//! [8] ApplicationsTab::ApplicationsTab(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QLabel *topLabel = new QLabel(tr("Open with:")); QListWidget *applicationsListBox = new QListWidget; QStringList applications; for (int i = 1; i <= 30; ++i) applications.append(tr("Application %1").arg(i)); applicationsListBox->insertItems(0, applications); QCheckBox *alwaysCheckBox; if (fileInfo.suffix().isEmpty()) alwaysCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Always use this application to " "open this type of file")); else alwaysCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Always use this application to " "open files with the extension '%1'").arg(fileInfo.suffix())); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(topLabel); layout->addWidget(applicationsListBox); layout->addWidget(alwaysCheckBox); setLayout(layout); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); a.setStyle("cleanlooks"); #if 0 if (!QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical ( 0, QObject::tr("Systray"), QObject::tr("There is no system tray on this system.") ); return 1; } QApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); #endif #if 0 Allegrex::create_instructions_directory(); Allegrex::create_interpreter_directory(); Allegrex::create_disassembler_directory(); QPspe4all w; w.show(); #else if (true/*emulator.check_integrity()*/) { QPspe4all w; w.show(); psp::memw(0x00010000) = 0xDEADBEEF; psp::memw(0x04000000) = 0xDEADC0DE; psp::memw(0x08000000) = 0xE117C0DE; QStringList list; #define IDEF(n, m, s, x) list.append(QString("%1/%2 : %3").arg(uint(s), 8, 16, QChar('0')).arg(uint(m), 8, 16, QChar('0')).arg(Allegrex::decode_instruction(s)->opcode_name())); #include "emulator/allegrex/allegrex.def" #undef IDEF QListWidget l; l.setFont(QFont("Terminal")); l.insertItems(0, list); l.show(); return a.exec(); } #endif return a.exec(); return 1; }