void GModelComponent::paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * option, QWidget * widget) { QPen pen = m_pen; QBrush brush = m_brush; QPainterPath m_path = QPainterPath(); QRectF bRect = m_textItem->boundingRect(); bRect.setCoords(0, 0, bRect.width() + 2 * m_margin, bRect.height() + 2 * m_margin); m_path.addRoundedRect(bRect, m_cornerRadius, m_cornerRadius, Qt::SizeMode::AbsoluteSize); if (option->state & QStyle::State_Selected) { pen = s_selectedPen; brush = s_selectedBrush; } else if (m_isTrigger) { pen = s_triggerPen; brush = s_triggerBrush; } painter->setPen(pen); painter->setBrush(brush); painter->drawPath(m_path); if (option->state & QStyle::State_Selected) { GDefaultSelectionGraphic::paint(bRect, painter); } }
void ImageScene::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* in_mEvent) { if (m_pPixmap == NULL) { return; } qreal x = in_mEvent->scenePos().x(), y = in_mEvent->scenePos().y(); if ( x < m_pPixmap->offset().x() ) { x = m_pPixmap->offset().x(); } else if ( x - m_pPixmap->offset().x() >= m_pPixmap->pixmap().rect().width() ) { x = m_pPixmap->pixmap().rect().width() + m_pPixmap->offset().x() - 1; } if ( y < m_pPixmap->offset().y() ) { y = m_pPixmap->offset().y(); } else if ( y - m_pPixmap->offset().y() >= m_pPixmap->pixmap().rect().height() ) { y = m_pPixmap->pixmap().rect().height() + m_pPixmap->offset().y() - 1; } if (m_pSelection != NULL) { QRectF rect; rect.setCoords ( m_SelectionPosition.x(), m_SelectionPosition.y(), x,y ); m_pSelection->setRect ( rect.normalized()); } else { m_pSelection = QGraphicsScene::addRect (x,y,0,0, m_SelectionPen, m_SelectionBrush); m_pSelection->setParentItem (m_pPixmap); m_SelectionPosition = m_pSelection->rect().topLeft(); } if ( m_pSelection->rect().width() < 1 || m_pSelection->rect().height() < 1 ) { m_pSelection->setVisible(false); } else { m_pSelection->setVisible(true); } }
QRectF SeriesData::boundingRect() const { QRectF rect; rect.setCoords( range_x_.first, range_y_.first, range_x_.second, range_y_.second ); return rect; }
void BSplineVisDialog::on_copyPointsButton_clicked() { m_Algo = ((MainWindow*) parent())->GetImageParticlesAlgorithm(); // select the current slice of the first image as reference image ImageContainer::Pointer img = m_Algo->GetImage(0); m_RefImage = img->GetSlice(); // reset grid and checkerboard CreateGridAndCheckerboards(m_RefImage); // clear current landmarks m_VectorList.clear(); const OptimizerParametersType& particles = m_Algo->GetCurrentParams(); const int nPoints = m_Algo->GetNumberOfPoints(); const int nParams = m_Algo->GetNumberOfParams(); // copy landmarks from the first and second for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) { QRectF rect; rect.setCoords(particles[SDim*i], particles[SDim*i+1], particles[nParams+SDim*i], particles[nParams+SDim*i+1]); m_VectorList.push_back(rect); } updateScene(); }
void BSplineVisDialog::on_addPairButton_clicked() { QRectF rect; rect.setCoords(10, 10, 20, 20); m_VectorList.push_back(rect); updateScene(); }
void DockScatterPlot::enlarge(QRectF& r,double dRatio) { double dX=r.width(); double dY=r.height(); QPointF c=r.center(); r.setCoords( c.x()-dX*dRatio/2., c.y()-dY*dRatio/2., c.x()+dX*dRatio/2., c.y()+dY*dRatio/2.); }
virtual void zoom (QRectF const & rect) { QRectF newRect; QRectF const & baseRect = zoomBase(); newRect.setCoords(rect.left(), baseRect.top(), rect.right(), baseRect.bottom()); QwtPlotZoomer::zoom(newRect); }
QRectF PositionableJPanel::getBounds(QRectF r) { if(r.isNull()) return QRectF(getX(), getY(), /*getWidth()*/_itemGroup->boundingRect().width(), /*getHeight()*/_itemGroup->boundingRect().height()); //return QRectF(getX(), getY(), _itemGroup->boundingRect().width(), _itemGroup->boundingRect().height()); r.setCoords(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight()); return r; }
/*! Find a minimal rectangle that encapsulates the polygon. The rectangle is returned in the QRectF object. */ QRectF Polygon2D::GetSurroundingRectangle() const { QRectF rc; if(m_vecV.size()) { Point2D pt1, pt2; GetSurroundingRectangle(pt1, pt2); rc.setCoords( pt1.GetX(), pt2.GetY(), // left, top pt2.GetX(), pt1.GetY() // right, bottom. ); } return rc.normalized(); }
void CustomMessageBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); QRectF imgRect; QRectF deviceRect; QImage img; if(_type == Trick) { imgRect.setCoords(0, 0, 646, 266); deviceRect.setCoords(0, 0, 646, 266); img.load(":/image/Background_Astuce.png"); } else { imgRect.setCoords(0, 0, 434, 179); deviceRect.setCoords(0, 0, 434, 179); img.load(":/image/Message_box.png"); } painter.drawImage(deviceRect, img, imgRect); painter.end(); }
void OsmAndMapView::calculateTileRectangle(QRect& pixRect, float cx, float cy, float ctilex, float ctiley, QRectF& tileRect) const{ float x1 = calcDiffTileX(pixRect.left() - cx, pixRect.top() - cy); float x2 = calcDiffTileX(pixRect.left() - cx, pixRect.bottom() - cy); float x3 = calcDiffTileX(pixRect.right() - cx, pixRect.top() - cy); float x4 = calcDiffTileX(pixRect.right() - cx, pixRect.bottom() - cy); float y1 = calcDiffTileY(pixRect.left() - cx, pixRect.top() - cy); float y2 = calcDiffTileY(pixRect.left() - cx, pixRect.bottom() - cy); float y3 = calcDiffTileY(pixRect.right() - cx, pixRect.top() - cy); float y4 = calcDiffTileY(pixRect.right() - cx, pixRect.bottom() - cy); float l = qMin(qMin(x1, x2), qMin(x3, x4)) + ctilex; float r = qMax(qMax(x1, x2), qMax(x3, x4)) + ctilex; float t = qMin(qMin(y1, y2), qMin(y3, y4)) + ctiley; float b = qMax(qMax(y1, y2), qMax(y3, y4)) + ctiley; tileRect.setCoords(l, t, r, b); }
void setCornerRects( const QPainterPath &path ) { QPointF pos( 0.0, 0.0 ); for ( int i = 0; i < path.elementCount(); i++ ) { QPainterPath::Element el = path.elementAt(i); switch( el.type ) { case QPainterPath::MoveToElement: case QPainterPath::LineToElement: { pos.setX( el.x ); pos.setY( el.y ); break; } case QPainterPath::CurveToElement: { QRectF r( pos, QPointF( el.x, el.y ) ); clipRects += r.normalized(); pos.setX( el.x ); pos.setY( el.y ); break; } case QPainterPath::CurveToDataElement: { if ( clipRects.size() > 0 ) { QRectF r = clipRects.last(); r.setCoords( qMin( r.left(), el.x ), qMin( r.top(), el.y ), qMax( r.right(), el.x ), qMax( r.bottom(), el.y ) ); clipRects.last() = r.normalized(); } break; } } } }
void KGVisualItemGroup::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { QPointF const mousePos = mapToScene(event->pos()); QRectF rect; rect.setCoords(mousePos.x()-35, mousePos.y(), mousePos.x()+35, mousePos.y()+1); QList<KGVisualItem *> kgitems = filterByType<KGVisualItem*>( scene()->items(rect, Qt::IntersectsItemBoundingRect)); if (!kgitems.isEmpty()) { QList<KGVisualItem*> items; int insertIndex = 0; QPointF itemPos; bool visible = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_visualItemList.count(); i++) { if (kgitems.contains(m_visualItemList.at(i))) { items.append(m_visualItemList.at(i)); insertIndex = i; } } if (items.size() == 2) { itemPos = items.first()->geometry().topRight(); visible = true; } else if (items.size() == 1) { if (items.first()->geometry().left() > mousePos.x()) { itemPos = items.first()->geometry().topLeft() - QPointF(p_visualInsertItem->size().width(),0); visible = true; } } p_visualInsertItem->setPos(itemPos); p_visualInsertItem->setVisible(visible); p_visualInsertItem->setInsertIndex(insertIndex); } }
void plotLinesToPainter(QPainter& painter, const Numpy1DObj& x1, const Numpy1DObj& y1, const Numpy1DObj& x2, const Numpy1DObj& y2, const QRectF* clip, bool autoexpand) { const int maxsize = min(x1.dim, x2.dim, y1.dim, y2.dim); // if autoexpand, expand rectangle by line width QRectF clipcopy; if ( clip != 0 && autoexpand ) { const qreal lw = painter.pen().widthF(); qreal x1, y1, x2, y2; clip->getCoords(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); clipcopy.setCoords(x1, y1, x2, y2); clipcopy.adjust(-lw, -lw, lw, lw); } if( maxsize != 0 ) { QVector<QLineF> lines; for(int i = 0; i < maxsize; ++i) { QPointF pt1(x1(i), y1(i)); QPointF pt2(x2(i), y2(i)); if( clip != 0 ) { if( clipLine(clipcopy, pt1, pt2) ) lines << QLineF(pt1, pt2); } else lines << QLineF(pt1, pt2); } painter.drawLines(lines); } }
QRectF QPScrollingCurve::coordinateBounds() const { QRectF bounds; bounds.setCoords(0, yMax(), numPoints(), yMin()); return bounds; }