void InstanceMgr::ResetSavedInstances(PlayerPointer plr) { WorldPacket data(SMSG_INSTANCE_RESET, 4); Instance * in; InstanceMap::iterator itr; InstanceMap * instancemap; uint32 i; if(!plr->IsInWorld() || plr->GetMapMgr()->GetMapInfo()->type != INSTANCE_NULL) return; m_mapLock.Acquire(); for(i = 0; i < NUM_MAPS; ++i) { if(m_instances[i] != NULL) { instancemap = m_instances[i]; for(itr = instancemap->begin(); itr != instancemap->end();) { in = itr->second; ++itr; if ( in->m_mapInfo->type == INSTANCE_NONRAID && ( plr->GetLowGUID() == in->m_creatorGuid || ( plr->GetGroup() && plr->GetGroup()->GetID() == in->m_creatorGroup ))) { if(in->m_mapMgr && in->m_mapMgr->HasPlayers()) { plr->GetSession()->SystemMessage("Can't reset instance %u (%s) when there are still players inside!", in->m_instanceId, in->m_mapMgr->GetMapInfo()->name); continue; } // <mapid> has been reset. data << uint32(in->m_mapId); plr->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); // reset groupinstanceid if(plr->GetGroup()) plr->GetGroup()->SetGroupInstanceID(0); // destroy the instance _DeleteInstance(in, true); } } } } m_mapLock.Release(); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///This function handles CMSG_GROUP_ACCEPT: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WorldSession::HandleGroupAcceptOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { if(!_player->IsInWorld()) return; PlayerPointer player = objmgr.GetPlayer(_player->GetInviter()); if ( !player ) return; player->SetInviter(0); _player->SetInviter(0); Group *grp = player->GetGroup(); if(grp) { grp->AddMember(_player->m_playerInfo); if(grp->GetLeader()->m_loggedInPlayer) _player->iInstanceType = grp->GetLeader()->m_loggedInPlayer->iInstanceType; _player->GetSession()->OutPacket(MSG_SET_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY, 4, &_player->iInstanceType); return; } // If we're this far, it means we have no existing group, and have to make one. grp = new Group(true); grp->AddMember(player->m_playerInfo); // add the inviter first, therefore he is the leader grp->AddMember(_player->m_playerInfo); // add us. _player->iInstanceType = player->iInstanceType; _player->GetSession()->OutPacket(MSG_SET_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY, 4, &player->iInstanceType); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///This function handles CMSG_GROUP_SET_LEADER: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WorldSession::HandleGroupSetLeaderOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { if(!_player->IsInWorld()) return; // important note _player->GetName() can be wrong. CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data, 1); WorldPacket data; uint64 MemberGuid; PlayerPointer player; recv_data >> MemberGuid; player = objmgr.GetPlayer((uint32)MemberGuid); if ( player == NULL ) { //SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, membername, ERR_PARTY_CANNOT_FIND); SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, _player->GetName(), ERR_PARTY_CANNOT_FIND); return; } if(!_player->IsGroupLeader()) { SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, "", ERR_PARTY_YOU_ARE_NOT_LEADER); return; } if(player->GetGroup() != _player->GetGroup()) { //SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, membername, ERR_PARTY_IS_NOT_IN_YOUR_PARTY); SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, _player->GetName(), ERR_PARTY_IS_NOT_IN_YOUR_PARTY); return; } Group *pGroup = _player->GetGroup(); if(pGroup) pGroup->SetLeader(player,false); }
void HonorHandler::OnPlayerKilledUnit( PlayerPointer pPlayer, UnitPointer pVictim ) { if( pVictim == NULL || pPlayer == NULL || !pVictim->IsPlayer() || !pPlayer->IsPlayer() ) return; if( TO_PLAYER( pVictim )->m_honorless ) return; if( pVictim->IsPlayer() ) { if( pPlayer->m_bg ) { if( TO_PLAYER( pVictim )->m_bgTeam == pPlayer->m_bgTeam ) return; // patch 2.4, players killed >50 times in battlegrounds won't be worth honor for the rest of that bg if( TO_PLAYER(pVictim)->m_bgScore.Deaths >= 50 ) return; } else { if( pPlayer->GetTeam() == TO_PLAYER( pVictim )->GetTeam() ) return; } } // Calculate points int32 Points = CalculateHonorPointsForKill(pPlayer, pVictim); if( Points > 0 ) { if( pPlayer->m_bg ) { // hackfix for battlegrounds (since the gorups there are disabled, we need to do this manually) vector<PlayerPointer > toadd; uint32 t = pPlayer->m_bgTeam; toadd.reserve(15); // shouldnt have more than this pPlayer->m_bg->Lock(); set<PlayerPointer > * s = &pPlayer->m_bg->m_players[t]; for(set<PlayerPointer >::iterator itr = s->begin(); itr != s->end(); ++itr) { if((*itr) == pPlayer || (*itr)->isInRange(pPlayer,40.0f)) toadd.push_back(*itr); } if( toadd.size() > 0 ) { uint32 pts = Points / (uint32)toadd.size(); for(vector<PlayerPointer >::iterator vtr = toadd.begin(); vtr != toadd.end(); ++vtr) { AddHonorPointsToPlayer(*vtr, pts); (*vtr)->GetAchievementInterface()->HandleAchievementCriteriaHonorableKill(); (*vtr)->GetAchievementInterface()->HandleAchievementCriteriaHonorableKillClass( pVictim->getClass() ); (*vtr)->GetAchievementInterface()->HandleAchievementCriteriaHonorableKillRace( pVictim->getRace() ); (*vtr)->m_killsToday++; (*vtr)->m_killsLifetime++; pPlayer->m_bg->HookOnHK(*vtr); if(pVictim) { // Send PVP credit WorldPacket data(SMSG_PVP_CREDIT, 12); uint32 pvppoints = pts * 10; data << pvppoints << pVictim->GetGUID() << uint32(TO_PLAYER(pVictim)->GetPVPRank()); (*vtr)->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } } pPlayer->m_bg->Unlock(); } else if(pPlayer->GetGroup()) { Group *pGroup = pPlayer->GetGroup(); PlayerPointer gPlayer = NULLPLR; int32 GroupPoints; pGroup->Lock(); GroupPoints = (Points / (pGroup->MemberCount() ? pGroup->MemberCount() : 1)); GroupMembersSet::iterator gitr; for(uint32 k = 0; k < pGroup->GetSubGroupCount(); k++) { for(gitr = pGroup->GetSubGroup(k)->GetGroupMembersBegin(); gitr != pGroup->GetSubGroup(k)->GetGroupMembersEnd(); ++gitr) { gPlayer = (*gitr)->m_loggedInPlayer; if(gPlayer && (gPlayer == pPlayer || gPlayer->isInRange(pPlayer,100.0f))) // visible range { gPlayer->GetAchievementInterface()->HandleAchievementCriteriaHonorableKill(); gPlayer->GetAchievementInterface()->HandleAchievementCriteriaHonorableKillClass( pVictim->getClass() ); gPlayer->GetAchievementInterface()->HandleAchievementCriteriaHonorableKillRace( pVictim->getRace() ); gPlayer->m_killsToday++; gPlayer->m_killsLifetime++; if(gPlayer->m_bg) gPlayer->m_bg->HookOnHK(gPlayer); sHookInterface.OnHonorableKill(gPlayer, TO_PLAYER(pVictim)); AddHonorPointsToPlayer(gPlayer, GroupPoints); if(pVictim) { // Send PVP credit WorldPacket data(SMSG_PVP_CREDIT, 12); uint32 pvppoints = GroupPoints * 10; data << pvppoints << pVictim->GetGUID() << uint32(TO_PLAYER(pVictim)->GetPVPRank()); gPlayer->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } //patch by emsy // If we are in Halaa if(pPlayer->GetZoneId() == 3518) { // Add Halaa Battle Token SpellEntry * pvp_token_spell = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(gPlayer->GetTeam()? 33004 : 33005); gPlayer->CastSpell(gPlayer, pvp_token_spell, true); } // If we are in Hellfire Peninsula if(pPlayer->GetZoneId() == 3483) { // Add Mark of Thrallmar/Honor Hold SpellEntry * pvp_token_spell = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(gPlayer->GetTeam()? 32158 : 32155); gPlayer->CastSpell(gPlayer, pvp_token_spell, true); } } } } pGroup->Unlock(); } else { pPlayer->GetAchievementInterface()->HandleAchievementCriteriaHonorableKill(); pPlayer->GetAchievementInterface()->HandleAchievementCriteriaHonorableKillClass( pVictim->getClass() ); pPlayer->GetAchievementInterface()->HandleAchievementCriteriaHonorableKillRace( pVictim->getRace() ); pPlayer->m_killsToday++; pPlayer->m_killsLifetime++; AddHonorPointsToPlayer(pPlayer, Points); if(pPlayer->m_bg) pPlayer->m_bg->HookOnHK(pPlayer); sHookInterface.OnHonorableKill(pPlayer, TO_PLAYER(pVictim)); if(pVictim) { // Send PVP credit WorldPacket data(SMSG_PVP_CREDIT, 12); uint32 pvppoints = Points * 10; data << pvppoints << pVictim->GetGUID() << uint32(TO_PLAYER(pVictim)->GetPVPRank()); pPlayer->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } //patch by emsy // If we are in Halaa if(pPlayer->GetZoneId() == 3518) { // Add Halaa Battle Token SpellEntry * halaa_spell = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(pPlayer->GetTeam()? 33004 : 33005); pPlayer->CastSpell(pPlayer, halaa_spell, true); } } } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This function handles CMSG_GROUP_INVITE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WorldSession::HandleGroupInviteOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { if(!_player->IsInWorld()) return; CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data, 1); WorldPacket data(100); std::string membername; PlayerPointer player = NULLPLR; Group *group = NULL; recv_data >> membername; if(_player->HasBeenInvited())return; player = objmgr.GetPlayer(membername.c_str(), false); if ( player == NULL) { SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, membername, ERR_PARTY_CANNOT_FIND); return; } if (player == _player) { return; } if ( _player->InGroup() && (!_player->IsGroupLeader() || _player->GetGroup()->HasFlag(GROUP_FLAG_BATTLEGROUND_GROUP) ) ) { SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, "", ERR_PARTY_YOU_ARE_NOT_LEADER); return; } group = _player->GetGroup(); if ( group != NULL ) { if (group->IsFull()) { SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, "", ERR_PARTY_IS_FULL); return; } } if ( player->InGroup() ) { SendPartyCommandResult(_player, player->GetGroup()->GetGroupType(), membername, ERR_PARTY_ALREADY_IN_GROUP); data.SetOpcode(SMSG_GROUP_INVITE); data << uint8(0); data << GetPlayer()->GetName(); player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); return; } if(player->GetTeam()!=_player->GetTeam() && _player->GetSession()->GetPermissionCount() == 0 && !sWorld.cross_faction_world) { SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, membername, ERR_PARTY_WRONG_FACTION); return; } if ( player->HasBeenInvited() ) { SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, membername, ERR_PARTY_ALREADY_IN_GROUP); return; } if( player->Social_IsIgnoring( _player->GetLowGUID() ) ) { SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, membername, ERR_PARTY_IS_IGNORING_YOU); return; } if( player->bGMTagOn && !_player->GetSession()->HasPermissions()) { SendPartyCommandResult(_player, 0, membername, ERR_PARTY_CANNOT_FIND); return; } // 16/08/06 - change to guid to prevent very unlikely event of a crash in deny, etc _player->SetInviter(_player->GetLowGUID());//bugfix if player invtied 2 people-> he can be in 2 parties data.SetOpcode(SMSG_GROUP_INVITE); data << uint8(1); data << GetPlayer()->GetName(); player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); uint32 gtype = 0; if(group) gtype = group->GetGroupType(); SendPartyCommandResult(_player, gtype, membername, ERR_PARTY_NO_ERROR); // 16/08/06 - change to guid to prevent very unlikely event of a crash in deny, etc player->SetInviter(_player->GetLowGUID()); }
MapMgrPointer InstanceMgr::GetInstance(ObjectPointer obj) { PlayerPointer plr; Instance * in; InstanceMap::iterator itr; InstanceMap * instancemap; MapInfo * inf = WorldMapInfoStorage.LookupEntry(obj->GetMapId()); // we can *never* teleport to maps without a mapinfo. if( inf == NULL || obj->GetMapId() >= NUM_MAPS ) return NULLMAPMGR; if( obj->IsPlayer() ) { // players can join instances based on their groups/solo status. plr = TO_PLAYER( obj ); // single-instance maps never go into the instance set. if( inf->type == INSTANCE_NULL ) return m_singleMaps[obj->GetMapId()]; m_mapLock.Acquire(); instancemap = m_instances[obj->GetMapId()]; if(instancemap != NULL) { // check our instance_id, which we saved before in Player::_Relocate uint32 plr_instanceID = obj->GetInstanceID(); itr = instancemap->find(plr_instanceID); if(itr != instancemap->end()) { in = itr->second; if(in && in->m_mapMgr) { m_mapLock.Release(); return in->m_mapMgr; } } // iterate over our instances, and see if any of them are owned/joinable by him. for(itr = instancemap->begin(); itr != instancemap->end();) { in = itr->second; ++itr; // Is this our instance? uint8 poinst = PlayerOwnsInstance(in, plr); if(poinst >= OWNER_CHECK_OK ) { //Has it been created yet? if(in->m_mapMgr == NULL) { // create the actual instance. in->m_mapMgr = _CreateInstance(in); m_mapLock.Release(); // first one to enter, set the group instance ID if( plr->GetGroup() && !plr->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions() ) plr->GetGroup()->SetGroupInstanceID(in->m_instanceId); return in->m_mapMgr; } else // instance has found and verfied; us it. { if( poinst != OWNER_CHECK_GM_INSIDE && in->m_mapMgr->HasPlayers() && plr->GetGroup() && plr->GetGroup()->GetGroupInstanceID() != in->m_instanceId ) { Log.Warning("InstanceMgr","Reset GroupInstanceID for existing instance %u [%s] , old_ID = %u, new_ID = %u", in->m_mapId, in->m_mapInfo->name, plr->GetGroup()->GetGroupInstanceID(), in->m_instanceId ); plr->GetGroup()->SetGroupInstanceID(in->m_instanceId); } else if(in->m_mapMgr->HasPlayers() && plr->GetGroup() && plr->GetGroup()->GetGroupInstanceID() != in->m_instanceId) { Log.Warning("InstanceMgr","Forced GroupInstanceID for instance %u [%s] started by GM, old_ID = %u, new_ID = %u", in->m_mapId, in->m_mapInfo->name, plr->GetGroup()->GetGroupInstanceID(), in->m_instanceId ); plr->GetGroup()->SetGroupInstanceID(in->m_instanceId); } m_mapLock.Release(); return in->m_mapMgr; } } else DEBUG_LOG("InstanceMgr","Check failed %s",plr->GetName()); } } // if we're here, it means there are no instances on that map, or none of the instances on that map are joinable // by this player. m_mapLock.Release(); return NULLMAPMGR; } else { // units are *always* limited to their set instance ids. if(inf->type == INSTANCE_NULL) return m_singleMaps[obj->GetMapId()]; m_mapLock.Acquire(); instancemap = m_instances[obj->GetMapId()]; if(instancemap) { itr = instancemap->find(obj->GetInstanceID()); if(itr != instancemap->end()) { // we never create instances just for units. m_mapLock.Release(); return itr->second->m_mapMgr; } } // instance is non-existant (shouldn't really happen for units...) m_mapLock.Release(); return NULLMAPMGR; } }
uint32 InstanceMgr::PreTeleport(uint32 mapid, PlayerPointer plr, uint32 instanceid) { // preteleport is where all the magic happens :P instance creation, etc. MapInfo * inf = WorldMapInfoStorage.LookupEntry(mapid); Group * pGroup = plr->GetGroup() ; InstanceMap * instancemap; Instance * in; if(inf == NULL || mapid>=NUM_MAPS) return INSTANCE_ABORT_NOT_FOUND; // main continent check. if(inf->type == INSTANCE_NULL) { // this will be useful when clustering comes into play. // we can check if the destination world server is online or not and then cancel them before they load. return (m_singleMaps[mapid] != NULL) ? INSTANCE_OK : INSTANCE_ABORT_NOT_FOUND; } // shouldn't happen if(inf->type==INSTANCE_PVP) return INSTANCE_ABORT_NOT_FOUND; if( !plr->triggerpass_cheat ) { // players without groups cannot enter raid instances (no soloing them:P) if( pGroup == NULL && (inf->type == INSTANCE_RAID || inf->type == INSTANCE_MULTIMODE)) return INSTANCE_ABORT_NOT_IN_RAID_GROUP; // check that heroic mode is available if the player has requested it. if(plr->iInstanceType && inf->type != INSTANCE_MULTIMODE) return INSTANCE_ABORT_HEROIC_MODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // if we are here, it means: // 1) we're a non-raid instance // 2) we're a raid instance, and the person is in a group. // so, first we have to check if they have an instance on this map already, if so, allow them to teleport to that. // otherwise, we can create them a new one. m_mapLock.Acquire(); instancemap = m_instances[mapid]; if(instancemap) { InstanceMap::iterator itr; if(instanceid != 0) { //try to find our instance in ones active now. itr = instancemap->find(instanceid); if(itr != instancemap->end()) { Instance *inn = itr->second; if( PlayerOwnsInstance( inn, plr ) >= OWNER_CHECK_OK ) { m_mapLock.Release(); return INSTANCE_OK; } } //There are no active maps, re-check if this concerns a saved instance. Instance * saved_in = sInstanceMgr.GetSavedInstance( mapid, plr->GetLowGUID() ); if( saved_in && saved_in->m_instanceId == instanceid ) { if ( PlayerOwnsInstance( saved_in, plr ) >= OWNER_CHECK_OK ) { m_mapLock.Release(); return INSTANCE_OK; } } m_mapLock.Release(); return INSTANCE_ABORT_NOT_FOUND; } else { // search all active instances and see if we have one here. for(itr = instancemap->begin(); itr != instancemap->end();) { in = itr->second; ++itr; if(PlayerOwnsInstance(in, plr) >= OWNER_CHECK_OK ) { m_mapLock.Release(); // check the player count and in combat status. if(in->m_mapMgr && in->m_mapMgr->HasPlayers() && !plr->triggerpass_cheat) { if( in->m_mapMgr->IsCombatInProgress()) return INSTANCE_ABORT_ENCOUNTER; // check if we are full if( in->m_mapMgr->GetPlayerCount() >= inf->playerlimit ) return INSTANCE_ABORT_FULL; } // found our instance, allow him in. return INSTANCE_OK; } else DEBUG_LOG("InstanceMgr","Check failed %s",plr->GetName()); } } } else { if(instanceid != 0) { return INSTANCE_ABORT_NOT_FOUND; } // gotta create the hashmap. m_instances[mapid] = new InstanceMap; instancemap = m_instances[mapid]; } // if we're here, it means we need to create a new instance. in = new Instance; in->m_creation = UNIXTIME; in->m_expiration = (inf->type == INSTANCE_NONRAID) ? 0 : UNIXTIME + inf->cooldown; // expire time 0 is 10 minutes after last player leaves in->m_creatorGuid = pGroup ? 0 : plr->GetLowGUID(); // creator guid is 0 if its owned by a group. in->m_creatorGroup = pGroup ? pGroup->GetID() : 0; in->m_difficulty = plr->iInstanceType; in->m_instanceId = GenerateInstanceID(); in->m_mapId = mapid; in->m_mapMgr = NULLMAPMGR; // always start off without a map manager, it is created in GetInstance() //crash fix; GM's without group will start up raid instances as if they where nonraids //this to avoid exipring check, this is mainly for developers purpose; GM's should NOT invite any players here! if( plr->triggerpass_cheat && !plr->GetGroup() && inf->type == INSTANCE_RAID) { inf->type = INSTANCE_NONRAID; sGMLog.writefromsession(plr->GetSession(), "Started a raid instance %d [%s] as non_raid instance.", mapid, inf->name); DEBUG_LOG("InstanceMgr","Started a raid instance %d [%s] as non_raid instance.", mapid, inf->name); } in->m_mapInfo = inf; in->m_isBattleground=false; plr->SetInstanceID(in->m_instanceId); if( plr->GetGroup() && !plr->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())//GM should not set the instanceID pGroup->SetGroupInstanceID(in->m_instanceId); DEBUG_LOG("InstanceMgr", "Prepared new instance %u for player %u and group %u on map %u. (%u)",in->m_instanceId, in->m_creatorGuid, in->m_creatorGroup, in->m_mapId, in->m_instanceId); // apply it in the instance map instancemap->insert( InstanceMap::value_type( in->m_instanceId, in ) ); // create the actual instance (if we don't GetInstance() won't be able to access it). in->m_mapMgr = _CreateInstance(in); // instance created ok, i guess? return the ok for him to transport. m_mapLock.Release(); return INSTANCE_OK; }