int OTSignedFile::ProcessXMLNode(irr::io::IrrXMLReader*& xml)
	int nReturnVal = 0;
	// Here we call the parent class first.
	// If the node is found there, or there is some error,
	// then we just return either way.  But if it comes back
	// as '0', then nothing happened, and we'll continue executing.
	// -- Note you can choose not to call the parent if
	// you don't want to use any of those xml tags.
	// As I do below, in the case of OTAccount.
	//if (nReturnVal = OTContract::ProcessXMLNode(xml))
	//	return nReturnVal;
	if (!strcmp("signedFile", xml->getNodeName())) 
		m_strVersion			= xml->getAttributeValue("version");	
		m_strPurportedLocalDir	= xml->getAttributeValue("localDir");					
		m_strPurportedFilename	= xml->getAttributeValue("filename");					
		// ---------------------
		nReturnVal = 1;
	else if (!strcmp("filePayload", xml->getNodeName())) 
		// go to the next node and read the text.
		if (EXN_TEXT == xml->getNodeType())
			OTString strNodeData = xml->getNodeData();
			// Sometimes the XML reads up the data with a prepended newline.
			// This screws up my own objects which expect a consistent in/out
			// So I'm checking here for that prepended newline, and removing it.
			char cNewline;
			if (strNodeData.At(0, cNewline))
				OTASCIIArmor ascNodeData;
				if ('\n' == cNewline)
					ascNodeData.Set(strNodeData.Get() + 1);
					ascNodeData.GetString(m_strSignedFilePayload, true); // linebreaks = true
					ascNodeData.GetString(m_strSignedFilePayload, true); // linebreaks = true
		else {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error in OTSignedFile::ProcessXMLNode: filePayload field without value.\n");
			return (-1); // error condition
		return 1;
	return nReturnVal;	