//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goal* Mission5::CreateGoal03 (void) { GoalList* pGoalList = new GoalList; // tm_5_12 // Attention, Cadet, new contact: an enemy scout. In some // cases, utility craft like miners will run home for // protection, but you can tell them to hide by giving them // orders to go to a base. You left-click the miners, then // left-click the Go To command, and then right-click ÿ the // base. { Goal* pGoal = CreatePlaySoundGoal (tm_5_12Sound); IwarpIGC* pAlephMars = trekClient.GetCore ()->GetWarp (1052); Orientation alephMarsOrientation = pAlephMars->GetOrientation (); // create the enemy scout Vector pos = pAlephMars->GetPosition () + (alephMarsOrientation.GetForward () * random (800.0f, 1200.0f)) + (alephMarsOrientation.GetRight () * random(-100.0f, 200.0f)); CreateDroneAction* pCreateDroneAction = new CreateDroneAction ("Enemy Scout", m_enemyScoutID, 310, 1, c_ptWingman); pCreateDroneAction->SetCreatedLocation (GetStartSectorID () + 1, pos); pGoal->AddStartAction (pCreateDroneAction); // tell the enemy scout of these guys to do nothing pGoal->AddStartAction (new SetCommandAction (m_enemyScoutID, c_cmdAccepted, NULL, c_cidDoNothing)); pGoal->AddStartAction (new SetCommandAction (m_enemyScoutID, c_cmdCurrent, NULL, c_cidDoNothing)); // set its signature to infinity pGoal->AddStartAction (new SetSignatureAction (OT_ship, m_enemyScoutID, 1.0e6f)); pGoalList->AddGoal (pGoal); } // wait half second pGoalList->AddGoal (new Goal (new ElapsedTimeCondition (0.5f))); // tm_5_13 // Most enemy ships can be considered a threat to your miners // unless you have plenty of defending pilots ? which you // don?t. So let's get those miners to shelter ? send all // three of them to the base. pGoalList->AddGoal (CreatePlaySoundGoal (tm_5_13Sound)); // tm_5_13r // Send all three of your miners to base for safety. { Condition* pAndConditionA = new AndCondition (new GetCommandCondition (m_miner2ID, c_cidGoto), new GetCommandCondition (m_miner3ID, c_cidGoto)); Condition* pConditionB = new GetCommandCondition (m_miner4ID, c_cidGoto); Goal* pGoal = new Goal (new AndCondition (pAndConditionA, pConditionB)); pGoal->AddStartAction (new MessageAction ("Order all three miners back to base for safety.")); pGoal->AddConstraintCondition (CreateTooLongCondition (30.0f, tm_5_13rSound)); pGoalList->AddGoal (pGoal); } // wait half second pGoalList->AddGoal (new Goal (new ElapsedTimeCondition (0.5f))); // tm_5_14 // Good! Utility ships like miners and constructors are // drones. They will always accept your orders. pGoalList->AddGoal (CreatePlaySoundGoal (tm_5_14Sound)); // wait half second pGoalList->AddGoal (new Goal (new ElapsedTimeCondition (0.5f))); return new Goal (pGoalList); }
void CprobeIGC::Update(Time now) { if (now >= m_timeExpire) GetMyMission()->GetIgcSite()->KillProbeEvent(this); else { { float dt = m_probeType->GetRipcordDelay(); if (dt >= 0.0f) { Time timeActivate = m_time0 + dt; if ((GetMyLastUpdate() < timeActivate) && (now >= timeActivate)) { GetMyMission()->GetIgcSite()->ActivateTeleportProbe(this); } } } if (m_projectileType) { if (m_nextFire < now) { IclusterIGC* pcluster = GetCluster(); assert (pcluster); //We'll be able to take a shot float lifespan = GetProjectileLifespan(); IsideIGC* pside = GetSide(); const Vector& myPosition = GetPosition(); float speed = m_projectileType->GetSpeed(); if (m_ammo != 0) speed *= GetSide()->GetGlobalAttributeSet().GetAttribute(c_gaSpeedAmmo); float accuracy = GetAccuracy(); float dtimeBurst = GetDtBurst(); float dispersion = m_probeType->GetDispersion(); Time lastUpdate = GetMyLastUpdate(); if (m_nextFire < lastUpdate) m_nextFire = lastUpdate; assert (m_nextFire <= now); TmodelIGC<IprobeIGC>::Update(now); float dtUpdate = m_nextFire - lastUpdate; //If we have a target ... find the closest enemy ship who is a valid target ExpendableAbilityBitMask eabm = m_probeType->GetCapabilities(); float distance2Min = speed * lifespan / 1.2f; distance2Min *= distance2Min; Vector directionMin; ImodelIGC* pmodelTarget = NULL; if (eabm & c_eabmShootOnlyTarget) { if (m_target && (m_target->GetCluster() == pcluster)) { ObjectType type = m_target->GetObjectType(); ValidTarget((type == OT_ship) ? ((IshipIGC*)(ImodelIGC*)m_target)->GetSourceShip() : m_target, pside, myPosition, dtUpdate, accuracy, speed, lifespan, type, &pmodelTarget, &distance2Min, &directionMin); } } else { if (eabm & c_eabmShootShips) { //Threats to stations get highest priority GetTarget((const ModelListIGC*)(pcluster->GetShips()), pside, myPosition, dtUpdate, accuracy, speed, lifespan, OT_ship, &pmodelTarget, &distance2Min, &directionMin); } if (eabm & c_eabmShootMissiles) { GetTarget((const ModelListIGC*)(pcluster->GetMissiles()), pside, myPosition, dtUpdate, accuracy, speed, lifespan, OT_missile, &pmodelTarget, &distance2Min, &directionMin); } if (eabm & c_eabmShootStations) { GetTarget((const ModelListIGC*)(pcluster->GetStations()), pside, myPosition, dtUpdate, accuracy, speed, lifespan, OT_station, &pmodelTarget, &distance2Min, &directionMin); } } if (pmodelTarget) { if (m_launcher && (m_launcher->GetMission() != GetMyMission())) m_launcher = NULL; //It is going to shoot ... make it visible to everyone in the sector if (!m_bSeenByAll) { m_bSeenByAll = true; for (SideLinkIGC* psl = m_pMission->GetSides()->first(); (psl != NULL); psl = psl->next()) { IsideIGC* psideOther = psl->data(); if (!SeenBySide(psideOther)) { //Does this side have any scanners in the sector? ClusterSite* pcs = pcluster->GetClusterSite(); const ScannerListIGC* psl = pcs->GetScanners(psideOther->GetObjectID()); if ((psl->n() != 0) || (m_pMission->GetMissionParams()->bAllowAlliedViz && psideOther->AlliedSides(psideOther,pside))) //ALLY 7/3/09 VISIBILITY 7/11/09 imago SetSideVisibility(psideOther, true); else m_bSeenByAll = false; } } } //We have a target ... fire along directionMin (modulo dispersion) Orientation o = GetOrientation(); o.TurnTo(directionMin); SetOrientation(o); Vector position = myPosition + m_probeType->GetEmissionPt() * o; DataProjectileIGC dataProjectile; dataProjectile.projectileTypeID = m_projectileType->GetObjectID(); short nShots = 0; do { //Permute the "forward" direction slightly by a random amount dataProjectile.forward = directionMin; if (dispersion != 0.0f) { float r = random(0.0f, dispersion); float a = random(0.0f, 2.0f * pi); dataProjectile.forward += (r * cos(a)) * o.GetRight(); dataProjectile.forward += (r * sin(a)) * o.GetUp(); dataProjectile.forward.SetNormalize(); } //We never move, so skip all the velocity calculations dataProjectile.velocity = speed * dataProjectile.forward; dataProjectile.lifespan = lifespan; IprojectileIGC* p = (IprojectileIGC*)(m_pMission->CreateObject(m_nextFire, OT_projectile, &dataProjectile, sizeof(dataProjectile))); assert (p); { p->SetLauncher(m_launcher ? ((ImodelIGC*)m_launcher) : ((ImodelIGC*)this)); p->SetPosition(position); p->SetCluster(pcluster); p->Release(); } nShots++; m_nextFire += dtimeBurst; } while (m_nextFire < now); if (m_ammo > 0) { m_ammo -= nShots; if (m_ammo <= 0) { m_ammo = 0; GetMyMission()->GetIgcSite()->KillProbeEvent(this); } } } else { //No shots this cycle m_nextFire = now; } } } TmodelIGC<IprobeIGC>::Update(now); } }
void CFSShip::HitWarp(IwarpIGC * pwarp) { //Ignore jumps that happen too closely together if (m_warpState == warpReady) { // Andon - Added check for aleph mass limits if (m_pShip->GetMass() <= pwarp->MassLimit() || !IsPlayer() && pwarp->MassLimit() > 0 || pwarp->MassLimit() < 0) { if (IsPlayer()) { m_warpState = warpNoUpdate; } IwarpIGC * pwarpDest = pwarp->GetDestination(); assert (pwarpDest); IclusterIGC * pclusterDest = pwarpDest->GetCluster(); ShipStatusWarped(pwarp); Orientation alephOrientation = pwarpDest->GetOrientation(); const Vector& v = m_pShip->GetVelocity(); float speed2 = v.LengthSquared(); float speed = float(sqrt(speed2)); if (speed2 > 0) { float error; { //How close is the ship coming to the center of the warp? Vector dp = pwarp->GetPosition() - m_pShip->GetPosition(); float t = (dp * v) / speed2; float d = (dp - t * v).LengthSquared(); float r = pwarp->GetRadius(); error = (d / (r*r)) + 0.125f; //Error ranges from 0.125 to 1.125 // yp: to prevent 'spin of death' in massive ships. // This works and is explained in that the more massive the ship the less effect going through the aleph should have // on its rotational velocity. The massive amount of inertia should decrease changes in rotational velocity. if(m_pShip->GetMass() > 300.0f) { error = error * (300.0f / m_pShip->GetMass()); // the greater the mass is above 750 the less error will be applied. } // yp end } alephOrientation.Pitch(random(-error, error)); alephOrientation.Yaw(random(-error, error)); m_pShip->SetCurrentTurnRate(c_axisRoll, m_pShip->GetCurrentTurnRate(c_axisRoll) + random(pi * 0.5f * error, pi * 1.5f * error)); //Must be less than 2.0 * pi } m_pShip->SetOrientation(alephOrientation); const Vector& backward = alephOrientation.GetBackward(); speed = -(speed + pwarp->GetMission()->GetFloatConstant(c_fcidExitWarpSpeed)); m_pShip->SetVelocity(backward * speed); m_pShip->SetPosition(pwarpDest->GetPosition() + (alephOrientation.GetUp() * random(2.0f, 5.0f)) + (alephOrientation.GetRight() * random(2.0f, 5.0f)) - (m_pShip->GetRadius() + 5.0f) * backward); GetIGCShip()->SetCluster(pclusterDest); } } }