Esempio n. 1
// New Class implementation
void cDragItems::grabItem( cUOSocket *socket, cUORxDragItem *packet )
	// Get our character
	P_PLAYER pChar = socket->player();
	if( !pChar )

	UINT32 weight = pChar->weight();

	// Fetch the grab information
	UI16 amount = packet->amount();
	if( !amount )
		amount = 1;

	P_ITEM pItem = FindItemBySerial( packet->serial() );

	// If it's an invalid pointer we can't even bounce
	if( !pItem )

	// Are we already dragging an item ?
	// Bounce it and reject the move
	// (Logged out while dragging an item)
	if( socket->dragging() )
		socket->bounceItem( socket->dragging(), BR_ALREADY_DRAGGING );

	if( pItem->onPickup( pChar ) )

	if( pChar->onPickup( pItem ) )

	// Do we really want to let him break his meditation
	// When he picks up an item ?
	// Maybe a meditation check here ?!?
	pChar->disturbMed(); // Meditation

	P_CHAR itemOwner = pItem->getOutmostChar();

	// Try to pick something out of another characters posessions
	if( !pChar->isGM() && itemOwner && ( itemOwner != pChar ) && ( itemOwner->objectType() == enNPC && dynamic_cast<P_NPC>(itemOwner)->owner() != pChar ) )
		socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_BELONGS_TO_SOMEONE_ELSE );

	// Check if the user can grab the item
	if( !pChar->canPickUp( pItem ) )
		socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_CANNOT_PICK_THAT_UP );

	// The user can't see the item
	// Basically thats impossible as the socket should deny moving the item
	// if it's not in line of sight but to prevent exploits
	/*if( !line_of_sight( socket->socket(), pChar->pos, pItem->pos, TREES_BUSHES|WALLS_CHIMNEYS|DOORS|ROOFING_SLANTED|FLOORS_FLAT_ROOFING|LAVA_WATER ) )
		socket->sysMessage( "You can't see the item." );
		bounceItem( socket, pItem, true );

	P_ITEM outmostCont = pItem->getOutmostItem();

	// If it's a trade-window, reset the ack-status
	if( outmostCont && ( outmostCont->container() == pChar ) && ( outmostCont->layer() == 0 ) && ( outmostCont->id() == 0x1E5E ) )
		// Get the other sides tradewindow
		P_ITEM tradeWindow = FindItemBySerial( calcserial( outmostCont->moreb1(), outmostCont->moreb2(), outmostCont->moreb3(), outmostCont->moreb4() ) );

		// If one of the trade-windows has the ack-status reset it
		if( tradeWindow && ( tradeWindow->morez() || outmostCont->morez() ) )
//			sendtradestatus( tradeWindow, outmostCont );

	// If the top-most container ( thats important ) is a corpse 
	// and looting is a crime, flag the character criminal.
	if( !pChar->isGM() && outmostCont && outmostCont->corpse() )
		// For each item we take out we loose carma
		// if the corpse is innocent and not in our guild
		bool sameGuild = ( GuildCompare( pChar, outmostCont->owner() ) != 0 );

		if( ( outmostCont->more2() == 1 ) && !pChar->Owns( outmostCont ) && !sameGuild )
//			pChar->karma -= 5;
			pChar->setKarma( pChar->karma() - 5 );
			pChar->setCriminalTime( uiCurrentTime + SrvParams->crimtime() * MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
			socket->sysMessage( tr("You lost some karma.") );

	// Check if the item is too heavy
	//if( !pc_currchar->isGMorCounselor() )
	//} << Deactivated (DarkStorm)

	// ==== Grabbing the Item is allowed here ====
	// Remove eventual item-bonusses if we're unequipping something
	if( pItem->container() && pItem->container()->isChar() ) 
		P_CHAR wearer = dynamic_cast<P_CHAR>( pItem->container() );

		if( wearer )
			wearer->removeItemBonus( pItem );

		// resend the stat window
		if( wearer && wearer->objectType() == enPlayer )
			P_PLAYER pp = dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>(wearer);
			if( pp->socket() )

	// Send the user a pickup sound if we're picking it up
	// From a container/paperdoll
	if( !pItem->isInWorld() )
		socket->soundEffect( 0x57, pItem );
	// If we're picking up a specific amount of what we got
	// Take that into account
	if( amount < pItem->amount() )
		UI32 pickedAmount = QMIN( amount, pItem->amount() );

		// We only have to split if we're not taking it all
		if( pickedAmount != pItem->amount() )
			P_ITEM splitItem = new cItem( *pItem ); // Create a new item to pick that up
			splitItem->setSerial( World::instance()->findItemSerial() );
			splitItem->setAmount( pItem->amount() - pickedAmount );
			P_ITEM pContainer = dynamic_cast<P_ITEM>(pItem->container());
			if ( pContainer )
				pContainer->addItem( splitItem, false );
			splitItem->SetOwnSerial( pItem->ownSerial() );
			splitItem->SetSpawnSerial( pItem->spawnserial );

			// He needs to see the new item

			// If we're taking something out of a spawn-region it's spawning "flag" is removed isn't it?
			pItem->SetSpawnSerial( INVALID_SERIAL );
			pItem->setAmount( pickedAmount );
	// *normally* we should exclude the dragging socket here. but it works so as well.
	pItem->removeFromView( true );

	// Remove it from the World if it is in world, otherwise remove it from it's current container
	if( pItem->isInWorld() )
		MapObjects::instance()->remove( pItem );
		pItem->removeFromCont( true );

	// The item was in a multi
	if( pItem->multis() != INVALID_SERIAL )
		cMulti* pMulti = dynamic_cast< cMulti* >( FindItemBySerial( pItem->multis() ) );
		if( pMulti )
			pMulti->removeItem( pItem );
	pChar->addItem( cBaseChar::Dragging, pItem );

	if( weight != pChar->weight() )
Esempio n. 2
// New Class implementation
void DragAndDrop::grabItem( cUOSocket* socket, cUORxDragItem* packet )
	// Get our character
	P_PLAYER pChar = socket->player();
	if ( !pChar )

	float weight = pChar->weight();

	// Fetch the grab information
	UI16 amount = packet->amount();
	if ( !amount )
		amount = 1;

	P_ITEM pItem = FindItemBySerial( packet->serial() );

	// If it's an invalid pointer we can't even bounce
	if ( !pItem )

	// Are we already dragging an item ?
	// Bounce it and reject the move
	// (Logged out while dragging an item)
	if ( socket->dragging() )
		socket->bounceItem( socket->dragging(), BR_ALREADY_DRAGGING );

	// Check if the item can be reached
	if (pItem->getOutmostChar() != pChar && !pChar->lineOfSight(pItem)) {
		socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_OUT_OF_REACH );

	if ( pItem->onPickup( pChar ) )

	if ( pChar->onPickup( pItem ) )

	// Do we really want to let him break his meditation
	// When he picks up an item ?
	// Maybe a meditation check here ?!?
	pChar->disturbMed(); // Meditation

	P_CHAR itemOwner = pItem->getOutmostChar();

	// Try to pick something out of another characters posessions
	if ( !pChar->isGM() && itemOwner && ( itemOwner != pChar ) && ( itemOwner->objectType() == enNPC && dynamic_cast<P_NPC>( itemOwner )->owner() != pChar ) )
		socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_BELONGS_TO_SOMEONE_ELSE );

	// Check if the user can grab the item
	if ( !pChar->canPickUp( pItem ) )
		socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_CANNOT_PICK_THAT_UP );

	// The user can't see the item
	// Basically thats impossible as the socket should deny moving the item
	// if it's not in line of sight but to prevent exploits
	/*if( !line_of_sight( socket->socket(), pChar->pos, pItem->pos, TREES_BUSHES|WALLS_CHIMNEYS|DOORS|ROOFING_SLANTED|FLOORS_FLAT_ROOFING|LAVA_WATER ) )
		socket->sysMessage( "You can't see the item." );
		bounceItem( socket, pItem, true );

	P_ITEM outmostCont = pItem->getOutmostItem();

	// If the top-most container ( thats important ) is a corpse
	// and looting is a crime, flag the character criminal.
	if ( !pChar->isGM() && outmostCont && outmostCont->corpse() )
		// For each item we take out we loose carma
		// if the corpse is innocent and not in our guild
		bool sameGuild = true;//( GuildCompare( pChar, outmostCont->owner() ) != 0 );

		if ( outmostCont->hasTag( "notoriety" ) && outmostCont->getTag( "notoriety" ).toInt() == 1 && !pChar->owns( outmostCont ) && !sameGuild )
			//			pChar->karma -= 5;
			pChar->setKarma( pChar->karma() - 5 );
			pChar->setCriminalTime( Server::instance()->time() + Config::instance()->crimtime() * MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
			socket->sysMessage( tr( "You lost some karma." ) );

	// Check if the item is too heavy
	//if( !pc_currchar->isGMorCounselor() )
	//} << Deactivated (DarkStorm)

	// ==== Grabbing the Item is allowed here ====

	// Send the user a pickup sound if we're picking it up
	// From a container/paperdoll
	if ( !pItem->isInWorld() )
		socket->soundEffect( 0x57, pItem );

	// If we're picking up a specific amount of what we got
	// Take that into account
	if ( amount < pItem->amount() )
		UI32 pickedAmount = QMIN( amount, pItem->amount() );

		// We only have to split if we're not taking it all
		if ( pickedAmount != pItem->amount() )
			P_ITEM splitItem = pItem->dupe(); // Create a new item to pick that up
			splitItem->setAmount( pItem->amount() - pickedAmount );

			// Add tags to the splitted item
			QStringList keys = pItem->getTags();
			QStringList::const_iterator it = keys.begin();
			for ( ; it != keys.end(); ++it )
				splitItem->setTag( *it, pItem->getTag( *it ) );

			P_ITEM pContainer = dynamic_cast<P_ITEM>( pItem->container() );
			if ( pContainer )
				pContainer->addItem( splitItem, false );
			splitItem->SetOwnSerial( pItem->ownSerial() );

			splitItem->setSpawnregion( pItem->spawnregion() );

			// He needs to see the new item

			// If we're taking something out of a spawn-region it's spawning "flag" is removed isn't it?
			pItem->setAmount( pickedAmount );

	// *normally* we should exclude the dragging socket here. but it works so as well.
	pItem->removeFromView( true );

	// Remove from spawnregion
	pItem->setSpawnregion( 0 );

	// Remove it from the World if it is in world, otherwise remove it from it's current container
	if ( pItem->isInWorld() )
		MapObjects::instance()->remove( pItem );
		pItem->removeFromCont( true );

	// Remove eventual item-bonusses if we're unequipping something
	if ( pItem->container() && pItem->container()->isChar() )
		P_CHAR wearer = dynamic_cast<P_CHAR>( pItem->container() );

		// resend the stat window
		if ( wearer && wearer->objectType() == enPlayer )
			P_PLAYER pp = dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>( wearer );
			if ( pp->socket() )

	pChar->addItem( cBaseChar::Dragging, pItem );

	if ( weight != pChar->weight() )
Esempio n. 3
// New Class implementation
void cDragItems::grabItem( P_CLIENT client )
	// Get our character
	P_CHAR pChar = client->player();
	if( pChar == NULL )

	// Fetch the grab information
	SERIAL iSerial = LongFromCharPtr( &buffer[ client->socket() ][ 1 ] );
	UI16 amount = ShortFromCharPtr( &buffer[ client->socket() ][ 5 ] );

	P_ITEM pItem = FindItemBySerial( iSerial );

	if( !pItem )

	// Are we already dragging an item ?
	// Bounce it and reject the move
	// (Logged out while dragging an item)
	if( client->dragging() )
		bounceItem( client, client->dragging() );
		bounceItem( client, pItem, true );

	// Do we really want to let him break his meditation
	// When he picks up an item ?
	// Maybe a meditation check here ?!?
	pChar->disturbMed( client->socket() ); // Meditation

	P_CHAR itemOwner = GetPackOwner( pItem, 64 );

	// Try to pick something out of another characters posessions
	if( itemOwner && ( itemOwner != pChar ) && ( !pChar->Owns( itemOwner ) ) )
		client->sysMessage( QString( "You have to steal the %1 out of %2's posessions." ).arg( pItem->getName() ).arg( itemOwner->name.c_str() ) );
		bounceItem( client, pItem, true );

	// Check if the user can grab the item
	if( !pChar->canPickUp( pItem ) )
		client->sysMessage( "You cannot pick that up." );
		bounceItem( client, pItem, true );

	// The user can't see the item
	// Basically thats impossible as the client should deny moving the item
	// if it's not in line of sight but to prevent exploits
	if( !line_of_sight( client->socket(), pChar->pos, pItem->pos, TREES_BUSHES|WALLS_CHIMNEYS|DOORS|ROOFING_SLANTED|FLOORS_FLAT_ROOFING|LAVA_WATER ) )
		client->sysMessage( "You can't see the item." );
		bounceItem( client, pItem, true );

	P_ITEM outmostCont = GetOutmostCont( pItem, 64 );  

	// If it's a trade-window, reset the ack-status
	if( outmostCont && ( outmostCont->contserial == pChar->serial ) && ( outmostCont->layer() == 0 ) && ( outmostCont->id() == 0x1E5E ) )
		// Get the other sides tradewindow
		P_ITEM tradeWindow = FindItemBySerial( calcserial( outmostCont->moreb1(), outmostCont->moreb2(), outmostCont->moreb3(), outmostCont->moreb4() ) );

		// If one of the trade-windows has the ack-status reset it
		if( tradeWindow && ( tradeWindow->morez || outmostCont->morez ) )
			tradeWindow->morez = 0;
			outmostCont->morez = 0;
			sendtradestatus( tradeWindow, outmostCont );

	// If the top-most container ( thats important ) is a corpse 
	// and looting is a crime, flag the character criminal.
	if( outmostCont && outmostCont->corpse() )
		// For each item we take out we loose carma
		// if the corpse is innocent and not in our guild
		bool sameGuild = ( GuildCompare( pChar, FindCharBySerial( outmostCont->ownserial ) ) != 0 );

		if( ( outmostCont->more2 == 1 ) && !pChar->Owns( outmostCont ) && !sameGuild )
			pChar->karma -= 5;
			criminal( pChar );
			client->sysMessage( "You lost some karma." );

	// Check if the item is too heavy
	//if( !pc_currchar->isGMorCounselor() )
	//} << Deactivated (DarkStorm)

	// ==== Grabbing the Item is allowed here ====
	// Remove eventual item-bonusses if we're unequipping something
	if( pItem->layer() > 0 ) 
		P_CHAR wearer = FindCharBySerial( pItem->contserial );

		if( wearer )
			wearer->removeItemBonus( pItem );

	// Send the user a pickup sound if we're picking it up
	// From a container/paperdoll
	if( !pItem->isInWorld() )
		soundeffect( client->socket(), 0x00, 0x57 );
	// If we're picking up a specific amount of what we got
	// Take that into account
	if( pItem->amount() > 1 )
		UI32 pickedAmount = min( amount, pItem->amount() );

		// We only have to split if we're not taking it all
		if( pickedAmount != pItem->amount() )
			P_ITEM splitItem = new cItem( *pItem ); // Create a new item to pick that up
			splitItem->SetSerial( cItemsManager::getInstance()->getUnusedSerial() );
			splitItem->setAmount( pItem->amount() - pickedAmount );
			splitItem->setContSerial( pItem->contserial );
			splitItem->SetOwnSerial( pItem->ownserial );
			splitItem->SetSpawnSerial( pItem->spawnserial );

			// He needs to see the new item
			RefreshItem( splitItem ); 

			// If we're taking something out of a spawn-region it's spawning "flag" is removed isn't it?
			pItem->SetSpawnSerial( INVALID_SERIAL );
			pItem->setAmount( pickedAmount );
	pItem->setContSerial( pChar->serial );
	pItem->SetMultiSerial( INVALID_SERIAL ); 
	pItem->setLayer( 0x1E );
	// It's in the equipment of another character
	if( itemOwner && ( itemOwner != pChar ) )
		itemOwner->weight -= pItem->getWeight();
		statwindow( calcSocketFromChar( itemOwner ), itemOwner );

	// If the item is in the bank or any sell-container it's NOT counted as char-weight
	bool inBank = ( outmostCont && 	( outmostCont->contserial == pChar->serial ) && ( outmostCont->layer() >= 0x1A ) );

	// Add the weight if:
	//  - Picked from ground
	//  - Picked out of another character
	//  - Picked out of our bank or any other non-visible container
	if( ( itemOwner != pChar ) || !inBank )
		pChar->weight += pItem->getWeight();	
		statwindow( client->socket(), pChar );
void dbl_click_item(cUOSocket* socket, SERIAL target_serial) throw()
	SERIAL serial = target_serial;
	P_PLAYER pc_currchar = socket->player();

	if( !pc_currchar->isGM() && /*pc_currchar->objectDelay() > 10 && ???*/ pc_currchar->objectDelay() >= uiCurrentTime )
		socket->sysMessage(tr("You must wait to perform another action."));
		pc_currchar->setObjectDelay( SrvParams->objectDelay() * MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC + uiCurrentTime );

	P_ITEM pi = FindItemBySerial( serial );

	if( !pi )

	if( pi->container() && pi->container()->isItem() && pi->type() != 1 && !pi->isInWorld())
	{ // Cant use stuff that isn't in your pack.
		P_CHAR pc_p = pi->getOutmostChar();
		if( pc_p && pc_currchar != pc_p )
	else if( pi->container() && pi->container()->isChar() && pi->type() != 1 && !pi->isInWorld() )
	{	// in a character.
		P_CHAR pc_p = dynamic_cast<P_CHAR>(pi->container());
		if (pc_p != NULL)
			if( pc_p != pc_currchar && pi->layer() != 15 && pi->type() != 1 )

	// Criminal for looting an innocent corpse & unhidden if not owner...
	if( pi->corpse() )
		if (!pc_currchar->Owns(pi) && !pc_currchar->isGM()) {

		// TODO: Add a XML option for this
		if(!pc_currchar->Owns(pi) && !pc_currchar->isGM() && pc_currchar->isInnocent())
			// Innocent Corpse and not in the same party && party allowance for looting?
			if (pi->hasTag("notoriety") && pi->getTag("notoriety").toInt() == 0x01) {
				P_PLAYER owner = dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>(pi->owner());
				bool allowed = false;

				if (owner && owner->party() && owner->party() == pc_currchar->party()) {
					// Check if the player allowed looting his corpse by party members
					if (owner->party()->lootingAllowed().contains(owner)) {
						allowed = true;

				if (!allowed) {

	// Secure containers
	if( pi->isLockedDown() && pi->secured() )
		if( !pc_currchar->Owns( pi ) && !pc_currchar->isGM() )
			socket->sysMessage( tr( "That is a secured chest!" ) );

	// Dead ppl can only use ankhs
	if( pc_currchar->isDead() && pi->type() != 16 )
		socket->sysMessage( tr( "Your ghostly hand passes trough the object." ) );

	// You can only use equipment on your own char
	if( !pc_currchar->isGM() && pi->container() && pi->container()->isChar() && pi->container() != pc_currchar )
		if( pi->layer() != 15 || !SrvParams->stealingEnabled() )
			socket->sysMessage( tr( "You cannot use items equipped by other players." ) );

	// Call both events here
	if( pc_currchar->onUse( pi ) )

	if( pi->onUse( pc_currchar ) )

	// Check item behaviour by it's tpye
	switch (pi->type())
	case 1: // normal containers
			pc_currchar->setObjectDelay( 0 );	// no delay for opening containers

			if( pc_currchar->isGM() )
				socket->sendContainer( pi );

			if( pi->layer() > 0x18 )
				socket->sysMessage( tr( "You can't see this." ) );

			if( isInLockedItem( pi ) )
				socket->sysMessage( tr( "You have to unlock it before taking a look." ) );

			if( !pi->container() )
				if( !pi->inRange( pc_currchar, 2 ) )
					socket->clilocMessage( 0x7A258, "", 0x3b2 ); // You cannot reach that
				} else if(!pc_currchar->lineOfSight(pi, true)) {
					socket->clilocMessage( 0x7A258, "", 0x3b2 ); // You cannot reach that

				socket->sendContainer( pi );
			else if( pi->container()->isItem() )
				P_ITEM pOCont = pi->getOutmostItem();

				// Check if we can reach the top-container
				if( !pOCont->container() )
					if( !pOCont->inRange( pc_currchar, 2 ) )
						socket->clilocMessage( 0x7A258, "", 0x3b2 ); // You cannot reach that

					socket->sendContainer( pi );
					P_CHAR pChar = dynamic_cast< P_CHAR >( pOCont->container() );
					if( pChar && pChar != pc_currchar )
						if( !pChar->inRange( pc_currchar, 2 ) )
							socket->sysMessage( tr( "You must stand nearer to snoop!" ) );
							Skills->Snooping( pc_currchar, pi );
					else if( pChar == pc_currchar )
						socket->sendContainer( pi );

			else if( pi->container()->isChar() )
				// Equipped on another character
				P_CHAR pChar = dynamic_cast< P_CHAR >( pi->container() );

				if( pChar && pChar != pc_currchar )
					if( !pChar->inRange( pc_currchar, 2 ) )
						socket->sysMessage( tr( "You must stand nearer to snoop!" ) );
						Skills->Snooping( pc_currchar, pi );
				else if( pChar == pc_currchar )
					socket->sendContainer( pi );


			socket->sysMessage( tr( "You can't open this container." ) );

	case 16:
		// Check for 'resurrect item type' this is the ONLY type one can use if dead.
		if( pc_currchar->isDead() )
			socket->sysMessage( tr( "You have been resurrected." ) );
			socket->sysMessage( tr( "You are already living!" ) );

	// Drinks
	case 105:
		pc_currchar->soundEffect( 0x30 + RandomNum( 0, 1 ) );
		pi->reduceAmount( 1 ); // Remove a drink
		pc_currchar->message( "Gulp!" );

	// 1001: Sword Weapons (Swordsmanship)
	case 1001:
	// 1002: Axe Weapons (Swordsmanship + Lumberjacking)
	case 1002:
	// 1005: Fencing
	case 1005:
	// 1003: Macefighting (Staffs)
	case 1003:
	// 1004: Macefighting (Maces/WarHammer)
	case 1004:
	// 1006: Bows
	case 1006:
	// 1007: Crossbows
	case 1007:
	// 1008: Shields
	case 1008:


	socket->sysMessage( tr( "You can't think of a way to use that item." ) );