void move_head (std::string frame_id, double x, double y, double z)
   //the goal message we will be sending
   pr2_controllers_msgs::PointHeadGoal goal;
   //the target point, expressed in the requested frame
   geometry_msgs::PointStamped point;
   point.header.frame_id = frame_id;
   point.point.x = x; point.point.y = y; point.point.z = z;
   goal.target = point;
   //we are pointing the wide_stereo camera frame 
   //(pointing_axis defaults to X-axis)
   goal.pointing_frame = "narrow_stereo_optical_frame";
   //take at least 2 seconds to get there
   goal.min_duration = ros::Duration(1);
   //and go no faster than 0.1 rad/s
   goal.max_velocity = 0.5;
   //send the goal
   //wait for it to get there
   bool finished_within_time = point_head_client_->waitForResult(ros::Duration(20.0));
   if (!finished_within_time)
     ROS_ERROR("Head did not move to pose: %f %f %f", point.point.x, point.point.y, point.point.z);
     actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState state = point_head_client_->getState();
     bool success = (state == actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::SUCCEEDED);
       ROS_INFO("Action move head finished: %s position: %f %f %f", state.toString().c_str(), point.point.x, point.point.y, point.point.z);
       ROS_ERROR("Action move head failed: %s", state.toString().c_str());