Esempio n. 1
  //! Points the high-def camera frame at a point in a given frame  
  void lookAt(std::string frame_id, double x, double y, double z)
    //the goal message we will be sending
    pr2_controllers_msgs::PointHeadGoal goal;

    //the target point, expressed in the requested frame
    geometry_msgs::PointStamped point;
    point.header.frame_id = frame_id;
    point.point.x = x; point.point.y = y; point.point.z = z; = point;

    //we are pointing the high-def camera frame 
    //(pointing_axis defaults to X-axis)
    goal.pointing_frame = "high_def_frame";

    //take at least 0.5 seconds to get there
    goal.min_duration = ros::Duration(0.5);

    //and go no faster than 1 rad/s
    goal.max_velocity = 1.0;

    //send the goal

    //wait for it to get there (abort after 2 secs to prevent getting stuck)
Esempio n. 2
  //! Action client initialization 
    //Initialize the client for the Action interface to the head controller
    point_head_client_ = new PointHeadClient("/head_traj_controller/point_head_action", true);

    //wait for head controller action server to come up 
      ROS_INFO("Waiting for the point_head_action server to come up");
 void move_head (std::string frame_id, double x, double y, double z)
   //the goal message we will be sending
   pr2_controllers_msgs::PointHeadGoal goal;
   //the target point, expressed in the requested frame
   geometry_msgs::PointStamped point;
   point.header.frame_id = frame_id;
   point.point.x = x; point.point.y = y; point.point.z = z; = point;
   //we are pointing the wide_stereo camera frame 
   //(pointing_axis defaults to X-axis)
   goal.pointing_frame = "narrow_stereo_optical_frame";
   //take at least 2 seconds to get there
   goal.min_duration = ros::Duration(1);
   //and go no faster than 0.1 rad/s
   goal.max_velocity = 0.5;
   //send the goal
   //wait for it to get there
   bool finished_within_time = point_head_client_->waitForResult(ros::Duration(20.0));
   if (!finished_within_time)
     ROS_ERROR("Head did not move to pose: %f %f %f", point.point.x, point.point.y, point.point.z);
     actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState state = point_head_client_->getState();
     bool success = (state == actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::SUCCEEDED);
       ROS_INFO("Action move head finished: %s position: %f %f %f", state.toString().c_str(), point.point.x, point.point.y, point.point.z);
       ROS_ERROR("Action move head failed: %s", state.toString().c_str());
    bool pointHead (race_msgs::BoundingBox bb, float z=1.0)
      bool success = true;

      //the goal message we will be sending
      pr2_controllers_msgs::PointHeadGoal goal;

      //the point to be looking at is expressed in the "base_link" frame
      geometry_msgs::PointStamped point;
      //point.header.frame_id = bb.pose_stamped.header.frame_id;
      //point.point.x = bb.pose_stamped.pose.position.x;
      //point.point.y = bb.pose_stamped.pose.position.y;
      point.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
      point.point.x = 1.0;
      point.point.y = 0.0;
      point.point.z = z; = point;

      //we want the X axis of the camera frame to be pointing at the target
      goal.pointing_frame = "high_def_frame";
      goal.pointing_axis.x = 1;
      goal.pointing_axis.y = 0;
      goal.pointing_axis.z = 0;

      //take at least 0.5 seconds to get there
      goal.min_duration = ros::Duration(0.5);

      //and go no faster than 1 rad/s
      goal.max_velocity = 1.0;

      //send the goal

      //wait for it to get there (abort after 2 secs to prevent getting stuck)

      return success;
  PointCloudCapturer(ros::NodeHandle &n)
    :  nh_(n), synchronizer_( MySyncPolicy(1), cloud_sub_, camera_sub_)
    nh_.param("input_cloud_topic", input_cloud_topic_, std::string("/kinect_head/camera/rgb/points"));
    nh_.param("input_image_topic", input_image_topic_, std::string("/kinect_head/camera/rgb/image_color"));
    nh_.param("input_camera_info_topic", input_camera_info_topic_, std::string("/kinect_head/camera/rgb/camera_info"));
//    cloud_sub_= nh_.subscribe (input_cloud_topic_, 10, &PointCloudCapturer::cloud_cb, this);
    camera_sub_.subscribe( nh_, input_image_topic_, 1000 );
    cloud_sub_.subscribe( nh_, input_cloud_topic_, 1000 );

    sync_connection_ = synchronizer_.registerCallback( &PointCloudCapturer::callback, this );

    ROS_INFO("[PointCloudColorizer:] Subscribing to cloud topic %s", input_cloud_topic_.c_str());

    point_head_client_ = new PointHeadClient("/head_traj_controller/point_head_action", true);
    //wait for head controller action server to come up 
    while(!point_head_client_->waitForServer(ros::Duration(5.0)) && ros::ok())
      ROS_INFO("Waiting for the point_head_action server to come up");
    cloud_and_image_received_ = false;
    nh_.param("move_offset_y_min", move_offset_y_min_, -1.5);
    nh_.param("move_offset_y_max", move_offset_y_max_, 1.5);
    nh_.param("step_y", step_y_, 0.3);
    nh_.param("move_offset_z_min", move_offset_z_min_, 0.3);
    nh_.param("move_offset_z_max", move_offset_z_max_, 1.5);
    nh_.param("step_z", step_z_, 0.3);
    nh_.param("move_offset_x", move_offset_x_, 1.0);
    nh_.param("bag_name", bag_name_, std::string("bosch_kitchen_tr.bag"));
    nh_.param("to_frame", to_frame_, std::string("base_link"));
    nh_.param("rate", rate_, 1.0);
    current_position_x_ = move_offset_x_;
    current_position_y_ = move_offset_y_min_;
    current_position_z_ = move_offset_z_min_;
    move_head("base_link", current_position_x_, current_position_y_, current_position_z_);
    EPS = 1e-5;
    //thread ROS spinner
    spin_thread_ = boost::thread (boost::bind (&ros::spin));, rosbag::bagmode::Write);
    WaitUntilUnblockedAction (std::string name) :
      as_(nh_, name, boost::bind(&WaitUntilUnblockedAction::executeCB, this, _1), false),
      // Point head
      //Initialize the client for the Action interface to the head controller
      point_head_client_ = new
        PointHeadClient("/head_traj_controller/point_head_action", true);

      //wait for head controller action server to come up 
        ROS_INFO("Waiting for the point_head_action server to come up");

      // human detection
      activated = false;
      human_detected = false;
      obstacle_detected = false;

      marker_pub = nh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("obstacle_boundingbox", 1);
