void MainWindow::formChannelList(){ if (m_availableChannelsQuery->getChannels().size() == 0 ) return; else { m_availableChannels = m_availableChannelsQuery->getChannels(); } m_subscribedChannels = m_subscribedChannelsQuery->getChannels(); QListWidget * listWidget = ui->channelsListWidget; QListWidget * subscribedListWidget = ui->subscribedListWidget; // Tab - channels while(listWidget->count()>0) { listWidget->takeItem(0); } foreach (Channel s, m_availableChannels){ QListWidgetItem * item = new QListWidgetItem(s.getName()); if (isSubscribed(s.getName())){ item->setBackgroundColor(Qt::lightGray); } listWidget->addItem(item); }
dmz::V8Value dmz::JsModuleUiV8QtBasic::_list_widget_take_item (const v8::Arguments &Args) { v8::HandleScope scope; V8Value result = v8::Undefined (); JsModuleUiV8QtBasic *self = _to_self (Args); if (self) { QListWidget *lw = self->v8_to_qobject<QListWidget> (Args.This ()); if (lw) { if (Args.Length ()) { QListWidgetItem *item = self->_to_qlistwidgetitem (Args[0]); if (item) { item = lw->takeItem (lw->row (item)); if (item) { result = self->create_v8_qlistwidgetitem (item); } } } } } return scope.Close (result); }
void HistoryLog::undo() { int size = ui->HistoryLogList->count(); if(size > 0) { QString last = historyLog.back(); QListWidgetItem* it = ui->HistoryLogList->takeItem(size-1); delete it; QStringList pieces = last.split( ":" ); QString itemPiece = pieces[0].mid(0,pieces[0].count()-4).trimmed(); QString fromPiece = pieces[1].mid(0,pieces[1].count()-4).trimmed(); QString toPiece = pieces[2].trimmed(); QListWidget* from = findWidgetByName(fromPiece); QListWidget* to = findWidgetByName(toPiece); QListWidgetItem* item; for(int idx = 0; idx< to->count(); idx++) { if(to->item(idx)->text() == itemPiece) { item = to->takeItem(idx); from->addItem(item); break; } } historyLog.erase(historyLog.end()-1); } }
void CQReportDefinition::btnDownClicked() { QListWidget * pList = static_cast< QListWidget * >(mpReportSectionTab->currentPage()); int i, imax, to, multipleSelection; QListWidgetItem * pMove; // Find the index of the first selected item. for (i = 0, imax = pList->count(), to = -1, multipleSelection = 0; i < imax; i++) if (pList->item(i)->isSelected()) { if (multipleSelection == 0) to = i; multipleSelection++; } else if (multipleSelection > 0) { pMove = pList->takeItem(i); if (pMove) { pList->insertItem(to, pMove); multipleSelection = 0; mChanged = true; } } // Unselect things we can not move. for (i = pList->count() - multipleSelection, imax = pList->count(); i < imax; i++) pList->item(i)->setSelected(false); return; }
void PreferencesDialog::moveSelectedListWidgetItems(QListWidget &from, QListWidget &to) { for (auto const &item : from.selectedItems()) { auto actualItem = from.takeItem(from.row(item)); if (actualItem) to.addItem(actualItem); } }
void LairTool::removeBuilding() { QListWidget* list = getCurrentBuildingList(); if (list == NULL) return; int idx = list->currentRow(); delete list->takeItem(idx); }
void KActionSelectorPrivate::buttonAddClicked() { // move all selected items from available to selected listbox QList<QListWidgetItem *> list = availableListWidget->selectedItems(); foreach (QListWidgetItem* item, list) { availableListWidget->takeItem( availableListWidget->row( item ) ); selectedListWidget->insertItem( insertionIndex( selectedListWidget, selectedInsertionPolicy ), item ); selectedListWidget->setCurrentItem( item ); emit q->added( item ); }
void ManageUserDirectories::moveUp() { QListWidget *list = listWidget(); QList<QListWidgetItem *> selected = list->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { int index = list->row(selected[i]); if (index != 0) { QListWidgetItem *move = list->takeItem(index); list->insertItem(index - 1, move); } list->setCurrentItem(selected[i]); } }
void MainWindow::ProcessRemoved(Process* _process) { QListWidgetItem* item = this->GetProcessItem(_process); QListWidget* list = this->ui.procListWidget; if(item != NULL) delete list->takeItem(list->row(item)); if (list->count() == 0x00) this->ResetUI(); else list->setCurrentRow(0x00); }
void ItemOrderList::onPushButtonUpClicked() { QListWidget *list = ui->listWidgetItems; const int row = list->currentRow(); if (row < 1) return; list->blockSignals(true); list->insertItem(row - 1, list->takeItem(row)); list->setCurrentRow(row - 1); list->blockSignals(false); }
void ItemOrderList::on_pushButtonDown_clicked() { QListWidget *list = ui->listWidgetItems; const int row = list->currentRow(); if (row < 0 || row == list->count() - 1) return; list->blockSignals(true); list->insertItem(row + 1, list->takeItem(row)); list->setCurrentRow(row + 1); list->blockSignals(false); }
void MainWindow::on_removeVesselPushButton_clicked() { QListWidget* injectionList = findChild<QListWidget*>("InjectableVesselsListView"); QListWidget* savesList = findChild<QListWidget*>("vesselsInSaveListView"); QList<QListWidgetItem*> selected = savesList->selectedItems(); for(QList<QListWidgetItem*>::Iterator it = selected.begin(); it != selected.end(); it++) { QListWidgetItem* item = (*it); savesList->takeItem(savesList->row(item)); injectionList->addItem(item); } }
void MainWindow::on_deleteButton_clicked() { QListWidget *list = ui->taskList; for (QListWidgetItem *item : list->selectedItems()) { bool hasId = false; int id = item->data(Qt::UserRole).toInt(&hasId); if (hasId) { deleteTask(id); } list->takeItem(list->row(item)); delete item; } }
/** * Removes a peer from the list of contacts. * @brief MainWindow::removeLocalContact * @param p Peer to remove * @return true if found and deleted */ bool MainWindow::removeLocalContact(Peer* p) { QListWidget* list = ui->lstContacts; QString str(p->getName() + "/" + p->getIp()); for (int i = 0; i < list->count(); ++i) { if (list->item(i)->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString().compare(str) == 0) { delete (list->takeItem(i)); return true; } } return false; }
void SettingsWidget::moveModule() { if (QToolButton *tB = qobject_cast<QToolButton *>(sender())) { const bool moveDown = tB->arrowType() == Qt::DownArrow; const int idx = tB->property("idx").toInt(); QListWidget *mL = page2ModulesList[idx]->list; int row = mL->currentRow(); if (row > -1) { QListWidgetItem *item = mL->takeItem(row); mL->clearSelection(); if (moveDown) ++row; else --row; mL->insertItem(row, item); mL->setCurrentItem(item); } } }
void CQReportDefinition::btnDeleteClicked() { QListWidget * pList = static_cast< QListWidget * >(mpReportSectionTab->currentPage()); QListWidgetItem * pNewSelection = NULL; int i, multipleSelection; for (i = pList->count() - 1, multipleSelection = 0; 0 <= i; i--) if (pList->item(i)->isSelected()) { delete pList->takeItem(i); if (!pNewSelection && i < pList->count()) { pNewSelection = pList->item(i); // We select the next. } multipleSelection++; } if (multipleSelection == 0) return; // Nothing selected, mChanged = true; pList->clearSelection(); if (multipleSelection > 1) return; // Only one item was select and we move the selection to the next if (!pNewSelection && pList->count()) // We have removed item at the end. pNewSelection = pList->item(pList->count() - 1); // pNewSelection is NULL if the list is empty if (pNewSelection) { pNewSelection->setSelected(true); } return; }
void CQReportDefinition::btnUpClicked() { QListWidget * pList = static_cast< QListWidget * >(mpReportSectionTab->currentPage()); int i, to, multipleSelection; QListWidgetItem * pMove; for (i = pList->count() - 1, to = -1, multipleSelection = 0; i >= 0; i--) if (pList->item(i)->isSelected()) { if (multipleSelection == 0) { to = i; } multipleSelection++; } else if (multipleSelection > 0) { pMove = pList->takeItem(i); if (pMove) { pList->insertItem(to, pMove); multipleSelection = 0; mChanged = true; } } // Unselect things we can not move. for (i = 0; i < multipleSelection; i++) pList->item(i)->setSelected(false); return; }
/** * @brief get here when receiver data is ready... * @param net the network connection */ void OpenNIC::dataReady(OpenNICNet* net) { QMapIterator<QString, QVariant>i(net->rxPacket().data()); mBalloonStatus.clear(); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); QString key = i.key(); QVariant value = i.value(); if ( key == OpenNICPacket::tcp_listen_port ) mTcpListenPort = value.toInt(); else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::resolver_cache ) { QStringList serverResolverCache = value.toStringList(); QStringList localResolverCache; localResolverCache.clear(); for(int n=0;n < serverResolverCache.count(); n++) { QStringList parts = serverResolverCache.at(n).split(";"); localResolverCache.append(parts.at(3)); } QString newText = localResolverCache.join("\n"); QString currentText = ui->cache->toPlainText(); if ( newText != currentText ) { ui->cache->setPlainText(localResolverCache.join("\n")); } } else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::refresh_timer_period ) { if ( ui->refreshRate->value() != value.toInt() ) { ui->refreshRate->setValue(value.toInt()); } } else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::resolver_cache_size ) { if ( ui->resolverCount->value() != value.toInt() ) { ui->resolverCount->setValue(value.toInt()); } } else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::bootstrap_t1_list ) { QString currentText = ui->t1List->toPlainText(); QString newText = value.toStringList().join("\n"); if ( currentText != newText ) { ui->t1List->setPlainText(newText); } } else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::bootstrap_domains ) { QString currentText = ui->domainList->toPlainText(); QString newText = value.toStringList().join("\n"); if ( currentText != newText ) { ui->domainList->setPlainText(newText); } } else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::resolver_pool ) updateResolverPool(value.toStringList()); else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::system_text ) ui->systemText->setPlainText(value.toString()); else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::journal_text ) { QStringList journalText = value.toStringList(); QListWidget* journal = ui->journalList; while(journal->count()>200) { QListWidgetItem* item = journal->takeItem(0); if ( item != NULL ) { delete item; } } journal->addItems(journalText); } else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::async_message && !value.toString().isEmpty() ) { QMessageBox::information(this,tr("Sevice Message"),value.toString()); } else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::score_rules && !value.toString().isEmpty() ) { ui->scoreRuleEditor->setPlainText(value.toString()); } else if ( key == OpenNICPacket::score_internal ) { ui->useBuiltInScoreRule->setChecked(value.toBool()); } } }
void ConversationData::edit(QWidget *parent) { // TODO: modularize! QDialog *dialog = new QDialog(parent); QVBoxLayout *primaryLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); QTabWidget *tabs = new QTabWidget(); primaryLayout->addWidget(tabs); QPushButton *closeButton = new QPushButton(QObject::tr("&Close")); QObject::connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), dialog, SLOT(accept())); primaryLayout->addWidget(closeButton); dialog->setLayout(primaryLayout); // Character tab QVBoxLayout *namesLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); QListWidget *namesList = new QListWidget; for(auto &name : m_characterNames) { namesList->addItem(name); } namesLayout->addWidget(namesList); QPushButton *addName = new QPushButton(QObject::tr("&Add")); namesLayout->addWidget(addName); QObject::connect(addName, &QPushButton::clicked, [=](){ bool ok = true; QString name = QInputDialog::getText(dialog, QObject::tr("New name"), QObject::tr("Enter new character name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if(ok) namesList->addItem(name); else namesList->addItem("????"); }); QPushButton *removeName = new QPushButton(QObject::tr("&Delete")); QObject::connect(removeName, &QPushButton::clicked, [=](){ for(auto it : namesList->selectedItems()) { delete it; } }); namesLayout->addWidget(removeName); QWidget *namesWidget = new QWidget(); namesWidget->setLayout(namesLayout); tabs->addTab(namesWidget, QObject::tr("Character names")); // Contexts tab auto contextsLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); QMap<int, QStandardItem *> contextMap; auto contextsModel = makeContextModel(contextMap, true); auto contextsView = new QTreeView(); contextsView->setHeaderHidden(true); contextsView->setModel(contextsModel); contextsView->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::InternalMove); contextsLayout->addWidget(contextsView); auto addContext = new QPushButton(QObject::tr("&Add")); QObject::connect(addContext, &QPushButton::clicked, [=](){ bool ok = true; QString name = QInputDialog::getText(dialog, QObject::tr("New context name"), QObject::tr("Enter new context name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if(!ok) name = "????"; int id = getAvailableID(); auto con = m_contexts[id] = new ConversationContext(id); con->setLabel(name); auto item = makeContextItem(con, true); contextMap[rootContext()->id()]->appendRow(item); }); contextsLayout->addWidget(addContext); auto removeContext = new QPushButton(QObject::tr("&Delete")); QObject::connect(removeContext, &QPushButton::clicked, [=](){ qDebug("Removal NYI"); }); contextsLayout->addWidget(removeContext); auto contextsWidget = new QWidget(); contextsWidget->setLayout(contextsLayout); tabs->addTab(contextsWidget, QObject::tr("Node contexts")); dialog->exec(); // Character tab m_characterNames.clear(); while(namesList->count() > 0) { m_characterNames.push_back(namesList->takeItem(0)->text()); } // Contexts tab // XXX: local function replacement class ContextsRearranger { public: static void rearrange(QMap<int, ConversationContext *> &contexts, QStandardItem *item) { auto thisID = item->data(0x100).toInt(); auto thisContext = contexts[thisID]; for(int i = 0; i < item->rowCount(); i ++) { auto it = item->child(i); auto id = it->data(0x100).toInt(); contexts[id]->setParent(thisContext); contexts[id]->setLabel(it->text()); rearrange(contexts, item->child(i)); } } }; ContextsRearranger::rearrange(m_contexts, contextMap[rootContext()->id()]); // TODO: delete all unparented contexts dialog->deleteLater(); }