double Line::GetDeviationAngle(const Line &l) const { // const double PI = 3.14159258; #define DEBUG 0 Point P = _point1; Point Goal = _point2; Point L = l._point1; Point R = l._point2; double dist_Goal_L = (Goal - L).NormSquare(); double dist_Goal_R = (Goal - R).NormSquare(); double angle, angleL, angleR; // we don't need to calculate both angles, but for debugging purposes we do it. angleL = atan((Goal - P).CrossProduct(L - P) / (Goal - P).ScalarProduct(L - P)); angleR = atan((Goal - P).CrossProduct(R - P) / (Goal - P).ScalarProduct(R - P)); angle = (dist_Goal_L < dist_Goal_R) ? angleL : angleR; #if DEBUG printf("Enter GetAngel()\n"); printf("\tP=[%f,%f]\n",P.GetX(), P.GetY()); printf("\tGoal=[%f,%f]\n",Goal.GetX(), Goal.GetY()); printf("\tL=[%f,%f]\n",L.GetX(), L.GetY()); printf("\tR=[%f,%f]\n",R.GetX(), R.GetY()); printf("\t\tdist_Goal_L=%f\n",dist_Goal_L); printf("\t\tdist_Goal_R=%f\n",dist_Goal_R); printf("\t\t --> angleL=%f\n",angleL); printf("\t\t --> angleR=%f\n",angleR); printf("\t\t --> angle=%f\n",angle); printf("Leave GetAngel()\n"); #endif return angle; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC METHODS //Public methods const bool Rectangle::Hits(Point aPoint) { return( ((aPoint.GetX()>=points[0].GetX() && aPoint.GetX()<=points[1].GetX()) || (aPoint.GetX()<=points[0].GetX() && aPoint.GetX()>=points[1].GetX())) && ((aPoint.GetY()>=points[0].GetY() && aPoint.GetY()<=points[1].GetY()) || (aPoint.GetY()<=points[0].GetY() && aPoint.GetY()>=points[1].GetY())) ); }
bool fncomp (Point lhs, Point rhs) {if(lhs.GetX()<rhs.GetX())return true; else if(lhs.GetX()==rhs.GetX()) { if(lhs.GetY()<rhs.GetY())return true; else return false; } else return false; }
void DrawWall(Point color, Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d) { GLfloat mat_amb_diff[] = { color.GetX(), color.GetY(), color.GetZ(), 1.0 }; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_amb_diff); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex3f(a.GetX(), a.GetY(), a.GetZ()); glVertex3f(b.GetX(), b.GetY(), b.GetZ()); glVertex3f(c.GetX(), c.GetY(), c.GetZ()); glVertex3f(d.GetX(), d.GetY(), d.GetZ()); glEnd(); }
Point intersect(float t, Point A, Point B) { // [AB] : Q(t) = (1 - t)A + tB, 0 <= t <= 1 Point I; Point tmpA = Point((1 - t) * A.GetX(), (1 - t) * A.GetY()); Point tmpB = Point(t * B.GetX(), t * B.GetY()); I = tmpA + tmpB; return I; }
bool Rectangle::Contains(const Point& point) const { if((point.GetX() >= GetX()) && (point.GetX() <= (GetX() + GetWidth()))) { if((point.GetY() >= GetY()) && (point.GetY() <= (GetY() + GetHeight()))) { return true; } } return false; }
void MCircle::RotateSecondPoint(Point i_center, double i_angle) { double pi = 3.141592654; double angle = (i_angle)* (pi / 180); double rotated_x = cos(angle) * (m_second_point.GetX() - i_center.GetX()) - sin(angle) * (m_second_point.GetY() - i_center.GetY()) + i_center.GetX(); double rotated_y = sin(angle) * (m_second_point.GetX() - i_center.GetX()) + cos(angle) * (m_second_point.GetY() - i_center.GetY()) + i_center.GetY(); m_second_point.SetX(rotated_x); m_second_point.SetY(rotated_y); }
bool Rectangle::Appartient( Point p) // Algorithme : // { if ( p.GetX() >= listePoints.front().GetX() && p.GetX() <= listePoints.back().GetX() && p.GetY() >= listePoints.front().GetY() && p.GetY() <= listePoints.back().GetY()) { return true; } else { return false; } } //----- Fin de Appartient
void Point::SetPoint(Point point) { float x = point.GetX(); float y = point.GetY(); SetPoint(x, y); }
void main() { Point a; Point b(2, 3); cout << a.GetX() << " " << a.GetY() << endl; cout << b.GetX() << " " << b.GetY() << endl; a.SetX(9); a.SetY(-9); cout << a.GetX() << " " << a.GetY() << endl; Point * p = new Point(1, 7); cout << p->GetX() << " " << p->GetY() << endl; delete p; }
TEST(PointTest, TranslateYMovesPointInNegativeYDirection) { Point p; p.TranslateY(-2); EXPECT_EQ(0, p.GetX()); EXPECT_EQ(-2, p.GetY()); }
TEST(PointTest, TranslateYMovesPointInPositiveYDirection) { Point p; p.TranslateY(2); EXPECT_EQ(0, p.GetX()); EXPECT_EQ(2, p.GetY()); }
bool Segment::Appartient( Point p ) // Algorithme : // On vérifie que les extrémités du segment et p sont alignés (produit vectoriel), // puis que p se trouve bien entre elles (produit scalaire + vérification de norme). { // On définit des "points" représentant en fait les coodonnées de vecteurs // utilisés pour le calcul Point petitX_grandX = Point( listePoints.back().GetX() - listePoints.front().GetX(), listePoints.back().GetY() - listePoints.front().GetY() ); Point petitX_p = Point( p.GetX() - listePoints.front().GetX(), p.GetY() - listePoints.front().GetY() ); int comparaisonNormesCarrees = petitX_grandX.GetX() * petitX_grandX.GetX() + petitX_grandX.GetY() * petitX_grandX.GetY() - petitX_p.GetX() * petitX_p.GetX() - petitX_p.GetY() * petitX_p.GetY(); if ( petitX_grandX.ProduitVectoriel( petitX_p ) == 0 && petitX_grandX.ProduitScalaire( petitX_p ) >= 0 && comparaisonNormesCarrees >= 0 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } //----- Fin de Appartient
bool Point::EqualPoints(Point point) { float x = point.GetX(); float y = point.GetY(); if (x == mX && y == mY) return true; return false; }
float Point::Distance(Point point) { float x = DistanceX(point.GetX()); float y = DistanceY(point.GetY()); y = abs(y); x = abs(x); return max(y, x); }
bool Line::IntersectionWithCircle(const Point ¢re, double radius /*cm for pedestrians*/) { double r = radius; double x1 = _point1.GetX(); double y1 = _point1.GetY(); double x2 = _point2.GetX(); double y2 = _point2.GetY(); double xc = centre.GetX(); double yc = centre.GetY(); //this formula assumes that the circle is centered the origin. // so we translate the complete stuff such that the circle ends up at the origin x1 = x1 - xc; y1 = y1 - yc; x2 = x2 - xc; y2 = y2 - yc; //xc=xc-xc;yc=yc-yc; to make it perfect // we first check the intersection of the circle and the infinite line defined by the segment double dr2 = ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); double D2 = (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) * (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1); double r2 = radius * radius; double delta = r2 * dr2 - D2; if (delta <= 0.0) return false; double a = (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1); double b = 2 * ((x1 * (x2 - x1)) + y1 * (y2 - y1)); double c = x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 - r * r; delta = b * b - 4 * a * c; if ((x1 == x2) && (y1 == y2)) { Log->Write("isLineCrossingCircle: Your line is a point"); return false; } if (delta < 0.0) { char tmp[CLENGTH]; sprintf(tmp, "there is a bug in 'isLineCrossingCircle', delta(%f) can t be <0 at this point.", delta); Log->Write(tmp); Log->Write("press ENTER"); return false; //fixme //getc(stdin); } double t1 = (-b + sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a); double t2 = (-b - sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a); if ((t1 < 0.0) || (t1 > 1.0)) return false; if ((t2 < 0.0) || (t2 > 1.0)) return false; return true; }
int main() { srand(time(NULL)); long n; Point* p; cout << "Enter number of points\n"; cin >> n; cout << "Creating random points\n"; vector<Point*> PList(0); for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) { //p = new Point((((double)(rand() % 2000))/10 - 100) ,(((double)(rand() % 2000))/10 - 100)); p=new Point((i*5)%97,(i*97)%87); PList.push_back(p); } KDTNode* root = BuildKDT(PList,0); PrintKDT(root); cout<<"\nTree is Constructed\n"; cout << "Enter point to find nearest neighbour" << endl; double x,y; cout <<"X: "; cin >> x; cout << "Y: "; cin >> y; Point* NN = NearestNew(Point(x,y),root); printf("Nearest Neighbours Found is: (%3.1f,%3.1f)\n ",NN->GetX(),NN->GetY()); Divider Rroot(Point(-101,-101),Point(101,101)); Circle CSearch(40.0,Point(40,40)); Region* Reg= &CSearch; vector<Point>thisans; SearchKDT(root,Rroot,0,Reg,thisans); cout<<"Sample search yields:\n";printvector(thisans); vector<Point> ans; Region* Re; cout<<"\n\nEnter Region to be searched\n0:Rectangle \n1:Circle\n"; int flag;cin>>flag; if(flag==0) {cout<<"\nEnter Coordiates of LowerLeft And UpperRight points of Rectangle\n"; double x1,y1,x2,y2; cout<<"LowerLeft corner\n"; cout <<"X: "; cin>>x1; cout<<"Y: "; cin>>y1; cout<<"UpperRight corner\n"; cout <<"X: "; cin>>x2; cout<<"Y: "; cin>>y2; Re = new Rectangle(Point(x1,y1),Point(x2,y2)); }
Point Line::NormalVec() const { double nx, ny, norm; Point r = GetPoint2() - GetPoint1(); if (r.GetX() == 0.0) { nx = 1; ny = 0; } else { nx = -r.GetY() / r.GetX(); ny = 1; /* Normieren */ norm = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny); if (fabs(norm) < J_EPS) { Log->Write("ERROR: \tLine::NormalVec() norm==0\n"); exit(0); } nx /= norm; ny /= norm; } return Point(nx, ny); }
void WaypointsManager::setNextWayPoint(Point next) { if (!initPointsFirstTime) { currentWayPoint.SetX(nextWayPoint.GetX()); currentWayPoint.SetY(nextWayPoint.GetY()); } nextWayPoint.SetX(next.GetX()); nextWayPoint.SetY(next.GetY()); initPointsFirstTime = false; }
bool GraphicsManager::Initialize(HWND hwnd) { bool result; Renderer renderImpl = GetRendererImpl(); if (renderImpl == Renderer_D3D11) { m_pRenderer = BE_NEW D3DClass11; } if (!m_pRenderer) { BE_ERROR("Failed to create Renderer"); return false; } if (!m_pRenderer->VInitialize(g_pApp->m_options.m_screenSize.x, g_pApp->m_options.m_screenSize.y, g_pApp->m_options.m_bVsync, hwnd, g_pApp->m_options.m_bFullscreen, 1000.0f, 0.1f)) { BE_ERROR("Could not initialize Renderer"); return FALSE; } m_pShaderManager = BE_NEW ShaderManager; if (!m_pShaderManager) { BE_ERROR("Could not Allocate the ShaderManager Object!"); return false; } result = m_pShaderManager->Initialize(m_pRenderer); if (!result) { BE_ERROR("Could not initialize the ShaderManager Object!"); return FALSE; } m_pDeferredRenderingManager = BE_NEW DeferredRenderingManager; if (!m_pDeferredRenderingManager) { BE_ERROR("Could not allocate the Deferred Buffers"); return false; } Point screenSize = g_pApp->GetScreenSize(); result = m_pDeferredRenderingManager->Initialize(m_pRenderer->GetDevice(), screenSize.GetX(), screenSize.GetY()); if (!result) { BE_ERROR("Could not initialize the Deferred Buffers"); return false; } return true; }
Point Mapper::Localize() { Point me; me.SetX(-1); me.SetY(-1); if(grid_height != grid.GetGridHeight() || grid_width != grid.GetGridWidth()) { int matches = 0; //loop over exisitng map for(int i =0; i < map_height - grid.GetGridHeight(); i++) { for (int j =0; j < map_width - grid.GetGridWidth(); j++) { int count = 0; //at each point, check if our grid matches for(int k = 0; k < grid.GetGridHeight(); k++) { for (int l = 0; l < grid.GetGridWidth(); l++) { double mval = mapData[i+k][j+l]; double gval = grid.GetCell(l,k)->GetValue(); if((gval == 0 && mval == 0) || (gval > 0 && mval > 0)) { count++; } else if(gval < 0) { count++; } } } //if we match every square if(count == (grid.GetGridWidth()*grid.GetGridHeight())) { Cell* loc = grid.GetCurrentCell(); me.SetX(loc->GetX()+j); me.SetY(loc->GetY()+i); matches++; } } } grid_width = grid.GetGridWidth(); grid_height = grid.GetGridHeight(); cout << matches << endl; if(matches == 1) { localized = true; } } cout << *grid.GetCurrentCell(); cout << "Point x: " << me.GetX() << " y: " << me.GetY() << endl; return me; }
void Point::GetX( Local< String > prop, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info ) { // Enter new scope HandleScope scope; // Get wrapped object Local< Object > self = info.Holder(); Local< External > wrap = Local< External >::Cast( self->GetInternalField( 0 ) ); // Set return value Point* point = static_cast< Point* >( wrap->Value() ); info.GetReturnValue().Set( Number::New( point->GetX() ) ); }
double Line::NormalComp(const Point &v) const { // Normierte Vectoren Point l = (GetPoint2() - GetPoint1()).Normalized(); const Point &n = NormalVec(); double lx = l.GetX(); double ly = l.GetY(); double nx = n.GetX(); double ny = n.GetY(); double alpha; if (fabs(lx) < J_EPS) { alpha = v.GetX() / nx; } else if (fabs(ly) < J_EPS) { alpha = v.GetY() / ny; } else { alpha = (v.GetY() * lx - v.GetX() * ly) / (nx * ly - ny * lx); } return fabs(alpha); }
Rectangle::Rectangle ( Point coinSuperieurGauche, Point coinInferieutDroit ) // Algorithme : // { #ifdef MAP cout << "Appel au constructeur de <Rectangle>" << endl; #endif if ( !(coinSuperieurGauche.GetX() > coinInferieutDroit.GetX() || coinSuperieurGauche.GetY() > coinInferieutDroit.GetY() ) ) { listePoints.push_back(coinSuperieurGauche); listePoints.push_back(coinInferieutDroit); } else { listePoints.push_back(coinInferieutDroit); listePoints.push_back(coinSuperieurGauche); } }//----- Fin de Rectangle
void Mapper::Hide() { Point hidingSpot; vector<vector<double> > rawMap = ml.LoadMap(mapName); hidingSpot = ml.FindHidingSpots(mapData); grid.LoadValues(rawMap); threshold = grid.CalculateThreshold(); Cell* current = grid.GetCurrentCell(); Cell* goal = grid.GetCell(hidingSpot.GetX(), hidingSpot.GetY()); MoveToCell(current, goal); }
Segment::Segment( Point pointPetitX, Point pointGrandX ) // Algorithme : // { #ifdef MAP cout << "Appel au constructeur de <Segment>" << endl; #endif if ( pointPetitX.GetX() <= pointGrandX.GetX() ) { listePoints.push_front( pointPetitX ); listePoints.push_back( pointGrandX ); } else { listePoints.push_front( pointGrandX ); listePoints.push_back( pointPetitX ); } } //----- Fin de Segment
/* * Check the head and the tail with ship's length * */ bool Ship::IsValidPosition(const Point& head, const Point& tail) const { if (head.GetX() == tail.GetX()) //Horizontal { if (abs(head.GetY() - tail.GetY()) == GetLength() - 1) return true; else return false; } else //Vertical { if (abs(head.GetX() - tail.GetX()) == GetLength() - 1) return true; else return false; } //bool isVertical = m_Position[0].GetX() == m_Position[1].GetX() ? true : false; //char min, max; //if (isVertical){ // min = m_Position[0].GetY(); // max = m_Position[0].GetY(); // for (int i = 1; i < m_Hp; i++){ // if (min > m_Position[i].GetY()) min = m_Position[i].GetY(); // if (max < m_Position[i].GetY()) max = m_Position[i].GetY(); // if (m_Position[i - 1].GetX() != m_Position[i].GetX()) return false; // } //} //else{ // min = m_Position[0].GetX(); // max = m_Position[0].GetX(); // for (int i = 1; i < m_Hp; i++){ // if (min > m_Position[i].GetX()) min = m_Position[i].GetX(); // if (max < m_Position[i].GetX()) max = m_Position[i].GetX(); // if (m_Position[i - 1].GetY() != m_Position[i].GetY()) return false; // } //} //if (max - min != m_Hp - 1) return false; //return true; }
int getUnusedExtension(const DbArray<HalfSegment>& segs, const int pos, const bool* used){ HalfSegment hs; segs.Get(pos,hs); Point dp = hs.GetDomPoint(); double dpx = dp.GetX(); bool done = false; int pos2=pos-1; while(pos2>=0 && !done){ if(used[pos2]){ pos2--; } else { segs.Get(pos2,hs); if(AlmostEqual(dp,hs.GetDomPoint())){ return pos2; } else { double dpx2 = hs.GetDomPoint().GetX(); if(AlmostEqual(dpx,dpx2)){ pos2--; } else { // outside the X-Range done = true; } } } } pos2 = pos+1; while(pos2<segs.Size() ){ if(used[pos2]){ pos2++; }else { segs.Get(pos2,hs); if(AlmostEqual(dp,hs.GetDomPoint())){ return pos2; } else { double dpx2 = hs.GetDomPoint().GetX(); if(AlmostEqual(dpx,dpx2)){ pos2++; }else{ return -1; } } } } return -1; }
// caca void Land::initFood() { std::deque<Point> EmptyList; // read all cell for (int i = 0; i < this->width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this->height; j++) { if (((this->land)[i][j]).GetContent() == ' ') { EmptyList.push_back((this->land)[i][j]); } } } // get rand one Point p = Randomizer::GetItem<std::deque<Point> >(EmptyList); ((this->land)[p.GetX()][p.GetY()]).SetContent('f'); }
Point* Control::GetAbsoluteScreenPosition() { int x = 0; int y = 0; Control* child = this; Control* parent = this->GetParent(); x = this->topLeft->GetX(); y = this->topLeft->GetY(); Point* result = new Point(x,y); while(parent!=0) { x = result->GetX() + parent->GetTopLeft()->GetX(); y = result->GetY() + parent->GetTopLeft()->GetY(); result = new Point(x,y); child = parent; parent = child->GetParent(); } return result; }