mday,
	   tmtime->tm_hour, tmtime->tm_min );
  NcFile ncf ( NcName , NcFile::Replace );
  if (! ncf.is_valid()) return false;

  // Fill arrays on creation

  // Add Global Attributes
  if (! ncf.add_att("Satellite", MSG_spacecraft_name(spc).c_str()))
	            return false;
  sprintf(reftime, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:00 UTC",
      tmtime->tm_year + 1900, tmtime->tm_mon + 1, tmtime->tm_mday,
      tmtime->tm_hour, tmtime->tm_min);
  if (! ncf.add_att("Antenna", "Fixed") ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Receiver", "HIMET") ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Time", reftime) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Area_Name", "SpaceView" ) ) return false;
  sprintf(projname, "GEOS(%3.1f)", sublon);
  if (! ncf.add_att("Projection", projname) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Columns", AreaNpix ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Lines", AreaNlin ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("SampleX", 1.0 ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("SampleY", 1.0 ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("AreaStartPix", AreaPixStart ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("AreaStartLin", AreaLinStart ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Column_Scale_Factor", cfac) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Line_Scale_Factor", lfac) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Column_Offset", coff) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Line_Offset", loff) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Orbit_Radius", sh) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Longitude", sublon) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("NortPolar", 1) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("NorthSouth", 1) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("title", TITLE) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Institution", INSTITUTION) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Type", TYPE) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Version", HIMET_VERSION) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Conventions", "COARDS") ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("history", "Created from raw data") ) return false;

  // Dimensions
  wd = AreaNpix;
  hg = AreaNlin;
  bpp = header[0].image_structure->number_of_bits_per_pixel;
  ncal = (int) pow(2.0, bpp);

  tdim = ncf.add_dim("time");
  if (!tdim->is_valid()) return false;
  ldim = ncf.add_dim("line", hg);
  if (!ldim->is_valid()) return false;
  cdim = ncf.add_dim("column", wd);
  if (!cdim->is_valid()) return false;
  caldim = ncf.add_dim("calibration", ncal);
  if (!caldim->is_valid()) return false;

  // Get calibration values
  cal = PRO_data->prologue->radiometric_proc.get_calibration((int) chn, bpp);

  // Add Calibration values
  NcVar *cvar = ncf.add_var("calibration", ncFloat, caldim);
  if (!cvar->is_valid()) return false;
  cvar->add_att("long_name", "Calibration coefficients");
  cvar->add_att("variable", channel);
  if (chn > 3 && chn < 12)
    cvar->add_att("units", "K");
    cvar->add_att("units", "mW m^-2 sr^-1 (cm^-1)^-1");
  if (!cvar->put(cal, ncal)) return false;

  tvar = ncf.add_var("time", ncDouble, tdim);
  if (!tvar->is_valid()) return false;
  tvar->add_att("long_name", "Time");
  tvar->add_att("units", "seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC");
  double atime;
  time_t ttime;
  extern long timezone;
  ttime = mktime(tmtime);
  atime = ttime - 946684800 - timezone;
  if (!tvar->put(&atime, 1)) return false;

  ivar = ncf.add_var(channel, ncShort, tdim, ldim, cdim);
  if (!ivar->is_valid()) return false;
  if (!ivar->add_att("add_offset", 0.0)) return false;
  if (!ivar->add_att("scale_factor", 1.0)) return false;
  if (!ivar->add_att("chnum", chn)) return false;

  // Write output values
  if (!ivar->put((const short int *) pixels, 1, hg, wd)) return false;

  // Close NetCDF output
  (void) ncf.close( );

  delete [ ] pixels;
  delete [ ] cal;

  return( true );
Esempio n. 6
void TracerManager::output(const string &fileName)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // output polygon stuffs
#ifdef TTS_REMAP
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    NcFile file(fileName.c_str(), NcFile::Write);
    if (!file.is_valid()) {
        Message message;
        message << "Failed to open tracer output file \"";
        message << fileName << "\" for appending meshed density field!";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // output tracer densities on the polygons
    NcDim *numPolygonDim = file.get_dim("num_total_polygon");
    double q0[polygonManager.polygons.size()];
    for (int l = 0; l < tracerNames.size(); ++l) {
        char varName[30];
        sprintf(varName, "q%d", l);
        NcVar *qVar = file.add_var(varName, ncDouble, numPolygonDim);
        Polygon *polygon = polygonManager.polygons.front();
        for (int i = 0; i < polygonManager.polygons.size(); ++i) {
            q0[i] = polygon->tracers[l].getDensity();
            polygon = polygon->next;
        qVar->put(q0, polygonManager.polygons.size());
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // output tracer densities on the mesh
    const RLLMesh &mesh = tracerDensities[0].getMesh();
    int numLon = mesh.getNumLon()-2;
    int numLat = mesh.getNumLat();
    double lon[numLon], lat[numLat];
    for (int i = 0; i < numLon; ++i)
        lon[i] = mesh.lon(i+1)*Rad2Deg;
    for (int j = 0; j < numLat; ++j)
        lat[j] =*Rad2Deg;
    NcDim *lonDim = file.add_dim("lon", numLon);
    NcDim *latDim = file.add_dim("lat", numLat);
    NcVar *lonVar = file.add_var("lon", ncDouble, lonDim);
    lonVar->add_att("long_name", "longitude");
    lonVar->add_att("units", "degrees_east");
    lonVar->put(lon, numLon);
    NcVar *latVar = file.add_var("lat", ncDouble, latDim);
    latVar->add_att("long_name", "latitude");
    latVar->add_att("units", "degrees_north");
    latVar->put(lat, numLat);
    NcVar *areaVar = file.add_var("area_mesh", ncDouble, latDim, lonDim);
    areaVar->add_att("long_name", "area of fixed mesh cell");
    areaVar->add_att("units", "m2");
    double area[numLat][numLon];
    for (int i = 0; i < numLon; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < numLat; ++j)
            area[j][i] = tracerDensities[0].getMesh(Field::Bound).area(i, j);
    areaVar->put(&area[0][0], numLat, numLon);
    double q[numLat][numLon];
    for (int l = 0; l < tracerNames.size(); ++l) {
        char varName[30];
        sprintf(varName, "q%d_mesh", l);
        NcVar *qVar = file.add_var(varName, ncDouble, latDim, lonDim);
        qVar->add_att("long_name", tracerNames[l].c_str());
        for (int i = 0; i < numLon; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < numLat; ++j)
                q[j][i] = tracerDensities[l].values(i+1, j, 0).getNew();
        qVar->put(&q[0][0], numLat, numLon);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    NOTICE("TracerManager", fileName+" is generated.");
bool OutputManagerReference::OpenFile(
	const std::string & strFileName
) {
	// Determine processor rank; only proceed if root node
	int nRank = 0;

	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nRank);

	// The active model
	const Model & model = m_grid.GetModel();

	// Open NetCDF file on root process
	if (nRank == 0) {

		// Check for existing NetCDF file
		if (m_pActiveNcOutput != NULL) {
			_EXCEPTIONT("NetCDF file already open");

		// Append .nc extension to file
		std::string strNcFileName = strFileName + ".nc";

		// Open new NetCDF file
		m_pActiveNcOutput = new NcFile(strNcFileName.c_str(), NcFile::Replace);
		if (m_pActiveNcOutput == NULL) {
			_EXCEPTION1("Error opening NetCDF file \"%s\"",
		if (!m_pActiveNcOutput->is_valid()) {
			_EXCEPTION1("Error opening NetCDF file \"%s\"",

		// Create nodal time dimension
		NcDim * dimTime = m_pActiveNcOutput->add_dim("time");
		if (dimTime == NULL) {
			_EXCEPTIONT("Error creating \"time\" dimension");

		m_varTime = m_pActiveNcOutput->add_var("time", ncDouble, dimTime);
		if (m_varTime == NULL) {
			_EXCEPTIONT("Error creating \"time\" variable");

		std::string strUnits =
			"days since " + model.GetStartTime().ToDateString();

		std::string strCalendarName = model.GetStartTime().GetCalendarName();

		m_varTime->add_att("long_name", "time");
		m_varTime->add_att("units", strUnits.c_str());
		m_varTime->add_att("calendar", strCalendarName.c_str());
		m_varTime->add_att("bounds", "time_bnds");

		// Create levels dimension
		NcDim * dimLev =
			m_pActiveNcOutput->add_dim("lev", m_dREtaCoord.GetRows());

		// Create interfaces dimension
		NcDim * dimILev =
			m_pActiveNcOutput->add_dim("ilev", m_grid.GetRElements()+1);

		// Create latitude dimension
		NcDim * dimLat =
			m_pActiveNcOutput->add_dim("lat", m_nYReference);

		// Create longitude dimension
		NcDim * dimLon =
			m_pActiveNcOutput->add_dim("lon", m_nXReference);

		// Output physical constants
		const PhysicalConstants & phys = model.GetPhysicalConstants();

		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("earth_radius", phys.GetEarthRadius());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("g", phys.GetG());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("omega", phys.GetOmega());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("alpha", phys.GetAlpha());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("Rd", phys.GetR());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("Cp", phys.GetCp());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("T0", phys.GetT0());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("P0", phys.GetP0());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("rho_water", phys.GetRhoWater());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("Rvap", phys.GetRvap());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("Mvap", phys.GetMvap());
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("Lvap", phys.GetLvap());

		// Output grid parameters
		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("Ztop", m_grid.GetZtop());

		// Output equation set
		const EquationSet & eqn = model.GetEquationSet();

		m_pActiveNcOutput->add_att("equation_set", eqn.GetName().c_str());

		// Create variables
		for (int c = 0; c < eqn.GetComponents(); c++) {
			if ((m_fOutputAllVarsOnNodes) ||
				(m_grid.GetVarLocation(c) == DataLocation_Node)
			) {
						ncDouble, dimTime, dimLev, dimLat, dimLon));
			} else {
						ncDouble, dimTime, dimILev, dimLat, dimLon));

		for (int c = 0; c < eqn.GetTracers(); c++) {
					ncDouble, dimTime, dimLev, dimLat, dimLon));

		// Vorticity variable
		if (m_fOutputVorticity) {
			m_varVorticity =
					"ZETA", ncDouble, dimTime, dimLev, dimLat, dimLon);

		// Divergence variable
		if (m_fOutputDivergence) {
			m_varDivergence =
					"DELTA", ncDouble, dimTime, dimLev, dimLat, dimLon);

		// Temperature variable
		if (m_fOutputTemperature) {
			m_varTemperature =
					"T", ncDouble, dimTime, dimLev, dimLat, dimLon);

		// Surface pressure variable
		if (m_fOutputSurfacePressure) {
			m_varSurfacePressure =
					"PS", ncDouble, dimTime, dimLat, dimLon);

		// Richardson number variable
		if (m_fOutputRichardson) {
			m_varRichardson =
					"Ri", ncDouble, dimTime, dimLev, dimLat, dimLon);

		// User data variables
		const UserDataMeta & metaUserData = model.GetUserDataMeta();

		for (int i = 0; i < metaUserData.GetUserData2DItemCount(); i++) {
			m_vecUserData2DVar[i] =
					ncDouble, dimTime, dimLat, dimLon);

		// Output longitudes and latitudes
		NcVar * varLon = m_pActiveNcOutput->add_var("lon", ncDouble, dimLon);
		NcVar * varLat = m_pActiveNcOutput->add_var("lat", ncDouble, dimLat);

		varLon->put(m_dXCoord, m_dXCoord.GetRows());
		varLat->put(m_dYCoord, m_dYCoord.GetRows());

		varLon->add_att("long_name", "longitude");
		varLon->add_att("units", "degrees_east");

		varLat->add_att("long_name", "latitude");
		varLat->add_att("units", "degrees_north");

		// Output levels
		NcVar * varLev =
			m_pActiveNcOutput->add_var("lev", ncDouble, dimLev);


		varLev->add_att("long_name", "level");
		varLev->add_att("units", "level");

		// Output interface levels
		NcVar * varILev =
			m_pActiveNcOutput->add_var("ilev", ncDouble, dimILev);


		varILev->add_att("long_name", "interface level");
		varILev->add_att("units", "level");

		// Topography variable
		m_varTopography =
			m_pActiveNcOutput->add_var("Zs", ncDouble, dimLat, dimLon);

		// Fresh output file
		m_fFreshOutputFile = true;

	// Wait for all processes to complete

	return true;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

	NcError error(NcError::verbose_nonfatal);

try {

	// Input file
	std::string strInputFile;

	// Input file list
	std::string strInputFileList;

	// Input file format
	std::string strInputFormat;

	// NetCDF file containing latitude and longitude arrays
	std::string strLatLonFile;

	// Output file (NetCDF)
	std::string strOutputFile;

	// Output variable name
	std::string strOutputVariable;

	// Column in which the longitude index appears
	int iLonIxCol;

	// Column in which the latitude index appears
	int iLatIxCol;

	// Begin latitude
	double dLatBegin;

	// End latitude
	double dLatEnd;

	// Begin longitude
	double dLonBegin;

	// End longitude
	double dLonEnd;

	// Number of latitudes in output
	int nLat;

	// Number of longitudes in output
	int nLon;

	// Parse the command line
		CommandLineString(strInputFile, "in", "");
		CommandLineString(strInputFileList, "inlist", "");
		CommandLineStringD(strInputFormat, "in_format", "std", "(std|visit)");
		CommandLineString(strOutputFile, "out", "");
		CommandLineString(strOutputVariable, "outvar", "density");
		CommandLineInt(iLonIxCol, "iloncol", 8);
		CommandLineInt(iLatIxCol, "ilatcol", 9);
		CommandLineDouble(dLatBegin, "lat_begin", -90.0);
		CommandLineDouble(dLatEnd, "lat_end", 90.0);
		CommandLineDouble(dLonBegin, "lon_begin", 0.0);
		CommandLineDouble(dLonEnd, "lon_end", 360.0);
		CommandLineInt(nLat, "nlat", 180);
		CommandLineInt(nLon, "nlon", 360);

		ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);


	// Check input
	if ((strInputFile == "") && (strInputFileList == "")) {
		_EXCEPTIONT("No input file (--in) or (--inlist) specified");
	if ((strInputFile != "") && (strInputFileList != "")) {
		_EXCEPTIONT("Only one input file (--in) or (--inlist) allowed");
	if (strInputFormat != "std") {
		_EXCEPTIONT("UNIMPLEMENTED:  Only \"--in_format std\" supported");

	// Check output
	if (strOutputFile == "") {
		_EXCEPTIONT("No output file (--out) specified");

	// Check output variable
	if (strOutputVariable == "") {
		_EXCEPTIONT("No output variable name (--outvar) specified");

	// Number of latitudes and longitudes
	if (nLat == 0) {
		_EXCEPTIONT("UNIMPLEMENTED: --nlat must be specified currently");
	if (nLon == 0) {
		_EXCEPTIONT("UNIMPLEMENTED: --nlon must be specified currently");

	// Input file list
	std::vector<std::string> vecInputFiles;

	if (strInputFile != "") {
	if (strInputFileList != "") {
		GetInputFileList(strInputFileList, vecInputFiles);

	int nFiles = vecInputFiles.size();

	// Density
	DataMatrix<int> nCounts;
	nCounts.Initialize(nLat, nLon);

	// Loop through all files in list
	AnnounceStartBlock("Processing files");

	std::string strBuffer;

	for (int f = 0; f < nFiles; f++) {
		Announce("File \"%s\"", vecInputFiles[f].c_str());

		FILE * fp = fopen(vecInputFiles[f].c_str(), "r");
		if (fp == NULL) {
			_EXCEPTION1("Unable to open input file \"%s\"",

		for (;;) {

			// Read in the next line
			fgets(&(strBuffer[0]), 1024, fp);

			int nLength = strlen(&(strBuffer[0]));

			// Check for end of file
			if (feof(fp)) {

			// Check for comment line
			if (strBuffer[0] == '#') {

			// Check for new storm
			if (strncmp(&(strBuffer[0]), "start", 5) == 0) {

			// Parse line
			double dLon;
			double dLat;

			int iCol = 0;
			int iLast = 0;

			bool fWhitespace = true;

			for (int i = 0; i <= nLength; i++) {
				if ((strBuffer[i] == ' ') ||
					(strBuffer[i] == ',') ||
					(strBuffer[i] == '\t') ||
					(strBuffer[i] == '\0')
				) {
					if (!fWhitespace) {
						if (iCol == iLonIxCol) {
							strBuffer[i] = '\0';
							dLon = atof(&(strBuffer[iLast]));
						if (iCol == iLatIxCol) {
							strBuffer[i] = '\0';
							dLat = atof(&(strBuffer[iLast]));

					fWhitespace = true;

				} else {
					if (fWhitespace) {
						iLast = i;
					fWhitespace = false;

			// Latitude and longitude index
			int iLon =
					* (dLon - dLonBegin) / (dLonEnd - dLonBegin));
			int iLat =
					* (dLat - dLatBegin) / (dLatEnd - dLatBegin));

			if (iLon == (-1)) {
				iLon = 0;
			if (iLon == nLon) {
				iLon = nLon - 1;
			if (iLat == (-1)) {
				iLat = 0;
			if (iLat == nLat) {
				iLat = nLat - 1;

			if ((iLat < 0) || (iLat >= nLat)) {
				_EXCEPTION1("Latitude index (%i) out of range", iLat);
			if ((iLon < 0) || (iLon >= nLon)) {
				_EXCEPTION1("Longitude index (%i) out of range", iLon);




	// Output results
	AnnounceStartBlock("Output results");

	// Load the netcdf output file
	NcFile ncOutput(strOutputFile.c_str(), NcFile::Replace);
	if (!ncOutput.is_valid()) {
		_EXCEPTION1("Unable to open output file \"%s\"",

	// Create output
	NcDim * dimLat = ncOutput.add_dim("lat", nLat);
	NcDim * dimLon = ncOutput.add_dim("lon", nLon);

	NcVar * varLat = ncOutput.add_var("lat", ncDouble, dimLat);
	NcVar * varLon = ncOutput.add_var("lon", ncDouble, dimLon);

	varLat->add_att("units", "degrees_north");
	varLon->add_att("units", "degrees_east");

	DataVector<double> dLat(nLat);
	DataVector<double> dLon(nLon);

	for (int j = 0; j < nLat; j++) {
		dLat[j] = dLatBegin
			+ (dLatEnd - dLatBegin)
				* (static_cast<double>(j) + 0.5)
				/ static_cast<double>(nLat);
	for (int i = 0; i < nLon; i++) {
		dLon[i] = dLonBegin
			+ (dLonEnd - dLonBegin)
			* (static_cast<double>(i) + 0.5)
			/ static_cast<double>(nLon);

	varLat->put(&(dLat[0]), nLat);
	varLon->put(&(dLon[0]), nLon);

	// Output counts
	NcVar * varCount =

	varCount->put(&(nCounts[0][0]), nLat, nLon);




} catch(Exception & e) {
Esempio n. 9
void gen(const char* path, NcFile::FileFormat format)		// Generate a netCDF file

    NcFile nc(path, NcFile::Replace, NULL, 0, format); // Create, leave in define mode

    // Check if the file was opened successfully
    if (! nc.is_valid()) {
	cerr << "can't create netCDF file " << path << "\n";

    // Create dimensions
    const int NLATS = 4;
    const int NLONS = 3;
    const int NFRTIMES = 2;
    const int TIMESTRINGLEN = 20;
    NcDim* latd = nc.add_dim("lat", NLATS);
    NcDim* lond = nc.add_dim("lon", NLONS);
    NcDim* frtimed = nc.add_dim("frtime"); // unlimited dimension
    NcDim* timelend = nc.add_dim("timelen", TIMESTRINGLEN); 

    // Create variables and their attributes
    NcVar* P = nc.add_var("P", ncFloat, frtimed, latd, lond);
    P->add_att("long_name", "pressure at maximum wind");
    P->add_att("units", "hectopascals");
    static float range[] = {0., 1500.};
    P->add_att("valid_range", 2, range);
    P->add_att("_FillValue", -9999.0f);

    NcVar* lat = nc.add_var("lat", ncFloat, latd);
    lat->add_att("long_name", "latitude");
    lat->add_att("units", "degrees_north");

    NcVar* lon = nc.add_var("lon", ncFloat, lond);
    lon->add_att("long_name", "longitude");
    lon->add_att("units", "degrees_east");

    NcVar* frtime = nc.add_var("frtime", ncLong, frtimed);
    frtime->add_att("long_name", "forecast time");
    frtime->add_att("units", "hours");

    NcVar* reftime = nc.add_var("reftime",ncChar,timelend);
    reftime->add_att("long_name", "reference time");
    reftime->add_att("units", "text_time");

    NcVar* scalar = nc.add_var("scalarv", ncInt);
    scalar->add_att("scalar_att", 1);

    // Global attributes
    nc.add_att("history", "created by Unidata LDM from NPS broadcast");
    nc.add_att("title", "NMC Global Product Set: Pressure at Maximum Wind");

    // Start writing data, implictly leaves define mode

    static float lats[NLATS] = {-90, -87.5, -85, -82.5};
    lat->put(lats, NLATS);

    static float lons[NLONS] = {-180, -175, -170};
    lon->put(lons, NLONS);

    static int frtimes[NFRTIMES] = {12, 18};
    frtime->put(frtimes, NFRTIMES);

    static const char* s = "1992-3-21 12:00" ;
    reftime->put(s, strlen(s));

    static float P_data[2][4][3] = {
	{{950, 951, 952}, {953, 954, 955}, {956, 957, 958}, {959, 960, 961}},
	{{962, 963, 964}, {965, 966, 967}, {968, 969, 970}, {971, 972, 973}}
    // We could write all P data at once with P->put(&P_data[0][0][0], P->edges()),
    // but instead we write one record at a time, to show use of setcur().
    long rec = 0;                                      // start at zero-th
    const long nrecs = 1;		               // # records to write
    P->put(&P_data[0][0][0], nrecs, NLATS, NLONS);           // write zero-th record
    P->set_cur(++rec);		                       // set to next record
    P->put(&P_data[1][0][0], nrecs, NLATS, NLONS); // write next record

    // close of nc takes place in destructor