Esempio n. 1
bool OTKeypair::SaveAndReloadBothKeysFromTempFile(      OTString   * pstrOutputCert/*=NULL*/,
                                                  const OTString   * pstrReason/*=NULL*/,
                                                        OTPassword * pImportPassword/*=NULL*/)
    OT_ASSERT(NULL != m_pkeyPrivate);
    OT_ASSERT(NULL != m_pkeyPublic);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    OTString    strOutput;
    const bool  bSuccess   = this->SaveCertAndPrivateKeyToString(strOutput, pstrReason, pImportPassword);
	// ---------------------------------------
	if (bSuccess)
        // todo security. Revisit this part during security audit.
		const OTString strFilename("temp.nym"); // todo stop hardcoding. Plus this maybe should select a random number too.
		if (false == OTDB::StorePlainString(strOutput.Get(), OTFolders::Cert().Get(), strFilename.Get())) // temp.nym
			OTLog::vError("%s: Failure storing new cert in temp file: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strFilename.Get());
			return false;
		// ------------------------------------------
        if (false == this->LoadBothKeysFromCertFile(OTFolders::Cert().Get(), strFilename, pstrReason, pImportPassword))
            return false; // LoadBothKeysFromCertFile already has error logs, no need to log twice at this point.
		// ------------------------------------------
        if (NULL != pstrOutputCert)
            pstrOutputCert->Set(strOutput); // Success!
	return bSuccess;   
Esempio n. 2
// append a string at the end of the current buffer.
void OTString::Concatenate(const OTString & strBuf)
    // _WIN32
	static char * new_string = NULL;
	if (NULL == new_string)
		new_string = new char[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; // This only happens once. Static var.
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != new_string);

	new_string[0] = '\0';
	// _end _WIN32

   if (Exists())
#ifdef _WIN32
	   const char * pBuf = strBuf.Get();
      sprintf_s(new_string, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s%s", m_strBuffer, pBuf);
	snprintf(new_string, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s%s", m_strBuffer, strBuf.Get());
#ifdef _WIN32
Esempio n. 3
// ***********************************************************************
bool GetOTAppDataFolderLocation(OTString strIniFileDefault, OTString & strOTServerDataLocation)
    CSimpleIniA ini;
    SI_Error rc = ini.LoadFile(strIniFileDefault.Get());
    if (rc >=0)
            const char * pVal = ini.GetValue("paths", "server_path", SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT); // todo stop hardcoding.
            if (NULL != pVal)
                OTLog::vOutput(0, "Reading ini file (%s). \n Found Server data_folder path: %s \n", 
                               strIniFileDefault.Get(), strOTServerDataLocation.Get());
                return true;
            OTLog::vOutput(0, "Reading ini file (%s) \n", strIniFileDefault.Get());
            return false;
        OTLog::vOutput(0, "Unable to load ini file (%s) to find data_folder path \n", 
        return false;
Esempio n. 4
int OTLog::Assert(const char * szFilename, int nLinenumber)
	if ((NULL != szFilename))
#ifndef ANDROID // if NOT android
		std::cerr << "OT_ASSERT in " << szFilename << " at line " << nLinenumber << "\n";
		// -----------------------------
		// Grab this if we can, too...
		OTString strTemp;
		strTemp.Format("OT_ASSERT in %s at line %d\n", szFilename, nLinenumber);
		// -----------------------------
#else // if Android
		OTString strAndroidAssertMsg;
		strAndroidAssertMsg.Format("\nOT_ASSERT in %s at line %d\n", szFilename, nLinenumber);
		__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_FATAL,"OT Assert", (const char *)strAndroidAssertMsg.Get());
#ifndef _WIN32
	return -1;
Esempio n. 5
// Make sure Server Nym is set on this cron object before loading or saving, since it's
// used for signing and verifying..
bool OTCron::LoadCron()
	static const char * szCronFile = "OT-CRON.crn"; // todo stop hardcoding filenames.
	OT_ASSERT(NULL != GetServerNym());
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	bool bFolderExists = OTLog::ConfirmOrCreateFolder(OTLog::CronFolder()); // <path>/cron is where all cronlogs go.
	if (!bFolderExists)
		OTLog::vError("Unable to create or confirm folder \"%s\" in order to load Cron file.\n",
		return false;
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	OTString strCronfileLocalPath;
	strCronfileLocalPath.Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::CronFolder(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), szCronFile);
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	OTString strCronfilePath;
	strCronfilePath.Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), strCronfileLocalPath.Get());
	std::ifstream in(strCronfilePath.Get(), std::ios::binary);
	if (
		OTLog::vError("Error opening file in OTCron::LoadCron: %s\n",
		return false;
	std::stringstream buffer;
	buffer << in.rdbuf();
	std::string contents(buffer.str());
	OTString strRawFile = contents.c_str();
	bool bSuccess = false;

	if (strRawFile.GetLength())
		bSuccess = LoadContractFromString(strRawFile);
		if (bSuccess)
			bSuccess = VerifySignature(*GetServerNym());
	return bSuccess;
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 6
OTCronItem * OTCronItem::LoadCronReceipt(const long & lTransactionNum)
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	bool bFolderExists = OTLog::ConfirmOrCreateFolder(OTLog::CronFolder()); // <path>/cron is where all cronlogs go.
	if (!bFolderExists)
		OTLog::vError("Unable to create or confirm folder \"%s\"\n in order to load Cron Receipt %ld.\n",
					  OTLog::CronFolder(), lTransactionNum);
		return NULL;
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	OTString strCronItemLocalPath;
	strCronItemLocalPath.Format("%s%s%ld.crn", OTLog::CronFolder(), 
								OTLog::PathSeparator(), lTransactionNum);
	bool bFileExists = OTLog::ConfirmFile(strCronItemLocalPath.Get());
	if (!bFileExists)
		OTLog::vError("Attempted to load non-existent Cron Record for transaction %ld in folder %s.\n",
					  lTransactionNum, strCronItemLocalPath.Get());
		return NULL;
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	OTString strCronItemPath;
	strCronItemPath.Format("%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), 
	std::ifstream in(strCronItemPath.Get(), std::ios::binary);
	if (
		OTLog::vError("Error opening file in OTCronItem::LoadCronReceipt: %s\n",
		return NULL;
	std::stringstream buffer;
	buffer << in.rdbuf();
	std::string contents(buffer.str());
	OTString strRawFile = contents.c_str();
	if (strRawFile.GetLength())
		return OTCronItem::NewCronItem(strRawFile);
	return NULL;
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 7
bool OTMint::SaveMint(const char * szAppend/*=NULL*/)
	if (!m_strFoldername.Exists())
	const OTString strServerID(m_ServerID), strAssetTypeID(m_AssetID);
	if (!m_strFilename.Exists())
		if (NULL != szAppend)
			m_strFilename.Format("%s%s%s%s", strServerID.Get(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), 
								 strAssetTypeID.Get(), szAppend);
			m_strFilename.Format("%s%s%s", strServerID.Get(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), strAssetTypeID.Get());
	OTString strFilename;
	if (NULL != szAppend) 
		strFilename.Format("%s%s", strAssetTypeID.Get(), szAppend);
		strFilename = strAssetTypeID.Get();
	const char * szFolder1name	= OTLog::MintFolder();
	const char * szFolder2name	= strServerID.Get();
	const char * szFilename		= strFilename.Get();
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	OTString strRawFile;

	if (!SaveContractRaw(strRawFile))
		OTLog::vError("Error saving Mintfile (to string):\n%s%s%s%s%s\n", szFolder1name,
					  OTLog::PathSeparator(), szFolder2name, OTLog::PathSeparator(), szFilename);
		return false;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	bool bSaved = OTDB::StorePlainString(strRawFile.Get(), szFolder1name, 
										 szFolder2name, szFilename); // <=== SAVING TO DATA STORE.
	if (!bSaved)
		if (NULL != szAppend) 
			OTLog::vError("OTMint::SaveMint: Error writing to file: %s%s%s%s%s%s\n", szFolder1name,
					  OTLog::PathSeparator(), szFolder2name, OTLog::PathSeparator(), szFilename, szAppend);
			OTLog::vError("OTMint::SaveMint: Error writing to file: %s%s%s%s%s\n", szFolder1name,
						  OTLog::PathSeparator(), szFolder2name, OTLog::PathSeparator(), szFilename);	

		return false;
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	return true;
Esempio n. 8
#ifdef _WIN32
    OTString OpenSSLDumpFilename; // todo security. We shouldn't necessarily be dumping this info to file AT ALL.
    OpenSSLDumpFilename.Format("%s%s%s",OTLog::Path(),OTLog::PathSeparator,"openssl.dumpfile"); // todo hardcoding.
    SetDumper(OpenSSLDumpFilename.Get()); // We are only dumping this way currently as a temporary solution to the applink.c openssl thing that can cause crashes in Lucre when withdrawing cash. (Caused by da2ce7 removing Lucre from OT and moving it into a dylib.)
    m_str_dumpfile = OpenSSLDumpFilename.Get();
        // -----------------------------------
        __ot_server_() : m_pServer(NULL) // INIT 
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------   
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // OTLog class exists on both client and server sides.
            // #define OT_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLING if you want to turn off OT's signal handling.
            OTLog::SetupSignalHandler(); // This is optional! (I, of course, am using it in this test app...)
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------    
            // I instantiate this here (instead of globally) so that I am assured that any globals and other
            // setup is already done before we instantiate the server object itself.
            OT_ASSERT_MSG(NULL == m_pServer, "server main(): ASSERT: NULL == m_pServer.");
            m_pServer = new OTServer;
            // (This .cpp file you are currently reading is a wrapper for OTServer,
            // which adds the transport layer.)
            OT_ASSERT_MSG(NULL != m_pServer, "server main(): ASSERT: Unable to instantiate OT server.\n");

			OTString pathUserAppDataPath, pathIniFileLocation;

			pathUserAppDataPath = GetRoamingAppDataLocation();
			pathIniFileLocation.Format("%s%s%s", pathUserAppDataPath.Get(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), SERVER_INI_FILE_DEFAULT);

			OTString pathOTServerDataLocation;

			OTLog::vOutput(0, "\nFound ot_init.cfg in: \n     %s \nNow checking to see if it contains the OT Server path...", pathIniFileLocation.Get());
			// Read the File, If successful use result

			if (false == GetOTAppDataFolderLocation(pathIniFileLocation, pathOTServerDataLocation))
				OTLog::vOutput(0, "Path not found... Will attempt default!... \n");
				// Not successfull will will assume it is in default location:
				pathOTServerDataLocation.Format("%s%s%s", pathUserAppDataPath.Get(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), SERVER_PATH_DEFAULT);

			OTLog::vOutput(0, "     %s \n", pathOTServerDataLocation.Get());

			OTLog::SetMainPath(pathOTServerDataLocation.Get());              // <============ SET MAIN PATH
            OTLog::vOutput(0, "Using server_data path:  %s\n", OTLog::Path());

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------    
            OTCrypto::It()->Init();  // <========== (OpenSSL gets initialized here.)
Esempio n. 10
// This code reads up the file, discards the bookends, and saves only the gibberish itself.
bool OTASCIIArmor::LoadFromFile(const OTString & filename)
	std::ifstream fin(filename.Get(), std::ios::binary);
	if (!fin.is_open())
		OTLog::vError("Error opening file in OTASCIIArmor::LoadFromFile: %s\n", filename.Get());
		return false;

	return LoadFromifstream(fin);	
Esempio n. 11
const bool	OTSettings::LogChange_bool(const OTString & strSection,const OTString & strKey,const bool	  & bValue	)
	if (! strSection.Exists())			{ OTLog::vError("%s: Error: %s is Empty!\n", __FUNCTION__, "strSection"			); OT_ASSERT(false); }
	if (! strKey.Exists())				{ OTLog::vError("%s: Error: %s is Empty!\n", __FUNCTION__, "strKey"				); OT_ASSERT(false); }

	OTString strCategory, strOption;
	if (!OTLog::StringFill(strCategory,strSection.Get(),12)) return false;
	if (!OTLog::StringFill(strOption,strKey.Get(),30," to:")) return false;

	OTLog::vOutput(1, "Setting %s %s %s \n",strCategory.Get(),strOption.Get(),bValue ? "true" : "false");
	return true;
Esempio n. 12
bool OTToken::RecordTokenAsSpent(OTString & theCleartextToken)
	OTString strAssetID(GetAssetID());
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Calculate the filename (a hash of the Lucre cleartext token ID)
	OTIdentifier theTokenHash;

	// Grab the new hash into a string (for use as a filename)
	OTString strTokenHash(theTokenHash);
	OTString strAssetFolder;
	strAssetFolder.Format("%s.%d", strAssetID.Get(), GetSeries());
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	// See if the spent token file ALREADY EXISTS...
	bool bTokenIsPresent = OTDB::Exists(OTLog::SpentFolder(), strAssetFolder.Get(), strTokenHash.Get());
	// If so, we're trying to record a token that was already recorded...
	if (bTokenIsPresent)
		OTLog::vError("OTToken::RecordTokenAsSpent: Trying to record token as spent,"
					  " but it was already recorded: %s%s%s%s%s\n", 
					  OTLog::SpentFolder(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), strAssetFolder.Get(), 
					  OTLog::PathSeparator(), strTokenHash.Get());
		return false;
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// We actually save the token itself into the file, which is named based
	// on a hash of the Lucre data.
	// The success of that operation is also now the success of this one.
	OTString strToken;
	bool bSaved = OTDB::StorePlainString(strToken.Get(), OTLog::SpentFolder(), 
										 strAssetFolder.Get(), strTokenHash.Get());
	if (!bSaved)
		OTLog::vError("OTToken::RecordTokenAsSpent: Error saving file: %s%s%s%s%s\n", 
					  OTLog::SpentFolder(), OTLog::PathSeparator(), strAssetFolder.Get(), 
					  OTLog::PathSeparator(), strTokenHash.Get());
	return bSaved;
// Lucre step 5: mint verifies token when it is redeemed by merchant.
// This function is called by OTToken::VerifyToken.
// That's the one you should be calling, most likely, not this one.
bool OTMint_Lucre::VerifyToken(OTPseudonym & theNotary, OTString & theCleartextToken, int64_t lDenomination)
	bool bReturnValue = false;
//	OTLog::Error("%s <bank info> <coin>\n", argv[0]);
    _OT_Lucre_Dumper setDumper;
	OpenSSL_BIO bioBank	= BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); // input
	OpenSSL_BIO bioCoin	= BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); // input
	// --- copy theCleartextToken to bioCoin so lucre can load it
	BIO_puts(bioCoin, theCleartextToken.Get());
	// --- The Mint private info is encrypted in m_mapPrivate[lDenomination]. 
	// So I need to extract that first before I can use it.
	OTASCIIArmor theArmor;
	GetPrivate(theArmor, lDenomination);
	OTEnvelope theEnvelope(theArmor);
	OTString strContents; // will contain output from opening the envelope.
	// Decrypt the Envelope into strContents    
	if (theEnvelope.Open(theNotary, strContents))
		// copy strContents to a BIO
		BIO_puts(bioBank, strContents.Get());
		// ---- Now the bank and coin bios are both ready to go... 
		Bank bank(bioBank);
		Coin coin(bioCoin);
		if (bank.Verify(coin))  // Here's the boolean output: coin is verified!
			bReturnValue = true;
			// (Done): When a token is redeemed, need to store it in the spent token database.
			// Right now I can verify the token, but unless I check it against a database, then 
			// even though the signature verifies, it doesn't stop people from redeeming the same
			// token again and again and again.
			// (done): also need to make sure issuer has double-entries for total amount outstanding.
			// UPDATE: These are both done now.  The Spent Token database is implemented in the transaction server,
			// (not OTLib proper) and the same server also now keeps a cash account to match all cash withdrawals.
			// (Meaning, if 10,000 clams total have been withdrawn by various users, then the server actually has
			// a clam account containing 10,000 clams. As the cash comes in for redemption, the server debits it from
			// this account again before sending it to its final destination. This way the server tracks total outstanding
			// amount, as an additional level of security after the blind signature itself.)

	return bReturnValue;
Esempio n. 14
const bool	OTSettings::Set_long(const OTString & strSection, const OTString & strKey, const long	  & lValue,   bool & out_bNewOrUpdate, const OTString & strComment)
	if (! strSection.Exists())		{ OTLog::vError("%s: Error: %s is Empty!\n", __FUNCTION__, "strSection"			); OT_ASSERT(false); }
	if (strSection.Compare(""))		{ OTLog::vError("%s: Error: %s is Blank!\n", __FUNCTION__, "strSection"			); OT_ASSERT(false); }

	if (! strKey.Exists())			{ OTLog::vError("%s: Error: %s is Empty!\n", __FUNCTION__, "strKey"				); OT_ASSERT(false); }
	if (strKey.Compare(""))			{ OTLog::vError("%s: Error: %s is Blank!\n", __FUNCTION__, "strKey"				); OT_ASSERT(false); }

	OTString strValue; strValue.Format("%ld",lValue);

	const char * const szComment = (strComment.Exists() && !strComment.Compare("")) ? strComment.Get() : NULL;
	OTString strOldValue, strNewValue;
	bool bOldKeyExist, bNewKeyExist;

	// Check if Old Key exists.
	if(! Check_str(strSection,strKey,strOldValue,bOldKeyExist)) return false;

	if (bOldKeyExist)
		if (strValue.Compare(strOldValue))
			out_bNewOrUpdate = false;
			return true;

	// Log to Output Setting Change
	if (! LogChange_str(strSection,strKey,strValue)) return false;

	// Set New Value
	SI_Error rc = p_iniSimple -> SetLongValue(strSection.Get(),strKey.Get(),lValue,szComment,false,true);
	if (0 > rc) return false;

	// Check if the new value is the same as intended.
	if (! Check_str(strSection,strKey,strNewValue,bNewKeyExist)) return false;

	if (bNewKeyExist)
		if (strValue.Compare(strNewValue))
			// Success
			out_bNewOrUpdate = true;
			return true;

	// If we get here, error!
	return false;
Esempio n. 15
const bool	OTSettings::LogChange_str (const OTString & strSection,const OTString & strKey,const OTString & strValue)
	if (! strSection.Exists())			{ OTLog::vError("%s: Error: %s is Empty!\n", __FUNCTION__, "strSection"			); OT_ASSERT(false); }
	if (! strKey.Exists())				{ OTLog::vError("%s: Error: %s is Empty!\n", __FUNCTION__, "strKey"				); OT_ASSERT(false); }

	const char * const szValue	 = (strValue.Exists()	&& !strValue.Compare("")  ) ? strValue.Get()   : "NULL";

	OTString strCategory, strOption;
	if (!OTLog::StringFill(strCategory,strSection.Get(),12)) return false;
	if (!OTLog::StringFill(strOption,strKey.Get(),30," to:")) return false;

	OTLog::vOutput(1, "Setting %s %s %s \n",strCategory.Get(),strOption.Get(),szValue);
	return true;
Esempio n. 16
// static
bool OTKeyring::Gnome_StoreSecret(const OTString& strUser,
                                  const OTPassword& thePassword,
                                  const std::string& str_display)
    OT_ASSERT(thePassword.getMemorySize() > 0);

    OTData theData(thePassword.getMemory(), thePassword.getMemorySize());
    OTASCIIArmor ascData(theData);
    theData.zeroMemory(); // security reasons.

    OTString strOutput;
    const bool bSuccess =
        ascData.Exists() &&
        ascData.WriteArmoredString(strOutput, "DERIVED KEY"); // There's no
                                                              // default, to
                                                              // force you to
                                                              // enter the right
                                                              // string.

    GnomeKeyringResult theResult = GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_IO_ERROR;

    if (bSuccess && strOutput.Exists()) {
        theResult = gnome_keyring_store_password_sync(
            str_display.c_str(), strOutput.Get(), "user", strUser.Get(),
            "protocol", "opentxs", // todo: hardcoding.

        bool bResult = false;

        if (theResult == GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK)
            bResult = true;
            otErr << "OTKeyring::Gnome_StoreSecret: "
                  << "Failure in gnome_keyring_store_password_sync: "
                  << gnome_keyring_result_to_message(theResult) << '\n';

        return bResult;

    otOut << "OTKeyring::Gnome_StoreSecret: No secret to store.\n";

    return false;
Esempio n. 17
bool OTAccount::DisplayStatistics(OTString & strContents) const
	const OTString	strAccountID(GetPurportedAccountID()), strServerID(GetPurportedServerID()), 
					strUserID(GetUserID()), strAssetTypeID(m_AcctAssetTypeID);
	OTString strAcctType;
	TranslateAccountTypeToString(m_AcctType, strAcctType);
							" Asset Account (%s) Name: %s\n"
							" Last retrieved Balance: %s  on date: %s\n"
							" accountID: %s\n"
							" userID: %s\n"
							" serverID: %s\n"
							" assetTypeID: %s\n"
	return true;
Esempio n. 18
bool OTAccount::SaveAccount()
	OTString strID;
	m_strFilename.Format("%s%s%s%s%s", OTLog::Path(), OTLog::PathSeparator(),
						 OTLog::PathSeparator(), strID.Get());
	// the const char * version (used here) expects a filename.
	// If I passed in the OTString it would try to save to that string instead of opening the file.
	OTString strTemp(m_strFilename);
	bool bSaved = SaveContract(strTemp.Get());
	if (bSaved)
		OTLog::vOutput(2, "Successfully saved account: %s\nFilename: %s\n", 
					   m_strFilename.Get(), strTemp.Get());
		OTLog::vError("Error saving account: %s\nFilename: %s\n",
					  m_strFilename.Get(), strTemp.Get());

	return bSaved;
Esempio n. 19
// static
bool OTKeyring::IOS_DeleteSecret(const OTString& strUser,
                                 const std::string& str_display)

    CFStringRef service_name = CFSTR("opentxs");
    CFStringRef account_name = CFStringCreateWithCString(nullptr, strUser.Get(),

    const void* keys[] = {kSecClass, kSecAttrService, kSecAttrAccount};
    const void* values[] = {kSecClassGenericPassword, service_name,
    CFDictionaryRef query =
        CFDictionaryCreate(nullptr, keys, values, 3, nullptr, nullptr);

    OSStatus theError = SecItemDelete(query);


    if (theError != noErr) {
        otErr << "OTKeyring::IOS_RetrieveSecret: Error in SecItemDelete.\n";
        return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 20
// static
bool OTKeyring::IOS_RetrieveSecret(const OTString& strUser,
                                   OTPassword& thePassword,
                                   const std::string& str_display)

    CFStringRef service_name = CFSTR("opentxs");
    CFStringRef account_name = CFStringCreateWithCString(nullptr, strUser.Get(),
    CFDataRef vData = nullptr;

    const void* keys[] = {kSecClass, kSecAttrService, kSecAttrAccount,
    const void* values[] = {kSecClassGenericPassword, service_name,
                            account_name, kCFBooleanTrue};
    CFDictionaryRef query =
        CFDictionaryCreate(nullptr, keys, values, 4, nullptr, nullptr);

    OSStatus theError = SecItemCopyMatching(query, (CFTypeRef*)&vData);


    if (theError != noErr) {
            << "OTKeyring::IOS_RetrieveSecret: Error in SecItemCopyMatching.\n";
        return false;

    thePassword.setMemory(CFDataGetBytePtr(vData), CFDataGetLength(vData));

    return true;
Esempio n. 21
// static
bool OTKeyring::IOS_StoreSecret(const OTString& strUser,
                                const OTPassword& thePassword,
                                const std::string& str_display)
    OT_ASSERT(thePassword.getMemorySize() > 0);

    CFStringRef service_name = CFSTR("opentxs");
    CFStringRef account_name = CFStringCreateWithCString(nullptr, strUser.Get(),
    CFDataRef vData = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(
        nullptr, thePassword.getMemory_uint8(), thePassword.getMemorySize(),

    const void* keys[] = {kSecClass, kSecAttrService, kSecAttrAccount,
    const void* values[] = {kSecClassGenericPassword, service_name,
                            account_name, vData};
    CFDictionaryRef item =
        CFDictionaryCreate(nullptr, keys, values, 4, nullptr, nullptr);

    OSStatus theError = SecItemAdd(item, nullptr);


    if (theError != noErr) {
        otErr << "OTKeyring::IOS_StoreSecret: Error in SecItemAdd.\n";
        return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 22
// static
bool OTKeyring::Mac_StoreSecret(const OTString& strUser,
                                const OTPassword& thePassword,
                                const std::string& str_display)
    OT_ASSERT(thePassword.getMemorySize() > 0);

    const std::string service_name = "opentxs";
    const std::string account_name = strUser.Get();

    OTMacKeychain theKeychain;
    void* vData =
        const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(thePassword.getMemory()));

    OSStatus theError = theKeychain.AddSecret(
        nullptr, service_name.size(),, account_name.size(),, thePassword.getMemorySize(),
        vData, // thePassword.getMemory()
    if (theError != noErr) {
            << "OTKeyring::Mac_StoreSecret: Error in theKeychain.AddSecret.\n";
        return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 23
// static
bool OTKeyring::KWallet_DeleteSecret(const OTString& strUser,
                                     const std::string& str_display)

    KWallet::Wallet* pWallet = OTKeyring::OpenKWallet();

    if (nullptr != pWallet) {
        const QString qstrKey(strUser.Get());

        bool bResult = false;

        if (pWallet->removeEntry(qstrKey) == 0) // delete the entry
            bResult = true;
            otErr << "OTKeyring::KWallet_DeleteSecret: Failed trying to erase "
                     "secret from KWallet.\n";

        return bResult;

    otErr << "OTKeyring::KWallet_DeleteSecret: Unable to open kwallet.\n";

    return false;
Esempio n. 24
// ---------------------------------------
bool MTRecord::FormatShortMailDescription(std::string & str_output)
    OTString strDescription;

    if (IsMail())
        if (!HasContents())
            strDescription.Set("(empty message)");
            std::string str_contents = GetContents();

            if (,8,"Subject:") == 0)
                // Make the replacement.
                str_contents.replace(0, 8, "");
            // -----------------------------------
            bool bTruncated = false;

            if (str_contents.size() > 30)
                str_contents.erase(30, std::string::npos);
                bTruncated = true;
            // -----------------------------------
            strDescription.Format("\"%s%s\"", OTString::trim(str_contents).c_str(),
                                  bTruncated ? "..." : "");
    // -----------------------------
    str_output = strDescription.Get();
    // -----------------------------
    return (!str_output.empty());
bool OTAccount::SaveAccount()
	OTString strID;

	return SaveContract(OTFolders::Account().Get(), strID.Get());
Esempio n. 26
// if you pass in a master key ID, it will look it up on an existing cached map of master keys.
// Otherwise it will use "the" global Master Key (the one used for the Nyms.)
OTCachedKey * OTCachedKey::It(OTIdentifier * pIdentifier/*=NULL*/)
    // For now we're only allowing a single global instance, unless you pass in an ID, in which case we keep a map.
    static OTCachedKey s_theSingleton;  // Default is 0 ("you have to type your PW a million times"), but it's overridden in config file.
    if (NULL == pIdentifier)
        return &s_theSingleton; // Notice if you pass NULL (no args) then it ALWAYS returns a good pointer here.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // There is a chance of failure if you pass an ID, since maybe it's not already on the map.
    // But at least by this point we know FOR SURE that pIdentifier is NOT NULL.
    const OTString    strIdentifier (*pIdentifier);
    const std::string str_identifier(strIdentifier.Get());
    mapOfCachedKeys::iterator it_keys = s_mapCachedKeys.find(str_identifier);
    if (s_mapCachedKeys.end() != it_keys) // found it!
        OTCachedKey * pMaster = it_keys->second;
        return pMaster;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // else: We can't instantiate it, since we don't have the corresponding CachedKey, just its
    // Identifier. We're forced simply to return NULL in this case.
    // Therefore you should normally pass in the master key (the same one that you want to cache a copy
    // of) using the below version of It(). That version creates the copy, if it's not already there.
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 27
bool OTAccount::SaveContractWallet(OTString & strContents) const
	const OTString	strAccountID(GetPurportedAccountID()), 
	OTString strAcctType;
	TranslateAccountTypeToString(m_AcctType, strAcctType);
	OTASCIIArmor ascName;
	if (m_strName.Exists()) // name is in the clear in memory, and base64 in storage.
		ascName.SetString(m_strName, false); // linebreaks == false
	strContents.Concatenate("<!-- Last retrieved balance: %s on date: %s -->\n"
							"<!-- Account type: %s --><assetAccount name=\"%s\"\n"
							" accountID=\"%s\"\n" 
							" userID=\"%s\"\n"
							" serverID=\"%s\" />\n"
							"<!-- assetTypeID: %s -->\n\n",
							m_strName.Exists() ? ascName.Get() : "",
	return true;
Esempio n. 28
// static
bool OTKeyring::Mac_RetrieveSecret(const OTString& strUser,
                                   OTPassword& thePassword,
                                   const std::string& str_display)

    const std::string service_name = "opentxs";
    const std::string account_name = strUser.Get();

    uint32_t password_length = 0;
    void* password_data = nullptr;

    OTMacKeychain theKeychain;

    OSStatus theError = theKeychain.FindSecret(
        nullptr, service_name.size(),, account_name.size(),, &password_length, // output.
        &password_data, nullptr);
    if (theError == noErr) {
        thePassword.setMemory(password_data, password_length);
        theKeychain.ItemFreeContent(nullptr, password_data);
        return true;
        otErr << "OTKeyring::Mac_RetrieveSecret: Error in "

    return false;
Esempio n. 29
bool OTASCIIArmor::WriteArmoredString(OTString & strOutput,
                                      const // for "-----BEGIN OT LEDGER-----", str_type would contain "LEDGER"
                                        std::string str_type, // There's no default, to force you to enter the right string.
                                      bool bEscaped/*=false*/)
    const char * szEscape = "- ";
    OTString strTemp;
    strTemp.Format("%s%s %s-----\n"    // "%s-----BEGIN OT ARMORED %s-----\n"
                   "Version: Open Transactions %s\n"
                   "Comment:\n\n" // todo hardcoding.
                   "%s"                // Should already have a newline at the bottom.
                   "%s%s %s-----\n\n", // "%s-----END OT ARMORED %s-----\n"
                   bEscaped ? szEscape : "",
                   str_type.c_str(),   // "%s%s %s-----\n"
                   OTLog::Version(),   // "Version: Open Transactions %s\n"
                   /* No variable */   // "Comment:\n\n", 
                   this->Get(),        //  "%s"     <==== CONTENTS OF THIS OBJECT BEING WRITTEN...
                   bEscaped ? szEscape : "", 
                   str_type.c_str());  // "%s%s %s-----\n"
    // -----------------------
    strOutput.Concatenate("%s", strTemp.Get());    
    // -----------------------
    return true;
Esempio n. 30
const bool OTPaths::PathExists(const OTString & strPath)
	if (!strPath.Exists()) { OTLog::sError("%s: Null: %s passed in!\n", __FUNCTION__, "strPath" ); OT_ASSERT(false); }

	// remove trailing backslash for stat
	std::string l_strPath(strPath.Get());
	l_strPath = (OTString::replace_chars(l_strPath,"\\",'/'));  // all \ to /

	//std::string l_strPath_stat = l_strPath;
	std::string l_strPath_stat("");
	// remove last / if it exists (for l_strPath_stat)
	if ('/' == *l_strPath.rbegin())
		l_strPath_stat = l_strPath.substr(0, l_strPath.size()-1);
	else l_strPath_stat = l_strPath;

	struct stat st; 
    memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
	if (0 == stat(l_strPath_stat.c_str(), &st)) // good we have at-least on a node
		if ('/' != *l_strPath.rbegin())
			long temp_l=0;
			return FileExists(strPath,temp_l);
			return FolderExists(strPath);
	return false;